Turku City Museums 2024

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The Qwensel House is the oldest remaining wooden building by the river Aura in Turku, featuring a bourgeois home from the 18th century and a pharmacy from the 19th century.

The Pharmacy Museum’s storefront houses the oldest remaining pharmacy interior in Finland, dating back to 1858. The museum also includes workrooms for the self-sufficient pharmacy: the materials room, two laboratories and an herb room. In the Qwensel House, you can explore this period in Turku and the life of the family of Qwensel’s most famous resident, Joseph Pipping, the father of Finnish surgery. The interior is decorated in the Rococo and Gustavian styles of the late 18th century.

During summer the courtyard comes to life and the kids are welcome to play pharmacist and customer in the children’s pharmacy. The quaint Cafe Qwensel offers sweet and savoury delights as well as homemade, 18th century style beverages. The Museum shop provides the all-time favourites pharmacist’s liquorice and candied sugar.

• Exhibition Mercury of life and death until 2 March 2024

Mercury is toxic, but it has a long history in medicine. Help has been sought from various types of mercurycontaining salves and pills, for example for skin problems and sexually transmitted diseases. The exhibition presents the various uses of mercury and its journey from the Idrija mines in the present-day Slovenia to Turku.

• The Christmas Table Settings exhibition 30 Nov–5 Jan

Christmas delicacies are served at the main hall and chambers, and the house is full of festive spirit. The exhibition describes Christmas celebrations of a gentry family in Dr Pipping’s era, at the turn of 18th and 19th century. Guided tours in Finnish 1 Dec, 8 Dec, 15 Dec, 22 Dec, 26 Dec and 5 Jan at 14:00.

• The Dimming Christmas Evening -guided tours in Finnish 1 Dec, 8 Dec, 15 Dec, 22 Dec, 26 Dec and 5 Jan at 16.30.

• St. Lucia’s Day 13 December at 15:30–17:30

Mulled wine served at the carriage shed of the Qwensel House to celebrate St. Lucia’s Day.

• Fortune-telling for the New Year at the Qwensel House carriage shed on 31 December at 12:00–15:00

More information turku.fi/en/pharmacymuseum

Museum is open Tue–Sun 10am–6pm. Check exceptions to opening hours turku.fi/en/pharmacymuseum

Admission fees adults 7 € / children (7–15 yrs) 2,50 € / students, pensioners, unemployed, conscripts 3,50 € / family ticket 16 €.

Tour bookings tel. +358 2 262 0280 or apteekkimuseo@turku.fi

Pharmacy Museum and Qwensel House • Läntinen Rantakatu 13b, tel. +358 2 262 0280.

turku.fi/en/pharmacymuseum facebook.com/apteekkimuseo apteekkimuseojaqwenselintalo


Located in a beautiful Art Nouveau building dating back to 1907, the Biological Museum presents Finnish flora and fauna from the Turku archipelago in the south all the way to the fells of Lapland in the north. The museum’s dioramas have 30 different mammal species and over 140 bird species. Admire the outer archipelago in spring or wonder at the diversity of species in an island grove.

Opened in May 2024 after a renovation, the museum’s dioramas with their familiar landscapes and animals have been joined by more multisensory ways of exploring the exhibition. Sensory points added to the dioramas enliven the museum experience, and audio guides lead more deeply into the history of the landscape and the state of nature today. For a glimpse of the early 20th century, there is a miniature exhibition on the early days of the museum.

The museum is a great experience for all those interested in nature. It is especially popular with children and families. In addition to natural landscapes, the museum has temporary exhibitions that showcase topical matters and phenomena related to animals and nature.

The Museum Shop has interesting nature-themed information and activity books, games and fun animal-themed products.

• Nature Weekend 16–17 Nov at 10:00–15:00 The event introduces the senses of the animal world. Which animals have the best sense of smel? Which animals can see best in the dark?

More information turku.fi/en/biologicalmuseum

Museum is open Tue–Sun 9am–5pm.

Check exceptions to opening hours turku.fi/en/biologicalmuseum

Admission fees adults 7 € / children (7–15 yrs) 2,50 € / students, pensioners, unemployed, conscripts 3,50 € / family ticket 16 €.

Tour bookings tel. +358 2 262 0340 or biologinenmuseo@turku.fi

Biological Museum • Neitsytpolku 1, tel. +358 2 262 0340.

turku.fi/en/biologicalmuseum facebook.com/biolmuseo biologinenmuseo


Kylämäki Village in Kurala consists of four farms with buildings still standing at their original sites. The village has been inhabited since the 7th century. The beautiful scenery of Kylämäki Village in Kurala welcomes outdoor visitors all year, and the various events allow visitors to get to know the houses and everyday life in the 1950s.

Kylämäki workshop offers workshops and courses on different themes where you can do traditional handicrafts and woodwork with a range of techniques and materials.

During summer in the Iso-Kohmo kitchen oven baked treats prepared to Grandma’s recipes are warming on the wood-burning stove. The matron of the house has her days filled with historical farm chores and will give useful tips on making juice and jam, washing white laundry, and pressing clothes.

• Tuesday Workshops 3 Sep –10 Dec at 13:00–17.30

• Autumn Holiday program 16–17 Oct at 11:00–16:00

• Candle workshops 30 Nov–1 Jan at 13:00–15:00 and 15:00–17:00

• Christmas in Grandmother’s Time 7.–15 Dec Sat–Sun at 11:00–17:00, Tue–Fri at 9:00–14:00

• Christmas Decoration workshops 7–8 Dec at 12:00–16:00 and 14–15 Dec at 12:00–16:00

• Christmas Gift workshop 10 Dec at 16:00–21:00

More information about events and workshops turku.fi/en/kylamakivillage

Kylämäki Village is open during events. Kylämäki Workshop Verstas is open during workshops and courses.

Free admission to Kylämäki Village.

Tour bookings tel. +358 2 262 0420 or kylamaki@turku.fi. Kylämäki Village is open for groups by separate arrangement.

Kylämäki Village • Jaanintie 45, tel. +358 2 262 0420.

turku.fi/en/kylamakivillage facebook.com/KuralanKylamaki kuralankylamaki


The Luostarinmäki museum quarter is the only district of wooden houses that survived the Great Fire of Turku in 1827. The more than 200-year-old buildings stand on their original sites, and the alleys, yards, and homes of the block form a unique environment in the middle of the city.

Dive into Luostarinmäki’s colourful history from the perspective of people that used to live here. You will find the stories of schoolchildren and midwives, musicians and circus performers.

In Kids’ Luostarinmäki you can get to know history by doing and experimenting yourself. Play in the cottage, the Little Watchmaker’s Shop, and the Little Huckster’s Shop. Activity spots will help you learn more in a fun way about life and history in the old days.

The Museum shop sells books, postcards, and high-quality handicrafts, from traditional pottery and fur slippers to beautiful silver jewellery. The product range of the 19th century general merchant store includes popular candies packed in paper cones.

• Open gates Tue–Sat 8–19 Oct at 10:00–17:00 The open gates of Luostarinmäki invite you for an autumn walk through the old alleys of the city.

• Christmas Preparations at Luostarinmäki 30 Nov–1 Dec at 10:00–16:00

• Exhibition Luostarinmäki Christmas 30 Nov–31 Dec Christmas arrives in Luostarinmäki homes. How did the residents of Luostarinmäki spend the biggest celebration of the year?

• Luostarinmäki in the Lantern Light guided tours in Finnish On Thursdays 28 Nov, 5 Dec and 12 Dec at 16:00; On Saturdays 30 Nov, 7 Dec, 14 Dec and 28 Dec at 16:00.

• Christmas Event at the Museum Shop 7 Dec at 9:00–15:00

• Boxing Day Songs 26 Dec at 15:00

More information about events and guided tours turku.fi/en/luostarinmaki

Museum is open during the Open gates 8–19 Oct 10am–5pm, and during winter season 30 Nov – 30 Dec Tue–Sun 9am–5pm. Check for exceptions to our opening hours turku.fi/en/luostarinmaki.

Admission fees adults 10 € / children (7–15 yrs) 4 € / students, pensioners, unemployed, conscripts 5 € / family ticket 24

Tour bookings tel. +358 2 262 0350 or luostarinmaki@turku.fi. Luostarinmäki is open for groups by separate arrangement. Luostarinmäki • Vartiovuorenkatu 2, tel. +358 2 262 0350.

turku.fi/en/luostarinmaki facebook.com/luostarinmaki luostarinmaki


The stately Turku Castle has stood guard over the mouth of the Aura River since the late 13th century. The tall granite walls have seen unique moments from history. Over the course of its history, the castle has been defended and besieged, and its governors changed. During Duke John’s era in the 16th century, the castle became a stage for court life.

The medieval rooms of the keep and the renaissance floor built by Duke John allow visitors to experience both splendour and bleakness of times past. The main exhibition and period rooms in the bailey give us a sense of what life was like throughout the centuries. Prison cells tell us of a time when almost the entire bailey served as a prison.

Museum Shop’s wide range of souvenirs include the beautiful product series ‘Blue details’, inspired by textiles seen in the bailey. Here, you can find equipment for knights and ladies of the castle. Enjoy a refreshing cup of coffee or a delicious lunch in Duke John’s Cellar during your visit.

• Exhobition Sparkle from the halls and chambers

The Northern exhibition hall’s collection exhibition showcases more than 800 objects and costumes, which offer a peek into the gentlefolk culture from the 1600s to the 1800s.

• Autumn Holiday program for children 12–27 Oct

• An evening in the dark castle – Adventure for children 9 Nov at 16:00–20:00

• Himmeli workshops 16 Nov at 12:00–16:00 and 23 Nov at 12:00–16:00

• Gingerbread Mould Carving workshop 17 Nov and 24 Nov at 12:00–16:00

• Gingerbread workshops 30 Nov at 12:00–16:00 and 1 Dec at 12:00–16:00

• Christmas Elf’s tours in Finnish 7–22 Dec on Sat and Sun at 11:00 and 13:00

• Christmas Celebrations with the Court and in Gentry Homes tours in Finnish 7–22 Dec on Sat and Sun at 11:00 and 13:00

More information about events, guided tours and workshops turku.fi/en/turkucastle

Museum is open Tue–Sun 10am–6pm.

Check exceptions to opening hours turku.fi/en/turkucastle

Admission fees adults 14 € / children (7–15 yrs) 6 € / students, pensioners, unemployed, conscripts 7 € / family ticket 33 €.

Tour bookings tel. +358 2 262 0322 or opastilaukset.linna@turku.fi

Turku Castle • Linnankatu 80, tel. +358 2 262 0300.

turku.fi/en/turkucastle facebook.com/turunlinnamuseo turkucastle

Heini Aho, Parting , 2024. Photo
Ville Mäkilä / Turku Museum Centre.

WAM Kilta Gallery

WAM Turku City Art Museum’s exhibitions will be presented in Kilta Gallery in Art House Turku for the duration of the renovation of WAM’s own museum building. Kilta Gallery’s exhibition programme focuses on regional artists, and the goal is to create new and interesting encounters.

• 15 Sep 2024–2 Feb 2025

Heini Aho: Parting

In her exhibition that consists of sculptures and installations, Aho examines everyday matters and objects that we take for granted and explores their use from a new perspective. The works convey a sense of wonderment and the need to explore, but they are also infused with a dose of humour.

Gallery is open Tue–Sun 10am–6pm.

Check exceptions to opening hours wam.fi.

Free admission to WAM Kilta Gallery.

WAM Kilta Gallery, Art House Turku • Nunnankatu 4. wam.fi


Situated in the historical setting of the Old Great Square, the gallery features interesting temporary exhibitions.

• 7 Sep – 27 Oct

Exhibition by Terjo Aaltonen, Jenni Hurmerinta and Aija Salovaara

• 14 Nov 2024–12 Jan 2025 Echoes of endings

Installation, audio and visual art by Rewan Kakil. Poetry by Ahmed Zaidan.

The Gallery is open Tue–Sun 10am–18pm.

Check exceptions to opening hours turku.fi/en/oldgreatsquare.

Free admission to the gallery.

Brinkkala Gallery • Vanha Suurtori 5, tel. +358 2 262 0990.



Located by the Old Great Square, Brinkkala is an excellent location for celebrations and meetings in the heart of Old Turku. The rooms of the house known to all of Finland for the declaration of Christmas peace have been restored to the way they looked in 1886, and the facilities provide a spectacular view over the historical Old Great Square and Turku Cathedral.

• The Magistrate’s Court is an elegant space for celebrations and meetings for 60 people.

• The Green Hall is a versatile space for training sessions, meetings, and festivities for up to 40 people.

• The Corner Hall is a historically stylish meeting and festive space for 30 people.

• The Armorial Room is a comfortable meeting and festive space for 12 people with style-appropriate furniture.

• The Christmas Peace Room is a unique venue for 7 people. The room is equipped with beautiful Rococo Revival style furniture, and the space is suitable for receiving guests, for example.


Located amongst idyllic country landscapes in the vicinity of the city, the events and meeting spaces provide a setting for those looking for truly romantic old style.

• The Threshing Barn has been renovated into a versatile space for festivities and events. It is an excellent place for summertime weddings and other celebrations, as well as many kinds of other events. The space is intended for 140 people, or 100 people when seated at tables. The space is terraced into three levels, and it has a stage.

• The Old Henhouse provides a peaceful setting even for the most demanding meetings. Depending on the table arrangement, the cosy and renovated space seats 30 people, even for celebrations. The space includes a small kitchen.


• The Master event venue is a cosy apartment in a wooden building along Vartiovuorenkatu. It is suitable for small-scale events for 30 people. It consists of two rooms and a kitchen. It is located near the city centre, in the vicinity of the Luostarinmäki museum quarters.


The renaissance-period banquet floor offers the King’s or Queen’s Hall, Queen’s Chamber, or Southern Hall for events. Bryggman Hall on the top floor is particularly well suited for lectures and seminars.

• The King’s Hall is the largest hall on the banquet floor, built by Duke John in the 1550s. It provides an opportunity for high class events. The spacious and light hall with its large window recesses can accommodate a total of 250 people.

• The Queen’s Hall was the gathering place for Catherine Jagiellon, the wife of Duke John, and her court. The gorgeous renaissance-period hall can hold 180 people.

• True to its name, the Queen’s Chamber was used as the bedroom of Catherine Jagiellon. The royally cosy chamber is an elegant space for 50 people.

• The Southern Hall with an interior design by renowned architect Carin Bryggman, is a versatile space for festivities and events. The spacious hall with its large windows can hold up to 100 people.

• The Bryggman Hall is located on the top floor of the southern wing, designed by architect Erik Bryggman. It can accommodate 120 people for lectures. This accessible hall can also be rearranged for banquets, seating 80 guests.

• The Lords’ Cellar is one of the most dignified spaces of Turku Castle. The Land Court established in Turku by Eric of Pomerania held its sessions in the Lords’ Cellar. The atmospheric arched cellar from the 14th century can hold 30 people.

• The Castle Church was originally the banquet hall of the ducal court. The church hall with its royal chairs was consecrated in 1706. Nowadays, it is a popular wedding church. The Church can hold 240 people.

Further information and bookings • tel. +358 2 262 0961 or email museo.tilat@turku.fi turku.fi/en/museum


The wide selection of the museum shops offers quality handicrafts and gifts of all kinds for both adults and children. The museum shops are located at the Pharmacy Museum & Qwensel House, the Biological Museum, Luostarinmäki Museum Quarters and Turku Castle.

The museum shops are open in accordance with the opening hours of the museums. We look forward to seeing you here!


Turku Castle

Linnankatu 80, tel. +358 2 262 0300

Biological Museum

Neitsytpolku 1, tel. +358 2 262 0340

Pharmacy Museum and Qwensel House

Läntinen Rantakatu 13b, tel. +358 2 262 0280

WAM Kilta Gallery

Nunnankatu 4, tel. +358 2 262 0850

Brinkkala gallery

Vanha Suurtori 3, tel. +358 40 661 4778


Vartiovuorenkatu 2, tel. +358 2 262 0350

Kylämäki Village

Jaanintie 45, Turku, tel. +358 2 262 0420

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