2 minute read
To Nicolaus Copernicus on his 550TH birthday
Perhaps the only witness to the beginning of Nicolaus Copernicus’ life, although not a person but an object, is the baptismal font from the 13 th century. It is a treasure admired in the so-called Copernicus Chapel in Toruń Cathedral. This Chapel, including the altar (1620–1630) and all the other masterpieces of sacral art (for example wooden seats, the so-called stalls from 15 th century, and the sculpture of Sorrowful Christ from 1510–1520) were restored and protected in 2017–2018. The project was inspired by the first bishop of the newly established Toruń diocese in 1992, His Excellency bishop dr. Andrzej Wojciech Suski. The cost of the professional restoration and renovation was covered by the private donation from the estate of the late Professor Lawrence Joseph Schaad, American citizen of Nashville, Tennessee (USA). The project to renovate and restore all these historical elements was completed some four years ago. Since then, the Copernicus Chapel has been waiting for the 550 th birthday of the famous astronomer, the anniversary to be celebrated in his hometown in 2023.
The most valuable part of the baptismal font, the early Gothic bowl with a wide rim, and decorated with arcades and an inscription at the bottom; on the upper edge with two small handles in the form of lion heads. This is a prime example of the oldest craft of a bell foundry in Toruń
Baptismal font: the wooden polychrome cover from the middle of the 18 th century with the carved scene of the baptism of Jesus by St. John 93
Examples of sculptures decorating the armrests of the stalls (15 th century) at the back wall of the Chapel
Altar of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and its fragment (1620–1630)
The other witness to Nicolaus Copernicus’ youth, but elusive and not material is the majestic voice of Tuba Dei whose sound has been heard in Toruń since 1500. The poem composed by the bell ringer
Krzysztof Przegiętka, with the message representing the wish that flows with the music of Tuba Dei, is addressed not only to all residents of Toruń but also to all guests who feel the atmosphere of
Krzysztof Przegiętka
Tuba Dei authentic Gothic while visiting Copernicus’ Town. This poem certainly takes on special meaning as we celebrate the 550 th birthday of the Giant of Science, especially when realizing that Copernicus also heard the same music of Tuba Dei as he was born in a house close to the St. John’s the Baptist and St. John’s the Apostle Church (now Cathedral).
Oto wołam
Mój głos biegnie ponad miastem
Przez dalekie przedmieścia przenika niby przez czas Ściga się z ptakami i dyktuje zegarom godzinę
Oto śpiewam
Pieśń moja niesie się srebrzystym korytem rzeki
Do miejsc przesiąkniętych zapachem wiślanego piachu i wiatrem
Tam gaśnie spełniona
Oto gram
Dźwięki mojej muzyki rozbrzmiewają w ciszy poranka
Opadają na dachy kamienic i podskakują po wypukłym bruku
By na powrót wzbić się modlitwą ku górze
Oto wzywam cię
Mój krzyk przedziera się przez gwar ulicy Słyszysz? Wzywam ciebie – Żyj, kochaj, módl się i pracuj!
Jak ja, od 500 lat
Tuba Dei
Here I am calling
My voice runs above the city
Through distant suburbs it penetrates like through time
It races the birds and dictates time to clocks
Here I am singing
My song is carried by the silver riverbed
To the places full of smell of Wisła’s sand and wind
And there it goes out fulfilled
Here I am ringing
The tunes of my music linger in the silence of the morning
They fall on the roofs of houses and bounce on uneven pavement
Only to fly back up as a prayer
Here I am calling you
My scream breaks through the hum of the street
Can you hear? I am calling you – live, love, pray and work!
As I have been doing, for 500 years
Lidia Smentek March 2022