Kent State in Florence

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Florence S t u dy A b r oa d

Basilica of Santa Croce Palazzo Bartolini Baldelli

W h y K e n t s t a t e f l o r e n ce ? Kent State University has been educating students in Florence for more than 40 years. Home to the program is the Palazzo dei Cerchi, a renovated 13th-century palace in the very heart of the city, with the remarkable combination of medieval frescos and wireless Internet. Our campus also includes Palazzo Bartolini Baldelli, on the corner of Via dei Benci and Piazza Santa Croce, where a classroom balcony overlooks the historic Basilica of Santa Croce, burial site of Galileo and Michelangelo.

Comprehensive orientations before you leave the States and when you arrive in Italy prepare you for life in Florence. Our staff is there to get you settled and is available all semester to help with everything from a medical emergency to a restaurant recommendation. Our faculty provide an outstanding education in the classroom and out, capitalizing on the Florentine setting with city walks, museum visits, and field trips. Instruction is in English, and Kent State Florence offers a wide selection of courses in various subject areas, along with all levels of Italian language. If you’re not a Kent State student, it’s easy to enroll as a guest, and a transcript will automatically be sent to your home university. And if Florence is your preferred destination but you don’t see the perfect program in this booklet, contact the Office of Global Education. Kent State Florence also offers a Summer Institute, graduate coursework, and short faculty-led courses.

Florence, Italy

Palazzo dei Cerchi

Piazza della Repubblica

The Adventure of a Lifetime You’ll live and study in one of the most beautiful and historic cities on earth, walking the same stone streets Leonardo da Vinci and Dante walked. And Italian food is amazing – you will be surrounded by the best pizza, fresh pasta, gelato, prosciutto, espresso, panini... But that’s just while you’re in class Monday through Thursday. You also have long weekends to explore Europe­­­– maybe Paris, London, Barcelona, or a medieval village in the Tuscan countryside. You could spend Thanksgiving in Ireland or spring break in Santorini – it’s your adventure!

Increased Global Awareness How do you begin to understand the world beyond your borders if you’ve never witnessed it? As a Kent State Florence student, you aren’t just a tourist, you’re a member of the community, sharing a daily routine with local residents and beginning to understand life through the lens of another culture. Being exposed to diverse ways of life and facing the challenges of cross-cultural communication are essential to becoming a global citizen, which is so important in today’s highly interdependent political and economic systems.

Personal Growth No one who studies abroad can be unchanged by the experience. It is truly transformative. Expect to return home more independent and confident, with improved skills in problem solving and leadership. Students who study abroad learn about themselves as they learn about the world. Many find new directions and passions, and form lifelong friendships. They are empowered by accomplishments large and small, from a brief Italian conversation with a shopkeeper to picking the perfect plane/train/bus/taxi combination to get to the Eiffel Tower.

Career advancement Study abroad gives you an edge in the job hunt. It distinguishes you as adventurous, creative, flexible and adaptable – all traits prospective employers look for. A recent study found that students who studied abroad landed jobs in their fields sooner and earned higher starting salaries than students who did not. Effective communication across cultures has become critical in all professions, and your background in this area will set you apart. Office of Global Education workshops can help you articulate the value of your experience on your resume and in interviews.

Academic s

You don’t need a particular major to study in Florence or even any major at all. The self-discovery that takes place during a semester in Florence has been known to inspire undecided or exploratory students with the direction they’ve been looking for. All majors are welcome at Kent State Florence, and if you plan ahead and work with an advisor, the range of courses offered will keep you progressing on schedule toward your degree. In addition to all levels of Italian language, you’ll find a variety of courses in many disciplines. Course credit is awarded by Kent State University and is widely accepted around the world.

The following courses are open to all students regardless of major. Most have no prerequisites, but check the catalog or talk with an advisor for details.

ARCH 46995 Architecture & Media ARTH 42095 Italian Art from Giotto to Bernini BUS 30195 Business and Government Relations BUS 30234 International Business CCI 40095 Italian Cinema CLAS 21405 The Roman Achievement (Kent Core) COMM 35852 Intercultural Communication COMM 45091 The Genius of Florence FDM 35080 Fashion and the Media FDM 35901 Italian Fashion and Culture FIN 36053 Business Finance

HIST 41014 Europe in the Renaissance ITAL 15201 Elementary Italian I ITAL 15202 Elementary Italian II ITAL 25201 Intermediate Italian I ITAL 25202 Intermediate Italian II ITAL 35211 Italian Composition & Conversation I ITAL 35213 Italian Composition & Conversation II JMC 40009 / COMM 45091 Comparative Media Systems MKTG 45060 International Marketing POL 40995 European Issues PSYC 11762 General Psychology (Kent Core)

Architecture + ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN Florence is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe and is an ideal place to study architecture, art, and design. The city has more than 100 museums devoted to the fine arts; and the city center is a museum in itself, filled with meticulously preserved architecture dating from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Through Kent State’s College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED) in Florence, students will encounter the rebirth of architecture in Europe and witness in person the historical evolution of European art, interior design, and urbanism – including the contemporary art and design scene in Italy. Architecture and Interior Design – fall and spring: ARCH 30012 Urban Design Florence, Italy ARCH 30112 3rd Year Design Studio II Florence, Italy ARCH 46995 Reading Cities Field Trips ARCH 46995 Sketching and Drawing ARCH 46995 Video, Media & Architecture ID 34002 Interior Design Studio IV: Global and Historical Context

ID 44014 History of Interiors II 16th-19th Century ID 44527 Study Tours ITAL 15204 Basic Conversational Italian Architectural Studies – fall only: ARCS 20121 Studio for Architectural Studies ARCH 46995 Architecture & Media

Business As the world economy has become profoundly interdependent and even a small company may have customers around the world, those embarking on careers in business must understand the global marketplace and the issues involved in working with people of other cultures. The Kent State Florence European Business Program is ideal for students pursuing a major in business management or a minor in international business. In addition to coursework in Florence, students visit such European financial and business centers as Milan and Geneva. They learn from international business leaders and CEOs during workshops and guest lectures. BUS 30195 Business and Government Relations BUS 30234 International Business MKTG 45060 International Marketing FIN 36053 Business Finance

Communication CCI Florence (College of Communication and Information) offers courses designed to take advantage of the international setting while keeping students focused on their majors and progressing toward their degrees. Students can acquire or advance skills in such courses as Practicum in European Media, in which they work in small teams to create documentary films using advanced digital technology. Through CCI Florence, Global Communication majors can complete their study abroad requirement and progress in their language requirement, and Applied Communication majors can complete their Practicum requirement. CCI 40095 Italian Cinema COMM 35852 Intercultural Communication COMM 45091 The Genius of Florence COMM 45091 / COMM 46092 / JMC 40095 Practicum in European Media JMC 40009 / COMM 45091 Comparative Media Systems

Home to Kent State Florence – Palazzo Bartolini Baldelli and Palazzo dei Cerchi

Education The Kent State Florence Teacher Education Semester is designed to provide all education majors with a meaningful international experience that allows continued progress toward degree and licensure. School visits and cultural field experiences are integrated into the semester’s study. Kent State is the first university to offer an International Baccalaureate Early Childhood teaching program, which prepares graduates to seek employment at IB schools. Students in the Teacher Education Semester will acquire further global learning experience that will enhance career opportunities in the United States and abroad. CI 47095 Italian History and Culture + Field Experience EPSY 29525 Educational Psychology PSYC 11762 General Psychology

Fashion The Kent State Florence Fashion program provides junior-level Fashion Design and Merchandising students the opportunity to take design studio and merchandising classes to complete major requirements, while exploring Italian fashion and culture through various study tours. During spring semesters, students attend premier Italian trade shows and visit Italian destinations known for fashion and textiles, such as Milan, Como, Prato, and Rome. In fall semesters they visit European fashion capitals such as London and Paris, as well as important Italian locations for investigating components of the fashion industry. FDM 35080 Fashion and the Media FDM 35901 Italian Fashion and Culture FDM 45592 Field Experience – European Fashion Study Tour ITAL 15204 Basic Conversational Italian

Fall only: FDM 30171 Florence Fashion Design Studio I FDM 30260 Product
Development in the
 Fashion Industry Spring only: FDM 30172 Florence Fashion Design Studio II FDM 30262 Fashion Merchandise Planning and Buying

Honors The Honors in Florence program is designed to offer Honors College students uniquely challenging and engaging experiences in this remarkable and vibrant historic setting. Students will gain an international perspective and learn about other cultures through a variety of curricular offerings and educational travel opportunities tailored for them. Students studying in Florence who complete the Honors Study Away Contract will receive three Honors credit hours for meeting all the contract requirements. They may receive additional Honors credit hours if they complete one or more of the Honors courses available in Florence. Courses available for Honors credit include: ARTH 42095 Italian Art from Giotto to Bernini BUS 30234 International Business JMC 40009 / COMM 45091 Comparative Media Systems POL 40995 European Issues

Siena, Italy

S t u dy To u r s

In addition to introducing students to such extraordinary Italian cities as Rome and Venice, Field Trip and Study Tour destinations are selected to bring extra depth to students’ understanding of their specific areas of study. For example, Architecture students explore Verona, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; Business students investigate the global financial center of Geneva; Communication students visit media and communication establishments in Milan; and Fashion students travel to Paris fashion houses and Italian textile producers. Field trips by cohort (destinations are subject to change and may vary by semester): Architecture & Interior Design: Milan, Rome, Siena, Venice, Verona

Business: Geneva, Rome, Perugia, Venice, Milan

Communication: Milan, Rome, Perugia, Venice

Education: Reggio Emilia, Rome, Venice

Fashion: London, Paris, Como, Milan, Prato, Rome

Humanities: Lucca, Rome, Venice

Program Costs

Costs of Kent State Florence are three-part: tuition, program charges, and out-of-pocket expenses.

Tuition and fees for Kent State Florence are based on approved tuition and fees rates including non-Ohio resident rate if applicable. Tuition and fees will be posted to your Kent State student account to be paid according to university-published due dates. Program Charges include airfare, housing, program fee, field trip fee, and medical insurance. All these charges will be posted to your Kent State student account to be paid according to universitypublished due dates. Out-of-Pocket Expenses include food, personal expenses, and independent travel. You have a lot of flexibility with these costs and can make decisions based on your own financial situation. For example, will you eat in expensive restaurants, or will you invite friends to shop together and cook at home? For weekend travel, will you stay in luxury hotels or hostels? Or to spend even less, stay close to home — ­ there is so much to see in Florence and surrounding Tuscany.

Details of Program Charges: Airfare includes round trip transportation from Ohio to Florence, Italy. Students may opt to fly independently instead. Housing is in furnished apartments, which include utilities, wireless Internet, bed linens, and kitchen essentials. Towels are not provided. Field Trip Fee covers lodging, breakfast, transportation and all entry fees.


Program Fee covers (among other things) administrative costs in Kent and in Florence, stay permits, teaching and library materials, Internet service, orientation sessions, and social and cultural activities. Medical Insurance as required by Kent State University, valid only for expenses incurred outside of the United States.

$5,000 Ohio resident / $9,000 Non-Ohio resident





Program Fee


Field Trip Fee

$ 550 - $2,500 **

Medical Insurance

$ 200

** Actual field trip fee depends on program of study. Each academic cohort has different field trip destinations, resulting in different costs. These costs are estimates and are subject to change. Official 2014-15 tuition and fees will be approved by the Board of Trustees prior to the beginning of the fall 2014 semester. Housing and field trip fees are subject to change based on the dollar-to-euro exchange rate. See as well as Kent State Admissions and Financial Aid websites for the most up-to-date figures. Financial Aid and Scholarships are available to qualifying students. Talk with advisors in the Kent State Office of Financial Aid and the Kent State Office of Global Education for more information.

A pp l i c a t i o n

A Kent State Florence Application can be downloaded at or copies are available in the Kent State Office of Global Education. Application Deadlines April 15 for fall semester October 1 for spring semester Some cohorts may have earlier deadlines; see academic area websites for exact dates.

Applicants must be in good standing at their home institution. An Admission Decision will be made as soon as your application file is complete. Applications will not be considered for admission until all items have been submitted. Your Complete Application will include a $30 application fee, two recommendation forms, a waiver of responsibility, official transcripts, and six standard passport photos. See or visit the Kent State Office of Global Education for details and application materials. In addition to the above application requirements, Non-Kent State Students must complete a Guest Student Application, giving you temporary student status, and a Transcript Release Authorization, so a transcript will automatically be sent to your home institution. Both are simple forms, and there is no fee for either. Links to both can be found with application details on A valid Passport and Italian Student Visa are also required for participation. If you don’t have a passport, go to to apply. There is no fee for the Italian student visa, and the Kent State Office of Global Education will assist in securing it. For questions call or email the Office of Global Education: 330-672-7980 or, or stop by 106 Van Campen Hall and speak with an Education Abroad Advisor.


Housing Kent State Florence students live in fully furnished apartments within a 10- to 20-minute walk to school. The apartments are centrally located in various neighborhoods, giving students the true experience of living as a local. Each apartment houses two to eight students. They are completely furnished, including bed linens, kitchen utensils, refrigerator, stove, TV, and wireless Internet. Home stays are available for students who wish to have a more culturally and linguistically immersive experience.

Kent State Florence is a comprehensive academic and cultural program. In addition to completing a full course load, students have many opportunities to get acquainted with Florence and Italy. Open to all students and included in the program fee are these Activities introducing Italian life and culture:

A Night at the Opera: Enjoy a celebrated opera by one of the great Italian composers performed in beautiful St. Mark’s Church.

Soccer Match: Join 40,000 Italians in going wild over their national sport as you wear purple and cheer on the Fiorentina.

Kent State Cinema: Great Italian films shown with English subtitles, including classics like Fellini’s 8 1/2 and Rossellini’s Open CIty.

Italian Cooking Class: Prepare classic Italian dishes under the guidance of trained chefs, and then enjoy every delicious bite!

RIver Rafting: Admire the architectural beauty of Florence from a new perspective: a relaxing rafting trip down the Arno.

Ferragamo & Gucci Museums: Florence and fashion are inseparable. Bask in the work of two geniuses of 20th-century Italian style.

Volunteer Opportunities: Give back to Florence by working with the elderly or helping to keep the city clean with Angeli del Bello.

Museum Pass: Semester-long access to Florence’s most extraordinary art and sculpture galleries, churches, museums and villas.

F o u r m o n t hs t ha t w i l l c ha n g e y o u r l i f e …



communication major

Architecture Major

Living in Europe was the best time of my life because I became, more than ever, confident in myself and appreciative of life’s treasures. The academic coursework fit in perfectly with my semester, and I will achieve my degree in four years as planned. Though I was enrolled in 19 credit hours and two Honors courses, I would not recommend that students pile so much on their plates. Traveling on the weekends was a life-learning experience because you’re doing it with others who want to get as much out of the opportunity as possible, and more homework than you need will just subtract from your time to explore the continent.

It was not until I was standing in the streets of Florence with nothing but a suitcase and a few friends, everyone around me speaking a language I couldn’t understand, and my parents no longer a phone call away, that I realized I was truly on my own. My parents have told me since arriving home that I left a boy and came back a man, and I agree. I am much more confident and have learned not to rely on others so much. I have become used to making my own decisions and learning from the mistakes that inevitably come with that responsibility. And I have learned how to be much more accepting of those who are not exactly like me.

The most important piece of advice I have is this: Be open to new things as you’ve never been before, and push yourself outside your comfort zone. Learn something new and grow in some way every day. It will feel like a crime to feel and smile the way you do because it’s that amazing. The value was worth much more than the cost. I would 100% recommend this opportunity.

I am here to tell anyone who is interested that despite the hardships they may face when considering this decision, be they financial, emotional, or any other, if there is any possible way to get abroad, do it. I had these same concerns, but looking back, I would not have missed the opportunity to study architecture in Italy and the surrounding countries for anything in the world.

Contemplating Van Gogh

Just some of the ways Kent State Florence students spend their weekends and breaks...

Crossing Abbey Road



Netherlands London

Thanksgiving in ireland


Shortening a Bucket List


Cinque Terre hiking in Cinque Terre Skiing in the Swiss Alps

SPAIN Barcelona Riding a camel in Morocco Marveling at Barcelona

Leaning in Pisa


Learning about the Holocaust Back to nature in Croatia

Exploring a Tuscan Village



Listening to Mozart



Croatia Building bridges in Bosnia


Tuscany Pisa

Bosnia Herzegovina

ITALY Positano

Spring Break in Greece


Ferry hopping to Rhodes

Zooming around Santorini Cruising the Amalfi Coast



Office of Global Education 106 Van Campen Hall

625 Loop Road


Kent State University Kent Ohio 44242

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