A Memory Temple_Wicked Issues_Studio 12_Thesis Booklet

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A Memory Temple Wicked Deliberations Studio 12

Melbourne School of Design Master of Architecture Design Thesis Semester 2, 2020 Studio Leader - Gregory Missingham

Kushagra Jhurani 1047352

Contents Research 1. A Memory Temple : Thesis Statement 2. What is a Memory ? 3. Design Approaches and Precedents Design 1. Concept 2. Matrix 3. Site Analysis 4. Design • Mandala • Shikhar • Gopura • Garbh Conclusion & Reflection References Bibliography

Memory Temple

My thesis is about creating an architectural typology for lost or forgotten Memories - A Memory Temple. We are living in a time period where forgetting is a new normal. Ma jor tragic events are shared on social media and then forgotten. Until the next. The importance of Memory to our existence in the environment has frequently been denied in this century.1 It should be an extension of any experience. It is possible to design a new typology using Vedic architecture for a memorial defined by the events of 26/11 in Mumbai, India, creating a new memory altogether.


Bloomer, K., Moore, C. and Yudell, R., 1979. Body, Memory, And Architecture. New Haven: Yale University Press.



Architecture from centuries has been a critical role player in memory creation and absorption depicting the past or after life events. This, has now trickled down to social media posts which can change by a scroll or a click, and our brain skips the learning process and focuses on the next post. For example the 26/11 attacks, that killed 170 people in a few hours is now just remembered on the date it happened via Instagram or Facebook posts, and then the next post is of a cute pet playing with a toy, our brain cannot handle the two polar opposite events and creates an illusion that the event wasn’t tragic. This can be realized as nothing concrete has been done in the memory of the lost lives, the city of dreams just moved on. Our brain creates False memories, where we feel we were present in a particular moment or place, but due to bombardment of emotions consumed on social media, a tragic event can be misinterpreted.2 2

TED radio hour. 2017. “Memory Games�. Podcast.



In Praise of Shadows, the author expresses his thoughts and experiences in a non linear way but connects everything via his memory. He questions, describes and compares the western ways to his culture. He asks if the western developments suit the Japanese context and how they could develop their own science and architecture based on their cultural learnings.3 3

Tanizaki, Jun’ichirō, Thomas J Harper, and Edward Seidensticker. n.d. In Praise Of Shadows.


Uddini, Mohammed Imran. 2020. “Architectural Memory.”


In Architectural Memory, the author narrates how a photograph triggered a childhood memory of his, though he had never been to this place creating false memory. This made the author research about the place, and got to learn about Geoffry Bawa and his work De Silva House.4

To understand what exactly happened during the attacks, I watched several interviews of the survivors, documentaries and films based on these events. This exercise gave me an overview of different perspectives and got new eye opening information. We all remember the attack by the image of the Ta j Hotel building on fire, and have generated a notion that it was the most affected place, which isn’t true. The terrorist attacked 6 sites, from which Chatrapati Shiva ji Station was the worst affected with 58 people dead in 10 minutes.5 Memory Palace - a Memorial would be distributed on these six sites in Mumbai creating a narrative. It would be in the memory of lost lives and cater to everyone who visits it. 5

Terror in Mumbai. 2009. [film] Directed by D. Reed. USA: Quicksilver Media.

Fig.6 Movie poster of Hotel Mumbai

Fig.7 Movie poster of The Attacks of 26/11

Fig.8 Movie poster of One Less God

Cama Hospital CST Railway St

Trident Hotel Ta j Hotel

Leopold Cafe

Chabad House


Proposed sites where 26/11 attacks took place




Vietnam War Memorial, Washington DC When the architect was asked what would people do here, she said they will cry. The memorial consists of a roughly 250-foot long series of polished black gabbros walls sunk into the surrounding countryside.6 The Black reflective wall is the main highlight and is surrounded with several controversies. The wall has been given many names as per interpretations to what it represents. According to Maya Lin by visiting the names and locating those they knew and lost on the wall, visitors are able to evoke and reflect upon very personal, specific memories.6 Though it is a well designed and new typology for a memorial, it loses its effect because it isn’t enclosed and confined which makes it open to interpretations and loses its identity as a memorial.


Corbin, Julianne. 2020. “Memory And Form: An Analysis Of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial » Writing

Program » Boston University”. Bu.Edu. https://www.bu.edu/writingprogram/journal/past-issues/issue-4/corbin/.


Jewish Museum, Berlin Berlin Jewish museum is one of its kind building. This building is treated as a narrative by the architect Daniel Libeskind. The museum is divided into three axis. The first Axis leads you to The Holocaust tower is a 24M high concrete void with just single light source through one small opening in the roof.7 The second axis takes you to the Garden of exile, This space creates illusion of being free, as you are out of the building, but to actually exit, one needs to go back in the building; and he grid of 49 pillars with its tilted foundation creates a disoriented experience for the visitor. The last axis is a straight path to emptiness, thevisitor needs to climb three stories and walk through metal plates, this shows the struggle of the Jew in Germany and how the voices of the dead still echo in this space. This museum inspires me because it resonates with the idea of narrative and memory through people’s experience within the built form. The architect himself believes that Architecture is a storytelling profession which I strongly agree with.8


McCormick, T., Souhrada, A. and Yang, A., 2016. Daniel Libeskind’s Jewish Museum - Berlin. [video]

Available at: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHlatz0bCUU> [Accessed 20 August 2020]. 8

Daniel Libeskind | Emotion In Architecture. 2016. Video. Out of Sync.


Ta j Mahal, Agra, India Ta j Mahal was built in the memory of Mumtaz Mahal by the Mughal emperor Shahjahan. The structure is all about beauty and its vastness to showcase his love towards his wife. The circulation is designed to keep the Ta j in focus. Every step captures and frames it differently. There is a play of perspective, scale and layers which create an ultimate experience for the visitor.9 The entrance gate is at the perfect distance and height that creates an illusion of Ta j being a few steps away whereas it is 360 M away from the gate. The Minarets are aligned outwards so that they look perfectly straight when seen from the distance, and when one gets closer it is unnoticeable because of Ta j’s scale. Thats how the architect used perspective to get perfect visuals and illusions. The experience of visiting Ta j Mahal can be compared to the visuals of a Hichcock film using orchestration shots, i.e. a merge of Close up, long and medium shots.10 These techniques of layering, perspective and scale are currently being used for cinematography to create dramatic visuals. the local people. 9

Jhurani, K., 2018. Archcine. B.Arch. Balwant Sheth School of Architecture, NMIMS.


Cinematic Architecture. 2019. [video] Directed by K. Jhurani. Melbourne School

of Design: Studio 29, 35MM.

Diagram representing different views of Ta j Mahal as per vistor’s movement



When the city stood still. Sketch re


epresenting the time of the attack


Concept Design

Form Finding throug

Temple Architecture of India resonates with today’s parametric architecture. Complex forms were created using projection, staggering, splitting, repetition, integration and pictorial representation.11 Their form is divided several parts according to the function they perform. 11

Hardy, A., 2020. Typology Of Indian Temples. [video] Available at: <https://www.

youtube.com/watch?v=qFYCxsWIWkI> [Accessed 2020].

The geometries were highly inspired by fractals. The architecture represents the cycle of life itself, the pattern grows from unity to multiplicity, tending back to unity at the same time. These cycles occur at different times, at different rates in different parts of the temple.12 12

Oijevaar, K., 2007. The South Indian Hindu Temple Building Design System. Delft University of

Technology, The Netherlands.

Concept Design

gh Vedic Architecture

Concept Design

Shikhar Mountain peak Garbh Praying Place Jagati Plinth

Diagram showing differe

ent elements of a temple

Concept Design Gopura Gateway Ardhamandapa Entrance

Mandapa Compound/ Gathering Space

Concept Design

Rotate and repeat the circle at 30o For Inner squares Vastu Mandala Square


Rotate and repeat the circle at 45o For outer squares

Development of a plan for a temple us


sing Vedic and fractal patterns

Concept Design Fractal Pattern

Vedic Pattern

Plan of a temple

Concept Design

Combination of Vedic architecture and today’s technology can create several complex forms, creating a new typology.

Concept Design Growth of a complex form

Few of the combinations and iterations can be placed on site for the memorial, based on the form’s overall expression.

Concept Design

Iteration 1

Iteration 2 Mirroring

Concept Design Iteration 3

Iteration 4 Wrapping

Concept Design

Iteration 5


Iteration 6

Concept Design Iteration 7

Iteration 8

Concept Design


Similar to many religions Hindus believe in cycle of life represented by three Gods, Shiva the destroyer, Brahma the creator and Vishnu the protector. They also represent past, present and future respectively. The only way out of this circle is Death represented by Yama.

Concept Design Shiva The destroyer


Vishnu God of Illusion (Maya)

Brahma The creator



Yama Resides under the Earth.


Concept Design

Vedic architecture consists of several Mandalas. These mandalas are like rule books that should be followed while creating a space. These rules are based on climatology, elements of earth, astronomy, ergonomics and sacred geometries. Chakra Mandala represents elements present in a human body. Each element has it’s own sacred geometry associated to it.

Concept Design








Concept Design

The attacks in Mumbai, India took place at six sites simultaneously, but two of them were most affected i.e. Chatrapati Shiva ji station where 58 people were shot dead within ten minutes and Ta j Hotel where people were in seize for three days. All other sites are in walking proximity to these two. The terrorists came through Machimar village and were spotted there for the first time by the local people. Similar to Chakra mandala all sites can be connected to cross maidan that acts as the center.

Concept Design Cama Hospital


Cross Maidan

Trident Hotel

Gateway of India Leopold Cafe Nariman House

Machimar Village

Concept Design

Vastu Purusha Mandala, is used as one of the guides for designing and planning in India. The mandala is based on climatology, Earth’s Magnetic and energy fields. The metaphysical Vastu Purusha Mandala is a square plan which is divided into 9 squares representing the dominant elements (air, earth, ether and water),Deities and programs in each.13 13


[online] Available at: <https://architectureideas.info/2008/10/vastu-purusha-mandala/> [Accessed 2020].

When the Mandalas are scaled up and juxtaposed with the sites, one can follow the elements and function of the particular site accordingly.

Concept Design

Concept Design

The chosen sites are 1. Azad Maidan which is next to CST station 2. Cross Maidan acting as the center for all the sites. 3. Suraksha Maidan, empty area within Machimar Village. 4. Gateway of India, next to Ta j hotel Mumbai.

Concept Design

CST Cama Hospital

Cross Maidan

Machimar Trident Hotel

Ta j Hotel Leopold and Nariman house

Concept Design

According to the Mandala, 1. Azad Maidan should act as an entrance and a place store valuables. 2. Cross Maidan should be an open space. 3. Surakha Maidan comes under a recreational space. 4. The space designed at Gateway of India should be hidden.

Concept Design Air


Entrance Valuable Storage



Open Space



Recreation Fire


Concept Design

A memorial should evoke emotions and represent events to build a memory. According to the programs distributed each site should act as puzzle piece to complete the story.

Concept Design Fear








Azad Maidan



Cross Maidan



Machimar Village



Gateway of India




Matrix that would be followed to d


otion/ Event

Parts of Temple


Mandapa Compound/ Gathering Space


Shikhar Mountain peak


Gopura Gateway


Garbh Praying Place

develop the design further

Geometry & Color

Concept Design The Memory Temple if all elememts were designed at one site.

Concept Design


Site An The Temple would be distributed and designed on the selected four sites using the sacred chakra geometries for form orientation and derivation.

Machimar Village (Arrival of Terrorists) Suraksha Garden, shut from past 25 years converted into a dump yard. Government authorities got the land’s possession in 2018.

Gateway of India

Identity of the city, dire Hotel, walkable from Le Highest footfall of peop Large open space, buil Possibility for new inter

3. Illusion

4. Death

Azad Maidan Cross Maidan Lies between CST and Gateway of India. Next to Asiatic Library. Art hub of Mumbai, surrounded with several historic buildings. One of the prominent sites in Mumbai.

In close proximity with CST railway station, JJ school of Art and Directorate of Art, Maharashtra State and new metro station

1. Fear

ect view to Ta j eopold cafe. ple. lt 96 years ago. rventions.

2. Hope

Mumba city, Mahrashta, India is divided into administrative divisions. For administrative purposes the city is divided into 7zones each consisting of 3 to 5 wards named alphabetically. All selected sites come under Zone 1 Ward A.14 1

En.wikipedia.org. n.d. Administrative Divisions Of Mumbai. [online] Available at: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Administrative_divisions_of_Mumbai> [Accessed 2020].

Proposed Circulation




New Metro S

Azad Maidan


Dr. D


Beginning Ticket Counter Museum & Gallery Experience of Survivors



Proposed Site BMC Office

Chatrapati Shiva ji Terminus Marg palika Maha . Dr


w ai Na dabh

Wa lc



g ar





d Da

oje wr Na


Hir ach


dR oa


Wind Direction Vehicular Circulation




Design Explode



Form Development



Design Exploded View showing different structural elements of Mandal Pavalion


Plan @ 15 m


1 +0.15 m

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ticket counter Observation Point Gallery_1 Gallery_2 CST look out

0.00 m

+1.50 m


2 5



Circulation Plan @ 6m


West Elevation






The first site is Azad Maidan, which is next to CST and in a close proximity to Cama Hospital. I followed the geometry derived from the Air element according Chakra Mandala for planning and form derivation. The design would work as a gallery space for the things left behind by the dead. The space is treated as a mandala / collecting and gathering space. It also has a lookout for CST. Rain Water flows through the structure generating gurgling sound within the space. The water is recycled and helps watering the garden around.


Design +11.60m


+6.60 m +5.30 m

+2.60 m +1.50 m +0.30 m

Design 0










Proposed Site

Cross Maidan


Gathering Space. Candle march event

Design Vehicular Circulation


The second sit The site acts a all the attacke planning is der geometry of H


te is at Cross Maidan. as a central point for ed site. The form and rived through sacred Heart chakra.

Site Plan




Design Extrude


Form Development


Design Circulation



The design would work as an installation where people can gather and present their condolences through candles and photos. The installation acts as a candle stand, and would look as if it was on fire when filled with candles. The design represents a broken Shikhar of the temple. It will be made with Stainless steel in golden finish.



Welded Steel Plat

Structural Ribs



Steel Column

Exploded View showing different structural elements of Shikhar Installation.





Proposed Site Suraksha Maidan


Re - Creation Virtual Reality Candle March Event


Machimar Village


ash Pethe M Captain Prak

Vehicular Circulation




Design The third site is Machimar village, the terrorist entered Mumbai from here. The form resembles Gopura or the entrance of the temple. The form and planning is derived through sacred geometry of Earth element. As the space represents illusion, the outer body of the form looks like it’s cloth and has some people hidden underneath, the inner body whereas given an ambience of a cave.


Design Extrude






Design 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Entrance VR Kit Collection point Observation Point_1 Observation Point_2 Observation Point_3 VR_experience_1 VR_experience_2 VR_experience_3


Design Concrete



Marble Steel






Design The structure acts as a skeleton for Virtual reality and transforms into a section of CST or Ta j hotel. It will also has some copper plates on the roof, so that when it rains it feels like you are hearing gun shots within the space.

VR glasses off

VR glasses on


Ta j Palace Hotel


BE rg



End Peace Memorial Under Ground Mourning Place

Wind Direction Vehicular Circulation Pedestrian Circulation

Design Proposed Site MB Marg

Gateway of India






Design Site Plan


Design The last site represents death, and is in the premises of Gateway of India. I placed the mandala through visual cues of Gateway of India and the Ta j hotel. This is Garbh of the temple and acts as a memorial. The form and planning is derived through the fire element.




Design Form Derivation


Exploded O

Oblique Plan



The design is divided into 2 levels, all and pays homage to the lost liv The underground floor is a journey observation points. This also has th names of the lost lives are engrave

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


Reception Security Lift Eternal Flame Entrance Observation P Ta j Hotel look Gateway of In Memory Wall

the above level is open for ves through eternal flame. y in itself, with lookout and he Memory wall where ed.

Point out ndia lookout


Design Memory Wall - Names of the victims of 26/11 terrorist attacks distributed on the parametric brick wall.

North E

Design The parametric wall is derived through the faces of the heroes who gave their lives for the nation in the attacks.










Video link - https://yo


Conclusion & Reflection This Thesis aimed towards finding a new typology to create a memorial for a lost or forgotten memory using a forgotten architecture style. The intent here, was not to give out a particular solution nor it is to represent a specific religion but to research, study several design approaches and test the learnings gained in the architecture course that could act as a foundation for future designs. The results of this thesis generated spatial forms using Vedic Architecture, together they act as a memorial for 26/11 Terrorists attacks in Mumbai, India and are called A Memory Temple. The research for the attacks included watching documentaries and films, reading interviews and news clippings, the experience made me more humble and grateful towards life, and worked as a backbone to create the ambiance for the memorial. The design generated through chakra mandala stimulates all senses in the body which leaves a long lasting impression creating a new memory altogether. Why Vedic Architecture? The context of Mumbai city is filled with Colonial, Indosarsanic, Art Deco, modern and post modern buildings but none with Vedic Architecture, not even the Hindu temples. The city of Mumbai never sleeps, but it’s high time that people should pause, reflect and celebrate their lives for a bit and that’s what Hindu Temples represented, celebration of life.

Key learnings that I gained throughout this Design process are, firstly be polite, towards oneself and others, let the close ones know that you love them, no one knows what might happen next. Secondly don’t stick on but remember your roots, it still has a lot to offer, keep questioning, learning and experimenting with it. Lastly celebrate design and life. I could have improved upon • Making the structures more weather proof and cleaning friendly. • More experimentation with the forms.

References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Bloomer, K., Moore, C. and Yudell, R., 1979. Body, Memory, And Architecture. New Haven: Yale University Press.

TED radio hour. 2017. “Memory Games”. Podcast.

Tanizaki, Jun’ichirō, Thomas J Harper, and Edward Seidensticker. n.d. In Praise Of Shadows.

Uddini, Mohammed Imran. 2020. “Architectural Memory.”

Terror in Mumbai. 2009. [film] Directed by D. Reed. USA: Quicksilver Media.

Corbin, Julianne. 2020. “Memory And Form: An Analysis Of The Vietnam Veterans Memorial » Writing Program

» Boston University”. Bu.Edu. https://www.bu.edu/writingprogram/journal/past-issues/issue-4/corbin/. McCormick, T., Souhrada, A. and Yang, A., 2016. Daniel Libeskind’s Jewish Museum - Berlin. [video] Available at:


<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHlatz0bCUU> [Accessed 20 August 2020]. Daniel Libeskind | Emotion In Architecture. 2016. Video. Out of Sync.



Jhurani, K., 2018. Archcine. B.Arch. Balwant Sheth School of Architecture, NMIMS. Cinematic Architecture. 2019. [video] Directed by K. Jhurani. Melbourne School of Design: Studio 29, 35MM














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