Church Bulletin

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The Kuils River SDA Church extends a warm welcome to our friends, family, and regular members. Our Speaker for today is Bro Terence Coetzee who is a theology student in his final year.

1. 2. 3.

PRAYER MEETING: on Wednesday evening at 7:15pm at church. ADVENTURERS: this afternoon from 15h00 – 16h00pm. No Club on Sunday YOUTH: tonight at 19h00pm at the Koopman’s residence. We will be having a PJ’s and Pizza Social evening.


PATHFINDERS: this afternoon at 15h00pm. Please bring your bibles, books & pens/pencils with you. Drill Down Competition tomorrow at 07h30am at Cape Peninsula Technikon (PenTech). Entrance fee is R10.00 per person. Parents please ensure that your children are there on time.

5. 6.

AMBASSADORS: at 16h00pm. Please bring your pens with you. CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES: Please note, the Keep a Kid Warm project ends today. All kids are requested to remain behind after church so we can take a photo with the donations received. Thank you to all who supported this initiative.

Week of Prayer Volunteers, please complete volunteer information forms and return them to Karin van Breda no later than the 04 August 2012. 7.

EARLY MORNING SERVICE: next Sabbath at the home of Br & Sr A Taruvinga at 33


Zinnia Street, Sarepta.

August 2012 

Children’s Ministry Planning meeting - 5 Aug

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Communion -15 Sept Family Life Children's Day - 29 Sept Children's Week of Prayer - 30 Sept to 04 Oct

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Children's Sabbath - 06 Oct Adventure Fair - 21 Oct

September 2012

October 2012

TAKE NOTE ADVENTIST REVIEW Young Seventh-day Adventists in

Villa Nueva, in the south central region of Guatemala, took to the streets to pray for onlookers, neighbors, and friends in early June. The youth, most of them from Villa Nueva Central Adventist Church, also distributed literature. The event was part of the church’s evangelism impact initiative. The young people carried signs that read “We Pray for Your Health”; “We Pray for Your Work”; and “We Pray for You.” They offered hope and prayed for more than 200 families, organizers said.

GOD’S CALL TO HOLINESS Scripture is clear: God wants us to be holy. He calls us to holiness. We first find this call in Exodus, where God states that Israel is to be a “holy nation” (Ex. 19:6), and His “holy people” (Ex. 22:31). The primary focus in the book of Leviticus is holiness. There we find the call to consecrate ourselves and to be holy based on God’s holiness (Lev. 11:44, 45). In Leviticus 20:7, 8 God connects the call to holiness with obedience. With verse 26 God declares that He sets us apart from the nations around us.

CHURCH WEBSITE: Since the launch of the Church’s website we have had over

IMPACT SOUTH AFRICA - The 3rd World Conference

1,161 visits to the website. If anyone has an article or content they would like to

on Youth and Community Service will be held in South Africa from July 1 to 13, 2013. Cost is R1800 payable before 20 September 2012 thereafter an extra R500 for late registrations.

publish on the website please forward to 9.


PRAYER REQUESTS: Romans 8:26-27 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.” (NIV) Let us continue to pray for each other, the sick, the unemployed, the elderly, those who are in mourning and the leadership of the local and world Church.


There is the story of a pastor who got up one

Sabbath and announced to the congregation:"I have good news and bad news. The good news is, we have enough money to pay for our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."

REVIVED BY HIS WORD BIBLE READING PLAN FOR JULY 2012 1 - Exo. 26 2 - Exo. 27 3 - Exo. 28 4 - Exo. 29 5 - Exo. 30 6 - Exo. 31

7 - Exo. 32 8 - Exo. 33 9 - Exo. 34 10 - Exo. 35 11 - Exo. 36 12 - Exo. 37

13 - Exo. 38 14 - Exo. 39 15 - Exo. 40 16 - Lev. 1 17 - Lev. 2 18 - Lev. 3

19 - Lev. 4 20 - Lev. 5 21 - Lev. 6 22 - Lev. 7 23 - Lev. 8 24 - Lev. 9

25 - Lev. 10 26 - Lev. 11 27 - Lev. 12 28 - Lev. 13 29 - Lev. 14 30 - Lev. 15 31 - Lev. 16

BIRTHDAYS FOR JULY 2012 Shana Wales Raymond Wales Denzil Baron Rico Plaatjes Johanna Magerman Be-Use Williams Dawn de Grass Colette Braaf Peter Andreucci Virginia Douman Solomon Williams Esther Roode Nathan Brandt Aiden Ward

01 03 05 05 09 09 11 11 14 14 24 18 19 16

Gavin Adonis Caitlin Peters Elrich Williams Jada-Lynn van Breda Fairhope Sijula Phumla Nteo Shane Abrahams Chadwin Esbach

20 20 22 22 23 23 25 26

Kendall du Plooy


Benita Koopman Chesnay Markgraaf Caleb van Heerden Cameron Dramat Elizabeth Fortuin

29 29 30 31 30

CHURCH PASTOR Sr Cordelle Liebrandt Cell no. 0833509620 (Theology student from Helderberg College doing her practicum at the Kuils River church)

ELDERS’ ROSTER Co-ordinating Elder for July: Elder Aurasius Van Heerden 903 2687(h) 0823981558(c) 906 6388(h) 0735951375(c) 9036348 (h) 0827168331(c)

Br A. Van Heerden Br H. de Grass Sr K. Adams

0829434525(c) 903 2582(h) 0716401844(c) 8615124 (w)

COMMUNICATION Priscilla Plaatjes

021 9037591(h) 021 8507541(w) 072 4472749(c)

Brendon Christmas

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: 'Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for His answers.'

Pastor C Boesack 079 4394302(c)

Br R. Koopman Br A. Ndebele Sr L. Creamer


082 491 4274(c) | | The Lord is only a prayer away, so please ensure your cell phone is switched off in Church.

Philippians 4:6

DAILY BIBLE VERSE: The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. Here are 4 things we should do: 1. Don't worry about anything. 2. Pray about everything. 3. Tell God your needs. 4. Be thankful.

PRAYER: Lord, I bring my needs and concerns to You right now. I ask You to move and do a miracle in these issues and situations. Thank You that You will undertake and thank You that You hear my prayer.. Amen

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