KTD Creative designed an annual report for ACDI/VOCA.

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Financial Report ACDI/VOCA and U.S. Affiliates Consolidated Statements of Activities

Revenues By Geographic Region Middle East & North Africa [ 21% ]

Sub-Saharan Africa [ 47% ]


In-kind support

158,996,759 10,250,127

Income from affiliated financial institutions





Interest income and other income


Total revenues $ 168,814,228 EXPENSES Overseas program


General and administrative

144,070,679 23,814,957

Total expenses $ 167,885,636 NET ASSETS Unrestricted, beginning of year


Unrestricted, end of year

Asia [ 11% ]

Europe & Central Asia [ 4% ]

20 | 2011 Annual Report

Temporarily restricted, beginning of year Temporarily restricted, end of year1 1. Includes ARFC, Arvand, Frontiers and KredAqro 2. Includes ACDI/VOCA and ASI


We work with over 3,000 local partner institutions, including farmer-based organizations, civil society organizations, NGOs and other stakeholder groups, as well as governmental entities, private sector firms and financial institutions. We are deeply grateful to these local partners and to our funders, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the UN Development Program, the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the governments of Colombia and Ecuador, private sector and industry entities such as Mars, Inc., Ristokcacao, Transmar Group and the World Cocoa Foundation, ACDI/VOCA member cooperatives and farm credit banks, individuals, and others.


“ACDI/VOCA is not only your organization, it is ours too.” — Provincial Council chairman, northern Iraq




Global [ 1% ]

Over 90 percent of our staff is local to the countries where we operate, and in 2011 we spent 85 percent of our funding and support on program expenses.

REVENUES Contracts and grants

Latin America & Caribbean [ 16% ]

We were founded to do grassroots development, and building local capacity is in our DNA.

27,099,427 $

26,598,015 PHOTOGRAPHY: FRONT COVER: Bottom Left Photo: David Snyder INSIDE COVER: Man In Suit: David Snyder PAGE 13: David Snyder ALL OTHER PHOTOGRAPHY © ACDI/VOCA photo files EDITOR: Kristin Witting DESIGN: katetallentdesign.com We engaged a printer for the production of this report that is 100 percent wind powered and certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Seven trees preserved for the future 3,185 gallons wastewater flow saved 352 lbs. solid waste not generated 694 lbs. net greenhouse gases prevented 5,310,375 BTUs energy not consumed

2011 Annual Report | 21

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