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Student Full Name: Jayme Chok Rui En
Student Age/ School Grade Level: 15; Sec 3
Subjects Enrolled in (Kumon): English & Math
Current Kumon Worksheets: English Level I; Math - Level J
About Jayme:
“I enjoy hanging out at home, watching a movie with my family, getting lost in reading and being busy with handicrafts. I love learning new things, and crocheting is next.”
Jayme is a child with Dyslexia. She was struggling to keep up with learning and feeling anxious about schoolwork. She went from tuition centre to tuition centre, as Jayme’s school teacher was getting concerned. Ms Amy, Jayme’s mother, described her harrowing experience in searching for a suitable tuition centre. “My girl is very shy and lacks a lot of confidence, it is not easy to find a suitable centre, and many rejected her because of her condition.”
Ms Amy’s quest to search for a programme for building up Jayme’s confidence whilst improving her grades at school finally ended after she chanced upon a unique Kumon advertisement. Jayme is currently in Secondary three and learning Maths material equivalent to Secondary four. Jayme recalled the early days in Kumon and feeling reluctant. “I felt scared and worried that I couldn’t cope with the daily work or pick up as fast as my peers.”
Within the same year of enrolling in Kumon, when Jayme was in Primary four, Ms Amy noticed a change in her girl. Jayme used to grapple with the understanding of basic concepts despite countless reinforcements. For example, in Maths, Jayme would take ages to figure out the answer and had to use her fingers to calculate. She shared, “I was very bad at my mental sums. However, after joining Kumon, I can now answer them much faster and accurately, like a walking calculator.” And her mother seconded that whenever they were out shopping. Ms Amy observed that Jayme had become less anxious about schoolwork, particularly Maths.
These days, Jayme looks forward to learning new topics and doing her daily worksheets at home and in the Kumon class. Her interest and confidence in learning became stronger as she mastered each concept and started studying Kumon worksheets ahead of her school grade. Since Jayme is learning advanced topics, her classmates often approached her for guidance in their schoolwork. Above all, she can understand complicated concepts independently and at her own pace.
As Jayme progressed, her diligence and resilience in learning did not go unnoticed, and she was awarded the Edusave awards and scholarships by the Ministry of Education (MOE) in 2021. This award is offered to students based on their character, leadership, conduct, learning dispositions and academic performance.
Ms Amy discovered that Kumon is more than just a means to improving her girl’s grades. As Kumon is a daily study programme, it boosted Jayme’s confidence through consistent practice and revision. The other life skills Jayme acquired are good study discipline and time management. It had also become needless for her to worry about Jayme piling up unfinished homework as she set aside time each day to complete both schoolwork and Kumon’s homework. In Ms Amy’s words, “Kumon is not the usual enrichment centre out there. It allows children to learn at their own pace, instead of rushing them through the syllabus or forcing them to be at the same pace.” She strongly believes consistency is the key to most aspects of life.
With the Kumon methodology, tailoring to every child’s ability, every child can succeed at his or her pace. She advised other parents to have patience and trust in Kumon so that their children will reap the fruits of success. By referencing Jayme’s learning, she reflected, “My girl started slow and took a while to understand concepts. I’m certain these concepts are deeply rooted in her and areevident in her learning progress and achievements.” In addition, Ms Amy commended Mrs Momin, Jayme’s Instructor, for her ongoing patience and encouragement while guiding Jayme.
Jayme has found joy in overcoming challenging topics on her own and aims to complete all the levels in the Maths and English Programmes. With a positive attitude, she emphasised that the Kumon worksheets eventually get easier by practising constantly and trying harder each time.

Mrs Momin has seen Jayme’s growth and progress as an inspiration to many children who have the grit to learn, “Now, Jayme is no longer struggling in English and is learning one year advanced in Maths. I am super proud of this student for all her hard work. With the right mindset for learning and a never-give-up attitude, just as Jayme is doing, every child can shine!”