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1.2 Digital morphogenesis (b)(c) of spatial configuration and character

1.1 Digital morphogenesis(c)(d) of spatial configuration and character.



Determine relationships that affect change in morphology of a NURBS(e) surface preferably an enclosure using parameters. Also, add constraints to the design approach to maintain certain desired spatial character. The study is divided into 4 parts - system logic, pseudo code, iterations and further development / conclusion.

System logic is the simple breaking down of the process of geometrical exploration with clear overview of design intent and approach. Students are encouraged to experiment on simple mathematical principles and gradually evolve the form through use of rules and strategic relationships having parametric control.

The four part method helps student use data in a streamline iterative process for drawing conclusions based on the understanding of its dependency and relationship of various rules, constraints and parameters applied.

Use of computational tools become inherently embedded into the design process as a means of form-finding and optimization of spatial performance brings upon a new paradigm of digital morphogenesis.

NURBS(e) Non-uniform rational basis spline are mathematical models of 3-Dimensional geometry that accurately describe any shape from simple 2-Dimensional curve to a most complex 3-Dimensional organic free-form surface or solids. Morphogenesis(c) is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape, growth and differentiation. Digital morphogenesis(d) is a type of generative art in which complex shape development or morphogenesis is enabled by computation.

Figure 1-2 Final output of Geometrical explorations done by student of 2nd year M.Arch

Fig 1-2

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