Flat Creek Ranch brochure

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F L AT CR E E K R AN C H TH E GO L D EN T R I A N G L E T h e Fl a t Creek Ran ch is l ocate d in t h e h ea rt of t h e G ol d e n Tri an gl e j u st 3. 5Âą mil es Northwest of C a ta r i n a al on g Hwy 83. Thi s tu rn-ke y h igh fe n c e d tro p hy hu n ti n g ran ch is on e of th e finest So u t h Texas hu n tin g ran ches on th e m a rket tod a y ! T h e qu al ity of the improve d wh ite -ta il d e e r h e rd , pl e n ti fu l b ob -whi te qu ai l a nd d ove, tro p hy A x i s de e r an d l arge mou th ba ss m a ke t h i s o n e a ye ar- rou n d hu n tin g , fi shing , a nd e n te r ta i n i n g dre am. Three pivot irriga tion s yste m s w i th n u me rou s tan k s, pon d s, a nd a n a bu n d a n t c re ek syste m make s thi s a truly unique oa s i s i n s o me of the fin est wil dl i fe ha bita t in th e b ru sh cou n try.


I M PR OV E M E N T S • Main Home With Open Floor Plan

• 8 ± miles of Underground Water Lines

• Three Attached Casitas

• 9 Blinds With Feeder Stations

• Guest Home & Foreman Home

• Breeder/DEMP Pins

• 3,200 ± SF Enclosed Barn

• MLDP Level 3

• 3 Irrigation Wells Cased at 1,200 Feet

• Whitetail, Axis, Red Stag, Dove, Turkey, & Quail

• 3 Irrigation Pivots


CATA R I NA , D IM M IT COU N TY 2,1 63± a cres | Ab undance of S ur face Wate r 3 Hom es | B arn | High Fe nced Pr ice Available Upon Request

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Michael Schultz Re a l to r ® , Vice Pre sid e nt S a n An to n i o Busine ss Jo ur na l To p 2 5 L ux ur y Re a l to r ® P l a tinum To p 50

c 210. 268.85 10 michae l.s chu ltz @s othe bys re a lty.com T he Mi cha e lS chu ltz .com

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