Kush Colorado August 2010

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colorado’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine





22 Woodstock August 1969 - in an era of hippies, Peace and Love, over one-half million people converged on what has become the pioneer of all music festivals worldwide. Thank you Woodstock!

34 Broncos Football

With pre-season beginning in August, head on down to Invesco Field at Mile High for a tailgate party and catch a great game of football. Go Broncos!!

42 Diablo OG

The Devil’s weed, a great indica high also featured as the “Bud of the Month.”

86 Joey’s Story

How MMJ saved a child’s life who has severe Autism. An unconventional medical treatment used by a mother when traditional medicine failed and all hope was gone.

98 Community Supported Agriculture

The best way to eat locally -- buy a local farm share and get the freshest produce available in your own or a neighboring community. 6 kush


98 inside

10 | Denver Political Report by Noelle Leavitt 14 | The Health Report by J.T. Gold 16 | Go Solar by Charlotte Cruz 50 | Grover’s Grove by Jay Evans 52 | Get Out of the Stoned Age & Into Dailybuds.com by JB Woods 58 | Fantasy Football Central by Ryan James 66 | Chef Herb’s Recipes by J. Mark Sternberg 76 | Summer Travel: Chautauqua by Audrey Burns 82 | Hempful Hints by Jay Evans 92 | We Dig This by Jay Evans 100 | A Vistor’s Perspective by Lisa Faye 104 | Now Boarding for the Final Frontier by J. Mark Sternberg 108 | Movies in Space by J. Mark Sternberg 114 | Day Tripping by Jane Quentin 116 | Colorado Live Music Preview 118 | Dessert: How Sweet It Is! by Julie Cole 120 | Dailybuds.com Dispensary Directory


from the editors



colorado’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine

nless you have been asleep under a rock for the past few months, almost everyone now knows that as of August 1, 2010 all medical marijuana dispensaries and marijuana product related entities had to apply for a Colorado state license under HB 1284. As the dust settles, in all, 717 people submitted applications for medical marijuana centers with over 100 more mail in applications waiting to be processed. Over 1,000 people submitted applications for marijuana grow facilities and close to 300 people submitted applications for marijuana related businesses, which include edible manufacturers. What does this mean for the State of Colorado? Over $7 million in fees for the state -- revenue that is badly needed in this economy. It also translates to thousands of dollars in future tax dollars, jobs, leases for landlords and best of all, medicine for medical marijuana patients. In November 2009 there were 30,919 medical marijuana patients in the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry. As of August 1, 2010 there are estimated to be over 105,000 patients. Therefore, based on the number of applications there is an average of one dispensary for every 150 MMJ patients. It has been speculated that not all of the applicants will be granted the state license that they have applied for.

It translates to thousands of dollars in future tax dollars, jobs, leases for landlords and best of all, medicine for medical marijuana patients. What does this mean for medical marijuana patients? Many will find that the dispensary (which is now called a medical marijuana “center”) that was previously your caregiver is either gone or under new management leaving you orphaned so to speak. So that’s where Kush Magazine and dailybuds. com can assist. Kush Magazine and dailybuds.com has compiled the most comprehensive list of medical marijuana centers, doctors and provides information to its readers and online members on “everything cannabis.” Our directory is constantly being updated to add any new businesses that our readers are searching for. This should provide medical marijuana users with the assurance that as the business names of many of the centers change, or if centers are forced to change physical locations, this information will be updated by Kush and dailybuds.com. Check out dailybuds.com for coupons, menus and specials being provided by your neighborhood medical marijuana center. Let the games begin!! Kush Editorial Board, www.dailybuds.com

A Division of Dbdotcom LLC Publishers | Dbdotcom LLC & Michael Lerner Editor-in-Chief | Michael Lerner Editor | Lisa Selan Business Operations Manager | Bob Selan Business Development | JT Wiegman Art Director | Robb Friedman Director of Marketing | Michael Lerner Sales Manager | Denise Mickelson Sales Representative | Amanda Allen Graphic Designers | Coco Lloyd & Joe Redmond Design & Layout | Steve Weston & Cristine Moonan Traffic Managers | Lisa Higgins, Alex Lamitie, Rachel Selan Distribution Manager | Alex Lamitie Contributing Writers

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Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©2010. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the written written permission of Dbdotcom LLC.

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Medical marijuana growers in Denver may have a new amendment to follow if they plan on growing weed in city limits Denver’s city council is reviewing ways to keep commercial growing operations out of residential homes. That means medical marijuana caregivers and dispensaries in Denver will have to stick to designated areas outside of family neighborhoods to cultivate medical cannabis. Councilwoman Jeanne Robb is the sponsor of the amendment and wants cannabis growers to stay out of houses. “I called everyone together and said help me to figure out what to do about houses like the one that I was experiencing (in my district) — the one that was growing anywhere between 70 to 80 plants on the premise, with the odors permeating the neighborhood and the baby’s room next door, and situations like that. So this amendment grew out of that,” Robb said. It’s called Amendment 3, and was discussed on July 28 by the Denver City Council Blueprint Committee. The amendment limits, “six plants maximum per person with an MMJ card, and 12 plants maximum per dwelling unit.” Next, the amendment will be formally introduced to city council and the mayor in the next few weeks. Then the council will schedule a public hearing, where marijuana constituents can voice their opinion about the proposal. Peter Parks, manager of community planning and development for the City and County of Denver, presented the amendment to committee, saying that the drug needs to be better monitored. Assistant City Attorney Kerry Buckey was also present, explaining how the potential residential zoning changes intertwine with the state’s new MMJ laws to council members. “The caregiver — under state law — can grow. Under our law (Denver’s law) they can’t grow on a residential property,” Buckey said. Councilwoman Robb was pleased to see the bill pass committee. “This is our first zoning amendment that deals with Medical marijuana,” she said. “Denver made a conscious decision to regulate medical marijuana in our commercial areas, while other counties, municipalities were banning it. Having (commercial grow operations) in the neighborhood is not my preference.” She wants medical marijuana to be grown in designated commercial sites.“I realize that a lot of people in Denver did support the Constitutional Amendment for medical marijuana... but we are not allowing commercial growing in residential,” Robb said. Marijuana proponents can follow what happens to Denver’s Amendment 3 at www.denvergov.org. Click on the Denver City Council agenda and minutes page. The city council will post when the next public hearing will take place.

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by J.t. GOLD

Swimming is one of the best natural forms of exercise that

we can get. If you’re like most kids, you could stay in the pool for hours on a summer afternoon. If you’re an adult who doesn’t find yourself splashing around, diving for rings or challenging your buddies to a cannonball contest, just getting in the pool again is a great start to a complete physical wellness routine. Swimmers come in all shapes and sizes, and like just a few other sports, you can do it from a very young age well into your senior years. Lap swimming is a great way to get an aerobic workout in without putting any pressure on your bones and joints. Not only do you get your heart rate going, but the stretching and fluid motion of a swim stroke is essentially underwater yoga. Your joints, muscles and tendons get the opportunity to extend and stretch, giving you improved flexibility and better posture. An Olympic-sized pool runs 25 or 50 meters in length. If your neighborhood pool’s lap lanes are 25 meters (most are), 33 laps or 66 lengths equals a mile. Here are a few comparisons of calories burned doing different exercises. In this sample, our athlete weighs 150 lbs. A mile of moderate swimming burn 310 calories while increasing heart rate, improving lung health as well as strength and flexibility. 45 minutes of jogging burns 358 calories, improves cardiovascular health, muscle tone and endurance. Pounding the pavement can put pressure on joints, which can become painful. 45 minutes of low- impact aerobics burns 310 calories and 45 minutes of housework burns about 150. Along with creating strength and cardiovascular wellness, there are also psychological benefits to swimming, if you allow them to occur. Relaxing and swimming with very low effort can become meditative. By letting your mind focus on the rhythm of the stroke, your breathing becomes regular and general ease of motion translates into the rest of your day. Unless you’re a non-swimmer, swimming is something most of us know how to do. It is worth it to learn proper form because not only will you enjoy learning proper technique, it will improve your fitness and reduce risk for injury. Proper technique can be 14 kush

learned by any swimming video, website or lifeguard who is willing to chat. every neighborhood it seems has a community pool or swim center, as do many fitness centers and health clubs. And if you’re lucky enough to have an ocean or lake nearby, even better. Studies have shown that people who swim regularly have better attitudes and a more positive outlook because it is more of a mind-body experience than a “noisier” sport like aerobics or biking. When asked what swimming does for her, a 40-yearold woman who swims 3- times a week responded in such a way that it epitomizes the benefits of this sport: “Swimming for me is more like an over all mind, heart, body and soul exercise. Granted, it is still exercise and you have to make yourself get into the groove; once you are in, there is no looking back. Swimming strengthens your heart, relaxes, puts your mind at ease, and increases your endurance and strength. For me it is a choice to go and exercise, but what motivates me to push through the tough first laps is that it eventually becomes my personal time to reflect or meditate on what is bothering me. It gives me the time to properly organize my thoughts and then after all that, you’ve suddenly hit “the zone” and it becomes so peaceful that you can actually get away with thinking of nothing other than how blessed you feel just to have the ability to be there. All of that while losing inches and fat? Why wouldn’t you?” One last thing to mention is that swimming is not necessarily a great way to lose a lot of weight. Because the water keeps your body cool, aerobic activity slows once you’re on land as opposed to a land exercise where aerobic activity often lasts as long as 18 hours after completing the workout. Swimming is great for weight loss and even better if supplemented with other aerobic activity. A great way to get or stay fit is to swim 2 days and jog or bike 2 days. All are cheap or free and will keep the machine running smoothly.

Stay Healthy!

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If you haven’t noticed, solar power is edging its way into the mainstream conversation on alternative energy. Even baseball announcers are lending their names and voices to companies that make commercials touting how easy it is to get solar installed in your home or business. And why wouldn’t people be looking to the sun? In just one hour, the earth receives more energy than the entire world uses in a year! Solar power is the conversion of sunlight to electricity. Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly with concentrating solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the sun’s energy to boil water, which is then used to provide power. According to the Solar Energy Society, the three types of photovoltaic panels are Monocrystalline, Polycrystalline and Amorphous, and each has its own set of pros and cons. The fact with photovoltaics is that it is difficult to create a commercially viable system because of the overall cost of the system required to generate a useful amount of power. Scientists explain the solution that since solar radiation is intermittent, solar power generation is combined either with storage or other energy sources to provide continuous power, like wind. As a side note, a large power plant in Germany has been demonstrated using a mix of wind, biomass, hydro and solar power generation, resulting in 100% renewable energy. SO while the sun is not out all the time—it may go behind a cloud or hide out during a storm—there is a 100% chance it will return. This is the very essence of renewable energy.

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Solar can be expensive to install, though every year the prices go down as interest and demand increases. If the cost of installing solar panels into a three bedroom home is $20,000, the savings that the homeowner realizes by installing solar will become an attractive investment in the long run. With the housing market slowing down so considerably these past years, solar is also an excellent way to add instant value to a home while promising savings to the buyer. The good news is that many solar companies are offering low cost monthly lease options where they also provide insurance and maintenance included in the price. Most comparisons show that if you compare the price of the new electricity bill and the lease bill, the total monthly lease bill for solar is less than the original utility bill. So aside from it being a smart “green” choice, it is definitively a money saver.

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by JOSH KAPLAN THE SUMMER OF 1969 WAS A PIVOTAL PERIOD IN OUR existence. There were history altering events taking place at every turn, really too many to list. It was the end of a decade, and the height of the flower-power “hippie movement”. From the West coast in San Francisco, all the way across our country to a 600 acre farm in upstate New York, there was a movement taking place - it was real, and it had a name, face, and sound. This period, (that in hindsight was just a fleeting moment) culminated at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, August 15th-18th, 1969. Being just a two week old baby, I regretfully had no way to get to this show, and of course had no ticket, but that wouldn’t have stopped me today. The modern day festivals are still living in the shadow of this momentous event. Everything from the amount of people (half a million) and the number of arrests (that being zero), to the unbelievable line-up - all of which are still talked about today, and still yet to be matched. Even though the weekend was spattered with rain showers, (which turned the venue into a huge mud pit), combined with a notorious string of bad “brown acid”, these promoters did something far beyond their wildest dreams. They brought this “Peace” movement to the forefront of our society, and in one weekend, proved that this scene, and the people in it weren’t just 22 kush

drug-addled waste-cases. They were able to show that “Peace” and “Love” weren’t just hippie slogans to be worn on buttons. They were actual notions of a period sometimes lost in the distractions of war, moon landings, and political assassinations. With notable musical acts like Richie Havens, Ravi Shankar, Arlo Guthrie, Joan Baez, The Grateful Dead, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin, The Who, The Band, CSN&Y, and Jimi Hendrix as a closer, this was a veritable who’s who of the time. Those bands who declined to play (some who deeply regretted it later) were, The Beatles, The Doors, The Byrds, Led Zeppelin, and Bob Dylan. Just imagine if those acts were included on this mega-roster? It’s too much to even fathom. So the next time you’re at Coachella, or venture off to Bonnaroo, or even just go to a local show, try to appreciate your surrounding environment. Those that are there to share the space, and the experience. Take a moment to soak in what’s happening, and reflect on all the ideas, music, and art going on all around you. Maybe, just maybe, we can get this whole “Peace” and “Love” thing back in order. If we can just make enough buttons to make us forget about today’s war, and a catastrophic oil leak, than just maybe we can revitalize a very overdue movement. (continued on page 24)

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Preseason football. It’s a new day and a new season. With the weird and disappointing 2009 season behind us, it’s time to look to the not-so distant future of our boys in blue and orange. The 2009 season looked so good. We started the year 6-0 and then the tailspin began. So what does this team have to look forward to? It can only get better, right? The big signing in the draft was Tim Tebow and his number 15 jersey has been selling like hotcakes since April. Is Tebow the future? Only time will tell. The safe Kyle Orton will remain the starter, with Cleveland castoff Brady Quinn at second string in front of Tebow. Denver’s passing game will be bruised by the loss of wide receiver Brandon Marshall, one of five players in NFL history to catch at least 100 passes in three straight seasons. Coach McDaniels is hoping first round pick Demariyus Thomas will be able to step into the lead role. Backup receivers Eddie Royal, Jabar Gaffney and rookie Eric Decker all have something special about them, but what is it and is it enough? Shake the Magic 8 Ball and hope for the best. The running game should stay tough, led by Knowshon Moreno. Moreno rushed for 947 yards and seven touchdowns in his rookie season. Some high draft picks should provide the line more depth and flexibility. The defensive front has all new starters, most notably Jamal Williams at nose tackle. At 34 -years old, the gargantuan defender has been plagued by injuries the last two years, but tough is tough and Williams is the poster boy for chew-you-up football. The other new starters on the line are Jarvis Green (New England) and Justin Bannan (Baltimore). D.J. Williams is a solid linebacker, recording 122 tackles last season and should be able to provide some leadership if all goes well during training camp. The cover corner combo of Champ Bailey and Andre Goodman is one of the best double-threats in all of football, and the ageless Brian Dawkins will always step up and provide real provide leadership from the safety position. In a nutshell, this looks like to be a rebuilding year. The defensive secondary is the team’s greatest strength right now but fans fully expect this team to become a force by next year with their young talent. The receiver position is really the gaping black hole of weakness for the team as it stands but hey, it’s a new season and anything can happen.

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iablo Kush is a pure indica strain of cannabis, and is also a part of the OG family. Diablo Kush and Diablo OG are apparently two completely different strains though, thus there is no “Diablo OG Kush”. I picked up some Diablo Kush, and from what I hear about Diablo OG the two are essentially the same when it comes to the high and physical characteristics of the buds. And for all of you green thumbs out there, word on the street is that this strain has a 68 day flowering period. Diablo is incredibly sweet smelling and tasting. The buds are pretty dense and sticky, loaded with a crystalline sheen that sparkles with glittery exuberance. The batch I got was a lighter green, with orange hairs scattered around. It’s a really smooth smoke, and even when I blasted my lungs with the biggest hits I’m capable of I didn’t get that nasty burn that makes your eyes well up and sometimes destroys your high before it even starts. The buds burn at a pretty average rate, not too quick and not terribly slow. The high is pretty mellow overall, which is to be expected from an indica. Really nice lift without causing any unpleasant anxiety. A good, solid indica high all around. I’ve always been a sucker for the combination of the indica high with caffeine, and Diablo is no different. With a high like this I usually find myself on a Sunday morning, with a whole day in front of me and only a few annoying little items on the to-do list. So once those are out of the way I smoke a bowl, hit the coffee shop, put on my headphones, and just start walking for hours. Admiring the outdoor scenery and a variety of people relaxes me to a point of euphoric bliss. With Diablo along for the ride everything in life can just feel right. This strain is a little on the expensive side, coming in at $65/eighth from the first dispensary that I was able to locate it. That’s probably not too representative of what all shops can offer.... I was just too lazy to keep looking around for lower prices. And considering it was my first time at the shop, I got a nice little discount anyway. This is definitely top shop Kush though, and it’s understandable that it would be a bit more pricey than the average indica. Diablo Kush is very nice and I’d be proud to present any of my friends with this strain. Highly recommend getting high with Diablo... just try to avoid places of heavenly worship, as they might have an issue with your accomplice. That’s ok, Diablo creates a heaven of it’s own.

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by Jay Evans Ok, so your Chia Pet died in 3rd grade, and your green thumb has been black ever since….KUSH understands. Not everyone has the knack to bring life to a shelf bought, terra cotta sheep. But as recent marijuana laws have allowed for personal growths within reason, it may be time to look into a start-up hydroponics system for your medicinal needs. Although a massive grow room may not be in your future, (not at first anyway) we think that with the abundance of hydro shops popping up everywhere, you should be able to determine a reasonable sized project, and take a fresh approach to turn things green again. For less than the cost of an ounce of your favorite weed from your local dispensary, you can buy a complete hydroponics growing system, that is low maintenance, and will harvest about four ounces of your favorite strain, every four months. This type of savings will add up very quickly, and pay for itself almost overnight. KUSH did a little research and found some great websites to get you started. For the best prices and expertise in the field, check out Hollywood Hydroponics’ website at www.SowCalHydro.com. With three stores now to serve you, these “Hydro Gurus” know how to get you started. The Bubbleponics kit from Stealth Hydroponics seems to be the most concise and complete starter kit. Priced quite reasonably at around $200-229. This kit is so complete, all one needs to do is add water. If you go to www.HydropnicsForDummies.net, you’ll also find some extra tips on how to spruce up the system. Another site offering an even cheaper alternative is at www.HobbyHydro.com. For more literature on the matter, KUSH suggests going to www.Amazon.com, as they have at least ten books on the subject, some as cheap as $5. Some of these starter kits are very complete, and start-up easily, while others might be more complex. Try to gauge your level of ability, and go from there. As always in the Grower’s Grove, we advise that you befriend your local Hydroponics store owner/operator, and ask a lot of questions. So even if you have a black thumb, these websites and starter kits should lead you into greener pastures. It just takes patience, diligence, and a lot of TLC. Spend a little money now, and you could save a lot down the road. 50 kush

Good luck, and happy growing!!

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Depending on your age, there was a day when a phone book was the only way to find a plumber, insurance agent or other types of service. today, the internet has changed all that. No longer do we rely on a book full of yellow pages as if we were living in the st0ne ages. Our reliance on cyberspace can fulfill our needs within nano seconds. However, when you own a medical marijuana business, reaching into cyberspace has become the 8th wonder of the world. For some or most, it can be scary. However, stepping forward is a must, as medical marijuana patients use the internet every second of the day trying to find new strains, edibles, or locations. According to a recent study by Internet World Stats, the United States has over 250,000,000 people using the internet which represents 76% of the population. Medical marijuana dispensaries are competing for patients like never before. A recent visit to some medical marijuana dispensaries 52 kush

in Colorado had 4 dispensaries within walking distance of each other. How does a medical marijuana patient choose from 4 different dispensaries? If you fear change, try being a medical marijuana patient attempting to purchase medicine from businesses they’ve never visited. Out of the 4, only 1 had an active website and 1 has an active dailybuds listing account. In a recent article from The Weed Blog, Johnny Green said it best: “We live in a completely different time now – the digital era. As I’m writing this article, I’m sitting in my crappy house in eugene, Oregon, taking huge bong hits and watching CSPAN between typing sessions. Back in the Day, in order to reach a national (or international as is the case with the net) audience, I would have had to fork out enormous amounts of cash for printing supplies, negotiate with print circulators and media outlets, and after years

of pain and anguish, MIGHt have pumped out a few magazines. Instead, I can think of a blog article and have it up by lunch time the same day, and share it across the entire globe!” Now that, my friends, is the power of the internet! Medical marijuana dispensaries and collectives are just like any business. They need to have a web presence to thrive. Web presence doesn’t mean you have just a website. It means your business is taking full advantage of all of the tools available to you. One of those tools is dailybuds.com. According to Mike Lerner, dailybuds. com received over 15,000,000 pages viewed in 1 month. Dailybuds. com is a unique and special place to visit. The reason is its ability to offer so much in one location. So, what does it offer? try blogging, bulletin boards, classified advertisements, video, music, listing pages, groups, events and online chatting to name a few. It also offers friendship, community, and important information within our industry. If you had to develop a website such as dailybuds.com on your own, the cost could be well over $25,000. By the way, most websites are lucky if they have over 25 visitors per day, let alone millions. Here are some areas that you should focus on if you have a medical marijuana business.

A blog is an application that allows you to post an article for everyone to see it on the site. Anyone who reads the blog posting can comment on that particular posting.

videos have become one of the most powerful avenues that patients can use to find information. Youtube.com had 144 million viewers in the month of June. Dailybuds has a specific section of its website dedicated to posting videos that can be used to showcase your business. Patients love being able to see what you have to offer, especially strains.

If you’re not familiar with forums, they allow you to post messages or content based on a specific topic, allowing other people to post messages. The two most popular categories in dailybuds. com are the growing and patient sections. The technology of dailybuds.com will allow you to not only write content but also add videos or pictures. If you are a medical marijuana business, you can contribute by showing some of your great products. Kush Magazine is working harder than ever to make dailybuds. com the premier choice for the medical cannabis community. We

If you haven’t created your own listing page for your medical marijuana business, you’re making a big mistake. The listing page is an excellent opportunity to “showcase” your dispensary with pictures, links, video, and written content. It is like you have your own web page within dailybuds.com. In addition, it works with Google to help you appear in the search results. For more information on setting up your listing page contact info@dailybuds.com or call (877) 624-KUSH 5874 and they will help you set up your dailybuds.com account (free of charge).

Creating a group page will allow you to attract and interact with a wide variety of patients through a discussion board. This is a unique application that isn’t offered by any other medical marijuana social media websites.

have several groups available such as Dailybuds Internet Marketing that will show you specifically how to create a listing page or advertisement. There are even Youtube tutorials that are available. If you are sitting at your dispensary wondering why the competitor down the street has more cars and patients at their dispensary, they have probably left the stoned ages and are using dailybuds. com to communicate to the world.

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(continued on page 56)

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Historically, local Fantasy Football popularity could have been

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do than sit in a bar reading last weekend’s box scores. Probably

not very popular guys. It was amazing how often those guys

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won all the money every year.

while formulating your draft strategy. Every league style has its own

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Then, along came the internet. Where scoring is automatic,

Understanding your league’s point structure be-

in drafting a team that has the potential to be a top scorer week in and

fantasy roster changes became public record, bulletin boards be-

week out.

came the sites of unmentionable smack talk, and long separated

friends have been reuniting all over the country in the name com-

petition. What was once an activity for degenerate gamblers and

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bar flies has turned into a social network connecting friends, fam-

sionally bonus points will be scored based on performance. In this

ily, doctors, lawyers, and housewives? Yes. So go find a league.

situation, players receive 6 points for TD’s. WR/RB/TE might receive

If your friends aren’t playing yet, start your own league. It’s easy.

a bonus point for breaking 100 yards. QB’s also receive 6 points for

throwing each TD, and might receive a bonus point for throwing for

300 yards. Using this model, it’s obvious that a QB might be a team’s

is one of the more basic scoring struc-

There are many websites out there offering

most valuable position to fill, as many QB’s can throw upwards of

Fantasy Football League host services. You should spend some time

30 TD/year. Fantasy commissioners running touchdown leagues often

asking your friends which ones they have used in the past, what they

times only award QB’s 4 points/TD in an attempt to equalize scoring

liked and disliked about the site, and what additional features are

between the positions.

allowed. If you are joining an existing league or starting your own league, your host site should be capable of handling the needs of 14

obnoxious drinking buddies with nothing better to do than rip holes in

tions and yards. This scoring strategy can be more complex, but often

your organizational strategies. Do not rush this decision! In general,

awards a more fair method of scoring for players that don’t have

if your website won’t allow for a specific point structure of feature, you

a high TD/game average. QB’s usually receive 6 points/TD, and

shouldn’t allow it to host your league. Making the website the sole

points for passing yards (generally 1 point/20-30 yards). RB’s will

point of reference for scoring calculations and limitations takes the

receive 6 points/TD, and points for yardage gained on the ground (1

pressure off the commissioner. No longer are we at the mercy of a

point/10-15 yards). WR/TE/RB’s will earn a point for each reception

single record keeper.

and points for yardage gained (1 point/10-15 yards). All positions

will lose 2 points for turnovers lost. While this system tends to be more

awards points for recep-

Some hosts allow you to dispute a reported score, and scoring

fair, awarding points for performance, it also stands to reason that the

changes do occur several times a year (usually based on NFL review

players that the players that touch the ball most will score the most. It

of game footage). If you do not let the website control the calcula-

is for this reason that the RB position tends to be the most important

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position as top flight RB’s will carry the ball 30 times while hauling in

4-8 receptions per game. It is not uncommon for the first 2 rounds of

seem like a wasted pick during late/mid rounds, it’s worth it in the long

a draft using this scoring system to be saturated with RB’s.

run. Most leagues allow you start 2 RB’s per week. Now, given that

there are potentially 32 starting RB positions in the NFL (almost half of

Drafting handcuffs or backups for your starting RB may

is becoming more common to a lot of

which employ the dreaded Running Back By Committee or RBBC). It’s

leagues. The rules may vary on which round you are required to draft

easy to see that the chances of you finding a starting RB on the waiver

your keeper however. Most leagues require it to be a first round pick.

wire or free agency, in the event that your stud RB blows out a knee,

Other leagues only require that you draft them at the same place you

would be difficult if not impossible to obtain. In one play, your other-

drafted them last year (a great deal if your sleeper RB hits big). A

wise solid season has just cost you a shot during the post season.

Rookie Keeper can be useful in the case an owner drafts a rookie, and keeps him on his team for the entire season (i.e. never drops him), the

owner is entitled to keep the player as the last spot on his roster. You

mind (weeks 4-10) during your draft would be an easy task. But

are only allowed one rookie keeper, so if you draft 2 rookies, you must

you’d be surprised how many owners find themselves is serious

pick the one you want to keep before the draft starts.

trouble during those tenuous weeks. Don’t expect to be able to find

You’d think that keeping bye weeks in

quality players in free agency to fill bye week holes. Just like NCAA

There are generally two types, serpentine drafts, and

football, one loss due to mismanagement could cost you a shot at

NFL style (first pick always picks first in each round). Draft order

your fantasy championship.

should be determined before the actual draft date, if possible, so that

owners can determine their unique drafting strategy. A few weeks

is fine. If you want people to have to think on their feet, it can be

draft should be a time for managers to get to know each other, talk

done right before the actual draft. In either case, the order should not

some trash, and draft each other’s prospective players in order to set

be determined until after the Rules Meeting. There are many ways

up future trades. Make a strategy and stick to it. Don’t let another

this can be done. Come up with a creative way to draw names if

manager’s draft affect how you manage your draft. If you are able

everyone is present, or use a internet based randomizer. Be aware

to maintain your draft strategy, take advantage of value through all

however, that not all randomizers appear to actually be random. You

rounds, and have fun during your draft, you will increase your odds at

might want to do some test runs first, or use a second randomizer to

finding fun and success throughout the fantasy season.

Most importantly, drafting your fantasy team should be fun! The

randomize the order you enter the managers names to help increase randomness. Whichever ordering system you use, make sure that all

parties involved agree on the method of choice. The last thing you

almost anything is possible these days. More options mean more fun,

want is for the entire season to be affected by a silly decision made

like the rare missed PAT that loses your kicker 5 points. Allow every-

before the draft.

thing to be voted on (rules, scoring, etc) keep people involved. Any

Today’s leagues are customizable,

owner should be able to call for a vote on anything (trades, potential

No fantasy football owner has ever won his or her season

collusion, cheating, league expulsion). However, make any major

on draft day. It is, however, entirely possible that you can put your

action require a very high majority of owners to agree in order for the

entire season in jeopardy before the players take the field for the first

vote to pass. 2/3 majority is usually accepted.

regular season game. Draft management is one of the more critical aspects of fantasy football. In more competitive leagues, it is not

enough to corner the market on stud RB’s (although it us useful). Draft-

This will help keep people interested all season, even if their team was

ing quality players and finding value during your draft is what will put

decimated by injuries.

Encourage trades and good-natured trash talk between owners.

your team over the top.

It is important to note where the separations in player tiers based

Designate a historian to track year after year matchups, highest

points scored in a week, lowest points scored, etc... A record book

on points scored. For instance, if you have only drafted 1 WR while

will stand as evidence to back up valuable smack talk.

your draft develops a run on QB’s, it might be very tempting to draft

Ensure that there is a sense of respect between owners. Disagreements

Eli Manning before the supply of QB’s run out. However, if players

will happen, but don’t let the discussion board turn into a place for

like Steve Smith, Brandon Marshall, or Roy Williams are still avail-

personal attacks. All arguments should be based on facts and hope-

able… take them! Middle tier QB’s will still be available in later

fully related to football.

rounds that might only score marginally less than Eli Manning. While this is a purely hypothetical situation, these types of situations arise at

EVERY draft.

owe you money. And if you set up your league right, they will.

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And dominate your competition err… buddies, like they

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KicKass Grilled corn on the cob IngrEdIEnts 1 teaspoon chili powder 1/8 teaspoon dried oregano 1 pinch onion powder cayenne pepper to taste garlic powder to taste salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup tHC butter, softened 6 ears corn, husked and cleaned 1 tablespoon cilantro, chopped

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dIrEctIons Preheat grill for medium-high heat. In a medium bowl, mix together the chili powder, oregano, onion powder, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Blend in the softened tHC butter. Apply this mixture to each ear of corn, and place each ear onto a piece of aluminum foil big enough to wrap the corn. Wrap like a burrito, and twist the ends to close. Place wrapped corn on the preheated grill, and cook 20 to 30 minutes, until tender when poked with a fork. turn corn occasionally during cooking.

Mediterranean WaterMelon salad IngrEdIEnts 3/4 cup halved, thinly sliced red onion 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1 1/2 quarts seeded, cubed watermelon 3/4 cup crumbled feta cheese 1/2 cup pitted black olive halves 1 cup chopped fresh mint 1/4 cup tHC olive oil dIrEctIons Place the onion slices in a small bowl with the lime juice. The acid of the lime will mellow the flavor of the raw onion. Let stand for 10 minutes. In a large bowl, combine the watermelon cubes, feta cheese, black olives, onions with the lime juice, and mint. Drizzle tHC olive oil over it all, and toss to blend. Dig in and be prepared for a pleasant surprise!

15 Minute Medicated Pasta dinner IngrEdIEnts 4 ounces fettuccini pasta 2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves - cut into bite size pieces 2 green onions, chopped 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/2 cup sliced black olives Âź cup tHC olive oil 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic 2 tablespoons grated Par mesan cheese 10 sun-dried tomatoes, softened 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsleye

dIrEctIons Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook chicken until brown and juices run clear, 5 to 10 minutes. Stir in green onions, basil, olives, tHC olive oil, garlic, Parmesan, sun-dried tomatoes and parsley; cook 5 minutes, or until garlic is golden and whites of onions are translucent. toss chicken mixture with pasta; serve.

italian bread salad IngrEdIEnts 1 clove garlic 1 (1 pound) loaf Italian bread 1 cup chopped tomatoes 1 cup cucumber - peeled, seeded and chopped 1 cup chopped red onion 1 clove garlic, minced 2 cups chopped fresh basil 1/8 cup chopped fresh thyme 1/4 cup tHC olive oil 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar1 dIrEctIons Rub a peeled clove of garlic around a wooden salad bowl. Pull apart or chop the bread into bite-size pieces. In the prepared salad bowl, combine the bread, tomatoes, cucumbers, red onions, garlic, basil and thyme. Add enough tHC olive oil and vinegar to lightly coat, toss and serve.

(continued on page 112)

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Dining 900 Baseline Rd Boulder, Colorado 303.440.3776 Chautauqua Dining Hall has been serving classic American cuisine since 1898 and was recently granted the status of being a National Historic Landmark. The food is good, but the view from the charming wrap around porch is spectacular. They serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner from 8am to 9pm Monday through Saturday and on Sunday they offer a buffet brunch from 8am to 2pm and dinner from 5pm to 9pm. The dining hall is also available for private parties and events. enjoy a beautiful hike around the area to appreciate the wonderful summer wildflowers and stop by Chautauqua Dining Hall for lunch with a view. It is the perfect summer spot, as since it is over an aquifer, it stays cooler than 76 kush

the rest of Boulder. They also offer picnic dinners on concert nights and there could be nothing more perfect than eating in the beautiful park and enjoying live music.

Lodging 303.952.1611 Originally visitors stayed in canvas tents that were later replaced by simple cabins, but modern guests have it much better and are able to stay in charmingly historic, completely updated cottages. They offer 60 cottages and two lodges for nightly rent in the summer and 35 cottages and one lodge for nightly rent in winter months. The cottages do not have tvs or phones, but (continued on page 78)

Longmont's Premier Organic Medical Marijuana Boutique

* Elite Genetics of Kushes and Purps * Clones * Tinctures * “Ski Lift” Vaporizers * Bubblebags * Edibles and Lollipops * Twirling Hippy Confections * Peanut Budder * Lots of Gluten Free

We carry over 20 top shelf strains

Open Mon-Sat from 11am-7pm

323 3rd Avenue Suite #3, Longmont, CO 80501 303.774.1ZEN (1936) • thezenfarmacy@hotmail.com

We carry hand blown glass, Seedless Clothing, SRH Clothing, Vaporizers, Hookahs, Detox Open Mon-Sat from 10am-7pm

608 9th Avenue, Longmont CO 80501 303.502.7620 • highsociety303@hotmail.com

neither is needed, as the serenity of the scenery is better than anything electronics can offer, but just in case, they do offer complimentary Internet access. No cabins have air conditioning, which is indeed a major drawback, but swamp coolers are available for rent and cabins are equipped with window fans. All cottages have a fully equipped kitchen and screened porch and are available in multiple sizes, from studio to three bedrooms. Cottages range from the reasonable price of $119 to $269, depending on size. For family reunions or other special events, there is the lovely eight bedroom Missions House Lodge built in 1911. The lodge has a massive fireplace, air-conditioning, a fully equipped kitchen, and a screened porch. There is also the Columbine Lodge built in 1919 that is available for nightly rentals at a lower rate than the cottages, but it does not just lack their price tag, it also lacks their charm. The rooms are minimalistic but all have a small kitchenette and bath.

Events 303.440.7666 Be sure to enjoy one of the many varied events hosted at Chautauqua. They have events from now to September including 78 kush

silent movies, concerts, dance, art shows, outdoor street food, and even a sing-along showing of the Wizard of Oz. The auditorium at Chautauqua also houses the Colorado Music Festival at Chautauqua, which offers beautiful orchestra music. The HOP 2 Chautauqua offers free transit to Chautauqua from several locations, namely Pearl St., on concert nights as there is limited parking. tours through Chautauqua are available to groups by appointment.

History 303.442.3282 The Chautauqua movement was started by John Heyl vincent and Lewis Miller in 1874 to support the nation-wide intention to professionalize teaching. It was then broadened to include adult education of all kinds and also social events such as concerts and lectures. Theodore Roosevelt believed Chautauqua to be “typically American, in that it is typical of America at its best” due to its belief in intellectual self-improvement and civic involvement. “Chautauquas” developed all over the nation, but eventually the movement died in the 1930s and now the Colorado Chautauqua is one of three left and the only left west of the Mississippi River.

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by JAY evANS

For those of you who are spending lots of time in the gym, pumping iron and supplementing lots of protein into your diet, KUSH has an alternative for those nasty tasting whey shakes. take a look into Hemp protein powder, and we’re sure you will enjoy the benefits of our beloved Hemp plant even more. Consisting of all 20 known amino acids, (including those 10 that are essential for human health) Hemp protein has the right quantity and proportion for the body to utilize optimally, making it one of the best proteins available. Hemp protein also provides essential fatty acids needed for balanced health - one Omega 3 to each Omega 6. With all of it’s carb content being fiber, this works well with any low carb diet. The insoluble fiber content of organic Hemp protein powder works to keep your blood sugar level stable, as well as helping keep you regular. There’s nothing better than that, right? Making the switch from your regular GNC store bought Protein barrel to Hemp protein might not seem worth your while right now, but there are even more benefits that might win you over. No bloating - after chugging down a huge whey protein shake, the usual feeling is kind of “uuuugh”. A bloated belly with plenty of protein to go work off. Being free of oligosaccharides (the component that can cause gas and upset stomach) hemp protein powders will alleviate you from feeling that protein bloat. Hemp powders are ground up plant seeds which taste natural and are easily dissolved in orange juice or even water. Another benefit to digesting your protein this way, is you won’t have that “protein

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shake breath” afterwards. It seems like something small, until you don’t have to deal with it ever again. The benefits are exponential. Cost may be a factor in your protein choices, and there are many companies out there selling portions ranging from small jars to 5lb bags. With the Hemp protein powder being more efficient, and more productive than a lot of the “mass-manufactured” store-shelf barrel proteins, the best way to figure out which product suits you would be to start small, and then you can go large to save down the road. There are many online products available at www.Nutiva.com, or www.BobsRedMill.com. With anything that you might digest, inhale, or intake to your body or mind, it involves time, research, and trust. take the time to research these products, and investigate whether they are right for your particular body chemistry.

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Meiko Perez’s Story Told by LINDSEY ROGERS (continued on page 86)

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Joey Perez had tried it all. He was diagnosed with Autism at 18 months old, and was placed on his first set of medications at 5 years old. At just 10 years old, his fragile body couldn’t handle the toxic cocktails prescribed by his doctors any longer. His mother, Mieko, was helpless. Then she received the most heartbreaking news of all. Joey was given approximately 6 months to live. The doctors had no answers, but they did agree to

her arm herself with a wealth of information to be a better advocate for parents, who are depending on her. Mieko said, “When I speak of doctors I admire and have helped me give my son life and now help me give other children life…there’s no internet research going on here, I have personally spoken with the best in their field.”

experiment some more with the combination of a few more

These doctors include Dr. Grinspoon, Dr. Robert Melameade,

drugs. Knowing her son was starving himself to death as a

Dr. William Courtney, Jorge Cervantes, Dr. Mark Sircus, Dr.

result of a side effect from the medications he was on, Mieko

Rebecca Hedrick of UCI Medical Center and Dr. Talleyrand

knew Joey couldn’t handle anymore dangerous medications. The medications he was on, and had been experimenting with since the age of 5 had taken their toll on little Joey’s body. His body was slowly shutting down. All of his friends and family were watching him slowly fade away. Not only had Joey became anorexic, but his legs had given out on him also. His muscles were weak, his bones were fragile, he could no longer eat or walk. His mother was told she would be planning a funeral for Joey by the years end, and was told he wouldn’t make it until his 11th birthday on March 1st, 2010. The doctors who told Mieko that news didn’t know the person they were talking to. Giving up was not an option. She

Mieko continued, “ I am thankful to the Medical Marijuana Community who stands behind me not just in“spirit” but as Joey’s soldiers like: Michel Lerner from Kush Magazine, William Beaton of 420 University, NORML’s Woman’s Alliance, Montel Williams, Other Side Farms.com, Sam Sabzehbar from medical marijuana 411.com, Devin Calloway of Ajnag.com and numerous publications through out our county and internationally.” “I’ve made it my personal mission to remain “pro-life” and pro-active with common minds and these are the people helping me, so I can help families who need my support.”

used her experience in legal research to get educated on

“Although Medical Marijuana is not known to be a cure for

alternative treatments. She clung onto Joey tightly and prayed

Autism, it has been proven to facilitate “Life” for my son; and

for a miracle.

has ushered him into his most progressive developmental

Mieko believes through a divine intervention she found the research of Dr. Bernard Rimland, founder of the Autism Research Institute. She did extensive research into the bio-med protocol set forth by Dr. Rimland. Mieko gathered research and studies and armed herself with tons of compelling evidence of the benefits of Medical Marijuana. She then presented it to Joey’s doctor. Joey’s doctor agreed that this option might help, and she wrote Joey a recommendation for Medical Marijuana. Doctors may not prescribe marijuana for medical use under federal law, though they can recommend its use under the First Amendment. That was almost a year ago. Today - Joey is THRIVING! His improvements go above and beyond anything Mieko could have ever imagined. Mieko believes Joey IS the research that is needed and that his success with Medical Marijuana proves the Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana SAVED HER SONS LIFE! Earlier in July, Mieko spoke at 420 University Science and Compassionate Care seminar. This was not only an honor but, an educational “world wind” of knowledge that is helping

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period ever. Today, at age 11, Joey is flourishing with new communicative expressions, he’s gained over 40 lbs, he’s happier, healthier, better behaved & is more productively active than ever before. My son has made so many PROFOUND improvements with the help of MMJ (Medical Marijuana) –

And she is not going to tell you all treatments don’t work – as a matter of fact, they all work!! But Meiko is 80% sure there are far more families who share her story than the rate she sees on CDC reports. Meiko says that “In light of the UK announcing their new cannabis approved drug within the last few months, I’m extending my foundation and my consulting services. Medical marijuana is the future.” Meiko founded the Unconventional Foundation for Autism and hopes many will invest through donations, events, sponsorship and partnerships. This is where Joey’s mom’s information is saving lives one brownie at a time! What medical marijuana, as a biomedical treatment, has done for Joey, thirteen FDA “APPROVED” toxic medications could not do by a guessing medical community who still does not understand autism. The bottom line is revisions need to be made. Rules are broken everyday in politics to fill someone’s pocket. Don’t you think it’s about time we throw money into research that will be used to save a life? With the rise of autism, many lives will be impacted! Meiko says “I would love to tell you my son is the only child that has been given life from marijuana, but I would be wrong.”

I repeat this treatment is not a cure but, definately an effective medication that has made a difference in Joey’s life!” Meiko exclaims, “I have a message to those doctors who would rather honor insurance companies than the oath they took when they became doctors to preserve life: Medical Marijuana is safer than most foods we consume today – ask any non government funded scientist. Medical Marijuana is a natural glutamate blocker (Gluten Free) and it’s about time the autism community starts OPENLY talking about it!” Meiko is speaking out for hundreds and thousands of families that have said “we are behind you, Mieko. Please help us; help our children.” Meiko believes, this is America, and her experience is the research that those who are skeptical of the medical benefits of marijuana should be looking for. This conclusive research calls her

all day, Monday thru Sunday. She is not selling

HOPE. Just look at her son!

I’m grateful that I live in a compassionate state where families contact me with the same “science REPORT RESULT S” in their children. Marijuana gave their child life TOO!!” Meiko Perez is Joey’s MomExecutive Director of The Unconventional Foundation for Autism www.UF4A.ORG

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It really doesn’t matter where you go in this vast world of ours. If there are people living there, beer is being drank there. It goes back through the history of man, to the early Neolithic period or 9000 BC. It’s very likely that the early gathering of the tribes resulted in “altered states” from home-brewed beer, and home-grown medicine. Not far from today’s standards when it’s really broken down.

Pavilion will pair locally grown food with locally brewed beer. MMMM!!!….. This bridge between food and beer will be further explored in the Beer and Food Pavilion by some of today’s Top Chefs. There is a

So, if you love beer as we do, you are in for the “king” of Beer Festivals - the Great American Beer Festival (GABF) being held at the Colorado Convention Center, Sept. 16th -18th. Since 1982, Charlie Papazian’s vision to celebrate everything “BEER” has been building steam from year to year, now filling a whole convention center worth of visitors from around the world. The GABF is a great way to spend the weekend, getting “pissed” with your friends, and trying new brews, but there is actually a real competition going on - and a very important one at that. The goal is to find three beers that best represent the different beer categories, (Hybrids/Mixed styles, Lager beer styles, and Ale beer styles) as defined by the GABF. This year they are welcoming 522 breweries, with over 2,238 beers being served, and some 3,594 slated to be judged in the competition. There will be 79 different beer categories, based on parameters unique to each beer style. With so many varieties in the competition, and so many available for the public’s judgment, there is a good time awaiting all at this festival. The weekend consists of four sessions: Thurs 5:30-10, Fri 5:30-10, Sat-day 12:30-4:30, and Sat-night 5:30-10.

Designated Driver’s Lounge with a full range of sodas and food for those driving us home (….thank you). The Silent Disco is great to burn off your beer buzz if needed, and the gift and bookstore are always great for a gag gift. One can even learn how to judge such an event. This can fill up quickly so get there early, and you can “be the judge”.

Besides all the great breweries in attendance, highlighting their best products, there will be many other events and notable seminars taking place. One can learn all about brewing from the Great American Beer School. The Homebrewers Association will be there to help you get started, and the Farm to the Table

If years past are any indication, the GABF encourages general silliness, goof-ball antics, buffoonery, and over-all tomfoolery. This means that wearing crazy costumes, and letting loose a little is all part of the fun. While this is an

organized event, it is based on getting drunk on beer, so a bit of monkey business will probably be over-looked. This event is always a huge party, and an overall great time. The festival usually spills out to the street and continues into the night at local watering holes. Make sure to prepurchase your tickets, as certain sessions can and will sell out, Saturday especially. Beer has so many flavors, styles, colors, bodies, heads,

thickness’ and richness’. All available for exploration at this hoppin’ party. Thank you Charlie Papazian. Thank you for having a vision - one that many may have scoffed at. But your vision has given us something great. A true celebration - through a tall, chilled glass, and a thick bubbling head. A celebration of everything “BEER”. A celebration where the styles and flavors of beer are endless, and the occasional Neolithic act is not unheard of. So grab your beer goggles, string up some pretzel necklaces, and we’ll see you at the Denver Convention Center for a brew. The first round is on KUSH, so make sure you get down there.

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food is one of the most basic human needs and yet we have a limited knowledge on what occurred to get those plastic wrapped vegetables from the ground and into our shopping carts at the grocery store. It’s strange how little we know of the food we are putting in our bodies. We do not know where our food is coming from, what chemicals it has come in contact with, who has worked to bring it to us and even more factors that establish a disconnect between our food and its life before us. those who find an issue with this, vow to eat as locally as possible and the easiest and most effective way to do this is to subscribe to a CSA (community supported agriculture) at a local farm. In Colorado, we have it particularly easy as there are hundreds of organic farms that offer CSA memberships. A CSA is a community of local food enthusiasts who buy shares in a farm to share the risks of food production with a local farmer and in return get weekly installments of fresh fruit, vegetables, and depending on the farm, eggs, dairy, meat or honey. CSA’s began in Switzerland, Germany and Japan in the 60s to ease concerns about food safety, increasing food imports, urbanization, and a decreasing population of farmers. In Japan, they called the arrangement a “teikei”, which roughly translates to “putting the farmers’ faces on food”, and that is exactly what a CSA does. Out of the CSA, a tie both social and economical was born between farmer and consumer; the consumer would promise

to support the farmer and assume the risks of food production as if it was a poor growing season, it would be reflected in the produce the consumer was provided. the idea of CSA was brought to the United States in 1984 and as of 2007, there are 12,549 CSA supported farms in the US. Most CSA farms are small, local, family farms that focus on high quality foods with a sense of community. CSA shares are on average 14-20 weeks from June to October and come in a variety of sizes ranging from $300-600 and provide anywhere from two people to a whole family with in-season vegetables picked that day. Shares often have more quantity and variety in the middle of the share (around August), as it is prime growing season. Weekly pickups are often at the farm itself, Boulder Farmers’ Market, or some provide many pickup locations at members’ houses. to even further encourage a sense of community, farms often provide weekly newsletters about farm happenings and recipes, farm workdays, and farm visits. there is nothing more worthwhile than a weekly visit to your chosen CSA farm to see the full fields and loved animals and talk to a passionate and proud farmer about his/her produce and how it was lovingly grown. there are countless farms, but to start your search and give you an idea of the options, here is a starter list of CSA farms. CSA’s have already started, but it isn’t too soon to start shopping for one for next summer or even this fall as some offer a winter share. visit these farms and try veggies from their farm stand to find the farm that fits your taste and lifestyle.

Cure Organic Farm

Grant Family Farms

7416 VALmont rd., BouLder, Co

1020 wCr 72, weLLington, Co grAntfArms.Com


“Food is one of our basic needs; however for most of us where and how our food is grown is often overlooked. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a way to bring fresh, organic produce directly from our farm to your table each week.” – Cure Organic Farm Cure Organic Farm is a beautiful farm run by Anne, Paul and Georgia Cure and their interns. their summer CSA season runs 20 weeks from June 2nd to October 13th and they offer a small, medium and large share, priced $300, $400 and $600, respectively. the size of share does not dictate variety, only quantity. Cure Farms also offers a winter share that brings you delicious farm fresh food even when snow is on the ground. For members, they offer delicious seasonal vegetables and herbs with an optional fruit share, a weekly newsletter with recipes, invitations to workdays and farm events (including a cookout at the end of each season) and an opportunity to visit the farm each week during pick-up. Cure Farm offers a few Work Shares, which is where one works on the farm in exchange for a discounted share. they also make membership to a CSA available to low income families in the area. they grow 90 different varieties of fresh organic vegetables, herbs and flowers on their eight-acre farm six miles east of Boulder. Although one cannot request a certain vegetable or customize their share, there is a swap table where one can exchange a veggie they don’t love for more of one they do. Cure Farm also sells their produce at their farm stand (located on the farm), at the Boulder Farmers’ Market, and at a variety of local restaurants. Along with veggies, the farm is home to beehives, hens, ducks, heritage pigs and Rambouillet sheep. their hens and ducks provide the best eggs in Boulder County and their sheep and pigs are raised for meat while the bees provide honey. *

Red Wagon Organic Farms 95th & ArApAhoe, LAfAyette, Co www.redwAgonorgAniCfArm.Com

“One of the best parts of having a market farm is that we sell directly to the people who consume our vegetables. We get to share our stories, challenges, and other information with our customers and we also get to enjoy the gratitude they show us.” – Red Wagon Organic Farms Red Wagon is a farm run by Wyatt Barnes and Amy tisdale whose delicious produce can be found at the Boulder Farmers’ Market, at their farm stand in Lafayette, and at local restaurants. their CSA runs 22 weeks from May 24 to October 21 and costs from $517 to $724, depending on size. they have two pick up locations in Boulder and one in Lafayette. they also offer a fruit share add-on supplied by ela Family Farms and First Fruits Organic Farms. Red Wagon’s CSA members are also provided with a weekly newsletter including recipes utilizing the weekly veggies and an update on the goings on at the farm. Members are also invited to the farm for two tours to allow members to see the inner workings at the farm. the farm grows over 100 varieties of vegetables and herbs and strives to provide both comfort and diversity in their produce. Red Wagon makes reduced-rate CSA shares available to lower income households and was able to provide these shares to six families last year. the farm strives to farm in a sustainable way, both environmentally and economically. *

“CSA members enjoy supporting the local economy and voting for family farms with your food dollar! By purchasing directly from the farm, your entire food dollar goes into the local economy, supports farm families and ecologically sound farming practices.” – Grant Family Farms Grant Family Farms was the first to be certified organic in Colorado and they believe in connecting people and communities through farm fresh food and a green lifestyle. their CSA season runs 26 weeks from June to December. they offer many different kinds of shares; you can start with a vegetable share (the size of your choosing) and can add a cut flower, egg, or fruit share also. the farm also raises meat, but it is not available as a share. they offer a working share discount of $90 for 18 hours of work during the season. they also offer supported shares where one may give extra to provide someone else with the opportunity of farm fresh food, but what is really fantastic is that Grant farms will match each supported share purchased. the size of share chosen not only dictates quantity, but also variety. their shares run $491 to $600 depending on size. CSA pick-ups are literally all over the place, in Cheyenne, Laramie, Denver, Boulder, estes, Golden, Colorado Springs, Fort Collins, Loveland, and even more. they have a dinner series that includes live music, organic cuisine, and local drinks and foods served intimately right on the farm. the members provide finance for seeds, water, equipment and also a guaranteed market for produce, and in return, the farm provides a peace of mind that your food is grown lovingly, locally, and environmentally conscious. Be sure to drop by their farm stand to some of their delicious produce. *

Abbondanza Organic Seeds & Produce 10145 oxford rd, Longmont, Co www.eAtABBo.org

“Abbondanza’s vision is to co-create a bio-regional food system which provides our schools and community with farm fresh, nutrient dense food year around.” – Abbondanza Organic Seeds and Produce Abbondanza is an organic farm that offers three different kinds of shares, a 21 week veggie share from May to October, a 5 delivery keeper share from October to December, and a three year dream share that includes a veggie share, keeper share, and fruit share. Bison, fruit and coffee shares are also offered as add-ons. they have five pick up locations, two in Boulder, two in Lafayette, and one in Longmont. they offer three different sizes of veggie shares, ranging from $350-$650. One can also buy a gift share for either someone they know, or for a community member in need that Abbondanza would be happy to locate and share the bounty with. Abbondanza grows several vegetables that set them apart from other local farms such as artichoke, cauliflower, edamame, endive, melons, radicchio, rutabaga and watermelon. *




In 2001 my oldest daughter announced her intention to go to the University of Colorado, Boulder and study music in the College of Music. As a native Californian, this was exiting news – a new place to explore and visit and luckily the home state of my very best friend who then lived in Longmont and has since moved to Lafayette. In 2007 my youngest daughter also decided to go to CU. For the past nine years I have visited the Rocky Mountain state dozens of times and each time I know why people call Colorado home.

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Initially my experience was more Boulder oriented, staying at the time in the charming college town filled with amazing restaurants, boutiques and people. For those of you who have never experienced the amazing music available through the College of Music at the University of Colorado (I was lucky enough to go to dozens of shows), you are surely missing some very talented performers and events. One of the premiere venues I frequented, with over 2,000 seats and being over 100 years old, was Macky Auditorium located on the campus which hosts numerous musical events each year including CU Opera, the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra and has seen legends such as eleanor Roosevelt, Jerry Garcia, Dave Matthews and recently Cheech and Chong, just to name a few. Guest speakers such as the Dalia Lama and Archbishop Desmond tutu have also graced the stage of Macky. Macky was built from a generous contribution by Andrew J. Macky, a Boulder pioneer, settler from the Pike’s Peak gold rush era, and founder of the First National Bank of Boulder. Macky was one of the most famous early residents of the town of Boulder. Bequeathing $300,000 to the University in 1907 following his death, the second largest gift ever given to a Colorado university or college, the groundbreaking for the Auditorium was in 1909 with its completion in 1923 after a lengthy legal battle over his generous donation by his estate. The architects, Gove and Walsh from Denver were asked to combine features from grand buildings located in Florence, Italy, Cambridge and Oxford england, as well as Princeton University and a New York City church. My first Macky concert was the Holiday Festival, presented each year in December which features College of Music choirs, ensembles, orchestra as well as featured faculty soloists. This year’s festival is scheduled for December 3, 4, 5 and 6th and will sell out, as always. If you’ve never experienced this annual festival, it is a great family event. Holiday music from all over the world is performed in the historic Macky setting. For those of you in the mood for a more classical Macky experience, be sure to go to one of the two fully staged musicals/ operas scheduled for this upcoming season. The classic Rodgers and Hammerstein Carousel is being performed October 22, 23 and 24th and the opera Susannah will be staged March 11, 12 and 13th, 2011. Check out the website http://cupresents.org/default/index. cfm, which has the entire calendar of upcoming Macky events including the Grammy Award winning takacs Quartet who will be in town September 19th and 20th.

If you are more inclined to visit Macky to see the Boulder Philharmonic, opening it’s 53rd season check out www.boulderphil.org/concerts/10-11-season-overview/10-11season for the complete calendar of events. Don’t let another year pass without a visit to Macky. You’ll enjoy yourself and wonder why you never visited before!! 102 kush

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Boom boom. The noise is the foundation shaking signature of the Space Shuttle as it’s nose and wings rip through the atmosphere on it’s flight home. The twin sonic boom is normally a signifier of yet another successful mission into space. Early next year it will take on a much more significant meaning. 104 kush

2011 will mark a major turning point for the future of space flight. For better or worse, NASA will be getting its wings clipped. Five space-ready shuttles have been built over the years: Challenger, Columbia, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavor. The two shuttles, Colombia and Challenger have tragically and famously disintegrated in flight, Atlantis has been retired officially, leaving Discovery and Endeavour. Discover is set to lift off for the last time in Nov., and Endeavour is slated to be the last Space Shuttle to fly on Feb. 26, 2011. Today, the space program is just a whimper compared to the gargantuan national project that sent Neil Armstrong and Co. to the moon in 1969. Next year, when Endeavour touches down, the fleet of aging old tech will limp it’s way into the history books. After that there are no more plans for a manned space flight from NASA. The planned Mars-bound Constellation program has been scrapped by the Obama administration; the keys to the universe handed off to the private sector. The new idea is to have private companies develop their space vehicles. A new kind of private pioneer will be encouraged into space. President Obama said he is hopeful of a trip to an asteroid in 2025, and Mars sometime in the mid-2030s according to the New York Times. From now on, if you are looking for the Right Stuff look no further than your nearest tax haven. Rich people with a penchant for space flight will now take up the reigns once held only by an elite few.

It’s not all as bad as it may seem, excessive tourism can easily ruin many a vacation spot, but tourists in space could do a lot of good. The great thing is that normal people don’t just get to hear about the excitement of traveling through space, they can do it. Spend enough money and you can follow in the footsteps of Yuri Gagarin or Alan Shepard. The Space Shuttle, and Skylab before it, have been criticized over the years for squandering the excitement and enthusiasm for space flight with boring missions. The missions in the 60s that built up to the moon landing pushed the outside of the envelope and the astronauts were celebrities to the public. Since then there have been a torrent of scientists doing important, but ultimately not very exciting work. Maybe the image of rock stars in space will come back when we actually have rock stars in space. All you rap artists who think you’re hot stuff because your Cadillac has large wheels, this is your chance. Come back and talk to us after you’ve achieved low Earth orbit. You think your sport bike is fast? Try covering 8,000 miles every second. For the truly baller, this will soon be a reality. Virgin Galactic is taking orders for their space flights right now. $20 thousand gets you on the waiting list, $200 thousand sends you up into space. Virgin is not the only one getting in on the action, California based Space X launched a privately developed vehicle into orbit on June 4 this year. John F. Kennedy once said that we choose to go to the moon not because it is easy, but because it is hard. One has to wonder if the change in the way we approach space flight is the easy way out for a country burdened with financial problems, or the difficult realization of the superior potential of the private sector. As for me, I’ll just be buying a lotto ticket... or 20.

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Event Horizon is a horror film about a rescue crew that attempts to investigate what happened to a ship that went missing years ago. The Event Horizon was an experimental ship which was testing new technology that would allow travel through wormholes in order to allow faster travel through deep space. What resulted was that the ship was transported through another dimension of horror that introduced its crew to a new level of torment and suffering. The movie itself has received mixed reviews, some say the gore and plot go over the top, while others maintain that it is one of the most horrifying films of all time. 108 kush

A semi cult favorite for years, The Fifth Element paints a fun and interesting depiction of the future. The first Airplane movie stands the test of time as one of the funniest off-the-wall comedies ever made. Airplane 2 goes down in history as being very much like the first film, but in space. Ted Striker is back and is once again trying to win over the heart of his ongoing love interest, Elaine. Tragedy strikes when the on board computer goes haywire and sends the ship hurtling towards the sun. The ship’s crew are eventually killed or incapacitated and just when you think it can’t get any worse, they run out of coffee. Striker is called up to save the day and face his demons as he attempts to rescue the ship. If you haven’t seen the original Airplane, put this magazine down right now and go watch it. As for Airplane 2: surley there can’t be a funnier space sequel.

You might have to suspend your scientific beliefs in order to really enjoy this movie, from filmmaker Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire and 28 Days Later). In the film, a crew of scientists are sent from Earth to the sun in order to detonate a massive nuclear bomb. The sun has been burning out and life on Earth has been threatened by the cooling temperatures. Really, the sun is so massive that you could probably smash an entire planet into it with little effect, but if you can get past things like this, there are some terrific scenes for space freaks to really geek out on here. The film making is brilliant, and it somehow even enables the audience to feel the vastness of space. If you are into space, the sequence where tvhey fly close to Mercury is alone worth the cost of renting this film.

The casting is what really brings this movie to life, Gary Oldman is terrific as the villain, Zorg, Bruce Willis does a pretty good job as the hero Korben Dallas, and Milla Jovovich is, for lack of a better word, perfect. The movie is not without its flaws however. The costumes of the aliens are less than believable and the lines can be cheesy from time to time. This is good cheese though, like a Cheez-it or the cheese on a burger. Willis is a cab driver who has trouble making ends meet. His luck turns around when the perfect girl falls out of the sky (literally). Jovovich plays a supreme being that was sent to earth in order to save it from an evil force. It’s up to Dallas to prove to her it is worth saving.

Tom Hanks stars in this retelling of the story about NASA’s botched trip to the moon. Directed by Ron Howard in 1995, and nominated for nine academy awards including Best Picture, the movie displays all of the action and excitement that captured the world’s attention in 1970. The movie has been widely hailed as an extremely accurate representation of the actual event. One interesting note is that the line said by Hanks in the film actually deviates from what Jim Lovell said over the radio to Houston. The actual line was “Houston, we’ve had a problem” The line was changed to present tense for the movie in order to convey an ongoing event. Another interesting fact is that Jim Lovell himself plays the aircraft carrier Captain at the end of the film. Minor changes aside, this remains as one of the most complete and accurate space films around. If you like this and want to see more, try looking into the HBO miniseries ‘From the Earth to the Moon’ which covers the rest of the early space program, starting at Mercury and ending with the last Apollo mission.

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Stone Cold Tuna Ingredients 3/4 pound sashimi grade tuna steak, diced 1/2 cup diced cucumber 1 avocados - peeled, pitted and diced 1/4 cup chopped green onion 1 1/2 teaspoons red pepper flakes 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice Âź cup THC olive oil 1/2 cup soy sauces Directions In a medium bowl, combine the tuna, cucumber, avocado, green onion, red pepper flakes and sesame seeds. Pour in the lemon juice, THC olive oil and soy sauce, and stir carefully to blend so as not to mash the avocado. Place this bowl into a larger bowl that has been filled with ice. Chill in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, but no longer - the terrific freshness of the fish will be lost. Once chilled, remove the bowl from the ice, and invert onto a serving plate. Serve with toasted bread or your favorite crackers.

Alaskan King Salmon Garam Masala Ingredients 3/4 cup dry white wine 1/2 cup heavy cream 1/3 cup coconut milk 2 tablespoons curry powder ½ cup cold, unsalted THC butter, cut into pieces kosher salt to taste 1/4 cup vegetable oil 8 (6 ounce) fillets Alaskan king salmon 2 tablespoons garam masala kosher salt to taste

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Directions Pour white wine, cream, and coconut milk into a saucepan; season with curry powder. Bring to a light boil over mediumhigh heat, then reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until the liquid has reduced to 1/2 cup, about 10 minutes. When the liquid has reduced, turn heat to low, and whisk in the THC butter, a few cubes at a time, until all of the butter has incorporated. Do not allow the mixture to boil or else it will separate, and you run the chance of losing your medication. When the butter has incorporated, season to taste with salt and set aside to keep warm. Heat the oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat until it begins to smoke. While the oil is heating, lightly season both sides of the salmon with garam masala and salt. Sear the salmon in the hot oil for 3 to 4 minutes on one side, then turn over, and continue cooking for 2 to 3 minutes until done. Briefly drain on paper towels to absorb excess oil, then serve immediately with the curry butter sauce.

Peach Raspberry Crumble Ingredients 1 pint fresh raspberries 3 fresh peaches, pitted and chopped 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/3 cup white sugar 1 pinch cinnamon 1 cup rolled oats 1/2 cup unsalted THC butter 1/4 cup brown sugar 1/4 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon salt 1 pinch cinnamon Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease 6 small ramekins. In a bowl, mix the raspberries, peaches, lemon juice, 1/3 cup white sugar, and 1 pinch cinnamon.

In a separate bowl, mix the oats, tHC butter, brown sugar, 1/4 cup white sugar, vanilla, salt, and 1 pinch cinnamon. Fill the prepared ramekins with equal amounts of the raspberry and peach mixture, and top with equal amounts of the oats mixture. Arrange the ramekins on a baking sheet. Bake 35 minutes in the preheated oven, until crisp and golden brown. Cool 10 minutes before serving.

Remove from oven and set aside to cool slightly. Sprinkle blueberries over the crust. Combine the 1/4 cup sugar and nutmeg; sprinkle over the blueberries. Make the topping: In a medium bowl, cream together the 5 tablespoons tHC butter and brown sugar until smooth. Mix in the flour, so that the mixture is crumbly like streusel. Sprinkle over the blueberry layer. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes in the preheated oven, until browned. Cool and then dust with confectioners’ sugar before cutting into bars.

leMon blueberry bars IngrEdIEnts CRUSt: 2 cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons white sugar 2 teaspoons lemon zest 1 pinch salt 1/2 cup tHC butter, chilled and diced 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract FILLING: 2 cups fresh blueberries 1/4 cup white sugar 1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg CRUMB tOPPING: 5 tablespoons tHC butter, softened 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/4 cup confectioners’ sugar for dustings dIrEctIons Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking pan. Start by making the crust. In a medium bowl, stir together the 2 cups flour, 2 tablespoons white sugar, lemon zest and salt. Cut in the 1/2 cup tHC butter until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Beat egg and vanilla together; stir into the crumb mixture until a dough forms. Press into the bottom of the prepared pan. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until golden.

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by JANE QUENTIN The dog days of summer are upon us and for me, a quick getaway is a great way keep moving through the heat. Sometimes just going to a movie can cool off the mind and body, though I often prefer a frozen drink in an igloo in August. If the mercury rise has got you down, a great way to beat the heat and maybe even come home a few dollars richer is to explore the throwback casino towns of Black Hawk, Central City and Cripple Creek. Getting up the mountain to the casinos is half the fun. If you can get a group together, of course the only option is party bus! There are several companies that offer door-to-door shuttle service to the casinos. They also depart from many hotels throughout the day so pop in and ask any concierge or front desk clerk for times. It’s a pretty drive as well, but if you’re planning on enjoying adult beverages, don’t drive home! Room rates in the area are very reasonable, maybe not the same sort of deals you might find in Las Vegas, but if you plan ahead, you can get some great values by booking online. The larger hotels like the Riviera Casino and the Isle of Capri in Black Hawk have pet-friendly rooms that start at around $69 with rates being higher on weekends or holidays. The casinos have popular games like video poker, shot machines and card tables. There is always a promotion going on so check with player services to find out if signing up for the program affords you some great perks. Gambling is everywhere. There are two “main” sections of town with a few casinos on the outskirts. “New Black Hawk” is located at the South end of town as you’re arriving if coming from Denver or Golden on Hwy 119. Central City is more “preserved” than Black Hawk in that the town has done a good job of

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maintaining its mining roots, look and feel. If you’re looking for a break from the crowds, Central City is a good choice. Central City is home to the Dostal Alley Casino & Brewpub which serves excellent beer and pub food. Central City Colorado was the first town to open casinos in Colorado. Gamblers lined up outside the Historic Teller House Casino for blocks to get in. Since then, Black Hawk has taken over as the center of the action and Central City is nearly a ghost town once again. It’s not a good idea to take kids or anyone under 21 to the area since gambling is the main attraction. There are a few other things to do, but the real purpose of the trip is to get away in less than an hour, relax in the gentle breeze of air conditioning and try your luck at the tables or on the machines. After a day in Black Hawk, you will feel as if you have journeyed to another time and place, which is exactly why we love quick getaways.

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Rodrigo y Gabriela + Xavier Rudd & Izintaba

Reggae On The Rocks

8.20.10 @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre (Morrison)

8.28.10 @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre (Morrison)

Rodrigo y Gabriela are an acoustic rhythm guitar duo, natives of Mexico, and got their start playing underground bars and pubs in Dublin, Ireland. their smooth style of dueling guitars is so simple that it needs no extravagant setup to blow a crowd away. A great show at Red Rocks that is certain to fill your soul with good vibrations and your ears with wonderful noises. www.rodgab.com

Reggae has always seemed to go hand-in-hand with marijuana. And although stereotypes are annoying, this really shouldn’t bother any of us. the lineup for the Reggae on the Rocks Festival this year, put on by Bill Bass Concerts, includes Steel Pulse, Israel vibration, and KyMani Marley, with plenty of wonderful support and additions sure to come. A few things are guaranteed here: good vibrations, quality music, friendly people, and beautiful views. the good atmosphere which should flow freely at Red Rocks on this late August Saturday afternoon and evening would be hard to beat, no matter where you find yourself. www.redrocksonline.com

Chromeo + Holy Ghost! 8.20.10 @ Ogden Theatre (Denver) Here is the perfect opportunity to dust off those dancing shoes and two-step your asses off ! Chromeo is one of the funnest shows on the road, and fellow New Yorkers Holy Ghost! certainly know how to make people move. Chromeo most recently released their single “Don’t turn the Lights On” with an album on the way this year. Holy Ghost! released an eP in late spring and have been touring the world since. Both put on a lovely show, and both will make your feet hurt come Saturday morning. www.chromeo.net, www.holyghostnyc.com

Chiddy Bang 8.22.10 @ Ogden Theatre (Denver) If you’ve heard of Chiddy Bang, it’s probably by way of their mixtape mashed, hip-hop renditions of MGMt’s “Kids” or Passion Pit’s “Better things”. Both songs were already real nice before Chiddy Bang put their twist on them, but the spiced up versions certainly opened the songs up to a new crowd. Coming off the release of their eP, the Opposite of Adults, these young dudes who met at Drexel University will be releasing their debut LP, Here We Go on August 24th. they have a really fun live show that has been touring extensively as of late, and it seems will continue if all goes as planned. We think you’ll dig it. www.facebook.com/chiddybang

The Black Crowes 8.29.10 @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver) Good old fashioned rock ‘n’ roll never hurt anyone. In fact, it’s probably saved a lot of lives. the Black Crowes represent the good part of a genre that’s been flooded with American Idol runner ups and label-made pretty faces in recent years. Performing songs from their latest work, Croweology, a double album of all acoustic material, this show will be on the mellower side than they may have played back in the 90’s. these guys have had an impressive career that began back in the late 80’s, and continues strongly today. After this tour, the Atlanta legends will take some time off to spend with their families, so get them while you can. www.blackcrowes.com

Vampire Weekend, Beach House 9.3.10 @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre (Morrison) Both relative ‘indie’ darlings at a time over the last year or so, this pairing of bands at Red Rocks is sure to uplift even the gloomiest of souls. vampire Weekend, the Columbia University grads who sprung to popularity upon their debut self titled album, haven’t had quite the same level of success with their more recent release, Contra. Despite that, they are still really good and bring a high quality live

Left: Vampire Weekend, Does it Offend You, Yeah? Rightf rom Top: Chiddy Bang, Chromeo, The Black Crowes, !!! CD, Rodrigo Y Gabriela Cloud Cult, Reggae On The Rocks 116 kush


show. Coupled with the vamps are recent hipster, blog, and world favorites Beach House, who are set to explode themselves. Don’t miss this great show and kick off the Labor Day weekend right!

www.vampireweekend.com, www.beachhousebaltimore.com

!!! (Chk Chk Chk) 9.9.10 @ Bluebird Theater (Denver) !!! (pronounced Chk Chk Chk) are releasing their 4th full length album, Strange Weather, Isn’t It? in late August. the band is now Brooklyn based, but originally from Sacramento, forming in 1996. their sound could be described as dance-punk, with a live touring show consisting of 8 or more people to create an intense and lively experience suited well for the Bluebird theater. Inhibitions are best left at home and dancing in some fashion is basically required to make this show work for you. www.chkchkchk.net

Cloud Cult 9.11.10 @ Bluebird Theater (Denver) You may not have heard about Cloud Cult, but they aren’t really new to the music world. touring in support of their 9th and latest album Light Chasers, this band from Minnesota has been spreading their artsy rock sound for well over a decade. Similar to Bluebird’s !!! show on 9/9, Cloud Cult fully embraces the live aspect of music with 8 or so members that would work well as some sort of rockorchestra (rochestra?). these guys have a very intelligent sound that, if you’ve lost faith in modern music, prepare to be reinspired. Really nice, uplifting melodies and sounds that range from super mellow to beautifully hectic. expect getting your heart caught in your throat occasionally during this performance, and bringing a date wouldn’t be a bad idea. www.cloudcult.com

Does It Offend You, Yeah? 9.14.10 @ The Summit Music Hall (Denver) Does It Offend You, Yeah? came out of nowhere (the UK) with their debut album You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Youself Into. No we didn’t. the band’s name has seen some level of scrutiny as to it’s meaning, but as they said in an interview, it’s just a quote from the UK’s version of “the Office” tv show: “we switched it on and Ricky Gervais said “Does it offend you, yeah? My drinking?” so we just went with that. No thought went into it whatsoever.” So there you have it. Hard to say what to expect from their latest album Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You. these guys bring an incredible amount of energy to their live show, and their electro-pop-punk-emo-rock sound comes across very nicely. this show is being organized by Soda Jerk Presents at the wonderful Summit Music Hall. You will probably be amazed by this show, don’t say we didn’t warn you....


A guide to the Best desserts in town there is nothing that delights more than an exquisite dessert. A wellexecuted crème brulee can tame an argument and a box of cookies can save a company meeting. Sweets make special moments even more delicious— just look at valentine’s Day—on the day dedicated to love, chocolate is up there with flowers and is certainly enjoyed more by the recipient. Dessert has come a long way in the culinary world, where the pastry chef is often as revered as the head chef at many restaurants. Sandra Boynton, renowned author of children’s books, was on spot when she cited this important statistic: “Research tells us fourteen out of any ten individuals likes chocolate.” Denver’s culinary scene is no stranger to the divine end of meal and in this very important research, I have sacrificed by waistline to bring you my selection of the sweetest spots in Denver.

By JuLie CoLe

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The Chocolate Café

D-Bar Desserts

The Kitchen

102 w oLiVe st

1475 e 17th AVe

1039 peArL st

fort CoLLins, Co

denVer, Co

BouLder, Co

Why didn’t I think to open an eatery called “the Chocolate Café”? I guess I was too busy writing about eggs or listening to Method Man or something. Fortunately, the good folks in Fort Collins fulfilled my unrealized dream and run one amazing place. the Chocolate Café even has a bar! this is one of those spots where the dishes almost look too good to eat. I had the Harvest Apple Crème Brulee--Granny Smith apples and cinnamon topped with rich custard and served with shortbread cookies. I didn’t know whether to cry or ask for a job just to be near this amazing treat. there are just a few tables, but it is very well worth the wait, or call ahead and pick it up for later! *

How can you go wrong with a place that serves milk and cookies? You just can’t. D-bar has taken classic favorites and turned them into gourmet, chocolaty, sweet, caramelly heaven. the ice cream sandwich is served on warm mitt waffles and the menu item called, “that chocolate molten thingy that everybody has” is not at all like everybody’s. It’s melting chocolate, warm perfection. For fun try the dish called “An ode to Nola” (that’s New Orleans, Louisiana for all you rookies.) which is hickory soufflé, baby beignets and “prah-leen” ice cream. *

While the Kitchen is not solely a dessert spot per se, I still haven’t met a dessert in Boulder that beats the Sticky toffee Pudding with vanilla Gelato that comes out of the Kitchen. And yes, I took liberty with the capitalization on this dish because it is deserves it. You know how the aftertaste lingers in your mouth after you chew a caramel or eat a Werther’s candy? Imagine it in warm pudding form. I also tried a bite of the strawberry ice cream bowl served with sugar cookies and wow. Oh, and the food is great, too…f you’re in to that sort of thing. *

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99 S. Main St. (970) 485-5263

ARVADA Special Kinds

4804 W. 60th Ave. Arvada, CO 80003 (303) 420-KIND (5463) High Country Medical Solutions

5783 Sheridan Blvd. Suite 101 Arvada, CO 80002 (303) 725-1629

ASPEN Alternative Medical Solutions

106 S. Mill St., Ste 203 Aspen, CO 81611 (970) 544-8142 Locals Emporium of Alternative Farms (L.E.A.F.)

100 S. Spring St., Ste 2 Aspen, CO 81611 (970) 920-4220

AVON Tree Line Premier Dispensary

40801 Hwy 6 Suite # 215 Avon, CO 81620 (970) 949-1887

310 Mountain Ave. Berthoud, CO 80513 (970) 217-4982 Herbs Medicinals Inc.

6560 Odell Pl. Boulder, CO 80301

435 Mountain Ave. Berthoud, CO 80513 (970) 344-5060

Boulder Rx


Boulder Vital Herbs


2527 ½ N Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 440-0234

CannaMed USA

1750 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 (877) 420-MEDS New Leaf Wellness

1325 Broadway, Ste 211 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 408-9122


Altitude Organic Medicine - Boulder

5420 Arapahoe Ave., Unit D2 Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 443-0240 Boulder Alternative Medicine

1325 Broadway St., Ste 213 Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 210-4021 Boulder Compassionate Care

5330 Manhattan Cir., Ste A Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 554-2004 Boulder County Caregivers

2955 Valmont Rd. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 495-2195


Boulder Kind Care

Rocky Mountain Patient Services

2031 16th St. Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 235-4232

16295 Tower Rd. Aurora, CO 80122 (720) 275-9436

Boulder Rx

Boulder Kush

1750 30th St, Unit 8 Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 447-2900

1035 Pearl St., 3rd floor Boulder, CO 80302

Boulder Wellness Center

5420 Arapahoe Ave., Ste F Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 442-2565 Boulder’s Unique Dispensary

900 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303 Colorado Care Inc

2850 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 250-9066 Crème de la Chron

2450 Central Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 Crossroads Wellness

1750 30th St. #14 Boulder, CO 80301 (720) 379-6046 Dr. Reefer’s Dispensary

1121 Broadway, Unit G-1 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 727-0711 Evolution Medicine Services

4476 N. Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 588-3335

Flower of Life Healing Arts, Inc.

Boulder, CO (720) 381-6187 Healing House 1303 ½ Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80302 Helping Hands Herbals 2714 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 444-1564 High Grade Alternatives 3370 Arapahoe Rd. Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 449-1905 Holos Health

1871 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 273-3568 Indigenous Medicines LLC 1200 Pearl St., #35 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 402-6975 Medicine on the Hill 1089 13th St. Boulder, CO 80302 MediPharm 800 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 MMJ America

1909 N. Broadway St., # 100 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 732-6654 Mountain Medicine Group 2515 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (720) 542-9943 Natural Alternative Medicine 5370 Manhattan Cir. Boulder, CO 80303 (720) 363-9877 New Options Wellness 2885 Aurora Ave., Ste 40 Boulder, CO 80303 (720) 266-9967

Ohana PC 918 University Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 Options Medical Center

1534 55th St. Boulder CO 80301 (303) 444-0861 Specialty Health Services, LLC 6700 Lookout Rd., Ste 5 Boulder (Gunbarrel), CO 80301 (303) 530-3031 Table Mesa Wellness Center 4730 Table Mesa Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 (303) 554-5399 THC Ministry of Boulder 1221 Pearl St., No. 10 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 449-4437 The Bud 2500 Broadway, Ste 100 Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 565-4019 The Farm 1644 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 440-1323 The Green Room 1738 Pearl St., Ste 100m Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 945-4074 The Greenest Green 2034 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 953-2582 The Hill Cannabis Club (THC), LLC 1360 College Ave. Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 245-9728 The Medication Company 4483 N. Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 635-6481 The Village Green Society 2043 16th St. Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 746-9064

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DISPENSARy Listing Therapeutic Compassion Center 1501 Lee Hill Dr., No. 22 Boulder, CO 80202

The Lil Green House 518 Wilcox St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 (303) 993-3070

Top Shelf Alternatives 1327 Spruce St., Ste 301 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 459-5335


Trill Alternatives 1537 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 993-7064 Vape Therapeutics 1327 Spruce St., Ste 300 Boulder. CO 80302 WELL Dispensary 3000 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 993-7932

BRECKENRIDGE Breckenridge Cannabis Club 226 S. Main St. Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-4900 Medicine Man 101 N. Main St., Ste 6 Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-2525 Organix 1795 Airport Rd., Unit A2 Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-1340

CARBONDALE C.M.D. 1101 Village Rd. Carbondale, CO 81623 (970) 306-3231 Green Miracle Medicinals 443 Main St. Carbondale, CO 81623 (970) 963-1234 Sopris LEAF 580 Main St., 3rd floor #300 Carbondale, CO 81623 (970) 704-0420

CASTLE ROCK Mile High Medical Gardens 858 Happy Canyon Rd., #150 Castle Rock, CO 80108 (720) 249-2492

Cannabis Centers for Alternative Wellness 6590 S. Broadway St. Centennial, CO 80121 (720) 223-5551


Dispensary Credit Card Processing 7108 S. Alton Way, Bldg G, Ste 101A Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 981-8885

CENTRAL CITy Annie’s Central City Dispensary 135 Nevada St. Central City, CO 80427 (303) 582-3530

CLIFTON God’s Gift 571 32 Rd. Clifton, CO 81504 (970) 609-4438 Herbal Medical Center 3258 F Rd., Unit B Clifton, CO 81520 (970) 433-0399

COLORADO SPRINGS Insurance Companies


A Cut Above 1150 E. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 434-1665 A Cut Above 3750 Astrozon Blvd., Ste 140 Colorado Springs, CO 80910 (719) 391-5099 Alternative Medicine Colorado Springs 2606 W Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs, CO. 80904 (719) 358-6955

MC Caregivers 6020 Erin Park, Ste A Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (719) 264-MEDS (6337)

Care West, LLC 1351 Pecan St. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 434-7852

Altitude Organic Medicine 409 S. Nevada Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 719) 434-7918

Colorado Cannabis Center 1905 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 574-4455

Aromas & Herbs, LLC Go Green Cross 2514 W. Colorado Ave., Ste 206 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 930-9846

Doctors Orders 2106 East Boulder St. Colorado Springs, CO.80909 (719)634-8808

Bijou Wellness Center 2132 E. Bijou St., Ste 114 Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 465-2407 Cannabicare 1466 Woolsey heights Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719)573-2262


Canna Care 1675 Jet Wing Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80916 (719) 596-3010

Herbal Health Systems 1235 Lake Plaza Dr., Ste 221 Colorado Springs, CO (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB

Canna-pothecary, LLC 1730 W. Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-2511 (719) 646-4695 (temp)

Colorado Cannabis Caregivers 2203 N. Weber St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 634-7389

Cannabis Connection of the Rockies 4850 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO.80915 (719)42- CCMMJ( 422-2665)

Herbal Health Systems 102 S Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB

Marimeds 222 E. Moreno Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 634-8285

Altitude Organic Medicine 822 W. Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 (719) 313-9841

Acruxis Agency William Prince 731 N. Weber St., Ste 215 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 635-7278 CannaMed USA 2935 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (877) 420-MEDS

Cannamart 5761 Constitution Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719) 520-0420

Canna Caregivers 3220 N. Academy Blvd., Ste 4 Colorado Springs, CO 80917 (719) 597-6685 Cannabis Therapeutics Caregivers Cooperative 907 E. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 633-7124

DrReefer.com 2231 E. Platte Ave. Colorado Springs, CO.80909 (719)434-7166 Emerald City Wellness 1353 S. 8th St. # 102 Colorado Springs, CO.80905 (719)344-8046

Medical Marijuana Connection 2933 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 297-1420 Mira Meds 3132 W. Colorado Colorado Springs, CO 80904 Mountain Made Meds 5162 Centennial Blvd Colorado Springs,CO. 80919 (719) 528- MEDS (528-6337) Mountain Med Club 4465 Northpark Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 599-4180 Natural Advantage Medical Marijuana Center 925 W. Cucharras St. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 (719) 533-1177 Natural Remedies MMJ 408 S. Nevada Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (800) 985-7168

Epic Medical Caregiver 3631 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 638-4596

Nature’s Medicine Wellness Center 11 S. 25th St., Ste 220 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 213-3239

Floobies 2233 Academy Pl., Ste 201 Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 597-4429

Nature’s Way 5012 North Academy Blvd Colorado Springs, CO. 80918 (719)531- MEDS (531-6337)

Front Range Alternative Medicines P.O. Box 60744 Colorado Springs, CO 80960 (719) 213-0118

Old World Pharmaceutical 6347 E. Platte Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719) 393-3899

Genovation Laboratories 957 E. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 632-6026

Pikes Peak Alternative Health and Wellness Centers 1605 S. Tejon St., Ste 101 Colorado Springs CO, 80905 (719) 575-9835

Hatch Wellness Center 1478 Woolsey Heights Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719) 591-2151

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DISPENSARy Listing Pikes Peak Cannabis Caregivers 3715 Drennan Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80910 (719) 216-5452 Pikes Peak Compassionate Care Center 2845 Ore Mill Rd. #6 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-8499 Sunshine Wellness Center 31 N. Tejon St., Ste 400 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 632-6192 THC (The Highland Collective) 332 W. Bijou St., Ste 101 Colorado Springs CO, 80905 (719) 442-6737 The Green Door Collective 3470 Chelton Loop N., Unit H Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 574-1742 The Green Earth Wellness Center 519 N. 30th St. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-6337 The Healthy Connections 1602 W. Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 203-6004 The Healing Canna 3692 E. Bijou St. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 637-7645 The Hemp Center 2501 W. Colorado Ave., #106 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-1611 The Highlands Cooperative 332 West Bijou St., Ste. 101 Colorado Springs, CO 80905 (719) 442-6737 The Organic Seed 2303 East Platte Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 375-3700 The Parc (Patient Activity Resource Center) 957 E Fillmore St Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 632-6026

Today’s Health Care 1635 W. Uintah St., Ste E Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-1300 Top Buds, LLC 575 Valley St. #10 Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719) 591-7411 Tree of Wellness 1000 W. Fillmore St., Ste 105 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 635-5556 Trichome Health Consultants 2117 W. Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs CO, 80904 (719) 635-6337 U-Heal Apothecary 101 N. Tejon St., #102 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 465-3471 We Grow Colorado, LLC 2502 E. Bijou St. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 634-4100 Westside Wellness Center 2200 Bott Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 344-8441


Watchpoint, LLC 5971 Omaha Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 (877) 277-6540


Weirdo Willies Smoke Shop 3033 Jet Wing Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80916 (719) 392-4012

COMMERCE CITy Colorado Coalition of Caregivers 7260 Monaco St. Commerce City, CO 80022 (720) 987-3669 Timberline Herbal Clinic and Wellness Center 3995 E. 50th Ave. Denver, CO 80216 (303) 322-0901

Top Shelf Hydroponics and Organic Gardening 7260 Monoco St. Commerce City, CO 80022 (303) 287-8118

CRESTONE High Valley Healing Center and CannaTea 400 Galena Ave. Crestone, CO 81131 (303) 877-7452

DACONO Dacono Meds 730 Glen Creighton Dr., Unit C Dacono, CO 80514 (303) 833-2321

Head Quarters 1301 Marion St. Denver, CO 80218 (303) 830-2444

Cannabis Medical 762 Kalamath St. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 912-2013

Heads of State 3015 W 44th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-6585

Canna Center 5670 E. Evans Ave., Ste 216 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 222-3454

Herbal Daze Smoke Shop 4530 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 333-1445

Capitol Hill Medicine Shoppe 1410 Grant St., #B104 Denver, CO 80204 (303) 993-5777

Herbal Daze Smoke Shop 6525 N. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 (303) 427-1445


High Fashion Glass 42 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80209 (303) 766-5473 or (303) 766-5437

Amarimed Dr. Alan Shackelford Denver, CO (720) 532-4744

Mary Jayz Cool Stuff 4014 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212 (720) 855-7451

CannaMed USA 6855 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80224 (877) 420-6337 or (303) 388-2220



Happyclinicdenver.com 1211 S. Parker Rd., #101 Denver, CO 80231 (720) 747-9999 Health Star Medical Evaluation Clinic 710 E. Speer Blvd. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 586-1200 Herbal Health Systems 2777 S Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80222 (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB The Medical Marijuana Doctors (MMD) 700 E. Speer Blvd. (2nd Floor) Denver, CO 80203 (303) 309-6704


Blown Glass and Accessories 4815 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 388-1882

Advanced Medical Alternatives 1269 Elati St. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 351-WEED (9333) All Green Health Alternatives 2757 Bryant St. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 868-4753 or (303) 955-6552 Alpine Herbal Wellness 313 Detroit St. Denver, CO 80206 (303) 355-HERB (4372) Alternative Medicine on Capital Hill 1401 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218 (720) 961-0560 Back to the Garden Wellness Center 1547 Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80206 (720) 877-3562 B*GOODS MMJ Apothecary 80 S. Pennsylvania St. Denver, CO 80209 (303) 777-5239

Caregivers for Life of Cherry Creek 310 Saint Paul St. Denver, CO 80206 (720) 536-5462 Carribbean Connection 6th Ave. & Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80204 (720) 209-2454 or (720) 217-6786 Cherry Creek Health 155 Cook St., #150 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 388-0086 Cherry Creek High Expectations 2719 E. 3rd Ave. Denver, CO 80206 (303) 955-7855 City Park Dispensary 3030 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80206 (720) 389-9735 Colorado Care Facility Medicinal Marijuana 5130 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 953-8503 Colorado Caregivers Denver, CO (720) 258-6847 Cured Therapeutics 877 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 868-1269 Denver Relief 1 Broadway St. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 420-MEDS

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DISPENSARy Listing Discount Medical Marijuana 970 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 355-9333 Front Range Dispensary Denver, CO 80203 (720) 620-4463 Go Dutch Collective 1111 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80203 (720) 220-9029 Green Cross of Cherry Creek 128 Steele St., Ste 200 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 321-4201 Green Karma Medical 1115 Grant St., Ste G2 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 815-1585 Greenwerkz 907 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80218 (303) 647-5210 Harmony Project 1940 Blake St. #11 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 292-4420 Hawaiian Herbal Health Center 1337 Delaware St., #2 Denver, CO 80204 (303) 893-1200 Herbal Health 419 W. 13th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 (720) 542-8364 Herbs 4 you 20 E. 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 830-9999 Lincoln Herbal 424 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 955-0701 Lodo Wellness Center 1617 Wazee Street Denver, CO 80202-5947 (303) 534-5020 Mile High Alternative Medicine Denver, CO 80203 (720) 289-9654

Mile High Green Cross 852 Broadway St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 861-4252 MMJ America 1321 Elati St. Denver, CO 80204 (720) 296-1711 Nature’s Cure 2 2740 W. 9th St. Denver, CO 80204 Pain Management of Colorado 110 Cook St., Ste 103 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 423-7246 Pride in Medicine 731 W. 6th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 999-0441 Pure Medical Dispensary 1133 Bannock St. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 534-PURE (7873) Remedy Care Center 1850 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 935-2694 Rocky Mountain Farmacy 1719 Emerson St. Denver, CO 80218 (720) 389-9002 Tender Healing Care 1355 Santa Fe Dr., Ste F Denver, CO 80204 (720) THC-4-THC The Grasshopper Alternative Medicine 1728 E. 17th Ave. Denver, CO 80218 (303) 388-4677 The OG Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary 82 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 955-0070

DENVER DOWNTOWN 24/7 Health Care Centers 3535 Walnut St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 479-8756

ALCC, LLC 2257 Curtis St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-3435

Great Scott’s Total Care 198 E. 45th Ave. Denver, CO 80216 (720) 304-5940

RiNo Supply Co 3100 Blake St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 292-2680

Alternative Medicine On The 16th Street Mall 910 16th St., #805 Denver, CO 80205 (303) 623-1900

Green Docs 3330 Larimer St. The Good Building Denver, CO 80205 (303) 339-0214

Rocky Mountain Wellness Center East 2232 Bruce Randolph St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 350-4056

Apothecary of Colorado 1730 Blake St., Ste 420 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 296-5566

Greenhouse Wellness Center 2403 Champa St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 328-0412

SNW 2030 E. 20th Ave. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 321-MEDS (6337)

Ballpark Holistic Dispensary 2119 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 953-7059

J&J Green Clinic 3462 Walnut St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 284-5610

Botanico, Inc. 3054 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-2273

Lodo Wellness Center 1617 Wazee St., Ste B1 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 534-5020

Budding Health 2042 Arapahoe St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 242-9308 Cannabis Station 1201 20th St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-WEED (9333) Denver Compassionate Caregivers 1538 Wazee St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 623-7246 (PAIN) Denver Kush Club 2615 Welton St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 736-6550 Denver Patients Group 2863 Larimer St., Unit B Denver, CO 80205 (303) 484-1662 Discount Medical Marijuana 2028 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80206 (303) 355-9333 Elevated Medical 3660 Downing St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 530-4338

Lotus 1444 Wazee St., Ste 115 Denver, CO 80202 (720) 974-3109 Mahooka Meds 2400 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 536-0850

Summit Wellness 2117 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 407-8112 Tastee yummees P.O. Box 181457 Denver, CO 80205 (720) 937-1559 The Happy Harvest 2324 Champa St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 997-4425 Zen Dispensary 26th Ave. & Ogden St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-1466


Mayflower Wellness 1400 Market St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 862-4164

Cannacopia 3857 Elm St. Denver, CO 80207 (303) 399-3333

Mile High Cannabis 899 Logan St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 955-6203

City Floral 1440 Kearney St. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 355-4013

Mind Body Spirit 3054 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-2273

Colorado Care Facility 5130 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 953-8503

MMD of Colorado 2609 Walnut St. Denver, CO 80205 (303)736-9642 MMJ America 424 21st St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 296-3732 Natural Remedies 1620 Market St., Ste 5W Denver, CO 80202 (303) 953-0884

Flavored Essentials 3955 Oneida St. Denver, CO 80207 (303) 377-0539 Herbal Care 2866 N. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80207 (303) 321-4433 Jane Medicals 7380 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 388-JANE

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DISPENSARy Listing New Millennium Solutions 1408 N. Oneida St. Denver, CO 80220 (720) 318-3275 Med Stop 5926 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 573-6337 (MEDS) Park Hill Alternative Medicine 4956 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 377-0821

Elite Cannabis Therapeutics 6401 N. Broadway, Unit J Denver, CO 80221 (303) 650-4005 Green Medical Referrals Clinic - Denver 5115 Federal Blvd., #9 Denver, CO 80221 (303) 495-5000 Medicine World 4950 East Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80222 (303) 300-5059

Rocky Mountain Farmacy 6302 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (720) 389-9002

Nature’s Choice 2128 S. Albion St. Denver, CO 80222 (720) 447-3271

Stone Forest Bakery 846 1/2 Forest St. Denver, CO 80220 (720) 297-0990

Rockbrook, Inc. 2865 S Colorado Blvd. Suite 323 Denver, CO 80222 (303)756-0595

Supreme Care Strains and Wellness Center 6767 E. 39th Ave., Ste 105 Denver, CO 80207 (720) 877-5216

The Healing House 123 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (720) 389-6490

The Clinic on Colfax Dispensary 4625 E. Colfax Denver, CO 80220 (303) 333-3644 The Healing Center of Colorado 1452 Poplar St. Denver, CO 80220 (720) 389-9285 Verde Dispensary 5101 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 474-4489

DENVER NORTH Colorado Herbal Center 7316 N Washington St. Denver, CO 80229 (303) 287-6815

DENVER NORTHEAST Golden Meds 4620 Peoria St. Denver, CO 80239 (303) 307-4645

DENVER NORTHWEST Alive Herbal Medicine 4573 Pecos St. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 945-9543 Alternative Wellness Center 2647 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 855-6565 or (720) 855-8040 Altitude Organic Medicine Highlands 1716 Boulder St. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 855-MEDS (6337)

Denver Canna Club 4155 E. Jewell Ave. #903 Denver, Co 80222 (303) 578-0809

BC Inc. 4206 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (720) 323-2383 or (720) 988-3184

Doctors Orders 5068 N. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 (303) 433-0276

Biocare 2899 N. Speer Blvd., Ste 105 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 455-3187

Botica Del Sol 745 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80209 (303) 578-0809 Cherry Meds 111 South Madison Street, #111 Denver, CO 80209 (303)399-MEDS Chronic Wellness 3928 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 455-6500 Denco Alternative Medicine 2828 Speer Blvd., #117 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-2266

Highland Herbal Connections 2209 W. 32 Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 999-6295 Highlands Square Apothecary 3460 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-3346 Kushism 2527 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 477-0772 Kushism 3355 W. 38th St. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 477-5171

Denver Metro Cannabis Couriers 1562 S. Parker Rd., Ste 328 Denver, CO 80231 (720) 227-6939

Local Caregivers of Colorado 5316 Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80214 (720) 233-5482

Doc Danks 4785 Tejon St., Unit 101 Denver, CO 80211 (720) 276-5956

Mary Jayz Natural Therapeutics 4900 W. 46th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (720) 855-7451

Grassroots 3867 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 420-6279

MMJ America 4347 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 339-0116

Grass Roots Health and Wellness 2832 W. 44th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 325-7434

Platte Valley Dispensary 2301 7th St., Unit B Denver, CO 80211 (303) 953-0295

Grass Roots Organica 399 Harrison St. Denver, CO 80209 (303) 656-9GRO (9476)

Pure 3533 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 335-6336

Herbal Connections 2209 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 999-6295

Sunnyside Alternative Medicine 1406 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 720-6761

Herbal Wellness, Inc. 3870 N. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 299-1919 Highland Health 2727 Bryant St., Ste 420 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 455-0810

Sweet Leaf Inc. 5100 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 480-5323 The Cosmic Company 3460 W.32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-3346

The Giving Tree of Denver 2707 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 477-8888 The ReLeaf Center 2000 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 458-LEAF (5323) The Tea Pot Lounge 2008 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 656-9697 Therapeutic Herbal Comfort, LLC Denver, CO 80214 (720) 298-8909 Total Health Concepts 2059 Bryant St. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-0152 Urban Dispensary 2675 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 389-9179

DENVER SOUTH A Cut Above 1911 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 536-8965 Broadway Wellness 1290 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 997-8413 Cannabis 4 Health 1221 S. Pearl St. Denver, CO 80210 (720) 296-7563 Cannamart 1450 S. Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80223 (720) 524-6255 Colorado Alternative Medicine 2394 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 379-7295 Colorado Apothecary & Wellness Center 4025 E. Iliff Ave. Denver, CO 80222 (303) 757-4361

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DISPENSARy Listing Daddy Fat Sacks 945 South Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) KIND-BUD Delta 9 Caretakers LLC 2262 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 570-2127 Denver Patients Center, LLC 2070 S. Huron St. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 733-3977 Earth’s Medicine 74 Federal Blvd., Unit A Denver, CO 80219 (720) 542-8513 Ganja Gourmet 1810 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 282-9333 Grass Roots Organica 3035 E. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80210 (303) 656-9GRO (9476) Healing Buds 468 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 936-0309 Medicinal Oasis 4400 E. Evans Ave. Denver CO 80222 (303) 333-3338 Mother Nature’s Miracle 315 W. Littleton Blvd. Denver, CO 80210 (303) 794-3246 Organameds 2020 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 862-7544 Patients Choice of Colorado 2251 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 862-5016 Rocky Mountain Caregivers 285 S. Pearl St. Denver, CO 80209 (720) 746-9655 THC: The Herbal Center 1909 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 719-4372

The Candy Girls Denver, CO 80219 (303) 219-6020 The Health Center 2777 S. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80222 (303) 758-9997 The Kind Room 1881 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 (720) 266-3136 The Wellness Shop 5885 E. Evans Ave Denver CO, 80222 (303) 756-3762 Walking Raven Dispensary 2001 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 327-5613 Wellspring Collective 1724 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 733-3113

DENVER SOUTHEAST 303 Cannabis Inc. 1800 S. Sheridan Blvd., #303 Denver, CO 80232 (720) 934-5388

Green Around you 970 S. Oneida St., Ste 17 Denver, CO 80224 (303) 284-9075

Mile High Wellness 6740 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, CO 80237 (720) 382-8516

Alameda Wellness Center 183 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 736-6999

Green Cross Caregivers 1842 S. Parker Rd. Denver, CO 80231 (303) 337-2229

Rockbrook, Inc. 2865 S. Colorado Blvd., Ste 323 Denver, CO 80222 (303) 756-0595

CannaMart 3700 W Quincy Ave., #3702 Denver, CO 80236 (303) 730-0420

Green Ribbon Clinic 4155 E. Jewell Ave., #403 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 296-8035

Rocky Mountain Alternative Medicine 1479 S. Holly St. Denver CO, 80222 (303) 758-9114

Clovis, LLC 4000 Morrison Rd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 284-3165

Herban Wellness Inc. 4155 E. Jewell Ave., #405 Denver, CO 80222 (877) 702-4MMJ (4665)

Rocky Mountain Farmacy 2420 S. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80222 (720) 389-9002

Karmaceuticals 4 S. Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 76-KARMA

Rocky Mountain Marijuana Dispensary 1126 S. Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80232 (303) 219-4884

Little Brown House 1995 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80223 (303) 282-6206 Little Green Pharmacy 1331 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-2133

Green Tree Medical, LLC 3222 S. Vance St. Denver, CO 80227 (720) 838-1652 Home Sweet Home 20 Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80226 (303) 922-8777

Sleeping Giant Wellness 45 Kalamath St. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 573-3786

Mr. Stinky’s 314 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (720) 243-0246 (303) 736-6188

Southwest Alternative Care 1940 W. Mississippi Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 593-2931

Mile High Therapeutics 1568 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (720) 389-9369 Nature’s Cure 4283 W. Florida Ave. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 934-9503

A Mile High LLC 63 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-3420

Medical Marijuana for Wellness 1240 S. Parker Rd., #100 Denver, CO 80231 (720) 629-3476

SweetLeaf Compassion Center 5301 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80246 (303) 955-8954

Alternative Medicine Of Southeast Denver 6853 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80224 (720) 941-8872

Metro Cannabis Inc. 4101 E. Wesley Ave., Ste 1 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 771-9866 or (720) 542-3022

Tetra Hydro Center 9206 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, CO 80231 (303) 221-0331

Altitude Organic Medicine - South 2250 S. Oneida St., Ste 204 Denver, CO 80224 (303) 756-8888

Metro Cannabis on Hampden Inc. 3425 S. Oleander Ct., Unit B Denver, CO 80224 (720) 365-5307

BuddingHealth 4955 S. Ulster St., #105 Denver, CO 80237 (303) 770-0470

Mile High Quality of Life 2186 S. Holly St., #106 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 933-1857

Colorado Cannabis Services 1842 S. Parker Rd, Unit 18 Denver, CO 80247 (720) 984-6543

Mile High Remedies 4155 E. Jewell Ave., Ste 310 Denver, CO 80222 (303) 419-3896

Very Best Medicine (VBM Club) 6853 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80224 (720) 941-8872 Wellness Center 330 S. Dayton St. Denver, CO 80247 (303) 856-77983

DENVER SOUTHWEST SUBURBS 420 Wellness 2960 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80236 (303) 493-1787

Rocky Mt. Organics 1015 W. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (720) 479-8905 Rocky Mountain Patient Services 934 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 922-9385 or (720) 882-5521

DURANGO Nature’s Medicine Durango 129 E. 32nd St. Durango, CO 81301 (970) 259-3714 Nature’s Own Wellness Center 927 Highway 3 Durango, CO 81301 (970) 259-0283

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Greenwerkz 5840 W. 25th Ave. Edgewater, CO 80214 (303) 647-5210

A Kind Place 123 Drake Rd. Ste. B, FT. Collins, CO 80525 (970) 282-3811

Northern Lights Natural Rx 2045 Sheridan Blvd., Ste B Edgewater, CO 80214 (303) 274-6495

EDWARDS New Hope Wellness Center 210 Edwards Village Blvd., B-110 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 569-3701 Rocky Mountain High 105 Edwards Village Blvd. Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-4408

ELDORADO SPRINGS Green Belly Co-OP 3330 El Dorado Springs Dr. Eldorado Springs, CO 80025 (720) 381-6187

ENGLEWOOD ADG Herbal Medicine 11 W. Hampden Ave. Englewood, CO 80113 (720) 278-0419 Herbal Options 3431 S. Federal Blvd, Unit G Englewood, CO 80201 (303) 761-9170 Nature’s Kiss Medical Lounge 4332 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80113 (303) 564-9690


Best Card, LLC 6955 E. Caley Ave. Englewood, CO 80111 (303) 741-2313

FEDERAL HEIGHTS Colorado Patient Coalition 9460 Federal Blvd. Federal Heights, CO 80260 (303) 667-6032 Front Range Dispensary, LLC 8876 N. Federal Blvd. Federal Heights, CO 80260 (303) 429-2420

Bonnee and Clyde’s Caring Cannabis Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 443-6206 BuddingHealth 1228 W Elizabeth St., Ste D8 Fort Collins, CO 80521 (970) 484-6337 Campus East MMJD 1740 S. College Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 817-1965 Colorado-CHRONIX Medicinal Cannabis Community Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 227-3366 Colorado Wellness Providers 1425 Cape Cod Cir. Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 217-0900

Northern Colorado Natural Wellness 1125 W. Drake Rd. Fort Collins, CO‎ 80526 (970) 689-3273‎ Solace Meds 301 Smokey St., Unit A Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 225-6337 Table Mesa Wellness Center 1612 Laporte Ave. Fort Collins, CO.80521 (970) 672-0885

FOUNTAIN Medical Herbs of Fountain 660 S. Santa Fe Ave. Fountain, CO 80817 (303) 578-0809

FRANKTOWN S.E.C.A.M. (Serving Parker, Elizabeth, Castle Rock) 7517 E State HWY 86 (720) 346-2772 or (303) 660-2650


Emerald Pathway 4020 S. College Ave., Ste 11 Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 377-9950

Bioenergetic Healing Center 842 N. Summit Blvd #13 Frisco, CO 80443 (970) 668-3514

Friendly Fire 1802 Laporte Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80521 (970) 631-8776

Medical Marijuana of the Rockies 720 Summit Blvd., Ste 101A Frisco, CO 80443 (970) 668-MEDS

Generations Natural Medicine 2006 8th St. Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 353-2839 Kind Care of Colorado 6617 South College Ave Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970)232-9410 Medicinal Gardens of Colorado 420 S. Howes St., Ste D (Stone House) Fort Collins, CO 80521 (970) 217-0575

GARDEN CITy Cloud 9 Caregivers 2506 6th Ave. Garden City, CO 80631 (970) 352-4119 The Generations Natural Medicine 2647 8th Ave. Garden City, CO 80631 (907) 353-2839

GLENDALE Nature’s Best 4601 E. Mississippi Ave. Glendale, CO 80246 (303) 386-3185

GEORGETOWN Clear Creek Wellness Center 1402 Argentine St. Georgetown, CO 80444 (303) 569-0444

GLENWOOD SPRINGS Green Medicine Wellness 1030 Grand Ave. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 384-2026 Peaceful Warrior Medical Marijuana LLC 216 6th St. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 485-5286

GOLDEN Golden Alternative Care 807 14th St., Ste A Golden, CO 80401 (303) 278-8870 Rocky Mountain Organic Medicine 420 Corporate Cir. #I Golden, CO 80401 (720) 230-9111

GRAND JUNCTION Doobies, LLC 239 27 ¼ Rd, Ste 1 (on frontage road) Orchard Mesa/Grand Junction, CO 81503 (970) 242-2281 Elk Mountain, LLC 477 30 Rd. Grand Junction, CO 81504 (970) 270-7229 or (970) 270-7452 Green Natural Solutions, LLC 753 Rood Ave., Unit 3 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 424-5331 Heavenly Healing, LLC 1225 N. 23rd St. #106 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 242-2488 Herbal Paradise 2454 Hwy 6 & 50 Grand Junction, CO 81505 (970) 424-5264

High Desert Dispensary, LLC 1490 North Ave., Ste S Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 424-5357 High Desert Dispensary Highly Herbal 555 North Ave., Ste 4 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 778-5151 Mesa Alternative Health and Wellness 605 Grand Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 424-5264 Naturals 624 Rae Lynn Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81505 (970) 424-5291 Nature’s Alternative 496 28 Rd. Grand Junction, CO 81504 (970) 245-2680 Nature’s Medicine 1001 Patterson Rd #1 Grand Junction, CO 81506 (970) 424-5393 Weeds 719 Pitkin Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 245-4649

HIGHLANDS RANCH Hatch Wellness Center 3624 E. Highlands Ranch Pkwy., #105 Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 (303) 470-9270

IDAHO SPRINGS 420 Highways 2801 Colorado Blvd. Idaho Springs, CO 80452 (303) 567-9405 Mountain Medicinals, Inc. 1800 Colorado Blvd., Ste 5 Idaho Springs, CO 80452 (303) 567-4211

LAFAyETTE 420HighWays, LLC 201 E. Simpson St., Ste B Lafayette, CO 80026 (720) 434-5210 Ka-tet Wellness Services 489 N. Highway 287, Ste 201 Lafayette, CO 80026 (303) 665-5599

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DISPENSARy Listing LAKEWOOD Alternacare 830 Kipling St. Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 462-1070 or (303) 386-5865 Bud Med Health Centers 2517 Sheridan Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214 (720) 920-9617 Denver Mile Hydro 355 S. Harlan St. Lakewood, CO 80226 (303) 935-GROW (4769)

The Healing House 10712 W. Alameda Lakewood, CO 80226 (720) 389-6490

The Hemp Center 2430 W. Main St. Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 993-7824

Therapeutic Herbal Comfort 12078 W. Jewell Ave. Lakewood CO, 80228 (720) 298-8909



Herbal Health Systems 1630 Carr St., Ste A Lakewood, CO 80214 (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB


Green Tree Medical 3222 S. Vance St., #230 Lakewood, CO 80227 (720) 838-1652

Heads of State 9715 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 202-9400

Lakewood Patient Resource Center 7003 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 955-5190

Lazy J’s Smoke Shop 10672 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 (303) 985-2113

Meadows Wellness Center 1701 Kipling St., Ste 104 Lakewood, CO 80215 (720) 435-3830

Larkspur Herbal Services (Inside Pony Express-o Cafe) 9080 S. Spruce Mountain Rd. Larkspur, CO 80118 (303) 681-3112

Mr. Nice Guys 12550 W. Colfax Ave., Unit 119 Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 233-6423 Natures Herbal Solution 9699 W. Colfax Ave., Unit A Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 232-2209 Pain Wellness Center 2509 Sheridan Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214 (720) 404-0174 Post Modern Health 5660 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 (303) 922-9479 Rocky Mountain Ways, LLC 1391 Carr St., Unit 303 Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 238-1253 Rocky Mountain Wellness Center 1630 Carr St., Unit C Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 941-7883


LITTLETON Blue Sky Care Connection 1449 W. Littleton Blvd., Ste 10 Littleton, CO 80120 (720) 283-6447 CannaMart 72 E. Arapahoe Rd. Littleton, CO 80122 (303) 771-1600 Colorado Medical Marijuana LLC 2 W. Dry Creek Cir. Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 625-4012 Footprints Health 8250 W. Coal Mine Ave., Unit 4 Littleton, CO 80123 (720) 981-2818 Green Mountain Care 5423 S. Prince St. Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 862-6571 Southwest Alternative Care 2100 W. Littleton Blvd., Suite 50 Littleton, CO 80120 (720) 237-3079

Herbal Health Systems 10475 Park Meadows Dr., Ste 600 Littleton, CO 80124 (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB

LONGMONT Botanic Labs 1110 Boston Ave., Ste 210 Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 260-8203 Colorado Patients First 1811 Hover St., Ste H Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 449-1170 Herbal Medix 10763 Turner Blvd, No. 3 Longmont, CO 80504 (303) 718-8543 Longmont Cannabis Club 650 2nd Ave, Ste A Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 340-1420 Nature’s Medicine 1260 S. Hover Rd., Ste C Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 772-7188 New Age Wellness 625 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 381-2581 Stone Mountain Wellness 600 Airport Rd., Blvd A, Ste F1 Longmont, CO 80503 (303) NUG-WEED or (303) 803-3062 The Apothecary 1314 Coffman St. Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 210-3986 The Blueberry Twist 725 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 651-7842 The Zen Farmacy 323 3rd Ave., Ste 3 Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 774-1ZEN (1936)



CannaMed USA

650 2nd Ave, Ste B Longmont, CO 80501 (877) 420-MEDS

Headquarters Emporium Dispensary 310 Main St. Lyons, CO 80540



High Society Smoke Shop 608 9th Ave. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 502-7620


Medicinal Wellness Center 5430 W. 44th Ave. Mountain View, CO 80212 (303) 333-3338

AlterMeds 1156 W. Dillon Rd., #3 Louisville, CO 80227 (720) 389-6313


Compassionate Pain Management 1116 W. Dillon Rd., Ste 7 Louisville, CO 80027 (303) 665-5596


LOVELAND Chronic Illness Alternative Medicine 129 S. Cleveland Ave. Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 593-1180 Green Medical Referrals Clinic 1505 N. Lincoln Ave. Loveland, CO 80538 (303) 495-5000 Magic’s Emporium 2432 E. 13th St. Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 397-1901 (970) 667-4325 Marry Janes 4229 W Eisenhower Blvd., Ste B2 Loveland, CO 80537 MedicalM, LTD (970) 669-5105 Nature’s Herbal Relief Center 528 E. Eisenhower Blvd. Loveland, CO 80537 (303) 219-6834 Nature’s Medicine 843 North Cleveland Ave. Loveland CO, 80537 (970) 461-2811 Smithstonian 123 N. Lincoln Ave. Loveland, CO 80537 (303) 578-0809

Palmer Divide Green Meds (303) 912-2818

Grateful Meds 110 Snyder Street Nederland CO, 80466 (303) 258-7703 NEDICATE, LLC 150 N. Jefferson St., Ste B-3 Nederland, CO 80466 (303) 258-7141 NedMeds (303) 258-7981 One Brown Mouse/ Cannabis Healing Arts 35 and 95 E. First St. Nederland, CO 80446 (303) 258-0633 Tea Alchemy 98 Hwy 119 South, Ste 2 (303) 258-3561

NORTHGLENN Green Medical Referrals Clinic - Northglenn 10781 Washington St. Northglenn, CO 80233 (303) 495-5000

PAGOSA SPRINGS Good Earth Meds PO Box 1149 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 (970) 731-2175

PALISADE Colorado Alternative Health Care 125 Peach Ave., Unit B Palisade, CO 81526 (970) 424-5844

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DISPENSARy Listing PARKER A Kinder Way 10290 S Progress Way, Ste 204 Parker, CO 80134 (303) 325-5187 Colorado Medical, LLC 11257 Tumbleweed Way Parker, CO 80134 (303) 588-0372


Green Point Insurance Group 11479 S. Pine Dr. Parker, CO 80134 (303) 841-8999

PUEBLO Grassland Greenhouse LLC Pueblo, CO 81004 (719) 671-8857

Rocky Mountain Remedies 2750 Downhill Plaza #205 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 (970) 871-2768

Medigrow Wellness Clinic 1292 Main St., Unit 1 Windsor, CO 80550 (970) 686-1200

Denver Metro Medical Cannabis Couriers Denver, CO 80203 (720) 227-6939



Dignity Group LLC Denver, CO 80218 (303) 238-4428

Street Glass 8671 Washington St. Thornton, CO 80229 (303) 301-5117

Comfort Care Centers 1750 East Highway 24 Woodland Park, CO 80863 (719) 687-2221


Eagle’s Nest Sanctuary Woodland Park, CO 80863 (719) 687-2928

Colorado Patient Coalition 9460 Federal Blvd. Westminster, CO 80260 (303) 810-8667 Herbal Remedies 3200 W. 72nd Ave. Westminster, CO 80030 (303) 430-0420

Medimar Ministry 112 Colorado Ave. Pueblo, CO 81004 (719) 545-0100

The Healing Center 8020 Federal Blvd. Westminster, CO 80031 (303) 412-0200


The Nichol’s Factory Westminster, CO (720) 422-5714

Herbal Health Systems 1014 Eagleridge Blvd., Unit A Pueblo, CO 81008 (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB

PUEBLO WEST Marisol Therapeutics Wellness Center 177 Tiffany Dr. Pueblo West, CO 81007 (719) 547-4000 or (800) 584-MARI (6274) Organic Solutions 356 S. McCulloch Blvd # 106 Pueblo West, CO 81007 (719) 547-5179

Doctors Herbal Health Systems 10955 Westmoor Dr. Westminster, CO 80021 (720) 279-2379 or (877) 304-HERB

WHEAT RIDGE Cannabis Kindness 4045 Wadsworth Blvd. #306 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 431-4994

DELIVERy SERVICES 303 Delivery Service Denver, CO 80224 (303) 993-7022 or (970) 586-5865 5280 Wellness Services Westminister, CO 80003 (720) 301-4108 A1 Mobile Meds (MMJ) Commerce City, CO 80022 (720) 422-0503 A20labs Fort Collins, CO 80524 (303) 909-4541 Alternative Health Center Littleton, CO 80165 (720) 227-5816 ApotheKary 48 Denver, CO 80209 (720) 237-1715 Chronic Express Denver, CO 80224 (303) 656-7300


Clone Depot 3505 Kipling St. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 547-2252

ClearLabs Windsor, CO 80550 (720) 785-4788

Medical 420 7595 West Hwy 50 Sailda, CO 81201 (719) 214-9515

NatuRx 10107 W. 37th Pl. Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 (303) 420-9427

Colorado Cannabis Therapy, LLC Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 460-3017



High Country Healing 191 Blue River Pkwy Silverthorne, CO 80497 (970) 468-7858

A New Dawn Wellness Clinic 520 ½ Main St. Windsor, CO 80550 (970) 599-6896

Colorado’s Absolute Alternative Denver, CO 80205 (720) 327-8572

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Natural Choice Co-Op, LLC 1169 Hilltop Pky #104C Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 (970) 846-7785

In Harmony Wellness 4630 Royal Vista Cir. Windsor, CO 80528 (970) 222-5555

Cream Denver, CO (303) 949-3618 Crystals Creations Pueblo, CO 81007 (912) 322-2346

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128 kush

Dr. Green Genes Denver, CO 80202 (720) 329-3643 GeNEDics Medical Delivery Service Nederland, CO 80477 Greenfaith Ministry Nunn, CO 80648 (307) 221-2180 Greenlight Care Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 609-MEDS (6337) Herbal Delivery Services Denver, CO 80210 (303) 868-0242 MariMed Denver, CO 80202 (303) 669-7684 MedicalM, LTD Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 669-5105 MetroMeds Delivery CO Denver, CO (303) 923-5806 Mile High Relief Center Denver, CO (303) 886-7030 Mobile Dispensary LLC Denver, CO 80220 (303) 396-5710 Nature’s Medicine Loveland Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 672-0454 Nature’s Medicine Pagosa Pagosa Springs, CO 81447 (970) 507-0148 Nature’s Own Wellness Center Durango, CO 81301 (720) 663-9554 Pueblo Delivery Service Pueblo, CO 81007 (330) 703-7500


Sublime Wellness Center Denver, CO 80203 (720) 382-0890 The Kind Farmacy Denver, CO 80204 (720) 309-7771 TLC of Colorado Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 207-1324 Victory Gardens Grand Junction, CO 80501 (970) 314-5725 Zen Cafe Denver, CO 80203 (720) 306-8339

OTHER BUSINESSES 8 Rivers Restaurant 1550 Blake St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 623-3422 CQB K-9 www.cqbk9.com (719) 494-0345 Dazys www.dazys.info (303) 818-0083 Doobtubes (510) 677-6053 or (303) 955-5190 www.doobtubin.com Dragon Chewer http://dragonchewer.com/ (213) 973-DRGN EZ ATM (888)884-4ATM (4286) www.ezatms.com OTD Cycle Sports 7010 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 399-5447 Plant Medicine Expo HealthCare Provider Conference www.plantmedicineexpo.com (303) 991-6196 RxHydro www.rxhydro.com (304) 69Hydro (304) 694-9376 Safer Colorado Denver, CO 80204 (303) 861-0033 www.saferchoice.org

List of Advertisers 420 Wellness p 30

High Society p 77

A Cut Above p 69

Karmaceuticals p 31

ADG Herbal Medicine p 2

Kushism p 5

ALCC, LLC p 91

Lakewood Patient Resource Center p 83

Alive Herbal Medicine p 89

Lodo Wellness Center p 46

Alpine Herbal Wellness p 64 & insert

Longmont Cannabis Club p 4

Altermeds LLC p 30 Alternative Medicine on Capitol Hill p 38

Medical Marijuana Business Alliance p 106

Alternative Medicine Colorado Springs p 38

Medical Marijuana Connection p 4

Amsterdam Café p 96

Medicinal Herbs of Fountain p 64 & insert

Annie’s Central City Dispensary p 64 & insert

Medicinal Wellness Center p 46

Aspen Miracle Medicinals p 64 & insert Ballpark Holistic p 80 B Goods p 39

Medicinal Oasis p 46 Metro Cannabis p 37 METRO CANNABIS on Hampden p 41

BC Inc. p 62

Mile High Green Cross p 97

BioCare p 63

Mile High Medical Gardens p 85

Blown Glass p 81

Mile High Remedies p 131

Botica del Sol p 64 & insert

MMD of Colorado p 54

Boulder MMC p 80

MMJ America p 7

Boulder Kush p 4

Natural Advantage MMJ Center p 43

Broadway Wellness p 11

Natural Remedies MMJ p 94

BuddingHealth 18 & insert

Nature’s Best p 48

Canna Mart p 36

Nature’s Cure p 43

Canna Med p 4

Nature’s Kiss (backcover)

Cannabicare p 75

Naturx LLC p 26

Cannabis Festiva p 115 Cannacopia p 101 Chef Herb p 107 Cherry Meds p 44

Northern Lights Natural RX p 59 Park Hill Dispensary p 48 Patient’s Choice p 59

City Park Dispensary p 101

Plant Medicine Expo HealthCare Provider Conference p 85

Clear Creek Wellness p 45

Post Modern Health p 70

Cloud 9 Caregivers p 17

Pure Medical Dispensary p 79

Colorado Alternative Medicine p 13

Remedy Care Center p 70

Colorado Apothecary p 103 Colorado Cannabis Caregivers p 103

Rocky Mountain Marijuana Dispensary p 61

Comfort Care Centers p 73

Rocky Mountain Organic Medicine p 20

DenCo p 15

Rocky Mountain Ways p 45

Denver Canna Club p 64 and insert Denver Kush Club p 12

Rocky Mountain Wellness Center East p 64 & insert

Denver Patients Group p 28 & centerfold

SAFER p 90

Doctors Orders p 49

Smithstonian p 64 & insert

Doobtubes p 83

Southwest Alternative Care p 26

Emerald Pathways p 73

Special Kinds p 57

EZ ATM p 73

Stone Mountain Wellness p 64 & insert

Flavored Essentials p 72

Sunnyside Alternative p 56

Floobies p 64 & insert

Sweet Leaf p 30

Good Meds p 45

The Giving Tree of Denver p 129

Grassroots p 26

The Grasshopper Alt. Medicine p 32

Grass Roots Organica p 47

The Green Earth Wellness p 57

Green Cross p 9 Green Miracle Medicinals p 64 & insert Green Point Insurance Group p 107 Happyclinicdenver.com p 68 Hatch Wellness Center p 27 Herbal Connections LLC p 23 Herbal Health Systems p 106 Herbal Options p 45 Herbal Remedies p 3

The Healing House p 95 The Health Center p 21 The Hemp Center p 51 The Kind Room p 71 The Releaf Center p 51 Today’s Health Care p 130 Top Buds LLC p 64 & insert U Heal Apothecary p 55

Herbal Wellness Inc p 33

Universal Herbs p 68

Herban Wellness Inc p 25

Urban Dispensary p 54

Herbs 4 you p 96

VBM p 4

Herbs Medicinals p 64 & insert

Walking Raven Dispensary p 57

High Country Medical Solutions p 48

Westside Wellness p 54

Highland Health p 44

Zen Farmacy p 77

kush 129

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