Hamble Sports College Prospectus 2008-09

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Hamble Comm Community Sports College

Vo c a t i o


Hamble Community Sports College





Specialist Sports and Applied Learning Status


Aims and Ethos


Our Curriculum


Student Support


Careers and Information Guidance


Library Resource Centre


College Day


Code of Conduct






Extra Curricular Activities


Admission Policy



It is our aim that our students enjoy their time at Hamble Community Sports College participating fully in all areas of college life. We seek to provide opportunities for all students to work together, whilst developing personal interests to the full. Co-operation and competition are important aspects of college life at Hamble Community Sports College. The traditions and quality of relationships between all sections of the college community are very important to us. As parents, you have a vital role to play in the education of your child. We regard you as partners, seeking your involvement, support and ideas. It is crucial that we work together co-operatively, at all times. We look forward to meeting you.

Ian Knights Headteacher

Hamble Community Sports College

At Hamble Community Sports College we want all our young people to achieve success. We are a co-educational comprehensive college which receives additional resources to promote physical education, sport and applied learning. We aim to treat all our young people as individuals, recognising and respecting the different needs, interests and abilities of each student. We seek to involve students in learning which they ďŹ nd exciting and challenging. Our curriculum is rich and varied and we intend that it should equip our students with the knowledge and skills for responsible citizenship.


Hamble Community Sports College

Specialist Sports and Applied Learning Status


We are a Learning Centre for our community with a special focus on Sport and Applied Learning, these are enhancements to the broad and balanced curriculum that we offer all students.

s extend the range of opportunities available to students which best meet their needs and interests s raise the standard of teaching and learning of the specialist subjects in college

We seek to meet the needs of all students and elite performers as we offer additional opportunities that specialist status provides. Sports College status has enabled us to form a link with Ferndale Combined School in South Africa, as well as enhancing links with our own family of schools and sports partnerships.

s develop values of fair play, leadership and citizenship

Sport and Physical Education are wonderful opportunities for the young people that join us; our Specialist status enables us to :

s develop the knowledge and conďŹ dence to enable students to follow an active and healthy lifestyle through involvement in sport s help students make reasoned decisions for themselves and accept responsiblity

“The school’s work as a specialist sports college is outstanding� Ofsted 2007

At Hamble Community Sports College we seek to:

s promote physical education and sporting opportunities for students and the community

s value and respect all individuals s pursue excellence in every aspect of college life s develop the knowledge, skills and talents of all individuals s promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all students

s recognise and celebrate individual and collective achievement s prepare our students for responsible citizenship s ensure our site provides a secure, attractive and stimulating environment for all users

Hamble Community Sports College

Aims and Ethos


Hamble Community Sports College 4

“The Curriculum meets the needs of students very well, helping them to make considerable progress in Years 10 and 11 and attain good examination results� Ofsted 2007

Our Curriculum Our Curriculum Support

Extended Study Programme

The curriculum at Key stage 3 and Key stage 4 complies with the requirements of current legislation. We strive to offer a broad and balanced curriculum offering the most appropriate education with the resources available for each student.

Students are provided with a student planner in which extended tasks are recorded and tutors check these entries on a regular basis. Parents are asked to check and sign the planner weekly. Not all tasks will necessarily be written work, the type of extended learning will vary according to the age of the students and the subject taught.

Parents of students in Years 7, 8 and 9 are issued with curriculum booklets giving details of the courses in these years. An option booklet is issued to all parents of students in Year 9 setting out in considerable detail the courses offered for Key stage 4.

Assessments and Examinations Continuous assessment is made of each student’s progress through the College. Assessment takes the form of both marking and more formal testing. End of Year tests are held for Years, 7,8,9 and 10. For Year 9 the end of year assessments are the National Curriculum assessments. For the core subjects, English, Mathematics and Science, these assessments take the form of Key Stage 3 tests. The College’s policy is to enter every student for all examination subjects for which they study. It does however reserve the right not to enter candidates who have failed to fulfil coursework requirements or who have failed in their work or attitude to show they have reasonable prospects of success.

Hamble Community Sports College

Upon entering Hamble College we supplement information received from the student’s previous school with a reading and a cognitive assessment. This information is used to help teachers plan lessons across the whole ability range. If a student is identified as having learning or literacy difficulties, an Individual Education Plan is drawn up. Learning Support can help students with their literacy skills and reading. Other support includes inclass support from learning support assistants and specialist teaching from qualified teaching assistants. For more complex or severe needs the Education Authority provides specialist advice. The college week consists of 25 lessons.


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Our Curriculum cont.

Student Support

Religious Education

Care of the Individual

Religious Education follows the Hampshire Syllabus (which is nondenominational in character). The College will be happy to show this syllabus to parents, or to discuss it, if this would be helpful. Parents who wish to withdraw their children from Religious Education may do so by informing the Headteacher in writing. Students in Years 10 and 11 study Religious Education as part of the core programme.

Pastoral Organisation

Sex Education Sex Education is taught by staff within the Personal Social and Health Education programme during Years 9,10 and 11. Topics include Healthy Bodies and Sexual Changes/ Development, Contraception, and Entering Teenage Years. The College seeks to complement the work of the home. Health Education specialists are used to give support and deliver some of the sessions. The policy regarding Sex Education has been established by College Governors who have given their approval to the programme. On written application to the Headteacher, parents may request to withdraw their child from Sex Education. Parents requiring further information should write to the Headteacher.

On joining the College, each student is placed in one of four Learning Communities, these are Lords, Twickenham, Wimbledon and Wembley. They are then placed into a Mentor Group consisting of approximately 25 students, five from each year group. The Mentor is responsible for monitoring students’ academic progress and is also the first point of contact regarding matters concerning the welfare of a student, therefore, the Mentor provides an important link between home and College. Each community has a Community Leader who oversees the work of the Mentors.

Student Welfare Officer The Student Welfare Officer deals with students who become unwell during the college day, accidents which happen on the College premises, and is also concerned with the general health of the students. In addition to these medical duties, the Student

Free Meals and Allowances Each student is issued with their own personal swipe card. To enable the card to be used to purchase food from the canteen, the card needs to be regularly topped up with money. Topping the card up can be done in two ways, by making a cheque payable to HC3S or using one of the cash machines located around the College. Students entitled to free College meals will be allowed to choose food up to the specified value. If they choose to take food to a greater value they may do so, provided that enough cash is entered on their card at the time of sale for the additional amount. Should, however, they choose to take less, there will be no cash refund. If you think that your children are entitled to free College meals please ask the College or the Divisional Education Office for an application form. Every

child who has a right to a free meal should be able to have one. If you are eligible, a limited amount of financial assistance is also available to help you to provide the essential clothing or footwear that your child needs to attend College. Applications are considered at the beginning of Years 7, 9 and 10 and forms are available from the College Office or the Divisional Eduction Office. This allowance may also apply to essential items of clothing or footwear for Physical Education.

Learning Support The Learning Support Team works with teachers to ensure students are given every opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability. The Team not only works with students with Learning Needs, but also those with Physical or Sensory difficulties and those with Emotional or Behavioural difficulties. For students who have difficulties socially, or those with behavioural difficulties, a programme is put in place to support the student and help him or her cope within the College. This involves small group work with the Home/College Liaison Officer and day to day targets monitored by a specialist Learning Support Assistant.

Hamble Community Sports College

Welfare Officer deals with other activities regarding the welfare of individual students. Students must not carry medication around College with them. Students requiring medication during the college day should bring such medication and a note of explanation to the Welfare Officers’ room where medication can be administered under supervision.


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“Care, guidance and support are good� Ofsted 2007

Careers Information and Guidance

Careers Education and Guidance is mainly delivered to students of Years 9,10 and 11 in PSHE although it is included throughout the National Curriculum. In the lower years, students are encouraged to use the careers library, which includes computer software designed to give up to date opportunities in education, training and development, so that appropriate choices can be made. In Year 10 students undertake a work experience placement for two weeks during the summer term. These placements are arranged by Solent Skills Quest. Before their work experience, students are shown how to apply for jobs, practice interview techniques, safety at work and given relevant information about the working environment. In Year 11, representatives from the local colleges visit Hamble, to talk about the courses available. Interviews then take place within the College, and appropriate college courses are offered. Students are then encouraged to attend a ‘Colleges’ Evening’ held at Hamble

and also an Eastleigh jobs fair for those seeking work or employment prospects. Throughout the upper years students receive help from the Connexions Service in the form of one to one interviews, whose considerable expertise and experience proves to be an invaluable support. The Management and Governors of the College recognise the importance of creating an environment in which students may understand their career potential. Therefore, the programme of careers education planned, is continually under review, to ensure that impartial advice and guidance, supports students in making appropriate careers decisions.

Hamble Community Sports College

Careers Education and Guidance aims to prepare young people for adult and working life and to contribute to their development by equipping them with the confidence, initiative, independence and team work skills which will help them to cope with change throughout life.


Hamble Community Sports College

Library Resource Centre


Library Resource Centre & ICT The Library Resource Centre has a central role within Hamble College in supporting and enhancing students’ learning through the provision of resources that are relevant to the diverse ages, abilities and interests of our students. The Library Resource Centre is staffed by a full-time qualified Librarian and Assistant. The current opening hours are: Monday – Thursday 7.30am – 4.15pm Friday 7.30am – 3.30pm

This means the Library Resource Centre is open before, during and after college. Library staff are always available to assist staff and students with research or reading choices from the wide range of books and resources available to suit all ages and abilities. We have daily newspapers and a range of magazines for students. A range of audio tapes and videos are available for loan. The Library Resource Centre has a suite of PCs linked to the College network, which gives students access to the internet. The Library Resource Centre also houses the careers library. Books and other resources are issued using the latest library management system with a biometric fingerprint

recognition system. Each student registers their fingerprint, which the system registers as a 27 digit number unique to the user. The LRC supports the college curriculum and students’ learning processes in a variety of ways. Initially in Year 7 students are given an induction into the use of the Library Resource Centre. This will be reinforced with an additional induction for Year 9 after SAT’s, with emphasis on information retrieval and supported self-study for Key Stage 4. The LRC staff work closely with Hampshire Library Service, keeping abreast of new developments, resources and recently published fiction.

ICT Facilities All departments have access to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facilities to facilitate teaching and research. Four fully equipped ICT suites ensure that all students have access to the internet and the latest technology. These facilities enable all students to study accredited ICT courses.

Hamble Community Sports College

“Students achieve well, attaining above average standards by the end of Year 11” Ofsted 2007


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Lesson 1 8.30 - 9.30 Lesson 2 9.30 - 10.35 Break 10.35 - 10.55 Lesson 3 10.55 - 11.55 Lesson 4 11.55 - 13.00 Lunch 13.00 - 13.30 Lesson 5 13.30 - 14.35 Mentor Group 14.35 - 14.55 (Tuesday to Friday only) Mondays only, students ďŹ nish at 14.35

College Day

It is essential that students attend regularly and punctually. Parents are required to provide the College with details of any occasions when the student has been, or will be, absent from College. This notification should normally take the form of a letter addressed to the Group Mentor. Where no explanation is provided, an absence will be classified as unauthorised. Once at College, students are not allowed to leave the premises without the permission of a member of staff. If a student has been given permission to leave the College premises during the working day they must sign out at reception, where an authorisation slip will be issued.

Holidays in Term Time Parents are requested not to arrange family holidays during term time. Where this is unavoidable, requests for leave of absence should be made in writing well in advance of the date.

Signing Out It is best to make medical appointments outside College hours. If your child must leave College during the day for any reason, then please write a note in your child’s planner in advance of the date.

Students must sign out at the college office and will receive an exit slip. If they return to college later on the same day, then they must sign in again. A copy of the exit slip will be kept on their college record file.

Code of Conduct As a Community College we believe that all users of the campus should be aware of and follow our code of conduct. This code of conduct was established following consultations with students, staff, parents, governors and users of the campus. The code is as follows.

Respect for Others When communicating, do so in such a way that respects the feelings and beliefs of others. Swearing, verbal abuse, physical violence and intimidation are not acceptable. Be courteous at all times.

Respect Property Consider the effect of your actions on other users of the campus. Leave buildings and equipment as you found them in order not to inconvenience other users. Users of the campus should be able to leave property and belongings secure in the knowledge that they will not be interfered with.

Hamble Community Sports College



Hamble Community Sports College 14

Respect Work


Be proud of your work, celebrate your achievements and those of other people. Different people have different abilities. A small achievement for you might be a major achievement for someone else. Do not belittle the success of others – respect other people’s feelings.

In order to maintain the high standards already existing in Hamble Community Sports College, it is necessary for set disciplinary procedures to be upheld.

Responsibility Take responsibility for your actions. Consider fellow users and wherever possible co-operate with them to make everyone feel safe and secure whilst on our campus.

Drugs Policy Any student dealing in an illegal substance on the College campus will automatically be permanently excluded.

“Teaching and learning are good” Ofsted 2007

We regard it as our prime duty to ensure that every student has the opportunity to develop fully in a secure environment, making use of different educational methods according to the needs of the individual. Part of this development is an awareness of the needs of others. Living for a great part of each day in a community of approximately one thousand people demands a high standard of manners, behaviour and a conscientious approach to many aspects of college life. Hamble College has a code of conduct we expect all students to follow. Bullying is not tolerated and the College has a number of strategies to implement if incidents of bullying occur. If the high standard of work and conduct that we expect seems to be deteriorating then a variety of

sanctions (e.g. verbal rebuke, extra work in the student’s own time, loss of privileges, special report) are applied. There is a College detention system and if appropriate, a student may be kept after College. Students and parents are always given 24 hours notice of a detention. There are, occasionally, times when a student’s behaviour is such that they have to be excluded from College on a short term or permanent basis. Parents will, of course, be informed and will have the right to make representations to the governing body if they consider the action to be unreasonable. Parents may (on request) obtain a copy of the Procedure for the Exclusion of Students from the College Office.

Hamble Community Sports College




Hamble Community Sports College


s Minimises competition over dress and fashion, avoiding exposing differences in social and economic status of students. s Promotes a positive image of the college within our Community. s Educates students about the need to wear appropriate clothing. s Conforms to the requirements of health and safety.

Girls s Navy blue blazer with College badge s Pale blue shirt with a collar, worn with a College tie s Plain black skirt or divided skirt (knee length) s Black socks or black tights (short white socks may be worn in summer)

Or s Plain black trousers, worn with plain black socks s Black shoes (no boots, trainers or high heeled shoes)

PE kit s Navy blue shorts/cycling shorts s Navy blue polo shirt s Red sports socks and white ankle socks

s Trainers (non-marking soles) s Towel for showering s One piece swimming costume in navy blue and a swimming cap s Tracksuit bottoms in navy blue for cold weather s Navy blue rugby style sweat shirt

Boys s Navy blue blazer with the College badge s Pale blue shirt with a collar, worn with the College tie s Black trousers(no jeans or cords) s Black socks s Black shoes (no boots or trainers)

Please note that clothes in denim, leather or simulated leather are not allowed.

PE kit s Navy blue shorts s Navy blue polo shirt s Red sports socks and white ankle socks s Trainers (non-marking soles) s Towel for showering s Swimming trunks in navy blue and a swimming cap s Tracksuit bottoms in navy blue for cold weather s Navy blue rugby style shirt s Studded football boots

Hamble Community Sports College

The policy on uniform at Hamble Community Sports College is based upon the following principles:


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Shirts for students representing the College in team games will be provided by the College.(Students must provide their own navy blue shorts and red socks). Ties and swimming caps can be purchased from the College. Mouth guards and shin pads are strongly recommended for all games activities.

Hair – Students are expected to

All Students

Aprons and overalls are required but these will be specified by the teachers concerned. It is worth noting that long hair and slip-on shoes constitute a hazard in some practical lessons and it is insisted upon that suitable shoes are worn, hair tied back safely so they do not constitute a danger in the laboratory situation. Laboratory coats will be provided by the College if required.

Outdoor Wear – plain dark, or navy blue overcoat, raincoat, anorak or kagoul (no logos) Fluorescent patches are approved for safety reasons. Jewellery – a watch, one pair of plain studs (one in each ear lobe) and College badges are the only acceptable additions to the prescribed uniform.

Make up – a discreet amount of make up and colourless nail varnish may be worn by Year 11 students. Blazers are optional for the second half of the Summer term only. Students have the option to purchase the College sweatshirt

maintain their hair at a suitable length. If hair is dyed, colours should be restricted to those found in natural hair. Streaks of colours or other extreme styles are not permitted. (For health and safety reasons pupils will be required to tie their hair back when considered necessary)

Practical Lessons

Extra Curricular Activities Students are encouraged to take part in activities which take place before and after College. When arrangements are made for students to leave the College site to participate in activities elsewhere, the students’ parents will be given , in advance, details of the proposed arrangements. A list of all extra curricular activities is published within the College each term.

There is a good range of physical education and sport available. Students are encouraged to take part in order to develop a competitive spirit either based on teamwork or as an individual. College teams enter most of the local leagues and competitions and individual talent is positively encouraged so that some students compete at County and National levels. Arrangements are made frequently for groups to visit places of interest or of educational enrichment. In recent years these have included Art Galleries, Cinemas, Concerts, Museums, Theatres and the Calshot Activities Centre. Also the Drama and Music Departments stage a number of public performances.

Links with Industry An important aspect of the curriculum is our links with Industry. Valuable contact has been established with over thirty local companies. These links are introduced into many areas of the curriculum. Representatives of local firms are encouraged to visit the college to enhance the students’ industrial understanding, and reciprocal visits are arranged to these firms. In addition, cross-curricular ventures such as ‘Industry Days’, and ‘Women into Engineering’ are carried out.

The College participates in an Industrial Mentoring Project and in a Young Enterprise Scheme. Close and very positive links have been developed within Eastleigh Action for Skills.

Admission Policy 2009-2010 Hampshire County Council is the admission authority for all community and voluntary controlled primary and secondary schools. The admission arrangements are determined by the County Council, after statutory consultations. The County Council will consider first all those applications by the published deadline of midday on Friday 24 October 2008. Late applications (i.e. those submitted after midday on 24 October 2008) will be considered after all on time applications unless exceptional circumstances merit earlier consideration. Letters to parents offering a secondary school place will be sent by the County Council on 2 March 2009. For the main admission round, all preferences will be considered simultaneously and ranked in accordance with the admission criteria. If more than one school can offer a place, the parent’s highest stated preference will be allocated. If the school is oversubscribed, places will be offered in the following

Hamble Community Sports College

Physical Education


priority order. Places for late applications will be allocated using the same criteria.

Admissions Criteria:

Hamble Community Sports College

1 Children who are in the care of the Local Authority or provided with accommodation by that authority in accordance with Section 22 of the Children Act 1989. (A letter from the Children’s Services Department confirming the child’s status must be provided.)


2 Children or families who have a serious medical, physical or psychological condition which makes it essential that the child attends the preferred school rather than any other. (Appropriate medical or psychological evidence must be provided in support.) 3 Children living within the catchment area of the school who at the time of application have a brother or sister (including children living as siblings in the same family unit) on the roll of the preferred school and who will still be on roll at the time of the sibling’s admission. 4 Children living within the catchment area of the school who live closest to the school, based on the shortest distance from home to the main gate on Satchell Lane, measured as a straight line. 5 Children living outside the catchment area of the school who at the time of the application have a

brother or sister (including children living as siblings in the same family unit) on the roll of the preferred school and who will still be on roll at the time of the sibling’s admission. 6 Children living outside the catchment area of the school, who at the time of application attend one of the linked primary schools. 7 Children living outside the catchment area of the school who live closest to the school, based on a straight line from the school to the entrance to the property.

General Information In the event of a school closure, pupils from the closing school may be given a higher priority (for example this might include the child being treated as in catchment) within the admission criteria for any school nominated as the receiving school. Specific arrangements will be determined by the Local Authority in accordance with the School Admissions Code and will be published at the time for the specific schools affected by a particular closure.

Siblings Criteria 3 and 5 includes children who at the time of application have a sibling for whom the offer of a place at the preferred school has been accepted, even if the sibling is not yet attending.

Waiting List

If the last pupil to be offered a place within the school’s published admission number (PAN) is a multiple birth or same cohort sibling, any further sibling will be admitted, if the parents so wish, even though this may raise the intake number above the school’s PAN. The PAN will remain unchanged so that no other pupil will be admitted until a place becomes available within the PAN.

When all available places have been allocated, schools will operate a waiting list. Parents who wish their child to be included on the waiting list must inform the school in writing. Any places that become available will be allocated according to the criteria of the admission policy with no account being taken of the length of time on the waiting list or any priority order expressed as part of the main admission round. In year fair access and school closure arrangements will take priority over the waiting list. The waiting list will be reviewed and revised – Each time a child is added to, or removed from, the waiting list; When a child’s changed circumstances will affect their priority; At the end of each school year, when parents with a child on the waiting list will be contacted and asked if they wish to remain on the list for the following school year. Parents may keep their child’s name on the waiting list of as many schools as they wish and for as long as they wish.

Pupils with statements of special educational needs. The governors will admit any pupil whose final statement of special educational needs names the school. In Year Fair Access placements by the Local Authority. The Local Authority must ensure that all pupils are placed in schools as quickly as possible. It may therefore sometimes be necessary for a pupil to be placed by the Local Authority, or a local placement panel acting on behalf of the Authority, in a particular school even if there is a waiting list for admission. Such placements will be made in accordance with the provisions of any protocol approved by the Admission Forum, based on legislation and government guidance. If an admission through In Year Fair Access raises the number on roll above the PAN, no further pupil will be admitted from the waiting list until a place becomes available within the PAN.

Hamble Community Sports College

Multiple Births


How to ďŹ nd us &Y






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Hamble Community Sports College Satchell Lane Hamble Hampshire SO31 4NE T: (023) 8045 2105 F: (023) 8045 7439 e: adminofďŹ ce@hamble-community.hants.sch.uk w: www.hamble-community.hants.sch.uk Hamble Sports Complex T: (023) 8045 2321 F: (023) 8045 2913

Schools Curriculum Award



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