Know & Go Vol 1 | Issue 16

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Volume 1 | Issue 16

Know & Go @your Library

Nancy’s NOOK • • • •

Be sure to upload your agenda to the I drive. This is how a endance and credit is awarded for your MSPLC group. If you buy eBooks—Folle is now offering 12 month access eBooks. At this (me, PLEASE DO NOT ORDER THEM. While they will disappear a+er a year from your Folle Shelf, they will not disappear from the catalog. Purchasing! Please be sure to check with Nancy before making ANY purchases for your library when using the Library Services Budget. The NEXUS 7 tablets that are available for check out and will now be checked out through the LMS in each building.

Arrangements for checkout will need to be made with Nancy.

Other Reminders Google Drive Cer$fica$on If you are planning on taking all five tests and becoming fully cer(fied, then Library Services needs to know, specifically Nancy. Library services will either pay for all five tests once you've passed them and have turned in your cer(ficates, or give you two district credits (if you complete all five tests). Once you finish your tests, to become cer(fied through Google you have to fill out an applica(on and make a video. If you are planning on taking the Google Drive test only, then the district needs to know. Contact Laura Warren to register. For addi(onal informa(on to www.(

Professional Development—January 2nd & 3rd Elementary Librarians - South High School 8:00-10:00 Collabora(ve grade level work groups 10:00-11:00 Guest speaker - Gina Donato Enlight eBook solu(on 11:00-12:00—Lunch 12:00-1:00 Digital Ci(zenship curriculum presenta(on 1:00-3:00 Resources work session organizing resources for curricular units of study

Middle school librarians will work with middle school social studies teachers on assessment prac(ces at Southwest Middle 8:30-11:30 The ELA, SS, Middle School Librarians, and Reading Specialist will all be at Southwest in the main commons for assessment PD from Kevin Beckner (Rigor, Relevance, Next Genera(on, Audi(ng tools) 11:30-12:30—Lunch 12:30-3:30 Breakout sessions to apply the morning's learning. Collabora(on with teachers

Jan 3rd 8:00-9:00 eReaders op(ons discussion groups 9:00-10:00 Partnering with the County Library 10:00-11:00 Building the digital age library - Updates and future work

Jan 3rd All librarians together at South High 8:00-9:00 eReaders op(ons discussion groups 9:00-10:00 Partnering with the County Library 10:00-11:00 Building the digital age library - updates and future work A6ernoon Building development (me

High School librarians— South High School 8:00-10:00 Collabora(ve grade level work groups 10:00-11:00 Guest speaker - Gina Donato Enlight eBook solu(on 11:00-12:00—Lunch 12:00-3:00 Curriculum ver(cal alignment and iden(fica(on of learning target

Highlighted & Underlined Technology, Research, and Learning Resources Going Further with SMART Notebook—5 Great Tips! SMART Notebook provides fun and interes(ng was to differen(ate and create a variety of learning experiences. In a recent webinar five (ps were given to create engaging and relevant lessons. You can watch the archived webinar, read more about the five (ps at or or I can come by and show you! Learn how to: ~ Use Dual page & Pin Page ~ Record Sounds ~ Use Pull-tabs ~ Add ques(on templates to My Content ~ Use object order and color to create a hide-n-reveal tool Google Virtual Field Trips Google launched a new ini(a(ve on Google+ called Connected Classrooms ( that enables students around the world to take “virtual field trips” through Google+ Hangouts. It kicked things off November 4 with field trips to the Sea le Aquarium, the Minnesota Zoo and the Solar Impulse hangar. Teachers can sign up to take their classrooms on virtual field trips hosted by organiza(ons like Na(onal Geographic, Ma(lda the Musical, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and more than 20 other partners. The official blog for the ini(a(ve can be found at The Bri$sh Museum This site offers educators guides to life in Ancient Egypt, how mummies are made, and informa(on that can be found in tomb pain(ngs: The Na$onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra$on (NOAA) Another great site to share with your teachers is NOAA. It offers educa(on resource collec(ons on topics like weather systems and pa erns, ocean currents, and climate monitoring: www.educa(

Genre or Dewey Collec$ons Are you trying to make the Dewey or Don’t We decision in your school? Check out AASL’s latest 30 Second Thought Leader videos which discuss “what will be the next big thing to revolu(onize school library collec(ons?” This was a big topic at AASL last month and here was a great ar(cle with resources on whether or not to ditch Dewey Everybody can be a Super Hero At The Hero Factory you can create a new hero, download it, print it, and make another

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library The Culture of Reading @your Library What makes a culture of reading? How do you get tweens and teens to be interested (and stay interested) in reading? I had the chance to a end the session men(on in this SLJ ar(cle. There were some great thoughts and sugges(ons. Enjoy….

PLN Kevin Honeycu>—He is currently a Technology Integra(on Specialist, that you may have heard or seen at METC or ISTE. He does a lot of training and staff development and has a strong passion for helping teachers and learners become successful with educa(onal uses of technology. He can be found on Facebook, Twi er, or his blog kevinhoneycu .org/. He has a Learning Tools by Category page where he says, “ Be crea(ve and imagine what learning engines they may become!”

Alone we are smar t. Together we are brilliant. ~Steven Anderson

Student Opportunity Show-Me a Movie is a digital storytelling contest for students grades 2-12 in Missouri and its Border States. These students are invited to demonstrate their crea(vity and digital moviemaking skills in one of five categories. Cash prizes go to the school of the winning movies in each category. See last year's winners and winners from past years.

All winning movies are show-cased at a recep(on on February 11, 2014 during the Midwest Educa(on Technology Conference (METC). The students from the winnings movie are invited to a end along with their teachers and families. Informa$on, Contest Timeline & Submission Guidelines can be found at

StudentCam is C-SPAN’s annual na(onal video documentary compe((on that encourages students to think cri(cally about issues that affect our communi(es and our na(on. StudentCam’s theme for 2014 is “A Message to the U.S. Congress: What’s the most important issue the U.S. Congress should consider in 2014?” Maximum award includes $5,000, plus $750 to spend on digital video equipment for his/her school. Students grades 6-12, individually or in teams, are eligible. Deadline is January 20, 2014. (from AASL )

Want to Contribute or Have an Event to Share? Got an idea, tip, or suggestion that you would like to share for the newsletter? Submit it here: What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Contact Information Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3 Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code below.

Learning Opportunities Parkway Library Media Webinar Series 10/10/13—Google Collabora(ve Tools

Archived— 11/12/13—Elements of Digital Ci(zenship Archived— 12/10/13—AASL Conference Wrap-up - TUESDAY, 4:00pm 1/16/14— Seeing Horizon Through Student Eyes Ka(e Stafford - 4 PM 3/4/14—TBD 4/8/4—TBD

Each webinar will be held using Google Hangouts ( and will be archived on a Parkway Library YouTube Channel which we will set up soon. If you want to par(cipate in the webinar and ask ques(ons, you are free to do. You can also just watch as it's happening, or you can watch it a+er the fact as it will be archived on the YouTube channel and a link put on our website.

10 Techie Tools for Teachers—sponsored by Are you ready to make grading and collec(ng informa(on from your students a breeze? Would you like to have real-(me collabora(on and brainstorming with your students? This session covers ten of the most popular Web tools in the educa(on community. Learn how easy it can be to create online bulle(n boards, edit photos in just a few clicks, and develop engaging presenta(ons. These ten tools are popular for a reason: they are must-have freebies that you shouldn’t teach without. The archived webinar is only 30 minutes! You will need an account and be signed in to view the video.

EdWeb December Calendar of Free Webinars Title include: Innova(on, Authen(city, and Games, Using Digital PorYolios to Help Students Demonstrate Learning, Common Core and Text Types: What Should Students be Reading?, The ABCs for Wri(ng a Good Thesis Statement, and more.

View recent Webinars from EdWeb at If you missed some of the latest (tles from the past couple of weeks they have been archived. (scroll down the page to see the link to each webinar): • Classroom Tools to Teach Point of View and Purpose • Teaching copyright and Fair Use to the Remix Genera(on • What is Text Complexity? Steps to Implement Common Core Expecta(ons • Using the Big 6/Super 3: More on Pu[ng the Common Core to Work

Par$cipa$on Credits A+er you have par(cipated in the webinar, in order to get credit, you will need to go to ( and record your par(cipa(on. Remember that district credit is based on the number of hours that you par(cipate. Six hours will get you .5 credit and 12 hours will get you 1 credit.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Camera Uploads! Middle School MSPLC—Learning about camera op(ons from Jodie.

Green Trails - Story (me and book sharing.

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.