The World Resources Magazine Zambia 2020

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E Water Resources World ToiletManagement Magazine Zambia



MA RCH 2020

Water Resources Management Magazine

World Water Day WATE R A N D C LI M ATE C H A N G E




Our Water Resources Zambia is endowed with the most abundant surface and groundwater resources among the Southern African countries with about 45% of the water supplies of the total water resources of Southern Africa. While

and technologies could reduce industrial water

one of the great contradictions is that in some parts

consumption by half, however measures to conserve

of the country, the demand for fresh, clean water

water require both the will and the way. “Access to

already outstrips the supply. The reason is simple:

a secure, safe and sufficient source of freshwater is a

Climate Change, Industrialization and expansion of

fundamental requirement for the survival, well-being

human settlements. Deeper wells and new reservoirs

and socio-economic development of all humanity. Yet,

may bring temporary relief, but the amount of rain that

we continue to act as if freshwater were a perpetually

falls and the amount of water stored under the ground

abundant resource. It is not.”—Kofi Annan

essentially keep declining. Unfortunately, much of the

This publication highlights sound reasons why we

rain occurs in the form of torrential downpours. These

should manage our precious water resources. It also

not only cause floods but also result in water running

discusses the need for water conservation for future

quickly off the land, since there is little vegetation left


to hold the water, it rushes away almost as quickly as

it falls from the sky. Increased efficiency, innovations

Kulani Media Team

Contents 6



Zambia Water Challenges amid the Climate Change Crisis


Rainwater Harvesting Importance


Water Transmission and COVID-19


World Plumbing Day 2020


Water Tank Transforms Queen’s Life

World Water Day 2020 LCC Embarks on Massive COVID-19 Sensitisation in Public Places


The “Green Gold”. Growing you money from trees


Health Aspects of Plumbing Facts Sheet



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Contributors: Simon Mwamba, Carol Ngwengwe, Agatha Mali, McDonald Shampande

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Water Resources Management

WaterAid Zambia calls for urgent action on water as a “first line of defence” against the growing threat of climate change ‘ O N TH E F R O NTLI N E : TH E S TATE O F TH E WO R LD’ S WATE R 2 02 0 ’ WO R LD WATE R DAY- 2 2 N D M A R C H , 2 02 0

WaterAid Zambia is calling for urgent action from the

against the growing threat of climate change. The

Zambian government and all stakeholders to include

most immediate and widespread impacts of climate

resilient-safe water, adequate sanitation and good

change are felt through water – on one extreme too

hygiene in their plans for dealing with the impact of

little water evidenced by droughts, on the other hand,

climate change. World Water Day is commemorated

too much water; evidenced by floods, all of which

globally on the 22nd of March and this year’s theme

threaten people’s access to safe water.

is Water and Climate Change. The Climate Change

WaterAid Zambia calls upon the Zambian Government

Crisis is a Water crisis!

to provide climate resilient water and sanitation services which should be clearly provided for in

According to the 2017 JMP, 40% percent of Zambians

the National Adaptation Plans. These plans set

(7 million people) do not have access to a safe water

a baseline from which countries can develop bids

close to home, which is makes it much harder to cope

to access global climate funding sources which is

with the growing impacts of climate change.

critical. Zambia ranks 37th amongst the most vulnerable


WaterAid’s analysis of global water access On

countries to climate change out of 195 countries –

the frontline: The state of the world’s water 2020

among the top 25% in the world - but only receives

examines how climate change is making it harder

USD $11.40 per person, per year in climate finance.

for people in the world’s poorest countries to rely

This is for both mitigation – cutting carbon emissions

on being able to drink clean water every day, whilst

– and adaptation – reducing the impacts of climate

highlighting the currently inadequate amounts of

change. While developing countries contribute very

climate finance spent in these countries to help them

little to global carbon emissions, they are the least

cope with the impacts of climate change.

prepared to withstand the effects, with little money

Everyone needs water to survive. Ensuring that

allocated towards helping them. The average person

everyone has a source of safe water they can rely on

in Zambia accounts annually for emissions of 0.292

whatever the weather, is the vital first line of defence

metric tonnes of carbon dioxide - compared to the

Water Resources Management

average per capita emission in the United States of

Government to prioritize funding to WASH to ensure

16.5 metric tonnes.

coverage of WASH services are scaled up.

Across the world nearly 800 million people do not

WaterAid Zambia works to make clean water, decent

have access to clean water close to home, while a

toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone,

staggering two billion people do not have access to a

everywhere within a generation. The international,

water service that is free from contamination, putting

not-for-profit organisation works to change the lives

them at risk of waterborne disease and death.

of the poorest and most marginalised people. Since

By 2050, the number of people expected to face

1981, WaterAid Zambia has reached 3 million people.

problems in getting water at least once a month, is

WaterAid Zambia operates in 4 Provinces in Lusaka

expected to grow to five billion globally – over 50%

(Lusaka District), Southern (Monze and Kazungula

of the world’s population. Access to clean water

Dstricts), Luapula (Mwense and Samfya Distrcts)

is uniquely vulnerable as climate change piles

and Western (Mwandi District) For more information,

more pressure on water sources that are already

visit, follow @wateraidzambia on

overstretched due to inadequate infrastructures, poor

Twitter, or find WaterAid Zambia on Facebook at www.

water management and a lack of government funding.

WaterAid Zambia therefore calls upon the Zambian


Half of all countries get less than USD $5.20 in climate finance per person, per year to help them cope with the climate crisis.



Only 5% of climate finance is spent on helping countries adapt to climate change. Even less is spent in the most vulnerable countries, and less still on vital services like clean water, placing billions of lives at risk. Half of countries where more than 10% of people do not have water close to home get less than 84 cents per person, per year in climate finance for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) service adaptation.


In Africa, which accounts for less than 4% of global carbon emissions, over two-thirds of countries have less than USD $1 in climate finance per person, per year allocated towards clean water, decent sanitation and hygiene.

No-one can survive without clean water. No-one can

the impacts of climate change which is putting the

thrive if they have to struggle to find it. But right now,

health and lives of millions at risk. Government must

our changing climate is making life harder for the

recognise the vital role clean water plays in helping

world’s poorest people who are already struggling to

their people be more resilient to climate change and

get clean water.

work to address this urgent threat now so that future

“WaterAid’s report shows that far too little is spent

generations can stay safe and healthy.”

on helping the most vulnerable people adapt to

Pamela Chisanga WaterAid Zambia- Country Director


Water Resources Management

Zambia Water Challenges Amid The Climate Change Crisis - Reflections On The Water, Livelihood And Energy Nexus W R IT TE N BY: S I M O N M WA M BA ( Z A M B I A C LI M ATE C H A N G E N E T WO R K )


As Zambia joins the global community in

It is against this background that I wish to look at the

commemorating this year’s World Water Day, it is

water and climate change linkages in that the water

imperative to critically reflect on the 2020 theme,

sector is critical in addressing adaptation to climate

“Water and Climate Change”, by looking at the water,

change as well as in building resilience.

livelihood and energy nexus.

The sustainable management of water resources is

This years’ theme comes at the critical but

cardinal in a country that boasts of having more than

rather opportune time in that there has been the

40% of freshwater resources in the Southern African

highest political will from the head of state who

region but is vulnerable to the effects of climate

has constantly called for concerted stakeholder

change. According to the National Climate change

engagement in addressing climate change. The

Policy of 2016, the water sector is among the highly

President Edgar Chagwa Lungu in his Address in the

impacted sectors despite the abundant resources that

State of the Nation Address (SONA) in September Last

the country has from its rivers, lakes and underground

year during the opening of the National Assembly

water in that the country has isolated semi-arid areas

dedicated his speech to addressing climate change.

in the southern and western parts.

Water Resources Management

ACC E S S TO S A F E WATE R It is against this background that I wish to look at the

region but is vulnerable to the effects of climate

water and climate change linkages in that the water

change. Â According to the National Climate change

sector is critical in addressing adaptation to climate

Policy of 2016, the water sector is among the highly

change as well as in building resilience.

impacted sectors despite the abundant resources that

The sustainable management of water resources is

the country has from its rivers, lakes and underground

cardinal in a country that boasts of having more than

water in that the country has isolated semi-arid areas

40% of freshwater resources in the Southern African

in the southern and western parts.

WATE R A N D LI V E LI H O O D S Water resources are as important as having good

lead to deaths of livestock that are the major fall back

soils and inputs. Water stress in agriculture has had

for some farmers in times of crop failure. The effects

negative effects on food security and economic

of climate change and unsustainable water resource

development in the country. The agriculture sector is

utilization and management ultimately impacts on

dependent on rainfall especially among small scale

food security, nutritional security, reduced incomes

farmers were droughts and flash floods have become

and national economic productivity. The last farming

frequent due to climate change.

season of 2018/2019 is a typical example of how

With all the abundant water resources coupled with

climate change affected the livelihoods of poor small

the estimated 160 billion cubic meters of rainfall water

scale farmers and that a lot of resources that could

annually that the country receives annually, the

be used on other social-economic development in the

country only utilizes 60 billion cubic meters while 100

country as the Disaster Management and Mitigation

billion cubic meters is lost without being harvested.

Unit had to get resources from the treasure to respond

The 2nd Agriculture National Policy states that the

to the humanitarian crisis caused by climate change.

country is currently only utilizing 155,912 hectares,

It must be noted that unsustainable agriculture

out of the potential 2.75 million hectares available for

practices such as clearing of land closer to rivers and


in water underground water recharge areas including

The lack of efficient utilization of the water resource

the use of agrochemicals that is fertilizers, pesticides

is a cause for concern in that the very small scale

and herbicides impact negatively on water quantity

farmers that are impacted negatively and frequently

and quality.

by climate change produce about 80% of the national

There is a need, therefore, to enforce laws that

food basket. On the other hand, the agriculture sector

govern the protection of sensitive water ecosystem

provides about 67% of the labor while it is the source

areas. Farmers organisations, CSOs, the Government,

of livelihood for about 70% of the population force

private sector and the development partners must

including its contribution of about 10% to the Gross

enhance the promotion of sustainable regenerative

Domestic Products (GDP).

agroecology practices that help to conserve water

The climate change impacts on water resources affect

resources and to adapt to climate change and build

the livestock and the fisheries sectors as well. The

resilience for the water and agriculture sector.

drying up of rivers reduces fish stocks while droughts


Water Resources Management


According to the National Climate Change policy, the

supply has also been affected in that utility

impact of climate change on the water, agriculture

companies depend on electricity to effectively pump

and energy sector among others is estimated to result

and treat water in urban areas. Had the country or

in a loss of about US$ 5 billion over 10 to 20 years.

companies strategically utilized solar energy, the

These impacts are already being felt by Zambians as

country would have not been experiencing the water

the social-economic situation and the ecosystems are

supply shortages as a result of reduced hydropower

hit negatively.

generation. Solar energy as a clean and renewable

Following the frequent droughts, the country’s

sustainable energy source could also be utilized to

hydropower generation capacity was drastically

enhance agriculture production and productivity.

reduced resulting in power cuts popularly known

Solar irrigation can help the country to ensure

as load shedding. The country had not strategically

continued production in times of droughts as well as

placed itself to mitigate the natural disasters by

for continued production throughout the year that

building resilience in agriculture, water, and energy.

then enhances resilience to climate change.

As the energy crisis is being experienced, water CO N C LU S I O N

Water is a critical resource for a healthy life and

There is need to promote water harvesting in urban

livelihoods necessary for fighting the impacts of

and rural areas as observed during the current rain

climate change. The statement from UN Water that

season that the country sometimes receives heavy

“We must balance all of society’s water needs while

downpours of rain that just goes to waste. Solar

ensuring the poorest people don’t get left behind”,

energy can then be used for the treatment of water

is a challenge to our policymakers to ensure that

as well for supplying to households and irrigation for

adequate investments in the water sector need to be

agriculture production.

given priority. This is possible because of sustainable,

We all need to participate and have critical roles

affordable and scalable solutions for water and in

to play as individuals, civil society organisations

building resilience to climate change is available.

cooperating partners and the government as well if

It’s sad as we commemorate the World Water Day this

our vision of becoming a prosperous middle-income

year that access to safe water remains low among the

country by 2030 and in meeting the Sustainable

poor especially in rural areas and peri-urban areas

Development Goals as well as meeting our targets

despite the country having put in place policies and

under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

programmes such as the Integrated Water Resources Management and Water Efficiency.


Water Resources Management


Water Resources Management

Rural Water BY C A R O LI N E N GW E N GW E THE Community in Kabimba Area of Chief Macha

He said the community had mobilized about K1500

Choma district has appealed to Choma Municipal

some years back towards having borehole water but

council to address water challenges as people are

nothing fruitful happened.

sharing water from a river with animals.

Choma Municipal Council spokesperson Adams

Mr. Martin Simubali a resident of Chibwechamoomba

Sinyama said the local authority was targeted to

village said the area was faced with a great water

rehabilitate 60 of boreholes across the district in its

challenge as the river community depended on for

2020 budget.

water had dried up.

Mr. Sinyama said the rural water and sanitation

Simubali said the area has more than 200 household

project would enable people in rural areas to access

that compete for drinking water with their livestock

water and improve their quality of life.

following the drying up of the river as the area had

Mr Sinyama said the local authority had realized the

never had borehole water.

importance of involving community members in water

He said the area needed an urgent water solution and

rated issues.

was uncertain how people and animals would survive

“The local authority is about to begin repairing 60

before the rain begins.

bore holes through the rural water and sanitation project so that people in outskirts access quality

“Our women don’t even sleep anymore they wake up as early as 01:00 hours to go and search for water,’’ he said.


water,’’ he said. He said with support from care international, the local authority would repair an additional 12 boreholes.

Water Resources Management

World Water Day 2020 – Water and Climate Change

World Water Day, on 22 March every year, is about

water needs while ensuring the poorest people don’t

focusing attention on the importance of water. This

get left behind. The World Water Day 2020 campaign

year’s theme, ‘Water and Climate Change’, explores

explains statements such as:

how water and climate change are inextricably linked.

We cannot afford to wait. Climate policy makers must

As the global population grows, so does the demand

put water at the heart of action plans.

for water, which depletes natural resources and

Water can help fight climate change. There are

damages the environment in many places. Solutions

sustainable, affordable and scalable water and

include protecting carbon sinks such as oceans

sanitation solutions.

and wetlands, adopting climate-smart agricultural

Everyone has a role to play. In our daily lives, there

techniques, and increasing the safe reuse of

are surprisingly easy steps we can all take to address


climate change.

Water is our most precious resource – we must use

Explore this year’s theme and browse our collection

it more responsibly. We must balance all of society’s

of stories to find out more:


Water Resources Management

LCC Embarks On Massive Covid-19 Sensitisation In Public Places Lusaka City Council (LCC) has embarked on a massive sensitisation campaign in public places on how to prevent COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Seven teams of Public Health Inspectors have been deployed in all the seven constituencies of Lusaka for massive sensitisation campaigns. The teams are targeting public places such as markets, malls, bus stations, schools, churches and other public places. Key prevention messages on how to prevent Coronavirus, among them, regular washing of hands with soap or the use of alcohol-based hand sanitizer and avoiding handshakes are being propagated.

Shop and bar operators are being advised to provide hand washing facilities for clients to wash their when going in and out of their premises. At Inter-City Bus Terminus, a permanent Health inspector has been deployed to work with Ministry of Health officials who

2020. The meeting apportioned responsibilities to

are conducting both sensitisation and screening of

different stakeholders as a multi-sectoral approach to

travellers from other countries. The station is critical

the prevention of COVID-19.

because it services both local and international routes.

Local authorities have been tasked with the responsibilities of providing adequate clean and


And Public Health Inspectors will tomorrow Sunday

safe water, enhanced waste management, and

target churches to sensitise worshippers.

enforcement of trading standards in markets,

LCC is therefore appealing to members of the public

shopping malls, bus stations among other public

and church leaders to give chance to Public Health

places and to enforce provisions of Public Health Act,

Inspectors to conduct sensitisations in their premises.

as delegated.

The campaign follows the National Epidemic


Preparedness Prevention Control and Management

George Sichimba

Committee meeting held in Lusaka on 11th March,

Public Relations Manager

Water Resources Management


Water Resources Management

The “Green Gold”. Growing you money from trees! Growing your money from trees, is the theme for the Plant a Million movement that seeks to enhance Zambia’s economy through ‘green gold’, a treebased economy model that includes tree products and non-consumptive uses of trees. Tree-based economy is a large and growing incentive for growing a countries economy across Africa and the world. 1 .6 B I LLI O N PE O PLE PR O F IT F R O M FO R E S T S The World Bank estimates that forests contribute to

and other forest products from rich countries. This

the livelihoods of 1.6 billion people and that 60 million

can lock individuals and communities into a cycle

are totally dependent on forests.

of deforestation and poverty. As deforested land

This dependency often leads to unsustainable

becomes nutrient-poor and unable to support

forest management to meet demand for timber

agriculture, more land must be cleared.

I N D I G E N O U S TR E E S PE C I E S I N Z A M B I A It is estimated that there are Forty-one indigenous

production, 39 for dyes, 11 for resins and gums, and 30

tree species in Zambia which produce edible fruit

for timber.

and seeds, 44 are good for animal feed, 38 for tannin Z A M B I A N FO R E S T VA LU E >$ 4 0 0 B I LLI O N U S D The indigenous forests contain about 4 billion cubic

production is used for fuelwood and subsistence use

meters of wood of which 5 percent is commercially

in rural areas. The industrial roundwood production

exploited. The total roundwood production from

from indigenous forests averages about 0.5 million

natural forests is estimated to be 10 million cubic

cubic meters per year and will need structured

meters and 95 percent of the total roundwood

afforestation to sustain current harvesting levels.


To mitigate concerns, science enthusiasts and

and forest products through sustainable planting and

environmentalists alike are turning to Agroforestry

management of trees and forests. It also sustains

faming. Agroforestry farming uses trees and forests

forest ecosystems and provides habitats for wildlife,

to assist break the cycle of poverty and deforestation

encouraging the return of endangered species.

by meeting the need for timber and fuel wood, fruits


Water Resources Management P O LLI N ATI O N & WATE R F O R D R I N K I N G

Vegetation cover helps to slow down the rain falling

through the soil and ends up in natural groundwater

on the ground. This is extremely important not only

reservoirs. This hydrologic process is a key natural

as it prevents soil erosion, but also for replenishing

mechanism for purifying water rendering it safe for

groundwater levels. By decreasing runoff from


the surface, more rain water is actually soaked up


Thus, pollinators perform quietly on a daily basis

and diverse. Perhaps it is time to learn from this

without us even noticing. It is an extremely important

brilliant complexity and harmony between plants,

process, that makes life on this planet rich, healthy

animals and their environment which is occurring naturally just outside our door. The Plant – A – Million Initiative is a tree planting movement with the expanse and ambition to become Africa’s premier example of a ‘Tree-based economy’. The vision of the initiative is to create a ‘Tree-based Economy’ which will enable to mitigate climate change with economic benefits for Zambia. Growing your money from Trees!

“ Stop Talking. Start Acting!” For information contact Emanuel Chibesakunda at or +260(211)257800


Water Resources Management

Plumbers Association Of Zambia – (PAZA)

The Plumbers Association of Zambia was founded on

initiated by the WPC as the means of highlighting the

16th August 2019, registered on 14th February 2020,

important role plumbing plays in the Health, safety,

and was officially launched on 28th February 2020

and sustainability of our community. On this day,

by the Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and

PAZA visited the University Teaching Hospital the

Environmental Protection. Its mission is to provide

biggest health institution in Zambia where it identified

quality service, professional and other services

a number of issues related to plumbing appliances

support that addresses modern challenges in the

and fittings which are still not in good state and

Plumbing Industry. The vision is to be a national and

standard but contributed to the cooperate social

a regional organization which provide quality services

responsibility by offering voluntary services to make

towards Sustainability and Excellence in Plumbing

the environment conducive.

and Water Sanitation Industry.

The association is open and ready to partner and

The Association is run by a combination of

work with various stakeholders who are in Water

experienced local experts in Plumbing, Water,

sector, health and safety, manufacturers, training

pipefitting and Mechanical fitting. It aims to bridge the

providers, local authority and other organizations

Plumbing standard gap among the Zambian Plumbers

to ensure that the community has access to safe

and the community in respect of Water and Sanitation,

water and sanitation, also providing quality products

Plumbing technology and Environmental Health and

like water pipes, faucets and other fittings used in

Safety as espoused by the Millennium Development

plumbing to supply clean and safe water.

Goal No 7 which aims to ensure environmental

On 22 March, still the association joined the world

sustainability by 2030.

to commemorate the World Water Day -”Water and

The Plumbers Association of Zambia is the member

Climate” 2020 amid the global pandemic of COVID19.

of the World Plumbing Council (WPC) an international

For a community to acquire safe water, there is a need

organization which aims to achieve the best

for a plumber to lay quality pipes, install good water

possible plumbing for the World through growth and

storage tanks, to treat water for good consumption

development of the World’s plumbing industries.

to avoid risks. The Plumbers Association of Zambia

PAZA being a member of the WPC, on 11th, March,

would like to urge the general public to regularly

2020 for the first time in the history of the Plumbing

washing hands, clean drainages and sanitary

industry in Zambia, joined the globe to commemorate

appliances, and repair leakages etc. Remember the

the World Plumbing Day (WPD) the international event

importance of water as the highest basic need for

falls every year, everywhere on 11th March which

humans, living things and nature.

‘’Drop Of Water Is Equivalent To A Dollar’’ 16

Water Resources Management

Reliable. Efficient. New: the next generation of waste water pumps Submersible pumps are commonly used in

submersible motor pumps of the Amarex KRT type

wastewater management facilities to move water/

series are the perfect match for all waste water

sludge mixtures through the treatment process.

transport requirements. And so are the waste water

The new generation of waste water pumps: in

pumps of the Sewatec series. They, too, are first

combination with non-clogging impellers and high-

choice for waste water applications.

efficiency KSB motors, the Amarex KRT and Sewatec type series offer even better overall efficiency.

Not least because KSB’s waste water pumps

Energy-efficient waste water pumps and motors for

combined with high-efficiency motors enable

optimum efficiencies

significant energy savings. This applies to both

Municipal, domestic or industrial waste water: the

Amarex KRT and Sewatec.

R E LI A B LE A N D E F F I C I E NT: TH E N E W N O N - C LO G G I N G I M P E LLE R Maximum efficiency and a minimum clogging risk for

hub in the middle of the impeller reliably prevents

KSB waste water pumps are provided by the F-max

all risk of clogging from long-fibrous materials such

free-flow impeller. With the asymmetric arrangement

as hygiene wipes. The F-max free-flow impeller is

of its vanes, F-max offers a large, free passage

available for the submersible waste water pumps of

that allows solids of different sizes to pass without

the Amarex KRT and the dry-installed waste water

difficulty. Moreover, the slightly convex profile of the

pumps of the Sewatec series.

E N E R GY- E F F I C I E NT M OTO R S F O R O P TI M U M E F F I C I E N CY The combination of KSB waste water pumps with

SuPremE® IE5* motor, which already exceeds the

high-efficiency motors enables considerable energy

ErP requirements set for 2017. The efficient pump set,

savings. The economical motors are integrated in

consisting of a waste water pump and motor, promises

the pump sets as standard. The pump sets can be

maximum savings from low energy and maintenance

supplied with or without explosion protection.

costs, optimum operating reliability and constant

The dry-installed pumps of the Sewatec type series

performance data.

are fitted with the variable-speed, magnet-less KSB C U S TO M I S E D PU M P S FO R E V E RY R E Q U I R E M E NT Besides specially adapted impellers and energy-

materials for waste water pumps. So the best solution

efficient motors, KSB offers a wide range of

is available for each waste water application – for

installation types as well as a large choice of

optimum efficiency and operating reliability.

For more information on this and other products, contact KSB Zambia Limited Company Phone: +260 968670002 or email:


Water Resources Management

Health Aspects Of Plumbing Facts Sheet The United Nations declared 2020-2030 the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, Setting a world agenda that focuses on increased attention on water-related issues. This initiative is of extraordinary importance in a world where preventable diseases related to water and sanitation claim the lives of about 3.1 million people per year, most of them children less than 5 years old.


Of these, about 1.6 million people die each year of


diarrheal diseases associated with a lack of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. By including access to a safe drinking water supply and sanitation

of these initiatives the World Health Organization

in these international goals, the world community

and the World Plumbing Council developed the

proposes 97 million additional people annually

“Health Aspects of Plumbing” publication noting that

will have access to drinking-water services and

sustainable health, especially for children, is not

138 million additional people access to sanitation

possible without access to safe drinking water and

services through 2030. Working within the spirit

basic sanitation facilities.


“Health Aspects of Plumbing” is a comprehensive and

plumbing practices. It is a tremendous resource for

substantive examination of the design, installation,

administrators and plumbers, especially those in

and maintenance of effective plumbing systems. It

countries or areas in the early stages of introducing

recommends a number of plumbing system design

effective plumbing systems. The document is also

and installation specifications that have demonstrated

available. The publication is 129 pages with 10 figures,

their validity over the years of existence and discusses

15 tables and five case studies, including some of

the microbiological, chemical, physical and financial

the following topics: Basic principles of safe drinking

risks associated with plumbing. Published by the

water supply; the role of plumbers in risk assessment;

World Health Organization and the World Plumbing

Codes of practice for plumbing; Training and

Council, the book is dedicated to the achievement

registration of plumbers; Standards for materials used

of the best possible plumbing practices to ensure

in plumbing systems; Design of plumbing systems;

the highest health benefits from the use of sound

Stormwater drainage; Wastewater use.

Water Resources Management


The SARS epidemic in Hong Kong demonstrated

cannot be certified and listed by a third-party

that the Amoy Gardens plumbing and ventilation

certification body suitably accredited to grant

systems were compromised over time, with inferior

Marks of Conformity to products. Authorities

components (P-Trap and mounting bolts) allowing the

Having Jurisdiction (a city’s building inspector,

infectious agent to spread throughout the building.

for instance) look for these Marks of Conformity

Although it is not certain that this SARS outbreak

when determining which plumbing products they

could have been prevented, it is reasonable to

will allow for installation within their municipality.

conclude it might have been if a series of plumbing

5. CODES: The adoption of building codes within a

safeguards were met during a long progression of

municipality goes a long way toward ensuring the

steps leading up to the catastrophic failure. The key

safety of a city’s residents from system failures

elements from this epidemic that are addressed by

such as the one at the Amoy Gardens.

the plumbing industry worldwide: 1. DESIGN: It all begins with the design of the

6. INSTALLATION: A workforce highly trained and educated to the existing code language is

product itself. A trained engineer will know which

essential to the proper installation of a plumbing

materials are viable options for the production

system. If the plumber who installed the P-trap

of a P-trap and call for these specifications in his

at the Amoy Gardens was properly certified to


perform this work, it is quite possible he would

2. PRODUCTION: Next is the manufacturer. If there is an ISO 9001 Quality Management System in place, audited regularly by an accredited

have recognized the potential for failure in this particular product. 7. INSPECTION: In the same vein, a similarly

third-party body, the manufacturer is likely to

certified plumbing and mechanical inspector

recognize a deficient material being used in a

might have red-tagged this installation during his

product and make the correction before the faulty

code-dictated on-site inspection of the installer’s

product can go to market — in this case, the bolts

work. This red tag could have required the

that rusted and compromised the integrity of the

installer to remove the faulty P-trap and replace it

sewerage system.

with the proper part before the plumbing system

3. STANDARDS TESTING: Similarly, this defect could have been caught during testing at a

could be approved as being compliant. 8. MAINTENANCE: Over the life of a plumbing

properly accredited product-testing laboratory.

system, periodic maintenance is required. The

Standards dictate the allowable materials,

chances of the system continuing to function in

design, function, etc. for a given product. If the

the safest manner possible grow exponentially

product standard calls for galvanized bolts, for

when the person performing that maintenance

instance, any product not using the specified

is trained professional plumber. During routine

bolts would not pass testing to show compliance

maintenance of the building’s plumbing system,

with the applicable standard(s).

the failed P-trap might have been discovered

4. PRODUCTION CERTIFICATION: Without meeting the required standards, the product

and repaired before the SARS Coronavirus was introduced to it.


Water Resources Management

When all of these steps work in concert with each

the World Health Organization — a staggering figure

other, it drastically reduces the likelihood of the type

in a nation of 1.1 billion people. World Plumbing Day

of failure that facilitated the spread of the SARS virus

seeks to provide additional awareness of these goals

in Hong Kong. In developing nations, many of these

and how tools such as “Health Aspects of Plumbing”

steps are often bypassed, with increased health risks

contribute toward reaching these humanitarian goals.

illustrated by statistics; for example, as many as 7.5

Safe, clean drinking water and basic sanitation is

percent of deaths in India are attributed to water and

possible in any nation, big or small, when simple,

sanitation-related causes, according to statistics from

sound plumbing practices are adopted.


Among the objectives upon which the World Plumbing

In many countries, the plumbing industry also

Council was founded is promoting awareness of the

contributes significantly to the development and

plumbing industry’s role in protecting the environment

installation of heating systems and recognizes that

by providing safe freshwater and sanitation through

man’s still increasing reliance upon fossil fuels

proper management, care, reuse and conservation

cannot continue without challenge. Many of these

of natural resources. The industry also plays a major

efforts are well-publicized and countless others go

role in the installation of technologies that address

largely unnoticed. Part of the reason for establishing

concerns about the depletion of fossil fuels and work

11 March as World Plumbing Day is to educate the

toward reducing harmful emissions.

general public about the work our industry performs

Freshwater is infinite supply on Earth and as the key

every day to conserve the world’s increasingly

to life is without question our planet’s most precious

overstretched sources of drinking water and promote

natural resource. The plumbing industry recognizes

energy efficiency and the increased use of renewable

the tenuous balance mankind must maintain to

sources of energy. These efforts range from simple

guarantee its very existence and embraces efforts

household changes to wide-scale government

to ensure we are preserving every drop possible.

sponsored endeavors. Highlights include:

WATE R R E U S E The plumbing industry finds itself in the middle

increasing in popularity all over the world: rainwater

of three methods of water reuse that are rapidly

harvesting, greywater systems, and sewage water recycling. Rainwater harvesting is pretty simple at its core - the capture and storage of rainwater that would otherwise return to the water table through natural means - but the plumbing industry is hard at work developing equipment and methods to increase its efficiency and usage. ’’The World Plumbing Council — uniting the world plumbing industry and promoting the role of plumbing in improving health and safeguarding the environment’’


World Toilet Magazine Zambia


Kimathi Road Kamwala, Lusaka Zambia

Rumphi Enterprise Limited is a professional cleaning company whose registration was in 2000 and was incorporated in 2003 in accordance with the Laws of Zambia. Rumphi Enterprise Limited is a professional cleaning Rumphi Enterprises is a dedicated cleaning company based in Lusaka, specialising in office companycleaning. whose registration was in 2000 wasofficers, sanitary officers and a cleaning team of With floor care experts, pestand control over 300 this team operates nationally. Since their incorporated in 2003 in accordance with the Laws ofinception the company has continued to grow and now offers its services nationally. With offices in Lusaka and the Copperbelt, Rumphi Zambia. Enterprises can train and dispatch cleaning personnel to any part of the country. It is limited by shares and owned by Mr. Fletcher Dimba Gondwe and Mrs. Charity Mwila Chingumbe Gondwe each owning 50% shares. . Rumphi Enterprises is a dedicated cleaning company


based in Lusaka, specialising in office cleaning. With floor To provide professional services, and meet the growing demand of keep Zambia clean, with the equipment and cleaning services. We are proud to be the latest pest art of control technology, we meet and exceed expectations to effectiveness, efficiency care experts, officers, sanitary officers and a in regards and cost. first Zambian company in cleaning to have membership with cleaning team of over 300 this team operates nationally. the world renowned cleaning body ISSA CORE VALUES Since their inception the company has continued to grow and now offers its services nationally. With offices in  Integrity  Passion Lusaka and the Copperbelt, Rumphi  Focus Enterprises can train and dispatch cleaning personnel to


any part MISSION of the country. It is limited by shares and owned

serving around the country. We specialize in providing

Rumphi Enterprise LTD is a full service Cleaning contractor

professional Cleaning by Mr. Fletcher Dimba Gondwe Charity cleaning Mwila solutions  To provide qualityand andMrs. outstanding to the highest degreeservices of our for commercial building customer satisfaction through our sound professionalism and competitive services. Owners and Managers. Chingumbe Gondwe each owning 50% shares.  Double our earnings, year on year, through, developing and implementing our works in a unique way. VISION  Enabling and empowering our employees to realize SERVICES their true potential and thereby • Daily Office cleaning Services, Domestic cleaning reach the services, mountaintop. To provide professional and meet the growing  We are committed to create a better future in Zambia by contributing the community. Servicestoand Pre occupantional cleaning services demand of keep Zambia clean, with the latest art of • Supplying of Cleaning Equipment, Cleaning detergents, technology, we meet andCAN exceed in regards to WHAT RUMPHI DO expectations FOR YOU Rumphi Enterprise LTD is a full service Cleaning contractor serving aroundDetergents the country.and WePoultry disinfectants Laundry effectiveness, efficiency and cost. specialize in providing professional Cleaning services for commercial building Owners and • Sanitary Services Managers. • Integrated Pest Management CORE VALUES • • •


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Laundry services and Dry cleaning Services

To provide quality and outstanding cleaning solutions to the highest degree to our customer satisfaction through our sound professionalism and competitive services.

BUSINESS STATEMENT Rumphi Enterprises LTD, We are fresh and dynamic individuals with common agenda of providing friendly efficient and cost effective cleaning solutions for all our clients, whether commercial or domestic. We are contemporary, always current and relevant to the cleaning industry best practices, procedures, methods,

+27 95 576 7835 12

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Water Resources Management

Rainwater Harvesting Importance

Rainwater harvesting is a technique used for

conventional water supply systems have failed to

collecting and storing rainwater by using various

meet the needs of the people. Rainwater collection

means and resources for future use. Rain is an

and utilization schemes are said to be optimal when

important source of water for us and it can be

implemented in conjunction with water demand

collected into the natural reservoirs or the artificial

management, measures to enhance aquifer recharge,

tanks. Rainwater harvesting is done by using two

as well as the reduction of soil erosion. The most

methods namely, surface run-off and rooftop

important thing about rainwater harvesting is that

rainwater harvesting. Rainwater is used for many

it improves the quality of water which we consume

things such as washing and irrigation but the poor

because it is the purest form of water, so we can say

drainage network has made residents believe that

that rainwater harvesting is important because we are

rainwater is a nuisance as it could not be quickly

facing water scarcity.

disposed of. Rainwater harvesting is among the best and Rainwater has been ignored as a resource.

economical way to serve water and prevent rainwater wastage, it should be harnessed and adopted in

Did you know that the piped water consumed in

Zambia. Reclaiming the city’s rainwater as a source,

Lusaka during one year is about 200 million cubic

and the importance of securing water by changing

meters which are exceeded by the 306 million cubic

from “off-site” to “on-site” sources is a significant

meters of rain that falls over the city?

exercise. It is so easy that almost anyone can do it, we must encourage this practice to help access to

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is an option which has been adopted in many parts of the world where


clean water easily without any cost.

Water Resources Management World Toilet Magazine Zambia







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Water Resources Management

Water Transmission & Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) D R I N K I N G WATE R , R E C R E ATI O N A L WATE R A N D WA S TE WATE R : W H AT YO U N E E D TO K N OW

CDC is reviewing all data on COVID-19 transmission as information becomes available. At this time, the risk of transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19 through sewerage systems is thought to be low. Although transmission of COVID-19 through sewage may be possible, there is no evidence to date that this has occurred. This guidance will be updated as necessary as new evidence is assessed.

Can the COVID-19 virus spread through drinking water?

SARS, a similar coronavirus, has been detected

The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking

in untreated sewage for up to 2 to 14 days. In the

water. Conventional water treatment methods that

2003 SARS outbreak, there was documented

use filtration and disinfection, such as those in most

transmission associated with sewage aerosols. Data

municipal drinking water systems, should remove or

suggest that standard municipal wastewater system

inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

chlorination practices may be sufficient to inactivate coronaviruses, as long as utilities monitor free

Is the COVID-19 virus found in feces?

available chlorine during treatment to ensure it has

The virus that causes COVID-19 has been detected in

not been depleted.

the feces of some patients diagnosed with COVID-19. The amount of virus released from the body (shed)

Wastewater and sewage workers should use standard

in stool, how long the virus is shed, and whether the

practices, practice basic hygiene precautions,

virus in stool is infectious are not known.

and wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as

The risk of transmission of COVID-19 from the feces of

prescribed for current work tasks. Should wastewater

an infected person is also unknown. However, the risk

workers take extra precautions to protect themselves

is expected to be low based on data from previous

from the COVID-19 virus?

outbreaks of related coronaviruses, such as severe

Wastewater treatment plant operations should ensure

acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East

workers follow routine practices to prevent exposure

respiratory syndrome (MERS). There have been no

to wastewater. These include using engineering and

reports of fecal-oral transmission of COVID-19 to date.

administrative controls, safe work practices, and PPE normally required for work tasks when handling

Can the COVID-19 virus spread through pools and

untreated wastewater. No additional COVID-19–

hot tubs? There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be

specific protections are recommended for employees

spread to humans through the use of pools and hot

involved in wastewater management operations,

tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection

including those at wastewater treatment facilities.

(e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19. Can the COVID-19 virus spread through sewerage systems? Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD), Division of Viral Diseases coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.html


Water Resources Management

World Plumbing Day – March 11

March 11 is World Plumbing Day. It is a date that has

Day events, promoting the link between good

been fixed on the calendars of the World Plumbing

plumbing sanitation and human and environmental

community since its establishment by the WPC in


2010 and is now a fixture on the calendars of political

and social institutions around the globe.

World Plumbing Day Resources:

The World Plumbing Council have produced a number

The international plumbing community, as

or resources to help promote and celebrate World

represented by the Council has a vital role in

Plumbing Day.

promoting the link between good quality plumbing,

To find out the resources contact the Plumbing

health, environmental sustainability and, increasingly,

Association of Zambia (PAZA).

economic prosperity.

World Plumbing Day 2019:

March 11 is marked by celebrations, competitions,

Last year there were a wide range of celebrations

seminars, and activities all around the world. People

for World Plumbing Day all around the globe. To get

from within and outside the plumbing fraternity come

ideas for this year’s World Plumbing Day check out

together to learn, share knowledge, build connections

photos and videos here.

and find opportunities to collaborate to improve

the quality of, and access to, freshwater and safe

To share your World Plumbing Day celebrations


use the hashtag #WorldPlumbingDay or visit www.

There are now hundreds of annual World Plumbing


Water Resources Management

Water Tank Transforms Queen’s Life BY AGATH A M A LI Queen Chanda, 43, is a mother of 4 and a small

crops,” she adds.

business farmer who grows a variety of vegetables for

Queen grows green beans, rape and green pepper

sale in order for her to provide for her children.

which she transports for sale to marketers. At the end

In 2016, Queen joined Nabunjasa farming project,

of the month, Queen realizes a profit of K2500.00

a World Vision initiative aimed at empowering

that she used to provide for her children and carter for

community members to be self-sustainable.

their school necessities

In the past community members used to face

“Unlike in the past, I used to beg from relatives and

challenges of water and the only sources of water

friends in order to put food at the table. But I no longer

they had were shallow wells they were using to water

have to beg because my garden is able to provide for

their plants.

me and my life has been transformed,” she says. “We

But since the water from the ground was not enough,

no longer have to spend money on buying vegetables

their crops did not grow well and this had an effect

anymore because we grow our own vegetables and

on their farming businesses which also affected little

use the money meant for the vegetables to buy other

income they earned.

home necessities.”

Queen is one of the farmers who also faced these

She says the water tank has also helped to reduce

challenges. But in 2017, water challenges became a

labor unlike in the past where the farmers used to

thing of the past for the farmers because World Vision

spend much of their time digging and drawing water

donated a storage water tank to the project.

from the shallow wells.

“There were times when we completely could not

Queen’s hopes are to grow her businesses so that she

have access to water and our plants started drying

can start suppling her crops to bigger markets and

up. This affected our families because we relied on

be able to provide for her families without facing any

the crops to generate an income that supported our


families,” Queen explains.

She says she is grateful for the water provided

“But when World Vision helped us with a storage

because it has been a life transformer for her and her

water tank, we no longer have to worry about water


because we now have enough water to grow our


Water Resources Management

ACO. creating the future of drainage


ACO WORLDWIDE ACO SYSTE M C H A I N Drainage solutions for tomorrow’s.

solutions which have a dual purpose:

Environmental conditions,

protecting people from water, and water from

Increasingly extreme weather must be

people. Every ACO product within the ACO

counteracted by more complex and

system chain therefore safely controls the

sophisticated drainage concepts. ACO

water as it passes along the chain to ensure

achieves this with intelligent system

that it can be ecologically and economically reused in a viable way.

COLLECT: gather and capture The surface water or the liquids being

HOLD: retain and contain

treated are collected from the surface as

Containers, barriers and valves ensure that the

quickly and as completely as possible by

liquids stay within the drainage system where

the drainage system. This part of the ACO

they can be properly controlled. This part of

system chain guarantees protection, safety

the ACO system chain enhances protection

and comfort for the people, buildings and

and safety for extreme situations: e.g. heavy

traffic routes in the immediate vicinity.

rain, flooding or handling hazardous liquids.

CLEAN: pre-treat and process

RELEASE: pumping, discharging and reusing

The collected liquids are treated using

Pumps, lifting plant and pipe systems transfer

integrated physical, chemical or biological

the collected, treated and controlled water

processes that ensure they can be

into the downstream systems and processes.

discharged into the public sewers – the

This part of the ACO system chain brings the

minimum requirement. This part of the ACO

collected, treated and controlled water to

system chain creates the conditions for

the interfaces for further treatment, re-use or

recycling and sustainable use.




Derick Zolyomi

Unit C1 Villa Park, Plot 177/178 Luanshya Road,

Cell: +260 97 676 2083

Lusaka, Zambia


Water Resources Management

Who Says That Women Can’t Be Faecal Sludge Emptiers? BY M WA N GA L A M U LU N DA N O B E H AV I O R C H A N G E CO M M U N I C ATI O N A DV I S O R

Meet Mukuka Mutale, mother and a proud sanitation entrepreneur from Kasama, Zambia. An emptier herself, she strongly believes that there is a future for women in the fecal sludge management (FSM) business. Mukuka started as a customer service personnel at the Chambeshi Water & Sanitation Company. Every day she would read meters and disconnect the service of clients defaulting on their payments. Like some of her colleagues, she aspired for a new challenge and a better paying job. Fecal

Whenever she would mention the possibility of a career shift, her colleagues would say: You won’t last in the industry.’ ‘Why would you choose to be an emptier as a lady? Even if you join us you will end up doing desk work/record

sludge emptying provided that opportunity.

keeping because emptying is a man’s job.’

Determined to show her colleagues that emptying is

manual emptying practice, and

not simply a man’s job - she made the shift. She has

built emptiers’ capacity in basic book- and record

not looked back since then.

keeping and conducted trainings in manual and

Asked if she regrets her decision, with a wide smile

mechanical emptying to professionalise services.

she said, ‘No. I am proud to put food on the table and

Today, Mukuka, finds herself in a fulfilling job. She

feed my three-year-old daughter doing decent work.’

also considers herself a trendsetter for women in FSM

When asked what helped her to make this leap,

and a community hero. She exclaimed:

she mentioned that support from her family and her relatives were crucial. And, improvements introduced by SNV’s urban sanitation and occupational health and safety (OHS) efforts – through the WASH SDGs consortium project – helped make the emptying profession more attractive. To name a few, SNV, with its partners, Chambeshi Water and Sanitation Company, Kasama Municipal Council and the Water and Sanitation Association (WASAZA) in Zambia, formalised emptying work through the registration of emptiers as an association, distributed and mandated the use of personal and protective equipment (PPE), promoted the use of equipment, e.g., E-vac, to end


‘It is an achievement to be the “first lady” of FSM in the Northern part of Zambia, especially because it is a male-dominated business. In some quarters women sanitation emptiers continue to be stigmatized.’ With a twinkle in her eye she said, ‘Looking clean and good will not feed me. Shit business is good business.’

Water Resources Management


Open remarks: H.E. Pirjo Suomela-Chowdhury, Ambassador of Finland ; Organiser: Ms Sari Huuhtanen, Global Dry Toilet Association of Finland Stakeholder presentations: Mr. Kwezi Jere, Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection; Mr. Lloyd Beensi, NWASCO; Mr. Khuzwayo Tembo, LWSC; Mr. Sikaulu Simalabbe, Ministry of Community Development; Ms. Pamela Chisanga, WaterAid; Ms. Laura Roig Senge, BORDA; Mr. Moffat Tembo, SNV; Mr. Terrence Himabala, PLAN; Mr. Tiyezye Nyirenda, WorldVision; Mr. Tippor Ntini, Oxfam; Mr. Nazir Pandor, Live Clean; Mr. Boyd Khondowe, Sanitech

The first edition of World Toilet Magazine was published on the World Toilet Day – 19th November 2019. This is a free publication with a purpose to share proper information, knowledge, innovative solutions and standards on sustainable sanitation, water, and hygiene in Zambia. This is an excellent platform for advertising and promoting solutions as the premise for the magazine is focused on this crucial topic for Zambia.

ADVERTISE IN THE APRIL 2020 EDITION Kulani Media | Tel: +260 97 263 4405 |+260 76 123 3396 | +260 97 841 0356 E: |


Water Resources Management

E R G O F I T O - Background & Product Information We have been exporting for over 12 years to over 12

Here is some big seller products to look at; I will

Countries worldwide. We supply various solutions

attach information in same order :

to Agriculture, Waste Water Treatment, Fat Trap Solutions, Mozyology (Mosquito Control) and many

• Fat Trap Solution - Eco Flush 10-10-5 - Hotels,

more. These are the main ones. Our product is 100%

Restaurants, Abattoirs, Butcheries, Hospitals,

extracted from nature and bottled with special

Prisons, - Very big avenue

sequencing that keeps our bacteria dormant until mixed with water .We have major success in all the supply fields. It restores any soil back to organic agricultural soil.

• Eco Flush Workshops (Oil, Grease) - 10-5-0 Workshops, Big Oil Spills,

• Mozyology - Mosquito Control • Aqua GW - Sewege Plants, Waste Water Control, Effluent - Very Big market as well.

Our product was the only product in the world to

• Bioflush - Eliminates odours, Eliminates ammonia

restore the oil soiled Kuwait desert (1990/91 Gulf

- Used in Pit latrines, septic tanks, chicken pens,

War) back to organic agricultural soil We have major

greywater systems - makes fertilizer out of the

contracts in Kuwait and USA etc.


• Main Agriculture Farming Product Ergostart Bio One Waste Water management company in Utah,

and Universal - Farming, (Golf Course, Schools,

orders 50tons or product from us at a time. They

Sportsfields, Soccer Fields, Stadiums - Thickens

manage waste water plants and our product

grass roots and grass)

eliminates e.coli, pathogens, odours, digest solids, and makes quality fertilizer out of the water that

• Short Ergofito Explanation by my Colleague, partner & owner

goes into rivers, dams, ocean etc. We are registered with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in USA. We are the only producers of Ergofito Products in the World and cannot be copied. So if you get it anywhere in the world, it comes from us. This is such an awesome natural product and going Green is the future. We have so much paperwork, lab tests, references, Universities tests from over the years to back what we say.


AG E NT S LOCKS ‘N LIGHTS LIMITED Derick Zolyomi Cell:+260 976762083 Email: Unit C1, Villa Park, 177/178 Luanshya Rd, Lusaka, Zambia

ERGOFITOINACTION “Give Nature What Nature Wants”

CLE AN I N G WAT E R W I T H E RG O F I TO A Range of products containing MicroMix, 100% Natural, environmentally friendly Bacteria-Enzymatic blend, used in Agriculture to improve quality, yield and overall plant health. It is a catalyst for organic decomposition, and an agent for the rehabilitation of soils and remediation of toxic waste, and it converts oils and greases into viable nutrients for the environment. Researched and developed over 36 years by Italian scientists, the pioneers in bio-enzyme technology, MicroMix sets a new benchmark in the field of environmental remediation. We are focussing on the following products:

• • • •

ERGO ECO FLUSH (Remediates Grease and Fats), Ergo MOZZY OLOGY (Mosquito control), ERGOFITO AQUA GW (Contaminated water and soil), ERGOFITO BIOFLUSH (Remediates Sewage into organic waste)


Email: Unit C1, Villa

Derick Zolyomi

Park, 177/178 Luanshya Rd, Lusaka, Zambia

Cell:+260 976762083

Water Resources Management


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