FR Know & Go Vol 1 | Issue 13

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Know & Go @Your Library

Contact Information





Bill Bass

@your Library

Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

The library is coming along! Work is taking place in the areas of:

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog

Desktop publishing—The creation of signage and posters for library is in full swing.

Collection development—Book requests are being filled. At Library Services materials are being cataloged. The continuation of the weeding process will be finished this week.

Ordering/purchasing of supplies/books—You should start to visually see big changes.

Grant writing—Last week a grant was written and sent to a local radio station. The station is granting Christmas wishes for up to $2,000. I told them what it is we (Fern) wish for in the library to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas. Lets keep our fingers crossed!

Networking—Connections are being made so that authors will be able to visit next semester.

Learning is not a product of schooling but a lifelong attempt to acquire it. ~Alber t Einstein

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Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources More from American Associa on of School Librarians 2013 Conference —Idea Xchange Increasing Student Agency Through Reading and Response to Literature A presenta3on on cross curricular reading for knowledge & success—

Kelly Arbuckle—The Cra&y Librarian— She has a blog, but I believe most of her posts occur on Facebook at She recently posted The Hungry Games: Catching Fur is Just Like The Hunger Games, but Funny from the Huffington Post. Nothing like a li5le humor @your Library!

Make a Difference—Social Ac on Research Project What happens when middle school students (this would work for high school students too) are challenged to chose to make a difference in their world? In this LibGuide students research a social issue, its causes and current solu3ons and how they can get personally involved. The presenta3on can be found at and the website is

In Control (InCtrl) A free digital ci3zenship curriculum containing great lessons on Digital Ci3zenship, Privacy, Cyberbullying, Media Literacy, Ethics & Copyright, and Informa3onal Literacy is available from Cable in the Classroom. Going Further with SMART Notebook—5 Great Tips! SMART Notebook provides fun and interes3ng was to differen3ate and create a variety of learning experiences. In a recent webinar five 3ps were given to create engaging and relevant lessons. You can watch the archived webinar or read more about the five 3ps at or Learn how to: ~ Use Dual page & Pin Page ~ Record Sounds ~ Use Pull-tabs ~ Add ques3on templates to My Content ~ Use object order and color to create a hide-n-reveal tool

Learning Opportunities Cu

Webinars Parkway Library Media Webinar Series 10/10/13—Google Collaborative Tools


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11/12/13—Elements of Digital Citizenship Archived— SimpleK12 has 207 free educational webinars based on trends and topics in the areas of technology, strategies, and tools to master the art of teaching in the 21st century. You will need to set up an account if interested. Register at

EdWeb December Calendar of Free Webinars Title include: Innovation, Authenticity, and Games, Using Digital Portfolios to Help Students Demonstrate Learning, Common Core and Text Types: What Should Students be Reading?, The ABCs for Writing a Good Thesis Statement, and more.

View recent Webinars from EdWeb at If you missed some of the latest titles from the past couple of weeks they have been archived. (scroll down the page to see the link to each webinar): • Classroom Tools to Teach Point of View and Purpose • Teaching copyright and Fair Use to the Remix Generation • What is Text Complexity? Steps to Implement Common Core Expectations • Using the Big 6/Super 3: More on Putting the Common Core to Work

Student Opportunity Show-Me a Movie is a digital storytelling contest for students grades 2-12 in Missouri and its Border States. These students are invited to demonstrate their crea3vity and digital moviemaking skills in one of five categories. Cash prizes go to the school of the winning movies in each category. See last year's winners and winners from past years. All winning movies are show-cased at a recep3on on February 11, 2014, during the Midwest Educa3on Technology Conference (METC). The students from the winnings movie are invited to a5end along with their teachers and families. Informa on, Contest Timeline & Submission Guidelines can be found at

StudentCam is C-SPAN’s annual na3onal video documentary compe33on that encourages students to think cri3cally about issues that affect our communi3es and our na3on. StudentCam’s theme for 2014 is “A Message to the U.S. Congress: What’s the most important issue the U.S. Congress should consider in 2014?” Maximum award includes $5,000, plus $750 to spend on digital video equipment for his/her school. Students grades 6-12, individually or in teams, are eligible. Deadline is January 20, 2014. (from AASL)

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