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Eating in Moderation and Avoiding Overeating

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sleep, we engage in eating throughout the day whether that is in the form of snacks, drinks or a full meal. Eating is a pleasurable experience and humans are always on the quest to explore ways of making food more delicious. People pay a lot of money to eat food prepared by expert cooks and sometimes travel many miles for that experience. Unfortunately, in the modern world especially, we can see the of food is greater than ever before, the temptation to eat and indulge is greater than ever before. As a result, we know that in societies where overeating is prevalent, there is an obesity crisis and people face massive health problems. In fact, many health problems are a direct result of what we consume as food. Just as what we eat matters, so does how much we eat of it. Overeating puts stress on the body and the organs to deal with the excessive food. Over the process of many years, this has terrible consequences on health such as increased blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels and other things. This hadith is an amazing insight into the guidance the Prophet Muhammad provided Muslims regarding dietary portions. Sticking by those guidelines will ensure good health until old age. Firstly, the Prophet stomach.’ This is because it is a source of ill-health and creates a habit human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight,’ so that we can survive and remain healthy enough to function well throughout

Prophet told us that if someone does want to eat more, they should conceptually divide their stomach into three parts: one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for breathing. The adult stomach is about 12 inches long and 6 inches wide; if that is divided into three it is easy to estimate how much we should be eating.

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