Agent Playbook

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agent play book




Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty has established a dedicated in-house creative division, Kuper Creative, which excels in the art of marketing our exclusive properties, outstanding agents, and company. Kuper Creative offers fully-integrated marketing solutions with a scope of work that encompasses everything from graphic design to event management, digital marketing to public relations. A team of in-house Brand Managers offers strategically-driven solutions for our agents on behalf of their sellers, developers, and investors. The Kuper Creative team leverages relationships with traditional and new media outlets, as well as the most cuttingedge technologies and social media strategies, to ensure maximum exposure for the properties and agents we represent.

BRAND MANAGERS Our in-house team of Brand Managers is devoted to executing high-level marketing for the offices and agents they represent. Decidedly skilled in graphic design, copywriting, social media, and our proprietary technological platforms, our Brand Managers far surpass the industry norm for marketing support. In your Brand Manager, you have a dedicated marketing leader ready to provide support and solutions for your personal and listing marketing initiatives.

W H AT W E D O Kuper Creative’s core competencies include graphic design for marketing essentials, such as; brochures, direct mail, e-marketing, listing presentation materials, and agent branding, plus web design, digital advertising placement, social media management, event planning, and public relations. We offer a large variety of beautiful, pre-designed templates that fit agents’ needs for marketing listings and themselves. For requests that cannot be executed with an existing template, Kuper Creative can produce bespoke, custom projects. To initiate a custom project, set a meeting with your brand manager to discuss project details, including ideas you have and deadlines that need to be met. Your brand manager will then quote a price for the project and begin work. Multiple rounds of revisions could result in an additional fee. You will not be charged until you approve the final product and charges will be reflected in your Kuper Connect account. Our custom project fee is $50/hour. All custom projects must still abide by brand guidelines. Beyond agent and listing marketing, Kuper Creative can assist developers and home builders with marketing, from initial project branding to monthly marketing maintenance and everything in between. For more details on these services please reach out to your Brand Manager.

T H E P L AY B O O K This playbook is designed to be your go-to source for all things marketing at Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty. In the following pages, you will find various guides on how to accomplish your marketing goals by utilizing the tools and resources that are unique to Kuper.


C U R R E N T BY K U P E R S OT H E BY ’ S I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E A LT Y CURRENT is Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty’s suite of technology tools that help agents offer seamless, smarter connections to the right sellers and buyers, plus assisting agents in their focus on client relationships and sales activities in order to build their business and sell their listings.



S O T H E B Y ’ S




Kuper Connect







KUPER CONNECT Kuper Connect is the foundation of the listing and transaction process. From the moment a listing agreement is signed, Kuper Connect becomes your portal for beginning the listing’s launch and announcing the property to the entire company through Quick Launch. From there, marketing can be requested and approved directly with your Brand Manager. In addition, you can edit listing details and your agent profile all in one place. Lastly, Kuper Connect is a complete intranet solution that includes single sign-on capabilities to our other technology partners.

T H E S E L L E R R E P O R T : The Seller Report is a robust description of the activity on your listing. From total listing views, website breakdown and top 10 city breakdown, this report gives your clients a great snapshot of the exposure their home is receiving. It’s complete with Marketing Task Highlights, so you can share the world-class marketing you have implemented for your sellers at any time.


114 Camp Street #500, San Antonio, TX 78204



Binkan Cinaroglu

114 Camp Street #500, San Antonio, TX 78204

Sales Associate c: 210.241.4550 / e:

List Date: 2019-06-20 Days On Market: 233 days

Total Listing Views Views reported for 06/20/2019 - 02/05/2020





Last 30 Days


Views changed 318 (23.31%)


Last 30 Days




 225 (18.86%)



 92 (575.00%)


 -12 (-19.67%)



 26 (288.89%)

Kuper SIR


 11 (47.83%)


 -17 (-42.50%)



 -3 (-21.43%)


CLOZE Everything about the people you know in one place, Cloze automatically keeps track of your email, phone calls, meetings, documents, Evernote, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and dozens of other services. Best of all, it’s completely organized for you — by contact, company, meeting, etc. — without any busy work. Cloze’s learning algorithm knows who is important to you and automatically prompts you when it is time to reach out, so you’ll always be top of mind for your clients and vendors. Cloze also integrates AI to remind you of important deadlines you may have overlooked. Integrated with Spacio to assist in Open House lead management, as well as ActivePipe. This is truly your one-stop shop for client and database management.


Keep you top-of-mind with contacts

Ensure follow-ups

Never miss action-items

Keep track of important milestones

Keep your database fresh


ACTIVEPIPE ActivePipe is an enterprise email marketing solution that helps you deploy beautiful, professional, and mobile responsive emails in minutes. The ActivePipe editor is integrated with your listings for easy drag and drop of property information. Through your personal e-marketing account, in ActivePipe you will be able to maintain communication with your sphere of influence database through email marketing. This method of communication is a no-cost way to stay connected to those who could utilize you personally to buy and sell real estate, or refer you to someone they know. Kuper Creative is constantly releasing new campaigns that you, as an agent, have the ability to opt into. When you opt into a campaign the pieces are automatically scheduled and sent out on your behalf helping you to always stay top of mind. ActivePipe can integrate with Cloze for a seamless database management solution.

B E Y O N D T H E B A S I C S : Your Brand Manager handles the standard B-to-B e-marketing requests like Just Listed e-mails to our agent lists, but ActivePipe shines in its ability to deliver rich content to your database through initiatives like newsletters or curated drip campaigns triggered by specific actions that happen within your database.


S PAC. I O Open houses in the right neighborhood not only generate interest for the listing, but can be a great source for new leads for the agent holding the property open. Utilizing Spacio at an open house can take it to the next level. Leave customers with a lasting first impression with Spacio’s professional and inviting paperless open house solution. Accurately collect visitor’s information and automatically send follow-up emails after your open house ends. Spacio helps you maximize open house lead generation opportunities by automating lead capture and follow-up. Integrated with Cloze, your open house leads will seamlessly flow into Cloze as a Warm Buyer, and you will be reminded to follow-up with them.

Q U A L I T Y L E A D S : Spacio verifies the accuracy of visitor contact information so you can focus your efforts on the highest quality leads and identify the most likely customers. By pulling social profiles for verified contacts, Spacio gives you the actionable insights you need to make meaningful conversations from the start to convert strangers into customers.


H O M E STAC K You can have a unique presence within our company search app, where users can select you as their agent. With that, you’ll be the POC on ALL listings and you’ll have access to the back-end analytical data where you can see their searching behavior. This is a great tool and can help eliminate clients searching on other real estate apps like Zillow or Redfin. The app feeds in all listings from the MLS, plus utilizes our Kuper Connect feed to show our exclusive listings.

C U S T O M O P T I O N S : Interested in your own custom app? You can get one created in partnership with Homestack! •

Exclusivity - Be the ONLY point of contact on every listing

Lead Generation - Unlimited ways to market your app, check out the example below

Branding - Stand out! 68% of new homebuyers are Millennials, connect effectively



Have the MLS at your fingertips. Always stay up to date when searching for a home. With a direct

Always stay up to date when searching for a home. With a direct connection to the MLS you’re plugged in to fast and accurate data at all times. Looking for homes with only 3 baths? No problem. Use the filters to find the perfect fit quickly. Click to download for Apple and Android below.

connection to the MLS you’re plugged in to fast and accurate data at all times. Looking for homes with only 3 baths? No problem. Use the filters to find the perfect fit quickly.

3 Steps to Download our Home Search App

Search “Darin Walker” in your App Store or Google Play to download for free today.


Go to the App Store or Google Play Store and search “Kuper Realty” to download for free.


Sign up and create your own Kuper Realty App account.


MAXA DESIGNS Maxa creates a design platform to host, edit, and publish customizable marketing materials and social media templates preloaded by Kuper Creative. You are able to access and customize approved and branded marketing templates using the online design software for consistency and brand standards.

E V E R Y T H I N G I N O N E P L A C E : In addition to their design tool, Maxa also houses our creative assets like logos, stock images, and brand videos for easy access.

Agent Marketing Resources

AGENT PHOTOGRAPHY Your real estate headshot is key to your success in a digital world. As prospective clients search for agents online, your first chance to make an impression is with your headshot. The right headshot can make you seem friendly, engaging, trustworthy, and professional. That means it’s worth the investment to make sure you get a headshot that stands out from the rest. All Kuper agents must have a professional, modern headshot taken by one of our approved photographers that is in accordance with brand standards.

T A K E I T T O T H E N E X T L E V E L : Modern real estate marketing is about selling a lifestyle more than just selling a house. For agents, they need to market themselves as an expert in that lifestyle and not someone just there to complete the transaction. Lifestyle images taken from a professional photography session in a listing or in a specific neighborhood help create an experience for the viewer that the agent involved is an authority on what it truly means to live in that home or in that area. We recommend having various lifestyle images taken regularly to use for agent branding ads and for marketing a specific listing by incorporating your photos in the home with the existing listing photography on ads, brochures, and postcards.

Agent Marketing Resources

AGENT BIOGRAPHY Your profile online is your opportunity to introduce yourself to prospective buyers and sellers. This feature provides information to buyers and sellers that could result in increased leads from prospects when searching the site. The Internet homebuyer is interested in working with the agent that provides a prompt response to their inquiry. As well, the agent’s qualifications and professional skills also are deciding factors, making the personal biography vital.


If you were looking for a sales associate to assist you in the buying or selling process, what would you like to see in their biography?

Put the most compelling information on the first line of your paragraph. You will need to immediately capture the attention of the reader (most especially the e-consumer who wants internet copy to be efficient and effective).

If you are going to acknowledge the real estate designations you have earned, (ABR, SRES, CIPS, etc.) do not use initials or acronyms. Spell out all designations so the e-consumer understands our real estate language.

Include in your biography your areas of proficiency; ie new construction; antique homes (historic), waterfront properties, resort properties etc.

If you choose to speak to the services you deliver, keep the claims you make within the range of your own integrity. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver.

As you are writing your biography, keep in mind the goal is to provide the prospective buyer and seller with just enough information to spark their interest in working with you to assist them with their real estate transaction.

Your prospective buyer or seller will want to see information related to your real estate expertise; however you may also want to include background about your interests outside of real estate, ie. cultural interests, sports, community involvement et al.

To quote a well-known phrase: “You only have one chance to make a first impression.”

Agent Marketing Resources

BIOGRAPHY VIDEO Created in partnership with Evoker, these short films profile agents through micro-branding, focusing on the story of each individual agent. Videos can be used on agent websites, digital advertising, print advertising, and sent ahead of a listing appointment.

L I G H T S , C A M E R A , A C T I O N : Evoker comes into our markets every 12-18 months. Engaging, high-quality video is an important tool to communicate your personality and work style to a new client.

Agent Marketing Resources

PREMIUM AGENT WEBSITES Your premium agent website offers more opportunities than ever to showcase your personality, business style and expertise in your market. You can use the agent profile page as your very own website. It is important to have an updated, well-written bio, and a current headshot. Agent video, listings, sold transactions, and testimonials are some of the additional features you can include on your page. Collecting as many of these assets as possible will allow you to build an engaging profile to share with your spheres.

Agent Marketing Resources

THE SOCIAL AGENT Our Social Media program “The Social Agent: By Kuper Creative” brings your brand to the next level. It is imperative for any real estate agent to use social media in marketing themselves and their listings as it is a medium to connect to one’s SOI plus reach new clients. While any agent can open a social media account, it’s not always clear how to use social media as a tool to send the right message to the right people at the right time, and it’s not always easy to keep your pages up to date. Kuper Creative’s social media management program is offering a solution for the three most important social media channels for real estate agents—Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin—that combines curated content per agent in tandem with group common content to create robust, evergreen profiles.

F I N D I N G Y O U R V O I C E : For each agent we manage, we strive to craft the voice of the page to be authentic. Through regular meetings and questionnaires, we will establish the correct tone and craft posts that seem true to the agent.

Agent Marketing Resources

INTOUCH Direct mail delivers the strongest return on investment for customer acquisition for B2C marketers. Within your sphere of influence, for every 12 people you keep in contact with consistently, you will get one repeat client and one referral. We’ve created our Intouch program with that in mind. One time a month, 12 times a year, a beautiful 8x8 postcard will automatically be sent to your sphere of influence list. These cards will fall into four categories– seasonal cards, event cards, brand cards, and statistic cards. Please note that Intouch is exclusive in that only one agent may own an address.

Agent Marketing Resources

REACHOUT Developing new leads is crucial to expanding a successful real estate business. One of the best ways to do this is to farm a specific neighborhood or area. The Reachout program was created to help you accomplish this. Reachout is sent one time a month, 12 times a year. Farming is very different from sphere of influence marketing and requires different content. Reachout cards are comprised of brand content, lifestyle content, specific agent content, and subdivision-specific market cards. All together, these cards work to gain you new clients.

Agent Marketing Resources

D I G I TA L D I S P L AY A DV E RT I S I N G Our platform provides digital advertising software that leverages detailed consumer data to power programmatic advertising campaigns across display, video, mobile and other mediums.

TA R G E T T H E P EO P L E W H O M AT T E R : Digital targeting options are varied and include agent website retargeting, CRM database targeting, geolocation targeting, and data targeting based on behavior and demographics.

Agent Marketing Resources

GIFTS Staying top of mind with former clients takes work. Showing your sphere that you care is simple with curated gifts available from Kuper locally, like our 1972 home fragrance, to Sotheby’s International Realty’s exclusive partnerships. These gifts can be big or small, given at a closing or just as a pop-by, but are always unique and help cement your relationship with your sphere.

E X C L U S I V E S : It’s time to consider one of the unique offerings the Sotheby’s International Realty brand makes available through partners offering signature gifts to clients, colleagues and sales associates. •

Restoration Hardware Membership - Unlocking significant savings on RH home furnishings and design services at a 20% discount.

Sotheby’s Wine - Sotheby’s Own Label Collection. Twelve wines, each hand selected, using our personal relationships with the chosen winemakers.

BASKITS - Deliver impressive and unique gifts. Baskits carefully selects quality items that reflect the latest trends. 20% sitewide discount.

Client and Listing Resources

WINNING A LISTING No matter the price point, we have the tools necessary to help you beat the competition and win the listing every time.

C O U R I E R S E R V I C E : The ideal way to impress

P R E - L I S T I N G E - M A I L : It’s important to send

a potential client prior to the appointment is to

information about yourself and our company prior to

take advantage of courier services and send The

a listing appointment. This is an incredibly important

Distinction, our official listing presentation, ahead of

step because it will set you apart from other agents.

the appointment. This allows the client to preview the

With our custom pre-listing e-mail template in

information ahead of time and it makes a great first

Activepipe you can send an elegant and informative


piece, plus track if your client opened and clicked so you’re fully prepared by the time you arrive.

T H E D I S T I N C T I O N : The Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty listing presentation is an

O N L Y W I T H K U P E R : We have curated the top

impactful book that is custom made and professionally

ten reasons why working with a Kuper agent is the

printed. it is the company’s #1 statement piece,

best decision a client can make. We provide this

covering everything from the Sotheby’s Auction

content online at and in print

House to the exclusive marketing opportunities only

to take on listing presentations so agents can show

available to Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty

the benefits of working only with Kuper. If a listing

agents. It’s incredibly informative without being

appointment does not require the full presentation of

overwhelming and applies to all price points. The

the distinction, Only with Kuper is an ideal alternative

listing presentation includes a sleek, white sleeve

that still makes an impact.

embossed with our iconic logo. S T A F F S U P P O R T : For competitive listing C U S T O M I N S E R T S : While the distinction is a

appointments, you can bring your brand manager as

generic book, you can add personalized content to

added support. They can present a custom marketing

your listing appointment by taking advantage of our

plan and answer any marketing related questions the

templates for agent biographies, significant sales, and

client may have. This shows the client the one-of-a-


kind marketing service you receive as a Kuper agent.

Client and Listing Resources

WHITE GLOVE The Sotheby’s International Realty White Glove program is designed to provide luxurious and comprehensive home preparation services with professional project management and no upfront costs.

H O W I T W O R K S : White Glove offers you value at every stage of the home selling or buying process with an exclusive suite of services powered by notable brands and partners, such as Zoom Casa, Sotheby’s, and Sotheby’s Home. These services include professional staging and design, high-impact upgrades, landscaping, plus strategic home renovations, virtual staging, valuation services, and furniture consignment. White Glove is the ideal solution for elevating your property and your experience.

White Glove

Client and Listing Resources

PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEOGRAPHY We work with various photographers and videographers dedicated to delivering the highest quality photos, video, and 3-D tours for your listings. Each home goes through post-editing to enhance the beauty of the listing, including adding fires in fireplaces, enhancing views through windows, and correcting colors. We accept photography and videography from a variety of vendors as long as they comply wih the Sotheby’s International Realty brand guidelines. Homebuyers are engaging with video in every element of their online experience – websites, social networks, and on their connected TVs . Research tells us that the longer a consumer is on a website, the more likely they are to take action and inquire about a property. Video provides a truly immersive and engaging experience for the consumer and remains the cornerstone of our content strategy on our website.

N O F U R N I T U R E , N O P R O B L E M : With virtual home staging you can inspire home buyers and help them better imagine their future home. All while standing out from the monotony of the competition.

Client and Listing Resources

LISTING DISTRIBUTION The exposure and worldwide reach of our listings is a crucial piece of what sets us apart from the rest of the industry. Our global property marketing partners include the most authoritative news, lifestyle, and financial voices, as well as real estate-centric websites. Additionally, once a home is showcased on, it is exclusively marketed on more than 100 Sotheby’s International Realty affiliate websites around the world. Results are measured with a variety of analytics and reporting tools, which enable sales associates and clients to define a marketing campaigns impact.

Client and Listing Resources

MARKETING ESSENTIALS Kuper Creative has compelling, professional brochure templates for your listing. We offer two, four, and eight-page brochures in either landscape, portrait, or square. Each brochure is customized to the specific property being marketed with your contact information. For special listings, customized brochures can be created that go beyond our traditional templates with unique designs, additional pages, and special paper coatings. Agent lifestyle images taken within the listing can be incorporated into the brochure seamlessly. Typically, the greatest interest in a property happens within the first weeks that it’s on the market. To effectively capitalize on this attention, we can create a customized direct mail campaign to bolster interest in targeted key areas within the listing neighborhood, surrounding areas, and to your sphere of influence. “E-blast� is another word to describe a digital flyer that is blasted out online to various e-mail addresses in order to advertise your new listing. e-blasts allow you to advertise your property to a large number of agents and potential buyers.

Client and Listing Resources

SINGLE PROPERTY WEBSITES BY RELA Homes deserve their own corner of the internet — which is why we create a place dedicated solely to one property where the audience’s experience can be customized. Rela is a unique single property website solution built to showcase properties and generate leads. The award-winning templates are the most beautiful way to present your listings online and are optimized for both mobile and desktop. A website is automatically created for every listing, and if requested, a custom domain can be made as well.

Client and Listing Resources

AU TO M AT E D L I ST I N G A D S Our proprietary system for automated digital ad placement creates a custom ad for any property listed at $300k or more on digital channels like Facebook, Instagram, and the Google ad network. These ads are delivered to custom target audiences based on the specific property details.

H O W I T W O R K S : Once a listing is launched, custom ads will be created and delivered to a custom audience. A live report shows the success of the ad and the spend over time, which can be shared with a seller.

Client and Listing Resources

B US I N ESS J O U R N A L H O M E O F T H E DAY The San Antonio and Austin Business Journals feature local people and decision makers who are leaders in their business communities. They report on local and national issues that impact subscribers’ businesses and assist them in growing their companies. Home of the Day is a unique opportunity through the Business Journal to showcase a property each month to affluent home buyers in the area market through a month of exposure on the Business Journal online.

W H AT YO U G E T: •

Presence on site 24/7 for 30 days

Premium promotion across the website, email newsletter, and mobile products twice per month as integrated native content

Up to 15 high-resolution property photos so users can explore each listing room-by-room and video

Agent profile with contact info calls-to-action

Client and Listing Resources

C U LT U R E M A P H AU T E P R O P E RT Y CultureMap is a network of local lifestyle sites delivering daily news and recommendations. CultureMap and Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty have partnered to create a premier digital advertising opportunity called Haute Property.

W H AT YO U G E T: •

Presence on site 24/7 for 30 days

Property Showcase feature

Video ad on all articles in the Real Estate section

Custom article published on CultureMap

Featured in the Homes of the Week e-mail

Client and Listing Resources

LUXURY HOME MAGAZINE As the largest publisher and network of luxury real estate publications nationally, luxury home magazine is devoted to presenting the highest quality homes, goods, and services available to their readers in san Antonio, Austin, and the Hill Country. extraordinary properties can be featured at exclusive rates for Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty agents.

H O W I T W O R K S : By co-oping with our company ad, you can get access to our 2-page spread in prime placement to highlight your special listing for a fraction of the price.

Client and Listing Resources

WALL STREET JOURNAL LIVE INSERT This insert promotes your properties within the Wall Street Journal in a beautiful oversized format exclusive to us. The multi-page insert includes a combination of hyper-local editorial content as well as a Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty property gallery. LIVE is also distributed locally to HEBs, Central Markets, and Whole Foods.

Client and Listing Resources

RESIDE MAGAZINE Conceived in the belief that home and living in full are inextricably entwined, RESIDE is Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty’s magazine devoted to the finest in inspirational homes and lifestyles. A destination for connoisseurship in the arts, culture, design, travel, fashion, food, and philanthropy, RESIDE casts its net wide to discover the very best of gracious living. RESIDE is published annually as a full-fledged magazine and distributed to Wall Street Journal subscribers in San Antonio, Austin, Boerne, and New Braunfels.

Client and Listing Resources

P U B L I C R E L AT I O N S We employ this strategy to gain exposure in high-end media outlets for prospective buyers to learn about special listings. The listing agent will initiate this service by contacting their Brand Manager. The objective of this PR plan is to promote the property to local, national and, if appropriate, international publications that spotlight luxury real estate.


Meet with the agent to learn about the property, schedule a visit, and interview the owners and any other relevant parties (i.e. an architect or builder).

Draft a press release about the property emphasizing its design, setting, special attributes, etc.

Have the agent review and approve the press release.

Explore all media opportunities available and create a list of appropriate outlets for agent review. For example, a publication focusing on urban design would be appropriate for a downtown condo but not a ranch.

Craft individualized pitches to editors appropriate to the publication’s emphasis.

Send the press release statewide through PR newswire

Send the pitch to the Sotheby’s International Realty public relations team and have them pitch to their national and international media connections

Serve as the primary contact for media requests and funnel requests for information or interviews to the listing agent.

Client and Listing Resources

S OT H E BY ’ S I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E A LT Y P R O G R A M S With an emphasis on exclusivity, the Sotheby’s International Realty brand’s advertising plans are driven by a consumer-centric approach targeting potential homebuyers and sellers at all stages of the real estate journey. Our robust digital and print strategy is aimed at showcasing homes to highlyqualified homebuyers.

E - M A I L S : SIR offers three different paid email

C O N F I D E N T I A L : Confidential, our exclusive

programs (Sotheby’s Selects e-newsletters, Sotheby’s

marketing program for private listings, has helped

Bespoke geo-targeted email, and Sotheby’s preferred

sales associates secure new listings by offering private

e-newsletters) used to reach elite clientele.

previews to top clients of the sotheby’s auction house. It has since become an effective tool to start a long

D I G I T A L P R O G R A M : The digital property

term collaboration with a new client.

advertising program allows brokers and agents to place advertising and upgrade property listings

S O C I A L A D E N G I N E : Promote your properties on

on high profile websites at discounted rates.

Facebook & Instagram in minutes with an easy-to-use,

engage consumers around the globe or in your

custom-built platform. Campaigns are based on your

own marketplace through effective geo-targeted

goals: drive awareness of you and your property; drive

impressions. In addition, agents can utilize the turn-

traffic to your property webpage; or generate leads

key banner development program to create custom

directly from Facebook & Instagram. Campaigns are

advertisements that incorporate the SIR brand

automatically optimized using Facebook’s industry-


leading algorithms to ensure your ad dollars are working for you.

C O - O P A D S : The Sotheby’s International Realty property advertising program provides

N O M I N A T I O N S : Properties can be submitted for

an array of options in print for listing advertising

placement on Sotheby’s International Realty social

needs. This program leverages high-profile, global

media networks and premium media outlets.

media partners and offers targeted reach and vast worldwide exposure. Our property advertising

I C O N : Harnessing the global presence of the brand

program offers pre-negotiated, exclusive advertising

with the exclusive exposure through Sotheby’s and

rates for select quality placements by leveraging the

each affiliated brokerage around the world, icon

strength of the network.

delivers unique opportunities no other brand can offer.

Client and Listing Resources

ADDITIONAL CLIENT RESOURCES The Buyer’s Guide is our professionally designed and printed hands-on buyer’s guide for your clients to learn about the home buying process. The guide is created to show your clients that we provide service that exceeds expectations.

Our relocation guides are professionally designed guides used for relocation clients. Relocation guides include school information, city information, local to-do guides, and so much more. Our standard development proposal is a uniquely crafted and professionally designed proposal intended to highlight the marketing opportunities available for developments. Marketing fees for developments are structured differently than normal listing marketing fees.

Sotheby’s International Realty

S OT H E BY ’ S I N T E R N AT I O N A L R E A LT Y N E T WO R K The Sotheby’s International Realty brand has offices in the most significant markets in the world. These markets act as catalysts in generating sales traffic for one another. Additionally, our brokerto-broker referral network augments the deep personal networks between sales associates. Sellers benefit from the added opportunities to find buyers through the referral network as well as through Sotheby’s auction clientele.

H O W T O U S E I T : Connect with your peers, reach out to other Sotheby’s International Realty offices and sales associates in your feeder markets, participate in both global and local networking events, and work with your referral manager to make sure your referrals are always entered in our system.

Sotheby’s International Realty

AUCTION HOUSE The collaboration between Sotheby’s International Realty and Sotheby’s leverages our brand’s rich history, heritage, and unmatched credibility. This is a powerful distinguisher in the global markets we serve. Many sales associates have already experienced the power of this partnership by making the auction house a part of their ongoing marketing efforts.

H O W T O U S E I T : Sharing auction news, highlights, and upcoming events with your network is an easy an e­ffective way to showcase your connection with the auction house. In addition, we off­er complimentary ads designed to communicate your collaboration with the auction house in listing presentations and print materials. Consignment referrals, advertising opportunities in the auction house’s exclusive publications and newsletters, access to tours of the current exhibitions, are some of the additional programs available to you as part of the Sotheby’s International Realty brand.

Sotheby’s International Realty

C U R AT E Curate by Sotheby’s International Realty is an app that allows consumers to visualize a house as their own before purchase, thereby curating the homebuying experience. It also helps potential sellers envision how you can present the home to buyers looking for di­erent design styles or room con gurations. Sotheby’s International Realty is the first real estate brand to launch and implement a virtual staging AR app, transforming the homebuying and selling experience for sales associates and consumers.

H O W T O U S E I T : You could include this in a listing presentation as a unique staging tool that will allow you to enhance, expedite, and facilitate the process of showing a home to prospect buyers.


Curate by Sotheby's International RealtySM Curate by Sotheby’s International Realty is the innovative augmented reality (AR) luxury real estate tool - envision, design, and experience your future home like never before in this immersive app. Any property can be transformed using a curated selection of AR furnishings and décor sets. Download Curate by Sotheby’s International Realty in the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Company Initiatives

KUPER ACADEMY Kuper Academy is an ongoing education series dedicated to providing continuing education for our agents. Class topics include technology, basic and advanced marketing platforms, the brand, business classes, CE courses, sales strategies, and critical real estate tools. These custom courses are taught by our in-house education team along with industry partners.

Company Initiatives

NINJA TRAINING The Ninja Selling system is based on a philosophy of building relationships, listening to the customer, and helping them achieve their goals. It is less about selling and more about how to create value for people. The system has been developed, refined and tested over the past quarter-century in a realworld brokerage, The Group in Fort Collins Colorado. Regardless of market conditions the Ninja Selling System works and agents who work the system outperform the market and the competition. Numerous Sotheby’s International RealtyŽ affiliate companies have engaged the Ninja Selling System and we are pleased to offer a Brand Integrated Installation.

Company Initiatives

H O US E O F L X K U P E R H O US E PA RT Y House of L is an exceptional “pop up” art event within an exclusive Kuper listing for our clients and VIP invitees - bringing together culture, worldly people, unparalleled art and music, and specifically curated food and beverage for an evening to remember.

H O W T O P A R T I C I P A T E : There are a limited number of spots available throughout the year. If you have a listing that you feel might be a good fit, reach out to your Brand Manager. All listings have to be approved by HOL and KSIR.


Company Initiatives

N E W S T O R Y/A G E N T S O F C H A N G E Sotheby’s International Realty chose New Story as our charitable partner because we believe that everyone deserves a safe place to call home. New Story is a non-profit organization that puts 100% of donations towards transforming dangerous living environments into communities of safe, sustainable homes, for approximately $6,500 a home. All sales associates who donate to New Story become an Agent of Change, transforming lives by providing families renewed hope through the gift of a home.

H O W T O P A R T I C I P A T E : You can pledge a per-transaction amount through Kuper Impact that is automatically deducted from each transaction.




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