KSPCB Bulletin 1

Page 1

10 MAY 2013




CONTENTS Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

SUBJECT Regarding renewal of consent for operation Delegation of powers to Regional SEO’s for issue of Notice of proposed directions – regarding Re-categorization of units as Large, Medium & Small units and revision of consent validity period for different categories – reg Re-categorization of industry/organization/ activity as per the direction of CPCB and Constitution of Committee– reg Coverage of DG sets attached to Mobile towers under consent Mechanism under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 Subject: Amendment to delegation of powers to issue directions under Section 33(A) & 31(A) of the Water & Air Act respectively to the Head of the Regional Office

PAGE 3 4 5 27 29 31

Karnataka State Pollution Control Board "Parisara Bhavan", #49,4th & 5th Floor, Church Street, Bangalore-560001 Ph No: 080-25589111-4/25586520/ 25588142/25581383 Fax: 25586321 Help Desk: 080-25589114 IVRS: 080-25589111 Chairman: chairman@kspcb.gov.in Member Secretary: memsecy@kspcb.gov.in General: ho@kspcb.gov.in




Karnataka State Pollution Control Board is happy to launch its KSPCB BULLETIN, which will cover major Circulars and Notifications periodically. The idea is to harness the power of internet, share the information and be proactive in informing stakeholders. This idea may not be new, but we had not tried so far ! KSPCB has an equally responsible role in taking the information to all the stakeholders, and this Bulletin is a small attempt towards fulfilling this aspect. We would like to receive critical feedback onabout this bulletin, which is primarily sent via emails only. The public can access the same from our website, kspcb.gov.in. KSPCB is in the process of aggregating the database of contact details of the stake holder industries in Karnataka. Please support this initiative by forwarding the same to your friendly organisations,people and on social networks. Spreading the messsage is as important as creating one! I am in anticipation of your earliest feedback on this. (Dr. Ayi Vamana N Acharya) Chairman KSPCB, Karnataka email:chairman.kspcb@gmail.com

Note: This email is sent, based on the database agregated by KSPCB, during its course of activities. KSPCB values privacy of people and organisations, and you can always opt out of this mailing list. If so, Please send a blank mail with subject line: UNSUBSCRIBE






Date: 31.1.2013


Sub: Regarding renewal of consent for operation. Ref: Board Office Memorandum No.PCB/167/CC/2012/4984 dated 21/11/2012. In the consent letters being issued under Water and Air Act, a condition is stipulated that the applicant shall make an application for renewal of consent atleast 120 days before the expiry date. Consequent to introduction of simplified procedure for renewal applications for Consent for Operation (CFO) under Water and Air Acts may be accepted during the periods indicated below. For CFO applications valid upto 30th June – applications shall be received from 1st June. For CFO applications valid upto 30th September – applications shall be received September.


For CFO applications valid upto 31st December – applications shall be received from December.


It is clarified that, the simplified procedure of renewing CFO across the counter is applicable only for such industries/organizations which meets the criteria specified in the Office Memorandum cited at reference.


MEMBER SECRETARY • CEO-1, Corporate Cell. • CEO-2, Non-EIA of Bangalore Urban & Rural. • SEO (Enforcement Cell), SEO (HWM, Battery, MSW, BMW & Plastics), SEO (17 Category), SEO (Infra & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher). • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO (Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad), SEO (Bellary) and SEO (Chitradurga). • All Regional Officers, Regional Office: (1) Bangalore City-East, (2) Bangalore City-Peenya, (3) Bangalore City-South, (4) Bangalore City-West, (5) Dasarahalli, (6) Doddaballapura, (7) Nelamangala, (8) Yelahanka, (9) Anekal, (10) Bommanahalli, (11) Rajarajeshwarinagara, (12) Ramnagar, (13) Sarjapura, (14) Chikkaballapur, (15) Hosakote, (16) Mahadevpura, (17) Mysore-1, (18) Mysore-2, (19) Mandya, (20) Chamarajnagar, (21) Tumkur, (22) Chitradurga, (23) Davangere, (24) Kolar, (25) Shimoga, (26) Dharwad, (27) Gadag, (28) Belgaum-1, (29) Belgaum-2 (Chikkodi Centre), (30) Bagalkot, (31) Bijapur, (32) Bellary, (33) Raichur, (34) Koppal, (35) Bidar, (36) Gulbarga, (37) Udupi, (38) Mangalore, (39) Hassan, (40) Chikmagalur, (41) Karwar, (42) Chikballapura, (43) Haveri, (44) Yadgiri. • EO (17 Cat & e-gov), EO (17 Cat & Fly ash), EO (Corporate cell), EO (MSW & Local bodies), EO (Non-EIA Bangalore based)), EO (HWM), EO (Battery, BMW & Plastic, Noise), EO (Awareness, Enforcement Cell), EO (Non-EIA, other than Bangalore), EO (Infrastructure), SO (AAQM cell).





• DEO (Enforcement), DEO (Non EIA Bangalore Based), DEO (Help Desk). • AEO (Non EIA other than Bangalore), AEO (Mines). Copy to: • The PA to Chairman for information. • The PA to Member Secretary for information. • Master file





NO. PCB/238 Vol-2/CC/2012-13/1306

Date: 21-06-2012


Sub: Delegation of powers to Regional SEO’s for issue of Notice of proposed directions – regarding. Ref: 1) ªÀÄAqÀ½AiÀÄ C¢üPÀÈvÀ eÁÕ¥À£À ¥ÀvÀæ ¸ÀASÉå:ªÀiÁ¤ªÀÄA:14:CqÀ J:08:1875,¢£ÁAPÀ: 01-10-2008. 2) 183rd Board Meeting Proceedings issued on 26th April 2012.

Board in its 183rd Meeting held on 14-03-2012 discussed the above subject in detail and approved to delegate powers to issue NPD under section 33 (A) of Water Act & under 31 (A) Air Act against industries violating Board directions and norms to expedite the process of initiating action. Hence, the following order is issued:

ORDER Regional SEO’s are delegated with the powers to issue Notice of Proposed Directions under Section 33 (A) of Water Act and under 31 (A) of Air Act against industries which have violated Board directions and consent conditions. Regional SEO’s are delegated with powers to issue NPD for all categories and sizes of industries an other activities covered under Water and Air Acts. Confirmation of NPD and closure directions will be done at the Head Office with approval of Chairman only. Sd/ MEMBER SECRETARY KARNATAKA STATE POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD, BANGALORE.

Copy to:

• Chief Environmental Officer (Corporate Cell, 17 Category & E-Governance). • Chief Environmental Officer, Non EIA for information. • SEO (Complaints & Enforcement Cell), SEO (HWM, Battery & Plastics), SEO (Corporate Cell, 17 Category), SEO (BMW, Infrastructure & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher). • All Environmental Officers in the Head Office. • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO (Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad), SEO (Bellary) and SEO (Chitradurga). KSPCB BULLETIN




• All Regional Officers, Regional Office: Bangalore City-1, Bangalore City-2, Bangalore City-3, Bangalore North-1, Bangalore North-2, Bangalore South-1, Bangalore South-2, Bangalore East-1, Bangalore East-2, Bangalore West, Peenya, Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Bijapur, Chamarajanagar, Chikaballapur, Chikmagalur, Chitradurga, Davangere, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Hassan, Haveri, Karwar, Kolar, Koppal, Mandya, Mangalore, Mysore, Raichur, Ramanagara, Shimoga, Tumkur, Udupi, Yadgir. • Chief Scientific Officer, Central Environmental Laboratory. • Chief Administrative Officer. • Chief Finance Officer. • Legal Officer. • Public Relation Officer. • Building Section. • Help Desk. • Notice Board. • Computer Section for uploading in the Boards Website. • Master Copy. • Office Copy.






Date: 06-03-2012

NOTIFICATION Sub: Re-categorization of units as Large, Medium & Small units and revision of consent validity period for different categories – reg. Ref: 1) Karnataka Industrial Policy 2009 – 2014. 2) 182nd Board Meeting proceedings dated: 24-1-2012. The Board in its 182nd meeting held on 24.1.2012 have decided to Re-categorize the units as Large, Medium & Small units to bring it on par with the Karnataka Industrial Policy 20092014 and it has also decided to revise the consent validity periods for different categories of industries to reduce the paper work involved in issue of consents and thereby focus more on inspection and monitoring of the activities covered by the Board. Hence, the following order is issued:

ORDER The investment slabs for categorization of industries as Large, Medium & Small is revised as follows:

a) Small Scale unit - upto Rs. 5.0 Crores. b) Medium Scale unit - Rs.5 to 10 Crores. c) Large Scale unit - more than Rs.10 Crores. The consent validity periods for various categories of industries is revised as follows:

Large Medium Small

Red One year consent by collecting one year fee. Two years consent by collecting two years fee. Five years consent by collecting three years fee.

Orange Two years consent by collecting two years fee. Two years consent by collecting two years fee. Five years consent by collecting three years fee.

Green Ten years consent by collecting five years fee. Ten years consent by collecting five years fee. Ten years consent by collecting one year fee.

The above revision will be applicable to all the applications submitted with effect from 1st KSPCB BULLETIN




April, 2012 onwards to the Board. The payment of consent fee for the periods indicated along with consent application is mandatory and no relaxation is permitted. The validity periods of authorizations and registrations issued by the Board shall remain unaltered until further orders. The validity period for Red, Orange and Green category industries shall end on 30th June, 30th September and 31st December respectively. Certain concessions given to software companies etc., shall stand cancelled from the date of applicability of this Notification.

Copy to:


• Chief Environmental Officer (Corporate Cell, 17 Category & E-Governance). • SEO (Complaints & Enforcement Cell), SEO (HWM, Battery & Plastics), SEO (Corporate Cell, 17 Category), SEO (BMW, Infrastructure & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher). • All Environmental Officers in the Head Office. • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO (Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad), SEO (Bellary) and SEO (Chitradurga). • All Regional Officers, Regional Office: Bangalore City-1, Bangalore City-2, Bangalore City-3, Bangalore North-1, Bangalore North-2, Bangalore South-1, Bangalore South-2, Bangalore East-1, Bangalore East-2, Bangalore West, Peenya, Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Bijapur, Chamarajanagar, Chikaballapur, Chikmagalur, Chitradurga, Davangere, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Hassan, Haveri, Karwar, Kolar, Koppal, Mandya, Mangalore, Mysore, Raichur, Ramanagara, Shimoga, Tumkur, Udupi, Yadgir. • Chief Scientific Officer, Central Environmental Laboratory. • Chief Administrative Officer. • Chief Finance Officer. • Legal Officer. • Public Relation Officer. • Building Section. • Help Desk. • Notice Board. • Computer Section for uploading in the Boards Website. • Master Copy. • Office Copy.





GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION Certain policy decisions have been taken for revising the slab structure for categorization of industries into large, medium & small and the validity periods have been changed for various categories of industries and other activities. In order to implement the changes as per the office memorandum, following guidelines are issued which shall be compulsorily followed by all the officers of the Board to maintain uniformity. Changes to be incorporated as per office memorandum will be made effective from 01-04-2012 onwards. The existing F Register in the Regional Office shall be closed as on 31-03-2012 and the same shall be kept in Regional Office has permanent record in safe custody. The Regional Officer shall open new F Register from 01-04-2012 as per the revised slab of investment and continue to update the same as per requirements until further orders. The fee to be paid by the industries and other organizations as per the revised validity periods shall be made mandatory for the applications received from 01-04-2012. Please note there is no option clause for paying fees for periods other than indicated in the office memorandum. Each Regional Office/Help Desk shall only accept applications with the requisite consent fee for the mandatory consent validity period as per the office memorandum before issue of acknowledgement/receipt to the entrepreneur. Please note no application is considered as complete if it does not accompany consent fee for the mandatory consent validity period. Based on the revised slab structure the existing industries and activities will be classified into large medium and small. The validity period revised as per the office memorandum shall be made effective for the consents to be granted after 01-04-2012 only(for applications received with mandatory consent fee as per office memorandum). For the applications received till 3103-2012 the existing procedures shall be maintained. Please note there is no changes in the consent validity dates. While issue of consents the following consent validity periods shall be followed mandatory for issue of consent and on each consent renewal granted. a) Large – Red - One year from 1st July b) Large – Orange - Two years from 1st of October c) Large – Green - Ten years from 1st of January d) Medium – Red Two years from 1st of July e) Medium – Orange Two years from 1st of October f) Medium – Green Ten years from 1st January. g) Small - Red - Five years from 1st of July h) Small - Orange - Five years from 1st October i) Small - Green - Ten years from 1st of January Where ever applicable the authorization conditions shall be incorporated in the consent order and the authorization period will be co-terminus with the consent validity period depending upon the category of the industry. MEMBER SECRETARY KSPCB BULLETIN




• Karnataka State Pollution Control Board is implementing the various provisions of Water, Air & Environmental Protection Acts. Board is regulating the discharge of effluents, emissions and solid waste generated by various industries and other organizations by issuing consents and authorizations under the provisions of the above said Acts and Rules. The issue of consent is followed with monitoring of the industries to verify the compliance to be conditions imposed and initiation of action as per law in case of violations. • The work load of the Board is increasing day by day, whereas the staff strength has not increased commensurate with the work load. On the other hand the organizations covered by the Board are expecting a better service and quick decisions on their applications. There is also a need to simplify the procedures, avoid duplication of work and ensure quick, efficient and effective service. Besides, there is an urgent need to reduce paper work so that the time saved could be used for effective monitoring of polluting activities. • The subject was discussed in detail in the 182nd Board Meeting held on 20-12-2011. Board took cognizance to the decisions taken on the above matter in the various Board Meetings till date as follows: • Instead of issuing separate consents under Water and Air Act, combined consent under both Acts is being issued from 2006. • Consent for operation under Large –Red & Orange, Medium Red & Orange, are being issued for two years with an option for annual renewal. • Power has been delegated to Regional Officers for issue of CFE/CFOs for Green category industries/ organizations. • Power has been delegated to SEOs for issue of CFE/CFOs for Orange category industries/ organizations. • CFE and CFO issued for 2 and 5 years respectively by collecting one year consent fee in respect of DG Sets in transmission towers, malls, banks and commercial establishments. • Procedure simplified for issue of consent for installation of new/ additional DG Sets up to 1000 KVA by existing industries • In the 137th Board Meeting held during 2001 consent to Green category industries was being issued for 10 years under both Acts by collecting one year fee with capital investment up to Rs. 25 lakhs. Consent validity period for Green category was placed before the Board during 2005 in 159th board Meeting enhancing the ceiling limit from Rs.25 Lakhs to Rs. 100 lakhs as it will considerably reduce the administrative work of the Board and industry. • Board also took note of the Karnataka Industrial Policy 2009 – 2014 issued by Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Karnataka which indicates various intensives and concessions given to various sectors of the industries and has defined investment slabs for categorization of industries as Large, Medium & Small. • After a detailed discussion Board took following decision to revise the investment slabs for Large, Medium & Small industries and other activities keeping in view of the Karnataka Industrial Policy 2009 – 2014 and revised the consent validity periods issued for various categories of industries & activities in order to reduce the paper work and to improve the consent Management. Hence, the following order is issued.





No. KSPCB/717/COC/2012-13/6311

Date: 04-01-2013

NOTIFICATION Sub: Re-categorization of industry/organization/activity as per the direction of CPCB and Constitution of Committee– reg. Ref: 1) Board Office Notification No. KSPCB/188(Vol-3)/CC/2011-12/966, dated 23.5.2011. 2) CPCB direction No. B-29012/1/2012/ESS/1539, dated 4.6.2012. 3) 184th Board meeting proceedings. 4) BO Notification No. KSPCB/717/COC/2012-13/4307 DATED 22.10.2012 constituting committee for categorization. The Karnataka State Pollution Control Board has classified the industries/organizations/ activities as Red, Orange and Green category for the purpose of enforcement, monitoring and consent fees. The list was modified from time to time and the final list was notified vide ref. (1) which is being followed till date. Whereas, the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) constituted a working group involving few SPCBs to prepare a consolidated list of Red, Orange and Green category of activities so as to bring in uniformity in categorization of activities across the entire country. Based on the recommendations of the working group, the CPCB has issued direction under Section 18(1) (b) of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, to all the Pollution Control Boards vide ref.(2) to adopt the new categorisation for the purpose of grant of consent, inventorization of industries and other related pollution control activities. The direction also provides for constitution of committee by the SPCB to decide the category of industry/ organization/activity which do not fall in any of the three categories viz. Red/Orange/Green and for re-categorization of activity in case of reduction of pollution load due to adoption of cleaner technology or change in production process. Whereas, the direction issued by the CPCB was discussed in the 184th Board meeting of KSPCB held on 17.7.2012 and the Board has approved to implement the direction and also resolved to constitute a committee as per the direction. Whereas, the committee constituted by the Board vide reference (4) has reviewed both the CPCB list as well as the existing KSPCB list and prepared a revised list for approval. After examining the revised list in detail the following orders are issued for implementation.

ORDER The revised list of Red, Orange & Green Category industries/organizations/ activities is enclosed KSPCB BULLETIN




as Annexure-I & II and it shall be in force with effect from 01.04.2013. Coverage of the industries/organizations/activities indicated in the revised list under consent mechanism shall be subject to the requirements of Section 25 of the Water Act and Section 21 of the Air Act. The Red, Orange and Green category list being followed by the Board till date will remain in force till the validity of the CFO issued to any industry/organization/activity. When they apply for renewal of CFO, it shall be considered under the revised list. In case of industry/organization/activity which were already covered and having date expired CFO or those which have not at all applied/obtained consent so far shall be covered under the revised list. If any industry/organization/activity not appearing in the revised list applies for consent, the fee payable shall be the maximum in the capital investment slab in which it falls. If the Regional Officer is of the opinion that the industry cannot be considered under Red or Orange the Regional Officer shall record his opinion in the file and dispose of the application at his level within the time stipulated and inform the same to the Head Office for inclusion in the category list. If the Regional Officer is of the opinion that, such application should be considered either under Red or Orange the application shall be forwarded to the Head Office with opinion for both categorization and disposal. Any industry/organization/activity seeking change in category can file an application letter justifying such change by highlighting reduction of pollution load due to adoption of cleaner technology or change in production process. The ‘F’ Registers shall be revised based on the revised list (Annexure-I & II) with effect from 01.04.2013. Additional columns to be added in the ‘F’ registers to indicate large/medium/ small/micro enterprises as adopted by the Board. Sd/CHAIRMAN To. • CEO-1, Corporate Cell. • SEO (Enforcement Cell), SEO (WM, Battery, MSW, BMW & Plastics), SEO (17 Category), SEO (Infra & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher). • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO (Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad), SEO (Bellary) and SEO (Chitradurga). • All Regional Officers, Regional Office: (1) Bangalore City-East, (2) Bangalore City-Peenya, (3) Bangalore City-South, (4) Bangalore City-West, (5) Dasarahalli, (6) Doddaballapura, (7) Nelamangala, (8) Yelahanka, (9) Anekal, (10) Bommanahalli, (11) Rajarajeshwarinagara, (12) Ramnagar, (13) Sarjapura, (14) Chikkaballapur, (15) Hosakote, (16) Mahadevpura, (17) PAGE




Mysore-1, (18) Mysore-2, (19) Mandya, (20) Chamarajnagar, (21) Tumkur, (22) Chitradurga, (23) Davangere, (24) Kolar, (25) Shimoga, (26) Dharwad, (27) Gadag, (28) Belgaum-1, (29) Belgaum-2 (Chikkodi Centre), (30) Bagalkot, (31) Bijapur, (32) Bellary, (33) Raichur, (34) Koppal, (35) Bidar, (36) Gulbarga, (37) Udupi, (38) Mangalore, (39) Hassan, (40) Chikmagalur, (41) Karwar, (42) Kodgu, (43) Haveri, (44) Yadgiri.

• • EO (17 Cat & e-gov), EO (17 Cat & Fly ash), EO (Corporate cell), EO (MSW & Local bodies), EO (Non-EIA Bangalore based)), EO (HWM), EO (Battery, BMW & Plastic, Noise), EO (Awareness, Enforcement Cell), EO (Non-EIA, other than Bangalore), EO (Infrastructure), SO (AAQM cell). • DEO (Enforcement), DEO (Non EIA other than Bangalore). • AEO (Help Desk), AEO (Non EIA other than Bangalore), AEO (Mines). • • All officers of Board for information and to make any recommendations regarding addition/ alteration/deletion of any category in the revised list within 28.02.2013 • Copy to: • The PA to Chairman for information. • The PA to Member Secretary for information. • All Industry Associations. • Master file. Copy to:

• Commissioner for Industrial Development & Director of Industries & Commerce, 2nd Floor, Khanija Bhawan, Race Course Road, Bangalore – 560 001 for information. • The Managing Director, Karnataka Udyog Mitra, Khanija Bhavan, Race Course Road, Bangalore – 560 001 for information. • All Industries Association for information. • The PA to Chairman for information. • The PA to Member Secretary for information. • Sri.N.R.Raju, EO, E-Governance Cell for information and to publish in the website. • Smt.Viji Karthikeyan, EO, Enforcement Cell for information and to publish in the Karnataka Parisara Vahini. • Master file. MEMBER SECRETARY






Industry/Organization/Activity Airports, and Commercial Air Strips Aluminium smelter Asbestos and asbestos based industries Automobiles Manufacturing (Integrated facilities) Basic Chemicals and electro chemicals and its derivatives including manufacture of acids Ceramic, Refractories and Electro-thermal products (artificial abrasives, calcium carbide, etc.) Cement Chlor Alkali Chlorates, perchlorates and peroxides Chlorine, fluorine, bromine, iodine, and their compounds Coal Washeries Copper smelter Coke making, liquefaction, coal tar distillation or fuel gas making Common Treatment and disposal facilities (CETP, TSDF, E-Waste recycling, CBMWTF, Effluent conveyance project, incinerators, Solvent/Acid recovery plant, MSW sanitary landfill sites)

15 Distillery including Fermentation industry 16 Dyes and Dye-Intermediates 17 Dry coal processing/mineral processing, industries involving ore sintering, palletisation, grinding, pulverization 18 Emulsion of oil & water 19 Fermentation industry including manufacture of yeast, beer, distillation of alcohol (IMA) 20 Fertilizer (basic) (excluding formulation) 21 Ferrous and Non ferrous metal extraction involving different furnaces through melting, refining, reprocessing, casting and alloy making PAGE




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Fibre glass production and processing (Excluding moulding) Fire crackers manufacturing and bulk storage facilities Flakes from rejected PET bottle Fly ash export, transport and disposal facilities Health care establishment (As defined in BMW Rules) Heavy engineering including Ship Building (With investment on Plant & Machineries more than Rs.10 Crores) Hot mix plants Hotels (3 Star & above) and Hotels having 100 rooms and above Hydrocyanic acid and its derivatives Industrial carbons (including graphite electrodes, modes, midget electrodes, graphite blocks, graphite crucibles, gas carbons, activated carbon, synthetic diamonds, carbon black, channel black, lamp black, etc.)

32 Industrial estates/ parks/ complexes/ areas/ export processing zones/ SEZs/ Biotech parks/ leather complex 33 Industrial inorganic gases namely:a) Chemical gases: Acetylene, hydrogen, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, ethylene, hydrogen sulphide, phosphine b) Hydrocarbon gases: Methane, ethane, propane 34 Industries engaged in recycling /reprocessing/recovery /reuse of Hazardous Waste under schedule IV of Hazardous Waste (M, H & TBM) Rules, 2008 and its amendments 35 Industry or process involving foundry operations 36 Industry or process involving metal surface treatment or process such as pickling/ plating/electroplating/ paint stripping/heat treatment/ phosphating or finishing and anodising/ enamelling/ galvanising 37 Iron and Steel (involving processing from ore/ integrated steel plants and or Sponge Iron Units 38 Isolated storage of hazardous chemicals (as per schedule of Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 as amended) 39 Lead acid battery manufacturing including manufacture of lead and lead antimony alloy (excluding assembling and charging of lead acid battery) 40 Lime manufacturing (Using Lime Kiln) 41 Manufacturing of Explosives, detonators, fuses including management and handling activities KSPCB BULLETIN




42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 PAGE


Manufacturing of Glass Manufacturing of Glue and gelatin Manufacturing of Lubricating oils, creases or petroleum based products Manufacturing of Paints, Varnishes, pigments and intermediate (excluding blending/ mixing) Manufacturing of Starch/Saggo Milk processing and dairy products (integrated project) Mineral stack yards/ Railway sidings Mining, ore benification, ore sintering and pellatisation etc. New Highway construction projects Non alcoholic beverage (soft drink) & bottling of alcoholic/non-alcoholic products (capital investment on plant & machinery > Rs.1 crores) Nuclear Power Plants Oil & Gas extraction including CBM (offshore & onshore extraction through drilling wells) Oil and gas transportation pipeline including storage Depots Oil Refinery (Mineral Oil or Petro Refineries) and product pipeline Organic chemicals manufacturing, Meta Amino phenol Pesticides (Technical) including manufacture of bio-pesticides (excluding formulation) Petrochemicals including manufacture of polypropylene and pthalic Anhydride (Manufacture of and not merely use of as raw material) Pharmaceuticals & Bulk Drug (excluding formulation). Pulp and Paper (paper manufacturing with or without pulping) Phosphate rock processing plant Phosphorous and its compounds Photographic films and its chemicals Ports & Harbours, Jetties and Dredging Operations Power Generation Plants and Bio-mass power plants [Except Wind, Solar and Mini Hydel Power plants of capacity <25 MW) and DG set of capacity >5 MVA] Processes involving chlorinated hydrocarbons Railway Locomotive workshops / Integrated Road transport workshop/ Authorised service centres Reprocessing of used oils and waste oils KSPCB BULLETIN


69 Ship breaking activities 70 Slaughter houses (As per the notification S.O.270(E) dated 26.03.2001) and meat processing industries, bone mill, processing of animal horns, hoofs and other body parts 71 Steel and steel products using various furnaces like blast furnaces/ open hearth furnace/ induction furnace/ electric arc furnace/ submerged arc furnace/ basic oxygen furnace/ hot rolling using reheating furnace 72 Stone crushers 73 Sugar (excluding Khandsari) 74 Surgical and medical products involving prophylactics and latex 75 Synthetic detergents and soaps (excluding formulation) 76 Synthetic fibres including rayon, tyre cord, polyester filament yarn and nylon 77 Synthetic resins 78 Synthetic rubber excluding molding 79 Tanneries 80 Thermal Power Plants including all barge mounted power plants 81 Tobacco products including cigarettes and tobacco/ opium processing 82 Vegetable oils including solvent extraction and refinery/ hydrogenated oils 83 Yarn/ textile processing involving any effluent/ emission-generating process, bleaching, dyeing, printing and scouring 84 Zinc Smelter 85 Pulping and fermenting of coffee beans 86 Nitrogen compounds (cyanides, cyanamides and other nitrogen compounds) 87 Natural Latex 88 Import and storage of oil 89 Electric bulb filament processing 90 Tyre manufacture 91 Printed circuit board manufacturing units 92 Formulation of Pesticide, insecticide, & fungicide 93 Aquaculture pond including prawn hatcheries 94 Shaving blade manufacturing 95 CNS Shell oil manufacture (cashew or other similar shell) 96 Composting of Pressmud, Bio-fertilizer and organic Nutrients using Spent Wash





97 Manufacture of Office & Household equipments and appliances using fossil fuel for combustion 98 Research laboratories involving chemicals/animals 99 Fluorescent tubular lamps 100 Manufacture of organic nutrient for agricultural and horticultural application Note: 1. Any industry/industrial activity which is not covered in above list having coal fired boiler with steam generation capacity more than 5 T/hr will be covered under Red Category. REVISED LIST OF ORANGE CATEGORY OF INDUSTRY/ORGANIZATION/ACTIVITY WITH EFFECT FROM 01.04.2013 Sl. Industry/Organization/Activity No. 1 Aluminium and copper extraction from scrap using oil fired furnace 2 Automobile servicing, repairing and painting (excluding only fuel dispensing) 3 Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicine (Manufacturing with Boiler) 4 Bakery & confectionery units with production capacity > 1 tpd] 5 Biaxially oriented PP film along with metalising operation 6 Brickfields (excluding fly ash brick manufacturing using lime process) 7 Building & construction projects more than 20,000 Sq mtr built up area 8 Cashew nut processing 9 Chanachur and ladoo from puffed and beaten rice (muri and chira) using husk fired oven 10 Chilling plant, cold storage and Ice making 11 Coke briquetting (sun drying) 12 Cotton spinning and weaving (medium and large scale) 13 Cutting, sizing and polishing of marble stones 14 Dairy and dairy products (small scale) (capital investment on plant & machinery (< Rs.1 crore) 15 DG Set of capacity >1 MVA but <5 MVA) 16 Dismantling of rolling stocks (wagons/coaches ) 17 Dry cell battery (excluding manufacturing of electrodes) & assembling & charging of acid lead battery 18 Emery powder (fine dust of sand) manufacturing 19 Engineering and fabrication units with surface treatment and with trade effluent





20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46

Fertilizer (granulation and formulation only) Fish feed, poultry feed and cattle feed Fish processing and packaging (excluding chilling of fish) Foam manufacturing Food & food processing including fruits & vegetable processing Forging of ferrous & non-ferrous metal (using oil or gas fired boilers) Formulation/palletization of camphor tablets, napthalene balls from camphor/ naphthalene powder Glass, ceramic, earthen potteries and tile manufacturing using oil or gas fired kiln, Coating on glasses using cerium fluoride, magnesium fluoride etc, Glue from starch (physical mixing) Gravure printing, digital printing on flex, vinyl Heat treatment using oil fired furnace (excluding cyaniding) Hotels (Less than 3 star) or hotels having > 20 rooms and less than 100 rooms. Infrastructure development project (other than those covered under Red & Green) Jute processing without dyeing Liquid flour cleaner, black phenyl, liquid soap, glyserol monostearate manufacturing Manufacture of mirror from sheet glass Manufacturing of iodized salt from crude/raw salt Manufacturing of mosquito repellent coil Manufacturing of tooth powder, toothpaste, talcum powder and other cosmetic items Mechanized laundry using oil fired boiler Modular wooden furniture from particle board, MDF, swan timber etc, Celling tiles/ partition board from saw dust, wood chips etc. & other agricultural waste using synthetic adhesive resin, wooden box making Packing materials manufacturing from non asbestos fibre, vegetable fibre yarn Paint blending & mixing (Ball mill) Pharmaceutical formulation and for R&D purpose (for sustained release/extended release of drugs only and not for commercial purpose) Plyboard manufacturing (including vineer & laminate) with oil fired boiler/thermic fluid heater (without resin plant) Potable alcohol (IMFL) by blending, bottling of alcoholic products including Arrack bottling Printing ink manufacturing





47 Printing or etching of glass sheet using hydrofluoric acid 48 Producer gas plant using conventional up-drift coal gasification (linked to rolling mills, glass and ceramic industry, refractories for dedicated fuel supply) 49 Pulverisation of bamboo and scrap wood 50 Reprocessing of waste plastic (excluding PVC) 51 Rolling Mill (oil or gas fired) and cold Rolling mill 52 Seasoning of wood in steam heated chamber 53 Silk screen printing, Saree printing by wooden blocks 54 Spray painting, paint baking, paint stripping 55 Tamarind powder manufacturing 56 Thermocol manufacturing 57 Thermometer making 58 Transformer repairing/manufacturing 59 Tyres and tubes vulcanization/hot retreading 60 Wire drawing & Wire netting 61 Automobile leaf springs. 62 Boiled rice (steamed) / paraboiled rice 63 Cement bulk storage attached with bagging plant/bulk supply in tankers 64 Fenny manufacture 65 Flour Mills with wastewater generation 66 Fragrance, flavours and food additives 67 Milk chilling center 68 Potassium permanganate 69 Pulverizing activity 70 Repairing, cleaning, degreasing, painting and leak proof testing of L.P.G. cylinders and manufacture of cylinders caps for L.P.G. cylinders 71 Sago units 72 Shell grit and shell grit powder 73 Soft drinks, aerated waters including pulp based 74 Solvent extraction plants (excluding refining) 75 Surgical and Medical Products not containing prophylactics and latex product 76 Surgical gauges and bandages involving effluents and emissions 77 Manufacture of Chocolate, cocoa, mass etc., (Other than confectioneries) PAGE




ANNEXURE – II REVISED LIST OF GREEN CATEGORY OF INDUSTRY/ORGANIZATION/ACTIVITY WITH EFFECT FROM 01.04.2013 Sl. No. Industry/Organization/Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Assembling of lead Acid battery Aluminium utensils from aluminium circles Assembly of air coolers/conditioners, repairing and servicing Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicine (without boiler) Bakery/Confectionery/Sweets production (Industrial Scale) Bio fertilizer & bio-pesticide without using inorganic chemicals Biomass Briquettes (sun drying) without using toxic or hazardous wastes Biscuit trays etc. from rolled PVC sheet (using automatic vaccum forming machine) Blending and packaging of Tea Blending of melamine resins & different powder, additives by physical mixing Block making for printing without foundry (excluding wooden block making) Brass & Bell metal utensils manufacturing from circle (without re-Rolling facility) Candy Cardboard or corrugated box and paper products (excluding paper or pulp manufacturing and without using boiler) Carpentry and wooden furniture manufacturing (excluding saw mill) with the help of electrical (motorized) machines such as electric wood planner, steel saw cutting circular blade etc. Cement products (without using Asbestos) like pipe, pillar, jafri, well ring, blocks/tiles etc. (should be done under closed covered shed to control fugitive emissions) [only industrial scale] Ceramic colour manufacturing (not using boiler and wastewater recycling process) Chalk making from plaster of paris Chilling plant and Ice making without use of ammonia Coated electrode manufacturing Compact disc, computer floppy & cassette manufacturing Compressed oxygen gas from crude liquid oxygen Nitrogen and Carbon-Di-oxide CO2 recovery





24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49



Cotton and woolen hosiery making (SSI & Cottage industries) Cotton spinning & weaving (small scale) Decoration of ceramic cups & plates by electric furnace Diesel Generator sets (15 KVA to 1 MVA) Diesel pump repairing & servicing Distilled water Electric lamp (bulb) manufacturing (small scale) Electrical & electronic items assembling Flavoured beatle nut production/grinding Flour mills (dry process) Fly ash bricks/blocks manufacturing Fountain pen manufacturing Glass ampules & vials making from glass tubes Glass putty and sealant Glass, ceramic, earthen potteries and tile manufacturing using electrical kiln or not involving fossil fuel kilns Gold and Silver smithy (purification with acid, smelting operation and sulfuric acid polishing operation) (using less than or equal to 1 litre of Sulphuric Acid / Nitric Acid per month) Groundnut decorticating (dry) Handloom/ Carpet weaving (without dyeing and bleaching operation) Hotels with < 20 bed rooms or banquet hall or with minium floor area of 100 sq. mtr or a restaurant with a minimum seater capacity of 36 Insulation and other coated papers (excluding paper or pulp manufacturing) manufacturing Leather cutting and stitching including Readymade leather garments Leather footwear and leather products (excluding tanning and hide processing) (except cottage scale) Lubricating oils, greases or petroleum based products (only blending at normal temperature) Manufacturing of coir items from coconut husk Manufacturing of metal caps, containers etc. Manufacturing of optical lenses (using electrical furnace)



50 Manufacturing of pasted veneers without using boiler or Thermic Fluid Heater or by sun drying 51 Manufacturing of shoe brush & wire brush 52 Manufacturing of silica gel (without furnace) 53 Medical oxygen 54 Mineralized water 55 Oil mill ghani & extraction (no hydrogenation/refining) 56 Organic and inorganic nutrients (by physical mixing) 57 Organic manure (manual mixing). 58 Paints and varnishes (mixing and blending) (without ball mill) 59 Packing of powdered milk 60 Paper pins and U-clips 61 Phenyl/Toilet cleaner formulation & Bottling 62 Reel manufacturing 63 Polythene & plastic processed products manufacturing (virgin plastics) including plastic injection/ extrusion moulding and plastic cable manufacturing 64 Poultry, hatchery, Piggery 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

Power looms (without dyeing and bleaching) Printing press Industrial scale Puffed rice (muri) (using oil, gas or electrical heating system) Ready mix cement concrete Reprocessing of waste a cotton Rope (Cotton & Plastic) Rubber goods industry (with baby boiler only) Scientific and mathematical instruments manufacturing Soap manufacturing (Handmade without steam boiling) Solar module (Non conventional energy apparatus) manufacturing unit Solar power generation through solar photovoltic cell, wind power & mini hydel power (< 25 MW) Spice grinding (< 20 HP motor) Steel furniture without spray painting Steeping and processing of grains Surgical and medical products not involving effluent/emission generating processes





80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

Synthetic detergent formulation Teflon based products Tyres and tubes retreading (without boiler) Agarbathi Manufacturing Atta chakkies, chilly & masala powder, powdering of spices Body building of wooden boats & trawlers Coffee curing, roasting and grinding (industrial scale) Commercial Complexes, Office Complex/Banks, Cinema Theaters having built up area <20,000 sq.mtrs. in non-sewered areas and having independent STPs/and DG sets (vide G.O.No.FEE 22 EPC 2009 (P-1), dated 04.08.2010 issued by Department of Ecology & Environment, Government of Karnataka

88 89 90 91 92

Cotton ginning Cotton knitting including Socks, Shoe lace Dal Mills, grams roasting, drying Dry distempers without kilns / furnace Engineering and Fabrication units with painting (without generation of trade effluents) including Almirah, Grill manufacturing Fiber glass molding, Fiber Glass reinforced plastic Fish net manufacturing without dyeing Flori-cultures & Horticultures Formulation of Bio-Pesticides and herbicide Formulation Organic Nutrient without the use of spent wash from distillery Garment Stitching General Engineering Industries (Excluding electroplating, heat treatment, forging, casting, pickling de-greasing Phosphating, de-rusting, quenching) Gutka Packing units Hair sizing Ice blocks manufacturing, cold storage & refrigeration rooms Ice cream units Inter locking paving blocks Jaggery manufacturing Kalyanamantapams & Community Halls (for DG Sets) Label manufacturing

93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 PAGE




108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139

Laboratory ware including glass blowing Maize flakes and Maize grit manufacturing Manual and wire cut bricks Manufacturing of veneer only Mosaic tiles Manufacture of Motor & Pumps without foundry (industrial scale) Repairing of electric motors and generators and motor rewinding (industrial scale) Optical frames without electroplating Panel Board, Switches without electroplating Pickle manufacturing Plastic sack bags, woven sack with HDPE, LDPE, Polythene bags (without recycling plastic) Plastic units covered under Plastic Rules, 2011 Press Board Manufacturing PVC pipes, HDPE pipes etc., by extrusion RCC Railway Sleepers Re-packing of finished products (Dry products) Readymade leather garments Research laboratories not involving chemicals/animals Rice Hulling & Phova manufacturing industries Roofing tiles, ridges, decorative tiles Safety Match sticks Saw mills Silk twisting (excluding dyeing & de-gumming) Snuff manufacturing, Beedi manufacturing, chewing tobacco Soft drinks, aerated waters excluding pulp based Software units Sports Goods Stitching of shoe uppers Stone ware pipes Tablets, capsules formulations (dry process) Terra-cotta Transformer assembly unit (industrial scale)





140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154



Tread rubber including pre-cured rubber Umbrellas Assembly, rain coat stitching, tarpaulin stitching Utensils using Brass, Aluminum, Bronze Wax Candles (excluding manufacturing of waxes) Dal Mills Digital printing, on PVC cloth Ice cream Power press Rice mill less than 10 TPD & rice hullers Saw mill Spice grinding (> 20 HP motor) Tea/Coffee processing Amusement Theme Park Holiday Resorts/Jungle Resorts/Beach Resorts Others- not generating trade effluents and process emissions.



NO.PCB/677/COC/2012-13/ 12114

Date: 16-06-2012

NOTIFICATION Sub: Coverage of DG sets attached to Mobile towers under consent Mechanism under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 – reg. Ref: 183rd Board Meeting Proceedings 26th April 2012. Board in its 183rd Meeting discussed the above subject in detail and took decision for issue of one time consents to Mobile Towers by collecting one fee based on the D.G. set capacity. Hence, the following order is issued.

ORDER The periodicity and consent fee to be collected from Mobile Towers shall be as follows: One time permanent consent for operation collecting one fee based on the DG set capacity. A condition shall be stipulated in the consent stating that there shall not be any complaints from the general public due to operation of DG set and the noise generated shall be within the stipulated norms as per rules. Regional Officer shall maintain a separate Register indicating the name and address of the location of the Mobile Tower, DG set capacity for which the consent has been issued. After issue of consent, the file shall be maintained as permanent record.


Copy to:

• Chief Environmental Officer -1(Corporate Cell, 17 Category & E-Governance). • Chief Environmental Officer-2, Non – EIA for information. • SEO (Complaints & Enforcement Cell), SEO (HWM, Battery & Plastics), SEO (Corporate Cell, 17 Category), SEO (BMW, Infrastructure & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher). • All Environmental Officers in the Head Office. • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO KSPCB BULLETIN




(Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad), SEO (Bellary) and SEO (Chitradurga). • All Regional Officers, Regional Office: Bangalore City-1, Bangalore City-2, Bangalore City-3, Bangalore North-1, Bangalore North-2, Bangalore South-1, Bangalore South-2, Bangalore East-1, Bangalore East-2, Bangalore West, Peenya, Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Bijapur, Chamarajanagar, Chikaballapur, Chikmagalur, Chitradurga, Davangere, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Hassan, Haveri, Karwar, Kolar, Koppal, Mandya, Mangalore, Mysore, Raichur, Ramanagara, Shimoga, Tumkur, Udupi, Yadgir. • Chief Scientific Officer, Central Environmental Laboratory. • Chief Administrative Officer. • Chief Finance Officer. • Legal Officer. • Public Relation Officer. • Building Section. • Help Desk. • Notice Board. • Computer Section for uploading in the Boards Website. • Master Copy. • Office Copy.





NO.PCB/181-VOL-2/2012-13 /1533

Date: 30-06-2012

NOTIFICATION Sub: Prescribing consent validity period for Micro Industries with Investments less than 25 Lakhs – regarding. Ref: 1) Board Office Notification No. PCB/181-Vol-2/2011-12/6811, Dt. 06-03-2012. 2) 183rd Board Meeting proceedings Dt. 26-04-2012.

Board in its 183rd Meeting held on 14-03-2012 took decision to fix separate periodicity of consent to Micro Industries with less than Rs.25 Lakhs investment to enable these small units to obtain consent and bring them under the ambit of pollution control laws. Hence, the following order is issued.


The periodicity of consent and consent fee to be collected from Mirco Industries shall be as follows : 1) Micro Red 2) Micro Orange 3) Micro Green

: 5 year consent collecting one fee. : 5 year consent collecting one fee. : One time permanent consent collecting one fee.

The above order will be applicable to all the applications submitted with effect from 1st July 2012. The payment of consent fee for the periods of consent indicated with the consent application is mandatory and no relaxation is permitted. The validity period for Red, Orange and Green category industries shall end on the 30th June, 30th September & 31st December respectively.

Copy to:


• Chief Environmental Officer-1 (Corporate Cell, 17 Category & E-Governance). • Chief Environmental Officer-2, Non EIA for information. • SEO (Complaints & Enforcement Cell), SEO (HWM, Battery & Plastics), SEO (Corporate Cell, 17 Category), SEO (BMW, Infrastructure & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher).





• All Environmental Officers in the Head Office. • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO (Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad), SEO (Bellary) and SEO (Chitradurga). • All Regional Officers, Regional Office: Bangalore City-1, Bangalore City-2, Bangalore City-3, Bangalore North-1, Bangalore North-2, Bangalore South-1, Bangalore South-2, Bangalore East-1, Bangalore East-2, Bangalore West, Peenya, Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bellary, Bidar, Bijapur, Chamarajanagar, Chikaballapur, Chikmagalur, Chitradurga, Davangere, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Hassan, Haveri, Karwar, Kolar, Koppal, Mandya, Mangalore, Mysore, Raichur, Ramanagara, Shimoga, Tumkur, Udupi, Yadgir. • Chief Scientific Officer, Central Environmental Laboratory. • Chief Administrative Officer. • Chief Finance Officer. • Legal Officer. • Public Relation Officer. • Building Section. • Help Desk. • Notice Board. • Computer Section for uploading in the Boards Website. • Master Copy. • Office Copy.





No: KSPCB/238(II)/CC/2012-13/ 4729

Date: 09-11-2012


Subject: Amendment to delegation of powers to issue directions under Section 33(A) & 31(A) of the Water & Air Act respectively to the Head of the Regional Office. Ref: 1. Proceedings of the 147th Board Meeting held on 27-09-2002 2. KSPCB/CC/OM/2002-03/5285, Dated: 11-12-2002 3. Proceedings of the 185th Board Meeting held on 09-10-2012 The Board in its 147th Meeting held on 27.9.2002 had passed a resolution empowering heads of the Regional Offices to issue directions in cases where the industry has never obtained a valid consent or authorization to establish or operate under the relevant provisions of the Acts and Rules. Further, the Board in its 185th meeting held on 09-10-2012 has again deliberated on the subject based on some representations from the industry/industry associations and resolved to amend the delegation of powers to the head of the Regional Office and hence the following modified order is issued with immediate effect.


“The Head of the Regional Office to issue closure directions under section 33(A) and 31 (A) with the prior approval from the Board Office in case any industry/activity has never obtained a valid consent or authorization to establish or operate under the relevant provisions of the Acts and Rules. The Board Office shall give its approval within 30 days from the date of receipt of proposal otherwise it shall be considered as deemed approval by RO to proceed with Closure direction”. The procedure may also include a personal hearing, wherever found to be necessary, after recording in writing the necessity of such personal hearing. The word, ‘opportunity of being heard’ under Sec. 21 of Air Act need not necessarily mean ‘personal hearing’, but simply an opportunity of hearing the party’s claims, which can also be in a written form. Hence conducting a personal hearing with physical presence can be restored to only in important and necessary cases. Appropriate actions referred to at (1) include issue of proposed directions under Section 33(A) of Water Act and 31(A) of Ait Act, to ensure closure/prohibition/regulations of any industry, operation or process or stoppage or regulation of electricity, water supply or any other services for the industries. The review in all such cases will lie to the Consent Committee in the HO. The Chairman can also call for any such file for review and issuance of necessary direction. For any other violations on the part of the industry, which is running with a valid consent or had once obtained CFE/CFO in the past., the RO shall inspect and report to the Board Office. MEMBER SECRETARY KSPCB BULLETIN




To, • CEO-1, Corporate Cell. • CEO -2, Non-EIA of Bangalore Urban & Rural • SEO (Enforcement Cell), SEO (HWM, Battery, MSW, BMW & Plastics), SEO (17 Category), SEO (Infra & Cess), SEO (Mines, Steel & Stone Crusher) • SEO (Bangalore City), SEO (Bangalore East), SEO (Bangalore South), SEO (Bangalore North), SEO (Mysore), SEO (Mangalore), SEO (Dharwad) and SEO (Bellary), SEO (Chitradurga). • All Regional Officers, Regional Office: (1)Bangalore City-East, (2)Bangalore City-Peenya, (3)Bangalore City-South, (4)Bangalore City West, (5)Dasarahalli, (6)Doddaballapura, (7) Nelamangala, (8)Yelahanka, (9)Anekal, (10)Bommanahalli, (11)Rajarajeshwarinagara, (12) Ramnagar, (13)Sarjapura, (14)Chikkaballapur, (15)Hosakote, (16)Mahadevpura, (17)Mysore-1, (18)Mysore-2, (19)Mandya, (20)Chamarajnagar, (21)Tumkur, (22)Chitradurga, (23)Davangere, (24)Kolar, (25)Shimoga, (26)Dharwad, (27)Gadag, (28)Belgaum-1, (29)Belgaum-2 (Chikkodi Centre), (30)Bagalkot, (31)Bijapur, (32)Bellary, (33)Raichur, (34)Koppal, (35)Bidar, (36)Gulbarga, (37)Udupi, (38)Mangalore, (39)Hassan, (40)Chikmagalur, (41)Karwar, (42)Chikballapura, (43) Haveri, (44)Yadgiri. • EO (17 Cat & e-gov) , EO (17 Cat & Fly ash), EO (Corporate cell), EO (MSW & Local bodies), EO(Non-EIA), EO(HWM), EO(Battery, BMW & Plastic, Noise), EO (Awareness, Enf), EO (Non-EIA, other than B’lore), EO (Infrastructure), SO (AAQM cell). • DEO-Enforcement, DEO-Non EIA (Bng Based). • AEO-Help Desk, AEO- Non EIA (other than Bng), AEO-Mines Copy to: • The PA to Chairman for information. • The PA to Member Secretary for information. • Master file.












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