Internet and Jewellery Websites Worldwide Mar 19, 2016 • By Kumud Kaushik •
Did you know only 33% of India's Internet users are women? One BIG step for women's empowerment in our country is helping them get access to knowledge, information and connecting them to the world. Change is a wonderful thing. And the biggest change of pretty much all time happened in our lifetime. Do you actually remember a time before the Internet? We don't ! Here are the many wonderful ways the Internet has changed our lives. Read on and say aye!
1. Google It!! Enough said. The ability to ask this lovely search engine ANY question at any time and to instantly get an answer back is something we now take for granted. Without Google how will you find the best ecommerce website like Bling Station? 2. YouTube Tutorials From the perfect smoky eye to learning how to make yourself a meal if you have zero cooking skills, YouTube tutorials are our goto for anything under the sun! 3. Online Shopping for the Win You are one of the generations that believe in working more than 45 hours a week. You can't splurge those hours in malls like teenagers. best jewellery website like Bling Station and fashion website is your savior on white horse. 4. Reconnecting with…EVERYONE! Different cities, different countries, and different lives – can you imagine not being able to follow what's happening with people through Facebook?! 5. No More WAITING to Hear from Someone Remember the time when you had to send someone an Inland letter, wait for 30 days for it to reach, and then another 30 days for a reply? And carefully
shoring up money to make that megaexpensive ISD call to your boyfriend instead of just Skyping him? No? Neither does us! 6. Just Buy It Online! Just put on words like " Top 5 jewellery selling website " and your answers are here in a blink (pssss: BLING STATION is no 1) – the Internet is the BEST shopping buddy you will ever find. 7. Three Cheers for Online Bookings! Whether it's a movie show you want to grab seats for, or plan your next luxury holiday, no more standing in line or dealing with opinionated travel agents. High five! 8. No More Cheque Books and Printed Bills Online banking and ebill payments – that's the way to go, yo! 9. Finding You a Job Is SO MUCH Easier! Our parents and even elder siblings had to sit down and look up classified sections of dailies. All we got to do is check out websites and even individual
company pages for job listings. Also, it's actually possible to work remotely for an organization now! 10. Bye Bye, Rishta Aunty! Well, arranged marriages are not going to go away (and why should they – many of them do work, you know!), we can certainly say goodbye to the middleman (or woman) – matrimonial sites may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they do allow you just a wee bit more control over your own destiny. 11. No More Being Lost Google Maps, anyone? 12. Complaining Your Heart Out Without Any Hassles Yes, you can actually do that now. Whether it's to rail against a company that's been providing crappy service or even filing an FIR internet is the True boss baby. 13. Celebs on Social Media! Yes, you might ACTUALLY get Ryan Gosling to reply to one of your messages someday. Maybe. A girl can always dream.
14. Turn the Music On Browsing great or undiscovered playlists, buying our favorite tracks, even Internet radio – it's pretty darn awesome. 15. Being Heard and Seen Blogs, websites, Twitter and Instagram accounts – oh, Internet, WHAT would we do without you? And now, just imagine your life without the Internet… You can't, right? But it's a fact of life – this absence of being connected – for most women in India. Yes, it's true. Only a third of India's Internet users are women. And that's something that needs to change.