KTD Creative designed an annual report for ACDI/VOCA.

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This report is dedicated to those we serve worldwide: the farmers, entrepreneurs, cooperatives and other organized groups, financial institutions, families, community leaders, government officials and engaged citizens

who inform our vision, inspire our best efforts and share our success. Contents Who We Are Chairman and President’s Letter What Puts Us on the Map Our Reach 2011 Programs Agribusiness Community Development Enterprise Development Financial Services Food Security Volunteer Program Board of Directors Financial Report Acknowledgement

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Who We Are: We collaborate with local institutions and citizens to encourage broad-based economic growth, raise living standards and foster vibrant communities. Our practice areas are:


Community Development

Enterprise Development

Financial Services

Food Security

What We Do: Facilitate beneficiary-driven development that:

stimulates growth, improves dysfunctional market systems and raises incomes

develops agriculture and enhances food security

organizes communities to foster stability and resilience, particularly in conflict-affected or fragile environments

increases access to financial services

leverages investment through public-private partnerships

Above all, we build capacity at all levels—from households to entire value chains. We honor our cooperative roots. We strive to ensure that the voices of women, youth, indigenous populations and other marginalized groups are heard. We promote climate-smart solutions and adaptability. We foster sustainability in the broadest sense and hold ourselves accountable for results.

Why We Do It: To empower people to succeed in the global economy.

2011 Annual Report | 1

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