College of Education Priorities:
The USF: Unstoppable Campaign is a comprehensive fundraising
Urban Initiative .............................................................$4,000,000
effort by the University of South Florida to celebrate the energy,
STEM Initiative ............................................................$3,000,000
vision and future of one of the country’s most exciting and engaged
Technology and Innovation...........................................$2,000,000
universities. Our people and programs, our ideas, our research, and
Financial Literacy and Free Enterprise Education............. $500,000
our solutions comprise an ambitious plan to enhance healthcare,
Faculty Enhancement ....................................................$3,000,000
science, technology, education, business, the arts and global
Doctoral Graduate Fellowships .....................................$4,000,000
partnerships. Through creative and meaningful investment from
TOTAL .......................................................................$16,500,000
our alumni and friends, we can translate the entrepreneurial spirit of an entire university into tangible outcomes that improve lives throughout the world.
COEDU alumni are making a difference in the lives of children, families and adults. They, along with our partners, are engaging our local, regional and global communities and making an unstoppable impact.
Vision The College envisions itself as a leader in regional, national and international education. Preparation that builds on collaboration, academic excellence, interdisciplinary research, scholarship, ethical practice and diversity contributes to a just The USF College of Education (COEDU)
and productive society.
is committed to preparing the next generation of educators, scholars and
Partnerships for Educational Change
educational leaders for PK–12 and higher
Almost everyone remembers someone
education through exemplary undergraduate
who made a difference in his or her life.
and graduate degree programs. We are one
More often than not, that person was an
of the top-ranked colleges of education
educator—a teacher, a coach, a counselor or
in the country and are accredited by the
a principal. The COEDU has granted over
National Council for Accreditation of
51,000 degrees to such individuals, and our
Teacher Education and other specialized
graduates are making a difference in lives
accrediting bodies. More than 51,000
across America and throughout the world.
You can make a difference in meeting the
other USF colleges, local school districts,
with the skills they need to succeed in a
needs of our state and nation through giving
and state and national organizations. The
global society. The fund will also provide
to the COEDU.
STEM initiative will further enhance science
faculty and students with access to the
Urban Initiative. The Urban Initiative
and mathematics literacy of PK–12 students
technology tools they need to transform
entails working with faculty, staff, students
and increase the number of individuals with
teaching and learning.
and community constituents to advance
careers in science and mathematics.
collaboration between USF, the College and
Technology and Innovation. Cutting-
Financial Literacy and Free Enterprise Education. The Gus A. Stavros Center for
the community in order to link research,
edge technology is the hallmark of the
Free Enterprise and Economic Education
policy and practice in a collective effort
College and one of the keys to educational
is a premier program in free enterprise and
to solve educational, sociopolitical and
change. Through the use of technology, we
financial literacy education. As the recipient
economic dilemmas in urban settings.
are revolutionizing teaching and learning
of the coveted Freedoms Foundation Leavey
Our Urban Initiative also leverages funded
one classroom at a time. The COEDU is a
Award for Excellence in Private Enterprise
research to support what we know works
nationally recognized leader in integrating
Education on three separate occasions, the
in education and advances best practices in
technology in PK–12 education. The
Center’s mission is to ensure that future
urban education reform including reducing
Technology and Innovation Fund will
generations of educators and PK–12 students
drop-out rates, increasing achievement, and
assist in supporting faculty in their efforts
possess the skills to function effectively in
improving retention and graduation rates.
to prepare technology literate educators for
the global economy. Equally important is the
tomorrow who can equip PK–12 students
Stavros Center’s commitment to ensuring
STEM Initiative. The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) initiative in the COEDU consists of programs and projects designed to recruit, prepare and increase educator expertise. Funding will ensure and advance this strategic and essential initiative in collaboration with
“The key to educational change is to address the most pressing, relevant and timely problems facing American education through research-based practices and community partnerships. The USF College of Education is committed to conducting research on educational issues and preparing the next generation of educators and educational leaders to be inspiring agents of change.” —Colleen S. Kennedy, Dean, College of Education
that the tenets of capitalism are strengthened
awarded to leading scholars. These top-notch
and conveyed to students in our schools.
educators impact the classroom, their fields
Funding provides continuing education
of research and the communities they serve.
scholarships for educators and myriad
Your support provides assistance in attracting
resources in global economics.
and retaining preeminent faculty members by providing needed financial backing for research
Pursuing Academic Excellence Faculty Enhancement. Putting research
and teaching projects. Faculty fellowships, usually awarded to
into practice is more than just a concept;
newly appointed faculty, help build our base
it is an integral part of our philosophy in
of future scholars by serving as a foundation
the COEDU. Designated by the Carnegie
for faculty teaching and research. Priority will
Foundation as a premier national research
be given to those scholars and fellows who
manner to become educational leaders in
university, USF is proud of its first-rate faculty,
address our primary focus areas.
their disciplines.
focuses on a variety of global, national, and
Ensuring Student Success
Investing in New Opportunities
local educational problems and issues.
Doctoral Graduate Fellowships. Graduate
Support the USF College of Education with
fellowships will enable the COEDU to
funding that will make the critical difference
recruit high quality graduate students,
in cutting-edge faculty research; recruiting
who will enhance the graduate student
and retaining an outstanding faculty and
profile consistent with a major research
student body; enhancing the quality of our
university. These students will contribute
programs; fostering community engagement;
to and benefit from the College’s top-notch
and helping us to achieve AAU eligibility.
graduate programs and, with the aid of
Working together we will build a college that
fellowship support, will graduate in a timely
remains unstoppable.
who are engaged in cutting-edge research that
Faculty enhancement consists of establishing chairs and professorships, often