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Student Association of Graduates in English
SAGE (Student Association of Graduates in English) had another productive year in 2022 – 2023, continuing to support and advocate for graduate students in KU’s English Department. Founded in 1967, SAGE’s mission is to represent the interests of graduate students in the department, providing opportunities for professionalization, advancement, and community. From helping to evaluate First Year textbook options, to hosting write-ins, to representing SAGE in the Graduate Teaching Assistants Coalition (GTAC) and Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB), participation in SAGE provides graduate students with experience in both departmental and university-level committees. Whether pursuing academic or alt-ac jobs, serving on SAGE committees uniquely equips graduate students with leadership, collaboration, and problem-solving skills guaranteed to serve them well on the job market and beyond. SAGE was also able to support three graduate students’ conference travel using the funds raised at our events of this year.
SAGE continues to have a positive impact on graduate students and the department more broadly, holding both social and fundraising events. This year’s SAGE events included:
• The annual Welcome Picnic for faculty, graduate stu- dents, and family to kick off the school year, coordinated by the SAGE Executive Board
• Book Fairs in the Fall and Spring Semesters, coordinated by the Events & Fundraising Committee
• Reorganizing the SAGE lab and donating unsellable books, coordinated by the Events & Fundraising and Sustainability Committees
• The annual silent auction fundraiser at the English Department Holiday Party, coordinated by the Events & Fundraising Committee
• Meet and greets with prospective graduate students and faculty job candidates
• Write-ins for graduate students, coordinated by the Professional Development committee
Here are a few things that SAGE members have been up to this year:
Creative Writing: Alex Crayon (2nd year Creative Writing PhD Student): “I and the other Creative Writing students have been hard at work writing, workshopping, and submit - continued on page 15