The far-reaching benefits of a good study habit

The far-reaching benefits of a good study habit
In our second edition of Potential for 2023, we discuss the importance of developing good study habits and how Kumon can develop these in your children.
Our student stories focus on Audrey from Perth and Pragyaa from Brisbane. Both students have developed strong study habits, allowing them to make smooth progress through Kumon. They are also excelling in school and elsewhere.
Our third and fourth articles outline what are good study habits and what parents can do to help their children build them.
We hope you enjoy this issue of Potential.
The Kumon Public Relations TeamDespite only being in Year 2, eight-year-old Audrey comfortably solves equations in her Kumon Mathematics worksheets.
Audrey, who studies the Kumon Mathematics programme more than five years ahead of her school grade level, says that Kumon helps her in many ways.
“When I’m at school and there are hard problems, I can easily solve them because I’ve done them in Kumon”, Audrey says. “When I’m at home, it helps me teach my sisters maths too. The maths books I do at home are also fun”.
Jeorge, Audrey’s father, says in addition to developing his daughter’s maths ability, Kumon has helped Audrey to become more independent and build strong study habits.
“I don’t have to remind her about doing her schoolwork together with the Kumon books”, Jeorge says. “She’s gotten into a habit of studying before doing the rest of her play. I think the homework from Kumon really helps her go into that habit of studying first and then playing later on”.
Audrey says she would like to become an artist when she grows up. Jeorge says that no matter what his daughter chooses to pursue later in life, that Kumon will be of lifelong benefit.
“Kumon sets children up for future learning because they’re not afraid to study”, Jeorge says. “This makes it easier with other subjects as well, because it puts them into that habit of studying for what they want to do, whether it’s in school or elsewhere.”
Kumon students are always given the worksheets that they are ready to learn next. This is determined by completion time, accuracy, ability to correct mistakes and motivation. Worksheets are matched to current ability. Kumon students who need to build on foundational concepts are supported. Students who can be challenged by more complex work are extended. Students progress at their own pace, not bound by age and school grade. This is the ‘just-right’ level of learning.
For 11-year-old Pragyaa, advanced study with Kumon allows her to explore and grow her love for literature. Pragyaa, who recently completed the Kumon English programme, has a passion for stories and wordplay. She enjoys interpreting texts and showing off her extended vocabulary.
“Stories are fun, even though you have to ask questions”, Pragyaa says. “You can read and interpret them in different ways, and then you have to think about stories a lot more. I also use lots of puns in my everyday life, so if I didn’t do Kumon, I probably wouldn’t have such a wide vocabulary”
The Kumon English programme builds a high level of reading comprehension ability in students. To inspire students to read widely, the worksheets contain more extracts from published texts than any other reading programme in the world. They are arranged in order of increasing difficulty, from the simplest to the most complex.
Deborah, Pragyaa’s mother, says she enrolled her daughter into Kumon as it would not only extend her academically, but also provide consistency in her studies.
“We found that we needed something to occupy Pragyaa’s attention, so Kumon kept her busy”, Deborah says. “With the English programme we could definitely see that she really enjoyed it. The fact that she completed it really helped her understand that she can achieve things with the right amount of effort”. Pragyaa also studies the Kumon Mathematics programme at a level that is one year ahead of her school grade and is making strong progress towards progressing even further beyond school grade level. She aims to become a civil engineer later in life, and will need strong maths skills to achieve her goal.
When Kumon students advance ahead of school grade level in the worksheets, they learn for themselves what they are yet to be taught at school. When they encounter something new, they study the example, draw on previous learning and give it a try. They try, and try again, until they finally get it, sometimes with a hint from the Instructor. This is how Kumon develops self-learning. Kumon students come to expect the challenge of something new, and gain satisfaction in working it out for themselves. Like Pragyaa, they develop a mindset that no problem is too difficult to attempt.
Through Kumon, Pragyaa develops her passion for reading
In Kumon, the right amount of practice and a consistent, daily study habit – ideally no more than 30 minutes per subject per day – prepares your children for higher levels and lays the foundation for smooth progress. To learn more about the importance of good study habits in Kumon Mathematics and English, read these insights from Instructors across the Asia-Oceania region.
The low starting point is the ‘just-right’ level for developing a child’s correct approach to study. During the first class, we are showing the student the care that they need to take with Kumon. I want them to strive for their best. For me to transmit that message directly to the child, on day one, is really important. If they understand this message, they will develop themselves through the worksheets. When the student’s study approach is instilled from the beginning, they have had a strong start.
I believe that to build good study habits in students, we must start early. The key is learning how to study smarter, not harder. This takes cooperation with students and parents who must be willing to follow the Kumon Method, starting from small things such as sitting posture, hand position, how to hold a pencil, among others. This takes time and students should become accustomed to a routine. Lastly, the most important thing is that children learn with pleasure.
Melly Tjowasi, Kumon Indonesia“
It takes effort to develop effective study habits. Kumon students use their support system of parents and Instructor to develop their habits. It is vital to proactively involve the student in the process. This includes sharing the idea with them of the habits to establish, develop the plan together and focus on one thing at a time. Carrying it out together helps them feel a sense of teamwork. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, be kind, and celebrate the wins.
As an Instructor, I always make sure students are given worksheets at the just-right level for their abilities and motivate them to study every day. At Kumon, studying every day not only helps students practise perseverance and increase concentration, but is also the beginning of self-study. From there, students will make small but steady progress. This will be a solid foundation for them in the future, helping them successfully conquer their dreams.
At Kumon, we believe a good study habit provides a strong foundation for future academic achievement. To develop such a habit through Kumon, your children start with worksheets that are easy for them. So easy, they can complete a high volume of worksheets, with a near perfect score, with speed and concentration. At Kumon, we refer to this as work skills. Confident they can do the worksheets on their own, your children will be enthusiastic to do more. Their concentration will expand and a daily study habit then forms.
Furthermore, throughout their programme, your children will practise a topic a number of times when needed. This helps them to decrease the number of errors, reduce a completion time, review an earlier topic, or consolidate something new before they move on. The right amount of practice and a daily study habit (ideally no more than 30 minutes per subject per day) prepares your children for higher levels and lays the foundation for smooth progress.
Establishing a good study habit allows knowledge to be retained in the long term and provides a confidence boost for your children, as they know that they are prepared for the task ahead. Time management is also key in developing a good study habit. At Kumon, your children are encouraged to follow a routine to ensure daily completion of their worksheets.
Below are some tips which we hope you find helpful when supporting your children’s Kumon study at home:
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Do a little bit of study each day
Putting off study can result in anxiety: trying to fit a school term’s worth of content or a whole week of Kumon worksheets into a single study session can be overwhelming. Instead of cramming, it is more effective to spread out the study into regular, shorter study periods. This is what we practise in Kumon. By doing a little bit of study each day, children are more relaxed and better prepared for their next Kumon class.
Plan when to study
Some children study better in the mornings, while others find the evening to be more conducive. We encourage parents to sit down with your children and plan when to study each day, working around everyone’s schedule to find the best time.
Study at the same time each day
Maintaining a consistent daily study time helps to create a regular study routine. When our children study at the same time every day, they are mentally and emotionally prepared for each study session. Over time, this develops into a habit which improves time-management and self-discipline.
Allow your children to start studying their preferred subject first
If your children study two subjects with Kumon, there may be days when they prefer to start with the more difficult subject, and other days where they decide to start with content they find easier. Whatever their preference, your positive support throughout each study session will help maintain their motivation.
Minimise distractions
Creating a dedicated spot for your children to study can be an important first step in keeping them focussed. We recommend that all their stationery is within reach, turning off the television, and minimising other distractions.
Review previous learning
Before your children start to study new content, it can be effective to review their previous day’s work and corrections. This can help your children consolidate their learning and remember important concepts.
We hope you have found this article to be helpful. To discuss your children’s individual needs in regards to developing and maintaining good study habits, please speak with your Kumon Instructor.
Kumon Mathematics and English are daily study programmes. Students generally attend the Centre once or twice a week, and are assigned worksheets for daily home study. The right amount of practice and a daily study habit – ideally no more than 30 minutes per subject, per day – prepares your children for higher levels and lays the foundation for smooth progress in Kumon and to become strong selflearners.
“What we aim for is not just to improve students’ school grades by simply developing their abilities in maths [and] English … but for students to attain the mindset required for self-learning, and to acquire enough self-learning experience so that it becomes a habit”, Toru Kumon, the late founder of Kumon, once said.
As home study is a core component of Kumon that is essential for student progress, below are four tips on how parents can establish ideal study conditions and motivate their children. 01 02
Try not to spend more than 30 minutes on each subject. The goal of Kumon is not to cram, rather to teach students the power of small, consistent efforts towards achieving larger goals. If a student studies mathematics or English worksheets that are at the ‘just-right level’ – the point of difficulty between too easy or hard – then they should not have to spend more than half an hour to complete their set. Exceeding this time limit will likely be counterproductive, as it drains students’ motivation for completing the next day’s homework. We encourage parents to notify their Instructor if their child is taking too long to complete a particular set. The Instructor can advise accordingly and take the appropriate action to help the student.
Schedule a regular Kumon time.
‘Kumon time’ is set time for when students commence their home study of worksheets, providing a helpful structure for consistent, daily study. ‘Kumon time’ can vary depending on the worksheets your child has been assigned, but usually around 30 minutes each day for each subject. Many families find that the morning is best for ‘Kumon time’ as this warm’s student’s brains up for school. Though, of course, the exact timing of ‘Kumon time’ is up to each family to decide.
Establish a Kumon study space. The bedroom, living room, study; these are some of the spaces where students might go to knuckle down and complete their homework. There are different approaches. The place your children study at home will vary, depending on factors such as age and how much parental guidance they need. Kumon’s perspective is students should study in a place free from distractions and in an area that will become their regular study space. To learn more detail about establishing a Kumon study space, visit:
In most cases, parents should be present when their children are studying. Especially during the first year of Kumon, students are building their study skills. Therefore, a parent should be in same room as their children when they are studying to ensure their Centre study is being replicated at home. Students should work quickly and their pencil should be continuously moving, indicating that they are focussed on their work. Breaks should be kept to a minimum, so that learning can continue uninterrupted. In the later stages of Kumon, students who can self-learn advanced material may not need parents to be present
Kumon is a partnership between parents, students, and Kumon Instructor. Students study their worksheets every day and when at home, parents encourage students to complete their worksheets to the best of their ability. Instructors create an individualised study plan for your children, assign and send home the worksheets they are ready to learn next, and support students to develop self-learning ability.
We hope this article has been helpful for you in supporting your children. For further tips on how to support your children’s study at home, please speak with your Kumon Instructor.
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Kumon Instructors:
• Pursue the potential of children through the instruction of mathematics and English
• Build engaging relationships across the community
• Develop a business within an established global franchise, operating for over 60 years
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