Know & Go @Your Library
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Updates @your Library
Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3
Collec&on Development for Fern—Collec&ng, sor&ng, re-packing, and a lot of weeding is happening in the back room at Library Services.
Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog
To read a book for the first &me is to make an acquaintance with a new friend; to read it for a second &me is to meet an old one.
Updates •
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~Anonymous, Chinese saying
The horizon program is working for easy check out of books...if you would like to learn how to conduct check out, let me know. Don’t forget that we now have eBooks for students to read either online or though an app. We have just received the Gateway award books from this year and the nominees for next year. Ready for checkout!
Highlighted & Underlined from METC 2014 Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Learn Egg—The Global Educa on Guide— Their mo1o is Learn Something New...They are a trusted source for opinions, features, guides, and incredibly useful resources on global educa&on. One of the topics I found par&cularly interes&ng was the ar&cle on 15 Powerful Educa on App (and how to use them). It directed me to the Global Educa&on Database, a space that contains curated tools and gadgets in an easy to use database. h1p://
Many of you already use Common Sense Media, the organiza&on that advocates for digital ci&zenship and safe technology use, but did you know that they have some great new posters for the classroom. h1p://
AirPano is a non-commercial project focused on high resolu&on 3D aerial panoramas. The AirPano team is a group of Russian photographers and panorama enthusiasts. Come back to this site o;en, because they intend on shoo&ng a variety of aerial panoramas and create virtual 3D tours of the most interes&ng places of the planet. Note the files are very large and may take &me to load. h1p://
Thinking about
Learning Opportunities Func on Follows Form: How Google Apps Can Transform 21st Century Learning—Feb. 26th—4:00PM Schools across the country pledge to teach 21st century skills, but building a culture of collaborators can prove difficult. Luckily, Google Apps for educa&on provides tools to transform an insular learning community into a collabora&ve one. In this session, the presenter will introduce Google applica&ons that will empower teachers and students to learn together outside of the boundaries imposed by geography and &me. Sponsored by Folle1—REGISTER HERE
Educator Field Trip—Big History Project The director of educa&on, Bob Regan, and the lead curriculum writer, Bob Bain, will be the lead presenters for this FREE event. This is an exci&ng effort to integrate technology with history teaching. The a1ached brochure gives you a number of links to get an overview of Big History prior to the recep&on and introduc&on on March 12 from 4:00-7:00 at the Forest Park Visitor’s Center. Lessons are integrated with Common Core, the work of Sam Wineburg on reading and thinking like a historian, the importance of science in the shaping of historical development and much more. There is no cost for the recepon or for implemen ng Big History, however you need to register. Visit the Educa&onPlus website h1p:// and click on the Calendar and Registra on icon to register!
Learn More: Read the course guide HERE. Check out our TED talk at h1p:// Visit us on Facebook at h1ps:// The Big History Project – website h1p://
Student Opportuni es h1p://