KTS studio showcase

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KTS (Keep Things Simple) —Studio Showcase

KTS is a new Creative Research and Landscape Architecture Consultancy commited to delivering high quality, environmentally sustainable outcomes for the great outdoors and our waterways.

‘Gardens are like an acupuncture pin-prick in a cityscape, their benefits extend far and beyond site.’

‘The space is characterised by what it lacks... fertile dirt, fresh air space and our intuitive ways to understand time through seasonal changes, sunlight & rainwater into a space.’

KTS offers landscape architectural services for new developments and masterplanning for housing variability and park recreation for sites under 10ha. KTS recognises the social and cultural imperatives of place building and questions how land can be better developed to achieve density that caters for the urban environment.

We are shaped by our adjacencies and surroundings.

KTS studio acknowledges the Wurundjeri people as the traditional owners and custodians of this land and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. The Studio recognises the valuable contribution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Non-Torres Strait Islanders have made, and will make in moving towards a future of mutual respect and harmony in a multi-cultural city.

KTS respects all aboriginal sacred sites and significant places.

We offer design expertise in the following:

- Landscape character and visual impact assessment

- Parks and garden design (indoor / outdoor and roof)

- Masterplanning for housing variability (<10ha).

- Stormwater treatment and biodiversity renewel

- Creative research in Urban Design

- Environmental branding

- Custom-product design

- Arts and cultural engagement in the landscape

Phase 01. Landscape Visual Assessment and Concept Design

1. Site Inspection and Appreciation with Client and design team

2. Review background information and site conditions including contextual research

3a. Capture site conditions for landscape visual assessment (Feasibility study)

3b. Capture site condition for concept design (Town Planning)

4. Client and design team review for feedback

5. Finalise for approval with authorities and stakeholder(s) for engagement.

Phase 02. Contract Documentation and Implementation

1. Consultation with authorities and stakeholder(s) for approval

2. Review documentation drawings fit for construction finalise costs for Tender approval

3a. Award contracts for works implementation including plant establishment (3 months)

‘We are shaped by our adjacencies and surroundings’

Lily Hsu

Creative Director Landscape Architect.

Lily is the owner of KTS studio and leads the creative direction and management of all projects undertaken in-house. She remains true to the idea that an interdisciplinary approach to project development, betters site designs and team morale. Having a passion for tailoring designs to city environments and waterways, she builds on identity and the relationships that enhance our surrounding fresh-air quality. She is a keen problem-solver.


- Tutor (RMIT and UNIMELB).


- Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, UNIMELB (Deans Hon.)

- Masters in Art, Space, Nature. Edinburgh College of Arts


- Travelling and exploring new places

- Practicing and teaching Yoga

- Arts and design

- Eating multicultural foods


- Taipei, TWN / Auckland, NZ. Currently based in Melbourne, AUS

Key Projects (pre-)

- Content writing for creative strategy related to public art & creative programming for Geelong Fast Rail, Rail Projects Victoria (RPV).

- Ideas delivery for 3x Streetscape renewal project as part of Neighbourhood Grant Fund (Darebin Council).

- Concept delivery for Port Melbourne’s Waterfront Place (City of Port Phillip).

- Team delivery in urban design for Fishermans Bend Framework Strategy (City of Port Phillip).

- Leading design for Villers & Bretennoux Sq.,Malvern East ANZAC Memorial. Built 2018 (City of Stonnington).

- Staging project implementation & strategy planning for Kingston’s Green Wedge Vision (City of Kingston).

- Leading concept for Elder Street Park remediation, (City of Kingston).

- Team delivery Bunurong Memorial Park, Dandenong South (ASPECT Studios).

Project Index

Landscape planning

Bunker and roof Garden 3 Townhouses

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country (City of Banyule.)

Location: Glen Waverley, Vic.

Size: 778m sq.

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: Code Architecture

Suburban Bush Garden

3 Townhouses

Location: Glen Waverley, Vic

Size: 1290m sq.

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: EVADY Design

Beach Garden

3 Townhouses

Location: St Leonards, Vic

Size: 645m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: Nick Aguis Architects

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung and Bunurong Country (City of Monash.)
Wadawurrung (Wathaurong) Country (City of Greater Geelong.)

Between Garden 6 Townhouses

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Yarra.)

Location: Thornbury, Vic.

Size: 675m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: Pillar+Post & Property Collectives

Internal Courtyard House renovation

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Moreland.)

Location: Brunswick, Vic.

Size: 175m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: ClaireScorpo Architects

A light Garden Courtyard

2 Townhouses

Location: Richmond, Vic

Size: 224m sq.

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: WALA

Plapow! Garden 9 Townhouses

Location: Lynbrook, Vic

Size: 1914m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: D’Orio


Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Yarra.)
Boon wurrung (Bunurong) Country (City of Casey.)

Rain Gardens 11 Townhouses

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Darebin.)

Location: Thornbury, Vic.

Size: 895m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: Pillar+Post & Property Collectives

Garden Food Courtyard Unit house renovation

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Darebin.)

Location: Thornbury, Vic.

Garden Size: 12m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: David Noordhoff

Softpave Garden

3 Townhouses

Location: Dandenong, Vic

Size: 856m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: D’Orio Architects

Smells-like Garden

3 Townhouses

Location: Sunbury, Vic

Size: 1914m2

Status: Town Planning Collaborators: Inspire Impact Trusco.(NDIS)

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Yarra.)
Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Hume.)

Arid florals

2 Townhouses

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Yarra.)

Location: Richmond, Vic

Size: 175m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: Placement


Yuzu Garden

9 Townhouses

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Darebin.)

Location: Thornbury, Vic.

Size: 175m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: MAL BAS

Old Rosemary Branch

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Geelong.)

Location: Greater Geelong, Vic

Size: 801m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: Placement Architects

Beach Garden Front (revisited)

Wadawurrung (Wathaurong) Country (City of Greater Geelong.)

Location: St Leonards, Vic

Size: 645m2

Status: Town Planning

Collaborators: ASA

Cleanfill site

Visual Impact Plan

Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Country (City of Hume.)

Location:Oaklands Junction, Vic

Size: approx. 39hecatares

Status: Planning Permit

Collaborators: ResourceCo., Nature

Advisory & Engeny

The earth moves,

Oaklands Road Cleanfill site , Wurundjeri Country VIC. Australia.

Oaklands Rd., Cleanfill site

Project by ResourceCo. (Client) , Nature Advisory (Ecologists) , KTS (Landscape Architect) and Engeny (Civil Engineers)

Located in the Green Wedge of Melbourne’s West, Oaklands Road is a 39hectare land improvement project by ResourceCo. The project was approved for commencement by the City of Hume in 2023, and for the completion of the project to include an agriculture return of land to pasture and the conservation of native grassland vegetation in the adjoining land, and creek tributary planting in respecting Cultural heritage and Country.

Keep Things Simple explored the documentation and design approach in shaping the landform, and indigenous grass and shrub planting to prevent embankment erosion, and promote revegetation planting.

In working closely with ecologists at Nature Advisory and civil advice from Engeny, we offered a serires of steps for implementing the preferred environmental outcome and visual impact mitigation for the import of ~2.2million cubic metres of cleanfill material into the site, improving its future usability for the Landowner.

Oaklands Road Cleanfill site , Wurundjeri Country VIC. Australia.

Oaklands Road Cleanfill site , Wurundjeri Country VIC. Australia.
‘It is clear that the contemporary urban garden is something that robs space from the (citysuburban) fabric.’
Perez Rumpler
16-18 Clarendon Street, Thornbury (Pillar+Post collaboration)

KTS Garden Survey

(data sampling - 37 )

KTS Studio released a survey to gain a better understanding of garden spaces in Melbourne’s residential suburbs and ideas for garden space improvements. Current responses, provide public perceptions on private open space and likelyhood of challenges, either due to spatial layout or changing social views and conservation values. Please click on garden_survey to participate in this ongoing enquiry.

24.3% Yes, I have large significant trees in my outdoor area

37.8% Yes, I have a couple small to medium size trees

10.8% Yes, I just have the one

8.1% No, I don’t have any trees and it feels like a concrete jungle

32.4% Apartment / multi-unit (upto 3 storeys) 5.4% Highrise apartment (multi-unit 4 storeys and above)

32.4% Stand-alone house / detached 29.7% Terrace Townhouse (semi-detached)

Brunswick (5)

Carlton (2)

Clifton Hill (1)


Fairfield (1)

Ferntree Gully (1)

Fitzroy (4)

Heatherton (1)

Reservoir (2)

Richmond (1)

South Bank (1)

South Kingsville (1)

South Yarra (2)

St Kilda (2)

Sunshine West (1)

Thornbury (2)

Torquay (2)

Wallan (1)

Williamstown (1)

Werribee (1)

Does your outdoor spaceinclude

Whatwouldyou rather p r e f e r ? How frequentdoyou spend time wateringor

25% Yes - 1 car

22% Yes - 2 cars

16% Yes - 3+ cars

37% No cars


Permeable paving

Hard paving - A mix, Lawn, a nice brick courtyard - Gardenbeds and narrow brick-paved path - combination

10.8% Everyday 45.9% Two or three times a week 24.3% A couple times a week 8.1% Not at all

Would you consider anoutdoor shared s p a c e w hti otsruobhgien esimixam ruoy vneemoh?. 22.2% Yes 50% No 27.8% Maybe...

Which ofthefollowingare you m

e l i ylek otesahcrupot ecuder retaw dnaegasu looc uoy r e n v ironment? As a way tomaximise th e us e

37.8% Install a rainwater tank

16.2% Install raingardens

2.7% Neither of these appeal to me...

48.6% Neither, a hose and watering can will do

8.1% N/A

2.7% I use grey water (shower, washing etc).

f y ruo gseod,ecapsnedra eht aedi foroodtuoni-tliub finru t u r e app eal toyou?

54.1% Yes

21.6% No

8.1% Maybe...

Recommendations to:

1. Recycle greywater for lawn, tree and shrub planting irrigation.

2. Allow for Multi-use, attractive private open space for gatherings and/or carparking that cater for a generous garden space

3 Diversify on plantstock that may require maintanence

4. Program outdoor shared spaces (spatial and event-based)

5. Minimise overshadowing from building typologies and capture natural light for new internal lightwell-gardens

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