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Bicycle Recommendations
Following the review of available inputs and analysis results described in the previous chapter, potential bicycle routes were developed with the intent of creating a network to connect established activity centers throughout Jurupa Valley while, as much as possible, avoiding significant barriers. Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1 outline each of the proposed bikeways. Much of Jurupa Valley is ripe for development since few bicycle facilities exist. Results from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Propensity Model described in the previous chapter weighed heavily in the delineation of potential routes. Alternatively, results from the Level of Traffic Stress Analysis confirmed initial assumptions that most suitable roadways in Jurupa Valley will require some level of traffic calming or low stress bikeway to accommodate bicyclists at a comfort level most prefer. Recommended facilities are concentrated on major roadway types (arterial, major, secondary, and collector), and generally avoid local roadways which tend to create unnecessary out-of-direction travel. In cases where extremely stressful roads cannot be avoided, i.e. Van Buren Boulevard, separated facilities are recommended. These route recommendations reflect the results of the significant GIS analysis described in Chapter 3, closely coincide with the General Plan Mobility Element recommended “Mobility Corridors”, and are based on staff recommendations. These proposed routes also provide a reasonable bicycle facility distribution level across Jurupa Valley.