3 minute read
I Thought This Time It Would Be Different!
By Sam Avila
Chicago O’Hare Airport – 5:24pm STATUS: DETERMINED
A sudden rush of both relief and anxiety flew across my whole body at the airport.
“Finally,” I exclaimed to myself, “It’ll all be over!”
My thoughts kept echoing from the prolonged ride from this day. Aching limbs, dehydrated status, and sore feet tirelessly wandering around with no control anymore.
Oh no…
In the words of Katherine Howard: “I thought this time it would be different!” Minutes passed and everything stood at a halt. Each face that I saw on most of my group ranged drastically, kind of like a drama show. Happiness soon left the building with only irritation accompanying the faces of many. This truly was a disaster for all of us.
Delay after delay kept coming like a freight train with the conductor refusing to stop. It was a complete nightmare!
“Where are we going to go?” Thoughts echoed in my head, “How long are we going to stay here?”
No answer was given to my cries (not now at least), and the sorrowful sighs of other passengers around me spoke despair. There I sat myself, in defeat, wondering when we would ever see Kansas again.
All I knew was that I was waiting for a miracle…
11:27pm STATUS: Playtime’s Over...
But after everything that I had already been through in London, with mainly almost getting run over two times, I felt determination growing.
For this entire trip alone, I accomplished more than traveling on my own, I traveled to freaking EUROPE out of all places! That moment of ecstatic rage fired up again inside. But just when you know it, a ring pops up on my phone.
I glance over towards the screens light, and my heart skips a beat:
Where were we now?
Kansas is only an eight-hour drive…maybe I could hop in a car and just drive over there?
By myself, a no go for my parents over at home. However, I could not wait any longer here in Chicago.
I can probably try to find another flight! But that would definitely not work…
“Attention everyone!” The roaring speakers made us jump.
My eyes darted upward at the sky like staring up at the high heavens. What is the problem now?
“Gate H6 is ready for boarding” Those words shook my core, “Groups one through four, please stand at the front line”
… I think I found the golden ticket!
My right hand flew straight down towards my carry-on bag, plowing through multiple items to find my ticket. At last, I see the group number: seven.
“Groups five through seven please stand at the front line”
My body wanted to triumphantly jump up to the? sky. The waves of anxiety washed away from my mind as the sun’s rays of hope? glistened down towards me.
Our prayers have finally been answered, and now we can put this nightmare to rest. Knocks on wood for good luck…
I cannot believe I am going to be happily screaming this out loud (on paper) but… WE ARE FINALLY GOING BACK TO KANSAS!
2:00am STATUS: Hopeful
Now, this was truly like that one line from the Book of Mormon: A Spooky Mormon Hell Dream.
But…with a twist of it being a “Spooky Airport Hell Dream.”
The terminals finally opened up for everyone as the wheels jumped onto the cemented ground. The crews speakers crackled to life yet again with a line that felt like finding gold:
“Welcome to Kansas!”
After everyone got up in one go, a herd of people rushed out of the plane. It felt like it was Black Friday all over again at Walmart. The mountains of bags and luggage came down with full force as a line went straight ahead to the front entrance.
I could not believe our trip had finally come to an end. From exploring museums, to traveling across Oxford and Piccadilly Circus, the musicals and live performance outside of the bustling streets would be a part of my happiest memories in London.
But the greatest moment from all of this was seeing that I got to experience it with my classmates. Never was I alone without the companionship of my friends who made this journey the most interesting, comedic, and craziest adventure possible.
So, in a way, this time was actually different!