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Figure 2-26: Census Tract 5 Existing Bicycle Facilities
Existing Conditions 02 Figure 2-26: Census Tract 5 Existing Bicycle Facilities
Pedestrian Facilities This Census Tract encompasses various land uses, including downtown San Bernardino, the San Bernardino Transit Center, and has a well-connected pedestrian network, albeit also missing regular marked and protected crossings, like other parts of the study area (see Figure 2-27). According to the sidewalk data from SBCTA, 88 percent of the built-out pedestrian network exists. The PIPP identifies the San Bernardino County Courthouse, Civic Center, and Meadowbrook Park as focus areas for people walking. A roundabout has been installed at Mountain View Avenue and 4th Street, which provides safer access for people walking to the San Bernardino County Government Center. Marked crosswalks exist at signalized intersections and near schools such as Norton Elementary School. Other crosswalks can be found on Sierra Way at 7th Street and on 3rd Street at Mountain View Avenue, although the crosswalks are on just one side of the street; whereas best practice is to mark them on both sides of the street. Unsignalized intersections typically do not have any traffic calming or additional protection for people walking to improve the crossing.
Accessibility to the bus stops along Waterman Avenue from the east have missing sidewalk segments along some major connectors, such as 3rd Street, 5th Street, 6th Street, and 8th Street. These segments of missing sidewalks are along vacant, industrial, and rural residential leading into the downtown core. There have been 32 pedestrian related collisions with the majority occurring along the major streets, such as Arrowhead Avenue, Waterman Avenue, 9th Street, and 5th Street, which are also the locations of bus stops. Other bus stops are also located on Rialto Avenue, Sierra Way, 2nd Street, and 3rd Street.
There are 40 bus stops which are evenly distributed geographically across the Census Tract. Of these 40, five have bus shelters and are primarily located on 9th Street, Arrowhead Avenue, and Rialto Avenue. Seventeen bus stops have benches with the remaining 18 bus stops lacking a bench or shelter. Due to this Census Tract being in an urban environment, all bus stops have some form of lighting such as ambient lighting from adjacent buildings, streetlights and solar light poles. It should be noted that the reason some bus stops are missing certain amenities is due to the lack of space at the stop. An eight foot wide sidewalk is needed for ADA compliance plus a bench. An area 10 feet by 25 feet is needed to fit a shelter. here often is not enough right-ofway for these amenities.
One of the few areas in the Census Tract that is missing sidewalks
While some areas have sidewalks, they lack curb ramps