GUIDELINE PROJECT II MEDIO “DOCUMENTARY� The information below corresponds to the guideline for the Project you have to work on this semester. It is very important for you to follow each step. Missing steps can turn into a low mark for the group.
1. Form groups of 4-6 people.
2. Pick a topic with an evident problem: it could be related to politics, education,
economics, health, etc, in any country. 3. Create a video (short film) of at least 3 minutes. Follow this format:
- Intro: Brief explanation of the topic. - Points of view or opinions: gather some opinions about your topic. - Wishes: what is your wishful thinking about the topic? - What are they doing?: tell about the actions of organizations or governements to solve the problem of your topic. 4. BEFORE starting the video: Write a draft with your information and ask your
teacher to check it! 5. Everybody has to participate in the video. 6. Pick a person from the class to be in charge of editing the full documentary.
Once your group is ready, the editor will make a documentary with all the videos from the class and this is going to present it to the teacher. 7. Choose a name for your documentary.
8. Do not forget to use wishful thinking and vocabulary related to the contents.