Graphic Design History Stylebook

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Stylebook Katie Chronister History of Graphic Design 1


An ideograph uses elementary style pictures to convey thoughts, ideas, or meaning. There are tons of ideographs in our everyday life today. Such as a recycling symbol, a no smoking sign. And all different kinds of street signs and such we see every single day.


Now this is something so common that people sometimes dont even know the actual name for it. It was developed from the latin words “in et� which means and. It could actually be conidered a logogram.


This is “Bighorn Sheep� over in Utah near Moab. It looks similiar to the examples from class. It is a visual communication from the Native American, probably something to do with hunting or eating. Its actually kind of interesting to think what they really were trying to communicate o long ago.


There are so so so many trademarks now days. Almost anywhere you look you will find them. Every major company and manufacturer will have osme kind of trademark, some a bit more memorable than others. The first ones that i thought of were Targer, Mcdonalds, Apple, and FedEx. Fedex is probably one of my favorite tradmarks, or logos, because of the simplicity and the cleverness. There are so many people who don’t ever see the clever part in the “E” and”x”.


Rebus’ are so much fun! A rebus is a series of simplistic pictures, letters, and or numbers that tell a story or describe a phrase. I have a friend that always get Mickeys beer, and on the inside of the cap it always has a rebus. They are so much fun to figure out.

Drop Caps

Drop caps are a type of initial cap that just drop down into the rest of the type. Which is different from the initial cap that just sits at the top of the first line. This first example is from Teen Vogue magazine. Which just goes to show that there are so many styles that we still use today from way back when. Its actually an extremely popular text style among magazines i have noticed lately. The second examplpe I have here is a traditional style Drop cap. It is from the Greek New Testament in 1516, specifically the “Gospel of Matthew�. This, as you can tell, is much more decorative and ornate than from todays version.

Initial Cap

This is an Initial cap example from Vogue magazine. Which actually was slightly hard to find. I noticed that in most magazines/newpapers today drop caps are used extremely commonly. Although Initial caps are not. They seem to only be used in like the cover story or something.


This is a characteristic of illuminated manuscripts. I found my example in Vogue magazine. Which this is quite a bit les dramatic than what they used to be i suppose, so I may call this a modern interpretation . But it does show that the style is still common and still used in modern times. Its one of those style that probably will always be around.


This here is a modern interpretation of textura, or blackletter as otherwise known. Which is basically just like an old english font or type. This is a photo i found that isnt exactly like the traditional textura, but definitley shows influence from it. The way the letters are connected and the mix of thick and thin lines within the letters. Also the “N� is stylized a bit more and a tad bit larger than the rest of the word.


This is a type of fancy unique script writing originated from the Japanese. This is a beautiful example of some hand done calligraphy. It shows most of the characteristics of the traditional style, which include the mix of thick and thin lines and decorative curves and such.


A broad side is basically what we would call a poster today. It is a large sheet of paper only printed on one side. This is a slightly modern interpretation of a broadside. When i was looking for examples i noticed there were lots done during the time of war, which is not strange because they would usually be used to communicate news or politics.


Interlace is a characteristic of illuminated manuscripts. This is an example from an English manuscript. It has lots of interesting interlace in the initial cap. Its very well done, and I love the incorporation of color and vibrancy in this. This second example is also super great. It is from a manuscript of the Qur’an in 1182. It also shows example of borders used at the time. Which is were lots of fun interlacing are in this example


This is definitley not a traditioinal ligature, but its a fun new take on ligatures. I like the way they used the connection of letters in new ways, but also kept the same idea of the original ligatures. I like when i see ligatures used, because it is not cursive, or script writing, but it shows a little bit of flow to the writing.

Stained Glass

This is my favorite ever. I am obsessed with owls and so i had to use this. Im not sure if this would be considered a modern interpretation or tradtional example, but either way its a simple example of stained glass in a metal frame. The second example i have here is a photo I took while i was in Europe this past summer. It is the central windows inside the Salisbury Cathedral. I love it because its not what i would originally think of for a cathedral window. Its more abstract and unique.

Flying Buttress

This was also a picture I have from my visit to Europe. It was inside the Oxford University Campus. And I believe it shows a small flying buttress near the left. These are actually hard to spot for me, they tend to hide themselves in the architecture pretty well. A Flying buttress is basically a stand to help support the vertical building.

Pointed Arch

A pointed arch is actually pretty self-explanitory. It is actually an architectural support though. This is another photo i took while at Oxford, it shows a great example of a pointed arch right in the center window of the tower. As i was looking through my pictures, i realized that just about 90% or more of the windows at Oxford were pointed arches as well.


This is also referred to as the “Late Baroque”, it’s an 18th century style that developed right as the Baroque period was dying down. Rococo is just absolutely amazing. Wow is all I have to say. I couldn’t even imagine trying to make decor or furnishings that ornate and detailed. Everything has so many small ornate patterns and everything it’s really incredible.


Foreshortening is incredibly difficult to pull off. Foreshortening is when an object is compressed or skewed because of the angle of perspective. I chose this example because this illustration does a great job of capturing all the elements. The image looks very nicely proportioned in the perspective it is in.

Ribbed Vault

This is the intersection of vaults that are usually carved and made into decorative elements of architecture. Again I am using another photo from my Europe visit. This is from the Salisbury Cathedral . The entire ceiling almost was made of ribbed vaults, along with decorative paintings and color added, it more the cathdral that much more beautiful.


Last but not least I am going to use anothe photo of the salisbury cathdral for this example. The architecture is an English Gothic style. This photo shows many elements of the style. The cathdral actually has the tallest church spire in the UK which is a big characteristic of the Gothic style, as well as all the pointed arches, the flying butressess, the stained glass on the inside, and the ribbed vault ceilings. This cathdral is a breathtaking example of the Gothic style.

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