ERGO: Summer 2022

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into the classroom and promotes lively discussion, driven by

in the student body in record time, and they deserve our

her enthusiasm for the material. She is known among students

thanks.” Abby Akrong, ’23, JD French, ’22, and Heather Gin, ’22

for her sense of humor and ability to make the most mundane

served on this year’s committee.

Each spring the Law School honors staff members whose initiative and level of service exceed ordinary expectations. Honorees are nominated by faculty and staff and selected by a committee comprising Executive Associate Dean Christiana Ochoa, Library Director Susan deMaine, HR Representative Sarah Snyder, Assistant Dean for

topics interesting. During COVID block scheduling, students

Finance and Administration Mary Edwards, and Dean Parrish’s executive assistant,

praised her ability to cover voluminous cases on various torts

Libby Steinbach.

topics in short periods. She is also willing to share her personal

This year’s awards were presented by Dean Parrish at a ceremony and reception

experiences with students, and she engages with students when

on April 27. Each award winner received $500 in cash, and all nominees received a

they bring to her personal experiences of their own.

note from the dean.

“Professor Madeira is also an expert on a wide variety of

The 2022 recipients are:

topics, not the least of which is fertility fraud and complex

Amanda Morton, Monograph Catalog Technician in the Jerome Hall Law Library, for

issues in law and medicine. Her expertise makes her seminar in

tackling new challenges during the pandemic while maintaining high levels of service

law and medicine interesting and engaging. But she also made

in her existing role.

clear that she valued students’ contributions to the class, and

Sandy Ault, Coordinator in the Business Office, for her consistent and dependable

she was eager to hear from students who had potentially new or

service to students and staff, and for leveraging longstanding relationships throughout

personal viewpoints on the material.


“The first year of law school can be an immensely chal-

the university when needed. Paul Styles, AV/Tech Support Technician, for helping with Zoom meetings and

lenging and difficult time for some students. The pandemic

solving tech support problems in a pleasant and upbeat manner while being laid back

has carried with it a new set of problems for students, ones that

and calm.

are often accompanied by stress and uncertainty. Professor

Ashland Zimmerman, Coordinator, Arthur M. Lotz Office of Alumni and Development,

Madeira has been invaluable to the Maurer community and its

for her thorough and detailed work, her positive attitude, and her ability to help others

students during this time. She has proven, time and time again,

in the office meet deadlines.

that she cares deeply for her students and their professional de-

In addition, Dean Parrish recognized the following employees for their years of

velopment. We would not be the same without her, and we thank

dedicated service:

her for that.”

Five years: Katie Beck and Cassie Fitzwater

Dean Parrish said that a committee of students helps in the

Ten years: Phil Poff Fifteen years: Rita Eads

nominations of faculty for these awards. “The committee takes

Twenty years: Lisa Hosey, Will Schaad, and Paul Styles

its charge seriously,” he said. “They reviewed the teaching eval-

Twenty-five years: Rebecca Bertoloni-Meli

uations of all our faculty, consulted with their colleagues

Forty years: Kim Bunge



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