Collectable Everything - Flea Market in NYC

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Flea Market in NYC

Hsiao Han Chen

To Friends in NYC





Brooklyn Flea


Antique Garage


Green Flea






Flea Market in New York City

“Flea markets proliferate a volume of goods needing to be sold and people who are hungry — emotionally and aesthetically — to sort out the meaning of life.” said Michael

item they recognize only when they see it, like the

Prokopow, a history professor at the Ontario College of Art

mid-century modern candy dish their grandmother always

and Design University in Toronto, who teaches a course

set out, or a Rainbow Brite plastic lunchbox that transports

called “Stuff,” about things and their meaning.’

them back to a simpler time. And in the process of

In a city that thrums with opportunity and a veritable buffet of wonderful things to do — theaters! museums! parks! — flea markets have somehow emerged as many people’s first choice of a way to spend the weekend. Originally named after the marchés aux puces — the markets of fleas — on the outskirts of Paris in the late 19th century, flea markets in New York have always been the playground of the city’s creative class. WHAT, exactly, is behind the new flea market hegemony? While the foundering economy, the banality of strip-mall and big-box shopping, and the generally whimsical and serendipitous aura of flea markets have all played a role in their popularity, the real reasons behind their rise in New York City are more complicated and hardwired than even the most well-trained scavenger or vintage aficionado might expect, experts say. Paul Moore, a professor of communication at Ryerson University in Toronto, who studies the history of the mass market: “Personal taste needs an urban space for fashion, like a flea market with an element of playfulness and randomness and spontaneity. We’ve got a nostalgia for outmoded, outdated and anachronistic items, especially when they’ve all been replaced by technologies.”


More than for any goods or services, people often go to flea markets searching for some ineffable quality in an

picking over other people’s junk, they are telling the world something about themselves: “I’m the type of person who ironically buys vintage ‘Star Wars’ figurines,” they seem to say, or “I’m the type of person who appreciates a handcrafted farmers’ table, and homemade lamps made from Mason jars.” It also didn’t hurt that the inception of some of the newer, trendier flea markets coincided with the rise of the locavore, do-it-yourself and epicurean movements in the city. Food occupies a significant space at many of the markets, with vendors selling items like Korean tacos, artisanal popsicles, entire pizzas with fresh toppings and, yes, even oysters. Many of the flea markets have actively encouraged a food component as a way to attract new faces. Ever walk past a New York City flea market and think it’s all just a bunch of junk? Think again. These NYC markets are selling some of the most unique, artistic, vintage, collectible, and intriguing items in the city. It’s the perfect place to spend your weekend with friendly vendors, gourmet food, and aisles of precious and exotic knickknacks. You may just walk away with the rarest find in the city!

“Could flea market fatigue soon be upon us? As long as there are things and people,” Professor Prokopow said, “there will always be places where used things and used people can go.” Michael Prokopow, a history professor at the Ontario College of Art and Design University

“It’s kind of old-fashioned, and it’s about people interacting in the real world, which I think people crave more and more. The more online we go, the more offline interaction becomes a kind

“You looking for brand new junk?” he huffed.

of romantic thing.” Eric Demby, founder of the Brooklyn Flea.

“Go to Bloomingdale’s. Go down to Chinatown. You can get new junk there.” Anonymous seller in the market

“It’s this sort of idea of material self-fashioning, a self-curation of life.”

“There’s kind of an amusement value in owning something that has no use anymore.” Paul Moore, professor of communication at Ryerson University

Michael Prokopow, a history professor at the Ontario College of Art and Design University


The most popular flea market in NYC.

SUMMER Fort Greene Saturday 10am-5pm 176 Lafayette Ave. (btw. Clermont + Vanderbilt Ave.)

Williamsburg Flea Sunday 10am-5pm East River Waterfront (btw. North 6 + 7 St.)

WINTER Skylight One Hanson Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm 1 Hanson Place, Brooklyn, NY 11243

O n e

o f

u r b a n i n


N e w

t h e

g r e a t

e x p e r i e n c e s Y o r k .


rooklyn Flea is a company based in Brooklyn, New York. Founded in 2008 by Jonathan Butler and Eric Demby,

the former communications director for Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, Brooklyn Flea runs several of the largest flea markets on the East Coast of the United States. Featuring hundreds of vendors of antique and repurposed furniture, vintage clothing, collectibles and antiques, the flea also offers new jewelry, art, crafts, and apparel by local artisans and designers, as well as local food. From early April until late November, the flea markets are located at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School in Fort Greene on Saturdays and at the Williamsburg waterfront on Sundays. During the winter months, the Flea moves indoors to Skylight One Hanson inside the Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower in Fort Greene for both Saturday and Sunday. Average daily attendance for each market is four to five thousand people. The Brooklyn Flea has expanded quickly, with more than 150 vendors, many of whom can be found at both markets. Hit the Fort Greene location for vintage clothing and records, and the park in Dumbo for upscale furniture and decorative items. Easily one of the most popular flea markets is the Brooklyn Flea. Open both Saturday and Sundays (10am-6pm), it draws quite an eclectic crowd of buyers and vendors. Located in the historic Williamsburg Savings Bank, it houses over 100 vendors on three floors, including the bank’s former vault on the lower level and the beautiful mezzanine up one flight of stairs. Used goods not your thing? The Brooklyn Flea is also known for its variety of food stands and it was named “One of New York’s Essential Pick-Up Spots” according to Time Out NY. Don’t forget about their second location, the outdoor Fort Greene Flea, re-opening in April. Probably a good bet if you’re trying to find a unique holiday gift for that crazy Aunt of yours!


Since it started during the spring of 2008, New Yorkers have been anticipating the Brooklyn Flea and its 200 vendors. There will be hosting vendors, hipsters and delicious food carts. It is the birthplace for national and international trends.


Brooklyn Flea have become incubators for design, style, and food innovation. 11

Fe a t u r e d Ve n d o r

Fm l eaar k e t is

Inspired by the struggles of an unemployed Guatemalan cobbler they met, Aaron and Carla Osborn wanted to use fashion as a humanitarian platform, to generate jobs for the local community. There are now 30 artisans who hand-cut every piece of material used for each pair of shoes. “We make beautiful things in beautiful ways.” - motto of Osborn Design.


than just


It is difficult not to notice the beautifully and highly designed shoe of Osborn Design when walking by their vendor in the market.


a market.



Can you briefly introduce the product?

Where did the inspiration comes from?

Aaron Osborn We specialize in footwear. We want

After becoming inspired by encounter

to use classic and simple shapes. We

with local cobblers and tailors while

love textile and love the process of

working at an orphanage in Guatemala

making textiles; foot loom, back strap

where is a comparatively poor area,

loom, machine loom, digital printing.

I think it may be a good way to help

Footwear is sculptural, and we love that. Footwear is engineered, and

improve the economic and support the local artisan there.

we love that. Footwear is where our

Also, I’ve always loved folk textile

bodies meet the earth and ground

from around the world. Guatemala

everyday, and we revel in that.

happens to have one of the largest indigenous American populations. That was the moment of ‘Hmm. Now I’m meeting the people, so let’s try and do it.’ That’s the pivotal point when OSBORN Design was born.


How are those textile been manufactured?

Is there anything influence your design?

What do flea markets mean to you?

These shoes are made from a huipile

Everything affects us in ways I

It means a place people outside of

which is a back strapped loomed

cannot measure, nor do I want to. I

the norm of job structure can find

cotton blouse made by Mayan

measure by making. I am not trying

another way to live, to do what they

communities in Guatemala, and

to be coy, but i feel like this influence

love, or do their small business, and

throughout Central America. They

is like breathing in, and releasing.

there is the support of a hundred

are labor intensive and each one is

More than NYC, the woods and

other vendors doing the same. Being

unique, a work of art and steeped in

quietness inspire me. It’s like dreaming,

small, we need lots of friends, and

social traditions. We scout vintage

the mind working through all of its

support. It is a community. It feels

huipiles to make its huipile shoe line.

input and noise, giving me back an

good. No pretension, no false hopes,

The shoes from this collection are

idea or design.

good hustling, and fast actions.

definitely one-of-a-kind.


Fe a t u r e d Ve n d o r


Being an one man show, John has been in Brooklyn Flea for 5 years since the market just established. He has his own woodshop in Newark where his furniture is designed and made. Made of materials of vintage wood and pipes, the furniture pieces of A Little of India not only show the personal style but also high quality which are the reasons why lots of people cooperate with John to get customized design done.

“ reinvention � Fm l eaar k e t


the greatest of the





A Little of India

Can you briefly introduce the product?

Is there anything influence your design?

John Carraby I bought vintage wood from knocked

My influences come from many places,

down buildings and then make shapes

just this week I looked at the inner

all by myself after the wood is dried.

walls of the Williamsburg Bank, and

Vintage wood provides me with a

variety of textures from the original

a shelving unit.

milling process and it has an intensity

Also, since I’m a piper before, you can

of color due to oxidation over the years.

see I use pipes as the material of table

In addition to its aesthetic appeal,

legs which become interesting details.

recycled wood from old factories,

There are even woods came from the

barns and other structures saves

trees which were knocked down by

trees and can help businesses honor

the hurrican Sandy in NYC!

pledges of sustainability.


was inspired by the design to create

Generally, how do people react to your work?

Was there any special interaction with buyers?

What do flea markets mean to you?

Men all think it is so easy and I see

I had a customer order 5 tables for her

I love the Flea, it is one of the greatest

them making promises to make

work space, a recording studio, the

ways to do business, there is a

something like it for their wife’s or

business took off and she later ordered

constant turnover of new customers,

girlfriends, and most of the women

7 more. This type of thing makes me

but there is also a love, a community

think its great.

feel good, as it shows confidence in

among the vendors.

Some people even think the wood

the product that I produce.

The overhead that normally kills

were all found from the sidewalk.

I dislike people taking pictures without

small business, is not something you

Well, I wish I can find wood like that

asking for request. Some people just

worry about at the Flea.

one the sidewalk.

do not respect the creativity when they never ask what the concept is and think it is easy to do.


Fe a t u r e d Ve n d o r

“ at


Even a bad day,

Dan's parents' house



Dan’s Parents’ House is essentially an extension of Dan’s childhood. Here he sells happiness and gives childhood back to people. There is everything for everyone, and you can always find something that you had when you was a kid. The most playful vendor in the market, Dan’s Parents’ House is the best place for parents and their children to shop together.




dAN’s Parents’ House

Can you briefly talk about Dan’s parents’ house?

How did you collect all of these items?

The name of the business was very

A couple years ago, I happened to be

literal when I started it. It was kind

in Virginia and ran into a huge sports

of a goof really. My wife Reina and I

bar that was open for the last day ever.

bought the house I grew up in from

It turns out that they were selling the

my parents. At some point we needed

contents. I ended up buying about

some extra money. We had heard

300 different beer taps.

Dan Trevor about the Brooklyn Flea. We took a


bunch of stuff from the attic and it

Recently, in Amsterdam I met

turns out there were better things

someone who had a collection of

in the house than I had originally

several thousand advertising stick

thought. Since then, the items you

pins from the ‘50s and ‘60s. Needless

see are a mix of original and items

to say, I brought back as many as I

I acquire for the business.

could carry.

Does it hurt to sell your childhood?

What kind of item do you sell the most?

In general, how do you see flea market?

No. After spending over 3 years

The two things I sell more than

I still feel like I am figuring things out.

cleaning and sorting the house, it is

anything else are letterpress and

There is always something to tinker

all for sale. The joy I get now is from

Star Wars. Star Wars is sort of the

with. It is a lot harder then people

watching people get super excited

quintessential 1980s item and what

think. The actual work is not the selling

when they walk in the booth and

were better than the movies was

at the Flea, it’s everything else. I find

buy things. Besides, the longer I do

their marketing. Because they made

that my success comes from being

this, the more I realize that everything

a million of every toy and million of

upfront and honest with my customers.

is replaceable.

variations, that’s why people still buy

We have a mutual admiration for

star wars today.

each other. I have a good time with my booth and it translates into joy from people who wander through.


I'm a fan of the mini food court at the Brooklyn Flea. They've got fancy chocolate, a great bakery, Japanese ramen and homemade sushi, scrumptious pork sandwiches, unique taco fillings, amazing mac & cheese, and awesome Asian-inspired hot dogs.

Great way to kill some time on a Saturday.

Who cares about the merchandise when the food was outstanding!

Just do it! Take the family, go on a date, go alone. I don't care how you get there, just get there if you can.


Prices are probably a bit more expensive than you would find at any other flea market, but this is Brooklyn...

hipster central!

Everything in the Brooklyn Flea is awesome. From the food to the little things you can purchase to ad to your home decor. All of the vendors are very professional and passionate about their products. The best part about it is that nothing is the same in Brooklyn flea so there is much to see in addition much to eat.

This place is a vintage collector's heaven!!!

I always find something here, or get a new idea on what I want to make next.

They don't actually sell fleas! How disappointed was my masochistic dog? Very. However, if you want cool vintage clothing, maps, old toys, typewriters, art., etc. then do me a personal favor and come here.


Are there antiques? Yes indeed. Is it a flea market? Yes again. And it is really a garage!

YEAR ROUND Every Saturday & Sunday 9AM – 5PM 112 West 25th Street (between 6th and 7th Avenues)

T h e n o t


n a m e a

i s

m i s n o m e r .


ore than 100 vendors can be found on two levels of

drawn indoors nearly 20 years ago after decades spent

this Manhattan parking garage. The upper level is

braving the elements. They watch one another’s booths,

less populated, but offers a wide array of vintage prints,

save finds for favorite customers and help carry recreations

while the lower level is where more of the vendors and

of medieval thrones up parking ramps.

shoppers congregate. There were boutonnieres and bronze lamps and high-heeled platform boots.

Antiques Garage has been attracting customers since 1994 and is known to carry some of the most treasured items

There were circus capes and tea cozies and books on palm

from the 18th Century. The vendors here seem to know their

reading. And there were leather baby shoes from the 1920s,

stuff and will probably tell you how that pair of silver

as well as lingerie from practically every era of the last

earrings or silverware made it to their booth. Digging

century.But where Andy Warhol, Susan Sontag and Greta

through this market is both challenging and fun due to its

Garbo once wandered through the flea markets along a

abundance of rare goods and number of knowledgeable

four-block stretch of Avenue of the Americas stuffed with

merchants. Sift through Victorian pieces, Kennedy pins, 40

more than 700 hustler’s booths, there is now only the

year-old comic books, and various antique beads to make

Antiques Garage, home to 100 booths on a busy weekend.

your own vintage jewelry. Feel like you’re part of your own

While New York’s flea market scene has exploded, with

Antiques Road Show by stopping by this impressive market.

Brooklyn markets that sell organic pickles and bands’ T-shirts, the Antiques Garage still has roughly the same vendors that it did when it opened in 1994, selling the same wares. They are Chelsea’s flea market trailblazers,


Some expensive, some affordable, but all wonderful! 30

The Antique Garage is a huge indoors market with tons of old school vendors hocking their vintage and antique decorative, eclectic, collectibles and apparel. This market is less for hipsters and more for people looking to get some shopping done.


Fe a t u r e d Ve n d o r

“everything There are that

you can imagine


Although flea market can be a mess and people love it anyway, we can still find organization in Rita’s booth.

Rita not only sells good vintage jewelries but also sells them in good price which is affordable for everyone. Knowing her jewelries so well that Rita can give you some lessons about jewelries if you would like to stop by anytime and you will definitely have a pleasant shopping experience with her.




Can you briefly introduce about your jewelries?

Rita Braun

Everything is vintage. There are some things that are not vintage which are designed for me by a young lady. Those are made just for me. When displaying, I try to get things organized. Because I believe when they are organized, people can see more and appreciate more. If it’s a mess, nobody can see what they want.


What is your schedule for a week?

How long have you been here in this market?

I’m here every weekend. We come

I’ve been doing this for over 15 years

early to set up cause dealer comes

and I’ve been in Antique Garage for

in the morning around 6. They buy

8 years. Prior to this, I used to have a

from us and they sell in shops not

store in Jersey but the rent was very

only in New York, but also in Boston

expensive and then I said, ok let me

and everywhere. It’s a main thing.

do the flea market only.

They are coming for years. Then the normal public comes.

It’s fun cause I love to meet people. I have my regular people in New

During the weekdays, I shop. I go

York and also overseas, they are

to different flea markets not in New

from Japan, Korea, Australia to buy

York. I go Pennsylvania, New Jersey,

and resell.

Vagenia. It depends on where I find one that has good stuff.

I have customers come 4 or 5 times a year just to buy and then they go sell

Sometimes there are pieces that

in their countries. And then I have the

were messed up, so I fixed them.

tourists as well.

Sometimes I create my own piece.

Are your buyers mostly young or old?

What do you think about flea market in NYC?

I have lots of younger generation

The Best. It’s very diverse. There are

buyers aged around 20 to 40. They

everything that you can imagine and

are the most who appreciate the

everybody comes here.

vintage items cause it’s a trend to wear vintage.

I just do this one. I love this one. I’ve been here forever. I wouldn’t even think of going anywhere. I feel very comfortable here cause it’s like family feel. Years ago, I tried a different one in New York. and I did not feel comfortable. I tried only one weekend and I said never again. Here, we watch for each other. This is my place and people know me so they come this location for me.

Fe a t u r e d Ve n d o r

“ history


It is about




Brief introduction written by myself. Artists Aaron Osborn and Carla Venticinque-Osborn were married in 2006 and launched their design studio in Greenpoint in the beginning of this year. “We want to make a living, not a killing,” says Aaron, borrowing a phrase that a friend once tossed off. Through humanitarian work in Guatemala (Aaron lived there for about six years, and his father has been a resident for 25), they’ve become very attached to the area and its needs.


old things.


Skingle Antiques

Can you share the way you collect those photos?

How did you start the business in the market?

Buying large amounts of photographs

For many years I’d been an antique

such as box lots can be pound at local

toy dealer selling at many major

auctions and flea markets in other

shows through out the country.

nearby states. E-bay is another source

However, over the past few years there

for buying. However, one must

have been less toy collectors buying.

remember buying box lots unseen

So I think one must change with the

can be rather risky.

time to stay in business.

Robert Skingle Years ago I had been a tutor at a college in Ehgland teaching design and

photography. Also, I was often finding old photographs which I enjoyed and I have been told more than once that I have a good eye for it. I think it came rather natural to me to also focus on selling vintage photos.

Is there any certain type of people who buy from you? I have my regular collectors, some who are artists and use my images in their art. I do see a ot of young woman collectors looking for those special photographs. Selling at the garage market in New York often means these collectors are visiting from other parts of the world.


What made you start writing photos captions?

In general, how do you see flea market?

The captions on my plastic sleeved

A flea market is a wonderful place

photographs came about as I was

to hunt for a treasure to add to ones

pricing them. The images seem to call

collection, meet interesting people

to me to write a few words of humor.

and make new contacts.

I rather did it to entertain myself.

As a dealer, I love being my own

However, before long I noticed buy-

boss, looking for pieces to purchase

ers enjoying my comments on the

and resale at a profit and make

photos which helped sell them.

someone happy. It’s a hard work, you are rather living on the edge and never knowing how successful the day will be. However, the rewards do out weigh the negatives.

If you're the type of person who appreciates antiques, art, and memorabilia of history's past, then this place is

As far as the eye can see, vendors filled a New York parking lot, hawking crazy wares from decades ago or replicas, in some cases - vintage jewelry, clothing, furniture, Kennedy pins, retro electronics - basically, just about anything for everyone.

Talk to the vendors. You’ll realize that a lot of them are really nice and are willing to teach you about antiques.

a must see.

It’s grimy, crowded, and packed with junk over two stories of a parking garage. And that’s exactly why I love this place.

This indoor hodge-podge is the place to go for bargains and rare finds. 40

One should not come here with the intention of finding something they want. It's really a hit or miss and it's best to come with the mindset to observe and explore

the biggest "garage sale" in New York City. Some of the vendors are a bit pricey but I rarely leave empty handed.

The vendors know their product very well, and it's cool to learn the back story of how a pair of earrings or silverware ended up at the flea market.

Amazing place for little bit of everything old. When i find new places like this it makes me love the city even more. 41

A successful example of a private business doing good for public schools.

YEAR ROUND Every Sunday 10am--5:30pm 100 west 77th street (Columbus Avenue between W. 76 & 77 Streets)

A o f

h o d g e p o d g e o l d

i t e m s .


a n d

n e w


he Upper West Side’s year-round GreenFlea Market is a hodgepodge of old and new items; secondhand

clothing shares space with discounted beauty goods and handmade jewelry. If you’re looking for furniture, there are at least ten vendors hawking cool, affordable antiques. It is generally open Saturday and Sunday (10am-5:30pm). Residents flock to GreenFlea, which has only been closed three times in 25 years, because it offers unusual items that aren’t available at regular retail stores. Greenflea is a kind of mini-America where dreams are both built and dashed. Vendors represent all kinds of professions -there are doctors, nuns, actors, hairdressers -- and from many countries, including Ghana, Israel, Turkey and Indonesia. GreenFlea, Inc. was incorporated in 1985 as a for-profit small business to act as the operator of the market on Columbus Avenue. The Parents Associations of PS 87, the Computer School and MS 44 are the principal owners while the NYC Council on the Environment (operator of the famous Union Square Farmers’ Market) is a minority shareholder. Money generated by the operation of the flea market is used by the parents to provide needed enrichment opportunities for the children of the two schools. Since 1985, GreenFlea has provided the schools with more than $4,000,000 in additional funds. Because Greenflea advertises around the world, immigrants frequently obtain stands even before they arrive in New York. Among the vendors are people hoping to rebuild their businesses, to make money until they can find steady jobs, or to test-market merchandise before opening their own shops.‘’Few people planned on doing this,’’ says Judith Gehrke, the executive director of Greenflea. ‘’It is something on the way to doing something else.’’


Manageable crowds, fun and unique items, helpful, friendly vendors, nice selection of food and beverages at reasonable prices. This flea markets tend to be so huge they are overwhelming, or the converse; tiny, rinky-dink. With indoor and outdoor vendors, there’s something for everyone at this flea market on the Upper West Side.


J u s t a b o u t e v e r y t h i n g c a n b e f o u n d h e r e .


Fe a t u r e d Ve n d o r

Though we can almost buy and see everything in flea market, there are not many vendors selling vintage cards and those elements like what Geno has in his booth. The fun part here is that you can not only buy some beautiful vintage paper and go home to do some DIY, but also purchase delicately handmade cards or little gift boxes designed from Geno who has no design background but still gets the talent of creating something amazing. Just come and get inspired.


Fm l eaar k e t is


than just a market.





How did you start this business in the market?

What is the story of these vintage cards?

I was first helping a friend who had

came from

all of these vintage paper. Then, I

made for decorations like greeting

started to make things to sell to him,

cards or whatever

like cards. In the end, I started the

this industry starts from mostly 1880s

business by my own.

they are still making some these days

Geno Sartori but it’s not nice

For many years, I had a shop in NY and my last location was on 51st Street between Lexington and Third Ave. My rent escalated to a price I could no longer afford. What to do? I decided


How is the interaction with the buyers?

How do you think about flea market in NYC?

How do you see online shopping nowadays?

When I first began the market I dealt

I love it and look forward to it each

I’ve been here 25 years. I don’t do it

with designers. However, as computers

and every Sunday. Some Sundays

online cause I’m lazy. Also, the

came into being, all this stuff was

are wonderful and others - forget it.

internet has hurt the Flea Markets a

available on the internet. Then I had

However, we vendors enjoy one

bit - many of the vendors prefer to

to rely on customers that were familiar

another which certainly helps. The

do business via Ebay, etc. but the

with my material and either wanted

other wonderful thing about it is you

rest of us enjoy dealing first-hand

to collect it or use for collage and

get to meet many wonderful

with customers. It is enjoyable

decoupage. Most of them are older

people - some buy, others don’t.

communicating with people.

people who appriciate while many young people have no idea as to what it is I sell or what to do with it.

I could spend all day chatting with the vendors here and most of them could chat right back. Â They are patient and lovely people whether they sell treasures or trash.

Its fun to walk through the school hall ways and cafeteria, Â transformed into a weekend open market.

If you live Upper West and have yet to go, what the hell have you been doing all your life?


There is seriously something for everyone here, from fashionistas to foodies.

I vowed never to buy another gift at a chain again. There are so many goodies here that it really is a sin to buy a mass-produced tchotchke when you can find a unique and thoughtful gift here - and support an actual, human individual instead of a corporation.

Take a backpack and lots of cash!

An interesting mix of stuff.

You'll buy way more than you planned for.

It's always the highlight of my Sunday morning. Bring cash and be prepared to walk out with something Vintage New York.

Old stuff. New stuff. Good stuff. Bad stuff. Inside stuff. Outside stuff. Mass produced stuff. Hand crafted stuff.

Manageable crowds, fun and unique items, nice selection of food and beverages at reasonable prices. Helpful, friendly vendors. It's a must on my stops when I visit new york. 53


Now Start your

Adventure In New York City, where there are dozens of markets from small to large, commercial to rogue, regular to pop-up, flea market has become the place where people can travel back to yesteryear or, on the other hand, take the first look of the latest trend. There is a place like Brooklyn Flea for hipsters and designers to get inspiration and also for foodies to satisfy their appetite. For antique lovers who would like to get some history lessons about items, Antique Garage can be their paradise. In Green Flea, there is mix of things for mix of young and old generations. In conclusion, it’s just about everything for everyone. Although online shopping seems to be an unstoppable trend nowadays, the experiences in the market where people can communicate with each other face to face and also can have fun in bargaining back and forth is still unable to be replaced by the internet. There are tons of interesting stories of items and vendors waiting for you to explore. Now pick a destination and start your advanture!



Thank You Special Thanks Professor Tom Dolle Hsin Wang New Friends in NYC: Robert, Aaron, John, Rita, Geno, Gene.

Online References

Flea Market in NYC

These days Flea Markets are most everyone’s favorite shopping d estination and afternoon jaunt for unique, one-of-a-kind, and locally made treats and experiences. What with the economy where it is and the explosion of DIY, handmade and culinary pursuits, it makes sense that flea markets are a perfect pleasure for city-dwellers and country denizens alike. In New York City, there are tons of interesting stories of items and vendors waiting for you to explore. Now read this book, pick a destination, and start your advanture!

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