Koleksi Terbaru Perpustakaan KUNCI Sept-Nov 2009

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Koleksi Terbaru Perpustakaan KUNCI Cultural studies center September – Desember 2009

The Public Domain Printed Book Autor: BOYLE, James Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-0-300-13740-8 Publisher: Yale University Press Publish Year: 2008 Collation: xvi+315 p. Call Number: 343 Boy p Language: English Publish Place: New Haven and London Classification: trade and industrial law Abstract: In this enlightening book James Boyle describes what he calls the range wars of the information age—today’s heated battles over intellectual property. Boyle argues that just as every informed citizen needs to know at least something about the environment or civil rights, every citizen should also understand intellectual property law. Why? Because intellectual property rights mark out the ground rules of the information society, and today’s policies are unbalanced, unsupported by evidence, and often detrimental to cultural access, free speech, digital creativity, and scientific innovation. Keywords: <Boyle, James>, <trade>, <industrial law> Remix Printed Book Autor: LESSIG, Lawrence Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-1-59420-172-1 Publisher: Penguin Books Publish Year: 2008 Collation: xxii+327 p. Call Number: 343 Les r Language: English Publish Place: London Classification: trade and industrial law Abstract: Should anyone besides libertarian hackers or record companies care about copyright in the online world? In this incisive treatise, Stanford law prof and Wired columnist Lessig (Free Culture) argues that we should. He frames the problem as a war between an old read-only culture, in which media megaliths sell copyrighted music and movies to passive consumers, and a dawning digital read-write culture, in which audiovisual products are freely downloaded and manipulated in an explosion of democratized creativity. Both cultures can thrive in a hybrid economy, he contends, pioneered by Web entities like YouTube. Lessig's critique of draconian copyright laws— highlighted by horror stories of entertainment conglomerates threatening tweens for putting up Harry Potter fan sites—is trenchant. Keywords: <Lessig, Lawrence>, industrial law A Little History Of The World Printed Book Autor: GOMBRICH, E.H. Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-0-300-10883 Publisher: Yale University Press Publish Year: 2008 Collation: xix+284 p. Call Number: 909 Gom l Language: English Publish Place: New Haven and London Classification: world history Abstract: In 1935, with a doctorate in art history and no prospect of a job, the 26-yearold Ernst Gombrich was invited by a publishing acquaintance to attempt a history of the world for younger readers. Amazingly, he completed the task in an intense six weeks, and Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser was published in Vienna to immediate success, and is now available in seventeen languages across the world. Toward the end of his long life, Gombrich embarked upon a revision and, at last, an English translation. Keywords: <Gombrich, E.H.>, world history

Koleksi Terbaru Perpustakaan KUNCI Cultural studies center September – Desember 2009 Multitude Printed Book Author: HARDT, Michael Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 0-141-01487-3 Publisher: Penguin Books Publish Year: 2005 Collation: xviii+426 p. Call Number: 301 Har m Language: English Publish Place: London Classification: Politics Abstract: Complex, ambitious, disquieting, and ultimately hopeful, Multitude is the work of a couple of writers and thinkers who dare to address the great issues of our time from a truly alternative perspective. The sequel to 2001's equally bold and demanding Empire continues in the vein of the earlier tome. Where Empire's central premise was that the time of nation-state power grabs was passing as a new global order made up of "a new form of sovereignty" consisting of corporations, global-wide institutions, and other command centers is in ascendancy, Multitude focuses on the masses within the empire, except that, where academics Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri are concerned, this body is defined by its diversity rather than its commonalities. Image: multitude.jpg Keywords: <Hardt, Michael><Negri, Antonio>,<politics> Gang re:Publik: Indonesia-Australia Creative Adventures Printed Book Author: CROSBY, Alexandra (et al,ed.) Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 978-0-646-50133-8 Publisher: Gang Festival Publish Year: 2008 Collation: 230 p. Call Number: 791 Cro g Language: English Publish Place: Sydney Classification: performing arts, public space Abstract: This anthology is an ongoing map of shifting cultural networks across Australia and Indonesia (which we realized halfway into the process is impossible to map). This is a map of imaginary city. Keywords: <Crosby, Alexandra>, <anthology>

An Incomplete Sentence: The Cinema of Dharmasena Pathiraja Printed Book Author: SUMATHY, Sivamohan Edition: 1st Edition ISBN: 878-955-0178-00-1 Publisher: NETPAC Publish Year: 2009 Collation: xiii+62 p. Call Number: 384 Sum a Language: English Publish Place: Boralesgamuwa, Srilanka Classification: Asian cinema, works of Dharmasena Pathiraja Abstract: In Pathiraja’s films, visual, narrative, and ideological motifs intertwine in a complex and fascinating manner. He learnt the language of cinema from the films of Peries and others, but also recognized their socio-political limitations in a country which was heading for a period of deep turmoil. He had studied the radical activist filmmaking of Europeans such as Godard, the ‘Third Cinema” of Solanas, etc. He moved away from bourgeois realism and paved the way for a socially engaged and critically humanist cinema. Keywords: <Sumathy, Sivamohan>, <Asian Cinema>

Koleksi Terbaru Perpustakaan KUNCI Cultural studies center September – Desember 2009 Relatives Printed Book Autor: JUMINI, Tino Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 979 96657 6 0 Publisher: KITLV Publish Year: 2006 Collation: 106p. Call Number: 741.5944 Jum r Language: Indonesia Publish Place: Jakarta Classification: family portraits-Indonesia. Abstract: Tino terjun ke lapangan, mengamati manusia dan lingkungannya, menimbangnimbang, mendekati, mengobrol, dan memotret. Lalu dari sekian banyak gambar, dengan sangat seksama ia memilih foto-foto tersebut untuk dipamerkan. Image: relatives.jpg Keywords: <Jumini, Tino>,<katalog>

Perspektif Baru Penulisan Sejarah Indonesia Printed Book Author: NORDHOLT, Henk Sculte; PURWANTO, Bambang; SAPTARI, Ratna (ed.) Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-979-461-648-2 Publisher: Yayasan Obor Indonesia Publish Year: 2008 Collation: xiv+446 p. Call Number: 959.8 Nor p Language: Indonesia Publish Place: Jakarta Classification: sejarah, history Abstract: Menulis sejarah terutama sejarah nasional, bukan hanya kegiatan intelektual atau akademis, tetapi juga kegiatan yang bermakna politis. Hal ini karena sejarah dianggap sebagai dasar kesadaran bangsa yang fungsinya untuk memperkokoh identitas nasional atau kolektif. Buku ini berusaha untuk mengangkat historiografi yang reflektif tidak saja menguji secara kritis metodologi sejarah, tetapi juga menguji dan merumuskan kembali berbagai klaim kebenaran dan melihat bagaimana hal ini merupakan hasil dinamika sejarah. Image: penulisansejarah.jpg Keywords: <NORDHOLT,Henk Sculte>; <PURWANTO,Bambang>; <SAPTARI, Ratna> Videokronik: Aktivisme Video dan Distribusi Video di Indonesia Printed Book Author: JULIASTUTI, Nuraini dan THAJIB, Ferdiansyah Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-0-646-52000-1 Publisher: KUNCI Cultural Studies Center dan Engage Media Publish Year: 2009 Collation: 68 p. Call Number: Language: Bilingual (Bahasa Indonesia – English) Publish Place: Collingwood, Australia Classification: video-Indonesia, demokratisasi media-Indonesia Abstract: Beberapa decade belakangan, Indonesia mengalami perubahan yang cukup drastis dalam dalam penggunaan video sebagai alat perubahan sosial baik di ranah komunitas, kampanye isu tertentu, maupun organisasi aktivis. Alat memproduksi video semakin terdemokratisasi sekarang ini dan marak digunakan. Sejak jatuhnya rezim Soeharto, ruang-ruang baru bagi proyek-proyek media baru bermunculan. Baik individu maupun organisasi yang bekerja untuk isu-isu seperti lingkungan hidup, hak asasi manusia, isu gender dan seksualitas, pluralisme budaya, militerisme, kemiskinan, hak buruh, globalisasi, dan lainnya telah menerima video sebagai alat komunikasi dengan konstituennya maupun dengan audiens baru. Videokronik menelusuri kemungkinankemungkinan perubahan sosial dengan menggunakan media teknologi baru di banyak termpat, serta turut membantu mereka yang bergiat di Indonesia dalam merefleksikan kerja-kerja yang ditempuh hingga sekarang, dan menyikapi bentuk-bentuk baru yang sedang mengemuka. Keywords: <Juliastuti, Nuraini>, <Thajib, Ferdiansyah>, <video>, <demokratisasi>

Koleksi Terbaru Perpustakaan KUNCI Cultural studies center September – Desember 2009 Essay On Video Art And New Media Author: MURTI, Krisna Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-979-19755-0-6 Publisher: Indonesian Visual Art Archive (IVAA) Publish Year: 2009 Collation: vi+290 p. Call Number: 384 Mur e Language: Bilingual (Bahasa Indonesia-English) Publish Place: Yogyakarta Classification: video art, new media art Abstract: Reformasi 1998 menandai kebebasan baru dalam berkomunikasi serta demokratisasi media. Hal itu dibarengi dengan membludaknya teknologi media dan informasi di pasar yang kemudian mendorong lahirnya generasi baru seniman yang menggunakan teknologi itu sebagai media seni, untuk menyatakan dirinya. Keywords: <Murti, Krisna>, <new media art> The Lands Of Charm And Cruelty: Travels in Southeast Asia Author: SESSER, Stan Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 0-330-33387-9 Publisher: Picador Publish Year: 1993 Collation: xxvi+300 p. Call Number: 915 Ses l Language: English Publish Place: London Classification: travels in Southeast Asia Abstract: Southeast Asia is a place of ancient cultural traditions and of great religious relics and works of art. But it is also a place of tyranny and repression, where governments dismiss democracy and human rights as indulgences of the West, and view the most severe ecological degradation as a small price to pay for economic growth. Memorable images are dramatically juxtaposed - in a corner of Laos, where every house has been leveled by US bombing, an American is graciously received and sees the bomb craters turned into fish ponds, the edges lined decoratively with spent artillery shells. Keywords: <SESSER, Stan>, <travels in Southeast Asia> Mella Jaarsma: the fiiting room Author: HUJATNIKAJENONG, Agung; OOI, Adeline; PRAWOTO, Eko; and KNOL, Meta Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 978-979-19018-4-0 Publisher: Cemeti Art House and Selasar Sunaryo Publish Year: 2009 Collation: 200 p. Call Number: 791 Huj m Language: English Publish Place: Yogyakarta Classification: catalog Abstract: This book is published for occasion of the exhibition “ The Fitting Room” by Mella Jaarsma at the National Galery, Jakarta from 27 October – 8 November 2009 and at Selasar Sunaryo Art Space Bandung from 14 November – 6 December 2009 The Follower / De Mee-Loper Author: OOI, Adeline; and HUJATNIKAJENONG, Agung Edition: 1st edition ISBN: 979-90-78203-03-2 Publisher: Artoteek Den Haag Publish Year: 2006 Collation: 118 p. Call Number: 791 Ooi f Language: English Publish Place: Den Haag Classification: catalog Abstract: This edition was published by art center Artoteek the Hague on the occasion of the exhibition of Mella Jaarsma from 31 May to 2 July 2006.

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