2 minute read

“The Fish” | Anonymous

And thus had never witnessed what was beyond the clouds Nor the powerful aura that split from Ignis. While other passengers took out their phones to record, She simply let her tears run down her face, Their colors being the same bloody rainbow as that out her window. Ignis reached down to the colorcovered thing and pulled it upward. Up, toward the heavens, where humanity always wished to be And Proc never knew she wanted.

But that was just on the silver screen. It wouldn’t reach me here.


Tura was in his hut. He always was one with nature, and so knew this day was coming. He warned us through his poems, which he shouted aloud In the golden lobby of Forum Eligem’s spire. He was written off as a madman, but now, when everyone is, He smiled a somber, satisfied smile. He stepped out of his home towards the jungle around him, The trees ablaze with hues not unlike those above. The metal eyes placed on the trees melt As they watch him walk into the forest. Cancerous growths on the bark sir and reach out to him, Boiling bubbles and flipping tendrils crying out in agony. Their arms reach out to each other, and as man and jungle embrace His flaming body and the flaming But that was just on the silver screen. It wouldn’t reach me here.

I was in my house. I had school work that needed to be done, And so I was reading away at an article on how our brains perceive colors While procrastinating through videos on my phone. Did you know that there is no wavelength that corresponds to magenta? Our brain simply constructs it when we see blue and red mixed. Outside my window, through the broken clouds, leaked in more colors, Wavelengths that didn’t, couldn’t exist, and which my brain wasn’t made to fake. Staring into the impossible sun I quickly averted my eyes, But it was too late, as the scars left on my cones Etched into my brain and the tears running down my face Were as red as the sunset I was used to viewing. I tried to scream but my nerves no longer reached my throat And my mind folded into itself, taking everything with it Until the world Was simply Nothing.

I tried for the silver screen. But I couldn’t reach it here. But that was just on the silver screen. It wouldn’t reach me here. Pub 19

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