Kush Colorado February 2010

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kush colorado’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine



colorado’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine



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24 Bud Huts

10 | Marijuana Regulatory by Noelle Leavitt

Looking for a getaway on the slopes where you can escape for a recreational smoke – ‘bud huts’ will provide shelter from the cold and more!

14 | Strain Review: Blue Dream

34 Cooking It Up

22 | The New MMJ Ordinance by Noelle Leavitt

St. Patrick’s Day and yummy snack edible recipes from Chef Herb.

30 | How to Roll a Joint with Slightly Stoopid by Maggie St. Thomas

42 Coachella Music Festival

50 | About Me by James Vester

Warm up with the desert heat and hot musical line up at one of the best concert festivals of the year!!

62 | Q&A with Mason Tavert by Noelle Leavitt

18 | Grower’s Grove by Josh Kaplan

66 | Holiday Partying for Legalization by Noelle Leavitt

48 Legislature

72 | Colorado Live Music Preview

Featuring Colorado’s ongoing legislative attempts to deal with medical marijuana, legal limits of possession and the control of dispensaries.

78 | Off-Roading By J Mark Sternberg

54 Patient’s Relief Surviving with HIV and struggling to maintain a positive lifestyle, medical marijuana’s role in Morgan Gale’s battle to overcome health hurdles. 6 kush

86 | We Dig This By Josh Kaplan 90 | Dailybuds.com Dispensary Directory



from the editors



colorado’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine

edical Marijuana Patients in Colorado are now over thirty-five thousand strong with cardholders rapidly increasing by thousands each week. Dispensaries, which now number in the several hundreds throughout the state, are doing their best to keep up with this hectic and fluid growth. This is all part of the Colorado Green Rush -- adding jobs, opportunities, and much needed money to an otherwise stagnant and suffering economy. But is this new influx sustainable? The state legislature and many cities statewide are scurrying to write and pass medical marijuana ordinances to nip in the bud what some legislatures feel is a runaway industry, but at the same time, tap into this goose that lays the golden eggs. And with the lifting of moratoriums and the new laws come substantial fees and costs to the medical marijuana providers here. In Denver for example, the new ordinance, which goes into effect on March first, requires dispensary owners to now pay new fees of over $5,000 to stay in business. The state is already charging patients $90 a head for the privilege of having their constitutional right to possess and smoke their meds. So where is all of this money going? Well the answer is not clear, and medical marijuana proponents are crying out. In a recent letter to The Colorado Department of Health, Rob Corry, a leading medical marijuana lawyer here, asks just that. According to statistics dating back to September of 2009, that state had collected over $1.7 million from patients, and Mr. Corry wants to know where it all went. Similarly in Denver, and other cities where dispensaries proliferate, there will soon be a lot of additional money changing hands.

The government needs our medical marijuana revenue base and we want them to have it. Although Amendment 20 to the Colorado Constitution may be one of the more liberal medical marijuana laws in the country, as with most if not all of the other 13 legalized states it is vague and ambiguous. In other words, it is full of gray areas. The law has a complete disconnect when it comes to getting the harvest from the grow to the patient. There are no provisions for distribution or point of purchase sales anywhere in the law. Isn’t is about time that patients, caregivers, dispensaries and growers come together and support workable state and local laws that not only provide safe and sane access for all involved, but are transparent putting everyone on a level playing field?

A Division of Dbdotcom LLC Publishers | Dbdotcom LLC & Michael Lerner Editor-in-Chief | Michael Lerner Editor | Lisa Selan Associate Editor | Josh Kaplan Business Operations Manager | Bob Selan Business Development | John Thomas Wiegman Director of Marketing | Michael Lerner Director of Sales | Audrey Cisneros Traffic Manager | Rachel Selan Account Representative | Denise Mickelson Art Director | Robb Friedman Senior Designer | Coco Lloyd Design & Layout | Dave Azimi & Cristine Moonan Copy Editor | Jason Middleton Contributing Writers

Chef Herb, Ryan James, Josh Kaplan, Noelle Leavitt, J Mark Sternberg, Maggie St. Thomas Accounting | Diana Bayhill Administration / Office Manager | Lisa Selan

General Manager Dailybuds.com | Randy Malinoff Dailybuds.com Team | JT Kilfoil & Houston

SUBSCRIPTIONS KUSH Magazine is also available by individual subscription at the following rates: in the United States, one year 12 issues $89.00 surface mail (US Dollars only). To Subscribe mail a check for $89.00 (include your mailing address) to DB DOT COM 23679 CALABASAS ROAD #386, CALABASAS, CA, 91302 KUSH Magazine and www.dailybuds.com are Tradenames of Dbdotcom LLC.

There are hundreds of millions of dollars at play here. The government needs our medical marijuana revenue base and we want them to have it. But it has to be on terms we can all live with.

Dbbotcom LLC 23679 CALABASAS ROAD #386, CALABASAS, CA, 91302 888.958.7452 Fax 818.710.9799

The medical marijuana industry is sustainable if new laws are written that don’t just tax sales, charge patients registration fees, and dispensaries un-precedented license fees, but require full accountability and reinvestment in the industry, so at the end of the day the patient’s rights are intact and protected! It should truly be a win win!

To advertise or for more information Please contact info@dailybuds.com or call 888.958.7452 ext. 0

Kush Editorial Board, www.dailybuds.com

8 kush

Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©2010. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the written written permission of Dbdotcom LLC.

Low doctor fees, Plus free samples to new preffered members Delicious Medicated Edibles High quality strains guaranteed massage therapy & acupuncture cooking services available

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Marijuana Regulatory Bill Wends Through Colorado Legislature By Noelle Leavitt

A new Senate Bill hit the legislative floor in Colorado on Jan. 20, proposing new policies and restrictions regarding the way physicians prescribe medical marijuana to patients. Senate Bill 109 states that — if approved by the legislature — new rules and standards will be set forth on how doctors issue registry identification cards to medical ganja patients, and it will also create more strict sanctions against physicians who violate the bill. Additionally, the bill would create a medical marijuana review board, required to review medical marijuana requests from patients under the age of 21, to determine if the patient has a medical condition that would prompt them to use cannabis. This bill is current as we go to press. It will be amended several times before it is potentially approved by Colorado’s General Assembly. “I think there are some positives and negatives to the bill. Generally we applaud the legislature for trying to regulate the industry. Our main concern is the welfare of patients,” said Brian Vicente, executive director of Sensible Colorado, a non-profit organization that lobbies on behalf of medical marijuana patients. “Our primary concern is making sure patients have access to medical marijuana. At the same time, there is a broad local and national discussion about the need to re-examine our marijuana laws for patients and non-patients.” Vicente feels that the current law does make it pretty easy for those seeking recreational use of cannabis to access the drug, therefore he thinks tighter regulations aren’t necessarily a bad idea. Yet, he also thinks the bill needs some major amendments before he completely supports the legislation. “We are absolutely opposed to that board. My understanding is that it will likely come out of the bill in committee. That board would add an additional hurdle to patients in need of medical marijuana,” he said. For example, if a 20-year-old AIDS patient needs access to medical pot, the review board would further complicate the patient’s quest to obtain the medicine. “I think it fundamentally weakens the doctor-patient relationship,” Vicente said. Essentially, the bill is trying to create ways to limit the recreational use of marijuana. Many feel that marijuana should be legal across the board. Colorado Attorney Rob Corry told Kush-Colorado that pot should be accessible to everyone, otherwise it creates a gray area that will always be questioned by the government — an issue that might also be addressed throughout this year’s legislative session and the amendment process. Advocacy groups still have ample opportunity to lobby for their initiatives. For now, Senate Bill 109 is the only bill concerning medical marijuana that’s hit the desk of Colorado legislatures. The bill has several House and Senate sponsors including Sen. Chris Romer, D-Denver, who has long advocated stricter sanctions regarding medical marijuana.

To view the bill online, visit www.leg.state.co.us. 10 kush

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Strain Review:

Blue Dream Life’s A Dream, Smoke It Up It’s the perfect setting: sunny day, headphones on, joint in hand, daydreaming about everything and nothing at the same time. That is where Blue Dream will take you. Pure bliss.

14 kush

A high from the Blue Dream strain makes you feel like you’re up in the clouds. Above all the BS in life. You’re getting work done and making stuff happen. Putting life in motion. Living the dream, with nothing but clear blue skies ahead. Blue Dream is a member of the sativa species of Cannabis. A sativa high tends to involve more thinking, productivity, and increased energy in general. Significant levels of pain and nausea are usually also curbed. And while an indica strain will help you to relax, de-stress, chill out, and/or overcome insomnia, a pure sativa like this should inspire exercise, a deep conversation, or an ambitious to-do list. Fits of laughter and an overwhelming sense of well being are some other nice side effects. (Why is this stuff illegal again?) The physical characteristics of this strain consist of copious red hairs and crystals with a moderately sticky and dense feel. The smell is pungent and dank, a smell that almost gives you a high on its own. Blue Dream is very sweet, both before and after ingestion. It has an undeniable fruitiness. The blue part of its name likely comes from its partial roots in the blueberry strain. Dream is a somewhat odd choice of words, considering sleep is not often a part of the package. Day dreaming was probably the inspiration.


Alternatively, with an indica you’re likely to dream while sleeping, although you probably won’t remember those dreams upon awakening. On the darker side of the Blue Dream, and sativa for that matter, many people become overwhelmed with paranoia, anxiety, and an increased heart rate. This can be a bit frightening, but shouldn’t last more than 10-15 minutes. An indica’s negatives would likely point towards laziness, forgetfulness, and a lack of motivation. Depending on what you’re needing, these negatives can quickly become refreshing positives. Marijuana is a person-to-person, situation-to-situation, strain-to-strain experience. Your high will often depend on the mental state, physical condition, and environment you bring to the table. And of course, one’s genetic makeup and health are undeniable factors. But when everything is right and you know it, it’s alllll good... and you know it. Overall a very pleasant experience is in store for the Blue Dream toker. It is a fairly cheap sativa, averaging around $45 for an eighth at most established dispensaries.

Go ride the Blue Dream wave!

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GROWER'S GROVE: “Tips for pruning Tips”

When pruning, keep these simple steps in mind:

1.) The beginning stage

by Josh Kaplan

With any landscape, tree or shrub, pruning can be advantageous to the growth of the plant. This holds true for our favorite plant in this wild kingdom - marijuana. Pruning is the removal or reduction of certain plant parts that are not required, that are no longer effective, or that are of no use to the plant. It is done to supply additional energy for the development of flowers, fruits, and limbs that remain on the plant. Each time a growing tip is clipped, the stem branches into two shoots, which begin to grow from the nearest leaf axils (the area where the leaf and stem join). By pruning your plants, you will be improving its health, while increasing its value. And let’s face it, the better your plant, the better its value - right? So now that we have our objectives and a few basic principles down, let’s keep in mind the most important factor in all of this - common sense. Basically, use your head, and don’t get too overzealous with the scissors. 18 kush

Pruning a growing marijuana plant is an easy way of controlling uneven growth without seriously harming the plant. Ideally developed from a clone, you’d want to wait until at least two weeks, or until after the first five-bladed leaves have formed (this is when the vegetative stage begins). Many growers choose to wait until the fourth or fifth week to prune the growing tips, to allow development of lower branches, thus filling in horizontal space.

2.) Have a game plan It is always better to plan a pruning strategy for your developing plants, rather than haphazardly clipping off growth on an irregular basis. Each time a growing tip is removed, the plant takes a few days to recover before its growth resumes. The marijuana with the greatest potency is found in the growing tips, and by the three month mark, they should make a high quality of smoke. So again, try not to mess with them too much, and your patience should pay off. Pruning is fine at any stage of the plant’s development, just don’t overdo it. Severe pruning can harm the growth of your plant. Remember, you just want to eliminate the excess dead leaves that are potentially sapping all the light, and blocking other leaves in the process.

3.) Be patient and understanding with your plant (‘node’ what we mean??) The amount of new growth formed with continued pruning is limited by the genetic structure of the seed, and the conditions of the environment. It’s not recommended that you prune every node in a developing plant. Try to prune every second or third node to allow the plant time to recover. Wait for the new node to start growing before clipping the

young branch a few millimeters above the previous node’s newly formed leaves. It’s also advisable to use small scissors as opposed to simply plucking off the growing tips by hand.

4.) Know what you’re pruning Never prune more than the single growing tip, or uppermost node, from any branch on the growing plant. The uppermost growing tip of an un-pruned marijuana plant will always be more potent than that of the top of a pruned plant grown in similar conditions. But let’s not get caught trippin’ on just the top. Let’s think about the whole plant. Pruning the tallest branches ensures that the lower branches grow upward, forming a larger surface area for the light to cover. The clear fluid that often flows from the end of a newly pruned branch contains substances which seal the wound and aid the healing process. Although it is recommended that you remove all dying leaves from the plant, you should resist the temptation to prune too many healthy leaves. Keep in mind that even though it may be better developed, a pruned marijuana plant does not always produce more buds than an un-pruned plant. Another good reason for pruning is to take healthy cuttings from a strong growing, or favorite plant, for further hydroponic development (cloning).

5.) Use “if needed” as your pruning rule of thumb Marijuana growers often prune their plants in an attempt to limit their height and prevent unwanted detection. If you have that type of operation, all of this is probably old hat for you. If you are the average “home grower,” remember that by pruning a growing tip, you are removing the most potent part of the plant, thereby spoiling its chance of reaching full maturity. By pruning all the buds at harvest time, rather than cutting the stem off above the ground, you could easily harvest your plant a second time. One great advantage to pruning your marijuana plant is that you’re lowering their resistance to harmful natural enemies such as insects, fungus and temperature fluctuations. Do not prune any growing tips if you notice that your plant’s health is declining or has started losing leaves. Although smoking your pruned tips is ok, plants should be pruned to develop their growth, rather than for smoking purposes. While it may be tempting to prune female buds during early flowering, your harvest will be severely reduced by doing so. Cannabis indica is genetically smaller and bushier than cannabis sativa, and usually requires less pruning. So remember, be patient and concise when pruning. You know when you need a haircut don’t you? Well the same patience and concern should be taken with your little babies.

Good luck, and happy growing!! kush 19

2527 1/2 Broadway St. Boulder, Colorado 80304 - Flowers - Edibles - Tincture - Ice cream - Medicated ointment - Glass pipes - TGA seeds - Clones


Mon - Fri: 11am-6pm Sat: 11am-5pm - 1/8’s cap at $50 - Walk-ins welcome - Free parking


magazine is also available by individual subscription for $89.00! One year -12 issues To Subscribe mail a check for $89.00 (include your mailing address) to: DB DOT COM 23679 CALABASAS ROAD #386, CALABASAS, CA, 91302

20 kush

New Denver Medical Marijuana Ordinance: City Council sets parameters on dispensaries by Noelle Leavitt

Break out the tape measure if you plan on opening a medical marijuana dispensary in Denver, as you’ll want to calculate at least 1,000 feet between you and the nearest school, daycare center or competing medical pot shop. In January, Denver’s City Council changed the licensing procedures for medical marijuana dispensary owners, restricting them from opening cannabis shops within 1,000 feet of schools, childcare establishments and other dispensaries. And if you currently operate a dispensary that violates the new specs, you must relocate. The new law goes into effect on March 1, 2010, along with a slew of other requirements outlined in the council bill, including tighter regulations surrounding criminal background checks for dispensary owners. That means if you’ve spent time in jail in the last five years for convicting a felony, you’re application to open a dispensary within the city and county of Denver will be denied. “We don’t want drug dealers to run dispensaries within the city or county,” Denver city councilman Charlie Brown told Kush-Colorado. “If they think they can come in here and have no regulation, they’re crazy.” Another stipulation states that medical marijuana cannot be smoked, eaten or ingested inside or around the premises of dispensaries. “I think that’s another important piece. You don’t go into a liquor store and have four drinks when you buy alcohol,” said Candace Gill, manager of Alameda Wellness Center, a dispensary located in Denver. “I think proper licensing is important. I don’t have a problem with someone needing a criminal background check. It’s a sticky market -- it’s viewed as drugs. I have patients that are old vets, and we’re not dealing with your basic pothead. So I’m excited to see that there’s going to be some basic guidelines.” It costs $2,000 to apply for a medical marijuana dispensary license, plus additional costs for a background check for each partner with at least a 10 percent stake in

22 kush

Additional requirements related to a medical marijuana dispensary license include: • Dispensaries must be closed to the public from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. • Licensed establishments are required to have 24-hour surveillance on the premises with either security cameras, security guards or safes for overnight storage of marijuana. • Only dispensary owners listed on the license and managers listed on the application can manage the property. • Displaying marijuana sales products in windows is forbidden, and must not be visible from the exterior. • Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed on the premises.

the business. But, wait, there’s more — a medical marijuana dispensary license tallies $3,000 a year. Denver’s Department of License and Excess approves or denies medical marijuana dispensary licenses. The new bill is in compliance with Amendment 20 — a state law approved by Colorado voters in 2000, allowing them to legally sell medical marijuana. Yet, a federal law restricting the medical marijuana industry pre-empted the state law until last October when the federal government lifted the sanction, opening the flood gates in Colorado for new dispensary business. The original bill, proposed by Brown, stated that dispensaries were restricted to open within 500 feet of schools, daycare centers or other pot shops to eliminate clusters of dispensaries around the city, but other council members amended the bill to state 1,000 feet. “I thought the 1,000 foot was excessive,” Brown said. “It was a compromise.”

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A mere 75 miles west of Denver, down the I-70 corridor, and over Berthoud Pass is the Winter Park ski resort. The area around the West Portal of the Moffat tunnel was renamed Winter Park in 1939 and has been serving recreational skiers ever since. If you are looking for your typical family-oriented “winter wonderland of snow,” you have found it. But if you are looking to get away from the families, the hoards of ski school sketchies and, possibly to enjoy some recreational smoke ... well traveler, you went one left turn too far. You want to take the earlier left-hand turn – the one that leads to Mary Jane. This mountain’s name sake, Mary Jane, was a land owner and woman of ill-repute, having supplied certain age-old services to the railroad workers – and not an overt reference to marijuana. While it is technically part of the Winter Park ski resort, “the Jane” is a totally different animal. As the cruel and remorseless Mr. Hyde to Winter Park’s smart and friendly Dr. Jekyll, Mary Jane is home to pristine glades, tricky trees, and of course, world class bumps. Nevertheless, if you look hard enough, there is a softer side to Jane. While you’re shredding bumps that make local phenom Jeremy Bloom sweat, there are a number of man-made shelters that can offer a much-needed respite from the grueling repetitions. If you are constantly reminded of every nagging injury you’ve sustained since junior high, there is a place to ease your pain. Deep within and between the legendary runs on Mary Jane Mountain, you can find a shelter for the weary. As you unclick your sticks, it occurs to you that this isn’t just a pit stop for your burning quads... hey, did someone just run over a skunk? This is a “Bud Hut”. There are rumored to be as many as two dozen of these Kind Cabins scattered about. Most smoke shacks are very simple shelters. Usually made with hand tools, these shelters are made from whatever’s clever. Boulder clusters, large tree clusters, downed trees ... everything is fair game. Styles include the simple lean to, A-frames, and log cabins. Others are built with a little more creativity, likely by powder-hardened local gnar-dogs who have built huts before. The cave hut, the swing hut, the Jane hut, and the patrol hut (out of bounds) are among those special chronic closets that display

By Ryan James in the 303

the kind of craftsmanship that has shaped these hills for the past 70 years. The truth is, these resin rooms aren’t really “supposed” to be there. Good luck getting Winter Park/Mary Jane employees to admit that they even exist ... and don’t ever ask the ski patrol either. The concept of the occasional clandestine sesh-shed has evolved into a system of mid-mountain landmarks. Once privy to this underground network, your regular mountain routes are forever altered ... just in case you feel the urge. Most cannabis cottages aren’t much to look at. Through them though, you can gain insight to all the Jane has to offer. Most are small, not tall enough to stand or hold more than three people. Others are larger, accommodating as many as ten. All are thoroughly tagged by the frequent visitors. One candidly notes that you are pondering your existence at 11,420 feet. Another

“artist” shares his/her emotions for knuckle-draggers.

You can tell that it’s all in good fun.

If you’re looking to make friends, save your brown frown for the car ride home. Here, it’s all about quality medicine. Like with most social experiences, occupiers of these hash havens are a mixed bag.

Many are happy to their share stories, secrets, and stashes ... others, not so much. Either way, they’re all die-hard Jane’rs and know this system of hidden gems like their backyards. And in case you want to program a Bud Hut or two into your GPS, keep in mind the culture you’re “invading.” Like George Clooney tells Quentin Tarantino in “From Dusk Til Dawn”:

“Everybody be cool. You, be cool.”

Call it paranoia, or lame, or elitist ... that’s fine. Just don’t tear down my “Villa de la mota”. In fact, if you’re even worrying about this, you should probably just go to Summit County. As ski seasons pass, new huts are built. What of the older ones? Well, let’s just say it’s safer for everyone that some are removed. Proper hut maintenance can be difficult as they average 350 inches of fresh snow during the winter. As I write this, I’m reminded of huts from the past. The Sunnyside hut? Collapsed. The Cliff hut? Air-lifted out. The Tee Pee hut? Casino.

Have fun if you discover your own friendly chalet de cheeba – just keep it in the family.

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30 kush

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kush 31

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32 kush


kush 33



Chef Herb whose nickname is Mota, which is Spanish for marijuana,

knows the benefits of medical marijuana and has decided to incorporate his two passions: cooking for people’s pleasure and creating gourmet medicinal food. In the Basics, Chef Herb teaches us how to create THC butter and oil that can be used in countless recipes from party food hors’dourves to sweet desserts.

This month of March Chef Herb will have another birthday. If you would like to send him birthday wishes you can contact him at his web site www.cookwithherb.com or email him at: cookwithherb@gmail.com. If you are interested in learning more about cooking with cannabis or want to order his great DVD series call: 310.462.1649

34 kush

Saint Patrick day and great winter party food Corned beef and Cabbage Ingredients

3 pounds corned beef brisket with spice packet 10 small red potatoes 5 carrots, peeled and julienned 1 large head cabbage, cut into small wedges


Place corned beef in large pot or Dutch oven and cover with water. Add the spice packet that came with the corned beef. Cover pot and bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Simmer approximately 50 minutes per pound or until tender. Add whole potatoes and carrots, and cook until the vegetables are almost tender. Add cabbage and cook for 15 more minutes. Remove meat and let rest 15 minutes. Place vegetables in a bowl and cover. Add as much broth (cooking liquid reserved in the Dutch oven or large pot) as you want. Slice meat across the grain.

Creamy Colcannon Ingredients

1 pound cabbage 1 pound potatoes 2 leeks 1 cup milk salt and pepper to taste 1 pinch ground mace 1/2 cup THC butter

Cooking Instructions

In a large saucepan, boil cabbage until tender; remove and chop or blend well. Set aside and keep warm. Boil potatoes until tender. Remove from heat and drain. Chop leeks, green parts as well as white, and simmer them in just enough milk to cover, until they are soft. Season and mash potatoes well. Stir in cooked leeks and milk, salt a pepper to taste, and mace. Blend in the kale or cabbage and heat until the whole is a pale green fluff. Make a well in the center and pour in the melted THC butter. Mix well.

Irish Fondue Casserole INGREDEINTS

12 slices firm white bread 1/2 cup THC unsalted butter, softened 3/4 teaspoon dry mustard 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 1/2 pound (2 cups) shredded Swiss cheese 2 teaspoons chopped fresh chives 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Salt and pepper to taste 4 eggs 1-1/2 cups half and half 2/3 cup milk 1/2 cup chicken broth

Cooking Instructions

Cut the crusts off the bread slices. In a small bowl, stir together the THC butter, mustard and

garlic. Spread each slice of bread with some of the butter. Arrange 6 slices, THC butter side down, in a 9 by 13-inch baking dish. In a medium bowl, combine the shredded cheese, chopped chives, Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Evenly sprinkle the cheese over the bread in the baking dish. Top with the remaining bread, THC butter side up. In a medium bowl, beat the eggs, half and half, milk and chicken broth. Pour over the bread. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Uncover the fondue and bake it for 1 hour, or until the top is lightly browned and the inside is fairly firm. Remove the fondue from the oven. Let it rest for 10 minutes. Cut into 8 or 10 wedges.

Kick Ass Irish Bread Pudding Ingredients

2 cups granulated sugar 5 large beaten eggs 2 cups milk 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 3 cups cubed Italian bread , allow to stale overnight in a bowl 1 cup packed light brown sugar 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) THC butter, softened 1 cup chopped pecans For the sauce: 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup (1 stick) THC butter, melted 1 egg, beaten 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1/4 cup brandy


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 13 by 9 by 2-inch pan. Mix together granulated sugar, eggs, and milk in a bowl; add vanilla. Pour over cubed bread and let sit for 10 minutes. In another bowl, mix and crumble together brown sugar, THC butter, and pecans. Pour bread mixture into prepared pan. Sprinkle brown sugar mixture over the top and bake for 35 to 45 minutes, or until set. Remove from oven.

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For the sauce

Mix together the granulated sugar, butter, egg, and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat. Stir together until the sugar is melted. Add the brandy, stirring well. Pour over bread pudding. Serve warm or cold.

Irish Soda Bread Ingredients

3 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/3 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 cups buttermilk 1/4 cup THC butter, melted


Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Grease a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan. Combine flour,baking powder,sugar,salt and baking soda. Blend egg and Buttermilk together,and add all at once to the flour mixture. Mix just until moistened. Stir in melted THC butter. Pour into prepared baking pan. Bake for 65 to 70 minutes or unit a toothpick inserted into center of loaf. Comes out clean. Cool on wire rack and wrap in foil over night for best flavor

Fun Food THC Carmel corn Ingredients

3 quarts popped popcorn 3 cups dry roasted mixed nuts, unsalted 1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed 1/2 cup light or dark corn syrup 1/2 cup THC butter

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1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 250°. In a large roasting pan combine the popcorn and nuts. Place in the oven while preparing glaze. In a medium saucepan combine brown sugar, corn syrup, THC butter, and salt. Bring to a full boil over medium heat, stirring constantly, then continue to boil for 4 minutes without stirring. Remove from heat; stir in baking soda and vanilla, then pour over the warm popcorn and nuts, tossing to coat well. Bake another 60 minutes, stirring freqently, about every 10 minutes. Cool and break apart. Store in an airtight container.

Eggs Benedict Herb Supreme Three recipes in one, think of the Eggs Benedict recipe as toast and ham topped with a poached egg recipe, topped with a hollandaise sauce recipe. 4 English muffins, split, toasted and buttered or 8 crumpets 8 1/4-inch slices ham, warmed and cut to fit 8 poached eggs 1 1/4 cups (about) Hollandaise Sauce

Poached Egg Recipe

Water 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons vinegar (any variety) 8 eggs Bring 2-3 inches of water almost to a boil in a large sautÊ pan. Add the salt and vinegar. One at a time, crack the eggs into a cup and then slip the eggs, one at a time, into the barely simmering water. Reduce the heat, if need be, to maintain that low simmer. Cook just until the whites are set and the yolks are glazed but still very soft, about 3 minutes. (Wait until the eggs are set to dislodge any that may have stuck to the bottom of the pan.) Using a slotted spoon, transfer the poached eggs onto a dish towel to drain. Trim the edges of any streamers so they’re nice and tidy. (If the eggs get too cold, slip them back into the simmering water for a few seconds and drain again.)

Make-ahead directions

Cook as above but remove the eggs from the water after 2 minutes. Immediately place them in ice water to prevent them from cooking further. Cover and refrigerate the eggs and water for up to 12 hours. To reheat, slip them into simmering water for about 30 seconds.

Hollandaise Sauce Recipe

4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon water 1/8 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1/8 teaspoon ground white pepper, or to taste 1 pinch of cayenne pepper 1 cup THC melted butter Combine the egg yolks, lemon juice, and water in a small, heavy saucepan. Whisk the mixture constantly over very low heat until thickened. Immediately remove the pan from the heat but continue whisking for 1 minute. Add the salt, pepper, and cayenne. Cool slightly. Scrape the mixture into a blender. With the motor running at medium-high speed, add the melted (but not hot) THC butter in a slow, steady stream until it is well-incorporated. Taste and adjust the seasonings, if necessary. To keep warm, place the Hollandaise Sauce in a bowl over (but not touching) hot water, stirring occasionally, or simply place the blender container in warm (not hot) water.

Now put it together How to make Eggs Benedict

Start by preparing the Hollandaise Sauce. Keep it warm. Start the water for the eggs. Warm the ham slices, and toast and butter the muffins or crumpets. Keep them warm in a warm oven. Finish preparing the Poached Eggs. To assemble, place a slice of ham atop an English muffin half or crumpet, place a poached egg on the ham, and spoon a little Hollandaise Sauce over the top. Serve immediately. Makes 8 servings

Easy Crab Cakes

2 pounds lump crab meat 2 tablespoons THC olive oil and/or THC butter 1/2 cup green onions, minced 1/4 cup red bell pepper, diced 2 teaspoons fresh garlic, minced 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup THC mayonnaise 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard 1/3 cup fresh parsley, minced Salt and ground black pepper to taste 2 1/4 cups toasted bread crumbs (more or less) 4 tablespoons THC butter and/or THC olive oil

How to Make Crab Cakes that Don’t Fall Apart

First, thoroughly pick the crabmeat over for shell fragments and set aside. Sauté the green onions, bell pepper, and garlic in THC olive oil and THC butter. Cool. In a large bowl, combine the crab meat, sautéed mixture, beaten eggs, mayonnaise, mustard, parsley, salt, pepper, and 1/4 cup of bread crumbs. Pour the remaining (2 cups) bread crumbs onto a plate. Line a baking sheet with wax paper or plastic wrap. Form the crab cake mixture into 1/2-inch thick patties, 8 large or 12-16 small ones. Press both sides of the patties into the bread crumbs, and place them on the baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 3 to 6 hours, until firm. In a large, non-stick sauté pan, brown the patties in THC olive oil and/or THC butter over medium-high heat, about 4 minutes each side. Drain on paper toweling. Serve with lemon wedges or tartar sauce. Makes 8 large or 12-16 small crab cakes.

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By Josh Kaplan

Coachella Music and Arts Festival known in short as “Coachella Fest,” is the Mecca of Music and Art Festivals. It’s also the benchmark by which most festivals are compared, worldwide. Started in 1999 (missing one year in 2000, due to lack of ticket sales), Coachella has come back strong as the West Coast Festival to attend each Spring. Along with three main stages and multiple DJ tents, there are also large art installations set up all over the complex. For those dance-crazed, rave-minded attendees, there is a special area devoted just to dance music - all weekend. The hit list of bands who’ve played in years past is a who’s who of contemporary rock ’n’ roll. With such headline acts as Beck, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oasis, Radiohead, The Cure, Roger Waters, Prince, Madonna, Rage Against The Machine, Paul McCartney & Daft Punk, it’s evident that these promoters are in tune with what the people want. After months of message boards and blogs post, the long-awaited reveal of the highly anticipated lineup has been released. It seems that the heads at Goldenvoice/AEG Live have once again put together another kick-ass lineup for 2010.

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FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Coachella is back to being a three-day festival, this year finds every night filled with great acts from across the musical dial. Among the Friday night eclectic acts is the robo-Diva, Grace Jones - sure to put on a show, given her magnificent performance at the Hollywood Bowl last year. Also on Friday, super-group Them Crooked Vultures (featuring John Paul Jones from the mighty Led Zeppelin on bass and Dave Grohl from, well, you know) brings its ass-kicking rock back to the masses. DO NOT MISS THIS!!!!!! Friday night also features the reunion of the oh-so-sweet Johnny Rotten back to the stage with his post-Sex Pistols group Public Image Limited (PIL), but most notably, headliner Jay-Z (Hova, Mr. Shawn Carter) will be poppin’ bottles into the desert sky, bringing hit after hit into the late night. So far so good, right?

Being that this show is in the desert, it can be a long, grueling weekend. It gets hot, and with all the partying going on, some people forgo the Sunday wrap-up in exchange for a relaxing day at the resort pools. This is a great option to have, but this year might find those pools empty, as Sunday’s lineup is just as strong as Friday’s and Saturday’s. Starting with the reunion of Sunny Day Real Estate, even the Emo kids will be out at Coachella - all lathered up in sunscreen. Ol’ skool hip-hoppers De La Soul will be on hand with their quirky lyrics and jazzy beats, while electronic pioneer Gary Numan plugs into the desert sky with his often imitated synthesized hooks. Among other notable legends – and the requisite throwback band -- is the slightly unpredictable, but always great Sly and The family Stone. Sunday night also has the reunion of indie, lo-fi faves Pavement. Thom Yorke, of Radiohead fame and outstanding solo work, will be paired up with bass master Flea for what promises to be a great set. These two are a truly kismet pairing. Head over there early, as this will surely be high on everyone’s watch list.

Well, save your energy kids -- it’s a long three days. Whether you’re partying or not? And let’s face it, Coachella Fest is not only a haven for great live music and art, but it has also become a safe haven for those who “….like to partake in mind-altering substances…..”. Along with the well stocked VIP tent with food and mixed drinks, there are plenty of concessions and friendly staff to make the whole Coachella experience great.

Closing the weekend is a pop-art project called Gorillaz, designed as a “virtual band” composed of four animated characters. In the past, Gorillaz have performed live, using video screens to project their animated counterparts as the main act, further selling their audience on their storyline. What’s in store for this set, we’ll have to wait and see.

Saturday night is chock full o’ great bands too. Favorite spudboys, Devo, are making the scene, as well as MGMT, and a reunion by Faith No More - should be great. Musical genius Jack White is presently drumming in his latest venture The Dead Weather – and he’s always a treat.

Coachella has become a favorite weekend for serious concertgoers, bringing a friendly atmosphere and good vibes to all who attend - so whether you’re a first timer planning a one day outing, or a diehard weekend warrior ready to plunge into the full threeday commitment, make sure you get your tickets early, as years past have sold out.

Saturday’s late-night roster promises to be great -- one side of the giant Polo field finds DJ extraordinaire Tiesto returning from the Netherlands, filling dance tents with hordes of loyal followers – and on the other side, British darlings Muse attack the main stage with their worldly and grandiose sound.

Come early - stay late - kick off your shoes and enjoy the greatest Music and Arts Festival in the world. Once you go to Coachella, you’ll be hooked for life. So remember, have a “Happy Coachella”, and pass it on……. Coachella Music and Arts Festival takes place 4/16,4/17,and 4/18 at the Empire Polo Field in Indio CA. You can find out more by visiting www.Coachella.comor see what the people think about it at www.HappyCoachella.com.

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Cannabis rally By Noelle Leavitt

Denver, Colo. — The air was filled with clouds of pot smoke outside the State Capitol January 14, as medical-marijuana proponents toked on pipes and joints moments before they marched into the State House to address legislators about the need to keep the drug legal in Colorado. Medical marijuana is a hot topic at the state capitol this year, as legislators prepare to discuss the issue at length in the coming months. Cannabis users, dispensary owners and local lobbyists wanted their voices heard by their elected officials, who they feel have long-ignored the importance of medical, as well as recreational, use of marijuana. “This is the day that we restore the voice to the American people, to the Colorado people and to the Denver people. It’s been ignored by our city councils, our leadership at the capitol,” said Miguel Lopez, who organized the rally. Lopez, who works with the Cannabis Therapy Institute based in Boulder, put together the event in response to several bills slated for discussion at the State Capitol this year, all which address restricting and regulating the use of marijuana. The bills come on the heels of a new federal policy implemented by President Barack Obama on Oct. 19, 2009, which states that law officials will no longer take legal action against medical marijuana users and dispensary owners if the drug has been legalized by state governments. Yet, if Colorado legislators go to the extreme in restricting the use and distribution of medical marijuana in the state, Obama’s new policy could no longer apply to Colorado. “What I’d like to say is thanks to our president of the United States, who actually freed medical marijuana. It’s a shame that our local leadership doesn’t see this, because if our president recognizes and acknowledges it, then so should our leadership all the way down,” Lopez shouted into a microphone at the rally. “If our national leaders can now acknowledge medical marijuana, that’s the first step to decriminalization for responsible adults and protection for the patients who absolutely have a need for medicine.” Rep. Larry Liston, R-Colorado Springs, said he’s willing to hear what proponents have to say, yet he still has personal reservations about pot use in Colorado. “I went to college, and we’ve all been exposed to it,” Liston said. “But I had my reservations in 2000 when it was on the ballot. It passed, and now the industry has grown from a tiny cottage industry into, gosh, dispensaries have sprouted up all over the place in the last couple of months.” 48 kush

at Colorado State Capitol fuels fire for legislative support Liston supports the use of medical marijuana, but opposes recreational use, fearful that it will increase drug-related crime across the state. He has yet to see the legislation, so he declined to comment on what might happen at the capitol in coming months regarding medical marijuana reform. “There are going to be some drastic steps that are going to have to be taken to regulate it,” Liston said, noting that he does think it can help cancer patients who are prescribed cannabis, but he does not necessarily support recreational use. Attorney Rob Corry represents those in favor of using the green substance, which is now distributed to more than 15,800 registered patients in Colorado, according to figures released by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment in December 2009. “It’s not completely safe until it’s legal for everybody because patients are always going to get caught up in this gray netherworld where it’s always partially legal and partially not,” Corry said in an interview with Kush, after publicly backing full legalization at the rally. “You’ll always see the government second-guessing and questioning physicians’ judgment if it’s truly medical or not. You’re always going to see growers and caregivers who are guilty until proven innocent. I mean, that is still the prevailing law enforcement paradigm.” The department of health also reported that, as of Dec. 15, 2009, a total of 820 physicians had prescribed cannabis for medical purposes in Colorado. Medical marijuana proponents are also fighting a battle against those in their movement who would seek to legalize it across the board. “There’s also the mentality that all use is medical, that every single use of marijuana is medical and confers physical, emotional, spiritual and mental benefits on the user — and that’s why people desire it and that’s why people benefit from it,” Corry explained to Kush Colorado while standing inside the marblefloored State Capitol rotunda. “I do think there’s a recreational component to it. I think it can make a person more open-minded, it can make a person a better conversationalist ... there is that recreational part of it, but no one can dispute that there are medical benefits.” As the legislative session wears on, senators and representatives will have much to discuss and debate concerning medical marijuana, its regulation and its role in Colorado.

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U.S Marine Veteran

and Medicinal Marijuana My name is James Vester. And I am not afraid of telling my name. I am proud of using medical marijuana. It has change my life. So lets start with who I am. I am 23 and I live in Berthoud, Colorado. I’ve been here for the past year now. I just moved from Chicago where I was in the United States Marine Corps. I served almost 6 years in the Marine Corps and did a tour overseas in Iraq. During my time in the Corps I was diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) insomnia, personality disorder, blown-out knees, a broken hip, torn ligaments in my ankle, severe anxiety and severe anger. I was an alcoholic and was getting locked up a great deal for drinking and fighting when I got back from overseas. When I left the Marines they left me with 12 medications: I was taking from Percocet, Oxycontin, Trazadone, Seroquel, lithium, and much more. In total, about 32 pills a day. I was like a zombie on all this ... I mean think about my liver. All those pills. One day my father and I were driving around town and my PTSD was kicking in and he had some medical marijuana. He said “Son, I think you should try medical marijuana I think it would really help you.” I forgot what I was stressing about and why my PTSD was kicking in but I said “Fine! Give me that glass and let me try it.” So I went ahead and medicated. About five minutes later I forgot about everything that was on my mind and was not stressed. I felt happy and great. I think it was a sativa/indica blend. So I decided to go get my license. I went to see the doctor and gave him my medical record and he looked at me like “How is this guy standing?” once he realized how jacked up I am after reviewing my 869 page medical record. Well, of course I got approved due to my disabilities. Since then my life has changed. My little sister who is 16 comes to my house to visit every once in awhile and if we are hanging out and I have not medicated she would be able to tell. She would say “Jimmy, have you medicated yet?” and I would say “no.” Then she would reply “You need to now because you are all angry and short and not looking good.” I would go and medicate and come back and she would thank me, since it would make me a better person to be around. Since then I began studying medical marijuana and really wanted to help people like me. Now I work in a medical marijuana wellness center in Berthoud called Herbs Medicinals Inc.

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By Noelle Leavitt

We could all learn something from Morgan Gale. He likes to live in the present and not get too wrapped up in the future. He chooses to savor every moment with his friends and family and doesn’t waste time on the little stuff, for he is infected with HIV and never knows what tomorrow will bring. The 21-year-old construction worker would rather focus his energy on the big stuff -- stuff like educating the public on how medical marijuana helps him function on a daily basis. He’s really good at explaining his stance on important issues, which he’s had to do his whole life. Gale and his sister were infected with HIV when they 54 kush

were born, and they’ve been battling the lethal disease for more than 20 years. Born in Grass Valley, Calif., they were tested for HIV shortly after their mother became relatively ill when Gale was just three-years-old and his sister was five. “Basically we found out that I was HIV positive. I got it from my mother from either birthing or breast feeding,” Gale explained. “But my father, luckily, was not positive, and I would probably not be here today if it wasn’t for him being able to stick around.” Gale doesn’t know how his mother contracted the disease. It’s something his family doesn’t discuss. Currently, he, his father and his sister all live in Boulder, Colo.

“She became more and more sick, and basically wasn’t my mother anymore. She was just a body. I would change

her oxygen tanks when I was five years old, and wipe sweat off her face. But as she became more and more sick, she wasn’t really my mother anymore, and that was really a hard thing to see,” Gale said, noting that the experience made him grow up faster than most kids. Unfortunately, Gale’s mom wasn’t able to get the proper medicine she needed to fight HIV. It was the late ’80s, and it was difficult to obtain antiviral drugs to battle the immune deficiency disease. Gale’s mother passed away when he was seven, exposing him to the harsh realities of AIDS at a very young age. The situation forced Gale’s father to take a more holistic approach to treating Gale and his sister when they were children. Very little pediatric medicine was on the market for HIV positive children at the time, and the antiviral drugs that were available had harsh side effects, especially on kids. Desperate to keep Gale and his sister healthy -- they were still living in California at the time -- his father took them to Chinese herbalists in San Francisco and several different psychic healers for alternative treatments. “They would help alter my diet and align shakras and visualize healing pictures for myself to try to help boost my immune system,” Gale said. “We would also go to different herbalists.”

It was a constant battle trying to find the right form of treatment, which was one of several battles the family fought during that time. Gale and his sister were also exposed to rejection. Elementary schools didn’t welcome their attendance, concerned that other children would catch the disease by being in the same room with them. At the time, no one truly understood the disease. “I ended shutting down an elementary school just because of my presence. They were so worried that they were going to get it from me, all these parents were like ‘Oh, we’re taking our kids out of the elementary school, this kid’s got HIV, he’s going to give it to everyone else’,” Gale said. “They wanted me to stop taking Judo when I was a very young kid, because they thought that I’d bleed on another kid or the kids would get it through the air. So that restricted a lot of social stuff for a little while, and we had to really educate the community from the ground up, even if we were being threatened and (had) to leave the town.” As time wore on, holistic medicines weren’t controlling the disease, and Gale eventually had to start taking antiretroviral drugs.

“I was about eight years old. It got to the point that I was getting pretty sick from the virus. When I first got on those medications, I had some severe reaction,

such as pancreatic infection,” he said. He would often have severe nausea, dementia and personality changes.

“A lot of my family friends saw me go through states of mind that just weren’t me,” Gale said, noting that he had no other choices. He had to take the medicine to survive.

He was 15 years old when he first tried marijuana recreationally with friends and found that the drug made him hungry. “I started eating more food ... I was able to hold down more food and also hold down my medication. Some of these medications, they not only look like chalk, literally, they start to taste like it and they’re hard to ingest. Unfortunately, if you don’t start taking one medication with food and one without, you start losing the benefit of the medication. Sometimes I wouldn’t be able to take another pill. And sometimes when I smoke it alleviates that feeling. It helped me stick to medication that was so crucial to survive,” Gale said. It took him a few years before he found a good balance between his antivirals, marijuana and a healthy-organic diet. His hope is that the government will continue to look at cases such as his when reviewing medical marijuana legislation. He doesn’t think most politicians understand its medical benefits.

“When I smoke, I literally see my immune system stay at a plateau, if not slowly climb,”

Gale said.

Although there is no hard evidence that marijuana helps control HIV, Gale credits the drug for helping him stay alive. His mom never smoked pot. The family was too afraid that the government might barge in and take Gale and his sister away. But times have changed since the ’80s and ’90s. Much of society now embraces cannabis for medical treatment, and people aren’t so afraid of those suffering from HIV, making it easier for Gale to live a healthy life without all the politics. “I don’t think of it necessarily as a cure. For some people if it works for them, that’s incredible, that’s awesome,” Gale said. “But for me it’s just something that helps me supplement my wellbeing, personally and adhere to my medication. If I don’t adhere to my medications I can easily die. I guess it has a very big impact upon my life.”

And that’s the message Gale wants government officials to hear.

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58 kush

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By Noelle Leavitt

Mason Tavert

Q&A Mason Tvert knows how to get things done at the Colorado State Capitol. The 28-year-old runs a pro-marijuana organization called SAFER (Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation), that focuses on educating the public about the safe use of cannabis. Tvert has strong opinions on how the public feels about medical marijuana, and recently shared his views with Kush Colorado.


What is the biggest misconception about medical marijuana?


The biggest misconception surrounding marijuana is that it is so harmful and that it must remain illegal. Yet every objective study on marijuana has concluded that it is far safer than alcohol, which is available on just about every corner in virtually every city in the country. This begs the question: why is it such a problem for adults to obtain and use marijuana? It’s even more perplexing when it comes to those with serious medical conditions whose physicians have recommended they use marijuana to treat their conditions or symptoms. 62 kush


What are the most dramatic challenges currently facing the medical marijuana industry?


It ultimately boils down to an issue of perception versus reality, and how effectively the reality of marijuana is being conveyed to elected officials, the media, and the public. Too many people are still fearful of marijuana, which is irrational in light of our society’s general acceptance of alcohol as a recreational substance and pharmaceutical drugs as medical treatments. For example, Colorado is one of just a handful of states where prescription drugs are now the number one cause of unintentional death, surpassing even traffic accidents. Yet there is far more hysteria surrounding the growing number of medical marijuana patients and dispensaries, despite the fact that marijuana use alone has never contributed to a single death in history. If we want to see comprehensive changes in our marijuana laws, we must inspire comprehensive changes in the way people think about marijuana.

Q. How hard was is to get SAFER off the ground? A. Launching SAFER was simply a matter of filling out forms

and establishing a non-profit organization. The real challenge was capturing the hearts and minds of those who support marijuana reform, the public, and the media. An organization is only as strong as the support it receives, and SAFER is powered by its supporters. Of course inspiring those supporters required a compelling mission and strategy, well-planned tactics, and effective follow through. From there, success tends to foster growth in support, thus continued success.


You co-authored a book titled, “Marijuana is Safer, So Why Are We Driving People to Drink,” I have two questions, 1) Is Marijuana safer than alcohol? Marijuana is one of the most researched substances in the world, and every objective study on it has concluded that it is far safer than alcohol both to the user and to society. It is less toxic, less addictive, less harmful to the body (in both the short- and long-term), and it does not contribute to the serious problems frequently attributed to alcohol use, such as injuries, domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes. 2) And why does society drive people to drink? Alcohol and marijuana are the two most popular recreational drugs in the world, yet we live in a society that embraces the use of alcohol, but criminalizes and condemns the use of marijuana. Whereas it is viewed as perfectly acceptable to enjoy a cocktail at a party or a beer at a ball-game, it is a crime to enjoy using marijuana in the privacy of one’s own home. We are also faced with a laundry list of negative consequences that can result from a marijuana conviction or failed drug test, whereas employers see no problem joining their employees at happy hour after work. The overall effect of laws that allow and promote the use of alcohol while prohibiting and discouraging the use of marijuana is sending the dangerous message that people are better off drinking, when in fact they are far safer using marijuana instead.

Q. What’s next in the medical marijuana industry? A. The rapid emergence of dispensaries around Colorado

was a huge step toward a more sensible approach to marijuana. As could be expected, it is now facing the hysteria typically associated with something unknown or misunderstood by a significant fraction of society. Thus, the next step for this new industry is to establish sensible rules and regulations, and -perhaps most importantly -- follow them. As the public adjusts to the concept of marijuana being made available in such a public fashion, it is critical that the industry set a good example for broader reform and regulation that is sure to follow.

Q. What’s next in your career? A. At this point I am focusing on just the next couple

years and what steps must be taken to bring about significant reforms in terms of public policies and public attitudes, both in Colorado and nationwide. We will continue to build the SAFER movement around the state, as well as on college campuses and in communities around the country.


What can we expect in the upcoming Colorado legislative session concerning medical marijuana?


The legislature will be considering multiple bills pertaining to the regulation of medical marijuana and the growing dispensary industry. It is hoped they will review the evidence and act in a reasonable fashion that reflects the relatively benign nature of both the substance and the businesses providing it in compliance with the constitutional amendment approved by the voters. There are also likely to be several significant changes to Colorado’s broader marijuana laws, including the “de-felonization” of personal cultivation (up to 6 plants), the defelonization of possession of marijuana concentrate, and a host of other improvements to current state marijuana laws.

Q. Does your family support what you do? A. Absolutely, and more so every day. In fact, my mother

has become quite engaged recently, appearing on a television news feature regarding her support of me and the cause, as well as a great story about moms who support reform, which was featured on the parenting Web site MomLogic.com.


Where can social media hounds follow you? Twitter, Facebook, blogs?


The SAFER Web site -- www.SAFERchoice.org includes our blog, news, and other resources.


The SAFER Campuses Campaign site — www.SAFERcampuses.org — is geared toward students involved in or interested in starting SAFER campaigns. Facebook — www.Facebook.com/SAFERchoice Twitter — www.Twitter.com/SAFERchoice

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By Noelle Leavitt

Carl Wemhoff knows how to throw a party. He’s the owner of Herbal Remedies, a medical marijuana dispensary in Westminster, and he organized an exciting holiday bash for his employees in January, treating them to an Italian dinner, a live Cheech and Chong show and drinks at a popular bar in Boulder to end the night. The best part was the charter bus that Wemhoff hired to drive employees, their significant others and Kush magazine publisher Michael Lerner around town. About 35 people enjoyed the festivities.

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“I got a big, real nice coach bus. And the bus driver was fine with us smoking in it. We had a photographer there for the night and he could hardly get his camera to focus throughout the night because the bus was filled with smoke,” Wemhoff jokingly said. After enjoying dinner and drinks at Buca di Bebbo Italian Restaurant, the party spilled onto the bus and headed north to Boulder for a Cheech and Chong “Get it Legal” show at Macky Auditorium, where the veteran marijuana celebrities entertained the Boulder ganja community with classic Cheech and Chong skits. “They are a little rounder, they’re a little slower,” Wemhoff said of Cheech and Chong, noting that they were a big hit among his employees.

“I thought it’d be a real good idea to help further that,” Wemhoff said. “They were real gracious and real nice.” Herbal Remedies assistant manager Julia Sepulveda said that Cheech and Chong’s message of the night really hit home with what dispensaries across Colorado are currently facing — increased regulation. “It was really kind of appropriate for us because we’ve been dealing with so much resistance and tolerance,” Sepulveda said. “But I had a blast. Before, I had been listening to their tapes and I listed to them on vinyl when I was younger.”

The Boulder performance was the first of several shows Cheech and Chong have planned across America, to rally in favor of full legalization of marijuana. Wemhoff donated $5,000 to Tommy Chong’s Marijuana Policy Project.

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2.20.10 @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver)

3.5.10 & 3.6.10 @ Odeum Colorado (Broomfield)

With influences from hip hop, electronic, rock, blues and jazz, Galactic promises to get your toes tappin’. Drawing from a cast of all-star friends, they often invite them on stage to enhance and broaden their New Orleans vibe. Their diverse lineups and funky live sets have made Galactic a fave among Jam heads and festival goers. Fresh back from Bonnaroo, they’ll be stopping by the Fillmore. Check it out.

What a long, strange trip it’s been, indeed, this Bob Weir/Phil Lesh combo, or some incarnation thereof. The latest version of Further showcases Jerry Garcia “specialist” John Kadlecik from the Dark Star Orchestra (known as the best tribute to the Grateful Dead) who recreates full GD sets. Since 1994, many people have tried to fill in that spot, and I’m sure all agree that Jerry’s shoes shall never be filled. But let’s not get down on that. Bob and Phil, and friends -- now known as “Further” –are sure to keep the legacy going. The songs are still great. The sets are still long and groovin’. And if you close your eyes, it’s almost like the good ol’ days. Don’t miss Further and its traveling circus when it skids into Broomfield, CO. Two nights at the Odeum Colorado, 3/5-3/6/2010. Get there early, and stay late. And if you see some grilled cheese out there, grab one for me please.

Billy Joel/Elton John 2.22.10 @ Pepsi Center (Denver) What can be said about such a pair of legends? Individually you could write volumes. When you put them together, forget it. The catalogs are sooooo deep, and the level of genius is sooooo great. We should all be thankful that these two headliners are willing to share a stage for us. You’ll dance, you’ll sing, you may even cry? But it’ll be a good cry.... Go see this memorable show!

Los Lonely Boys 3.1.10 @ Boulder Theater (Boulder) Since the late ’90s, Los Lonely Boys have been touring the country bringing their own style of rock’n’roll, soul, country, and Tejano (a Texas style sound with Cajun influences). They now dub their sound “Texican Rock’n’Roll”. Usually touring with their homeboys Los Lobos, this time they’re flying solo into Boulder.

Bon Jovi 3.8.10 @ Pepsi Center (Denver) If you want to see one of the best rock concerts ever, go see Bon Jovi. Whether you know one or 100 of their songs (and they have over 100) you will not be disapointed in this red, white, and true arena-rock specialist. For more than 26 years John Bongiovi, (later changed to Bon Jovi) has stood the test of time. Through the big hair years in the 80’s, to their recent album The Circle (2009), John, Richie, Tico and David have been serving it up to adoring fans all over the globe. Like their New Jersey mentor “the Boss” they always take the stage ready to leave it all out there. There must be something in that dirty NJ water?

Killswitch Engage 3.13.10 @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver) If you can’t tell by the name alone, Killswitch Engage are part of a Heavy Metal subset known as Metalcore - a fusion of hardcore punk and extreme metal. With 11 years, five albums, and many lineup changes under their belt, Killswitch Engage are in this for the long haul. They’ve proven that with appearances on everything from MTV and WWE to Guitar Hero and Rock Band. You might be able to simulate the shredding guitars with dancing lights, but don’t lose your voice trying to recreate the screams.

Left: Elton John & Billy Joel Right from Top: Los Lonely Boys, John Mayer, Jay-Z, Bon Jovi, Killswitch Engage logo 72 kush

Jason Aldean 3.18.10 @ Odeum Colorado (Broomfield) With three albums, nine singles, and three number one hits on the Billboard Country Charts, Jason Aldean’s career is headed in the right direction. Since he was a child, he’s had a guitar in his hand, quick to pick up his favorite country songs. He soon became a star, singing his original songs to ever growing crowds. You could say that this star is still rising because he’s that young. And seeing him before he’s really big would be pretty cool, huh? Well here’s your chance.

Vampire Weekend 3.19.10 @ Ogden Theater (Denver) Named after lead singer Ezra Koenig’s amateur film, Vampire Weekend have become the darlings of the New York Indie Rock scene, starting in 2009. Coming out of the XL Recording stable and having running mates like The White Stripes puts VW in good company. They received major accolades from Rolling Stone in 2007, Spin in 2008, and hit the Top 20 singles charts in the UK and U.S. in 2009. With their latest album Contra (2010) just released, and a recent spot on The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, the only thing left is their March 19th show at the Ogden Theater in Denver CO. Come see what all the NYC hype is about....

Jay-Z 3.22.10 @ Pepsi Center (Denver) Jay-Z, the undeniable Top-Dog, Number One, King of Hip Hop, and all that is cool in this urban jungle is breezing into town. When Jay-Z wears it, raps it or uncorks it, it somehow becomes a hit. His hit list is so solid that it is only rivaled by the laundry list of people he’s helped make into stars. Did I mention his personalized diversions? Things like a clothing line, fashion accessories, champagne, cologne, or the NBA team he owns (NJ Nets). Oh yeah, and he’s married to the hottest Diva out there - Beyonce. Enough said. I’m glad this guy’s in charge!

John Mayer 3.23.10 @ Pepsi Center (Denver) Since coming onto the scene in 1997, John Mayer seems to have become the torch bearer for great bluesmen - we can only hope the trusted sources handing off said torch are correct. In 2003 he won the Best Male Pop Vocal Performance Grammy Award. In 2005 he paired up with R&B legends B.B. King, Eric Clapton, and Buddy Guy - pretty solid references, to be sure. In 2007 he took home more Grammys for Best Pop Vocal Album and Best Male Pop Vocal Performance. John may have sold his soul at the crossroads to date Jessica Simpson, but he definitely earned his bluesman stripes while dating Jennifer Aniston. Check out his latest arm candy and musical muse at the Pepsi Center.

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St By J. Mark

ck of the u r T “ e h t s us o v er tone o in m o t th American r u o o b N t n e c Talk a e r e en out at th iv g sit Connect. d n r a a r w T a d r o F Year” e given to th built for s a n a w v l w a o ic h S m o n Auto ? It’ s an eco k s a u o y , t a n fuel costs. o y e n o What’ s th m e v sa hat want to t s e s s e in s u b e Fiats. And g d a b e r o t t t, Jeep is se a h t en vo gue as o t s g a in t d u o Ad b a e ar ar’ s Ford -8 engines e V y g t s in k la c u m s o l e fr fue urities. Asid c e s f f-roading k o n a n b a r k fo is r t h lo ig h ole re isn’t a wh e h t , 0 5 1 F r R apto ed a bout. it c x e t e g o t your own g enthusiast in y if d o m of . r, the option e v e w o h , is ing extremes d a o T her e r ff o e s o er handle th o tr uck to bett s available t n io t a ic if d o m in ny dif ferent a m e r por tant step a im e r t e s o Th m e h .T g enthusiast e out what r in u d g a fi o r o t ff is o d e e th ar ts ar e need p t a h u. There is o w y t u o t o g ls a in e d p n p fi ta o ing that mos d a o r railing and s ft f o , g f o in iv r d type e n crawling, du k c o r , y. g in d mud ur truck dir t o y t e g o t s y a many other w

78 kush


There are events held all over Colorado for amateur offroaders, if you are interested in learning more about a particular sport, the best thing to do is get involved. Professionals and off-road veterans have a wealth of knowledge, and are usually willing to share their (usually passionate and sometimes longwinded) opinions. Key to tricking out your off-road vehicle is the tires. All the engine and suspension modifications in the world, won’t accomplish anything if the tires don’t have any traction on the ground. There are a multitude of options available for these knobby beasts, and making the right choice can be a daunting task. As usual, a great place to start your research is online.

Tirerack.com offers a rating system for all the tires available on their website, it also offers Yelp-style user reviews.

An often overlooked off-road modification is the differential. The diff, as explained so well in the movie ‘My Cousin Vinny’, controls how much power goes to each wheel when one starts to slip. This can be a massive advantage when off-roading because of the slippery conditions encountered on loose or uneven surfaces. Some 4x4 trucks offer a locking differential from the factory, this will be more or less good enough for most trails, but if you intend to get more serious, an aftermarket differential might be in order. If you wallet keeps pace with your interest, and your desire to push the truck into more and more challenging areas increases, an aftermarket suspension might be the next step. Lift kits vary in cost and quality, so doing your homework here can be essential. Some kits are designed for looks, and don’t really offer the performance needed for truly hardcore off-roading. Others still are designed to take a truck to hell and back, but often at a pretty substantial cost.

It’s worth noting here that modifications often bring with them a drop in drivability. Some dedicated enthusiasts still drive their heavily modified trucks daily, but at a certain point it might be worth considering an alternate vehicle, or at least making compromises when modifying your truck in order to keep it somewhat civil on the road. Make a “goal list” before pouring yourself into the project. If it’s mud or snow, design your vehicle around your specific wants and needs. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of building the ultimate off-road beast, but, in the end, what matters most is getting out there and enjoying yourself. Joining a club can not only be a great way to learn more about your sport of choice, but is also a great way to make friendships that can last a lifetime. (You can peek at www.cosports.com/fwhldr/clubs.htm for a strong list of clubs.) The bond among car enthusiasts is a constant from Honda drag racers to 4x4s to European road racers. We are all bound by a common interest in the automobile and the freedoms that come with it.

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n By Josh Kapla

,” the Black Rebel in “The Wild One ng ga le yc rc to mo do’s me of Marlon Bran Taken from the na y since 1998. en doing it their wa be ve ha C) RM (B Motorcycle Club g Stones, to the elin and The Rollin pp Ze d Le e lik s and blues influence a way to carve With garage rock BRMC have found , Jr. ur sa no Di d e an ise pop of the Verv neo-psychedelic no d. out their own soun

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gle, “Done All en their recent sin wh n itio gn co re ir name rofile boost to the They got a high-p vie soundtrack. “New Moon” mo the on d de clu in Wrong,” was ness of their live up to the cool ub Cl cle cy or ot M Black Rebel the question: Does ny quite as cool as So it bears asking t there aren’t too ma tha n ve gi , ell W ? d on rolls acters it was base urself when BRMC name, or the char t determination yo tha ke ma d an me do, you ought to co 2/2010. the late, great Bran Gothic Theater, 3/ the at d oo ew gl En - stopping in through Colorado you to be sure. me smoke(s) with so d an et ck ja r t leathe Bring your cooles

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Dispensary Listing ADAMS COUNTY Rocky Mountain Caregivers (720) 329-5763

ALAMOSA Sensitiva Hollistic Therapeutics 451 Santa Fe Ave Alamosa, CO 81101 (719) 589-0420

ALMA South Park Cananbis Club 99 S. Main St. (970) 485-5263

ARVADA Compassionate Care of Colorado 7777 W. 64th Ave. Arvada, CO 80004 (720) 375-0319

Special Kinds 4804 W. 60th Ave. Arvada, CO 80003 (303) 847-3238

BOULDER BMMC Services 2206 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302

Boulder Alternative Medicine 1325 Broadway St., Ste 213 Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 210-4021

Boulder County Caregivers 2955 Valmont Rd. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 495-2195

Canna Med

Medican on the Hill

1750 30th St., #8 Boulder, CO 80301 877 420-MEDS or (303) 477-2220

1089 13th St. Boulder, CO 80302

Colorado Care Inc 2850 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 250-9066

Crème de la Chron 2450 Central Ave. Boulder, CO 80301


Boulder Kind Care

1121 Broadway, Unit G-1 Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 727-0711

2031 16th St. Boulder CO, 80302 (720) 235-4232

Evolution Medicine Services

Boulder Medical Marijuana Dispensary

4476 N. Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 588-3335

2111 30th Street Unit A Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 449-2663

Flower of Life Healing Arts, Inc.

Boulder MMJ

3970 N. Broadway, Ste 201 Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 444-1183


1909 N. Broadway St., # 103 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 732-MMJ4 (6654)

Alternative Medical Solutions

Boulder Rx

Boulder, CO (720) 381-6187

106 S. Mill St., Ste 203 Aspen, CO 81611 (970) 544-8142

6560 Odell Place Boulder, CO

Green Leaf Farmacy

Locals Emporium of Alternative Farms (L.E.A.F.)

1035 Pearl St., 3rd floor Boulder, CO 80302

100 S. Spring St., Ste 2 Aspen, CO 81611 (970) 920-4220

AVON Tree Line Premier Dispensary 40801 US 6 (970) 949-1887

AURORA (Doctors) Canna Health 3033 S. Parker Rd., Ste 720 Aurora, CO 80014 (888) 420-4204

Boulder Rx

Boulder Vital Herbs 2527 N Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 440-0234

Green Belly Co-op

1644 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 440-1323

Healing House

MediPharm 800 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302

Mountain Medicine Group 2515 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (720) 542-9943

Natural Alternative Medicine 5370 Manhattan Cir. Boulder, CO 80303 (720) 363-9877

New Options Wellness 2885 Aurora Ave., Ste 40 Boulder, CO 80303 (720) 266-9967

Ohana PC 918 University Ave. Boulder, CO 80302

Table Mesa Wellness Center

Boulder’s Unique Dispensary

1200 Pearl St., #35 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 402-6975

900 28th St. Boulder, CO 80303

JTR Caregivers 2714 28th St. Boulder, CO 80301

Therapeutic Compassion Center 1501 Lee Hill Dr., No. 22 Boulder, CO 80202

Top Shelf Alternatives 1327 Spruce St., Ste 301 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 459-5335

Trill Alternative 2043 16th St. Boulder, CO 80302

Trill Alternative 1537 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302

Vape Therapeutics

3000 Folsom St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 993-7932

1221 Pearl St., No. 10 Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 449-4437

The Bud

The Farmacy

Indigenous Medicines LLC

2043 16th St. Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 746-9064

THC Ministry of Boulder

High Grade Alternatives

5420 Arapahoe Ave., Ste F Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 442-2565

The Village Green Society

1327 Spruce St., Ste 300 Boulder. CO 80302

2500 Broadway, Ste 100 Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 565-4019

Boulder Wellness Center

2515 Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (720) 542-9943

4730 Table Mesa Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 (303) 554-5399

1303 ½ Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80302 3370 Arapahoe Rd. Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 449-1905

The Mountain Medicine Group

845 Walnut St. Boulder, CO 80302 (720) 375-3777

The Greenest Green 2034 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 953-2582

The Medication Company

WELL Dispensary

BRECKENRIDGE Medicine Man 101 N. Main St., Ste 6 Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-2525

CARBONDALE C.M.D. 1101 Village Rd. Carbondale, CO 81623 (970) 306-3231

Sopris LEAF 580 Main St., 3rd floor #300 Carbondale, CO 81623 (970) 704-0420

4483 N. Broadway St. Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 635-6481

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 90 kush

Dispensary Listing CASTLE ROCK Mile High Medical Gardens 880 Happy Canyon Rd., # 145 Castle Rock, CO 80108 (720) 203-5450

The Lil Green House 518 Wilcox St. Castle Rock, CO 80104 (303) 993-3070

CENTENNIAL Canna Mart 8006 E. Arapahoe Ct., Ste 30 Centennial, CO 80112 (303) 771-1600

(Doctors) Cannabis Centers For Alternative Wellness 6590 S. Broadway St. Centennial, CO 80121 (720) 223-5551

CLIFTON God’s Gift 571 32 Rd. Clifton, CO 81504 (970) 609-4438

Herbal Medical Center 3258 F Rd., Unit B Clifton, CO 81520 (970) 433-0399


Cannabis Therapeutics Caregivers Cooperative 907 E. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 633-7124

Care West, LLC 1351 Pecan St. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 459-5532

Colorado Cannabis Caregivers 2203 N. Weber St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 634-7389 or (719) 440-4124

Colorado Cannabis Center 1905 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719)-574-4455

Epic Medical Caregiver 3631 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 638-4596

Front Range Alternative Medicines P.O. Box 60744 Colorado Springs, CO 80960 (719) 213-0118

Medical Marijuana Connection 2933 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909

Natural Advantage 420

1150 E. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 434-1665

925 W. Cucharras St. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 (719) 533-1177

Canna Care

Nature’s Medicine Wellness Center

1675 Jet Wing Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80916 (719) 596-3010

Canna Caregivers 3220 N. Academy Blvd., Ste 4 Colorado Springs, CO 80917 (719) 597-6685

Canna Med (doctor) 2935 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (877) 420-MEDS

Cannabis Science, Inc.

11 S. 25th St., Ste 220 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 213-3239

Old World Pharmaceutical

6347 E. Platte Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80915 (719) 393-3899

Pikes Peak Alternative Health and Wellness Centers

6946 N Academy Blvd, Ste B #254 1605 S. Tejon St., Ste 101 Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Colorado Springs CO, 80905 (719) 641-1188 (719) 575-9835

Pikes Peak Cannabis Caregivers 3715 Drennan Rd. Colorado Springs, CO (719) 216-5452


DENVER (Central)

High Valley Healing Center and CannaTea

985 Dispensary

400 Galena Ave. Crestone, CO 1131 Pikes Peak Compassionate (303) 877-7452

Care Center

2845 Ore Mill Rd. #6 Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-8499

Springs Health Alliance 3470-H Chelton Loop N. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 574-1742

Sunshine Wellness Center

31 N. Tejon St., Ste 400 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 (719) 632-6192

THC (The Highland Collective)

332 W. Bijou St., Ste 101 Colorado Springs CO, 80905 (719)-442-6737

The Green Earth Wellness Center

519 N. 30th St. Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-6337

The Healing Canna

3692 E. Bijou St. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 637-7645

The Highlands Cooperative

332 West Bijou St., Ste. 101 Colorado Springs, CO 80905 (719) 442-6737

Tree of Wellness

1000 W. Fillmore St., Ste 105 Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (719) 635-5556

Trichome Health Consultants

DACONO Dacono Meds

730 Glen Creighton Dr., Unit C Dacono, CO 80514 (303) 833-2321

DENVER (Delivery Services) 303 Delivery Service Denver CO, 80224 (303) 993-7022

Chronic Express (Delivery Service)

2757 Bryant St. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 868-4753 or (303) 955-6552

Alternative Medicine on Capital Hill 1401 Ogden St. Denver, CO 80218 (720) 961-0560

Back to the Garden Wellness Center

(303) 656-7300

DENVER (Doctors)

Cannabis Medical

CannaMed USA 6855 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80224 (877) 420-6337

Happyclinicdenver.com 1211 S. Parker Rd., #101 Denver, CO 80231 (720) 747-9999

DENVER (Smokeshops) Blown Glass and Accessories 4815 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 388-1882

Head Quarters 1301 Marion St. Denver, CO 80218 (303) 830-2444

Heads of State 3015 W 44th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-6585


High Fashion Glass

7260 Monaco St. Commerce City, CO 80022 (720) 987-3669

All Green Health Alternatives

1547 Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80206 (720) 877-3562

2117 W. Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs CO, 80904 (719) 635-6337

Colorado Coalition of Caregivers

985 Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 446-0420

42 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80209 303-766-5473 or 303-766-5437

Mary Jayz Cool Stuff

762 Kalamath St. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 912-2013

Capitol Hill Medicine Shoppe 1410 Grant St., #B104 Denver, CO 80204 (303) 993-5777

Caregivers for Life of Cherry Creek 310 Saint Paul St. Denver, CO 80206 (720) 536-5462

Cherry Creek Health 155 Cook St., #150 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 388-0086

Denver Metro Medical Cannabis Couriers Denver, CO 80203 (720) 227-6939

Denver Relief

1 Broadway St. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 420-MEDS

Discount Medical Marijuana 970 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 355-9333

4014 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212 (720) 855-7451

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com kush 91

Dispensary Listing Front Range Dispensary Denver, CO 80203 (720) 620-4463

Green Cross of Cherry Creek

Pride in Medicine 731 W. 6th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 (303) 999-0441

Remedy Care Center

128 Steele St., Ste 200 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 321-4201

1850 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 935-2694

Green Karma Medical

Rocky Mountain Farmacy

1115 Grant St., Ste G2 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 815-1585

Green Werkz 907 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80218 (303) 647-5210

Health Star Medical Evaluation Clinic 710 E. Speer Blvd. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 586-1200

1719 Emerson St. Denver, CO 80218 (720) 389-9002

The Grasshopper Alternative Medicine 1728 East 17th Ave. Denver CO, 80218 303-388-4677

Zen Cafe

Delivery Service Denver CO, 80203 (720) 306-8339

Herbal Health


419 W. 13th Ave. Denver, CO 80204 (720) 542-8364

24/7 Health Care Centers

Herbal Wellness Inc. 771 Santa Fe Dr., #204 Denver, CO 80204 (720) 299-1919

Herbs 4 You 20 E. 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 830-9999

Lincoln Herbal 424 Lincoln St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 955-0701

Mile High Alternative Medicine Denver, CO 80203 (720) 289-9654

Mile High Green Cross 852 Broadway St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 861-4252

New Millennium Denver, CO 80203 (720) 318-3275

Pain Management of Colorado 110 Cook St., Ste 103 Denver, CO 80206 (303) 423-7246

3535 Walnut St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 479-8756

Alternative Medicine On The 16th Street Mall 910 16th St., #805 Denver, CO 80205 (303) 623-1900

Apothecary of Colorado 1730 Blake St., Ste 420 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 296-5566

Ballpark Holistic Dispensary 2119 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 953-7059

Botanico, Inc.

3054 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-2273

Denver Compassionate Caregivers 1538 Wazee St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 623-7246 (PAIN)

Denver Kush Club 2615 Welton St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 736-6550

Denver Patients Group 2863 Larimer St., Unit B Denver, CO 80205 (303) 484-1662

Discount Medical Marijuana 2028 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80206 (303) 355-9333

Dr. Green Genes

1400 16th St., Ste 4067 Denver, CO 80202 (720) 932-8004

Elevated Medical 3660 Downing St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 530-4338

GreenDocs L.L.C.

1550 Larimer St., Ste 309 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 339-0214

J&J Green Clinic 3462 Walnut St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 284-5610


1444 Wazee St., Ste 115 Denver, CO 80202 (720) 974-3109

Mahooka Meds 2400 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 536-0850

Mile High Cannabis 899 Logan St. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 955-6203

Mind Body Spirit 3054 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 297-2273

Natural Remedies

1620 Market St., Ste 5W Denver, CO 80202 (303) 953-0884

Peace in Medicine Center 2042 Arapahoe St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 242-9308

RiNo Supply Co 3100 Blake St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 292-2680

Summit Wellness 2117 Larimer St. Denver, CO 80205 (720) 407-8112

The Farmacy

1400 Market St. Denver, CO 80202 (303) 260-7036

The Happy Harvest 2324 Champa St. Denver, CO 80205 (303) 997-4425

Zen Dispensary

26th Ave. & Ogden St. Denver CO, 80205 (303) 297-1466

DENVER EAST Colorado Care Facility 5130 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 953-8503

Flavored Essentials 3955 Oneida St. Denver, CO 80207 (303) 377-0539

Herbal Care

2866 N. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80207 (303) 321-4433

Med Stop

5926 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 (303) 573-6337 (MEDS)

Supreme Care Strains and Wellness Center 6767 E. 39th Ave., Ste 105 Denver, CO 80207 (720) 877-5216

DENVER NORTH Affordable Medicine for Colorado Patients 5650 E. Evans Ave., #405 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 275-1845

Doctors Orders

5068 N. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 (303) 433-0276

Elite Cannabis Therapeutics

Green Medical Referrals Clinic -- Denver 5115 Federal Blvd., #9 Denver, CO 80221 (303) 495-5000

Nature’s Choice 2128 S. Albion St. Denver, CO 80222 (720) 447-3271

The Healing House Pharmacy

123 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, Colorado 80223 (720) 389-6490

DENVER NORTHWEST Alive Herbal Medicine 4573 Pecos St. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 945-9543

Altitude Organic Medicine 1716 Boulder St. Denver, CO 80211 (970) 691-1661

B*GOODS MMJ Apothecary

80 S. Pennsylvania St. Denver, CO 80209 (303) 803-8256 or (303) 777-5239

BC Inc.

4206 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (720) 988-3184


2899 N. Speer Blvd., Ste 105 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 455-3187

Chronic Wellness 3928 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 455-6500


5830 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 518-0303

Denco Alternative Medicine

2828 Speer Blvd., #117 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-2266

6401 N. Broadway, Unit J Denver, CO 80221 (303) 650-4005

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Dispensary Listing Doc Danks

Sweet Leaf Inc.

Ganja Gourmet

BC Inc.

Metro-Cannabis 2

Grass Roots Health and Wellness

The Cosmic Company

Mother Nature’s Miracle

CannaMart Inc.

Mile High Meds

4785 Tejon St., Unit 101 Denver, CO 80211 (720) 276-5956

2832 W. 44th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 838-7637

Herbal Connections 2209 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 999-6295

Herbal Spa

4347 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 339-0116

Herbal Wellness, Inc. 3870 N. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 299-1919

Highland Health

2727 Bryant St., Ste 420 Denver, CO 80211 (303) 455-0810

Highland Herbal Connections 2209 W. 32 Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 999-6295

Highland Squares Apothecary 3460 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-3346

Local Caregivers of Colorado 5316 Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80214 (720) 233-5482

Mary Jayz Natural Therapeutics 4900 W. 46th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (720) 855-7451

Rocky Mountain Patient Services 934 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 882-5521

Sunnyside Alternative Medicine 1406 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 720-6761

5100 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 (303) 480-5323 3460 W.32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-3346

1810 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 282-9333

315 W. Littleton Blvd. Denver, CO 80210 (303) 794-3246

5777 E. Evans Plaza Denver, CO 80222 (720) 323-2383 1842 S. Parker Rd., Unit 18 Denver CO, 80247 (303) 771-1600

The Giving Tree of Denver Organameds 2707 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 477-8888

2020 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 862-7544


The ReLeaf Center

Patients Choice of Colorado

Colorado Cannabis Services

2000 W. 32nd Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 458-LEAF (5323)

The Tea Pot Lounge 2008 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 656-9697

Total Health Concepts 2059 Bryant St. Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-0152

Urban Dispensary 2675 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 (720) 389-9179

DENVER SOUTH Broadway Wellness 1290 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 997-8413

Cannabis 4 Health 1221 S. Pearl St. Denver, CO 80210 (720) 296-7563

Colorado Alternative Medicine 2394 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 379-7295

Daddy Fat Sacks 945 South Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) KIND-BUD

Delta 9 Caretakers LLC 2262 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 570-2127

Earth’s Medicine

74 Federal Blvd., Unit A Denver, CO 80219 (720) 254-0379

2251 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 862-5016

Rocky Mountain Caregivers 285 S. Pearl St. Denver, CO 80209 (303) 601-6037

The Health Center

2777 S. Colorado Blvd. Denver, CO 80210 (303) 758-9997

The Kind Room 1881 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 (720) 266-3136

Walking Raven Dispensary 2001 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (720) 327-5613

Wellspring Collective 1724 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80210 (303) 733-3113

DENVER SOUTHEAST 303 Cannabis Inc.

1800 S. Sheridan Blvd., #303 Denver, CO 80232 (720) 934-5388

A Mile High LLC 63 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-3420

Alternative Medicine Of Southeast Denver 6853 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80224 (720) 941-8872

6855 Leetsdale Dr., Ste 420 Denver, CO 80224 (877) 420-6337 (MEDS)

1842 S. Parker Rd, Unit 18 Denver, CO 80247 (720) 984-6543


4101 E. Louisiana Ave., #320, Denver, CO 80246 (720) 382-1287

Green Around You

970 S. Oneida St., Ste 17 Denver, CO 80224 (303) 284-9075

Green Cross Caregivers 1842 S. Parker Rd. Denver, CO 80231 (303) 337-2229

Herban Wellness Inc 4155 E. Jewell Ave., #405 Denver, CO 80222 (877) 702-4MMJ (4665)

Karmaceuticals 4 S. Santa Fe Dr. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 76-KARMA

Little Brown House 1995 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80223 (303) 282-6206

Little Green Pharmacy 1331 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-2133

Medical Marijuana for Wellness

1240 S. Parker Rd., #100 Denver, CO 80231 (720) 629-3476

Metro Cannabis

4101 E. Wesley Ave., Ste 5 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 771-9866

3425 S. Oleander Ct., Unit B Denver, CO 80224 (303) 305-9625 Denver, CO 80113 (720) 457-3751

Mile High Quality of Life 2186 S. Holly St., #106 Denver, CO 80222 (720) 933-1857

Mile High Remedies

4155 E. Jewell Ave., Ste 310 Denver, CO 80222 (303) 419-3896

Mile High Wellness 6740 E. Hampden Ave. Denver, CO 80237 (720) 382-8516

Rockbrook, Inc.

2865 S. Colorado Blvd., Ste 323 Denver, CO 80222 (303) 756-0595

Rocky Mountain Alternative Medicine 1479 S. Holly St. Denver CO, 80222 (303) 758-9114

Rocky Mountain Medical Marijuana 1126 S. Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80232 (303) 219-4884

Southwest Alternative Care

1940 W. Mississippi Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 593-2931

Sweet Leaf Compassion Center 5301 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80246 (303) 955-8954

Very Best Medicine (VBM Club) 6853 Leetsdale Dr. Denver, CO 80224 (720) 941-8872


2960 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80236 (303) 493-1787

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Dispensary Listing Alameda Wellness Center 183 W. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (303) 736-6999

Clovis, LLC

4000 Morrison Rd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 284-3165

Green Tree Medical, LLC 3222 S. Vance St. Denver, CO 80227 (720) 838-1652

Mr. Stinky’s

314 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (720) 243-0246

Rocky Mt. Organics

ENGLEWOOD ADG Herbal Medicine 11 W. Hampden Ave. Englewood, CO 80113 (720) 278-0419

Best Card, LLC

6955 E. Caley Ave. Englewood, CO 80111 (303) 741-2313

Nature’s Kiss Medical Lounge

4332 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80113 (303) 564-9690

FEDERAL HEIGHTS Colorado Patient Coalition

1015 W. Evans Ave. Denver, CO 80223 (720) 479-8905

9460 Federal Blvd. Federal Heights, CO 80260 (303) 667-6032

The Nature’s Cure

Front Range Dispensary, LLC

4283 W. Florida Ave. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 934-9503

DURANGO Nature’s Medicine Durango 129 E. 32nd St. Durango, CO 81301 (970) 259-3714

Natures Own Wellness Center Delivery service Durango, CO 81301 (720) 663-9554

EDWARDS New Hope Wellness Center

210 Edwards Village Blvd., B-110 Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 569-3701

Rocky Mountain High 105 Edwards Village Blvd. Edwards, CO 81632 (970) 926-4408


3330 El Dorado Springs Dr. Eldorado Springs, CO 80025 (720) 381-6187

8876 N. Federal Blvd. Federal Heights, CO 80260 (303) 429-2420‎

FORT COLLINS/GREELEY Bonnee and Clyde’s Caring Cannabis Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 443-6206

Colorado-CHRONIX Medicinal Cannabis Community Fort Collins, CO 80526 (970) 227-3366

Colorado Wellness Providers 1425 Cape Cod Cir. Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 217-0900

Emerald Pathway

Generations Natural Medicine 2006 8th St. Greeley, CO 80631 (970) 353-2839

Medicinal Gardens of Colorado 420 S. Howes St., Ste D (Stone House) Fort Collins, CO 80521 (970) 217-0575


301 Smokey St., Unit A Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 225-6337

FRANKTOWN S.E.C.A.M. (Serving Parker, Elizabeth, Castle Rock) (720) 346-2772 or (303) 660-2650

FRISCO Medical Marijuana of the Rockies

720 Summit Blvd., Ste 101A Frisco, CO 80443 (970) 668-MEDS

GLENWOOD SPRINGS Green Medicine Wellness

1030 Grand Ave. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 384-2026

Peaceful Warrior Medical Marijuana LLC 216 6th St. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 (970) 485-5286

GOLDEN Golden Alternative Care

4020 S. College Ave., Ste 11 Fort Collins, CO 80525 (970) 237-0884

807 14th St., Ste A Golden, CO 80401 (303) 278-8870

Friendly Fire


1802 Laporte Ave. Fort Collins, CO 80521 (970) 631-8776

Golden, CO 80401 (303) 903-6983

Rocky Mountain Organic Medicine 420 Corporate Cir. Golden, CO 80401 (720) 230-9111

GRAND JUNCTION Colorado Cannabis Therapy, LLC

Delivery Service Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 460-3017

Doobies, LLC

239 27 ¼ Rd, Ste 1 (on frontage road) Orchard Mesa/Grand Junction, CO 81503 (970) 242-2281

Green Natural Solutions, LLC

753 Rood Ave., Unit 3 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 424-5331

Greenlight Care

Delivery service (970) 609-MEDS (6337)

Heavenly Healing, LLC 1225 N. 23rd St. #106 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 242-2488

Victory Gardens

Delivery Service Grand Junction, CO 80501 (970) 314-5725


719 Pitkin Ave. Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 245-4649

HIGHLANDS RANCH Hatch Wellness Center

3624 E. Highlands Ranch Pkwy., #105 Highlands Ranch , CO 80126 (303) 470-9270

IDAHO SPRINGS Mountain Medicinals, Inc.

1800 Colorado Blvd., Ste 5 Idaho Springs, CO 80452 (303) 567-4211


Herbal Paradise

420HighWays, LLC

2454 Hwy 6 & 50 Grand Junction, CO 81505 (970) 424-5264

201 E. Simpson St., Ste B Lafayette, CO 80026 (720) 434-5210

High Desert Dispensary, LLC


1490 North Ave., Ste S Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 424-5357

High Desert Dispensary

Highly Herbal 555 North Ave., Ste 4 Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 778-5151


624 Rae Lynn Dr. Grand Junction, CO 81505 (970) 424-5291

Nature’s Alternative

496 28 Rd. Grand Junction, CO 81504 (970) 245-2680

Nature’s Medicine

1001 Patterson Rd #1 Grand Junction, CO 81506 (970) 424-5393

Bud Med Health Centers 2517 Sheridan Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214 (720) 920-9617

Denver Mile Hydro

355 S. Harlan St. Lakewood, CO 80226 (303) 935-GROW (4769)

Green Tree Medical 3222 S. Vance St., #230 Lakewood, CO 80227 (720) 838-1652

Green Werkz - Lakewood 5840 W. 25th Ave. Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 647-5210

Lakewood Patient Resource Center 7003 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 955-5190

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Dispensary Listing Meadows Wellness Center

1701 Kipling St., Ste 104 Lakewood, CO 80215 (720) 435-3830

Mr. Nice Guys

12550 W. Colfax Ave., Unit 119 Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 233-6423

Natures Herbal Solution 9699 W. Colfax Ave., Unit A Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 232-2209

Pain Wellness Center 2509 Sheridan Blvd. Lakewood, CO 80214 (720) 404-0174

Post Modern Health 5660 W. Alameda Ave. Lakewood, CO 80226 (303) 922-9479

Rocky Mountain Ways, LLC

1391 Carr St., Unit 303 Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 238-1253

Rocky Mountain Wellness Center

1630 Carr St., Unit C Lakewood, CO 80214 (303) 941-7883

The OG Collective Medical Marijuana Dispensary


2690 W. Main St., Unit C Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 999-0857

Blue Sky Care Connection

1449 W. Littleton Blvd., Ste 10 Littleton, CO 80120 (720) 283-6447


72 E. Arapahoe Rd. Littleton, CO 80122 (303) 771-1600

Colorado Medical Marijuana LLC 2 W. Dry Creek Cir. Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 625-4012

Footprints Health

8250 W. Coal Mine Ave., Unit 4 Littleton, CO 80123 (720) 981-2818

Green Mountain Care 5423 S. Prince St. Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 953-9231

Southwest Alternative Care 2100 W. Littleton Blvd., Suite 50 Littleton, CO 80120 (720) 237-3079

The Hemp Center

82 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 (303) 955-0070

2430 W. Main St. Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 993-7824

Therapeutic Herbal Comfort


12078 W. Jewell Ave. Lakewood CO, 80228 (720) 298-8909

LAKEWOOD (Smokeshops) Heads of State

9715 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood, CO 80215 (303) 202-9400

Nature’s Medicine

1260 S. Hover Rd., Ste C Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 772-7188

New Age Wellness 625 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 381-2581

Stone Mountain Wellness

Green Medical Referrals Clinic

1505 N. Lincoln Ave. Loveland, CO 80538 (303) 495-5000

Magic’s Emporium 2432 E. 13th St. Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 397-1901 (970) 667-4325

10781 Washington St. Northglenn, CO 80233 (303) 495-5000

The Organic Remedy 10866 Melody Dr. Northglenn, CO 80234 (303) 450-7462

The Apothecary

MedicalM, LTD


1314 Coffman St. Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 210-3986

The Blueberry Twist 725 Main St. Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 651-7842

The Zen Farmacy

323 3rd Ave., Ste 3 Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 774-1ZEN (1936)

TLC of Colorado P.O. Box 1923 Longmont, CO 80501 (720) 207-1324


(970) 669-5105

Nature’s Herbal Relief Center

528 E. Eisenhower Blvd. Loveland, CO 80537 Phone: 303-219-6834

Nature’s Medicine

843 North Cleveland Ave. Loveland CO, 80537 970-461-2811

Nature’s Medicine Delivery Service (970) 672-0454


PO Box 1149 Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 (970) 731-2175

Nature’s Medicine - Pagosa

Headquarters Emporium Dispensary


310 Main St. Lyons, CO 80540

1110 Boston Ave., Ste 210 Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 260-8203


Colorado Patients First


129 S. Cleveland Ave. Loveland, CO 80537 (970) 593-1180

P.O. Box 024 Nunn, CO 80648 (307) 221-2180


1116 W. Dillon Rd., Ste 7 Louisville, CO 80027 (303) 665-5596

Chronic Illness Alternative Medicine

Greenfaith Ministry

Delivery service Pagosa Springs, CO 81447 (970) 507-0148

Green Meds (303) 912-2818

10763 Turner Blvd, No. 3 Longmont, CO 80504 (303) 718-8543

Green Medical Referrals Clinic -- Northglenn

4229 W Eisenhower Blvd., Suite B2 Loveland, CO 80537

Compassionate Pain Management

Herbal Medix


Marry Janes


1811 Hover St., Ste H Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 449-1170

98 Hwy 119 South, Ste 2 (303) 258-3561

600 Airport Rd. Longmont, CO 80503 (303) NUG-WEED or (303) 803-3062

1156 W. Dillon Rd., #3 Louisville, CO 80227 (303) 931-6200

Botanic Labs

Tea Alchemy

Palmer Divide

Grateful Meds

110 Snyder Street Nederland CO, 80466 (303) 258-7703


(303) 258-7981

One Brown Mouse/ Cannabis Healing Arts

Colorado Alternative Health Care 125 Peach Ave., Unit B Palisade, CO 81526 (970) 424-5844

PARKER A Kinder Way Parker, CO 80134 (303) 325-5187

PUEBLO Grassland Greenhouse LLC Pueblo, CO 81004 (719) 671 8857

35 and 95 E. First St. Nederland, CO 80446 (303) 258-0633

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Dispensary Listing PUEBLO WEST

The Healing Center

Marisol Therapeutics Wellness Center

8020 Federal Blvd. Westminster, CO 80031 (303) 412-0200

List of Advertisers

The Nichol’s Factory

303 Delivery – p 58

Happyclinicdenver.com – p 64

420 Wellness – p 44

Herbs 4 You – p 97

985 Denver – p 40

Herbal Connections LLC – p 75

A Cut Above – p 71

Herbal Remedies (centerfold)

A Kinder Way – p 58

Herbal Spa – p 20

ADG Herbal Medicine – p 4

Herbal Wellness Inc – p 69

177 Tiffany Dr. Pueblo West, CO (719) 547 4000 or (800) 584- MARI (6274)

Organic Solutions 356 S. McCulloch Blvd # 106 Pueblo West, CO 81007 719- 547-5179

(720) 422-5714 Westminster, CO

WHEAT RIDGE A Kind Place 9195 W. 44th Ave. #E, Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 720-569-1666

Affordable Medicine – p 57

High Grade Alternatives – p 77

Alternative Medicine Capital Hill – p 45

Karmaceutricals – p 83

Cannabis Kindness Center

Altermeds LLC – p 58

Kushism – p 5

Altitude Organic Medicine – p 38

Little Green Pharmacy – p 65

Ballpark Holistic – p 23

Mile High Green Cross – p 76


4045 Wadsworth Blvd. Unit 306, Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 303-431-4994

High Country Healing


SALIDA Medical 420

7595 West Hwy 50 (719) 214-9515

191 Blue River Parkway (970) 468-7858


10107 W. 37th Pl., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 303-420-9427

Natural Choice Co-Op, LLC


1169 Hilltop Pky #104C Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970-846-7785

4630 Royal Vista Cir. Windsor, CO 80528 (970) 222-5555

Rocky Mountain Remedies 2750 Downhill Plaza #205 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970-871-2768

VAIL Herbal Elements (970) 331-9047

WESTMINSTER Colorado Patient Coalition 9460 Federal Blvd. Westminster CO, 80260 303-810-8667

In Harmony Wellness

BC Inc. – p 29 Best Card – p 88 BioCare – p 19 Blown Glass – p 33 Blue Sky Care Connection – p 40 Boulder Vital Herbs – p 20 Broadway Wellness – p 2 Canna Health – p 3 Canna Med – p 98 Cannibis Planet – p 44 Care West – p 15


Caregivers for Life – p 56

Comfort Care Centers

Casselmans – p 80

1750 East Highway 24 Woodland Park, CO 80863 719-687-2221

Chef Herb – p 84

Eagle’s Nest Sanctuary Woodland Park, CO 80863 (719) 687-2928

Chronic Wellness – p 41 Colorado Alternative Medicine – p 7 Colorado Cannabis Convention – p 74 Colorado Care Inc – 20 Comfort Care Centers – p 83 Cronergy – p 47 Daddy Fat Sacks – p 15 DenCo – p 9

Mile High Remedies – p 11 Mile High Wellness – p 88 Natural Advantage 420 – p 38 Natural Remedies MMJ – 81 Natures Herbal Solution – p 60 Natures Kiss (Backcover) Naturx LLC – p 70 Patient’s Choice – p 60 Pike’s Peak Cannabis Caregivers – p 22 Pike’s Peak Compassionate Care – p 61 Post Modern Health – p 18 Pure Balance Massage – p 70 Remedy Care Center – p 18 Rocky Mountain Medical Marijuana – p 46 Rocky Mountain Ways – p 88 Southwest Alternative Care – 38 Springs Health Alliance – p 38 Summit Wellness – p 53 Sunnyside Alternative – p 52 Sweet Leaf – p 70 Sweet Leaf Compassions – p 56

Denver Kush Club – p 82

The Green Earth Wellness Center – p 82

Denver Patients Group – p 12

The Healing House – p 26

Herbal Remedies

Doctors Orders – p 83

The Health Center – p 84

3200 W. 72nd Ave. Westminster CO, 80030 303-430-0420

Dr. Green Genes – p 28

The Hemp Center – p 58

Earth’s Medicine – p 39

The Kind Room – p 99

Elevated Medical – p 51

The Releaf Center – p 32

Rocky Mountain Healing Center, LLC

Emerald Pathway – p 70

Total Health Concepts – p 21

Farmacy CO (insert)

Tree of Wellness – p 87

Ganja Gourmet – p 86

Triple C – p 84

Grass Roots Health and Wellness – p 23

Urban Dispensary – p 82

Green Rights Radio – p 68

Zen Farmacy – p 27

9035 Wadsworth Pkwy Westminster, CO 80021 (303) 736-9023

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Medical Marijuana Connection 2933 Galley Rd Colorado Springs

Medical Marijuana Dispensary OPEN FEBRUARY 1ST


Severe Nausea • Severe Pain • Cancer • Glaucoma • Migraines • other conditions

Can’t Med Without CannaMed Call 877.420.MEDS(6337) 3 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Denver • 6859 Leetsdale Drive Boulder • 1750 30th Street Colorado Springs • 2935 Galley Road


CannaMed Hours M-F 10-7 • Sat 10-2


Very Best Medicine

VBM Hours

6853 Leetsdale Drive 720.941.8872

Dispensary located next to CannaMed in Denver.


Mon - Fri: 10-9 Saturday 12-7 Sunday 12-5




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