FR Know & Go Volume 1 | Issue 21

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Know & Go @Your Library

Contact Information


Bill Bass

Updates @your Library

Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog

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"When I was a child, the public library was the safest, most welcoming, most intriguing place in my world. As an adult, I find it s.ll is." ~ E.E.Kennedy




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Magazine subscriptions are due in the next week, if you have suggestions that the students may like to have in the library please let me know. Another order has been placed for print and eBooks. This order contains a few additions from the Parkway summer reading list and the 2014 “hot” fiction list. Cords were ordered and received for the SMARTBoard. The doc station will be connected this week. On the Fern Ridge Library webpage you will find a link to reserve the library space. Once on the calendar, you will be able to reserve a .me. Click on the date you would like, enter your last name and .me in which you want to be in the library. Be sure to select the FR Library Sign Up calendar in the drop down op.ons and click the Create Event bu1on when you are finished. The event can be edited or deleted should you need to cancel or have a .me conflict. Don’t forget that we now have eBooks for students to read either online or though the Enlight app. We now have the Gateway award books from this year and the nominees for next year. Ready for checkout! The Manga graphic novels are now in, processed, and ready to be checked out.

We also have many new “preview” books from the publishers.

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources RSA Animate is a You Tube channel from that contains a series of thought provoking videos about educa.on, economics and a variety of other important topics such as this one about human behavior and what mo.vates us. One of my personal favorites is this one that describes the changing paradigm shi= in educa.on by Sir Ken Robinson. RSA Animate currently has 18 videos check out their collec.on of videos at h1p:// is a non-profit organiza.on dedicated to educa.on. Their website offers a large collec.on of resources for students and teachers like Brain Genie. The bulk of their resources are math and science centered where students can learn about chemistry, physics, algebra, and geometry just to name four. They also offer resources for other content areas as well including history, English, and SAT prep. Their website is free to join and offers a wealth of learning resources and Their site offers ar.cles, quizzes, lessons, videos and students can keep track of their learning as they complete lessons and and members can upload their own resources to the site as well.

The Federal Registry for Educa onal Excellence (FREE) website contains a massive collec.on of educa.on resources. Anima.ons, primary documents, photograph collec.ons, videos, maps, ar.cles, and the lists goes on and on. If you have never visited this incredible collec.on of educa.onal resources for all subjects and grade levels, then you really have been missing out. The collec.on of FREE educa.onal tools and materials is quite extensive and very useful. h1p://

365 Things to Make You Go Hmmm It is a resource from a site called Sparky Teaching that challenges students to think and respond to a ques.on. 365 Things is a good warm up ac.vity or prompt. Students can leave their response on the website or teachers can display the ques.on and have students respond at their desks on paper. Either way, 365 Things to Make You go Hmm is an good resource for any teacher to spark think,, or conversa.ons within the classroom. h1p://

Resources from h1p://

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