10 minute read
We Are Not Good At Judging The
from KTW 03-06-20
1. Fill with joy 6. Ache 11. Pass sentence 16. Click-on items 21. Auctioneer’s mallet 22. Stan’s comic foil 23. Bumbling 24. elhi currency 25. Lawn planting 26. octrine 27. Spring blossom 28. Popeye’s girl 29. Like Mr. Hyde 30. It banned DDT 31. Cockpit occupant 33. Sweetie-pie 35. After expenses 36. The one-L Lama 38. regs 40. 1492 vessel 41. Roman orator 43. Turndowns 45. Angel toppers 47. Nab 49. Skipped 53. Sitcom afterlife 54. Agree 55. Freedom from worry 59. Theater angel 60. Historical memento 61. Water lily painter 62. Youngster 63. Hamburger extra 64. kraine city 65. — over (fainted) 67. Getting older 69. WSW opposite 70. World’s lowest lake (2 wds.) 73. Reformers’ targets 74. Rodin work 75. Mystery writer — Paretsky 77. Squirrel abode 78. Southpaw 80. Bog 81. Sports violations 83. Medieval holdings 84. Backup strategy (2 wds.) 86. Steamy 89. Valveless horn 90. Locomotive must 91. Cajun veggie 95. Baltimore hitter 96. Knitter’s supply 97. More or less 100. Play it by — 101. Bright flower 102. Rubber item 104. Suet and tallow 105. Not together 107. — about time! 108. Eatery 109. Prefix for “below” 111. Strong cords 112. High notes 114. Scroll holders 115. Tools for duels 116. Long time 117. Sorts 119. pscale garnish 120. Finished 121. Common pet 124. Consequently 125. Made a remark 127. Fake drake 132. Ginger — 133. Kan. time 135. Water birds 137. igital watch readout 138. Limping along 139. Outstretch 141. Less cluttered 143. Go rancid 145. Hilltops 146. Come next 147. Enjoy a rose 148. Giggle (hyph.) 149. Old saying 150. Too full 151. Easy mark 152. Medal 153. Southwest scenery
1. Spurred on 2. Insect stage 3. Be of benefit 4. Physicist Nikola — 5. Subway opposites 6. Called from the Tyrol 7. Avoids a big wedding 8. Kelp 9. Wheel part 10. First-quarter tide 11. Vast number 12. Marriages 13. River-mouth deposit 14. Student stat 15. raw on glass 16. Satirical, maybe 17. — -de-sac 18. Express one’s views 19. Not even once 20. Handle (2 wds.) 32. Fortunate (2 wds.) 34. Four duos 37. Have in view 39. Postpone 42. Ernesto Guevara 44. Above, in verse 46. “Exodus” hero 47. Films 48. Sacked out 49. Band members 50. Meal for Moses 51. Colder 52. Prizefighter’s stat 53. Ms. Witherspoon 54. In good spirits 56. Japanese canine 57. Cranial cavity 58. Moves little by little 60. Goes horseback 61. Thaws 64. Malden or Malone 66. Paris’ — Tower 67. Oodles (2 wds.) 68. Film legend Greta — 71. Chopin piece 72. Puts in a row 74. iminutive 76. Curly coifs 79. Sushi morsel 82. Slick 83. Turmoil 84. Ravioli or linguine 85. Whoppers 86. ebate issue 87. Take the dais 88. Hair conditioner 89. Cotton units 90. Jungle warnings 92. Reeves of “The Matrix” 93. Harder to find 94. — -craftsy 96. Pulls hard 98. Bids 99. Gaped open 102. Brace for trouble 103. Safari sights 106. eep hole 108. Borge and Bohr 110. Born as 111. ecade 113. Slide on the snow 115. With bated breath 116. Pampered 118. Crept along 119. Fish baskets 120. More risky 121. Passengers 122. Ms. Verdugo 123. Slightest 124. Long-plumed bird 126. Kahuna’s hello 128. on’t enunciate 129. Acapulco abodes 130. Alpha opposite 131. Oui and da 134. Cough syrup meas. 136. Como — usted? 140. Billiard stick 142. Physicians’ gp. 144. Bench for flock members 145. Crash into
Off the mark
●Each row and each column must contain the numbers 1 through 4 (easy) or 1 through 6 (challenging) without repeating. ● The numbers within the heavily
3-8-20 outlined boxes, called cages, must combine using the given operation (in any order) to produce the target numbers in the top-left corners. ● Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in the top-left corner.
PERSONAL SECURITY REAL ID protection Soon, your driver’s license may not be enough to get you through airport security in the United States.
Thursday, Oct. 1, 2020, is the deadline for U.S. citizens to have REAL IDcompliant state driver’s licenses, a requirement passed by Congress in 2005 in the wake of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. Without a compliant driver’s license, those who are 18 and over won’t be able to board a domestic flight, unless possessing other specific forms of acceptable identification.
“The thought behind this was that with standardization, it will become a lot harder to forge documents and gain access to aircraft,” said Stephen Hyduchak, CEO of Aver, an identity-verification service.
While the main idea of REAL ID is to better protect U.S. citizens and their identity, there is controversy over the law. Critics cite privacy issues. Some states delayed getting cards in circulation because residents and legislators worried REAL ID was a way for the federal government to collect personal information for a national database. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), however, says REAL ID is not a national ID card. Each jurisdiction maintains its own records and controls who gets access to those records.
Hyduchak thinks the security features of REAL ID outweigh privacy concerns and says the technology behind the card makes keeping people safer more achievable.
“Government agencies say this is a significant step forward in the battle against terrorism, identity theft and other crimes and illegal immigration,” Hyduchak said. “New technologies, like facial recognition, have advanced our security capability at a time we dearly need it.”
Hyduchak analyzes the different ways the technology within REAL ID can protect U.S. citizens:
Document verification. The DHS requires applicants for the REAL ID driver’s license to show more documentation. “Artificial intelligence leads the way in document verification,” Hyduchak said. “More personal information is contained in the new card, and new things will be standardized, like barcodes, in a universal machine-readable format. The features and standards of the card cover everything from the process of verifying cardholders’ identities to the facilities storage of those credentials where they are produced. This will aid in the avoidance of tampering with and counterfeiting documents.”
Facial recognition. The new By Ashley Pontius apontius@newsandexperts.com
You S h W by Stella Wilder
images on the cards will be compatible for facial recognition searches. “One piece of technology that could give states an upper hand in detecting the kind of fraud that REAL ID wants to deter is biometric identification,” Hyduchak said. “This is the ability to verify the identity of a person through digitized images of fingerprints or facial features. Facial recognition uses biometrics to map facial details and verify identity through those key features.”
Linking state and international databases. While some states were already sharing some details from the Department of Motor Vehicles, the REAL ID Act mandates that this national pool of private information has to include photographs conducive to facial recognition, which can make identification faster from state to state or from U.S. to foreign country. “The reasoning behind connecting the data bases has to do almost entirely with catching potential terrorists, duplicate applications and illegal immigrants,” Hyduchak said. “Because the U.S. exchanges information with other governments and global organizations, the digital photos will probably be shared with foreign and international intelligence and police agencies.
“REAL ID is a great way of using the latest technology to confirm identification and protect U.S. citizens. As soon as new document standards are processed, we can update our machine learning models and everyone benefits.”
Copyright 2018 nited Feature Syndicate, Inc.
The coming week is likely to see many individuals working hard to keep things in line, while trends and circumstances are likely to shift dramatically more than once, requiring a kind of flexibility that is quite uncommon. Those who are most flexible, who can go with the flow and who can accept what comes as merely the kinds of things that require routine attention rather than any sort of panic response, will surely fare the best this week.
Complications are likely to arise that affect personal relationships, and it will be of paramount importance that everyone agrees to do his or her job, and only his or her job, without succumbing to the temptation of doing someone else’s as well.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 5) Self-promotion will take many forms this week, and you must take care that you don’t cross the line into overstatement or outright deception. (March 6-March 20) – What you remember from days past, as far as your work is concerned, will fuel you as you tend to affairs that arise as this week progresses. You combine “then” and “now” very well!
ARIES (March 21-April 4) Your prospects are looking up, and this week a partnership with an unlikely someone will benefit you both quite well. A prize waits to be won. (April 5-April 19) – Attempts to be clever may fall flat today, as what you think is smart or funny may not translate to others. It’s best, right now, to play as much as you can very straight.
TAURUS (April 20-May 5) You must take care that the information you both receive and send out this week is accurate and updated. Anything obsolete can prove dangerous. (May 6-May 20) – You’ll be figuring things out very quickly all week long. This process is sure to lead you to a discovery that can prove quite profitable to you — almost immediately, in fact.
GEMINI (May 21-June 6) You may have your doubts about what someone is up to this week — until you realize that his or her motives are similar to your own. Join forces! (June 7-June 20) – You’ll take action this week that attracts a great deal of critical attention — but you can weather this storm and come out on top. Soon, many will follow in your footsteps.
CANCER (June 21-July 7) There’s plenty for you to do today, but you may not be enthusiastic about much of it — at first. Later, you’ll come into your own and enjoy the work. (July 8-July 22) – You’ll benefit from a change of scenery this week. Many are relying on you, but all you have to do is what comes naturally. You feel things very deeply at this time.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 7) Things seem to be improving on the home front, but you’ll have trouble quantifying certain advances — especially where a younger family member is concerned. (Aug. 8-Aug. 22) – It may fall to you to look after someone who is nearing a crossroads of sorts. He or she is not afraid of any danger that may arise — but you can do much to help avoid it!
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 7) A surprise at home affects you everywhere you go this week — until you speak up and express your feelings openly and honestly to all concerned. (Sept. 8-Sept. 22) – You can do things the “official” way this week, or you can cut through any and all red tape by mounting your own investigation. The latter choice yields more information.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 7) The time you may spend with a friend or loved one will prove truly valuable to you this week — and it is worth putting routine duties on a back burner. (Oct. 8-Oct. 22) – You may have to mount some kind of intervention this week in order to keep a friend from doing what you know could lead to financial disaster. You know what’s coming.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 7) You’ll want to spend much of the week trying to figure out your next move — but that may be decided for you by events that you cannot directly control. (Nov. 8-Nov. 21) – You will have to put aside any fears you may have about certain activities this week because you may have to charge into something scary that requires a firm commitment.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 7) You’ll have to decide to compromise — or not to compromise — before the week is out. Weigh all pros and cons, and get the advice of an expert. (Dec. 8-Dec. 21) – You’ll have the chance to clear your name of any wrongdoing this week. Others will come to your aid — but only if you ask for help directly. Don’t be secretive.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 6) Someone you know recommends a certain course highly, and someone else warns you against it. You must make this decision on your own based on clear evidence. (Jan. 7-Jan. 19) – You’ll have the option to simplify things a great deal this week — though you may be tempted to keep things as they are. You know, deep down, what course you should take.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 3) You may have to calibrate your thinking in certain ways in order to see things as they really are. Experience has colored your perspective. (Feb. 4-Feb. 18) – The more you commit yourself to someone’s agenda, the more you’ll understand about your own — which, right now, is not of paramount importance. Your generosity shines.