FR Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 16

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Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog

Knowledge is free at the library. Just bring your own Container. ~unknown

We now have 11 eBooks on our Follett Shelf. The books selected are the 2014-2015 Gateway award nominees. They are waiting to be consumed by our readers. Students and staff may login using a guest user name and password that will be in the email. These eBooks will not be “checked out” but will be accessible as long as an internet connection is available. The eBooks are 1 to 1 access, meaning that if someone has it open online, then someone else can not see it at the same time. In order to access the eBooks: • Fern Ridge School page • Click on Resources • Scroll down to Fern Ridge Library • On the left hand side you will click on Fern Ridge eBook Collection • Click on Follett Shelf • Enter the username and password (located in the email) • Voila, you have access to the eBook collection

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Frisbee Science Fun On January 23, 1957, the Wham-O toy company debuted the first batch of Frisbees. To celebrate, here’s a teaching guide from Newton’s Apple on “Frisbee Physics:” h8p://

Digital Learning Day (February 5th), presented by the Alliance for Excellent Educa;on and other na;onal educa;onal associa;ons and organiza;ons, with ALA's American Associa;on of School Librarians (AASL) as a core partner, calls on teachers, schools, principals, community leaders, parents and students. The event celebrates innova;ve teaching prac;ces that make learning more personalized and engaging and encourage explora;on of how digital learning can provide more students with more opportuni;es to get the skills they need to succeed in college, career and life.

Read & Download 250 + Art Books from the Ge(y Museum The Ge8y Museum has put more than 250 art books online for anyone to read online and or download. You can find all of these books in the Ge8y Publica;ons Virtual Library. You can search through the collec;on by author, keyword, or ;tle. Alterna;vely, you can simply browse the collec;ons. All of the free books are also available on Google Books. This is ideal for students who are researching ar;sts or art movements and need to consult a collec;on to find reference materials. Another place offering free online books is the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, they have nearly 400 free art history books.

Thinking about

Many of us are in different places when it comes to using Google Drive. So we will be star;ng at the beginning and offering resources to get everyone started. What can Google Drive do for you? Use Google Drive to store and access your files, folders, and Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides anywhere. Change a file on the web, your computer, tablet, or your mobile device, and it updates on every device (when connected to the internet) where you’ve installed Google Drive. You’ll always have the latest version of your files and Google Docs at your finger;ps. Read, edit, share, and collaborate wherever you are! Check out h8p:// drive to get an interac;ve tour, download guides, and access the Drive Help Center.

Some New Nonfic;on Books have come to Fern Ridge!

When Osama bin Laden was assassinated, the en;re world was fascinated by the men who had completed the seemingly impossible mission that had dogged the U.S. government for over a decade. SEAL Team 6 became synonymous with heroism, duty, and jus;ce. Only a handful of the elite men who make up the SEALs, the US Navy's best and bravest, survive the legendary and grueling selec;on process that leads to becoming a member of Team 6, a group so classified it technically does not even exist. There are no be8er warriors on Earth. Don Mann knows what it takes to be a brother in this ultra-selec;ve fraternity. As a member of Seal Team Six for over eight years and a SEAL for over seventeen years, he worked in countless covert opera;ons, opera;ng from land, sea, and air, and facing shoo;ngs, decapita;ons, and stabbings. He was captured by the enemy and lived to tell the tale, and he par;cipated in highly classified missions all over the globe, including Somalia, Panama, El Salvador, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Iraq. As a coordinator for several civilian SEAL training programs, and as a former Training Officer of SEAL Team Six, he was directly responsible for shaping the bodies and minds of SEALs who carried out the assassina;on of Osama bin Laden.

"King, there is only one thing le for you to do. You know what it is. . . . You be er take it before your filthy, abnormal, fraudulent self is bared to the naon." Dr. Mar;n Luther King received this demand in an anonymous le8er in 1964. He believed that the le8er was telling him to commit suicide. Who wrote this anonymous le8er? The FBI. And the man behind it all was J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI's first director. In this unsparing explora;on of one of the most powerful Americans of the twen;eth century, accomplished historian Marc Aronson unmasks the man behind the Bureau- his tangled family history and personal rela;onships; his own need for secrecy, deceit, and control; and the broad trends in American society that shaped his world. Hoover may have given America the security it wanted, but the secrets he knew gave him — and the Bureau — all the power he wanted. Using photographs, cartoons, movie posters, and FBI transcripts, Master of Deceit gives readers the necessary evidence to make their own conclusions. Here is a book about the twen;eth century that blazes with ques;ons and insights about our choices in the twenty-first.

he dead of an Arc+c winter. Whaling ships full of men, stranded in ice. Follow three rescuers in a race against +me — and all odds — in this heart pounding true adventure. In 1897, whaling in the Arc;c waters off Alaska’s coast was as dangerous as it was lucra;ve. And in that par;cular year, winter blasted early, bringing storms and ice packs that caught eight American whale ships and three hundred sailors off guard. Their ships locked in ice, with no means of escape, the whalers had limited provisions on board, and li8le hope of surviving un;l warmer temperatures arrived many months later. Here is the incredible story of three men sent by President McKinley to rescue them. The mission? A perilous trek over 1,500 miles of nearly impassable Alaskan terrain, in the bone-chilling months of winter, to secure two herds of reindeer (for food) and find a way to guide them to the whalers before they starve. With the help of photographs and journal entries by one of the rescuers, Mar;n W. Sandler takes us on every step of their rive;ng journey, facing raging blizzards, killing cold, injured sled dogs, and setbacks to test the strongest of wills.

All descrip;on from

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