I like to make signs and build a robot. I’m little and purple. By Sarah
I$am$a$robot$ and$I$like$ whizzing,$ barping$and$ going$really$fast$ past$the$people. By$Trin
I am a robot. I am pink. BEEP BEEP. I like whizzing, beeping and going parp. By Nicole
My name is R2D2, PEEP, BEEP, PARP, WHIRRRR! I am a scary robot and I take big loads of boxes and I am yellow. By Kaiden
Beep! Parp! Whirrrr! My name is Don the Terror. Beep! Beep! And I crash stuff. Beep! Beep! Don$the$robot$has$ wings$like$a$Terrordon.$$ He$is$very$$scary.$$He$ is$red$and$he$only$has$ three$claws$on$each$ hand.$Wow!$$ By$Eva
My name is Dig Dog. I like to move heavy machinery. I go HONK HONK when other vehicles are in the way. When I want to go to sleep I go BEEP BEEP. I am black, green, red and yellow. By Liam
Hi I am Mo. I like going slow and I am purple and blue. By Leiana
I am a wrestling robot. I punch. I am red and blue, crush, crush, crush. By Bronson
My red robot likes to go, go, go! The sounds he makes are erp, turp, gurp and churp! The robot is army red. By William
I$am$a$robot.$ The$sounds$ that$I$make$are$ BEEP,% WHIRRR.$I$am$ big$and$yellow. By$Jorja
I am a robot and I have lots of guns. Many guns like sniper guns and pistols and even rocket launchers. I have lots of teams and army teams. By Aramona