a million t hanks
Annual Report
2007 - 2008
of contents Department Reports
Financial Summary – Business Office
Giving Summary
Capital & Endowment Giving
Trustees’ Guild
The Headmaster’s Circle
1813 Founders’ Club
The Bicentennial Club
The Tower Club
The Black & Orange
Daniel Kimball Society
2008 Honor Roll of Donors
Board of Trustees
Alumni Council
2007 Annual Report Corrections
a letterfrom the board chair
The Board of Trustees and I extend to you our heart-felt appreciation as we celebrate the outstanding financial results of this year’s fundraising efforts and the many people who made this an exceptional year for KUA. Our success in attracting over $6,300,000 in support closely corresponds with the feeling of optimism and energy that pervades the campus, our students, and our stewards. Philanthropy and volunteerism at KUA enrich all facets of life on The Hilltop, from improvements in student life, to greater alumni pride, to scholarships that bring talented students from all parts of the country.
This report chronicles the highlights of this year and the solid financial footing on which we find ourselves today. While the economy has stumbled over the past year, we know that investing in KUA is a good bet with benefits for us all. To truly appreciate the effect of your giving, one should look beyond the numbers on these pages and find time to visit our enhanced campus, attend a regional event, or chat with a faculty member or class volunteer. Those of us who are in close proximity to Meriden know that each day the campus is abuzz with activity, new projects, and lively discussion. Members of the KUA community are always welcome to drop by, share their stories, and reconnect with their youthful days as students.
Whether you are an alumnus, friend, volunteer, parent, or employee, you cannot help but wish in some way to be a KUA student today and experience technologically-advanced learning, superior athletic fields, numerous options to explore the surrounding community, and a curriculum that prepares one for life beyond The Hilltop and one’s chosen college. While our school has adapted to changing demographics, diverse learning styles, and increasing societal exigencies, the spirit of independent thought, personal growth, enjoyment of life, and shared achievement is everlasting. KUA is a warm, welcoming place and many lives, including mine, have been set in the right direction through good role models, financial aid allowances, and demanding but caring teachers, dorm parents, and coaches.
In this, an Olympic year, we have many superstars to thank and millions of reasons to be grateful for our community’s ability to move beyond our comfort zone and step up big. KUA is gaining, leveling, and digging ground, and all of these proactive measures require significant influx of resources. Thank you to each and every one of you whose generosity is acknowledged in this booklet. I look forward to meeting the ’09 fundraising targets and encourage you all to join me again, or for the first time, in helping this school deliver the finest education possible.
Jeffrey P. Cutts ’73, H ’08, P ’08 Chair of the Board of Trustees
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In 2007, I reported to you that the ’07 fiscal year surpassed every other year in the history of the Academy in terms of total capital and annual fund giving. We celebrated this accomplishment with a myriad of programs and facilities that have greatly enhanced the experience of the students and broadened the appeal of Kimball Union as a leader among independent schools.
If Kimball Union is to remain strong now and into the future, we must do all we can to increase our percentage of participants in the KUA Annual Fund and in capital giving across all our constituencies. We know that, in the classroom and in our co-curricular activities, there is a clear relationship of investment and return. The more we invest, the greater the return. The same holds true for increasing the number of people donating to the KUA Annual Fund. Participation levels are key indicators because they reveal enthusiasm for value, and they represent our best efforts to build and rebuild relationships that last beyond any one year or any one campaign for support. Each year, we rely on you to marshal your best to help us meet our very best. In so doing, our school, our students, and our faculty rise to their very best to meet personal and professional educational challenges each and every day. If you gave to Kimball Union this year, please continue to contribute. If you occasionally participate in annual fund drives, we value your support and hope you find Kimball Union compelling enough to be counted upon each year and to be recognized in these scrolls. If you have never given to Kimball Union, we sincerely hope you will join the growing number of alumni and families that consider Kimball Union worthy of whatever level of financial commitment you feel comfortable contributing. We need your help to keep our school at the forefront of leadership schools. Your participation matters and makes an important difference in our mission.
from the head of school
One year later, I am proud to report that we reached another historic milestone in annual giving with the KUA Annual Fund exceeding the $1 million mark. Our collective generosity allowed us to meet the anonymous challenge with respect to total dollars raised. Despite challenging financial times and uncertain markets, everyone dug deep and we kept moving in high gear. Thank you for contributing to the strength of our school — our people, our program, our place, and, most importantly, our purpose as a vital educational community that makes a significant difference in the lives of young people learning to be leaders, teammates, advocates, and responsible community members.
a letter
Dear Friends,
To all our volunteers, alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and students, when we work together with integrity — a sense of wholeness and purpose — our present and future is secure. Each member of the KUA family is integral to our present and future well-being. Sincerely, Michael J. Schafer P12 Head of School
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external affairs
Admissions Report Rachel G. Tilney, Assistant Head of School for External Affairs K Kimball Union Academy had another strong year in enrollment and opened our doors to 355 students th this September. For the third year in a row we have exceeded our enrollment budget goals. This reflects th the confidence so many parents have in our school. Our faculty and student volunteers, as well as KUA p parents near and far, were an incremental part of our recruitment efforts again this year. The Kimball U Union network of current and past parents, and alumni and friends is essential to spreading the word aas most of our applicants learn of the school from one of these critical constituencies. Thanks to all the ggood news we have to share with our applicants, the Admissions Office has been able to be increasingly sselective as we recruit the finest students and best community participants for our school. We are pleased to boast of th the strength, diversity, and character of this year’s student body. With five ethnic minorities represented, 12% of the student body are students of color. We also have representation from almost 20 states including all the neighboring New England states, as well as Florida, Colorado, Maryland, California, Virginia, and Alaska, among others. Our international students come from 19 different countries, a record for KUA, and represent 22% of the student body. Joining us are students from Nigeria, Germany, Sweden, Mexico, Korea, Saudi Arabia, France, Denmark, and China, to name but a few. Over 26% of our students have had a brother, sister, uncle, aunt, father, mother or grandparent attend KUA. Locally we have 34 students from our own neighborhood of Plainfield, and 14 faculty children. The Academy is committed to providing this educational opportunity to students from different parts of the country and world and from varied cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. This year we allocated over $2.3 million in financial aid to 33% of the student body. The average award provided was over $18,000. Our ability to provide financial assistance to families who need it is thanks to the generous support of many of you. Thank you for making this possible. As the Admissions Office begins to recruit students for the 2009-2010 school year, we enjoy talking about the many happenings on The Hilltop. The new Campus Center and other renovations certainly shine, but the most interesting part of the story is the quality and character of our students and faculty. Please share your KUA story with a friend or neighbor.
Alumni & Development Report Rachel G. Tilney, Assistant Head of School for External Affairs It is an exciting time to be part of the Kimball Union Academy community and there is much good news to share. Every part of our campus and of the daily experience of the KUA student is impacted by your generous support. As our students walk through student lounges in the dormitories and the new Campus Center, kick a soccer ball across a field, enter a classroom to place their books on a Harkness table, and join their classmates in the Flickinger Arts Center for Morning Meeting, they are witness to your giving. For a third of our student body, your contribution makes it possible for them to be KUA students; the cost of tuition would otherwise prohibit them from having this opportunity. On behalf of our students, we thank you. Our most sincere thanks goes to each of our over 1400 generous donors. Your confidence in KUA today, and in what we are becoming, made it possible to not only meet but to exceed our Annual Fund goal. By the close of this fund year in June 2008, we raised $1,136,007. The Board of Trustees set the standard with their complete and generous support. The faculty, with 95% participation also set a strong example. Total participation in the Annual Fund for KUA increased this year overall, with significant increases on the part of our current parents, past parents and grandparents. Thank you! We are thrilled to report this good news, and energized to launch into the 2008-09 fund year. The enthusiasm on campus is palpable, and with healthy enrollment and good news in fundraising, there are many people with great confidence in what happens every day at KUA. Very soon you will hear more details on the KUA capital campaign. All the early indicators suggest we will continue to push past our goals. We hope you will choose to be a part of this exciting endeavor. In anticipation of our bicentennial there has been a change in staffing in the Alumni and Development Office. It is my pleasure to introduce this hard-working and professional staff to you. Nancy Norwalk and Tricia Butterfield have been joined by Sara Lang to keep our records up-to-date and the office functioning smoothly each day. Kim Davies is in the process of launching a program specifically designed to engage our current parents, and the future alumni who are their children, in our fundraising efforts. Annie Janeway and Kevin Ramos-Glew will be working with our alumni across the decades to keep everyone up-to-date on the many exciting things happening on The Hilltop. Carl Lovejoy continues to work with many current and past parents and alumni, traveling near and far to keep their connections with Kimball Union strong. Leigh Billingsley will mentor our student volunteers and aid in the administration of all of our events. Stay tuned! We hope your travels will bring you back to campus soon. The students and faculty who are the cornerstone of this community are eager to welcome you back and show off KUA with pride. | 3 |
David Weidman, Dean of the Faculty and Academic Affairs The academic program at Kimball Union will focus on several ongoing initiatives. The Curriculum Development Committee will complete its two-year charge by making several significant recommendations to the administration and the Board of Trustees. Small changes have already been implemented into this academic year, including the introduction of Community Period and Club Period. For the first time we are setting aside time for clubs. Community Period will offer an opportunity for Kimball Union faculty and students to reflect on deeper issues of the heart and mind.
The winter schedule has been considerably altered to allow enough time for our “on snow� activities. Classes have been lengthened and meet less regularly during the winter term. This year our Study Abroad Program is strengthened with five juniors studying in Costa Rica, China and India. Our mission calls upon the academic faculty to inspire our students to gain independence and ownership of their own education. The Senior Capstone Program, inaugurated last year, is already off to a roaring second year start with many proposals in place. This is a wide-ranging opportunity for our seniors to demonstrate their independent learning. The new evening study hall policy is tailored to an age appropriate system of privileges earned for excellent academic achievement. Our Writing Across the Curriculum initiative is being further developed with the Sophomore Writing Program. A regular evaluative cycle for the faculty is being implemented. Hand in hand with the alignment of the curriculum through Understanding by Design, the school has embarked on a program for authentic external assessment. Working with the College and Work Readiness Assessment, we will demonstrate the value of a Kimball Union education as we strive to make our students ready not only for college but armed with the skills necessary for success in the twenty-first century.
Joe Williams, Assistant Head of School The 2008-2009 academic year has begun amid an air of enthusiasm and connectedness following a successful preseason sports camp and new student orientation trips. With a commitment to building community relationships, fostering a cultural of involvement and celebrating students, the Student Life Office will advance the following initiatives this year. The Student Senate has been revamped to include not only the traditional class presidents, vice presidents and secretaries, but also representatives from the arts, athletics, the international student body and the proctor program. These changes will allow the Student Senate to more effectively enhance the broad range of interests within our community. Club meeting times have been added to the daily schedule, dramatically increasing the participation in current groups and facilitating the introduction of several new organizations. A Student Life Committee has been constituted to evaluate and monitor the student experience at Kimball Union through both a short and long-term lens, looking at the policies, programs and opportunities that will positively influence school spirit and culture.
student life
Student Life Report
Academic Affairs Report
Kimball Union’s grade specific social curriculum; Choices, Connections, Collaboration and Culmination, continue to evolve and grow as meaningful traditions at the Academy that foster healthy dialogue between students and adults about a range of adolescent behavioral topics while providing the information necessary for healthy decision making. The residential curriculum has been expanded to offer monthly themes and activities to build unity and cohesion within the boarding program. At the same time we are conscious of the needs of our day population and their desire to be fully involved in the life of the school. To this end we are planning more all school meals and events that generate a diverse set of common experiences that build tradition and community strength. The advisor program will benefit from more regularly scheduled meetings this year and a renewed emphasis on group activities, on and off campus, to strengthen connections and develop common interests to support the academic, social and extracurricular development of our students. We have a very talented and dynamic student body at Kimball Union that the Student Life Office is eager to partner with to make this a rewarding and fruitful year. | 4 |
business office
Business Office Report Jim Gray 66, P02, P04, Chief Financial Officer Kimball Union’s financial performance continued to be fiscally sound during Fiscal 2008 (the 2007/2008 school year). K Our O operating performance generated a small surplus of $143,000 and our net assets increased by $2.6 million. Operating expenses exceeded tuition revenue by approximately 14%, slightly less than in previous years; additional reO sources from Annual Fund gifts and prescribed funding from the endowment contributed to the $143,000 operating surso plus. pl Continued strong enrollment and the generosity of our Annual Fund participants allowed the Academy to continue its reinvestment in and maintenance of existing campus facilities while increasing its need based financial aid to students. The T advanced purchase of oil during Fiscal 2008 temporarily cushioned the Academy from increases in energy costs. Net assets, which is analogous to the stockholder’s equity of a public company, increased by 7.7% to $36.6 million, principally from donations to support increases in facilities investments. During FY’ 08, the Academy’s $9.4 million facilities investments included its new Campus Center addition to the Dining Commons, new faculty housing, and capital improvements to existing facilities. These investments were funded by $4.8 million of donations and a new $10 million, 30-year bond that increased the Academy’s debt and decreased net assets by $6.6 million. The Academy’s endowment decreased by $.9 million; principally due to market performance. The new 8,000 square foot Campus Center addition provides our students with social space at the heart of the campus, including social and recreational space for informal and organized student activities, a 3,500 square foot atrium overlooking the hockey complex, student lockers, mail boxes, a snack bar, Student Life offices, and a drop-off and pick-up area for day students and visitors. An entrance on the west side of the Dining Commons permits direct access to the Campus Center from the main academic quad and the east entrance provides easy access and a direct route to the Whittemore Athletic Center and the athletic fields. A new 5,000 square foot faculty housing unit was built on the former site of Gardner and Kay MacLeay’s home (former Postmaster and General Store owners). Two faculty families now share this unit with the Mac Leay’s.
college advising
Our plans for Fiscal 2009 (the 2008/2009 school year) include a balanced operating budget and continued investments in facilities. The significant changes to the campus planned for Fiscal 2009 include a major upgrade to the main academic quad, a new road bed leading from Main Street to the Campus Center, a complete renovation of the area between Dexter Richards Hall, Rowe, and the old gym, and a new highly energy efficient oil boiler. As a community, we will focus on reducing energy consumption and improving our environmental practices.
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College Advising Report Derek Krein, Director of College Advising The most recent national college admission cycle proved to be “the most competitive year ever” once again. Closer to home, the Class of 2008 had an exceptional year in terms of college admission offers, merit scholarship awards, and, most importantly, matriculating to the best possible match. Our most recent graduates are attending a myriad of schools in the United States and Canada that range from large research universities to small liberal arts colleges―from Ivy League schools to renowned specialized colleges of music and business. Several are the first in their family to attend college and several others are legacies. The 99 members of the Class of 2008 collectively submitted 786 applications to 271 different colleges and universities, and they matriculated to 70 different colleges and universities. On average, each member of the Class of 2008 submitted 8 applications and enjoyed a 50% acceptance rate. The average SAT score for the class was 1655 (out of a possible 2400). The five schools with the most students from the Class of 2008 attending are University of New Hampshire (9), Boston University (5), St. Lawrence University (4), Connecticut College (3), and Lehigh University (3). Nationally, the number of high school graduates across the country will crest this year, but the total number of graduates who matriculate to post-secondary education will continue to increase at least until 2014. In 2008, an estimated 3.3 million students graduated from high school in the United States, and a little more than 60% applied to and enrolled in post-secondary education within twelve months of graduation. As to what colleges report as the most important factors in making application decisions, little has changed: grades in college preparatory courses, rigor of course selection/load, overall grades, and standardized test scores. After that, the “academic tip” factors were essay/writing sample, teacher recommendations and college advisor statements. The “non-academic tip” factors were work and extracurricular activities, student interview, and demonstrated interest.
College Advising Report (cont.) This fall Kimball Union once again will host admission representatives from nearly one hundred colleges and universities from the United States and abroad. These college admission personnel, who come to speak with students and to learn more about KUA, continue to commend us on the interested and interesting young women and men who make up our student body. They watch intently the evolution of our programs and initiatives such as study abroad in China, Costa Rica, and India; the implementation of new courses like Mandarin Chinese, Physics for Sustainability, Mathematical Modeling, and Senior Capstone Projects; the curricular and pedagogical aspirations reflected in the work of the Curriculum Development Committee and in the adoption of College Work Readiness Assessment; and the attention to personal growth outside of the classroom available through the Student Life social curriculum and the Cullman Scholarship. Independently and as a whole, these opportunities differentiate Kimball Union Academy and our students from their peers. College admission committees are looking to craft each incoming class and shape their school with students who embrace leadership, initiative, compassion, and a broad view of the world.
To the Alumni, Parents and Friends of KUA: At new student orientation, Mike Schafer reflected on the history of Kimball Union to provide some context for our latest group of enthusiastic entrants. He explained that a year after the founding of Union Academy, Daniel Kimball gave the fledgling school $6,000 and promised the bulk of his Meriden estate to sustain the school, newly renamed in his honor. Classes started with seven students, four of whom were women. Now, almost 200 years later, generous individuals continue to play a pivotal role in supporting the operations of the Academy, which carries the responsibility of educating and nurturing 355 students from 19 countries. On a daily basis, it’s the students who are the true beneficiaries of a campus transformed by generosity. Flickinger Arts Center, Coffin Library, Whittemore Athletic Center, and Pope Field all bear the names of individuals, who, like Daniel Kimball, made an investment in the future of Kimball Union. Just as the Academy has grown, the number of individual donors correspondingly needs to increase in order for the school to continue to prosper as an intellectual, creative, and athletic enterprise. Thanks to the more than 1,400 donors listed on the following pages, KUA and its current students, faculty, and staff are the beneficiaries of over one million dollars in annual institutional support. This magnificent milestone serves as testimony for the high regard alumni, parents, staff, and friends have for an educational experience worth supporting through private funds.
annual fund
A Letter from the Alumni Annual Fund Chairs
This year, over a third of KUA students receive financial aid, allowing the admissions team to recruit a culturally and socioeconomically diverse student body. Learning in the classroom and playing together on athletic teams, students experience the true meaning of cross-cultural interdependency and globalization. We may wonder, as we edge toward our bicentennial in 2013, where will Kimball Union be 200 years from now? Only future generations will know. We can be certain, however, that individuals coming together through efforts like the Annual Fund this and every year, will ensure KUA’s bright future.
W. Adam Black ’85 Annual Fund Co-Chair Robin Munro Gronlund ’81, P’11 Annual Fund Co-Chair | 6 |
Throughout our nearly 200-year history, Kimball Union Academy has grown and prospered, thanks to the generous capital and endowment support of alumni, parents, and friends. These gifts help to ensure the Academy’s future by maintaining a healthy endowment, building new campus facilities and maintaining existing buildings, and sustaining a wide range of academic and co-curricular programs.
355 students... 118 of whom receive some form of financial aid.
giving summary The 2007-2008 Giving Summary (gifts & pledges) — July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 Annual Fund Unrestricted Restricted
$ 959,686 176,321
Endowment Unrestricted Restricted
$ 200,000 908,551
Capital Gifts
$ 510,280
Other Designation - Pending
Grand Total of Giving to the Academy
Constituency Analysis — All Funds (gifts & pledges) - July 1, 2007-June 30, 2008 Constituency Trustees Alumni Council Alumni Current Parents Grandparents Parents of Alumni Current Faculty Staff Former Faculty Friends Foundations/Corporations Total | 7 |
2,956,184 3,406 1,107,002 410,339 74,400 62,401 19,111 361 3,700 1,223,638 483,771
100% 100% 20% 46% 15% 12% 95% 14% 14% 29% ---
Endowed scholarships and financial aid dollars enable us to enroll deserving students from diverse backgrounds. A 2.3 million dollar financial aid budget allows us to enroll regardless of financial need.
talented students of merit
Financial Summary 2007 - 2008
Revenue Tuition and Fees Annual Giving
12,186,410 1,004,835
Endowment and Trust
Summer and Auxiliary Programs
Academic and Student Services
Financial Aid and Grants
Facilities and Operation
General and Administrative
Development and Communications
Borrowing Expense
372,277 13,917,655
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capital and endowment giving Throughout our nearly 200-year history, Kimball Union Academy has grown and prospered thanks to the generous capital and endowment support of alumni, parents, and friends. These gifts help to ensure the Academy’s future by maintaining a healthy endowment, building new campus facilities and maintaining existing buildings, and sustaining a wide range of academic and co-curricular programs. Capital Gifts As Kimball Union Academy grows to meet the changing demands of providing a globally recognized educational experience, the administration and Board of Trustees identify building projects and acquisitions important to accomplish the school’s mission. Examples include athletic fields, new buildings, new equipment for academic and co-curricular programs, and building renovations. Anonymous (1) J.M.R. Barker Foundation William S. Barker ’90 William A. ’85 and Dawnmarie Black Jr. Richard and Shannon Bonness Raymond G. Bradford ’07 Walter Brown ’58 Cabbadetus Foundation Philip G. Chesley ’59 Sang Hyun Cho and Knag-chang Lee Wan Choe and Eun-Seon Kim Kyung Joon Choi and Mikyung Kim Jeffrey P. ’73 H’08 and Rebecca Cutts Alfred Decrane Jr. Thomas and Deborah DeMarco III Deutsche Bank The Family of Charles F. Doe ’45 Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation James E. ’66 and Mary Gray
Bart A. Grenier Christopher G. ’66 and Birgit Harley Philip and Catherine Griffiths ’86 Harrison Timothy J. ’83 and Sally Griffiths ’84 Herbert Edward and Marne Holstein Tatakazu and Akiko Hori Young Gi Hwang and Mi Suk Ha Jane’s Trust Seung Gi Jang and Jae Sun Young Yoon Joo and Young Joo Shin Kwang Gi Ju and Ji Young Kim Jung-Hoon Kang and Hye-Jin Kwon Min Suk Kang and Eun Suk Park Daniel L. Keating John and Sharon Kerr Eunyoung Kim Gwang Gon Kim and Yeon Hwa Myung Sik Kim and Jun Sun Hyun Jae Kim and Hae Young
Ja Hoon Koo and Ri Na Yoo Dug Man Kwon and Bo Hyun Kim Jae Sun Lee and Mi Heum Yeon Young Hee Lee and Hyang Cho Kim Youn Hong Lee and Young Eun Wang Wan Ki Lee and Kyung Ja Park Jae Sun Lee and Mi Heum Yeon Kent B. ’47 and Susan McCray John C. ’48 and Katharine McCrillis Deborah Milne Se Kwang Oh and Dong Kim Poon Lam Chi and Oi Ching Chan Michael J. and Gayle Schafer Jin Hong Seo and Sun Duk Park Robbins B. ’53 and Nancy Smith Thomas and Janet Sorell Vinnie and Michelle Tracey William and Loretta Weitzel John M. ’59 and Nancy Wilson Kevin and Lorrie Young Thomas and Sandra Zonay
Endowment Gifts Gifts designated to Kimball Union Academy’s endowment are permanently invested. The income earned from an endowment is directed towards the purpose selected by the donor. Endowed funds at Kimball Union Academy currently support scholarships, faculty chairs, faculty professional development, building maintenance, and specific academic and athletic programs. Endowed funds enhance the regular operations of the Academy while ensuring its future. Gifts Added to Existing Endowments Peter L. Abdu ’08 William and Linda Abdu Cheol Ahn and Kyung Ju Yoo Rose Allen -In memory of Alfred L. Allen ‘46 Anonymous (2) Michael R. Athanas ’63 In memory of Gus Bartlett ’63 and Elva Mikula
William J. Banfield III ’08 Robert V. Bartles and Loren McGean Samuel Bartlett Janice Bayer Stephen H’00 and Joan Bishop H’00
J. C. ’80 and Bhavana Boggs III In memory of Elva Mikula
John A. ’55 and Bonnie Booth Jr. In memory of Elva Mikula
Michael and Jennifer Kurth ’78 Borislow In memory of Elva Mikula
Brent F. Bourgeois ’08 Jed W. ’52 and Deborah Bullen
Walter Celin and Maryse Attar Sandra Chivers - In memory of Elva Mikula Donald J. ’51 and Janet Conner Sean O. Cota ’81 Leslie Hanafin Cota Timothy J. ’79 and Heather Crutchfield In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Wilbur W. Bullen and Nelson B. Nugent ’51
Jeffrey P. ’73 H’08 and Rebecca Cutts
Michael and Janice Burke Peter and Jean Burling C. Anthony ’60 and Lynn Cairns
In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
John and Virginia Callahan
Sarah V. Cutts ’08 Steven Dayno and Kathryn Jacobs Zachary Dayno ’08 Kurt F. ’89 and Lisa De Poy
Robert and Susan Blackwood Jr. Robert S. ’74 and Jeannine Blood Horace S. and Frances Blood
In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
Robert and Susan Campbell Richard F. Carolan ’54 Lisah Keller Carpenter - In memory of Elva Mikula
Caroline Deming Joan Deming-Murphy Charles F. and Phoebe Dey - In memory of Elva Mikula Mariann Drago - In honor of Kyle L. Berliner ’08
In memory of Elva Mikula
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In memory of Elva Mikula
Mason B. and Roberta Ellison In memory of Elva Mikula
Jessie Carver English In memory of Frederick E. Carver, James G. Carver ’56 and Elva Mikula
Jane C. Fielder In memory of Frederick E. Carver and James G. Carver ’56
Richard J. and Barbara Forsley Albert and Debra Fowler Elizabeth Frates Whitney A. Frates ’08 Fred Frechette In memory of Elva Mikula
Walter and Anne Frey - In memory of Elva Mikula Harriet V. Gardent Paul B. ’65 and Fran Gardent John and Sarah Giles II In memory of Elva Mikula
Jeffrey V. ’78 and Patty Goodwin In memory of Elva Mikula
Lois Hedman William J. and Nancy Heffron Mary and Theodore Hoffman In memory of Elva Mikula
Louis and Audrey Hoitsma In memory of Elva Mikula
Lee R. ’56 and Paula Hougen In memory of Frederick E. Carver and Elva Mikula
Cynthia Howe and Murray Dewdney In memory of Elva Mikula
Ann L. Howe Young Gi Hwang and Mi Suk Ha Truda C. and Lincoln Jewett In memory of Elva Mikula
Thierry G. and Joan Joffres Michael and Nancy Jones Andrea Bueno Keen ’89 and Rangi In memory of Elva Mikula
Russell and Edwina Keene Robert B. ’39 and Barbara Kent In memory of Elva Mikula
William E. ’78 and Pamela Kidder Jae K. Kim ’88 - In memory of Elva Mikula Jae W. Kim ’86 - In memory of Elva Mikula Martha Deming Kirkland Robert E. Krasow ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lagasse In memory of Elva Mikula
Marra M. Landino ’08 William B. ’50 and Marlene Leatherbee Jr. In memory of Elva Mikula
Youn Hong Lee and Young Eun Wang Jae Hyuk Lee ’08 Peter R. Logan ’08 Richard B. and Susan Logan Jonathan P. Lowenstein ’08 Thomas and Nancy Maher Ralph N. and Sally Manuel In memory of Elva Mikula
Brett L. Marshall ’08 Kirby and Caryn Marshall Kenneth R. and Dorcas Mattern In memory of Elva Mikula
James and Mary Millette Nicholas J. Millette ’08 Douglas G. and Deborah Morgan Allan F. ’55 and Kathryn Munro In memory of Elva Mikula
Tai A. Nixa ’08
Douglas L. and Mary Noordsy Northwestern Mutual Foundation M. Anne Pendergast Dan Poor - In memory of Elva Mikula Stephen and Rebecca Powell Frederick K. and Lisa Reich Harry W. ’38 and Clementine Robinson In memory of Elva Mikula
Hope Schachter Scott Schachter ’08 Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Paul E. and Jamyn Sheff - In memory of Elva Mikula Donald and Mary St. Germain Edward H. ’78 and Amy Stansfield In memory of Elva Mikula
Ethel Stansfield - In memory of Elva Mikula Sarah L. Stender ’08 Margueritte Stevens † Corinne Styles David J. ’45 and Karen Taylor - In memory of Elva Mikula Gregory and Gail Teague In memory of Corey Salter-Teague ’92
Joseph M. ’81 and Amanda Thibert In memory of Elva Mikula
Frances Vadney Richard D. Vorisek Jr. ’84 In memory of Elva Mikula
C. Jeffery ’76 and Lisa Wahlstrom Kendrick W. ’76 and Lisa White In memory of Elva Mikula
Peter A. ’53 and Jeri Whiteside Frederick B. ’49 and Marion Whittemore In memory of Elva Mikula
Eleanor A. Wilson ’08 Jack and Anne Wilson
Newly-established Endowments Robert V. Bartles Scholarship Fund Janet C. Conner and Donald J. Conner ’51 Scholarship Fund
List of Endowed Funds George Akerstrom Chair in Athletics Akerstrom Arena Fund George Akerstrom Hockey Program Fund Alfred L. Allen ’46 Memorial Fund Robert V. Bartles Scholarship Fund Gus Bartlett ’63 Scholarship Fund Bayer Scholarship Fund Robert Shepard Blood ’74 Scholarship Fund Boynton Fund William P. Brewster Scholarship Fund The Thomas S. Brown MD 1899 and Jessie Baldwin Brown 1899 Memorial Scholarship Fund Wilbur W. Bullen Scholarship Fund Robert P. Burroughs Financial Aid Fund Leah G.H. Buss Fund Harry E. and Kathryn Ash Carlson Scholarship Fund Frederick E. Carver Scholarship Fund Funds of the Classes of 1895, 1904, 1905, 1907 Richard Carolan ’54 Operating Endowment Gardner Cobb Fund Dexter and David Coffin Library Fund Elizabeth Dorr Coffin Library Fund Janet C. Conner and Donald J. Conner ’51 Scholarship Fund
Converse Fund Cullman Scholars Fund Dartmouth Lectures Fund Marion Deming Fund Norman Deming ’40 Student Alumni Fund Alfred J. Densmore Memorial Fund Henry H. Douglass Memorial Fund Edwin G. Eastman Scholarship Fund Equestrian Endowment Fund Esperanza Scholarship Fund Faculty Sabbaticals Fund Fairfield Estate Scholarship Fund Georg Feichtinger Community Service Award Fund Edward E. Ford Financial Aid Fund Edward E. Ford Library Fund Foreign Study Program Fund George French Estate Fund Gardent Family Scholarship Fund Everett Goodhue Estate Fund Gosselin Maintenance Fund Edward C. Hallock Financial Aid Fund Charles Hayden Foundation Scholarship Fund Joseph D. Hayes ’67 Scholarship Fund William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship Fund Donald P. Herzig Chair in History Peter Holland ’57 English Chair Kate Ford Jackson 1864 Scholarship Fund Ray Freeman Jenney Good Citizen Award Fund Ray Freeman Jenney Scholarship Fund J. F. Kilton Fund Timothy and Elizabeth Knox Leadership Scholars Fund Chris Koval ’83 Award Fund Ralph A. Lamphere Scholarship Fund Land & Timber Fund Stephen P. Mallett Jr. ’40 Fund Master Teacher’s Fund Tom and Elva Mikula ABC Scholarship Fund Ernest Miller Fund Lionel Mosher English Chair Mudiri/Lidonde Nativity Worcester Scholarship Fund Louis Munro ’57 Fund for Environmental Studies Munro Family Fund Josh and Ben Putnam Memorial Scholarship Fund William Brewster Styles ’42 Scholarship Fund Corey Salter-Teague ’92 Memorial Scholarship Fund J. Curtiss Taylor ’50 Headmaster’s Discretionary Fund Alice Tilden Fund Townsend Scholarship Fund Charles Alden Tracy 1893 Scholarship Fund Trustee Memorial Fund Catherine Ursillo Scholarship Fund John B. Vadney ’18 Scholarship Fund Karl D. Wahlstrom Scholarship Fund William S. Walter Fund Ralph B. Webber ’39 Scholarship Fund Arthur Day Welch Chair for Advanced Mathematics Fund Arthur Day Welch House Repair Fund Ethel W. Welch Scholarship Fund Nathaniel H. Whiteside Family Scholarship Fund Donald R. Whitting ’62 Memorial Scholarship Fund Joan Platt Witmer ’36 and Marian Mevis Cuzner ’16 Fund Colonel Lloyd E. Witmer, USMC-Ret., Scholarship Fund Lizzie F. Wood Estate Scholarship Fund Allen F. Worrell Fund
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trustees’ guild Trustees’ Guild The Trustees’ Guild recognizes those donors who choose to make leadership contributions of $20,000 or more to the Academy in a given year. Through their profound commitment and most generous support, members of the Trustees’ Guild significantly enhance the Kimball Union experience for each student. Anonymous (3) Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation J.M.R. Barker Foundation William S. Barker ’90 Raymond and Cynthia Barrette
Robert V. Bartles and Loren McGean William A. ’85 and Dawnmarie Black J. C. ’80 and Bhavana Boggs III Michael and Jennifer Kurth ’78 Borislow Peter and Jean Burling Cabbadetus Foundation Richard F. Carolan ’54 Donald J. ’51 and Janet Conner Jeffrey P. ’78 H’08 and Rebecca Cutts The Family of Charles F. Doe ’45 Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Thomas L. ’58 and Maureen Gosselin James E. ’66 and Mary Gray Bart A. Grenier Philip and Catherine Griffiths ’86 Harrison Timothy J. ’83 and Sally Griffiths ’84 Herbert Edward and Marne Holstein
Young Gi Hwang and Mi Suk Ha Jane’s Trust Thomas and Nancy Maher Kent B. ’47 and Susan McCray John C. ’48 and Katharine McCrillis Richard and Christie Morse Allan F. ’55 and Kathryn Munro Lam Chi Poon and Oi Ching Chan John D. ’49 and Virginia Pope Michael J. and Gayle Schafer Edward H. ’78 and Amy Stansfield † Corinne Styles Christopher and Nancy Tatum UK Architects Lisa and Hunter Ulf Frances Vadney William and Loretta Weitzel
the headmaster’s circle The Headmaster’s Circle In 2002-2003 Kimball Union Academy established The Headmaster’s Circle to recognize those donors demonstrating a commitment to the Academy and the students through their leadership contributions. Membership in the Circle is extended to those generous donors who accept the challenge to ensure the vitality of Kimball Union with their gift between $10,000 and $19,999.
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J. Stephen ’63 and Barbara Agel Clarence W. Barron Lead Trust John F. ’73 and Dawn Baybutt Curtis F. ’57 and Lynn Brockelman James and Cristina Clark David L. ’44 and Marie-Jeanne Coffin Paul T. ’43 and Georgia Cullman Richard and Marie Louise Hart Daniel L. Keating Eunyoung Kim Gwang Gon Kim and Yeon Hwa Wilfred ’50 H’07 and Margaret Kurth II
Dug Man Kwon and Bo Hyun Kim † Barbara Liming New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Peter and Renee Novello William and Susan Nugent Duncan G. ’50 and Sally Ogden Robert M. Rose Rose Foundation James D. and Janet Sinegal David W. ’52 and Barbara Stewart Verdun Hill Group Frederick B. ’49 and Marion Whittemore Thomas and Sandra Zonay
1813 founders’ club 1813 founders’ club 1813 Founders’ Club Established in 2002-2003, the 1813 Founders’ Club recognizes those very generous donors who are committed to the continued success of all Kimball Union students. Membership in the 1813 Founders’ Club is extended to those donors significantly enhancing the KUA experience for all students and faculty with their gift between $5,000 and $9,999.
Maher and Barbara Al-Haffar Anonymous (2) Philip G. ’59 and Judith Chesley Stuart and Marcia Conston Hugh ’42 and Nan Cullman Deutsche Bank Benjamin D. ’90 and Wendy Fischman Thomas R. ’50 and Phoebe Flickinger William S. Flickinger ’55 Global Impact Jessica S. Griffiths ’89 Christopher G. ’66 and Birgit Harley Keun Sang Lee and Jeen Hee Han Agnes M. Lindsay Trust
William and Jean Matthews Middlecott Foundation J. Ralph ’61 and Dee Muller, Sr. New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – North Country Region Page Hill Foundation – Rick and Jan Sayles Jeffrey D. ’66 and Jan Palmer Roland F. Pease ’40 M. Anne Pendergast Robert and Paula Planer Russell D. ’68 and Deborah Robertson Irving F. ’50 and Lee Sherwood Donald and Juanita Simmons UBS Foundation Peter A. ’53 and Jeri Whiteside
the bicentennial club The Bicentennial Club Membership in the Bicentennial Club is extended to those generous donors who accept the challenge to ensure the vitality of Kimball Union with their gift between $2,000 and $4,999. Anonymous (1) Michael R. Athanas ’63 Barrette Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – Upper Valley Region Janice Bayer Nadja M. ’85 and Troy Bellan-White Roger and Leigh Billingsley Horace S. and Frances Blood John A. ’55 and Bonnie Booth Jr. Karl A. ’52 and Lucille Brautigam Sang Hyun Cho and Knag-chang Lee Wan Choe and Eun-Seon Kim Kyung Joon Choi and Mikyung Kim Sean O. ’81 Cota Leslie Hanafin Cota Sheila and Nathaniel Crosby Phillip R. ’94 and Heather Deguire Richard W. Esten ’50 and Ellen Karp Robert P. ’82 and Kerry Fitzgerald Geoffrey R. ’77 and Sandra Flickinger Charles F. Giles ’84
Tatakazu and Akiko Hori Thomas Hulleberg and Kristin Graham Il Hwe Hur and Kyung Lan Lee Seung Gi Jang and Jae Sun Lee Theodore C. ’55 and Patricia Johanson D. Alden ’49 and Patricia Johnson Young Yoon Joo and Young Joo Shin Kwang Gi Ju and Ji Young Kim Jung-Hoon Kang and Hye-Jin Kwon Min Suk Kang and Eun Suk Park Hyun Jae Kim and Hae Young Kim Myung Sik Kim and Jun Sun Ja Hoon Koo and Ri Na Yoo Allen ’44 and Nancy Langhorne William B. ’50 and Marlene Leatherbee Young Hee Lee and Hyang Cho Kim Youn Hong Lee and Young Eun Wang Jae Sun Lee and Mi Heum Yeon Wan Ki Lee and Kyung Ja Park Yong Hee Lee and Young Hee Kim William K. ’64 and Mary Kay Love Donald E. Lowery ’73 Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Thomas M. Mikula H’89 Se Kwang Oh and Dong Kim Young jin Oh and Eunhee Yeon Rich and Deborah Pearce Pelletier Family Foundation William C. and Elizabeth Pierce
George L. ’55 and Carolyn Place Harry D. ’74 and Kathleen Robinson Jay and Barbara Rosenfield Jin Hong Seo and Sun Duk Park Paul E. and Jamyn Sheff J. Roberts ’85 and Jennifer Snow Mark and Fonnie Soderstrom Margueritte Stevens Edward and Lollie Stone Jr. J. C. ’50 and Thelma-Jeanne Taylor Townsend and Ann Marie Thomas Joseph and Karin Cheung ’93 Travaglione Jennifer B. Truman ’85 Truman Charitable Fund of the Lakes Region UBS Foundation USA - Matching Gift Program
| 12 |
buildings on our beautiful 1300-acre campus. Annual giving helps us to maintain our historic buildings and make significant improvements and additions to existing facilities so that we can provide the best possible living and learning environment for our students and preserve our Academy’s almost 200-year heritage.
Our beautiful new Campus Center opened its doors last spring thanks to the generosity of many Kimball Union supporters.
The Tower Club The Tower Club recognizes those donors who demonstrate their commitment to the Academy with their gift between $1,000 and $1,999. These gifts are essential to the success of the school and help bridge the gap between tuition revenue and the expense of providing the KUA experience on a daily basis. Frederick N. ’56 and Julia Adams Cheol Ahn and Kyung Ju Yoo Helen Bronk Akerstrom Brenda Balenger Harvey and Phyllis Baumann Bank of America Harold R. ’52 and Cecile Beacham Richard and Shannon Bonness George ’41 and Deborah Brett Matthew D. Bromley ’90 C. Duncan ’38 and Helen Brough Phil and Lynn Guild ’78 Brown Walter R. ’58 and Kiyoko Brown Grosvenor E. Bryant ’46 Christopher K. ’83 and Emily Burns Emily Wilson Burns Donor Advised Fund Martin and Jill Butler Andrew and Deborah Cable Kenneth P. ’70 and Marilyn Cardillo Eugene P. ’59 and Ann Cenci Sr. ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program Sandra Chivers Sang Hyun Cho and Knag-chang Lee H. Morgan Clough ’58 Thomas and Susanne Clune Mary Coolidge James G. ’48 and Janice Crump | 13 |
Sheila A. and Richard Culbert Richard ’58 and Ann Cunneen Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Decrane Jr. Thomas and Deborah DeMarco III Caroline Deming William B. ’42 and Carolyn Duane Deighton ’48 and Barbara Emmons Allan and Myra Ferguson Sydney and Gloria Finkelstein John S. ’58 and Dorothy Floyd-Jones Bruce W. ’63 and Elizabeth Found Annelia E. ’88 and C. Andrew Fritz Jane W. Gage Robert and Julie Galvin Hubert J. and Janet Gellert Gerald F. ’48 and Judith Giles Richard E. ’49 and Eleanor Gorsey Tamara Grenier Steven and E. Robin Munro ’81 Gronlund Alden ’48 and Ruth Guild Guild Family Foundation Hallmark Cards, Inc. William T. ’58 and Judith Hayes William J. and Nancy Heffron Hermes Foundation, Inc. Trevor L. ’88 and Katherine Hilliar Douglas N. ’63 and Janice Howe Jr. Robert B. ’57 and Karin Jackson Raymond P. ’81 and Michelle Jacques John Hancock Financial Services Marwaan R. ’87 and Melissa Karame Robert B. ’39 and Barbara Kent Wing Ching Law and Wai Ying Yeung Xin Li and Jing Wei Sarah T. Lummus ’81 May God Bless You Oleta Coach Lines John C. McIntyre ’56 Brian H. ’73 and Merily McLaughlin Dale L. ’66 and Linda Meltzer James and Mary Millette
Alfred H. Moody ’48 Timothy J. ’66 and Joan Moran Burton D. Morgan Foundation Edward F. ’58 and Gail Mullen New England Schooner Richard B. and Cecilia Newman William and Linda Brockelman ’80 Ogden Herbert W. ’58 and Lynn Paul David S. ’42 and Helen Paulsen Richard S. ’62 and Judy Phelan Edwin V. ’47 and Elizabeth Post George L. Richards II ’51 Glenaan Robbins Deborah J. Robinson ’78 Jonathan Romero Jr. ’96 Paul ’53 and Helen Russo Diane Sangermano Cooper Schieffelin ’95 Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving John F. ’58 and Nancy Sinclair Reginald H. Smith Leslie M. and Loretta Sparks Jesse Spikes † William P. Stone ’48 Claire Stone Allan H. ’58 and Jean Swanson Henri L. ’70 and Janet Tallichet Steven M. and Jill Tassinari Vinnie and Michelle Tracey Dr. and Mrs. Hubert K. Turley Catherine Ursillo Fred E. ’74 and Janet Wahrlich Fred W. ’52 and Elinor Weitzel Jr. James O. ’58 and M.C. Wells II Nathaniel H. ’74 and Mary Whiteside III Charles R. Whitney Foundation for the Annual Fund Charles R. ’39 and Barbara Wilson John M. ’59 and Nancy Wilson C. David ’81 and Laurie Winslow Anthony M. ’73 and Roberta Woeltz William R. Young ’87
The Black And Orange Young Alumni Giving Society The Academy recognizes young alumni leadership participation as members of The Black and Orange. All alumni through their 15th reunion who contribute $500 or more to the Annual Fund are recognized as Black and Orange Associates. Membership in The Black and Orange demonstrates a commitment to the ongoing support of the Academy and is based on the following levels of participation: Up to the 5th reunion: 6th to 10th reunion: 11th to 15th reunion:
$50 $100 $250
Christian J. Avignon ’97 Phillip R. Deguire ’94 Hindi Wilding-White Durant ’93 Carrianna K. Field ’93 Douglas J. Harding ’94 Jake R. Levow ’04 Jonathan Romero Jr. ’96 Cooper L. Schieffelin ’95 Margaret D. Swift ’97 Karin Cheung Travaglione ’93 Michael Vitsentzos ’99
R. William Abdu ’05 Peter F. Adams ’00 John M. Bergin II ’99 Karine Bombardier ’00 David R. Barrette ’05 Frederic Baumann ’03 Jessica Borislow ’07 Alison H. Bowen ’07 Raymond G. Bradford ’07 Craig S. Bradford ’05 Candy Cheung ’95 Young Hoo Cho ’07
Jae Won Choi ’06 Chia Hung Chu ’00 Youri Chung ’07 Andrew N. Clancey ’04 Chester Clem ’00 Ashley Vander Vliet Close ’99 Kristie H. Clune ’03 Denning J. B. Coates ’00 Adam L. Conston ’07 Caitlin M. Cowan ’05 Kelly A. Cowan ’07 Thomas K. Estabrook ’06 Andrew J. Fitzpatrick ’06 Colin M. Fitzpatrick ’04 Nicole E. Ford ’03 David K. Frasz ’07 Charlotte V. Hastings ’06 Jonathan W. Hastings ’01
Melisse P. Hinkle ’01 Boo Yun Jang ’06 Ho Kyu Jang ’07 Eun Ji Ju ’07 Myung-Soo Kang ’06 Alison M. Keating ’05 Krista A. Kusinski ’04 Faith F. Larsen ’01 Rebecca L. Lawrence ’01 Julia W. Logan ’04 G. G. MacLeay IV ’93 Andrew A. McElwee ’06 Tracie E. McNamara ’02 Timothy A. Morgan ’99 Nathaniel A. Neroni ’06 Joel M. Patton ’98 Elizabeth A. Peets ’07 Morgan T. Ratcliffe ’98 Stephen C. Rogers ’04 Douglas Simmons ’00 Lauren E. Slipp ’06 Sean T. Smith ’04 David Storer ’97 Jahr M. Turchan ’98 Nathaniel M. Walker ’04 Koji Yasuda ’01 Trevor R. M. York ’07 Justin Zonay ’05
Daniel Kimball Society Many alumni, parents and friends have included Kimball Union Academy in their estate planning through bequests or deferred gifts. Those who have notified the Academy of their planned gift intentions are recognized as members of the Daniel Kimball Society. Anonymous (11) Rose Allen Ashton C. Ballou ’88 Peter I. Barber ’55 Harold R. Beacham ’52 Allan A. Bell ’53 Stephen H. Bishop Jr. ’56 Horace S. Blood Robert S. Blood ’74 Jennifer Kurth Borislow ’78 John W. Boynton ’43 George Brett ’41 Curtis F. Brockelman ’57 Wilbur W. Bullen Jr. ’50 David D. Burke ’80 Fred P. Carleton ’48 Harry Carlson Jr. ’52 Richard F. Carolan ’54 David G. Chase ’38 Robert W. Clark ’72 Beatrice Bishop Clark ’37
John B. and Barbara Coates Sean O. ’81 and Leslie H. Cota Charles A. Dana Jr. ’64 Lloyd W. David ’56 David J. Dean ’49 Caroline Deming † Alfred J. Densmore Jr. ’40 David L. Dodge ’72 C. Francis Egan E. Thomas Eggert II ’55 Richard W. Esten ’50 Herbert E. Fletcher ’41 Geoffrey R. Flickinger ’77 William S. Flickinger ’55 Thomas R. Flickinger ’50 Sarah H. Giles Thomas L. Gosselin ’58 Alden Guild ’48 David A. Haller Jr. ’42 David P. Hallock ’67
Christopher G. Harley ’66 George S. Hebb Jr. ’40 Sally Griffiths Herbert ’84 Michael E. Herzig Peter Herzig Paul and Ann Higgins Douglas N. Howe Jr. ’63 Raymond A. Huse ’33 Gregory S. Inman ’78 Truda C. Jewett Theodore C. Johanson ’55 Lyman Johnson DMD ’50 Timothy H’96 and Elizabeth H’99 Knox Richard C. Kostandin ’81 William B. Leatherbee Jr. ’50 Wendy Reading Lee ’82 Dennis E. and Marcella Logue Richard H. Macsherry ’68 Charles K. Mallett ’41 H’07 Vincent N. Martino ’93 Douglas and Laura Mathewson II
Kent B. McCray ’47 John C. McCrillis ’48 Bruce G. McInnes William J. McKinley Jr. ’46 William R. Meyer ’52 Thomas M. Mikula H’89 William W. and Judith Miner Harry R. Montague ’47 Timothy J. Moran ’66 J. Ralph Muller Sr. ’61 Allan F. Munro ’55 Richard W. Naramore ’69 Jack H. Nelson ’63 David H. Oberlander ’50 Duncan G. Ogden ’50 Hans F. Olsen ’81 Henry W. Parker ’41 Ian M. Peacock ’46 Gilbert P. Pike ’29 David G. Pond ’64 William W. Poole ’42 | 14 |
Daniel Kimball Society (Cont.)
T. J. Prowda ’65 Patrice Reilly ’80 William J. Riley Jr. ’64 Martha Robes Deborah J. Robinson ’78 Harry D. Robinson ’74 Robert H. Russell Jr. ’44 Jeffrey F. Sherman ’79 David K. Silhanek Kimberly G. Smith ’66 J. Roberts Snow ’85 Nathaniel M. Snow ’91 John E. Soule ’56 Frederick L. Soule ’61 William E. Spaulding ’40 Donald A. Spear ’48 David W. Stewart ’52 Henri L. Tallichet ’70 James B. Taylor ’43 David R. Thielscher ’50 Ira P. Townsend ’38 Margery Palmer Trumbull ’37 C. Jeffery Wahlstrom ’76 Nathaniel H. Whiteside III ’47 Peter A. Whiteside ’53 Kevin D. Wickless ’92 Charles R. Wilson ’39 Perry E. Wurst ’50
honor roll of donors Recognizes gifts received between July 1, 2007, and June 30, 2008. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the donor lists. Errors and omissions, nevertheless, sometimes occur in a report of this nature. If your name was inadvertently omitted or misspelled, we apologize and ask you to inform the Development Office so that we may correct our records. KEY ‡ ** * †
Donor every year since graduation or since the Annual Fund started in 1958. Has given at least ten consecutive years to the Academy. Has given at least five consecutive years to the Academy. Deceased
Alumni Council
Total Raised — All Funds: $ 2,956,184 100% Participation
Total Raised — All Funds: $3,406 100% Participation
* * **
** *
William Barker ‘90 Raymond Barrette Robert V. Bartles Nadja M. Bellan-White ’85 William A. Black Jr. ’85 J. C. Boggs III ‘80
* *
In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
Jennifer Kurth Borislow ’78 In memory of Elva Mikula
Sheila A. Culbert Jeffrey P. Cutts ’73 H’08 In memory of Elva Mikula
* ‡ ** * ** **
* * **
Allan Ferguson Sydney Finkelstein Benjamin D. Fischman ’90 Geoffrey R. Flickinger ’77 Thomas L. Gosselin ’58 James E. Gray ’66 Timothy J. Herbert ’83 Edward Holstein Donald E. Lowery ’73 Thomas Maher Christie Morse, M.D. Jeffrey D. Palmer ’66 William C. Pierce Michael J. Schafer Paul E. Sheff In memory of Elva Mikula
Edward H. Stansfield ’78 In memory of Elva Mikula
* * **
Elise A. Kusselow ’95 Scott Liston ’00 Dylan N. McGraw ’04 Dale L. Meltzer ’66 Francis H. Nolin Jr. ’57 In memory of my deceased classmates
* **
Deborah J. Sanders-Dame ’78 Kimberly G. Smith ’66 Jennifer B. Truman ’85 In memory of William H.M. Truman ’61
Michael Vitsentzos ’99
Current Faculty Total Raised — All Funds: $19,111 95% Participation David Aguiar Darrell J. Beaupre ’86 Katherine Bello Leigh Billingsley In honor of Madeleine L. St. Germain ’08
* * *
Christopher Tatum * * *
| 15 |
William S. Barker ’90 Philip G. Chesley ’59 James C. Keane ’74 Andrea Bueno Keen ’89
Christopher Bossie Julia Brennan Audra Bucklin Christopher Cheney Karim Chichakly Mike Cloutman Christopher Creeger John Custer Kimberly Davies
Murray Dewdney In memory of Elva Mikula
Mary DeWine Lisa DiIorio Shelly Farrell William Farrell David Faucher Scribner Fauver Jane C. Fielder In memory of Frederick E. Carver and James G. Carver ’56
* **
Ursula Fries-Herfort Rebecca Garfield Susan Halliday Cynthia Howe
Current Staff
* ** *
In memory of Elva Mikula
* ** **
Jennifer Hughes Robert Hyjek Anne Janeway Ashley Johnston Michael Klaus John W. Kluge ’66 Barbara Krein Derek Krein Renee Levesque Marilyn Lord Carl J. and Cari Lovejoy John Lyons Alexandra Mathis Kay McCabe Deanna McDevitt Hugh McGraw Marianne McGraw
* * *
In memory of Elva Mikula
* * * *
* *
* * ** ** ** *
William Pottle Kevin M. Ramos-Glew Vicki Ramos-Glew Gino Riffle Eric Russman Richard Ryerson Gayle Schafer Michael J. Schafer Lee Schuette Ben Sheehan ’00 David Stern Catherine Stewart Ted Stewart Michael Taupier Rachel Tilney Hunter Townsend Tom Tuthill David Weidman Alex Wellman Eileen Williams Joseph Williams Dalton Winslow
Jessica Aker Miller Patricia Butterfield Rebecca Flynn Kathleen Harding Maureen Leahy Joanne Longacre Ruth McCabe Nancy E. Norwalk Douglas Plummer Stephen C. Rogers ’04 Lynn Spencer David Steck
Total Raised — All Funds: $3,700 14% Participation
Seth W. and Carolyn Ahlborn Anonymous (1) Mark A. Benetatos ’75 Joan Bishop H’00
Emily Moore Devey ’83 C. Francis Egan Mason B. Ellison
Jessie Carver English
In memory of Elva Mikula In memory of Frederick E. Carver, James G. Carver ’56 and Elva Mikula
** ** ** **
** * **
In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
David K. Silhanek Meredith Stanley Edward H. Stansfield ’78
In memory of Elva Mikula
David F. Carver ’57 Benjamin Chapman Jessica Christ James F. Coakley Robert J. Constantine Molly Bourne Creelman ’92
Alumni Total Raised — All Funds: $1,107,002 20% Participation 1929 - 1936
In memory of Clayton F. Gould ’33, Gretel Palmer Cole ’31, Rodney Palmer ’38, Elton Ricker ’33, and Clyde Trumbull ’36
** **
John B. Demers ’34 Ray H. Kiely ’36
1937 Class Agent Needed! 29% Participation ** ** ** **
Francois M. Boutin Beatrice Bishop Clark Ralph L. Dodge Margery Palmer Trumbull
In memory of Elva Mikula
** **
Ira P. Townsend ’38 C. Jeffery Wahlstrom ’76 Beverly Wakely Raymond Webb Julie Haskell-Webb Thomas E. Wilson
1938 Class Agent Needed! 39% Participation ** * ** **
C. Duncan Brough David G. Chase Clark B. Hill Harry W. Robinson
Lena Cole Stebbins
In memory of Elva Mikula In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
In memory of Charles Slick
Gilbert P. Pike ’29 Miller A. Wachs ’29 Gladys Trumbull Bacon ’30 Eugene V. Deas ’31 Louise Bean Towle ’31 I. Louise Palmer Norell ’33
Jamyn Sheff
Stephen Bishop H’00 Robin L. Caissie Lisah Keller Carpenter
** * *
Douglas R. Esten ’74 Sherwood C. Haskins Jr. ’69 Peter P. Hill ’44 Elizabeth Knox H’99 Timothy Knox H’96 Barbara Krein Jason Lorentz Thomas M. Mikula H’89 Heidi Stowell Nichols ’84 Daniel A. Paradis Brenda Phillips David G. Pond ’64 William C. Quimby ’46 John W. Ragle Deborah J. Robinson ’78 Thaddeus Seymour Jr. Paul E. Sheff In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
Jeffrey P. Cutts ’73 H’08 In memory of Elva Mikula
Former Faculty
In honor of my ’08 college advisees
Neal McIntyre Brian McMahon Ryan Miller Wells Morison James Ouellette Sandy Ouellette Dan Poor
Total Raised — All Funds: $361 14% Participation
** **
Ira P. Townsend Louis M. Van Der Beek
exceptional faculty and staff.
Your support allows us to continue to attract and retain a talented, dedicated, and caring faculty and staff. Sabbatical programs, professional development opportunities, and competitive compensation help us provide our students with the very best teachers and role models and support.
An anonymous donor dedicated as a gift this Harkness table to History Department Chair Lyn Lord. | 16 |
1939 Robert B. Kent — Class Agent 24% Participation ** * **
Andre E. Benoit Philip M. Harmon Robert B. Kent In memory of Elva Mikula
Charles R. Wilson
1940 Class Agent Needed! 60% Participation * † ** ** ** **
Monte G. Basbas Stephen F. Damon Alfred J. Densmore Jr. George S. Hebb Lawrence F. Killick Howard F. Miller Ralph M. Mitchell Roland F. Pease Robert D. Ruggles William E. Spaulding
1941 Charles K. Mallett — Class Agent 50% Participation ** ** ** †**
** * ‡ ** *
John H. Atwood Marion T. Baribeau George Brett Atherton Bristol O. Gregory Burns Robert L. Cutts Herbert E. Fletcher Richard H. Hinman Charles K. Mallett Henry W. Parker Edwin C. Rockwell Carl T. Tourtellot Prentice M. Troup
1942 Class Agent Needed! 51% Participation ** ** ** ‡ †** ** *
** ** **
| 17 |
Robert A. Barrows Edward E. Butler Franklin W. Carney David W. Clarke Hugh Cullman William B. Duane Robert S. Gerrish David A. Haller Paul M. Harkinson Henry L. McFalls David S. Paulsen William W. Poole John A. Ulrich Philip C. Whitney Spencer V. Wright
1943 James B. Taylor — Class Agent 70% Participation
** ** ** ** **
John F. Allen John W. Boynton David W. Clark Paul T. Cullman Donald E. Cummings Charles T. Driscoll Robert E. Graham Joseph D. Hayes In memory of Joseph D. Hayes III ’67
Paul G. Jeffrey John C. Kent In memory of James P. Davies ’43
** ** * **
W. Douglas McKay George A. Ricker William Slade James B. Taylor W. Frederic Thomas
1944 W. Kimbel Mehlbach — Class Agent 50% Participation ** * ** ** **
David L. Coffin Peter P. Hill John D. Joy Allen Langhorne John McFalls Ray H. Rodey Robert H. Russell Peter A. Seiler Donald H. Shedd John C. Whitney
1945 Edwin M. Leach — Class Agent 24% Participation **
* ** ** *
Edwin M. Leach Andrew J. Orr Edward S. Redstone Lombard N. Rice Hugh P. Robinson Gordon E. Stuart David J. Taylor
Thomas H. Towler
In memory of Elva Mikula
1946 William J. McKinley Jr. — Class Agent 48% Participation ** * ** * **
** ** * **
Sherman L. Baldwin Harry J. Berwick Grosvenor E. Bryant William D. Carey Howard S. Irons William J. McKinley Harry F. Meyer Ian M. Peacock Arthur F. Phillips Philip W. Porter William C. Quimby Austin D. Wise
1947 Nathaniel H. Whiteside III — Class Agent 59% Participation
1949 Class Agent Needed! 46% Participation
* **
* * ** ** * * ** ‡ ** ** ** ** ** * *
David W. Batchelder Robert S. Bigelow William B. Butler Howard E. Caldwell Donald W. Christians James B. Comiskey Richard H. Cummings Walter V. Demers Richard B. Drisko John J. Gilmore Peter M. Haslam Edward E. Hazen Robert W. Hopkins Douglas S. Johnston James M. Kelley Jeremy C. Lindsay Kent B. McCray Harry R. Montague John H. Per-Lee Martin B. Person Edwin V. Post Ronald C. Smith Richard B. Wasson Nathaniel H. Whiteside III Gregg S. Whitney
1948 James R. Miller II — Class Agent 60% Participation Robert N. Bates In memory of Frederick E. Carver
** **
** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ‡ ** ** ** ** ** ** †* **
Robert N. Bickford Arthur W. Brome Fred P. Carleton Michael J. Chambers George Champion James H. Cooke James G. Crump Walter J. Dady Deighton Emmons Martin L. Erickson Gerald F. Giles Alden Guild Wesley C. Howard Gordon H. Johnston W. Richard Kern John C. McCrillis James R. Miller Alfred H. Moody William S. Nichols Joseph O’Brien Roger S. Pierce Bertram Read Donald A. Spear William P. Stone Hubert D. Sycamore Willard H. Watson
** ** ‡ * ** ** ** ** ** ** *
Donald C. Berwick Mackintosh Brown David J. Dean Bradford Edgerton Richard E. Gorsey Daniel S. Griffin Peter W. Harris D. Alden Johnson James A. Jones Robert C. Kelly Fredrick W. Mumford Robert J. Newman James C. Oberlander Earl F. Pardy Peter H. Patterson John D. Pope Sherman W. Saltmarsh Frederick B. Whittemore In memory of Elva Mikula
1950 Wilfred Kurth II — Class Agent 49% Participation
‡ ** * ** ** ** * **
F. Lee Bailey Charles E. Baldwin Wilbur W. Bullen Wayne B. Daniels John P. Donahue Richard W. Esten Thomas R. Flickinger Arthur M. Heard Lyman W. Johnson Foster Kay Wilfred Kurth H’07 William B. Leatherbee In memory of Elva Mikula
** ** ** ** ** ** ** * ‡
Robert A. Lovett E. Ted McNamara Michael Nardone G. Donald Newman David H. Oberlander Duncan G. Ogden Walter F. Pease Richard W. Plummer Donald E. Savage Irving F. Sherwood John C. Taylor David R. Thielscher
1951 Class Agent Needed! 40% Participation
* **
Ernest A. Arnold George K. Briggs George A. Carr Paul C. Clayton Donald J. Conner Frederick H. Crocker William H. Davison
** ** * ** *
Francis X. Fay Elliott Hersey Duncan H. MacLeod Philip F. Norcross Robert H. Olsen Burton D. Reed George L. Richards Robert J. Shaw John L. Wheatley
Samuel B. Cummings Thomas A. Fay Thornton J. Fay Charles P. Harriman Peter L. Meleney Peter H. Morse Robert J. O’Neil John G. Oddy Ralph A. Rose
1955 Allan F. Munro — Class Agent 69% Participation
1956 Frederick N. Adams — Class Agent 28% Participation
** ** **
Bill Agee Peter I. Barber Dikran Barsamian Scott Blakey Edgar A. Boadway
John A. Booth
In memory of Frederick E. Carver **
In memory of Philip M. Rose
1952 David W. Stewart — Class Agent 58% Participation ** ** **
Harold R. Beacham Karl A. Brautigam Jed W. Bullen
In memory of Wilbur W. Bullen and Nelson B. Nugent ’51
* *
* * *
Harry Carlson Arthur D. Hall Theodore M. Johnson William R. Meyer Fredric Muise James E. Riley Newell S. Sly David W. Stewart L. C. Spaulding Taylor Fred W. Weitzel Bert R. Whittemore
1954 Class Agent Needed! 32% Participation
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1953 * Alfred C. Bancroft Jr., Paul Russo, and ** Stanford B. Vincent — Class Agents ** 59% Participation ** ** **
Alfred C. Bancroft Allan A. Bell Peter A. Bowser Anton H. Brockelman Warren S. Corbin
Paul Russo Richard E. Shaw Robbins B. Smith Joseph G. Tellier Peter G. Townsend Stanford B. Vincent Peter A. Whiteside Bruce M. Woodworth Henry J. Zukowski
J. Bruce Barlow William F. Barry John R. Blodget Richard F. Carolan Bromley DeMeritt Lane Durgin Stephen B. Fainsbert George P. Fletcher Flavius J. George Albert P. Godreau William A. Hansen Noel J. Lebrun David Michael Roy D. Simmons Roland Worthington
In memory of Frederick E. Carver and Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
** ** ** * * ** * ‡ **
** **
Philip S. Brockelman Paul E. Buckley Clark E. Campbell Richard A. Cleary Stephen E. Colby Anthony L. Crovo Arthur W. Dacy Charles N. Darling Charles R. Dart E. T. Eggert William S. Flickinger Rollin W. Gentes William Goddard Vincent A. Godleski Howard R. Goldberg Ronald B. Harrison
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Paul Hollingworth Carlton J. Houghton Warren D. Huse Theodore C. Johanson Byron H. Koh Normand D. Letarte Allan F. Munro In memory of Elva Mikula
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William V. Neverett Walter R. Phelps John W. Phoenix George L. Place Richard A. Rose Herbert J. Somers Maurice Temple Bruce M. Whitney
1 theater, 6 practice rooms, 2 visual arts studios, 1 woodworking shop, 1 recording studio, 1 dance studio and 1 art gallery are home to a talented and creative group of artists, dancers, and actors.
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Curtis F. Brockelman John P. Buschmann Robert D. Bushey Neil Carey In memory of David and Russell Carey
* ** ** ** **
David F. Carver Joseph Chipman Peter M. Goldman Robert B. Jackson Donald E. Legro Robert C. Mathews Francis H. Nolin Richard G. Reniere Peter D. Robinson In memory of William C. Miller ’56
Charles B. Rogers In memory of George C. Akerstrom
Thomas G. Stevens
1958 Thomas H. Wilson — Class Agent 37% Participation
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The arts at Kimball Union are a fundamental part of our students’ development and often inspire a hidden talent or provide an opportunity to further advance an individual’s training. Thanks to generous gifts this year our beautiful theater and light-filled lobby were transformed and enhanced.
Hippocrates Kourakos Peter M. Lipman Stephen L. Mann J. Robert McCann John C. McIntyre David E. Mowry Peter E. Nute Jerome F. Schilling John E. Soule Kenneth G. Tondreau
1957 Francis H. Nolin Jr. — Class Agent 31% Participation
In memory of Alan M. Merrill ’55
* * ‡ **
Frederick N. Adams Stephen H. Bishop William S. Brigham Lawrence J. Conway Lloyd W. David Lee R. Hougen
** * **
George F. Bartlett Robert J. Brochu Walter R. Brown H. Morgan Clough Richard Cunneen John S. Floyd-Jones Thomas L. Gosselin William T. Hayes Frederic F. Heap Malcolm F. MacLean Robert W. Miller Edward F. Mullen Herbert W. Paul John F. Sinclair Allan H. Swanson John D. Thees Phillip R. Walker James O. Wells Thomas H. Wilson
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1959 David B. Gaudes Sr. — Class Agent 29% Participation
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John W. Blodgett C. Richard Carlson Thomas J. Carty Eugene P. Cenci Philip G. Chesley G. E. Crane In memory of John Crane
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David B. Gaudes James A. Gill John W. Manchester Stephen Y. Meding William R. Nussbum David N. Radcliffe John M. Wilson
1960 Class Agent Needed! 26% Participation *
Thomas G. Bancroft C. Anthony Cairns In memory of Elva Mikula
** ** *
Charles E. Dewey Mitchell L. Fischman Jonathan Jackson Donald G. March Donald F. McBeth Jonathan E. Mitchell F. David Petelinz Leonidas Skarlos Michael R. Skibiski Peter E. Stanhope Rand N. Stowell
1961 John F. Decker — Class Agent 29% Participation ** ** * **
** ** ** ‡ **
John C. Abajian Allen C. Adriance David W. Bean John F. Decker David Dove William S. Hagar Frank H. Kingsley J. Ralph Muller Joseph W. Phelan James E. Robinson Allen I. Rome Philip T. Seymour Richard P. Thayer Norman J. Turcotte Harry N. Whittelsey
1962 Class Agent Needed! 28% Participation ** ** ** **
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Kendall P. Chase William F. Chase II Stuart V. Conant John T. Cordner Thomas R. Easton W. Scott Fitz
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Peter B. Knowlton George Mann Joseph W. Monahan Jeffrey H. Morgan Robert J. Mount Charles Blake Munro John W. Pevear Richard S. Phelan
1966 Kimberly G. Smith — Class Agent 21% Participation
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1963 Mark D. Banus — Class Agent 22% Participation
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J. Stephen Agel Michael R. Athanas In memory of Gus Bartlett ’63 and Elva Mikula
* * **
* * ** **
Mark D. Banus Alan T. Boyce William J. Cosgrove Bruce W. Found Stuart P. Gillespie Richard E. Greene Douglas N. Howe Samuel S. Mitchell Jack H. Nelson Dale F. Scribner Earl W. Shaffer
1964 William J. Riley Jr. — Class Agent 13% Participation
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Peter B. Edwards Jeffrey F. Hatch Christopher M. John Franklin T. Lister William K. Love David G. Pond William J. Riley Jr. James E. Townsend
1965 Class Agent Needed! 18% Participation ** ** ** ** ** *
* ** **
Paul B. Gardent Thomas S. Jackson Scott Kenney David R. Marvin John McGlynn Robert A. Regan Peter Rome Frederick G. Schlapp Herbert T. Sears Lyle B. Snider Frederick C. Thornton Jay H. Wieting Thomas W. Wynn
Christopher T. Cobb Arthur M. Connelly Charles T. Costello James E. Gray Christopher G. Harley Robert A. Harris John W. Kluge Leonard W. Luria Robert E. Marvel Dale L. Meltzer Timothy J. Moran Jeffrey D. Palmer Nicholas T. Seiler Kimberly G. Smith
1970 Class Agent Needed! 23% Participation
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1967 Class Agent Needed! 17% Participation *
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Stephen A. French David P. Hallock Glenn B. Hudson Nicholas P. Kostan Eric A. O’Leary Mark G. Perry John T. Preston Dustin F. Sheldon Walton A. Silver Richard K. Soden
1968 Class Agent Needed! 15% Participation
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** ** **
Donald C. Cahoon Kenneth M. Heffron David K. James Thomas M. Keane Burt M. Keene Robert J. Keighley David J. Matthews Russell D. Robertson
Dudley M. Baker William R. Barney Peter M. Brown Michael G. Buscher Kenneth P. Cardillo Charles P. Hackett William S. Ketchum David Kidd Glenn E. McNab Jeffrey M. Phillips F. Warren Smith Henri L. Tallichet Robb R. Thomson LeRoy L. Walker Philip M. Zea
1971 Charles R. Mansfield — Class Agent 9% Participation
Harold M. Cooper Thomas A. Fuller Neil R. Kenney Charles R. Mansfield Kenneth W. Steere David B. Warlick
1972 Class Agent Needed! 9% Participation ‡ ** * **
Robert W. Clark David L. Dodge Stephen H. Paxman Thomas B. Shortle
1973 Jeffrey P. Cutts — Class Agent 22% Participation
John F. Baybutt Jeffrey P. Cutts H’08 In memory of Elva Mikula
1969 Class Agent Needed! 13% Participation ** ** ** ** **
Timothy H. Clemens Malcolm E. Cooper Donald A. Goodwin Sherwood C. Haskins Peter J. Hodgen Robert W. Keeler Paul E. Menneg Anthony Trombetta
* ** **
Peter G. Dann Peter C. Hale Donald E. Lowery Brian H. McLaughlin Robert T. O’Connor David E. Priester William M. Shelly Robert N. Withington Anthony M. Woeltz
100 academic courses including 19 AP classes and honors courses in every subject offer our students a challenging curriculum using 21st century technology. Recently-added courses like Mandarin Chinese, Human Geography, Anthropology, and Furniture Making enhance our core offerings and engage our students. Our thoughtfully-designed curriculum arms our students with the skills necessary for success in college and beyond. 1974 Harry D. Robinson — Class Agent 24% Participation * ** *
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Robert S. Blood Peter J. Cassidy Douglas R. Esten Joseph W. Gulley James C. Keane Paul M. Keenan Michael Landgraf Dana W. Mann Bruce E. Paro Harry D. Robinson Fred E. Wahrlich
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1978 Deborah J. Sanders-Dame — Class Agent 18% Participation ‡
Mark A. Benetatos Bruce R. Forsley P. Douglas Grearson
1976 Ames J. Russell — Class Agent 14% Participation ** **
James E. Graham Robert E. Griffin C. Douglas Mattern Gregory H. Mazman Thomas C. Morganstern Jr. Jeffrey R. Street C. Jeffery Wahlstrom Kendrick W. White
Jennifer Kurth Borislow Lynn Guild Brown Thomas E. Carr Jeffrey V. Goodwin
Gregory S. Inman Jo Ann Kennedy-Russell William E. Kidder Roy C. Kimball Thomas M. Mailhot Peter Quigg
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In memory of Elva Mikula
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Deborah J. Robinson Deborah J. Sanders-Dame Edward H. Stansfield In memory of Elva Mikula
1979 Gabrielle Chase — Class Agent 8% Participation Thomas E. Branch Timothy J. Crutchfield In memory of Elva Mikula
Scott W. Liming Kim Osur-Yackel Ali A. Salass Jeffrey F. Sherman
1977 Donner D. Carr — Class Agent 16% Participation
1980 Class Agent Needed! 12% Participation
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‡ ** **
J. David McCrillis John H. Meegan Linda Brockelman Ogden Jill A. Phillips
1981 E. Robin Munro Gronlund — Class Agent 29% Participation
In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
David R. Burnside Donner D. Carr David L. Danforth Geoffrey R. Flickinger Bruce D. Gulick Meredith Judy Liben
In memory of Elva Mikula
1975 Class Agent Needed! 8% Participation
Jeffrey J. McLaughlin John E. Rhodebeck Paul W. Robertson
J. C. Boggs In memory of Elva Mikula
Michael R. Esten Robert T. Graham Jeffrey A. Lantz
Stephen J. Baker Scot D. Barry Benjamin F. Black Caroline Walz Carlson Sean O. Cota Melanie Kostandin Doherty E. Robin Munro Gronlund Vaughn F. Harring Raymond P. Jacques Sarah T. Lummus Deena Smith MacDonald Kevin M. O’Neill John W. Ohl Hans F. Olsen Nicholas G. Purinton David N. Sly Joseph M. Thibert In memory of Elva Mikula
Kinsley H. Walker C. David Winslow
1982 Robert P. Fitzgerald Jr. — Class Agent 15% Participation ** * **
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1983 Christopher K. Burns — Class Agent 17% Participation
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Phillip T. Blood Robert S. Boller Christopher K. Burns Hugh A. Cushing Emily Moore Devey Lauren Munro Dole Timothy J. Herbert Ann Jackson Hutson Rhonda Gagne Kaliban Susan E. Knapp Philip S. Reilly Kelley Cota Tully
1984 Charles F. Giles — Class Agent 14% Participation
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Jeffrey R. Bartles Johanna Lyons Bowskills Timothy E. Brown William G. Geddes Charles F. Giles Timothy F. Goodwin David P. Harmon Sally Griffiths Herbert Sally Walker Kelly Daniel R. Lampl Jonathan A. Lummus Heidi Stowell Nichols Jenny C. Potee Richard D. Vorisek In memory of Elva Mikula
Katherine Whybrow
Bruce Brawley Robert P. Fitzgerald Glenn P. Gellert John N. Moore Catherine Gagne Peacock F. Brooks Robinson Todd A. Segal Holly J. Swan James Webber
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8 playing fields,4 new dugouts, 2 gyms, 1 rink and 6 tennis courts, 1 fitness center and choice of 19 interscholastic sports and fitness and outdoor programs.
Cleveland L. Howard Marwaan R. Karame Lawrence H. Oaks Gregory S. Phaneuf Jonathan M. Weiner William R. Young In memory of Gretchen Roethke Young
1992 Kevin D. Wickless — Class Agent 24% Participation
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1988 Ashton C. Ballou — Class Agent 11% Participation Ashton C. Ballou Edward B. Connolly Kyle D. Fenn Annelia White Fritz Trevor L. Hilliar Jae K. Kim
In honor of Steve Bishop H’00, Ed Cooper, Kate Fox and the Ahlborn Family
In memory of Elva Mikula
Robert E. Krasow Alexis Miller Charles A. Wilkins
1989 Raymond K. Mann and Mary M. Merrill — Class Agents 12% Participation Kurt F. De Poy In memory of Elva Mikula
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William P. Ford Jessica S. Griffiths Andrea Bueno Keen In memory of Elva Mikula
Athletics at Kimball Union provide our students with opportunities to learn the essential values of teamwork, sportsmanship and lifelong fitness. 1985 Class Agent Needed! 17% Participation
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Anonymous (1) Nadja M. Bellan-White William A. Black Wiley R. Bland Brian N. Goudie Ingrid Bradley Johnson Albert F. Moraska Timothy M. Pierpont Richard A. Pippin Karen Marden Roach J. Roberts Snow Jennifer B. Truman In memory of William H.M. Truman ’61
1986 Wendell F. Jacques III — Class Agent 11% Participation
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In memory of Elva Mikula
1987 Class Agent Needed! 19% Participation
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Christopher J. Carroll Tara Tuller Dadd Sarah Uphoff Dreyer Michael D. Elwell Emily Glatz Fontaine Lindsey W. Gage Scott M. Garfield Douglas P. Goudie Mark E. Hamill
** *
William S. Barker Matthew D. Bromley David F. Fielder Benjamin D. Fischman Michael T. Frayler Bethany D. Mathewson Christopher M. Papamechail David W. Porter Susan Rine Thomas Rebekah Glucksman Woolf
1991 J. Ralph Muller Jr. — Class Agent 9% Participation
** ‡ ‡ ‡ *
Cicely Butler Markoff Ryan McPadden Yasushige Nagahata Scott H. O’Loughlin Pamela J. Roskin Sarah A. Todd-Weinstein Kevin D. Wickless
1993 Vincent N. Martino — Class Agent 10% Participation
* ** ‡ * *
James B. Braman Hindi Wilding-White Durant Dirk E. Feather Carrianna K. Field Christopher J. Kimball Katherine McKinney Landrigan G. G. MacLeay Kristin Westwood Petritz Kevin O. Rhodes Karin Cheung Travaglione
Melissa A. Longacre Raymond K. Mann Mary M. Merrill * L. Hillary Mathewson Moulliet Robin Amison Reinhart 1994 Kathleen Robes Soehren Douglas J. Harding — Class Agent
1990 William S. Barker — Class Agent 12% Participation
Darrell J. Beaupre Ian H. Bresnahan Lawrence A. Carter * Catherine Griffiths Harrison * Wendell F. Jacques III Elizabeth Merrill Jelliffe * Jae W. Kim Jolie Hinnendael Lynn B. A. Norton
‡ * ** **
Daniel Anaya Neil B. Austin Brendan W. Collins Molly Bourne Creelman Jeffrey R. Cricco Shawn Dixon Erika J. Dowe-Fitzgerald Raymond E. Hartz Amelia Grabe Lane
Sharon Hyman Johnson Sara Ryan Kruk Nathan B. Lynch J. Ralph Muller David M. Rowland Nathaniel M. Snow Christopher W. Welch
11% Participation *
Kathleen Brady Nathaniel L. Cash Peter M. Coughlin Phillip R. Deguire Douglas J. Harding Jill Marshall Meghan Sullivan O’Neill
1995 Whitney Stoner Schick — Class Agent 11% Participation
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Candy Cheung A. Christina Sandoe Klinteback Elise A. Kusselow James J. Lapham Matthew H. McKinney Glenna Mathewson Nail William J. Riley Cooper L. Schieffelin Peter R. Sprayregen
1996 Kristine M. Pratt — Class Agent 10% Participation
* ‡
‡ *
Jessica Landers Bendell Andrew P. Blicharz Judson L. Depew Benjamin P. Fisher Caroline Mans Andrea McKnight Jonathan Romero Peter L. Schieffelin Timothy E. Singleton
2000 Scott Liston — Class Agent 15% Participation
1997 Daniel M. Sheff — Class Agent 9% Participation
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Christian J. Avignon Seth D. Burroughs Colin McCarty Michelle Chandler Oettmeier David Storer Margaret D. Swift Melani L. Zagaris Wadland
1998 Brandi L. Fossett — Class Agent 13% Participation
Molly T. Cherington Alexandre Garceau Michael D. Hebert Edward S. Holstein Erin Taupier Klocek Hannah Larsen Garceau Heather M. McClellan Ryan H. McGraw Joel M. Patton Nicholas M. Picerno Morgan T. Ratcliffe Jahr M. Turchan
1999 Natalie Philpot Pergament — Class Agent 6% Participation John M. Bergin Osten H. Bernardez Ashley Vander Vliet Close Timothy A. Morgan Francisco Ortiz-von Bismarck Michael Vitsentzos
Peter F. Adams Karine Bombardier Frank M. Buttaravoli ‘00 Chia Hung Chu Chester Clem Denning J. Coates Benjamin Delaney-Winn Jason H. Feitelberg Kathleen Irwin Ketcham Scott Liston Pranavan Navanandan Ben Sheehan Douglas Simmons In honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Knox H99
Zachary Stone
2001 Ryan R. Frisch — Class Agent 7% Participation
* ‡ ‡ *
Ryan R. Frisch Jonathan W. Hastings Melisse P. Hinkle Faith F. Larsen Rebecca L. Lawrence Abigail E. Nintzel Patrick J. Slipp Koji Yasuda
2002 Tracie E. McNamara and Susan Tarrant — Class Agents 2% Participation
Ryan C. DePoy Tracie E. McNamara
2003 Class Agent Needed! 4% Participation
Frederic Baumann Kristie H. Clune Ryan J. Elger Nicole E. Ford
2004 Dylan N. McGraw — Class Agent 11% Participation
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Jonathan E. Burling Andrew N. Clancey Colin M. Fitzpatrick Alexander C. Gage Krista A. Kusinski Jake R. Levow Julia W. Logan Katelin R. McDevitt Dylan N. McGraw Stephen C. Rogers Sean T. Smith Nathaniel M. Walker
2005 Alexander Matthews — Class Agent 6% Participation R. William Abdu David R. Barrette Craig S. Bradford Caitlin M. Cowan Alison M. Keating Kyle D. Wesson Justin Zonay
2006 Charlotte V. Hastings — Class Agent 12% Participation Jonathan D. Bott Jae Won Choi Thomas K. Estabrook Andrew J. Fitzpatrick Charlotte V. Hastings Boo Yun Jang Ashley M. Johnson Myung-Soo Kang Claire H. Matson Andrew A. McElwee Katharine H. Moser Nathaniel A. Neroni Lauren E. Slipp
2007 Jessica Borislow, Elizabeth Callahan, and Kaitlin Hall — Class Agents 28% Participation Alex B. Bonness Jessica Borislow Alison H. Bowen Raymond G. Bradford Elizabeth Callahan Young Hoo Cho Youri Chung John A. Colburn Adam L. Conston Kelly A. Cowan Garrett M. Dyer Alison J. Evans David K. Frasz Michael K. Gallagher Kelsey C. Holland Ho Kyu Jang Eun Ji Ju Guenevere G. Kerr David W. McCooey Trevor F. McGraw Jason G. McNamara Elizabeth A. Peets Evan D. Roberts Cynthia E. Roseen Katherine L. Sorell Samuel E. Thomason Brian V. Tracey Seth T. Webb Catherine Yao Trevor R. York
2008 Latisha Goullaud — Class Agent Peter L. Abdu William J. Banfield Brent F. Bourgeois Sarah V. Cutts Zachary Dayno Whitney A. Frates Marra M. Landino Jae Hyuk Lee Peter R. Logan Jonathan P. Lowenstein Brett L. Marshall Nicholas J. Millette Tai A. Nixa Scott Schachter Sarah L. Stender Eleanor A. Wilson
Current Students Patrick J. Callahan ’09 Jae Hoon Lee ’10 Brooke A. Billingsley ’11
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class record setters
Scribner Fauver and Susan Sanzone Sydney and Gloria Finkelstein Gary and Mary Fournier Kevin and Maureen Gallagher Kenneth and Fawn Goodrow William Harding Timothy ’83 and Sally Griffiths ’84 Herbert Tatakazu and Akiko Hori Jennifer Hughes Thomas Hulleberg and Kristin Graham Young Gi Hwang and Mi Suk Ha Alexander and Susan Kahan Min Suk Kang and Eun Suk Park Gwang Gon Kim and Yeon Hwa Hyun Jae Kim and Hae Young Ja Hoon Koo and Ri Na Yoo Dug Man Kwon and Bo Hyun Kim Jae Sun Lee and Mi Heum Yeon Keun Sang Lee and Jeen Hee Han Wan Ki Lee and Kyung Ja Park Christopher and Cecy Lincoln Hong Bin Liu and Hui Lin Fang Chet and Donna MacKenzie Thomas and Nancy Maher H. Gilman McCann and Jennifer Strickler Phyllis Michaels Anthony and Valerie Newton Detlef and Ina Nolle Michael and Margaret Noonan William and Nelly Palmer Robert and Paula Planer Keith Quinton Mary Quinton-Barry Matthew and Kimberly Randall Jin Hong Seo and Sun Duk Park William and Lori Smith David and Vanessa Stern Townsend and Ann Marie Thomas Thomas and Lucia Timpone Hunter and Lisa Ulf Larry and Melinda Vukovic R. Thomas and Jackie Webb William and Loretta Weitzel Stan Woliner and Dana Goss John Woodburn Eric and Karen Wright Christopher and Cynthia Wyskiel
Classes with 15 or more members.
Class Year
% Participation
Class Agent
James B. Taylor
Allan F. Munro
Class Agent Needed!
Nathaniel H. Whiteside III
Alfred C. Bancroft Jr., Paul Russo, & Stanford B. Vincent
David W. Stewart
James R. Miller II
Class Agent Needed!
Charles K. Mallett
W. Kimbel Mehlbach
Current Parents Total Raised — All Funds: $410,339 46% Participation
** *
Class of 2008 * *
William and Linda Abdu Allen and Robin Abendroth Cheol Ahn and Kyung Ju Yoo Anonymous(1) Robert and Susan Blackwood John and Jennifer Bodnar C. Nicholas and Katherine Burke Michael and Janice Burke Walter Celin and Maryse Attar Sean O. ’81 Cota Leslie Hanafin Cota Jeffrey P. ’73 H’08 and Rebecca Cutts In memory of Elva Mikula
Steven Dayno and Kathryn Jacobs Richard and Diane Dolliver Mariann Drago Albert and Debra Fowler Elizabeth Frates John and Sally Freeman Timothy and Juanita Gray John and Susan Gregory-Davis Bart A. Grenier Tamara Grenier William and Nancy Heffron Ann L. Howe George and Sarah Howe Young Gi Hwang and Mi Suk Ha Thierry and Joan Joffres Michael and Nancy Jones Russell and Edwina Keene Wing Ching Law and Wai Ying Yeung Robert F. Lawrence Yong Hee Lee and Young Hee Kim Youn Hong Lee and Young Eun Wang
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James and Elaine Lenz Richard and Susan Logan Arthur Lowenstein and Ann Patton John and Nancy Lyons Kirby and Caryn Marshall Glenn and Petra McDonald James and Mary Millette Douglas and Deborah Morgan Douglas and Mary Noordsy Eric ’67 and Constance O’Leary Jeff and Stephanie Parker M. Anne Pendergast Lam Chi Poon and Oi Ching Chan Stephen and Rebecca Powell Frederick and Lisa Reich Hope Schachter Stanley Schmidt Tim Soncrant and Deena Shapiro Donald and Mary St. Germain Jack and Anne Wilson
Class of 2009 Wayde and Rosa Affleck Maher and Barbara Al-Haffar Anonymous(1) Virginia Atwater Donald and Bobbi Ballou In honor of Geoffrey K. Ballou ’09
Raymond and Cynthia Barrette Wayne and Donna Basist Andrew and Deborah Cable J. Christopher and Anne Callahan Lyle Cavin Karim Chichakly Wan Choe and Eun-Seon Kim Christopher Creeger and W. Shelly Hadfield David ’77 and Deborah Danforth Sefi Dollinger and Wendy Nickless
Class of 2010 ** ‡
J. Stephen ’63 and Barbara Agel Joseph and Diane Belback Michael and Jennifer Kurth ’78 Borislow In memory of Elva Mikula
Joseph Boyle James and Cristina Clark Sean ’81 Cota Leslie Hanafin Cota Sheila and Nathaniel Crosby William Ellis and Anne Stohrer
* **
Philip and Margot Estabrook Geoffrey and Sandra Flickinger ’77 Robert and Julie Galvin Leslie Goodwin Robert and Barbara Grant Jonathan and Lisa Hagenstein Richard and Mary Louise Hart Thomas and Kathy Hayden Timothy Herbert and Susan Burrill Il Hwe Hur and Kyung Lan Lee Mark and Heather Jarecki Young Yoon Joo and Young Joo Shin Deane and Elizabeth Joyce Eunyoung Kim Roy Knight and Emily Scofield Yong Hee Lee and Young Hee Kim Young Hee Lee and Hyang Cho Kim Xin and Jing Wei Li Todd and Deena Smith ’81 MacDonald Timothy and Jill Mead William and Linda Nicholson Peter and Renee Novello William and Nelly Palmer Bruce and Susan Plummer Michael Salkind Diane Sangermano Mark and Fonnie Soderstrom Stanley and Lynn Spencer Steven and Jill Tassinari Anne B. Townsend Hunter Townsend and Linda Darlington Philip ’70 and Elizabeth Zea
Jerome and Gloria Symons Janie Ward Thomas and Sandra Zonay
Parents Of Alumni Total Raised — All Funds: $62,401 12% Participation
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* ** * * ** ** **
Robert and Susan Blackwood Jr. Scott Blakey ’55 Nancy and Paul Blanchette Richard and Kimberly Blanchette James and Elena Bleakley Horace and Frances Blood
Martin and Jill Butler Sandra Chivers
In memory of Elva Mikula
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In memory of Elva Mikula
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Nicholas and Beverly Boke Serge and Ginette Bombardier Richard and Shannon Bonness Michael and Jennifer Kurth ’78 Borislow In memory of Elva Mikula
* ** * ** **
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Fletcher and Shari Boyle Philip Brady – In memory of Ruth F. Brady Anton ’53 and Ann Brockelman C. Nicholas and Katherine Burke Peter and Jean Burling J. Christopher and Anne Callahan Robert and Susan Campbell Kenneth ’70 and Marilyn Cardillo Donner ’77 and Kelly Carr Eugene ’59 and Ann Cenci Rubina Chase Karim Chichakly Sang Hyun Cho and Knag-chang Lee Kyung Joon Choi and Mikyung Kim Timothy ’69 and Barbara Clemens Thomas and Susanne Clune David ’44 and Marie-Jeanne Coffin
Jerome and Martha Doolittle Harrison and Elizabeth Drinkwater Paul and Melissa Driscoll Bernadette Dupont Herbert and Elizabeth Durfee In honor of Eleazer L. D. Durfee ’82
Alice and Ron Eberhardt Elizabeth Eckel Mason and Roberta Ellison In memory of Elva Mikula
Jessie Carver English In memory of Frederick E. Carver, James G. Carver ’56 and Elva Mikula
* **
Philip and Margot Estabrook III Richard ’50 and Ellen Esten William and Shelly Farrell Gregor and Carol Fellers Cyrus and Rebecca Field
Jane Fielder
In memory of Elva Mikula
In honor of Madeleine L. St. Germain ‘08
Allen ’61 and Jane Adriance Mario and Lynn Ambrosi Richard and Imelda Attridge Virginia Atwater Erik and Linda Austin Brenda Balenger Paul Ballou Janet Barker Raymond and Cynthia Barrette Robert V. Bartles Hans and Cornelia Baumann Janice Bayer Donald ’49 and Virginia Berwick Sr. Stephen H’00 and Joan Bishop H’00 In memory of Elva Mikula and Katherine Jones
Wayde and Rosa Affleck Roger and Leigh Billingsley
Wan Choe and Eun-Seon Kim Jonathan and Cassandra Corcoran Steven Dayno and Kathryn Jacobs Elizabeth Frates Robert and Julie Galvin Tessa Hackett-Vieira Timothy ’83 and Sally Griffiths ’84 Herbert Deane and Elizabeth Joyce Myung Sik Kim and Jun Sun Arthur Lowenstein and Ann Patton Luz Mirabal Wells and Margie Morison Richard and Christie Morse William and Susan Nugent Se Kwang Oh and Dong Kim Young jin Oh and Eunhee Yeon Douglas Plummer Leslie and Loretta Sparks Edward ’78 and Amy Stansfield
Anonymous (2) John ’61 and Margaret Abajian William and Linda Abdu Arthur and Martha Adams Susannah Adams In memory of Fellowes Davis
Class of 2011
In memory of Elva Mikula
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Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Connolly Sr. Kathleen Connolly Stuart and Marcia Conston Mary Coolidge Malcolm ’69 and Carol Cooper John ’62 and Diana Cordner Hugh and Carol Cota Marc and Gina Cote Daniel and Olivia Cullen Lewis and Allison Curtis Jr. Frederick and Lorraine Cushing Jr. John and Karen Custer David ’77 and Deborah Danforth Johan De Besche Dean De Poy Thomas and Deborah DeMarco III David and Judith Demos Thomas and Nancy DePoy Murray Dewdney and Cynthia Howe
In memory of Elva Mikula In memory of Frederick E. Carver and James G. Carver ’56
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** * * **
Sheldon and Eva Flamm Thomas ’50 and Phoebe Flickinger Debra Ford Richard and Barbara Forsley Elizabeth Frates Betsy Frisby David and Pamela Frothingham Jane Gage Kevin and Maureen Gallagher Robert and Julie Galvin Harriet Gardent Fred and Meighan Garnsey David and Sandra Gee Hubert and Janet Gellert John and Sarah Giles II In memory of Elva Mikula
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Albert ’54 and Margaret Godreau Kenneth and Fawn Goodrow Mary Goodwin Thomas ’58 and Maureen Gosselin
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James ’66 and Mary Gray David and Julie Griffiths James and Deborah Griffiths Jean Gulick William ’61 and Jeninne Hagar David Barbara Ham Peter and Connie Harris Frank and Pamela Hastings Denis and Janet Hebert Timothy Herbert and Susan Burrill Alan and Marilyn Hoffman Mary and Theodore Hoffman
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In memory of Jessie Baldwin Brown 1899 and Thomas S. Brown MD 1899
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Edward and Marne Holstein Frank Hough Douglas ’63 and Janice Howe Jennifer Hughes Ila Hunt Kevin Hunt David and Virginia Irwin Robert ’57 and Karin Jackson Seung Gi Jang and Jae Sun Robert and Patricia Jedrey Theodore ’55 and Patricia Johanson Kwang Gi Ju and Ji Young Kim Harriet Judy Stephanie Kalina Jung-Hoon Kang and Hye-Jin Kwon Norman and Joan Kayser Daniel Keating John and Sharon Kerr Eunyoung Kim Ho Kyum Kim and Myung Ja Timothy H’96 and Elizabeth H’99 Knox Stephen and Mary Kramer David and Lynn Kuhar Wilfred ’50 H’07 and Margaret Kurth Charles and Doreen Kusselow Thomas and Katherine Laflam Jr. James and Vicki Lawrence
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In memory of Elva Mikula
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David ’68 and Roxanne Matthews William and Jean Matthews R. Paul and Marion McCauley
Michael Nardone Jr. ’50 Anandan and Gowri Navanandan Richard and Mary Neroni Richard and Cecilia Newman Anthony and Valerie Newton William and Linda Nicholson William and Susan Nugent Eric ’67 and Constance O’Leary Gretchen Orme
** * **
James and Sandra Ouellette Joseph and Donna Palatucci Faith Palma Rich and Deborah Pearce George and Barbara Perry Scott and Joyce Persing William and Elizabeth Pierce Frederick and S. Maxine Pitcher Douglas Plummer David ’73 and Sarah Priester Michael and Jan Rankin Philip and Margaret Read Joseph and Gail Reilly William ’64 and Carol Riley Jr. Michael and Anne Rivard Glenaan Robbins John and Lisa Roberts Deborah Robinson ’78 Stephen and Rebecca Rogers Eric and Kathleen Roseen Samuel and Sara Roundy Richard and Michele Ryerson David and Debra Sabalewski Joseph and Judy Salsbury Mark Sanderson and Bettina McCrady John and Linda Schieffelin Tom Schwinn and Helene Shamash Peter Scriven John Shaw Paul and Jamyn Sheff In memory of Elva Mikula
Betsy Silver Donald and Juanita Simmons Spencer and Debra Simonds Arthur and Lynne Slipp Barbara Smiles In honor of Christopher Smiles ’74
Reginald Smith Jr. Thomas and Janet Sorell Meredith Stanley Ethel Stansfield
Kenneth and Eleanor Steere Ronald and Patricia Stempien John and Jane Stephenson Stephen and Elizabeth Stoner Carlton and Jean Strong Brenda Taite Christopher and Nancy Tatum Michael and Jane Taupier James ’43 and Susan Taylor Gregory and Gail Teague Robert Teuchtler Richard and Mariann Thompson Vinnie and Michelle Tracey Norman ’61 and Patricia Turcotte Dean and Ann Uphoff Catherine Ursillo Paul and Saralee Visscher F.W. and Florence Walker Franklin and Missie Walker Louis Warlick R. Thomas and Jackie Webb Mark Welch James Wells II ’58 Richard and Wendy Wilson John Woodburn Kevin and Lorrie Young Robert and Sally Young Thomas and Sandra Zonay
In memory of Arthur F. Mann ’45
William ’50 and Marlene Leatherbee Jr. In memory of Elva Mikula
Wolfgang and Dorothy Millbrandt Alexander Miller III Deborah Milne William and Lauryn Moeller William and Julie Moran Rodney and Pamela Morgan Charles Muir J. Ralph ’61 and Dee Muller Allan ’55 and Kathryn Munro In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of James K. Lawrence Jr. ’03
Paul and Joan Lefebvre James and Elaine Lenz Alan and Renee Levow Barbara Liming Richmond and Eleanor Littlefield Richard and Susan Logan Eileen Longacre J.D. and Virginia Lucil Justin and Meridith Mackay-Smith Donald MacLeay W. Thomas and Donna Margetts Douglas and Laura Mathewson Marcus and Audrey Matson Kenneth and Dorcas Mattern
E. Ted ’50 and Marilyn McNamara Dale ’66 and Linda Meltzer Mary Jane Merrill In memory of Alan M. Merrill ’55
In memory of Elva Mikula
** ** *
John ’48 and Katharine McCrillis Glenn and Petra McDonald Andrew and Connie McElwee Hugh and Marianne McGraw Herbert McKinney and Nancy Brown
In memory of Elva Mikula
* * *
Total Raised: $74,400 15% Participation
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Kurth II ’50 H’07 Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner MacLeay Jr. Mr. William Maher Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Mattern In memory of Elva Mikula
Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Julian Bach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bagley
Mrs. Madeline McGonis Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart Menzel Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Millar Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Mills
In honor of Andrew J. Richardson ’08
Mr. Jim Balenger and Mrs. Nancy McGrann Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baumann Mrs. Sarah H. Bosworth Mrs. Geneva Bowen Mrs. Eleanor Buehrig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Coolidge Mr. and Mrs. Hugh P. Cota Mrs. Olive J. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cullman ’42 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Cuomo Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duch Mrs. Jessie Carver English In memory of Frederick E. Carver, James G. Carver ’56 and Elva Mikula
* **
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Flickinger ’50 Dr. and Mrs. Walter Frey
** *
Friends Total Raised — All Funds: $1,223,638 29% Participation *
Helen Bronk Akerstrom In memory of George C. Akerstrom
Thain and Deborah Allan In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Rose Allen
In memory of Barry Mills
In memory of Alfred L. Allen ‘46
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Moore Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Moses
Mary Ashmun
In honor of Brian E. Moses ’11 and Elizabeth A. Moses ’10
Judith Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Ogden ’50 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pelletier Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Plummer ’50 Mr. Frank P. Robotti Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rosenfield Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell Mr. and Mrs. James D. Sinegal Mrs. Barbara Smiles
In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31 In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Virginia Blackburn In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Paul and Linda Bogan In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Leon and Katherine Bowen In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
John and Virginia Callahan In memory of Elva Mikula
In honor of Christopher Smiles ’74
Carol Chivers Nancy Cook Alfred Decrane Caroline Deming Elsie Deming
Mrs. Beryl Spencer Mrs. Ethel Stansfield In memory of Elva Mikula
In memory of Elva Mikula
Mr. Sam Steinberg
Mrs. Barbara Gee Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Graham ’43 Mrs. June Gray
Mrs. Margueritte Stevens Mrs. Phyllis M. Steward
In honor of Guenevere G. Kerr ’07
In honor of Alexander H. Gray ’08
In honor of Guillaume A. Joffres ’08
Mr. and Mrs. James Griffiths Mr. and Mrs. Glover Howe Mr. and Mrs. Steve Howe Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jedrey Mr. and Mrs. D. Alden Johnson ’49 Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Donald Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kanne
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stone Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Hubert K. Turley Mr. and Mrs. Linwood O. Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Ward Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Webb Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Zullo
Samuel Bartlett Beta Chapter DKG
In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Joan Deming-Murphy Martha Densmore Charles and Phoebe Dey In memory of Elva Mikula
The Family of Charles F. Doe ’45 Robert and Patricia Dwyer Edna Earle and Harold Sanborn In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Marilyn Entwisle Janet Estes In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
In honor of Matthew T. Kanne ’08
Allan and Myra Ferguson Richard Flood Hugh Fortmiller Fred Frechette Carol Gigerenzer In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Leland and Maureen Hall David and Nancy Hanson In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Robert Harrington Lois Hedman Oliver Herfort and Ursula Fries-Herfort Horatio Hill Louis and Audrey Hoitsma In memory of Elva Mikula
Barbara Hotchkiss Steve Ihnen In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Lovyone Jackson and Horatio S. Hill Truda and Lincoln Jewett In memory of Elva Mikula
James Jones Donald Kempf Jr. Martha Deming and Malcolm Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lagasse In memory of Elva Mikula
James Lambert
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Gardiner and Katherine MacLeay Jr. Mary MacNamee
In memory of D. Hugh MacNamee
Kathryn Magill Ralph and Sally Manuel In memory of Elva Mikula
Zachary Martin Beverly Miller Dorothy and Albert Mori Teresa Nelson James and Judith Oates Richard and Anna Pawlewicz Lucy Perdigao In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Plainfield Elementary School Duane Ragsdale Bruce and Diane Robinson
* *
In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Marion Roche David Runnells Maralyn Smith
In memory of Elva Mikula
Jesse Spikes Marjorie Stewart Corinne Styles Eloise Taylor In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Nicki Taylor In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Anne Thomas In memory of H.S. Thomas Jr. ’47
Anne Tracy C. Harrison and Margaret Trumbull In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
* *
Frances Vadney Benjamin and Nancy Williams James and Susan Wright
Foundations & Corporations Total Raised — All Funds: $483,771
** *
** *
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Agnes M. Lindsay Trust Anonymous (2) Bank of America Barrette Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – Upper Valley Region Bunge North America Foundation Burton D. Morgan Foundation Cabbadetus Foundation Capital Connections, Inc. Charles R. Whitney Foundation for the Annual Fund ChevronTexaco Matching Gift Program Clarence W. Barron Lead Trust Cleveland Foundation Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts Deutsche Bank Emily Wilson Burns Donor Advised Fund
Fidelity Foundation FM Global Foundation Forest Moon, Inc. GE Foundation Global Impact Guild Family Foundation Hallmark Cards, Inc. Henry L. & Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation Hermes Foundation, Inc. ISO New England, Inc. J.M.R. Barker Foundation Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation Jane’s Trust John Hancock Financial Services John W. & Clara C. Higgins Foundation KeyCorp LexisNexis Shares Mascoma Savings Bank Foundation May God Bless You Oleta Coach Lines Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Middlecott Foundation Morgan Stanley Matching Gifts Program National Grid USA Service Company New England Schooner New Hampshire Charitable Foundation – North Country Region Northwestern Mutual Foundation One Beacon Insurance Page Hill Foundation Palmer Gas/Ermer Oil Company Pelletier Family Foundation Pfizer Foundation Philips PACE Propane Gas Association of New England In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program Rose Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Scientific - Atlanta, Inc. Truman Charitable Fund of the Lakes Region In memory of William H.M. Truman ’61
Tyco Electronics Foundation UBS Foundation USA Matching Gift Program UK Architects Unilever United States, Inc. Upper Valley United Way Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program In memory of Gretel Palmer Cole ’31
Verdun Hill Group Webster Walker Foundation William & Ellen E. Macristy Foundation
Gifts In Kind/In-Kind Services The Anagnost Companies John F. Baybutt ’73 Sean ’81 Cota Leslie Hanafin Cota Mr. Robert Dean Richard and Louise Hart Mrs. Margaret Howe In memory of Townsend Howe
Thomas ’58 and Maureen Gosselin Duncan G. ’50 and Sally Ogden UK Architects
Senior ‘08 Class Gift Program Peter L. Abdu ’08 William and Linda Abdu Cheol Ahn and Kyung Ju Yoo William J. Banfield III ’08 Robert and Susan Blackwood Jr. Brent F. Bourgeois ’08 Michael and Janice Burke Walter Celin and Maryse Atta Sean O. ’81 Cota Leslie Hanafin Cota Jeffrey P. ’73 H’08 and Rebecca Cutts Sarah V. Cutts ’08 Steven Dayno and Kathryn Jacobs Zachary Dayno ’08 Mariann Drago Albert and Debra Fowler Elizabeth Frates Whitney A. Frates ’08 William J. and Nancy Heffron Ann L. Howe Young Gi Hwang and Mi Suk Ha Thierry G. and Joan Joffres Michael and Nancy Jones Russell and Edwina Keene Marra M. Landino ’08 Jae Hyuk Lee ’08 Youn Hong Lee and Young Eun Wang Peter R. Logan ’08 Richard B. and Susan Logan Jonathan P. Lowenstein ’08 Brett L. Marshall ’08 Kirby and Caryn Marshall James and Mary Millette Nicholas J. Millette ’08 Douglas G. and Deborah Morgan Tai A. Nixa ’08 Douglas L. and Mary Noordsy M. Anne Pendergast Stephen and Rebecca Powell Frederick K. and Lisa Reich Hope Schachter Scott Schachter ’08 Donald and Mary St. Germain Sarah L. Stender ’08 Margueritte Stevens Eleanor A. Wilson ’08 Jack and Anne Wilson
Trustee Emeriti
Jeffrey P. Cutts ’73, H’08, P’08 Board Chairman Jennifer A. Kurth Borislow ’78 , P’07, ’10 Vice-Chairman J.C. Boggs III ’80 Board Secretary James Gray ’66, P’02, ’04 Board Treasurer
Thomas R. Flickinger ’50, P’77 Allan Munro ’55, P’81, ’83, ’11, ’13, GP’11 Jack H. Nelson ’63 Henry W. Parker ’41 * Ex-Officio ** Appointed – May 2008
General Membership William Barker ’90 ** Raymond Barrette P’05, ’09 Robert V. Bartles P’84, ’86, ’96 Nadja M. Bellan-White ’85 William A. Black Jr. ’85 Sheila A. Culbert Allan Ferguson ** Sidney Finkelstein P’10 ** Benjamin D. Fischman ’90 Geoffrey R. Flickinger ’77, P’10 Thomas L. Gosselin ’58, P’85 Timothy J. Herbert ’83, P’09, ’11 Edward Holstein P’98 Donald E. Lowery ’73 Thomas Maher P’09 Christie Morse, P’11, P’12 ** Jeffrey D. Palmer ’66 William C. Pierce P’04 Michael J. Schafer P’12 – Head of School * Paul E. Sheff P’94, ’97 Edward H. Stansfield ’78, P’11 Christopher Tatum P’07
2007 - 2008 Alumni Council
2007 - 2008 Board Of Trustees
William S. Barker ’90 Philip G. Chesley ’59 James C. Keane ’74 Andrea Bueno Keen ’89 Elise A. Kusselow ’95 Scott Liston ’00 Dylan N. McGraw ’04 Dale L. Meltzer ’66, P’05 Francis H. Nolin Jr. ’57 Deborah J. Sanders-Dame ’78 Kimberly G. Smith ’66 Jennifer B. Truman ’85 Michael Vitsentzos ’99
2007 Annual Report Corrections We are very sorry to have omitted the following donors in the 2007 Annual Report: Marika J. Deppmeyer ’98 and Andrick S. Deppmeyer ’02 were mistakenly omitted from “The Black and Orange Young Alumni Giving Society” in the 2007 Annual Report. Our sincere apologies.
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t hank you
a million reasons to say
With your help, we raised 1.3 million dollars to support the Annual Fund.