Kush Colorado January 2010

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18 Grower’s Grove

10 | Book Review by Charlotte Cruz

What exactly is pH and, more importantly, how can you keep yours under control for that perfect grow? By Jesse Martin

14 | Myths, Rumors and Maybe even a little truth by Fred Gardner

22 Dailybuds.com Social Network for Marijuana...our users are calling it the facebook of cannabis. by Jack Prescott

28 Bob Marley Inspirations Inspiration comes simultaneously for two artists ­— and all thanks to the legend, Bob Marley. By Jay Evans

30 | Time Super Lemon Haze by Charlotte Cruz 34 | Valentines Recipes by Chef Herb 42 | BIG GUNS by Michael Dillon 52 | Colorado Concert Calendar 62 | Top Pot Personalities by Michael Dillon 66 | Guide to Ski & Snowboarding

48 Valentines Day

68 | Quick Hits for your DVD

Need a few hints to really nail the best gift for your Valentine this year? We’ve got an eclectic mix of suggestions.

72 | We Dig This By Josh Kaplan

50 Tumor A dispensary owner tells of his survival of brain cancer and how he sees the medical marijuana issue. by Noelle Leavitt 6 kush COLORADO

76 | Dailybuds.com Dispensary Directory

from the editor’s Does it go without saying, or do most of us agree, good riddance 2009? There is no need to

rant and rave here about all of the negative things we all know that have gone down this past year. 2010 and a new decade are here and there is a lot of healing needed to fix some really messed up stuff. But isn’t it about time we leave our old archaic marijuana laws behind, and finally allow people to enjoy their individual rights to make personal choices about what they wish to put into their own bodies? Although we have come a long way in the past decade in Colorado and a dozen other states, in reality all of the laws passed by the states to protect medical marijuana patients are so flawed we might as well go back to the old days when we grew it ourselves? (LOL)



A Division of Dbdotcom LLC

Publisher | Dbdotcom LLC Founder | Michael Lerner

Why in this day and age, (ten years into the twenty first century), are we still fostering laws that perpetuate prohibition, when far more evil drugs are regulated and then dispensed in our local drug stores? Why are all of the medical marijuana laws nothing more then a tease where there is no legal way for patients to get their medicine without growing it themselves? Why can’t marijuana be regulated, and distributed the same way as alcohol? Does anyone really want to be forced into having to buy pot the old school way where you don’t know what your getting or who your getting it from?

Managing Editor | Michael Lerner

Well I wish I knew the answers to the above questions but they are beyond me. What I do know is the cat is out of the bag and demand for marijuana is not on the decline. What I do know is there are still way too many non-criminals being arrested and going to jail for marijuana. Now let’s be clear, none of us here at Kush Colorado Magazine promote exposing children or anyone for that matter to marijuana use. What we do condone is laws that protect the safety of our citizens, and at the same time protect our rights to due process and personal freedoms. We have at our disposal the know-how and technology that can offer cannabis users a safe and sane method to get marijuana that is pesticide free, labeled and packaged, the same way that we handle food and other drugs.

Director of Marketing | Michael Lerner

Public opinion in this country has reached the tipping point towards the legalization of marijuana. The Obama administration has backed off in enforcing federal marijuana laws as long as state laws are being complied with. The American Medical Association has changed its long-standing position on how marijuana should be classified, recommending that the restrictions as a schedule I drug be reduced. In fact a recent Gallup poll in October showed a dramatic nationwide increase in acceptance of full legalization of marijuana, and a dramatic decrease in support for continued prohibition. In Western states, a clear majority support full legalization. What needs to happen now is for the federal, state, and local governments to get on the same page, and pass laws that govern in accordance with the will of the people. States where medical marijuana laws are on the books need to be embraced by their cities and counties, and instead of finding ways to defeat the laws, find ways to make them work. Cities need to regulate and not ban caregivers, collectives, and dispensaries. Growers must be able to legally grow and transport their crops to distribution points where patients can acquire their medicine hassle free and without legal concerns.

Business Operations Manager | Bob Selan Business Development | John Thomas Wiegman Associate Editors | Randy Malinoff Director of Advertising | Michael Lerner Director of Sales | Audrey Cisneros Art Director | Robb Friedman Creative Director | Coco Lloyd Design & Layout | Dave Azimi & Cristine Moonan Copy Editor | Jason Middleton Dailybuds.com Team | JT Kilfoil & Houston Accounting | Diana Bayhill Administration / Office Manager | Lisa Selan Contributing Writers

Michael Dillon, Pumpkin Escobar, Fred Gardner, Jesse Martin, Jack Prescott, Noelle Leavitt, Jay Evans, Charlotte Cruz, Chef Herb, Josh Kaplan, Lady Elle Marie

printed in the usa

There are several very good organizations like NORML, MPP, ASA and others trying to resolve the legalities of marijuana in this country. To keep the marijuana legalization movement pressing forward please contribute some of your time and/or money to the cause, and support these organizations.

kush COLORADO MAGAZINE and www.dailybuds.com are Tradenames of Dbdotcom LLC

We have launched the new Daily Buds Social Community (www.dailybuds.com) where you now have a place to go to get connected and stay connected with everything going on with marijuana in your community and nationwide. Please read the Daily Buds story in this issue.

5023 N. Parkway Calabasas Calabasas, CA 91302 888.958.7452 Fax 818.710.9799

So, here’s to 2010 and a new decade, and all of the great opportunities ahead. And here’s to you, the readers, who keep us here and thriving. We couldn’t do this without you.

Happy New Year! 8 kush COLORADO

To advertise or for more information Please contact info@dailybuds.com


The Best of Ask Ed:

YOUR MARIJUANA QUESTIONS ANSWERED There are dozens of books and hundreds of websites that offer grow tips and historical information on cannabis and that can get confusing. One may say that pruning is completely necessary while another says that pruning is like pulling a kitten’s whiskers out with dull tweezers. With all of the “experts” who claim to have the answers, it can be a daunting task to get the answer to what may seem to you, a simple question. Plus, it’s always wise to remember that each person’s growing experience includes a lot of factors. Is the climate especially dry? Cold? Is the clone healthy or did the grower start a diseased plant without knowing? Is the garden safe from pests? What’s the best way to dry cannabis in a humid climate? There are hundreds of questions that you could ask yourself and everyone else on the Internet, but if you want straightforward, experienced advice that has stood the test of time, climate, environment and reputation, just ask Ed. Ed Rosenthal is recognized worldwide as a leading authority on marijuana. In his 30-plus years as America’s “guru of ganja,” he has written or edited more than a dozen books about marijuana cultivation and social policy that cumulatively have sold over one million His first book, Marijuana Grower’s Guide, is the only title on marijuana cultivation to be reviewed by The New York Times Book Review. After almost two decades, his Ask EdTM advice column continues to answer questions on all matters of marijuana from readers around the world. Rosenthal was one of the original American writers to travel to Holland, bringing European knowledge and sophistication about cannabis to the states through his books and columns. He has visited countless marijuana gardens, gathering information about breeding and cultivating and sharing the most effective techniques. He is a member of the International Cannabis Research Society and the Garden Writers Association of America, and has served as an expert witness on marijuana cultivation in federal and state trials. Rosenthal has also been active in promoting and developing policies of civil regulation for marijuana, advising California legislators and working on local and national political campaigns. He predicts that by the year 2012, marijuana will be regulated in the U.S. in the same manner as tobacco and alcohol. Best of Ask Ed: Your Marijuana Questions Answered is the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel of information. Rosenthal has compiled the very best questions and the very best answers into a neat package that any grower should keep on hand and read and re-read several times. Rosenthal even includes a scrapbook of memorable contest photos sent in by readers of his column. Nearly every subject is touched upon, from security to pest and disease control to cloning and curing. You can’t go wrong with the guru of ganja as your guide! Check out www.quicktrading.com to browse and buy Best of Ask Ed: Your Marijuana Questions Answered or any of his other excellent books. 10 kush COLORADO

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Image source: www.marijuanareviews.com

Myths, Rumors and Maybe even

a little truth by FRED GARDNER

Face it, there’s a million strains (and stories) out there. Here, in a noble effort, we try to separate the historical and genetic points of these strains from the typical

crazy, unsubstantiated rumors.

Inevitably a kid on some blog will claim to have the original OG Kush mother in his parents’ basement; A 20-year-old college junior from Iowa swears that she can grow 600 plants under a single 1000w light; Watering your garden with beer makes the buds fatter. We’ve read and heard a fraction of “it all” by now. So it’s with great skepticism that we share with you news from the story mill of how strains are born (their provenance?). This month’s topic—Trainwreck. (I hope that somewhere in the mountains an elderly man with a cane and mischievous gleam in his eye reads these and tells his faithful dog how silly we are all, as he vaporizes the original Trainwreck strain that he created in his cabin circa 1950.) 14 kush COLORADO

At any rate, we pulled some quotes from the web about how Trainwreck really came into being. 1) “The original Trainwreck was supposedly 1st grown in

Arcata, Calif. in the ’60’s. Story has it that there was a train wreck that summer which more or less memorialized what turned out to be a very potent and popular smoke. Sativa dominant.”


“Beserker is the guy who discovered/bred Trainwreck. Steve Tuck is the guy that crossed it with an Afghani to produce a seed-line/woodhorse/meduser Trainwreck.”


“The Arcata cut of Trainwreck gets it name because it was grown, for the first time, on a hillside that just so happened to have a train wreck happen in the same area that summer”


“Trainwreck is an old hybrid (1970’s) from Humboldt of lowland Thai, Mexican sativa, and a very solid and potent Afghani.”

5) “TW is basically a Thai low land sativa that got into the mix up here back in the early 80’s. Out doors it’s a huge “weeper creeper” that takes up TONS of space and takes 9 months to come in. It’ original parents were brought back from Thailand by some vagabond wanting to reproduce Thai-stick phenotype.”

Pick your favorite and repeat it to your friends.

Here’s what we do know: Trainwreck delivers an incredible, clear and psychedelic high. Its special ‘’without ceiling’’ properties make it one of the most potent Sativas for the indoor grower. Combined with a unique high, Trainwreck has wonderful deep flavors of mint, pine, lemons and citrus fruits, which delight the palate and stimulate the senses. Trainwreck is a clone that has been passed around in Northern California for about the last 20 years or more. It is now exploding around the world as a clone. This strong sativa really is a punch to the face with a headconcentrated high. On top of this, it doesn’t leave the body heavy and slow. At first glance this bud doesn’t look like a rock star, but you will notice nice, long hairs that are covered in crystals. The sweet, skunky smell also stuns the nose. And the light green colored leaves just makes it a great bud to gaze. kush COLORADO 15


What is pH? This is a question that can make new growers scratch their heads and reach for the pipe. But it’s not really all that complicated. The pH describes the level of alkalinity or acidity of a given thing—in this case the liquid nutrient solution you use to grow your plants.

A sure-fire way to keep tabs on your pH is a digital meter like this one, priced at $99. www.advancegreenhouses.com

The pH scale starts at zero and rises to 14. A value of 7.0 is considered neutral, with values over 7.0 being alkaline and values below 7.0 being acidic. Whatever nutrient solution you’re using, it’s basically a cocktail of various chemicals. These chemicals can react to each other in a process called covalent bonding, and form new chemicals that you don’t want. You don’t want them because your plant can’t use them. This process of covalent bonding is largely dependent on the pH of the solution the chemicals are suspended in (water, in this case). With the chemicals being used in your average hydroponic solution, a chemist would say that the optimum pH would be 7.0, which is neutral. The reasoning behind this is that 18 kush COLORADO

in keeping the solution neutral, covalent bonding of the constituent parts of your solution will be kept to a minimum. But since your plants like a different pH level for optimum growth, you have to cater to your joy, lower the pH, and take the slight loss of nutrient value. Fast growing leafy plants generally like a lower pH in the range of 5.2 to 5.9. Fortunately, a lower pH will bond fewer nutrients of the type in your solution than will a higher pH. If you let the pH value go beyond the optimum range of 5.2 to 5.9, you’re opening yourself up to undesirable levels of nutritional deficiency and toxicity, both of which can seriously impede your growth. Be vigilant. The tweaking of the concentration of the nutrient solution at various growth periods further enhances the nutrient assimilation rate. The concentration of a solution is measured in parts per million (PPM). You wouldn’t normally have any nutrient solution feeding a newly cut clone, so the PPM of your solution at this stage isn’t an issue. Young, established seedlings or rooted clones, however, are generally started at 500 to 600 PPM. This value is increased to 800 to 900 PPM during the peak foliage growth

period. During the flowering period, the PPM is raised even higher to 1,000 PPM. That’s a lot of nutrient, and it’s needed, every drop. It is at the flowering time that your plant will need the most resources. After the flowers have grown to buds, you’ll have to think about flushing the chemicals from your new creation. At this time, the plant still needs nutrients, but at a lower concentration. It is recommended then to reduce the concentration to 400 to 500 PPM for a couple of days to leach out the nutrients that have built up -- you don’t want to end up smoking them. It is at this point that some people like to starve their plant to stimulate the survival response of generating more natural oils within the plant that will combat dehydration. This controlled drought has been shown to increase the levels of oil in the plant, and thus the THC (the good stuff ). This general overview of the growing process gives you the knowledge for more advanced decisions about the pH and concentration (PPM) of your nutrient solution. The optimum temperature for hydroponic solutions is generally said to be 75 °F. It is at this temperature that most elements are assimilated easily, and atmospheric oxygen is most readily accepted into your nutrient solution.

Measuring pH and PPM Measuring pH is relatively easy, and you have quite a few choices in terms of methods. The most inexpensive and lowtech method entails taking a sample from your solution. It is put into a clean vial you get with the pH kit. You test for the pH by putting a drop of the something-or-other liquid that came in the kit into the vial (not directly into the solution). The something-or-other makes the nutrient solution turn color, usually shades of green or blue-green. This color is then compared to a color chart that comes with the kit. The closest color indicates the pH of the solution. The kits sell for about $5-$10. This low-tech solution poses some obvious limitations, not the least of which is the difficulty in deciding which color is closest if you’ve been into the fruits of your previous harvest. The optimal method is a dead-on accurate method, and involves buying a relatively inexpensive pH meter. The meter tests the pH down to a tenth of a point, and has proven itself indispensable -- a good buy for about $60. Another meter tests the PPM of the solution as a whole. There’s no way around this one, people. If you want to control the PPM of your nutrient solution, you have to buy the meter. Prices range from about $60 to $300. If you’re only growing a one-shot crop or just a few at a time, get the cheaper meter or mix the nutrients per gram according to the labeled instructions. If you’re going full throttle and growing for all of your friends, spend a bit more and get the reliability that comes with a quality product.

Knowing what to add, and when to add it, is paramount to your success as a grower. When the pH level is too high (alkaline), it can be lowered with saltpeter, sulfuric acid or phosphorous. When the pH value is too low, it can be raised with calcium carbonate, lime or potash.

Fertilizers and Chemicals Most fertilizers cause a pH change in the nutrient solution. Adding fertilizer to the nutrient solution almost always results in a more acidic pH. Adjust accordingly. The proper way to handle all of these chemicals is important. The first rule is that you should be clear-headed when handling. Another general rule is to use glass or plastic, never metal. The nutrients will react with the very free elements in the metal and mess up your nutrient ratios. Glass or plastic doesn’t have that problem, so get your butt to the kitchen section of the nearest department store first. Never add the acid directly to the vat of nutrient. Fill a small glass container with the nutrient to be balanced and add a few drops of the necessary chemical. Stir it in well and add small amounts at a time to the large vat of nutrient until the proper pH balance is achieved. That’s all there is to it. Now you’re in business. As time goes on, the amount of salts produced by the breakdown of fertilizers in the medium causes it to become increasingly acidic. Eventually, the concentration of these salts in the medium will stunt the plant and cause browning out of the foliage. Also, as the plant gets older its roots become less effective in bringing food to the leaves. To avoid the accumulation of these salts in your medium and to ensure that your plant is getting all of the food it needs, be sure to flush your system with clean, pH balanced water every couple of weeks. Do this in lieu of that cycle’s feeding. There’s always been a big debate over when to adjust your pH­—before and after you add nutrients to the water, or just after. We talked to an expert, and she said to do both. The reasoning for doing both is that water is rarely deadon neutral. It’s either acidic or alkaline, depending on your region. Our chemist said that the way the professionals do it is to render the water neutral first (pH of 7.0). You would then add your nutrients to that chemically neutral solution and adjust to the desired range within 5.2 to 5.9 pH.

Good Luck and Good Growing! Sources: Marijuana Magazine, Cannabis Culture, 420ideas

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W ith the beginning of the new decade, Dailybuds officially launched the revolutionary Dailybuds social network for Cannabis to rave reviews from users nationwide. The new Dailybuds online community is a game changer for the medical marijuana world, allowing marijuana patients and enthusiasts to locate dispensaries in their area, communicate with the stores right on Dailybuds, make friends online, create and join interest groups, share information and most importantly stay connected. Members just simply log into Dailybuds and are instantly connected to other medical marijuana patients, collectives, dispensaries, and doctors, as well as recreational users, or anyone with a general interest in cannabis and the lifestyle. According to Bob Selan, co-founder of Dailybuds and the Kush Magazine publications, “ based on the many surveys conducted over the past few years as well as focus groups we have arranged, word of mouth from friends online is the most powerful and credible way that people get information these days. People would rather hear comments about a movie from people they know then read an ad or a review by someone getting paid to write it.” “Since the soft launch of the site this past December, thousands of friendships have already been formed on Dailybuds. Signups on Dailybuds are increasing at a very rapid pace. It’s amazing to see the daily interaction on the site and almost entirely on a grassroots basis, that people from all over the country are signing up. Members are telling their friends on other social network sites like Facebook and Myspace about this new Cannabis friendly experience where users can freely and openly discuss marijuana and just about anything else they want to talk about. Many members are referring to Dailybuds as the Facebook of cannabis.”

Dailybuds also has exciting features including areas to upload and watch underground music and videos, medical marijuana news, dispensary listings, and blogs ranging from celebrity perspectives on cannabis to legalization issues. You can also read the “digital version” of Kush Colorado Magazine, Kush L.A. Magazine and upcoming Kush magazines right on Dailybuds. A significant application built into the site is the geotargeted interactive directory of caregiver’s collectives, dispensaries, and medical marijuana doctors. Somewhere between Craigslist and Facebook, and targeted to the niche cannabis crowd, the Dailybuds community allows members in a specific region to connect with local providers. Geotargeting allows relevant advertising to be served up based on where you are located in the country. Just click on a ZIP code or city and find a selection of caregivers or collectives. Then click again to find a menu to see what strains are in stock, what specials are being offered and print out free money saving coupons. The site allows dispensary owners the ability to upload their daily menus, photographs and specials and they can communicate directly with their patients on a daily basis through Dailybuds. The Dailybuds community provides value for it s members by giving them access to a special place online where there can get the information they want, when they want it directly from other members in the community, whether they be in the same local area or anywhere they are connected.

We invite you to come and join us at www.dailybuds.com We will see you online! kush COLORADO 23

Longmont's Premier Organic Medical Marijuana Boutique We carry over 20 top shelf strains

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“No Woman No Cry” By Robb Friedman

By Jay Evans

bob marley inspirations bob marley inspirations bob marley inspirations

Everyone knows that artists are a 420-friendly group. Historically speaking, artists have always been at the hub of what’s happening, as well as open to the mind-altering effects of our beloved marijuana plant, (as well as many other tasty substances - but that‘s for another article). Since the early history of art (or life on earth for that matter), there is evidence that smoking herb has enhanced our perception, and given the kind of vision or enlightenment that elevates us as people into a space simply known as “Art”. Whether it be paint on canvas, photos in a gallery, a dancing ballerina or a finely cooked meal we all have a place in our minds and our hearts that allows us to escape and enjoy the finer “Arts” during our existence here on earth. Throughout history artists have drawn upon one another for inspiration, thus expanding on and sort of “parlaying” the art form from one artist to another, one genre to another, and one generation to another. Paintings can be influenced by song, songs inspired by people’s acts – there are countless ways one creative medium can influence another. Artists often derive, or “borrow” from one another and this is the case in the story of two old friends, their shared passion for “Art”, and their love of a universal known legend. Robb Friedman and Josh Kaplan, have been friends for 25 years. Since high school they have been involved in some art project or another, usually together. Decades of projects like logo design, window painting also led to client-driven, fine art pieces and even the design and production of movie sets. They’re both “utility artists” as well as “fine artists.” Over the years both Robb and Josh found their individual fortes and niches, but among the many that they share is their love for oil painting. As LA natives -- raised on a culture of media, music, sports, and “Art“ in general -- it’s no surprise their portfolios are full of these pop-culture icons.

Kaplan’s impression of Marley is totally different. Very representational with a strong sense of Impressionism. Josh’s image -- while still graphic in nature -- has brilliant colors dancing throughout the piece, vibrantly depicting Bob’s energy. Josh depicts his subjects in a very colorful way, while sustaining his classical style. “With all the influences, “ Josh said, “….. I’m surprised it took me this long to paint Bob.” Robb said, “It was a strange sense of timing. I was listening to Bob as I often do when painting, and Kaplan called me to tell me he was getting very “high” on his new Marley piece. I couldn’t believe it, I told him I was doing one too, and it just hit us both. It was like Bob was influencing both of us at the same time - for whatever reason. It was pretty cool.” As these two artists have remained close, they both continue to build their prospective client list’s. Some of them include Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, The Los Angeles Dodgers, Justin Timberlake, Donnie Wahlberg, Jermaine Dupree, and many, many more. With the paintings these two friends and talented artists are producing, it’s no wonder that the world of pop media, and the A-list of today have noticed both Friedman’s and Kaplan’s artwork. Robb and Josh both donate artwork yearly to different charities to give back to their community. The two really enjoy meeting and working with other artists, from all mediums. Both seem to have a true appreciation for “Art” as a whole, and the relationship it has upon one another in this world - that interlinking chain between artists whether they’re still here or not. “This is a life-long journey”, Josh says, “… there is always something else to learn.” Robb adds, “We’re not doing this to be rich or anything….. “ (Josh laughs out loud) “That’s for sure!!!. It’s more for the LOVE!” chimes Robb. “Definitely for the love of Art,” Josh adds.

You can check out these plus other works from these fine artist at their respective websites below.

www.RobbFriedman.com & www.KapsArt.com

“Bob Marley” By Josh Kaplan

bob marley inspirations bob marley inspirations bob marley inspirations

One idol, in particular, had served as background music as they worked on other projects, but never as a subject worthy of the oil painting treatment. But nobody can deny Bob Marley, king of reggae, forever. Josh and Robb are huge Marley fans, and would usually listen to him when collaborating over the years. Separately, though, they re-discovered the Marley influence and began to work on pieces in his honor. Friedman’s Marley is a mixture of painting and another expertise, graphic design. His use of imagery with “quotations” from his subject, pulls you in and wraps you up in the memory of those words, or in this case Marley‘s lyrics. His pieces are pop art at their best, and really put you in a moment.



for Second Time Super Lemon Haze repeated as the favorite Dutch coffeeshop strain at the 22nd Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam. It won last year as well, and is the first strain to repeat since the Green House’s Super Silver Haze in 1999. Vanilla Kush from Barney’s placed second in the competition for the top prize. Headband Kush from Green Place finished third. The Green House and Barney’s continued to dominate the Cup as the two powerhouses have throughout the decade. The last shop to win the Cup other than the Green House or Barney’s was The Noon with Blueberry in 2000.

Cannabis Cup

1. Super Lemon Haze - Green House 2. Vanilla Kush - Barney’s 3. Headband Kush - Green Place

Indica Cup

1. Starbud - Hortilab Seed Company 2. OG18 - Reserva Privada 3. Kush D - Allstar Genetics

Sativa Cup

1. Saris Hilton - Harvestman Seed Company 2. Super Lemon Haze - Green House Seed Co. 3. The Purps - BC Bud Depot

Imported Hash Cup

1. Rif Cream - Green House 2. Triple Zero - Barney’s 3. Azilla - Amnesia

Dutch Hash Cup

1. Royal Jelly - Barney’s 2. Green House Ice - Green House 3. Grey Area Chrystal - Grey Area 30 kush COLORADO

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This dish can be set up the night before -- so you can sneak out of your bedroom for a moment to pop it into the oven and awaken your Valentine’s senses with a wonderful smell and flavor sensation. 4 large eggs (beaten) ¾ cup Half and Half ½ tablespoon brown sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 4 (2 inch-thick) slices of day-old French bread or crusty bread ¼ cup THC butter cut into pieces




French Toast Baked in a Honey-THC-Pecan Sauce

Sexy Food and Gourmet Treats

Chef Herb’s creations with a touch of aphrodisiac ingredients for you and your loved one.

34 kush COLORADO

¼ cup brown sugar ¼ cup honey ¼ cup maple syrup ¼ cup chopped pecans Combine the eggs, Half and Half , brown sugar, and vanilla extract in a small bowl. Pour half the mixture into a baking dish. Place the bread in the pan and top with the other half of mixture, making sure all parts of the bread are saturated with the liquid. Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. To melt the butter, place in a 13’x9’x2 inch baking dish and set in the oven. When melted, stir in the brown sugar, honey ,maple syrup, and pecans. Set the soaked bread slices on top of the pecan mixture. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, or until puffed and golden brown.

Remove from oven and serve using a spatula to invert the bread slice onto your plate. After placing the bread onto the plate, pour excess juices and pecans on top of your French toast. Serve with a cup of hot coffee and enjoy.

Baked Artichoke and Crab Dip Serve this as a brunch, lunch or party favorite. ½ tablespoon THC oil ½ small green pepper (chopped fine) ½ small red pepper (chopped fine)

Garden Salad with Honey-Garlic Dressing 1/2 head Boston Bibb lettuce 1/2 head romaine 4 stalks of hearts of palm (sliced) 1/4 c. black nicoise olives 1 lg. tomato (cut in eighths) 1 yellow pepper (cut in thin strips) DRESSING:

1 can (14 oz) artichoke hearts (chopped fine)

1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard

¾ cup mayonnaise

1 sm. garlic clove (pressed)

¼ cup THC butter soft

Few drops of soy sauce

¼ cup thin sliced scallions

1 tbsp. good quality vinegar, any flavor

½ cup fresh grated parmesan cheese

1/2 tsp. honey

2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

4 tbsp. THC olive oil

½ teaspoon celery salt

Parmesan cheese for sprinkling

½ pound of crab meat picked through to remove shells

Mix together the ingredients for the salad and set aside. Whisk together the mustard, garlic, soy, vinegar and honey. Whisk in oil. Pour on salad and sprinkle with cheese.

¼ cup sliced almond toasted Preheat oven to 375 degrees and grease a 6”x9” baking dish. Saute in a small skillet, THC oil and bell peppers until tender. In a large bowl combine the artichokes, jalapeno, mayonnaise, THC butter, scallions, parmesan cheese, Worcestershire, celery salt, crab meat, and sauteed bell peppers. Mix well. Place into baking dish. Sprinkle with toasted almonds and bake for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with tortillas or toast points of choice.

Oysters Italiano This recipe has a kiss of THC butter to spark your evening. 3 to 4 slices pancetta or bacon ¼ cup onion chopped fine

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Ÿ cup red bell pepper chopped fine 1 jalapenos, seeded and chopped fine 4 tablespoons unsalted THC butter softened ½ cup seasoned bread crumbs or panko bread crumbs Ÿ cup freshly grated parmesan cheese 8 shucked oysters on the half shell Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Cook pancetta or bacon in a large skillet over medium heat until crisp. Drain and chop into small bits and save the excess grease . In the same skillet place add onion red bell pepper and jalapenos and saute till soft and a bit carmelized. Remove skillet from the heat. Now add all the ingredients together: pancetta, onion, bell pepper, jalapenos, parmesan cheese, bread crumbs, and THC butter mix thoroughly . Place shucked oysters on a baking tray and top with the prepared mixture. Bake for 10 minutes at 450 degrees or until golden brown.

Capellini with Fresh Tomato and Basil Sauce 1 lb. fresh plum tomatoes (peeled, seeded & coarsely chopped) 1/2 c. fresh basil leaves (coarsely chopped) 1/2 (3 1/4 oz.) jar capers (drained & rinsed) 1 1/2 tbsp. sherry vinegar Dash salt Dash freshly ground pepper 1/2 lb. capellini or angel hair pasta 3 oz. THC olive oil

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Combine tomatoes and basil. Marinate at room temperature 1 to 2 hours or overnight in refrigerator. Blend capers, vinegar, salt and pepper into tomato mixture. Slowly heat. Bring large amount of salted water to rapid boil; add pasta and cook until al dente; drain well. Add enough oil to coat. Toss with tomato mixture.

Chocolate Lava Cakes with Cherry Grand Marnier Sauce This dessert is so called because the center of the cake is a thick liquid chocolate and oozes out when cut, like molten lava. These make a great surprise dessert and although pretty simple to make, will impress your lover. The chocolate flavor is intense (especially if you use bittersweet), so I like to serve it with vanilla ice cream to balance the flavor. 6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate (chopped or chips) 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted THC butter (cut into small pieces) 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 3/4 cup sugar 6 large egg yolks 3 large eggs 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 16-ounce bag frozen pitted dark sweet cherries (thawed) 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 tablespoon Grand Marnier (optional) Vanilla ice cream

Preheat oven to 350° F. Butter six 4-ounce ramekins or muffin tins. Make the cherry sauce by combining the cherries, 1/2 cup sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon in a sauce pan. Cook over medium heat until the sugar melts, stirring occasionally. Continue to cook for another 5 minutes then remove from heat. Stir in the Grand Marnier and set aside.

Remove cakes from oven and let cool in pan for 10 minutes. Loosen the edges of the cakes with a paring knife and invert onto dessert plates. Serve warm with cherry sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Bonbons


1 cup peanut butter

Place a medium bowl over a pot of simmering water or heat a double boiler over medium-high heat. Add the chocolate and butter. Stir occasionally until the chocolate and butter has melted. Stir together until well combined. Remove from heat.

1 cup chopped pecans

In another bowl, whisk together the sugar and cocoa powder. Whisk the sugar and cocoa mixture into the melted chocolate. Whisk the egg yolks and whole eggs together, then whisk the eggs into the chocolate and sugar mixture. Sprinkle the flour over the chocolate mixture, then fold the flour in with a rubber spatula. Divide the chocolate mixture evenly between the 6 ramekins or muffin tins. Place in oven. Bake for approximately 9 to 10 minutes. The outside of the cake will form a crust like any other cake, but the center of the cake should remain a thick liquid. Watch the tops of the cake to see how done they are. Touch the top of the cake with your finger. When done, you should be able to press down slightly on the cake and have it spring back but when you insert a toothpick into the cake, the toothpick should come out with wet batter on it. (The trick is to cook the cakes as little as possible for a liquid center yet long enough that a firm cake-like exterior forms that won’t fall apart when you take it out of the pan.)

1 cup powdered sugar 1 cup chopped dates (NOT the prepackaged chopped type) 1 Tbsp. butter, softened 2 cups semisweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips In large bowl, combine peanut butter, pecans, powdered sugar, dates, and butter and mix well; form into 1� balls. Melt semisweet chips and 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips together in a glass measuring cup in microwave on medium power about 2 minutes, stirring once, until melted and smooth. Stir in remaining 1/2 cup milk chocolate chips and stir constantly until smooth (this tempers the chocolate, setting up crystals so it will harden). Dip each ball into melted chocolate mixture and set on parchment paper. Let stand until chocolate is firm, then store tightly covered at room temperature.

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BIG GUNS at the 2010 Telluride Bluegrass Festival By MICHAEL DILLON

For the 37th year in a row, the annual Telluride Bluegrass Festival rolls into Colorado’s beautiful Telluride Box Canyon in the San Juan Mountains. As always, the festival will celebrate Summer Solstice -- the longest day of the year and the official kickoff of summer -- from June 17th-20th. And after a (hopefully) successful ski season pounding your knees into the powder, Festivians can kick back in the sunshine and fresh air, enjoying friendships and most importantly, the music. The festival lineup (see full list below) is stacked with talent that includes Béla Fleck, Sam Bush Band, a Tim O’brien + Jerry Douglas duet, John Cowan, Peter Rowan, Yonder Mountain String Band, and a closing set from the Telluride house band -- which includes many of those just named. Béla Fleck will be performing with a trio that includes Indian tabla master Zakir Hussein and the classic bassist Edgar Meyer. With more acts to be added to the already beefy lineup of renowned bluegrass musicians, Telluride 2010 is shaping up as an outstanding bill for the festival. Lodging options are plentiful in and around Telluride, but true Festivians enjoy the smells, sights and sounds of the outdoors to the fullest by staying in the Planet Bluegrass Campgrounds, which includes Lawson Hill, Telluride High School, Mary E. Ilium, Town Park, and Warner Field. It appears Town Park and Warner field are already sold out, so get your passes soon! Camping really is the way to go and can lead to lifelong friendships, but if you’re not lucky or brave enough to camp there are plenty of hotels in town. With a four-day festival like this, you may want to get away from the stage and find some other things to do. Luckily, Telluride has a rich variety of outdoor activities to enjoy, including rafting & kayaking, fly fishing, hiking, mountain biking, rocklimbing and the free Gondola ride that stretches to nearby Mountain Village. Whatever you do, you’re certain to find some refreshing adventure to break into the summer season. With the always intelligent audience that appreciates the risk & reward of live variations and combos, attendees can always expect the unexpected from the Telluride Bluegrass Festival. 42 kush COLORADO

For all more detailed information and updates on the festival visit www.bluegrass.com/telluride, where you can sign up for their newsletter, join the Festivian Forum, and more to get ready for the Summer Solstice Bluegrass celebration!

The Lineup (at press time): • Sam Bush Band • Béla Fleck, Zakir Hussain & Edgar Meyer • Yonder Mountain String Band • Telluride House Band featuring Sam, Béla, Jerry, Edgar, Bryan & Stuart • Del McCoury Band • Hot Rize • Leftover Salmon • Tim O’Brien Band • Jerry Douglas • Josh Ritter Band • Punch Brothers featuring Chris Thile • Peter Rowan • Carolina Chocolate Drops • John Cowan Band • Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros • Imelda May • Cadillac Sky • Mumford & Sons • The Drepung Monks • Sarah Jarosz • The Hillbenders


Festival tickets went on sale Dec 9th. You can pick them up online @ shop.bluegrass.com or call 800-624-2422.

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It’s beautiful and horrible and everything imaginable in between. Fill the space after you’re twitterpated and before you land that restraining order with some awesome gifts for the object of your desire.

FOR HER: GIVE HER THE SUN Made of frosted glass, the Sun Jar from SUCK UK comes with a solar-powered cell and rechargeable battery. Its LED light charges during the day and lights up when it gets dark to give you 5 hours of candle-like light. Use it to set the mood or as a nightlight if you’re honey’s afraid of the dark. £20 (approx. $33 USD) at www.suck.uk.com

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THE KEY TO YOUR … PLACE It’s adorable how forgetful she is sometimes. Give her a big visual aid when she’s running around looking for her keys. The oversized Harry Allen V2 Key Keychain is made from 100% silicone and modeled from an old Italian church key. It comes with a stainless steel ring to hold the keys and isn’t likely to get lost in plain view. $19 at www.designpublic.com

CHICKS DIG ART It’s hard to find good artwork on the cheap, even in a recession. Help her adorn her walls with quality pieces from independent artists featured online at We [Heart] Prints. They showcase everything from quirky/cute to dark and moody. The site is regularly updated with new stuff and it’s actually pretty good and priced within reach. Prices vary at www.weheartprints.com

GET ON BOARD Instead of attempting to roll joints on a floppy magazine or a small CD cover, you can comfortably lay back with a cushioned rolling tray on your lap. The Suru Board has a solid wooden top, with grooves for holding herb or finished joints and is fixed to a bean-bag-like pillow that conforms to whatever surface you have to use. There are secret side pockets for papers or lighters, and you can’t go wrong with the suede-like fabric and five color choices! $50 at www.small-axe.biz

INCREDIBLE, EDIBLE PIPE The Veg-a-pipe is almost an essential. At any time, in any place, you can construct a pipe out of almost any kind of fruit or vegetable. Travelers, students, and closet-tokers alike can all make use of the basic inconspicuous tools. If you aren’t able to invest in a quality smoking device, be sure to pick up this super handy kit and a fruit basket. $8 - $10; wholesale information at www.vegapipe.com

CHI-CHI-CHI-CHIA! There is perhaps no more signature gift for the devoted stoner to give than something from the Chia family of gifts. When you care enough to say, “I’m totally baked, but still thinking about you.” Even better: you can get one in the shape of Hillary Clinton’s head. Obama is available too. Sweet! $20 at www.americanchia.com

FOR HIM: ONE OF THE GREAT ONES The late Ol’ Dirty Bastard aka Osiris aka Big Baby Jesus aka Dirt McGirt has been Warhol-ized. His lovely mug is the featured pop graphic on a soft cotton T-shirt and I can think of few people

in the world more deserving of such an honor. As we all know, Wu-Tang is for the children. $24 exclusively at urbanoutfitters.com

COVER THAT UP On the days when going “commando” simply will not do, pull on a pair of hemp boxers. They are all the natural support and comfort that the boys need. The undies are 55% of the good stuff, 45% cotton and are made in Hawaii. Enjoy the soft organic goodness where it counts. $20 at www.hemplingerie.com

GOOD TIMES IN 8-BITS OR LESS From one of the twisted minds behind “Crank Yankers” and the creator of “Minoriteam” comes an animated series two decades in the making … “Code Monekys,” a comedy of 8-bit proportions. The hijinks and shenanigans abound with this crew of 1980s misfit game programmers that Wired magazine hails as veering into the wildly surreal. Season 1 G4’s hit show is now on DVD. $18 at www.amazon.com

SUCH A TOOL It looks like the Terminator and a Transformer had a fantastically useful lovechild. The Leatherman Skeletool features a knife, two different pliers, wire cutters, screwdrivers, the everimportant bottle opener and a carabiner clip. All in just 5 ounces! WARNING: Owning this tool will not make you a member of the A-Team. Sorry. $70 at www.rei.com

COOL IT, BUDDY! It’s been one of those days: you’re still on the couch in your underwear and don’t have the energy to make it to the kitchen to cure your incessant thirst or hunger. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you had a tiny fridge nearby that was stylish and quiet? Wish no more. The Deluxe Mini Fridge Warmer is compact enough to go anywhere, even the car. This baby chills to 44 degrees or warms to 140 degrees, has a see-through door and sports a digital thermostat. Fill it up, pick your temperature and enjoy. $100 at www.thinkgeek.com

TOUGH, HARD CACHE You’re willing to pay top dollar for the finest medicine so why besmirch your weed by carrying it around in a baggie? Bent Grass Products has a better solution: its Smooth Draw Stash Boxes. The airtight, hard-shell cases will lock in your stash’s flavor and make it look really cool. A variety of case sizes are available at dispensaries, head shops and online. Some even have customizable foam inserts. $10 - $25 at www.bentgrassproducts.com/smoothdrawproducts.html

-- Pumpkin Escobar

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Cokas was 24 years old and living in Santa Barbara when doctors found a tumor in his brain; they surgically removed the growth and tested it for cancer.

that year, and he passed that year. I think there was some reconciling between us, after all that crap he put me through – me and my sisters.”

After the surgery, doctors started brain and spine radiation, which made Cokas throw up several times a day, prompting him to try medical marijuana to alleviate the nausea.

Cokas opted not to go back to Connecticut after his father’s death. Instead, he moved in with a friend from school in Santa Barbara, who had loving and open-minded parents named Gail and Ernie Keener.

“The biggest thing is, it helped me relax a little bit, so I could sleep maybe 10 or 15 minutes at a time,” Cosak said. He was thrilled with how the drug calmed his mood and helped him cope with post-surgery pain, and decided to stop the chemo after only three months of treatment.

A YEAR LATER, HE WAS CANCER FREE. “I’m five years out from treatment, and I feel good,”

Cokas said, adding that it’s now his life goal to help those in similar situations find help with marijuana – the main reason he opened a dispensary on Oct. 15 in North Boulder at the age of 29. Brain cancer derailed a series of positive changes for Cokas, who was physically abused by his alcoholic father as a kid and became an orphan at 14 after his father died of AIDS. His father’s alcoholism was so severe and violent that Cokas’s childhood memories are filled with bloody beatings.

“I was going through that experience as a kid, and every day was terrifying,” he explained. “He was a good man, but he had a drinking problem, and that’s why I’m so upset with alcohol. There are so many issues with alcohol, but I’ve never seen anyone die from weed.” The situation forced him and his three sisters to move in with their aunt and uncle in Connecticut.

“I was 13 in Connecticut, and I was struggling,” Cokas said. “I had so many issues by that time. I was beat for so many years.” His father – who was diagnosed with advanced stages of AIDS at the time – moved to Santa Barbara to avoid warrants out for his arrest in New Jersey because of multiple DUIs. As Cokas struggled to stay in school in Connecticut, his father was on his death bed in Santa Barbara. Surprisingly, Cokas went to his father’s side.

“My dad was actually wonderful when he didn’t drink. He had a wonderful heart,” Cokas said. “I lived with him 50 kush COLORADO

“These people took me in and gave me the best life. It was the most amazing experience,” Cokas said said. The transition into a loving, non-abusive family was lifechanging for him. They gave him the proper tools to successfully graduate from Santa Barbara High School. Two semesters into college at Antioch University in Santa Barbara, he was diagnosed with the brain tumor. The Keeners enveloped him with love during the trying time and supported his decision to stop chemo and use medical marijuana. When Cokas found out that he was cancer free, he decided to go back to Antioch University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. Two years later, he moved to Boulder and worked as a computer consultant. He felt something was missing and wanted to do something more meaningful with his life and for others, so he started to pursue a career in the medical marijuana field. He met with a lawyer and found out the legalities for medical marijuana dispensers, applied for a business license with the Colorado secretary of state, and obtained a sales tax license, making it possible for him to open a dispensary six months later.

THE PROCESS WAS EXTREMELY SMOOTH HE SAID. “The biggest hurdle was finding properties that would let me rent retail space,” Cokas said. “People would automatically think I was a bad person.” He now sells several strains of medical marijuana, pipes to cancer and MS patients, and to those who battle chronic pain.

“Our main focus is about people,” Cokas said. “The frustrating part is a lot of people are trying to regulate without looking at the perspective of the patients. Being a dispensary maker, they don’t come to me to ask me anything.”

COLORADO CARE INC., PRODUCTS AND STORE SALES PERCENTAGES: • Marijuana plants for smoking in a pipe Most popular with roughly 55 percent market share

• Edibles, including The Hulk Chocolate Chunk, Reeses Pieces, Coco Chips, Rice Krispy Treats and hard candy Roughly 20 percent market share

• Vaporizers: Popular with Multiple Sclerosis patients Roughly 15 percent market share

• Tincture: Glycerin-based marijuana Remaining 10 percent of the market share

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It’s 2010! Time really flies -- which is a good reminder at how little time we all have -- so get out there and enjoy the wonderful noises that others are making for us. Whether you made New Year’s resolutions or not some live music can be your New Year’s soundtrack. And a concert can provide you with some motivation to fulfill your promises to yourself and be with the people you love.

The Bonner Party

Steve Aoki

1.10.10 (+ every Sunday) @ Mercury Cafe (Denver)

1.24.10 @ Belly Up (Aspen)

What better way to round out the weekend than some smooth jazz?! Legendary Joe Bonner leads this jazz quartet rooted in bebop, gospel, and blues every Sunday night @ the Mercury Cafe

Steve Aoki is the founder of Dim Mak Records, the LAbased electro label that has produced some of the top electronic music in the world. He’s an internationally coveted DJ & producer with a live set that can be described as heavy, banger, fist pumping electro with lots of sirens and grit. After losing best friend DJ AM recently, Aoki seems to be extra driven these days. Lucky us.

Anti-Flag 1.16.10 @ Cervantes (Denver) These punk rock veterans have been putting their fists in the their and fighting The Man for almost two full decades. Their most recent album, The People Or The Gun, was released in 2009 and does not stray from their brand of political punk advocacy. Looks to be a great, high energy concert.

Murs 1.23.10 @ Fox Theatre (Boulder) Murs has been “Making Underground Raw Shit” since 1993 as a solo artist, a member of the Living Legends, 3 Melancholy Gypsys, 9th Wonder and Felt. Most recently, he released the solo album Murs For President in 2008. His flow is impeccable and delivery timeless. Don’t miss out on this special show!

Timbaland 1.26.10 @ Gothic Theatre (Englewood) Timbaland doesn’t have to flex his bulging muscles to get respect. He has worked with everyone from Justin Timberlake & One Republic to Daughty & Nelly. He released Shock Value II on Dec 9th, 2009 with appearances from JT, Katy Perry, Jet, Drake, and more. This concert will be like listening to a Top-40 DJ set, except it’ll be delivered by the man who produced the tracks.

Brand New, Manchester Orchestra 1.30.10 @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver) Brand New just released their new album Daisy, and Manchester Orchestra has been hard at work playing shows and releasing their acoustic “12 Days of Christmas”. The combination of these two bands should be a rockin’ good time that won’t dissapoint.

Right from Top: Murs, Les Claypool, Tech N9ne, Pink Floyd, Timbaland, Anti-Flag

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Bela Fleck 2.4.10 @ Aggie Theatre (Fort Collins) Bela Fleck presents “The Africa Project” which includes collaborations with various African musicians off of the Throw Down Your Heart: Africa Sessions album. If you have never heard or seen him live, it is a must for any music lover. Simply beautiful sounds! Also has shows in Durango, Aspen, Grand Junction. Check the website for details.

Tech N9ne 2.4.10 @ Boulder Theatre (Fort Collins, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Aspen) Terrifying and talented, Tech N9ne comes crashing in to Colorado in February off the heels of his new album K.O.D. A Tech N9ne concert can be pretty wild, so leave the kiddies at home. This is one of four CO shows in February. The show lands Feb 3 in Fort Collins (Aggie Theater), Feb 4 in Boulder (Boulder Theater), Feb 5-6 in Colorado Springs (The Black Sheep) and Feb 7 in Aspen (Belly Up).

The Pink Floyd Experience 2.5.10 @ Arnold Hall Theater (Colorado Springs) The Pink Floyd Experience is a sort of tribute show meant to recreate the Pink Floyd heyday concert in an intimate theater setting, as opposed to an arena. Not quite the real thing, but it’s pretty cool nonetheless. The Experience hits Beaver Creek on Feb 3 (Vilar Center), Fort Collins on Feb 4 (Lincoln Center) and the US Air Force Academy on Feb 5 at Arnold Hall Center. Salud!

Girls 2.10.10 @ Bluebird Theater (Denver) The San Fran posse of Girls come into Denver towards the end of their North American tour dates before jetting off to Europe. Their thrashing rock fusion sounds will be delightful to the ears of attendees at the Bluebird Theater.

Les Claypool 2.13.10 @ Fox Theatre (Boulder) Formerly the bassist for Primus, Les Claypool’s music fully reflects this bass heavy background. Not quite as heavy as Primus, but it still would be considered a hard rock show. There are several other dates Colorado. Les’ legend begins Feb. 12 in Aspen (Belly Up), Feb. 13 in Boulder (Fox Theater) and Feb. 14 at the Ogden Theater in Denver.

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By Mich

ael Dillo n

Marijuana pulls different characteristics and mannerisms (and, possibly, silliness) out of everyone. Whether you get relief, hunger, silly, stupid, anxious, or some combination from your THC intake, it’s almost always a little different side of you. That can be simply wonderful, or incredibly annoying for others in the room. This is our list of the common personalities that pot can bring out. Most people are a hybrid of some combo of these, but there are certainly instances where one trait is more apparent. It takes all kinds, it’s true, and culturally speaking we’d rather hang with these cats than someone who’s downed a fifth of JD and thinks sucker punching a buddy is ‘hilarious.’ Happy High Guy - He’s always got a smile on his face when puffing! This is the stoner you want to be around when smoking. Can be pretty annoying if you are not high, but nothing is gonna wipe the face boner off of this dude. Fired from his job? No worries. Kicked out of her house? She’ll worry about it later. Productive Pothead - This one will clean the whole house, pay all of the bills, and go for a quick jog in the time that you’ve walked to the convenience store to pick up a snack. Good roommate to have, granted they don’t make you feel guilty by listing off all of their myriad miraculous feats. The flip side is they could cajole you off the couch to do at least one thing on your list. Ganja Gazer - Everything is wonderful and beautiful to this pothead. You’ll find her observing the sky and finding a meaning in every cloud or star, staring at her hand wondering why humans are built the way we are, or stuck in an art gallery for hours gazing at the same piece. Interesting, but can be a bit much for the casual smoker. Still, you’ll get some fresh air and/ or some culture. There are worse things.

Mary Jane MacGyver - This one can make a bong out of anything. The most resourceful individuals in the marijuana world. Give her a door nob, stick of gum, and light bulb and you’ll have a gravity bong within minutes. Fruit? No problem. Good person to have around! The Intellectual - He knows everything about anything and can tell you about it for hours. Generally a bit on the snobby side, getting into a deep discussion with this individual can be both frustrating and enlightening. If you are aware of this trait in someone, avoid the topics of the universe, politics, religion, or literature. Sporty Stoner - Not even an Indica can slow this one down. After enjoying a toke, this dude or dudette wants to pump iron, play b-ball, or go for a jog. You can’t keep them sitting still. They can be really fun to be around, but if you’re feeling like a chill buzz you’d better avoid this pot-jock. Chill Bro - This is the dude who just wants to watch a movie and gorge on munchies after smoking. Staying at home is a MUST. The opposite of the jock pothead, the chill pothead is often called lazy and has created a stereotype that critics tend to exploit. Critics are super un-chill. Given today’s massmedia, instantaneous distractions, there is nothing wrong with slowing things down a bit and enjoying one thing at a time. Talkative Toker - They never shut up. Whether they are talking about their family & friends, themselves, or how awesome the Lakers are, you will not get them to stop talking once they’ve had a few hits. Avoid car rides with this type of toker.

Stupid Stoner - This is your typical ‘dumbass’ that gives the rest of us a bad rep (although we’ve ALL been this guy at some point). They have no idea what is going on around them. If ‘clueless stoner’ was in the middle of an earthquake he would probably be asking you something like “Did you hear that Michael Jackson died?... that’s crazy bro. I loved him. Why are people running?” The Air Head - She will consistently misplace her keys, lose her wallet, or forget why she just walked into the kitchen. You explain something really personal and important only to realize 5 seconds after you’re done talking, they have no idea what you just said. Very frustrating. Very common.

This list obviously doesn’t cover all brands of stoner. Do you know of a different pothead personality? Join the discussion on DailyBuds.com!

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120 Strains Fresh Medicine Weekly Tinctures Edibles, cookies & candies

Up to 50% Discount 365 days a year • Pre-rolls • Pills • Clones E Evans Ave S Monaco Pkwy

5650 E.Evans Ave, Suite 105 Denver, CO 80222

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he holidays have passed and prime skiing & snowboarding season in Colorado is here. The holidays and economy have sucked many of our bank accounts dry. Some of us just want to save a little cash for our greens. Either way, it’s always best to have fun for less! You will find the best savings on both lift tickets and lodging if you book online, in advance, and after doing a bit of research. The suckers are the people who run up to the mountain without thinking twice about their wallet. So here is our little guide to help you save some green whilst getting doused in white powder.

Eldorado Mountain

Winter Park

Eldorado is located about 30 minutes outside of Boulder

Winter Park has a flurry of lodging deals available through their

and an hour from Denver. It is a still relatively undiscovered

website, with some as low as $59/night. Lift tickets are pretty

mountain with great deals during the holidays and winter.

pricey, but if you have a little bit more to spend this could be a

Packages that include lift tickets and lodging start @ $65/

great option to get away from the larger crowds. Boasting 143

person. Eldora has close to 700 acres of skiable terrain, one

trails, over 3,000 acres of skiable terrain, and a self-proclaimed

run that stretches 3 miles, and is ski, snowboard, and cross-

most consistent snowfall year to year, Winter Park may be well

country friendly!

worth a little extra money.




Aspen Snowmass Snowmass in Aspen includes Snowmass, Aspen Highlands, Aspen Mountain, & Buttermilk. Aspen is a wonderful area for the traditional downhill skier. Deals can be found as low as $150/night for a 5 night stay, which includes lodging and lift tickets. Some deals need to be booked by Jan 15th, so get moving. More discount packages can always be found, so don’t give up easily if you really want to visit Aspen this year. www.aspensnowmass.com www.ski.com/perfectstorm

Arapahoe Basin

Copper Mountain With 22 lifts, 2,450 acres of skiable land, and 25 kilometers of cross-country skiing, Copper Mountain has something for everyone. Look for the “winter packages” and “deals” drop down links on their website. Some lodging + lift ticket packages start as low as $67/person per night. www.coppercolorado.com

Powderhorn Beginning on January 6th, ladies get $10 off lift tickets on thursdays, and men $10 off on Wednesdays beginning. There’s also a buy one get one free deal when you buy 10 gallons of gas from a Shell station. Relatively cheap lodging resides @ the Inn at Wildwood, starting at just $119/night and includes 2 half-

Arapahoe Basin is located in Dillon, CO, and is just about

price lift tickets.

an hour outside of Denver. This is the place to be for the


hardcore terrain park heads. There are a variety of deals available, but the adults can get 5 days for around $359, split between Breckenridge, Keystone, Vail, and Beaver Creek. The

Loveland Loveland is located north of Denver and Boulder. Discounted

Vail and Beaver Creek days have some restrictions. More

lift tickets are available if you buy them before heading to the

details online.

mountain from Safeway, King Soopers, Albertsons, and many


more locations that are listed on their website. With 93 trails and 9 chairs, you should definitely get in a full, tiring

Echo Mountain Season passes at Echo Mountain are some of the cheapest

day on the mountain. www.skiloveland.com

around at $199 for the rest of the year. And being conveniently located about 30 minutes outside of Denver, you can stay in the city if that suits your taste. Echo is catered towards terrain parks, and you can expect a slew of snowboarders here. www.echomtnpark.com

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minutes) Getting High (2007; 104 nd hi Be ss ne si Bu e THE UNION: Th erlative look at the This documentary is a sup

ition of Bud got onto your dish? nation of how the prohib Ever wonder how that BC It’s a just-the-facts exami . bia lum stance Co sub a tish wn Bri do a’s g nad d on chasin business of ‘grows’ in Ca nts of resources are waste ou am s ou us, icr uio lud w seq ho ob of or -preachy marijuana is a paper tiger overdose. Without being has never produced one rs, yea of rn-out myths about the s wo nd the usa k tho un r that, ove rgie (co-writer) deb Sco am the Ad and ) tor rec (di to the United States -- and filmmakers Brett Harvey ian flick, the comparisons nad Ca a .?! it’s U.S h ug the tho in n n eve ssio evils of marijuana. And, s last year for simple posse astounding. 750,000 arrest is -ics of all people, not just ic tist log sta to s the of eal ce app sheer for and money’ that e tim of ste wa a at ‘wh a h The film will leave you wit n. atio aliz leg g tin oca those adv nd Tommy Chong to a of people -- from our frie ead spr d goo a are ds hea s to comedian Joe Rogan The experts and talking s of marijuana for decade efit ben by the ng chi ear res been termelon, has been hired medical doctor who has One woman, known as Wa ). ces ten in sen gal est ille l few stil t’s the se in you, po (who makes the most sen efits of marijuana. Mind ak to groups about the ben spe to w abandoned) that nt (no me w ern gro d gov un ian gro the Canad kers visit an under ma film the ne, sce per op Canada! In another jaw-dr e, indeed. pty railroad cars. Impressiv em 10 m fro ed uct was constr and how of growing BC k at the who, what, where loo ing ain ert ent and e ativ tes. It’s also a rational, Overall, this is an inform guessed it) the United Sta u (yo to ly ect dir ed pp is shi Bud -- 85 percent of which with one prohibition. Best enjoyed end to ent um arg fact-based revel in the righteous or two tokes -- so you can een. data flying across your scr

llent pairs exce ty n u o C t ld es) a, Humbo 8 minut weed. (2008; 9 ood dram g and killer d y n t re u u n lt ro u u -a o rc ll C a te n -- our d t u n o a d oast, c cial class C u age film r c st fo a Humbol -o L g in ’s in ther boldt com fornia s in Hum d by his fa xt of Cali film, part n e e te il d k a n fa a o ro c w n a t e e r , e a e P -id gb within th t growers and havin xy tour gu d writing -grade po ay of a se school -h l w a ing ig y g ic h b a d f , casting an e e o d s n m th ludes art of eration c rrows a st n in e e so g n th is o w h n ti fe a n w ng. The ith a educ drow Facing do to parenti pulated w fe. Peter’s oes out to o h li g c p f , a o y is ro y le e a p d p m w a o ir rld ir a rH he-grid h s, but the at the wo o and the hero, Pete s to look their crop mily’s off-t ecades ag y t fa d a c ) e w te A Th ro L re . p o C ty m U re Coun look to aching at at there a him. at not only an (and te g Peter th M in e riven into w d o Th s growers th a d sh e h n fl r o t e t a th lm is a fair n th fa te ts g ren that the fi r* are in ineerin e te m er h m o g u d u hippie pa ss a is a d h we’ve nev ach e can n and his at matter, lass appro mboldt, w th -c u r le H o d couple’s so (F in id t. w m lan lodding, e-sized gro miracle p than the p ating the actual, larg iv n lt a st is u c to f n o e .) roy the ca anner ever be l on House nces Con ds and m a o ra Having n re F as the th y e d g tt n m in a re y e look p essina s satisf n of th y a M o e ti s is th ri ta g t h n u in C b se d n rif, repre ng room, And the e Brad Dou n operati elegance. anovich, d d g te o c e B been in a p r x te e un lk, Pe y with an airuza Ba h the stor g u Starring F ro th . s il elf , ed and sa oldt yours Coast film experienc ut Humb in a Lost -o d ll e a lv g o in v o fg n in thought o ung perso have a yo to thought... d a e ir st u al. alcy? Ju * Is it req rm not critic o n te to detail is legitima n e o ti m n so e tt d a to ad owl full -d with a b e y jo n e st Be

68 kush COLORADO


(1998; 102 m inut

es) This may be du e for a re-view Billy Bob Thor ing, since it’s been sitting on nton could ge t anything mad the rental shel Lost Coast m ves for a deca e he picked off ilieu. As a mat de. When Homegrown, ter of fact, the Curtis, Judge another entry cast of this on Reinhold, Jon in to e is the growing worthy of a vi Bon Jovi, Rya appreciated in ew : John Lith n Phillippe, K nearly every ro go el w ly , Jamie Lee Lynch and Han le he plays -k Azaria (who even the mains In this one, th is utterly unde tream stuff ). ree dopey min rions are living man named M the good life as alcolm (Lithg ow). It’s all ro th ey room, these th w or k a major mar lling along un ree decide to ijuana plantati til Malcolm is step into Mal is they have no on and a m urdered. Befor co lm ’s place and run idea how to ru e the smoke cl the enterprise n a grow like bad guys wan ears the this and make themselves. Th ting to claim million-dolla e the prize for th on ly re it provides go al catch r deals. Cops emselves. Flas od counterpoi close in, as do hes of violence nt to the othe th e other will make you rwise feel-goo And the soun sit up and take d yarn Homeg dtrack is exce note as rown really is llent, as well, Bob Marley. (* . with Cowboy Yup, there’s a Junkies, Death 4-year-old girl in V in eg he as re, too. Trend? Best enjoyed and, of course with a bowl fu , Keep you eyes ll and plenty of munchies -- in peeled...) tense laughter and scenes in will have you diners reaching for th e chips.

Smiley Fac e

(2007; 85 m inut

es) Now THIS is a pot flick. Th e adorable an hilarious misad d hilarious Ann venture after a Farris plays another. How get a long list her breathy, bl can Jane F. do of chores done ond self into on w n a dozen pot cu , replace her ro Well, she can’ e pcakes (she w ommate’s cupc t do it without as already bake ak es an orange jum (o op s) an d) d get to the be , psuit entering The music is ki ach in just on the picture, to ller, too, with e day? say the least. well-placed tu madcap. Who nes. But, seriou hasn’t freaked sly, these situat out by having And the intens to drive while ions are pitchity of a waiting high and then perfect and room for an ap stoned, for su , as always, ab pointment th re. These and an do ne at d the idea. more are show isn’t even your n in this re-vie s, it’s a friends? John Krasinks w ? ab A gonizing whe le flick. i (The Office), n Danny Maste recognizables rson (That ‘70s float in and ou Show) and a bu t of this highly choices for stay nch of other worthy, “let’s ing in. stay in and m un ch an d watch” Best enjoyed -- anywhere fr om straight to (the latter prob puddled on th ably leading to e couch deeper laughs , of course). Email us at ed itor@

dailybuds.com with your go-to movie


kush COLORADO 69

70 kush COLORADO

EE FR BLE ts n I EDew patihease.

n c for h pur t wi

Gran d ope door ning buste r FREE Med Grab B the 1s ag for t 100 p a tie With purch nts. ase.

Grand Opening Lodo’s new upscale, discreet, low priced dispensary. Conveniently located on the 16 th St. Mall, NW corner of 16 th and Market across from the RTD Market Street Station. ( 16 Market Square Building)

Home of The

* Limit 4 per customer per visit ** Call for appointment

16th street

Market street

Market St. bus station

• 4.0 gram 8th (4.5 for new patients) * • Fast and Easy referals ** • Massage Therapist on Staff ** • Premium high quality meds • Low cost meds, edibles, & tinctures • Daily specials • Free non-medicated refreshments • Discounts for: • Military (retierd or current) • HIV/AIDS • Cancer/MS • Seniors • Covered parking available

1400 16 th St. # 4067 Denver, CO 80202



Dr. Green Genes

Suite # 4067

Blake street


/oper ated

For a Laugh visit us at

www.drgreengenesmmd.com New patients please call for appointments and directions. Appointments only all days after 6pm HOURS: M-T 10-10 • F-Sat 11-8 and Midnight -3am • Sun 12-6

Always 10% off with same day Bronco’s, Nuggets, Rockies, Av’s or concert stubs.

By Josh Kaplan The Disco Biscuits have been an emerging force on the Jam music scene since 1995 -regularly touring and playing a multitude of festivals. They’ve even inspired their own flagship festival, Camp Bisco, with the help of artists like Snoop Dogg, MSTRKRFT, The Roots, STS9, Thievery Corporation and Umphrey’s Mcgee – all who played in years past. Crossing electronica with rock ’n’ roll and classical jazz, the band often plays extended sets, seamlessly tying songs to one another. Combining rock beats, trance beats and jungle beats, they often will excite audiences with rearranged versions of songs referring to them as “inverted” or “dyslexic” -- breaking songs apart, playing them throughout the set, and even playing songs backwards -- truly amazing. The Disco Biscuits have balanced this buffet of the senses with an amazing light show, surely to enhance anyone’s mood. And knowing the crowds at these shows, mood’s will surely be “enhanced.” The Disco Biscuits are parking the buses Jan. 29-31 all weekend long, in beautiful Boulder for a three-night session at the snug Fox Theater. What a way to start off the 2010 concert season! So the only question is whether we should go Fri? Or Sat? Or Sun? Hmmmmmmm…. Screw it! We’ll probably go all 3 nights.

By Josh Kaplan

Ever so often there comes a band that defies being lumped in with the others. They mystify you musically, they inspire you creatively, and sometimes they continue to keep you guessing. The John Butler Trio has been doing all three since I saw them in 2007 at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Easily convinced to go, I was filled in about the band’s infrequent shows in the United States. Huge in their native Australia, they are “off the map” (so-to-speak) when it comes to mainstream popularity here, playing very limited, small theaters instead of massive venues and festivals back home. The only comparison I had was to their 2002 tour mates the Dave Matthews Band. And if you like DMB as I do, you should see JBT. They are uniquely different, yet as talented - if you can believe that? John Butler Trio plays a unique blend of eclectic roots, with the heart of a good jam-based rock band. Their individual musicianship is at such a high level -- especially (now former) drummer Michael Barker -- that I found myself shaking my head, fringing on sheer disbelief as to what I was seeing and hearing. To my further shock, while researching this article, I found that John Butler has amicably parted ways with his old band mates purely to remain artistically fresh. This is the action of a confident artist. Let’s trust the fact that such a gutsy and courageous move will only have a positive outcome. And with the promise of change comes something new, and hopefully great? Let’s see what the New Year brings? Of the only five dates chosen by JBT in the U.S., two are in “Kush” reader’s hometowns. Peep the trio 2/16/2010 at The Fox Theater in Boulder Colorado, and 2/18/2010 when they roll into Los Angeles for a heady night at the very tight Troubadour. If you like tasty jams and off the chart musicianship, check out these shows - you won’t be sorry.

kush COLORADO 73




You’ve already been about partaking from what grows in the ground for some time now, we’d wager.

Manufactured in downtown Los Angeles, Alkemie is run by husband-and-wife team Ashley Lowengrub and Dara Gerson. The dynamic designing duo creates jewelry from reclaimed metals–blending sterling from old silverware and coins with copper from electrical wires, and zinc from zincograph sheets used in printing, as well as custom pieces from reclaimed gold and silver. The resulting handmade pieces have a vintage feel and a rustic, neo-hippie aesthetic. A cuff bracelet features a three-dimensional owl in mid-flight, its metal wings wrapping around the wrist. Belt buckles are almost mythic, featuring animals heads and giant antique coins. And the toxic effects of metal mining are out of the equation.

So it’s only natural that your penchant for leafy greens would extend to all apects of your life, correct? That’s why we’re making it easy for you with our guide to gearing it up, green-style (stylishly, may we add)—no strenous thinking required!

74 kush COLORADO

CALIFORNIA RISING www.californiarising.com

Organic cotton, slub jersey (grown and woven locally at its textile mill in Los Angeles) and hemp–in french terry, corduroy, jersey and fleece varieties–are the materials California Rising uses to create its comfy-casual line. Sexy, slouchy and sustainably-minded, California Rising not only produces gulit-free, high-quality clothing, it even has a non-profit org (For The Planet) and a free summer camp that provides full medical care for terminally and chronically ill children (Dream Street) under its belt. Recenty, Lucky magazine voted CR’s hooded ‘Ele’ dress as the sexiest hoody ever. See, anti-carbon footprint doesn’t have to be anti-fashion.

LINDA LOUDERMILK www.lindaloudermilk.com

Known as the “Vivienne Westwood of eco” luxury, designer Linda Loudermilk is a fashionforward force whose policy is 100-percent pro-planet. All fabrics utilized by Loudermilk are woven from sustainable plants--some you’d expect like bamboo and soya, and those you wouldn’t, like sea cell and sasawashi. Silks are vegan and dyed with mud, accessories often combine off-beat recycled items (e.g. a feather-and-telephone-cord boa) and collections are always modern, edgy and the perfect uniform for the eco-warrior of tomorrow.



Vert is a Venice-based beauty boutique specializing in luxury green beauty products (for you Plebians out there, “vert” means “green” in French–tres fancy). Hard (toimpossible) to find products are handpicked by Vert’s owner, former makeup artist Renata Helfman. Helfman keeps her Zen-like space stocked with eco-conscious face, hair and body products gathered from all over the globe like Arcona, CARE by Stella McCartney, Naturopathica and Nux. Also a great place to grab gifts, Vert carries candles, reusable shopping bags, sustainable clothing, plus vintage jewelry handpicked by Helfman’s mom.


Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 440-0234

Boulder Wellness Center


5420 Arapahoe Ave, Suite F Boulder, CO 80303 (303) 442-2565


The Bud

(720) 329-5763

451 Santa Fe Ave Alamosa, CO 81101 (719) 589-0420

ALMA South Park Cananbis Club 99 Main Street (970) 485-5263

ASPEN Alternative Medical Solutions (970) 544-8142

Locals Emporium of Alternative Farms (L.E.A.F.) (970) 920-4220

AVON Tree Line Premier Dispensary

2500 Broadway Ste 100 Boulder, CO 80304 (303) 565-4019

Canna Med 1750 30th St #8 Boulder, CO 877 420-meds

Colorado Care Inc 2850 Iris Ave. Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 250-9066

Evolution Medicine Services

AURORA (Doctors)

Indigenous Medicines LLC

BOULDER Boulder Alternative Medicine 1325 Broadway St., Suite 213 Boulder, CO 80302 720- 210-4021

Boulder County Caregivers 2955 Valmont Boulder, CO 80302 303-495-2195

Boulder MMJ Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 732-MMJ4-U (6654)

Boulder Vital Herbs 2527 Broadway St

100 Pearl St. #35 Boulder, CO 80302 303-402-6975

The Greenest Green 2034 Pearl St. Boulder, CO 80302 303-953-2582

Medican on the Hill 1089 13th St. Boulder, CO 80302

Natural Alternative Medicine

2043 16th St. Boulder CO, 80302 720-746-9064

BRECKENRIDGE Medicine Man P101 N. Main St. Ste 6 Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-2525

CARBONDALE (970) 306-3231

Sopris LEAF CASTLE ROCK The Lil Green House 518 Wilcox Street Castle Rock, CO 80104 303-993-3070

CENTENNIAL Canna Mart 8006 E. Arapahoe Ct. Suite 30 Centennial, CO 80112 303-771-1600

CENTENNIAL (Doctors) Cannabis Centers For Alternative Wellness 6590 South Broadway Centennial, CO 80121 720-223-5551


New Options Wellness

1800 Colorado Blvd., Suite 5 Idaho Springs, CO 80452 303-567-4211

Mountain Medicine Group

Sunshine Wellness Center

Canna Caregivers

Canna Care

5370 Manhattan Circle (720) 363-9877 2885 Aurora Ave Ste. 40 Boulder, CO 80303 720 266-9967


The Village Green Society

(970) 704-0420

GreenLeaf Farmacy

Colorado Springs, CO 80904 (719) 633-8499

3220 N. Academy Blvd. Ste 4 Colorado Springs, CO (719) 597-6685

The Farmacy 845 Walnut St. Boulder CO, 80302 720-375-3777

Clifton, CO (970) 609-4438

4730 Table Mesa Dr. Boulder, CO 80305 303-554-5399


1644 Walnut St., Boulder CO, 80302 303-440-1323

3033 S. Parker Rd. Suite 720 Aurora, CO 80014 888-420-4204

Table Mesa Wellness Center

4476 N. Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 303-588-3335

40801 US 6 (970) 949-1887

Canna Health

2515 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304 720-542-9943

Mountain Medicinals, Inc.

CLIFTON God’s Gift 571 32 Rd.

1675 Jet Wing Dr. Colorado Springs CO, 80916 719-596-3010

Canna Med (doctor) 2935 Galley Rd’ Colorado Springs, CO 877 420-meds

Cannabis Therapeutics Caregivers Cooperative 907 E. Fillmore St. Colorado Springs CO, 80907 (719) 633-7124

31 N. Tejon Street Suite 400 Colorado Springs, CO (719) 632-6192

THC (The Highland Collective) 332 W. Bijou St., Ste 101 Colorado Springs CO, 80905 (719)-442-6737

Tree of Wellness 1000 W Fillmore Suite 105 Colorado Springs, CO (719) 635-5556

Trichome Health Consultants 2117 West Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs CO, 80904 719-635-6337

Colorado Cannabis Caregivers


2203 N. Weber St., Colorado Springs CO, 80907 719-634-7389 or 719-440-4124

Dacono Meds 730 Glen Creighton Drive Unit C (303) 833-2321

Colorado Cannabis Center

DENVER (Delivery Services)

1905 N. Academy Blvd (719)-574-4455

The Healing Canna 3692 E. Bijou St. (719) 637-7645

Medical Marijuana Connection

303 Delivery Service Denver CO, 80224 303-993-7022

Chronic Express (Delivery Service) 303-656-7300

2933 Galley Rd. Colorado Springs, CO

DENVER (Doctors)

Nature’s Medicine Wellness Center

6855 Leetsdale Drive Denver, CO 80224 Phone: 877-420-6337

11 S. 25th St., Ste 220 (719) 213-3239

Old World Pharmaceutical 6347 E. Platte Ave. (719) 393-3899

Pikes Peak Alternative Health and Wellness Centers

1605 South Tejon Street Ste 101 Colorado Springs CO, 80905 (719) 575-9835

Pike’s Peak Compassionate Care Center 2845 Ore Mill Rd.

CannaMed USA

Happyclinicdenver.com 1211 S. Parker Rd #101 Denver, CO 80231 720-747-9999

Denver (Smokeshops) Blown Glass and Accessories 4815 E. Colfax Ave. Denver, CO 80220 303-388-1882

Heads of State 3015 W 44th Ave.

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 76 kush COLORADO

DISPENSARY LISTING Denver, CO 80211 303-433-6585

Mary Jayz Cool Stuff 4014 Tennyson St Denver, CO 80212 720-855-7451

DENVER (Central) 985 Dispensary 985 Santa Fe Dr., Denver CO, 80204 303-446-0420

All Green Health Alternatives Denver CO, 80203 303-868-4753

Alternative Medicine on Capitol Hill 1401 Ogden St., Denver CO, 80218 720-961-0560

Best Card (303) 741-2313

Cannabis Medical 762 Kalamath St., Denver CO, 80204 303-912-2013

Capitol Hill Medicine Shoppe 1410 Grant Street #B104, Denver CO, 80204 303-993-5777

Cherry Creek Health 155 Cook St. #150 Denver, CO 80206 Phone: 303-388-0086

Denver Relief 1 Broadway Denver, CO 80223 (303) 420-MEDS

Green Cross of Cherry Creek 128 Steele St., Ste. 200, Denver CO, 80206 303-321-420-1

Green Karma Medical 1115 Grant St. #G2 Denver Co 80203 303 815-1585

Health Star Medical Evaluation Clinic 710 E. Speer Blvd., Denver CO, 80203



Herbal Wellness

24/7 Health Care Centers

771 Santa Fe Dr. Denver CO, 80204 720-299-1919

Herbs 4 You 20 E. 9th Ave. Denver, CO 80203 (303) 830-9999

Lincoln Herbal 424 Lincoln St., Denver CO, 80203 303-955-0701

Mile High Alternative Medicine Denver CO, 80203 720-289-9654

Mile High Green Cross 852 Broadway Denver CO, 80203 303-861-4252

New Millennium Denver CO, 80203 720-318-3275

Pain Management of Colorado 110 Cook St., Ste. 103 Denver CO, 80206 303-423-7246

Remedy Care Center 1850 S. Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80219 303-935-2694

3535 Walnut St. Denver CO, 80205 720-479-8756

Alternative Medicine On The 16th Street Mall 910 16th Street #805 Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 303-623-1900

Apothecary of Colorado 1730 Blake St. Ste. #420 Denver CO, 80202 303-296-5566

Ballpark Holistic Dispensary 2119 Larimer Street Denver, CO 80205 Phone: 720-338-5796

2028 E. Colfax Denver, CO 80206 303-355 9333

Elevated Medical 3660 Downing St. Denver, C0 80205 Phone: 303-530-4338


The Grasshopper Alternative Medicine

2400 Larimer St. Denver CO, 80205 720-536-0850

Zen Cafe Denver Metro Area Denver CO, 80203 720-306-8339

Mahooka Meds

Mile High Cannabis 899 Logan St Denver, CO 80203 Phone: 303-955-6203

Natural Remedies 1620 Market St, Ste. 5W, Denver CO, 80202 303-953-0884

Nature’s Kiss Medical Lounge 4332 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80205 303-484-9327

Altitude Organic Medicine 1716 Boulder St. Denver CO, 80211 970-691-1661

B*GOODS Apothecary

The Farmacy

BC Inc.

1400 Market St. Denver CO, 80202 303-260-7036

Denver CO 80209 Phone: 303-803-8256 4206 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80212 720-988-3184



Flavored Essentials

2899 N. Speer Blvd., Ste. 105 Denver CO, 80211 303-455-3187

3955 Oneida St. Denver CO, 80207 303-377-0539

Affordable Medicine for Colorado Patients

Discount Medical Marijuana


3100 Blake St. Denver CO, 80205 303-292-2680

2863 Larimer St,. Unit B Denver, CO 80205 303-484-1662

Denver CO, 80202 720-974-3109

Denver Metro Area Denver CO, 80203 303-450-7462

RiNo Supply Co


1719 Emerson St. Denver CO, 80218 720-389-9002

The Organic Remedy

2042 Arapahoe St. Denver CO, 80205 720-242-9308

Denver Patient’s Group

Rocky Mountain Farmacy 1444 Wazee St. Ste. #115

1728 East 17th Ave. Denver CO, 80218 303-388-4677

Peace in Medicine Center

5650 E. Evans Ave #405 Denver, CO 80222 720- 275-1845

Denver Relief 1 Broadway Denver, CO 80223 (303) 420-MEDS

Doctors Orders 5068 N. Federal Blvd. Denver CO, 80221 303-433-0276

Green Medical Referrals Clinic -- Denver 5115 Federal Blvd. #9 Denver, CO 80221 303-495-5000

Green Medical Referrals Clinic -- Northglenn 10781 Washington St. Northglenn, Denver CO, 80233 303-495-5000

Natures Choice 2128 S. Albion St. Denver, CO 80222 720-447-3271

The Healing House Pharmacy 123 West Alameda Avenue Denver, Colorado 80223 720-389-6490

Chronic Wellness 3928 Federal Blvd. Denver CO, 80211 303-455-6500

DenCo 5830 West 38th Ave. Denver CO, 80212 303-518-0303

Denco Alternative Medicine 2828 Speer Boulevard #117 Denver CO, 80211 303-433-2266

Grass Roots 2832 W. 44th Ave. Denver CO, 80211 720-838-7637

Herbal Connections 2209 W. 32nd Ave. Denver CO, 80211 720-999-6295

Herbal Wellness, Inc. 3870 N. Federal Blvd. Denver CO, 80211 720-299-1919

Highland Health 2727 Bryant St., Ste. 420 Denver CO, 80211 303-455-0810

Local Caregivers of Colorado 5316 Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80214 Phone: 720-233-5482

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com kush COLORADO 77

DISPENSARY LISTING Mary Jayz Natural Therapeutics 4900 W. 46th Ave. Denver CO, 80212 720-855-7451

Rocky Mountain Patient Services One mile south of Alameda on South Federal & Kentucky Denver, CO, 80211 720-882-5521

Sunnyside Alternative Medicine 1406 West 38th Ave., Denver CO, 80211 303-720-6761

Sweet Leaf Inc. 5100 W. 38th Ave. Denver CO, 80212 303-480-5323

Delta 9 Caretakers LLC

63 West Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80223 Phone: 303-722-3420

Earth’s Medicine

Alternative Medicine

74 Federal Blvd Unit A Denver, CO 80219 720-254-0379

Of Southeast Denver Denver, CO 80224 Phone: 720-941-8872

Ganja Gourmet

BC Inc.

1810 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 303-282-9333

5777 East Evans Plaza Denver CO, 80222 720-323-2383

Mother Nature’s Miracle

CannaMart Inc.

315 W. Littleton Blvd. Denver CO, 80210 303-794-3246

Organameds 2020 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 720-862-7544

The Giving Tree of Denver Patients Choice 2707 W. 38th Ave. of Colorado Denver CO, 80211 303-477-8888

The ReLeaf Center 2000 West 32nd Ave. Denver CO, 80211 303-458-LEAF (5323)

Total Health Concepts 2059 Bryant St. Denver CO, 80211 303-433-0152

Urban Dispensary 2675 W. 38th Ave. Denver, CO 80211 720-389-9179

DENVER SOUTH Broadway Wellness 1290 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 303-997-8413

Cannabis 4 Health 1221 S. Pearl St. Denver CO, 80210 720-296-7563

Colorado Alternative Medicine 2394 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 720-379-7295

A Mile High LLC

2262 S. Broadway Denver CO 80210 720-570-2127

2251 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 303-862-5016

Rocky Mountain Caregivers

Metro-Cannabis 2 3425 South Oleander Ct., Unit B Denver CO, 80224 303-305-9625

6740 E. Hampden Ave. Denver CO, 80237 720-382-8516

Colorado Cannabis Services

Rockbrook, Inc.

1842 S. Parker Rd, Unit 18 Denver CO, 80247 720-984-6543

2865 S. Colorado Blvd., Ste. 323 Denver CO, 80222 303-756-0595


Rocky Mountain Alternative Medicine

970 S. Oneida, Ste. 17 Denver CO, 80224 303-284-9075

The Kind Room

Green Cross Caregivers

1881 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 720-266-3136

1824 South Parker Rd Denver, CO 80231 Phone: 303-337-2229

Walking Raven Dispensary

Herban Wellness Inc

1800 S. Sheridan Blvd #303 Denver, CO 80232 720 934-5388

4101 E. Wesley Ave., Ste. #5 Denver CO, 80222 720-771-9866

Mile High Wellness

2777 S. Colorado Denver, CO 80210 303-758-9997

303 Cannabis Inc.

Metro Cannabis

6855 Leetsdale Dr., Ste. 420 Denver CO, 80224 1-877-420-6337 (MEDS)

Green Around You


Green Tree Medical LLC


The Health Center

1724 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 303-733-3113

1240 South Parker Road #100 Denver CO, 80231 720-629-3476

Mile High Remedies

4101 E. Louisiana Ave. #320, Denver CO, 80246 720-382-1287

Wellspring Collective


1842 S. Parker Road Unit 18 Denver CO, 80247 303-771-1600

285 S. Pearl St. Denver CO, 80209 303-601-6037

2001 S. Broadway Denver CO, 80210 720-327-5613

Medical Marijuana for Wellness

4155 E Jewell Ave #405 Denver CO 80222 1-877-702-4MMJ (4665)

Little Brown House 1995 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80223 303-282-6206

Little Green Pharmacy 1331 S. Broadway Denver, CO 80223 303-722-2133

4155 E. Jewell Ave. Ste. 310 Denver CO, 80222 303-419-3896

1479 S. Holly St. Denver CO, 80222 303-758-9114

Rocky Mountain Medical Marijuana 1126 S. Sheridan Blvd. Denver, CO 80232 303-219-4884

Southwest Alternative Care 1940 W. Mississippi Denver CO 80223 303-917-5315

Sweet Leaf Compassion Center

3222 South Vance St. Denver CO, 80227 720-838-1652

Mountain Medicinals Wellness Center 1800 Colorado Blvd., #5 Idaho Springs CO, 80452 303-567-4211

DOUGLAS COUNTY Mile High Medical Gardens 880 Happy Canyon Rd. # 145 Castle Rock, CO 80108 720-203-5450

DURANGO Natures Own Wellness Center Durango CO 720-663-9554

EDWARDS New Hope Wellness Center 210 Edwards Village Blvd B-110 Edwards, CO 81632 970-569-3701

Rocky Mountain High 105 Edwards Village Blvd Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-4408

ELDORADO SPRINGS Green Belly Co-OP 3330 El Dorado Springs Dr., Eldorado Springs CO, 80025 720-381-6187

ENGLEWOOD ADG Herbal Medicine

5301 Leetsdale Dr. Denver CO, 80246 303-955-8954

11 W. Hampden Englewood, CO 720-278-0419

Very Best Medicine (VBM Club)

Natures Kiss

6853 Leetsdale Dr. Denver CO, 80224 720-941-8872

4332 S. Broadway Englewood, CO 80113 303-564-9690

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Green Tree Medical

Colorado-CHRONIX Medicinal Cannabis Community

Golden CO, 80401 303-903-6983

3222 S. Vance St. #230 Lakewood, CO 80227 720-838-1652

(970) 227-3366

Generations Natural Medicine 2006 8th St., Greeley CO, 80631 970-353-2839

In Harmony Wellness 4630 Royal Vista Cir., Unit 12 Fort Collins CO, 80528 970-988-3898

Medicinal Gardens of Colorado 420 S. Howes St. # D (Stone House) Fort Collins State CO 80521 970-217-0575

FRANKTOWN S.E.C.A.M. (Serving Parker, Elizabeth, Castle Rock) (720) 346-2772 or (303) 660-2650

FRISCO Medical Marijuana Of The Rockies 720 Summit Blvd. Ste. 101A Frisco CO, 80443 970-668-MEDS

GARDEN GROVE Garden Grove Organic Caregivers (714) 590-9025

GLENWOOD SPRINGS Green Medicine Wellness

Rocky Mountain Organic Medicine 420 Corporate Cir. Golden CO, 80401 720-230-9111

GRAND JUNCTION Greenlight Care (mobile delivery service)

Local Caregivers of Colorado

Green Mountain Care

Grand Junction, CO (970) 424-5264

Meadows Wellness Center

High Desert Dispensary Highly Herbal

1701 Kipling Street, Ste. 104 Lakewood CO, 80215 720-435-3830

555 North Ave. Grand Junction, CO (970) 778-5151

Natures Alternative 496 28 Rd. (970) 245-2680

Naturals 624 Rae Lynn Dr. Grand Junction, CO (970) 424-5291

Nature’s Medicine

Mr. Nice Guys 12550 W. Colfax Ave., Unit 119 Lakewood CO, 80215 303-233-6423

Pain Wellness Center 2509 Sheridan Blvd. Lakewood CO, 80214 720-404-0174

Therapeutic Herbal Comfort

1001 Patterson Rd #1 Grand Junction, CO 81506 970-424-5393

12078 W. Jewell Ave. Lakewood CO, 80228 720-298-8909


Rocky Mountain Ways LLC

719 Pitkin Ave. Grand Junction, CO (970) 245-4649

HIGHLANDS RANCH Hatch Wellness Center 3624 E. Highlands Ranch Pkwy. # 105 Highlands Ranch , CO 80126 303-470-9270

Peaceful Warrior Medical Marijuana LLC

420HighWays, LLC


216 6th St. (970) 485-5286

201 E. Simpson St. #B, Lafayette CO, 80026 720-434-5210



Golden Alternative Care

Bud Med Health Centers 2517 Sheridan Blvd. Lakewood CO, 80214 720-920-9617

Footprints Health 8250 W. Coal Mine Ave. Unit 4 Littleton CO, 80123 720-981-2818

Herbal Paradise

(970) 609-MEDS (6337)

2 West Dry Creek Circle Littleton, CO 80120 303-625-4012

7003 W. Colfax Ave. Lakewood CO, 80214 303-955-5190

5316 Sheridan Blvd., Lakewood CO, 80214 720-233-5482

1030 Grand Ave. (970) 384-2026

807 14th Street Ste. A Golden CO, 80401 303-278-8870

Lakewood Patient Resource Center

Colorado Medical Marijuana LLC

5423 South Prince St. Littleton CO, 80120 303-953-9231

Southwest Alternative Care 2100 W Littleton Blvd Suite 50 Littleton, CO 80120 720-237-3079

The Hatch Wellness Center 3624 Highlands Ranch Pkwy. # 105 Littleton CO, 80126 303-470-9270

LONGMONT Botanic Labs 1110 Boston Ave., Ste. 210 Longmont CO, 80501 303-260-8203

Colorado Patients First 1811 Hover Ste H Longmont, CO 80501 303-449-1170

The Blueberry Twist 725 Main St. Longmont, CO Phone: (303) 651-7842

The Zen Farmacy 323 3rd Avenue Suite #3 Longmont, CO 80501 (303) 774-1ZEN (1936)

LOUISVILLE AlterMeds 1156 W. Dillon Rd. #3 Louisville, CO 80227 303-9 31-6200

Compassionate Pain Management 1116-7 W. Dillon Rd. Louisville, CO 80027 303 665-5596

LOVELAND Chronic Illness Alternative Medicine 129 South Cleveland Ave. Loveland, CO (970) 593-1180

Green Medical Referrals Clinic 1505 N. Lincoln Ave. Loveland CO, 80538 303-495-5000

Magic’s Emporium 2432 East 13th Street Loveland CO, 80537 970-397-1901

1391 Carr St Unit 303 Lakewood, CO 80214 303-238-1253

Herbal Medix

MedicalM, LTD

LAKEWOOD (Smokeshops)

10763 Turner Blvd, No. 3 Longmont, CO Phone: (303) 718-8543

Nature’s Medicine

843 North Cleveland Ave. Loveland CO, 80537 970-461-2811

Heads of State 9715 W. Colfax Lakewood, CO 80215 303-202-9400

LARIMER COUNTY Magic’s Emporium 2432 E 13th St Loveland, CO 80537 970-667-4325

LITTLETON Blue Sky Care 1449 W. Littleton Blvd. Ste. 10 Littleton CO, 80120 720-283-6447

1260 South Hover Road, Ste. C Longmont CO, 80501 303-772-7188

New Age Wellness 625 Main St. Longmont, CO (720) 381-2581

Stone Mountain Wellness 600 Airport Rd (303) NUG-WEED or (303) 803-3062

The Apothecary 1314 Coffman Street Longmont CO, 80501 720-210-3986

(970) 669-5105

Nature’s Medicine

Natures Medicine Delivery Service (970) 672-0454

MONUMENT Palmer Divide Green Meds (303) 912-2818

NEDERLAND Grateful Meds 110 Snyder Street Nederland CO, 80466 (303) 258-7703

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One Brown Mouse, 35 E. First St. Nederland, CO 80446 (303) 258-7981

Comfort Care Centers

Cannabis Healing Arts (303) 258-0633

Tea Alchemy

1750 East Highway 24 Woodland Park, CO 80863 719-687-2221

VAIL Herbal Elements

98 Hwy 119 South, Ste 2 (303) 258-3561

(970) 331-9047


Colorado Patient Coalition

Grassland Greenhouse LLC Pueblo, CO 81004 (719) 671 8857

Marisol Therapeutics Dispensary/Caregiver Pueblo, CO 1-800-584-MARI (6274)

Organic Solutions 356 S. McCulloch Blvd. Pueblo West, CO 81007 719-547 5179

PUEBLO WEST Marisol Therapeutics Wellness Center 177 Tiffany Dr. (719) 547 4000 or (800) 584 6274

Organic Solutions 356 S McCulloch Blvd # 106 719- 547-5179

SALIDA Medical 420 7595 West Hwy 50 (719) 214-9515

SILVERTHORN High Country Healing 191 Blue River Parkway (970) 468-7858

STEAMBOAT SPRINGS Natural Choice Co-Op, LLC 1169 Hilltop Pky #104C Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970-846-7785

Rocky Mountain Remedies 2750 Downhill Plaza #205 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970-871-2768


9460 Federal Blvd. Westminster CO, 80260 303-810-8667

Herbal Remedies 3200 W. 72nd Ave. Westminster CO, 80030 303-430-0420

Rocky Mountain Healing Center LLC 9035 Wadsworth Pky Westminster, CO 80021 303-736-9023

Special Kinds 4804 W. 60th Ave. Arvada CO, 80003 303-847-3238

The Healing Center 8020 Federal Blvd. Westminster, CO 80031 303-0412-0200

WHEAT RIDGE A Kind Place 9195 W. 44th Ave. #E, Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 720-569-1666

Cannabis Kindness Center 4045 Wadsworth Blvd. Unit 306, Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 303-431-4994

NatuRx 10107 W. 37th Pl., Wheat Ridge CO, 80033 303-420-9427

WINDSOR In Harmony Wellness 4630 Royal Vista Cir. (970) 222-5555

List of Advertisers 985 Dispensary 303 Cannabis Inc. 303 Delivery ADG Herbal Medicine Affordable Medicine for Colorado Patients Alternative Medicine on Capitol Hill BC Inc. Best Card BioCare Blown Glass and Accessories Boulder Vital Herbs Broadway Wellness Canna Health CannaMed USA Cannibis Planet Chef Herb Chronic Express Chronic Wellness Colorado Alternative Medicine Colorado Care Inc Cronergy Denco Denver Patients Group Discount Medical Marijuana Doctors Orders Dr. Green Genes Earth’s Medicine Elevated Medical Ganja Gourmet Happyclinicdenver.com Herbs 4 You

Herbal Connections LLC Herbal Remedies Herbal Wellness Inc. High Society Indigenous Medicines Little Green Pharmacy Medical Marijuana Connection Medical Marijuana for Wellness Mile High Green Cross Mile High Remedies Mile High Wellness Nature’s Kiss Patient’s Choice Pike’s Peak Alternative Health Pike’s Peak Compassionate Care Remedy Care Center Rocky Mountain Healing Center Rocky Mountain Medical Marijuana Rocky Mountain Ways Southwest Alternative Care Sunnyside Alternative Medicine LLC Sweet Leaf The Farmacy The Healing House The Health Center The Kind Room The Releaf Center Urban Dispensary Very Best Medicine Zen Pharmacy

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