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Figure 2-7: Propensity Model
FIGURE 2-7: Propensity Model
2.11 Bike Level of Traffic Stress Analysis
The Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) analysis is a GIS-based tool used to quantify a bicyclist’s perception of comfort given specific roadway conditions. Because different bicyclists have different tolerances for stress created by volume, speed, and proximity of automobile traffic, the LTS method identifies four levels of stress, from the most comfortable scenario to the least tolerable conditions. Bicycle Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) criteria span from one to four, with one being the least stressful or most comfortable, and four being the most stressful. The analysis was applied to Artesia’s entire street network, as shown in Figure 2-8.
Artesia’s existing bikeways are located along Artesia Boulevard, Norwalk Boulevard, South Street, and the Historic District Recreational Trail (multi-use path). Of these, only the multi-use path show a low level of traffic stress (LTS 1). The analysis shows Pioneer Boulevard, Artesia Boulevard, 166th Street, 183rd Street, and Norwalk Boulevard, all main corridors, with a high level of traffic stress (LTS 4). This means that only the most confident, experienced, and capable bicyclists are willing to ride on these facilities, while the other users may not feel safe and comfortable riding on the larger thoroughfares, as shown below in the Bicycle User Classification System developed by the City of Portland. These classifications can be helpful in understanding the characteristics and infrastructure preferences of different cyclists.
Bicycle facility planning should use a wide variety of options, from shared roadways to separated facilities to accommodate as many user types as possible and to provide a comfortable and safe experience for the greatest number of cyclists.
» Low stress » Most users can tolerate riding their bike » Low stress, with attention required » Riding a bike is tolerated by most adults » Medium stress » Riding a bike is tolerated by
“enthusiastic” riders » Most stressful » Riding a bike is tolerated by the most experienced riders