Know & Go Volume 2 | Issue 19

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Volume 2 | Issue 19

Parkway School District

Know & Go

Contact Information

@your Library

Bill Bass Twitter: billbass Skype: bill.bass3

Nancy’s Nook & Other Reminders Meeting of the Minds It’s been requested that it's time to socialize. On Wednesday, February 18th Bill and I are looking forward to interacting, brainstorming, and celebrating in a social setting with you! No worries if you can't make it! We will have other days.

Kim Lindskog Twitter: klindskog Skype: klindskog ISSUU Newsletter Stacks: 2014-2015 2013-2014

Details and RSVP Link: When - Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 Where - Cooper's Hawk Winery and Restaurant, 1146 Town and Country Crossing Drive, Town and Country, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Google Map for directions ● Time - 4:00-6:00 PM (of course you can stay longer if you choose) ● Food and drink are on your own Please RSVP at ● ●

Nancy Ikemeyer Skype: nancy,ikemeyer.pearl Twitter: NancyIkemeyer Access the Library Services Webpage using the QR code or

Missing Books Do you recognize these books? The books are from the Junior Library Guild and were sent to Library Services for processing. No list was included...if these books are for your library notify Joan.

Library Services Answers to FAQs ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

GOT NEWS Button Do you need help, got an idea, have a suggestion, or have an event planned? Then share it by clicking on the red Got News button.


What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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Librarians List 14-15 Who To Call Ordering procedures Follett ordering w/screenshots Follett Acct #'s Follett req Instructions building budget Sample budget (If you would like your own template, email Nancy) Standing orders Ordering/renewing databases HS only Destiny FAQ Page of Answers

Resource Roundup Technology, Research & Learning Resources Word Dynamo Word Dynamo is an academic review exercises site hosted by The Word Dynamo name might make you think that it only offers vocabulary exercises, but there is more to it than that. In addition to vocabulary quizzes and flashcards, it also has quizzes, games, and flashcards for studying topics in various curriculum areas. A full explanation can be found at Favorite Resources for introducing Google Earth & Maps Beyond Social Studies In this post Richard Byrne shares resources that utilize Google Earth and Maps in other curricular areas, such as science, ELA, and math. There is an Creative Image App for That (in Edmodo) Photos for Class is a free service that helps students find and cite Creative Commons licensed images. The apps became available to use as an within Edmodo. In a YouTube video there is a demonstration of how to install Photos for Class. and a students’ perspective of using Photos for Class within Edmodo. 5 Fantastic, Fast Formative Assessment Tools The @coolcatteacher (follow Vicki Davis on Twitter) put together a list with explanations of tools that work for formative assessment. It is always helpful to know the strengths and weaknesses of each tool and she does that in an easy to read format. The article can be found on Nearpod This is not the first time that Nearpod has been mentioned but it is always nice when a blog post reminds us of the power of some tools like this one. Nearpod is a tool that takes presentations to a whole new level. Teachers can take already existing PowerPoints or PDFs and upload them to the Nearpod site to create enriched multimedia presentations with interactive features. Some of the features include adding quizzes, drawing tools, and video to the lesson. Teachers can then share the content with the students and control the activity with the Nearpod app. Read about the benefits on the corkboardconnections blog.

HEC-TV LIve Programming Update Explore! Fossils, January 2015 January 28, 2015 at 10:00AM, 11:00AM, 12: 30PM, 1:30PM Learning about fossils begins with discovery and continues with meticulous investigation until the conditions are just right to safely remove the specimen from its natural environment. Then the real exploration... Inside the Artist’s Studio: Afflicted—Issues and Themes, February 2015 February 11, 2015 at 10:00AM, 1:00PM This new play for young people explores the untold story of the Salem girls. Middle and high school students will explore themes of belonging, self-awareness, and group identity through the production of... Inside the Artist’s Studio: Afflicted— Producing the Play, March 2015 March 11, 2015 at 10:00AM, 1:00PM What’s the process for taking a new play and creating a stage production from scratch? What are the responsibilities of the designers, actors, stage manager, playwright, director, and dramaturg? Find out as you... History in the First Person: Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion, March 2015 March 25, 2015 at 10:00AM, 1:00PM Go back in time through the power of primary sources and hear from individuals who lived, loved, laughed, worked, struggled, discovered, and persevered as America expanded westward between 1840 and 1880. Interact... Explore! Fast, April 2015 April 8, 2015 at 10:00AM, 11:30AM, 12:30PM, 1:30PM A bicycle can pedal 25 miles per hour, cars zoom by at 55 miles per hour, a cheetah can exceed speeds of 75 miles per hour, ever wondered what makes different things go different speeds? Want to find out?

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Library Lessons

Follett Destiny Destiny FAQ Page of Answers

When you login into Destiny in the upper right hand corner is a button called Follet Community which is where users can go to discuss, create and collaborate. You will need to register for an account but it’s free. The News and Content Library tab can be used to generate ideas for the library, such as student contests, displays, celebrations, and lessons. It also has a Leaderboard tab if you are looking to connect with some Destiny super users. If you would like to ask a question or start a discussion that can be done under the Discussions tab. It’s a whole community worth checking out.

Snap Shots

Author's Purpose: 5 Ways to Find It One of the tools used is PIE (persuade, inform, entertain) but with the amount of information surrounding students, they might need to have more strategies to help figure out purpose, identify bias and draw their own conclusions. In the blog post from We five stratigies are shared: ● start with why ● talk about structure ● get to the heart ● connect it to students own writing ● observe how purpose changes within a text Bonus - Three ways to identify bias as students consume information: ● mind the gap ● review the experts ● seek out stats

Bulletin Board Idea ● ●

Author Visit at Barretts Utilizing space for a soft seating area - Hanna Woods

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

A fun and informational way to get feedback about your library is to put a bulletin board that contains: Because of this library, I AM able to… Let students write their responses.

Digital Citizenship Resources ISTE Standards in Our Setting The Coaching Standards Standard five: Digital Citizenship One of the many hats that librarians wear today would be facilitator of digital citizenship content. In order to help teachers and students use safe, legal, and ethical technology practices. librarians are responsive to the needs by coaching them as they require support. Iste states that: Technology coaches model and promote digital citizenship. A. Model and promote strategies for achieving equitable access to digital tools and resources and technology-related best practices for all students and teachers B. Model and facilitate safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information and technologies a. Be able to explain key issues, principles, and policies that define/influence digital citizenship C. Model and promote diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness by using digital age communication and collaboration tools to interact locally and globally with students, peers, parents, and the larger community a. Assist in identifying practice examples of how technology tools are used to promote sharing in a larger global audience

What Your Students Really Need to Know About Digital Citizenship Nine proactive tips -- plus some clever lesson ideas -- to help students feel safe and engaged online. Developing a Culture of Trust and Transparency Why not change your acceptable use policy to be an "empowered" use policy instead? The BIG List of Digital Citizenship Resources Teach smart digital literacy and fight cyberbullying with this curated collection. from Edutopia supporting our growth measures 5 Excellent Videos to Teach your Students about Digital Citizenship - from Educational Technology & Mobile Learning Teaching Students About Digital Footprint - Define and understand what it means Cybrary Man’s Digital Footprint Resources for students, teachers, and parents Digital Bytes from Common Sense Media - Digital Citizenship for Teens - https: //www.commonsensemedia. org/educators/digital-bytes

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?


Just For fun So how do you know you’re a 21st century librarian? When… 1.

Google Life Archive is a wonderful resource of historical images. It features millions of searchable photographs from the Life photo archive stretching from the 1750s to the present day. Most of these images were never published and are now available for the first time through the joint work of Google and Life magazine. As a teacher, you can use this resource to search images to include in your work and you can also introduce it to your students and show them how to search its database for images to use in their presentations and projects especially knowing that these images are public domain. No worries about copyright issues .

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Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum Teach your students to be safe and smart online. We’ve teamed up with online safety experts iKeepSafe to develop a curriculum that educators can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible online citizen. The curriculum is designed to be interactive and discussion-filled, and to allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario-based activities. On this site, you’ll find a resource booklet for both educators and students that can be downloaded in PDF form, presentations to accompany the lesson, and animated videos to help frame the conversation




13. The 35 Best Google Search Tips and Tricks We are always looking for ways to help students navigate and refine searcheing, and in this article they have put togeter punctuation symbols, search 14. operators, and other helpful tips and tricks into an helpfuls chart that explains the 15. functiona nd execution of each.

Google Sheets Skills Since the update of Sheets in mid 2014, the Google Gooru compiled essential posts to help users with the new format: ● How to create a hyperlink ● Use spell check ● Add trendlines to charts ● How to quick sum To see the entire post of updates and to view the how-to videos check out thegooru. com




You have to remind kindergarteners to turn off cell phones before story time You know what an IP number is but not an ISBN number. You have a student who does a better job troubleshooting the circulation system than the district technician. Your students think both The Princess and the Frog & Meet the Robinsons were written by Walt Disney. You know more librarians in Texas than you do in your home state because of PLNs The best way to remind a student about an overdue book is through Facebook. When answering a reference question, you run to the computer You’ve started dressing like your avatar. Kids look at you funny when you say, “the card catalog.” You have 5th grade girls who sport more tats and metal studs than a biker gang. You have more polo shirts with computer logos than you do book logos - and 25% of your wardrobe comes from vendor booths at conferences. Your students show you how to get around the district Internet filter so you can teach a lesson. You never see anyone copy out of the print encyclopedia anymore. Your index finger has a callous from tapping the SmartBoard. You didn’t get your last grad class assignment turned in on time because the network was down and you haven't attended a F2F class in years. You’ve Googled the new teachers in your building - and all the kids have Googled you. You don’t remember the last time you’ve had to alphabetize something. You have all your passwords and PIN numbers are on a tablet and you can’t remember the password for the tablet Modified from: Doug Johnson’s Blue Skunk blog

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

@your Library Just for Fun @your LIbrary The Internet of Everything Library Lovers’ Month @your Library Take time to thank those who support your library and be sure to record and share any kudos, great comments, or accolades that you receive about your work and the school library. Include these in monthly and yearly reports as well February Celebrations @your Library From School Library Monthly President’s Day @your Library From the Classroom Magic blog there are some activities and videos to watch for President’s Day. One video come from School Tube and it is an audio recording of So You Want to be President.

Personalized Learning One option for earning Parkway credits is to participate in webinars. In order to earn participation credits watch the webinar and then go to http://tinyurl. com/LibWebinars to record your participation. Remember that district credit is based on the number of clock hours that you participate. Credit is issued as follows: six clock hours will get you .5 credit and 12 clock hours will get you 1 credit.

EdcampSTL An Unconference - February 7, 2015! At an UNconference, the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the meeting. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space. UNconferences typically feature open discussions rather than having a single speakers at the front of the room lecturing, although any format is permitted. This form of conference is particularly useful when the attendees generally have a high level of expertise or knowledge in the field the conference convenes to discuss, unlocking the creative genius of the attendees so that all may learn and be inspired!

You Need It: Reading Promotional Programming That Really Works! Tuesday, Mar. 31 at 4 p.m. Eastern Time Archived Webinars View Dynamic Databases: Revolutionizing Today's Research, Teaching, and Learning

Read Across America @your Library Plan your Read Across America celebration (week of March 2nd) with materials from MNEA. Teen Tech Week @your LIbrary

Just for Fun

Invite teens to celebrate YALSA's Teen Tech Week, March 8-14, 2015. Posters and bookmarks highlighting the topics of makerspace safety, digital citizenship, as well as copyright and fair use are a great addition to your celebration and throughout the year.

School Library Month @your Library The 30th Anniversary is coming up in April! It’s never too early to start planning the library program celebration. ~ Unlimited Possibilities are available @ your library every day! What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

Professional Relevance Digital Resources, eBooks, Learning Commons, Scheduling, Leadership, Programing, Makerspaces

Librarians as Leader to Transform Teaching and Learning AASL wants to empower librarians to be leaders and transform teaching and learning in their buildings. Recently, in School lIbrary Monthly magazine an article defined the role of the 21st century school librarian and how to be a groundbreaker in making the library a central learning hub. The feature article, A Call to Action for School Librarians and School Library Programs identified ways to take action and create that central learning hub through various tools and program advocacy tips. A transformation point is to implement standards (CCSS or local) into the library program. This is a natural flow from the classroom to the library and builds relationships with the staff (cross-curricular collaboration). AASL goes on to offer a CCSS Implementation Toolkit that includes the Standards Crosswalk, infographics on reading comprehension, inquiry and the six shifts, and Standards for the 21s Century Learner. The article also discusses the role of the school librarian in reference to school specific initiatives and action items. The PDF (above link) proposes that the school library program move away from providing a traditional warehouse of materials to adopting a proactive role in student learning as today’s information and technology environment becomes an integral and natural part of life. The ten initiatives include: 1. Building reading, writing, speaking and listening skills together across the curriculum. 2. Building appreciation of the best literature and informational materials together across the curriculum as a part of a literate culture. 3. Creating a school-wide participatory culture. 4. Building co-taught research projects in blended learning experiences. 5. Promoting interdisciplinary real-world problems, projects and learning experiences that take advantage of rich information resources and useful technology tools. 6. Using technology to boost teaching and learning together. 7. Creating cultural experience across the school, community, and across the world. 8. Fostering creativity, innovation, play, building, and experimentation. 9. Assessing the results of collaborative learning experiences. 10. Managing the integration of classroom, school library learning commons, and technology tools In order to create a path to leadership, librarians need to “… rethink and re-envision the role that the library can and should play in major school improvement initiatives” (Achieve and AASL 2013, 1). The school library is going beyond information literacy and moving into the school learning community. Advocating what the library has to offer in relation to curricular support will create the change in the librarian’s role within his/her building. Ideas for advocacy include: ● Educate - communicate how to the library can engage and support student learning by connecting to standards therefore improving student achievement ● Present: share a plan on how the ten initiative and action items can be embedded into school curriculum ● Meet: work at getting face time with teachers, teams, or grade levels to share your knowledge and ideas for improving student learning outcomes ● Collaborate: go global with professionals in the field to pool ideas on meeting the standards within the school library program ● Create: look at current library curriculum, implement the AASL action items, and revise lessons to meet school initiatives ● Invite: take every opportunity to share with all stakeholders the role the library is playing in student achievement ● Showcase: share the learning outcomes on the library website, blogs, newsletter, or other social (remeber COPE - Create Once, Post Everywhere) Taken from School library monthly, Volume 31, Number 2, November 2014

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

See the full size pictochart here.

Student Opportunities

Quotes to Share

Student Technology Conference The 2015 Student Technology Conference (StuTech 2015), a studentorganized global conversation about technology in education, takes place Saturday, January 31st from 9am - 9pm US-Eastern Standard Time. This online event (held in Blackboard Collaborate) is open to all and will feature student keynote speakers and conference presentations by students in grades 6-12. Go to http: // for the hour-by-hour schedule in your own time zone and links to attend each session

College Essay Contest Penguin Books has launched an Out of the Easy college scholarship essay contest for students! This title has been nominated for MASL's 2015-2016 Gateway Readers Award. The contest is open to 12th grade students and homeschooled students aged 17 or 18, and the prize is a $5,000 scholarship towards college. Click here to learn more about this contest and how to get your students involved. .

In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. ~ Abraham Maslow

About Books Valentine Day Fun

St. Louis County Library will begin a new program series in January designed to help teens gain skills to transition to adulthood. The series is called In the Know @ Your Library and will explore topics such as budgeting, interview tips, how to buy your first car and more. A full program schedule is available here. The series is free and open to the public, but registration may be required.

Books about the Civil Rights Movement

What does it mean to be a librarian in the digital age?

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