Web Design Unveiled: 5 Little Known Truths
What Every Potential Client Should Know about Web Design It has been my experience that when it comes to web design, few people truly understand the realities associated with the design process. This is not because they lack the facility to understand it, it's just outside their realm of experience and, in some cases, they are simply not interested in the technical details of it all. Nonetheless, as a web designer, I believe it is
in the best interest of anyone who is looking for a web design service to know some very important and inescapable truths: 1. Just Like Most Things in Life, You Get What You Pay For Your uncle's cousin's nephew is "all into that tech stuff," and he said he could design a website for you, and he does. When he's done, you think to yourself, that doesn't look half bad. Shortly thereafter, you notice things aren't working as they should, and maybe you even get a call about copyright infringement from some disgruntled interested party. What sounded like a good idea at first ended up being akin to an expensive-looking watch that you might purchase from some guy on the street - it looks fine on the surface, but shows its defects soon thereafter. The moral of this story was stated in the bold print of this list item. If someone is offering you a web design service on the cheap, chances are strong that they will not give the necessary time and attention to produce a quality product, which leads us to the next point. 2. A Professional Web Design Process Takes Time To create a custom website that functions correctly on all browsers and platforms, meets current web programming standards, and presents content effectively and professionally throughout the entire website takes a great deal of work and can't be accomplished overnight. One of the reasons for this leads us to our next truth. 3. It Takes Pages and Pages of Code to Make a Modern Website Function Right click on any web page and select "View Page Source," and you will see this hidden truth. When you look at a finished website, you are just seeing its shiny outer shell. Underneath all that apparent simplicity lies a mass of HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and a host of other web development technologies working in concert to produce the end product. As such, when it comes to web design one should not judge a book by its cover; a website has much more to do than just look pretty. 4. Think About How You Would Like Your Website Look and About What Information You Would Like it to Convey Having at least a general idea about how you would like your website to look is a great thing. Take a look at your competitors' websites and take notes about what you like or don't like. Additionally, think about the message you would like your website to present to its visitors. Coming to the table with your own ideas about colors, layout, content, and functionality can greatly increase the chances of your web designer being able to produce a website that satisfies you on all levels. 5. All Web Browsers Render Websites Differently Whether you get your website from the loftiest towers of New York City, or you hire a local web design company to meet your needs, that website will be created through code. Every web browser, whether it is Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, or Safari, interprets that code differently. To make matters worse, different versions of those web browsers will render a single web page differently. To combat this, a web designer needs to make conditional versions of that code in an attempt to make the website look as uniform as
possible across all major browsers. This is one of the most challenging tasks for a web designer and takes a lot of testing and time to pull off. Randy Ledbetter practices website design in Chico, California. He owns and operates Chico Webmasters, a web design company in Chico, California.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Randy_M_Ledbetter/1554869