ConnectingU | July '18

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In this issue of ConnectingU - Volume 6, you will find: Introducing the NEW KU Guide App Rock Chalk Ball LDST320 Congrats Bookstore Graduates One BIG Day of Service KJHK Awards Director’s Corner Student Spotlight: Jaclyn Carpenter Burge Union Grand Re-opening Tom Johnson Wins Student Affairs Award KJHK 2018/2019 Execs Burge Builders Contribute to Burge Scholarship @KUunion Discover the Union online at

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The KU Memorial Union INTRODUCES THE NEW KU Guide App!



This past semester the Marketing, Media, and Programs office hosted its inaugural LDST 320: How to Plan (Almost) Anything course. The course has been several years in the making as an endeavor led by David Mucci and JJ O’Toole-Curran. Prior to this, the University of Kansas did not have an event planning course available to students. The class is housed in Leadership Studies and focuses on the relationship between adaptive leadership and event development. By utilizing adaptive leadership as a framework, students were able to identify technical and adaptive challenges to better prepare them to adapt and thrive in challenging environments. The course was led by JJ O’Toole-Curran, Michelle Compton-Muñoz, Whitney Mahoney, Bailee Myers, and Jaclyn Carpenter. For its first year the class had 17 students, many of which were Union student employees. The curriculum dived into areas such as budgeting, marketing, risk management, and ethics all in relation to event planning. The students enrolled in the course were able to apply their classroom knowledge where they developed a $50,000 hypothetical event for Wellington Experience and Junior Achievement of Greater Kansas City. This semester long project allowed students to apply their classroom knowledge to working with vendors, analyzing event logistics, and develop a marketing campaign for the course client.



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ROCK CHALK BALL KU's 23rd annual Rock Chalk Ball was a great success! Many Jayhawks gathered in support of the KU Alumni Association and to celebrate the inauguration of Chancellor Girod. According to the KU Alumni Association, "...the annual event unites Jayhawks in the nation’s largest KU community and raises funds for Association programs to advocate for KU; communicate to alumni and friends in all media; recruit students and volunteers; serve current students, alumni and KU; and unite all Jayhawks." Our very own Curtis Marsh, Director of the DeBruce Center and KU Info, served as emcee for the event. The following students represented the KU Memorial Union Corporation at the event: Megan Lynn Bartlett Autumn Crafton Connor Dougan Adrian Jonathan Janowiak Chance Maginness Katie Phalen Harneet Sanghera Mady Womack Insia Zufer Photo courtesy of Steve Puppe

To learn more about and see more photos of the event, visit

CONGRATS BOOKSTORE GRADUATES Congratulations to all the incredible KU Bookstore employees that graduated this year! We're so very thankful to have you all working here at the Union. Best of luck as you graduate and move on to the next step in life!

KJHK AWARDS This past semester, KJHK 90.7FM received multiple awards from The Kansas Association of Broadcasters (KAB) and Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), including:

ONE BIG KU DAY OF SERVICE On Saturday, April 14, 2018, 1,872 KU students, faculty and staff members volunteered at 272 locations across the Lawrence community during the eighth annual The Big Event at KU. At homes, schools, community agencies, public parks, churches, and downtown businesses, representatives from the KU community said “thank you” to their neighbors in Lawrence who have supported University of Kansas students for over 150 years. The event also served as the kickoff to Chancellor Girod’s Inauguration events. Chancellor Girod welcomed volunteers, gave remarks at the kickoff, and even served with some of the student volunteers at a local resident’s home. “I really enjoyed spending the morning serving our community with the Chancellor. It was so special to see our direct impact on a local homeowner, and seeing how deeply the Chancellor wanted to connect not only with the community but also with the students he served alongside,” volunteer Autumn Crafton said. During the kickoff ceremony, The Big Event leaders also unveiled the 2019 date as April 27, 2019 and introduced the 2019 Executive Director as Connor Dougan, a Junior from Topeka, Kansas. “We are so thankful for all of the volunteers and homeowners that braved the 40 degree weather, including Chancellor Girod. My team and I appreciated all of his help and support in this event that brings together all of campus,” said 2018 Executive Director, Tammy Stauffer.

SPJ Radio Feature Category Hannah Jerome, 1st place SPJ Radio In-Depth Reporting Category - Garrett Mould, Finalist KAB Best Sports Play-By-Play 1st place KAB Best Station Website - 2nd place KAB Best News Feature Honorable Mention Great work, KJHK! Congrats on all your recent accomplishments.

2018 Executive Director Tammy Stauffer and Chancellor Girod unveil the 2019 date at this year’s kickoff.

STUDENT SPOTLIGHT: Jaclyn Carpenter DIRECTOR’S CORNER What a way to end the semester! Student Union Activities mounted a spectacular re-dedication of Burge Union on April 27th. The crowd was a wonderful mix of new and old students, staffers, alums and friends. We had a stellar list of dignitaries to include Chancellor Girod, Vice Provost Tammara Durham, former director Jim Long and Jessie Pringle, the past student body and corporation board president instrumental in securing the project. We were blessed with veterans who were around for first Burge Union open—Warner Ferguson, Wayne Pearse and Mike Reid. Frank Burge’s nephew Tom Fredrick and his son (a current law student) also brought the family connection. The gathering was a wonderful model of union mission—pulling the broad campus community together in celebration of KU. Harneet Sanghera dually presided over the event as SUA and Memorial Corporation president. Lisa Kring worked with our partners McCownGordon and Clark Construction and Will & Perkins Architects for $15,000 in underwriting for the Frank R. Burge Scholarship Fund. And then there were marvelous attractions to include bubbles, bands, barbeque and balloons. Kudos to Marketing, Media & Programs for the production and promotion that attracted and kept the crowd. Building and Event Services gave us a sparkling and functional facility still undergoing a shakedown voyage. It can be hard to keep focused following a glorious open of historic proportions but events press us on. Catering rises to serve the innumerable year end events.. Youth camps we host will soon arrive on campus and orientation follows shortly thereafter. Our service takes no breaks and keeps KU moving forward. The Burge adds a wonderful new facility to our portfolio. The Union is more than our buildings, it is the Jayhawk congregation at play on a spring day embracing a shared moment of grace. Amen. -David Mucci Director KU Memorial Union

Jaclyn Carpenter has served as the graduate assistant in the Marketing, Media and Programs (MMP) Office in the KU Memorial Union for the past two years. She completed her Master’s in Higher Education this May. "I first met Jaclyn when she was an undergraduate student leader for Student Union Activities. Due to her positive experience as a student leader, Jaclyn became interested in higher education and decided to pursue her Master’s degree at KU. We were thrilled to hire Jaclyn as our graduate student to be a part of the SUA advising team and to coordinate student leader learning outcome and program assessment," said Michelle Compton, Associate Director of MMP and Jaclyn's direct supervisor. For several years, the Programs Office had wanted to create and instruct an Event Management Course. With her many years of experience, Jaclyn was chosen to tackle the process of developing a course. Under the advisement of Mary Banwart, Associate Professor in the KU School of Communications, Jaclyn took the lead on organizing a focus group of students from various majors and with event management experience. Jaclyn dived right in on researching a class of this nature and putting together a 16 week, 3 hour class. She completed the necessary proposal to CLAS to get the class scheduled for spring of 2018. Once the class was officially accepted, Jaclyn went to work to advertising the class, resulting in seventeen registered students. Additionally, she developed the course syllabus, coordinated the lesson plans for each week, put together rubrics for all assignments and booked professionals in event management for each week of class. Jaclyn was integral in recruiting Wellington & Associates, an international event management company from Kansas City, to serve as a client for the course. As a future young professional in higher education, Jaclyn has exuded nothing but the best representation of Student Affairs. We are so proud of and thankful for Jaclyn’s work in taking on this challenge and setting up the Programs Office to continue this course in the future. She has left an incredible legacy for the Programs Office and Student Affairs.



CONNECTING Submit your ideas via email to A Marketing, Media and Programs Team member will contact you.

BURGE UNION GRAND RE-OPENING The KU Memorial Union hosted the Grand Re-Opening of the Burge Union on April 27, 2018 with over 400 in attendance including students, campus partners, Memorial Union alumni, contractors, developers, and architects. All those present for the ribbon cutting had the opportunity to join in on the ceremony with 300 pairs of scissors and many strings of ribbon. During the opening remarks, The 2018 Board of Class Officers unveiled their class gift, a Jayhawk statue in front of the building. This Jayhawk is the twin to the statue that currently guards the front of the Kansas Union. Event attendees explored the new facility at their leisure, while listening to local band and winners of Farmer’s Ball, Shoebox Money (courtesy of KJHK 90.7FM and Student Union Activities). The new student union in KU's Central District includes the Forum, a 10,500 square foot public event space. Featuring state-of-the-art audio/video capabilities, a convenience store and coffee shop, and full catering experiences provided by KU Dining Services, the new Burge Union offers the services and amenities necessary to host individuals and groups of up to 1,000 guests. The Burge Union also houses critical campus support services, including the Emily Taylor Center for Women and Gender Equity, Legal Services for Students, and the Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Center. The new student union retains the name of Frank R. Burge, the KU Memorial Union's director from 1952 through 1983. Upon the 2016 demolition of the original Burge Union, the Kansas Board of Regents at the University’s request elected to re-dedicate the new student union in Burge's honor. A special thank you to all those that attended. For reservations, please contact

TOM JOHNSON WINS STUDENT AFFAIRS AWARD Tom Johnson, Assistant Director for the Marketing, Media, and Programs Office (MMP), was recently awarded the Jayhawk Award by KU Student Affairs. The award was presented to Tom by Dr. Jane Tuttle at Student Affairs' annual Rock Chalk Rooftop event on May 9th. As Dr. Tuttle presented the award, she had the following to say about Tom's work: "As [KJHK 90.7FM, the student-run radio station at KU,] gained notoriety, it quickly became a recruitment tool for students during Admissions visits. Currently, [Tom] is developing a program to better serve all of Student Affairs in order to better serve our students." The Jayhawk Award is meant to recognize a full-time staff member who demonstrates a high level of dedication, initiative, and cooperation in their position responsibilities and provides exceptional service to all members of the KU community. Congrats to Tom and to all the Student Affairs staff that received awards for their incredible work here at KU!

KJHK 2018/2019 EXECS KJHK 90.7FM has officially selected their new leaders for the 2018-19 academic year: Station Manager: Lorena de la O Programming Wing Programming Director: Jamie Martin Music Directors: Miranda Roberts & Patrick Kennedy Live Music Coordinator: Benji Bloom Live Music Assistant Coordinator: Brian Locascio Communications Wing Communications Director: Sophie Johnson Social Media Director: Andrew Chavez Production Director: Parker Freeman Engagement Director: Michaela Behymer IT Director: Kalekidan Yeshiwas Content Wing Content Director: Kyle Wernimont Sports Director: Jack Nadeau Arts & Culture Director: Cami Koons Multimedia Director: Coleman Connolly Congrats to all the new Execs--can't wait to see what you do at the station this year!

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BURGE BUILDERS CONTRIBUTE TO BURGE SCHOLARSHIP At the Burge Grand Re-Opening on April 27, it was announced that a $15,000 contribution had been made to the Frank R. Burge Scholarship. The award is given each year to outstanding students within Student Union Activities (SUA). The following donors, all of which are companies involved in the construction of the new Burge Union, contributed $5,000 each to the scholarship: Edgemoor Infrastructure and Real Estate, McCownGordon Construction and Clark Construction, and the Perkins+Will Architecture Firm. One past recipient of the award, Katie Miller, had the following to say about the donations: "These contributions to the Burge award are so valuable to future SUA members. The scholarships support student involvement on campus and definitely made it easier for me to dedicate so much of my time to the Union." The SUA scholarship was named in honor of former KU Memorial Union director Frank Burge. The recipients must be of "outstanding character and unquestionable integrity", much like Frank Burge himself. He served as director of the Union for 31 years and left a lasting legacy of hospitality here at KU. Burge exhibited a devotion to building the KU community, which included a commitment to student programs like SUA. Thank you to Edgemoor, McCownGordon and Clark, and Perkins+Will for your generous donations, and further, for your contribution to student success.

Lisa Kring announces the donations to the Frank R. Burge Scholarship at the Burge Union Grand Re-Opening on April 27th with Chris Martin, Project Executive at McCownGordon Construction.

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