Southern California Kush Magazine June 2011

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southern california’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine


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32 Traces of California’s Spanish Past From the swamplands that lie below Rodeo Drive to history’s most important trailer park…a 21st century tour of a 18th century California.

60 Adam Carolla The man never shuts up and we don’t want him to! He even (finally) talks about his first time...

78 The Anti-Hemp Hemp Car? Are the Canadian developers of the Kestrel just trying to cash in on America’s ‘Green Rush?’ Or do they truly care?

84 The Best Summer Fests Kush compiles a list of California’s biggest and baddest (and weirdest) Summer Festivals.

92 On Being A Successful Stoner He’s a billionaire, she’s a billionaire, you can be a billionaire too! 6

92 inside

16 | Living Well: Sinus Headaches by Elaine Ruggieri 18 | Maximize Your Meds by Mull 22 | Hempful Hints: Yoga Gear by Valerie Fernandez

26 | This Month in Weed History: Allen Ginsberg by Jay Evans 30 | ASA Emergency Raid Response 38 | Health Report: Bad Diets by Elaine Ruggieri 42 | H&M Enchanted Edibles by Wasim Muklashy 46 | Strain Review: Garbo OG 50 | Beating the Heat by Tyler C. Davidson 52 | Steep Hill Labs by Wilson Linker 56 | Nobody Knows What’s True Anymore by Mike “The Poet” 64 | SoCal Soccer Heats Up by Alex Baker 66 | Patients Out of Time by Al Byrne 68 | FEDS: You Got SERVED! by W.A.M. 70 | Marching with Henry Hemp by Jake McGee 72 | Growers Grove: The Rain Table by Jade Kine 76 | Legislative Roundup 88 | John Muir: High Sierra Badass by Mike Marino 94 | Robert Platshorn: The Kush Interview by Gregory Daurer 96 | SoCal Live Music Preview by Dillon Zachara 98 | Healthy, Happy Summer Recipes by Chef Herb 103 | The Green Pages: Dispensary Directory


from the editors




southern california’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine

ithout sounding cliché, we felt it appropriate to use the statement “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” as the cover slogan of the June issue of Kush Magazine. In the volatile political climate that pervades the medical cannabis industry nationwide, Kush is acutely aware that in order for this industry to overcome the forces that are determined to defeat or ban medical marijuana patient’s safe access to their medicine, uniting as an industry is the most efficient weapon we possess to battle the foes that are hell bent on beating us down. This is exactly what occurred in San Diego this month when the Citizens for Patient’s Rights, comprised of collective owners and activists in San Diego, who collectively garnered over 40,000 signatures to qualify a referendum to stop implementation of the City of San Diego’s de facto ban on medical cannabis collectives. While this is only the first step in the battle with the San Diego City Council, clearly the citizens of San Diego do not support the flagrant ban that the city council adopted to remove dispensaries from the city limits (other than limited restrictively zoned areas). At the same time San Diego has been fighting to get this much needed referendum, ASA, Patients Out of Time and other Plaintiffs filed suit against the Federal Government to force the reclassification of marijuana from a Schedule 1 substance (see article on page 68). In fact, with supporting evidence from the American Medical Association and National Cancer Institute, among other prominent medical organizations, accepting the medical value both historically and currently for the cannabis plant, it is hopeful that the Federal Government will be forced to change the erroneous classification of marijuana once and for all.

Whether you are a patient, a doctor, a collective or an activist, make sure you remember the ultimate goal – to end the stigma associated with marijuana so that local and federal governmental entities and politicians stop banning access to medicine. It is clear from the most recent medical marijuana news, both locally and federally, that unity, both politically and financially, is the key to beating back the giants that are destined to stamp out the movement. While many got involved in this industry as a business opportunity, they would have never had that option were it not for the hard and grueling work of our activists over the decades. As a result, this is no longer about a single entity or view, but more about an emerging industry as a whole. So whether you are a patient, a doctor, a collective or an activist, make sure you remember the ultimate goal – to end the stigma associated with marijuana so that local and federal governmental entities and politicians stop banning access to medicine. On a lighter note, Kush is proud to usher in the summer season with great fresh recipes from our resident Chef Herb (p 98). Also, summer makes for a perfect time to explore the southland and discover the Spanish history that, as California residents, is an inherent part of all of us (p 32). This sunny season also marks the optimal time to explore the High Sierras through the eyes of America’s OG Park Ranger, John Muir (p 88). Thanks again for allowing Kush to proudly bring you the latest and greatest in medical marijuana news and culture, and, as always, medicate responsibly! Humbly, Team Kush.

A Division of Dbdotcom LLC Publishers | Dbdotcom LLC Editor in Chief | Lisa Selan Assistant Editor | Wasim Muklashy Chief Executive Officer | Bob Selan Business Development | JT Wiegman Art Directors | Robb Friedman, Joe Redmond Director of International Marketing & Public Relations | Cheryl Shuman Director of So Cal Sales | Cheryl Shuman Advertising Sales Reps | Amanda Allen, Amy DiIullo, Ed Docter, Denise Mickelson, Charlene Moran, Jason Moran, Ken Weger Designers | Avel Cupla, Marvi Khero Traffic Managers | Kevin Johnson , Alex Lamitie, Ryan Renkema, Jordan Selan, Rachel Selan Distribution Manager | Alex Lamitie Contributing Writers | Alex Baker, Al Byrne, Chef Herb, Chris Clements, Gregory Daurer, Tyler C. Davidson, Jay Evans, Valerie Fernandez, Bob Freville, Jade Kine, David Leggett, Wilson Linker, Mike Marino, Jake McGee, Wasim Muklashy, Mull, Elaine Ruggieri, Danny Savage, Mike Sonksen, W.A.M., Dillon Zachara Accounting | Dianna Bayhylle Internet Manager | Rachel Selan Team | JT Kilfoil & Houston Founder | Michael Lerner SUBSCRIPTIONS KUSH Magazine is also available by individual subscription at the following rates: in the United States, one year 12 issues $89.00 surface mzail (US Dollars only). To Subscribe mail a check for $89.00 (include your mailing address) to : DB DOT COM 24011 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200 Calabasas, CA 91302 877-623-KUSH (5874) Fax 818-223-8088 KUSH Magazine and are Tradenames of Dbdotcom LLC. Dbbotcom LLC 24011 Ventura Blvd. Suite 200 Calabasas, CA 91302 877-623-KUSH (5874) Fax 818-223-8088 To advertise or for more information Please contact or call 877-623-5874 Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the written written permission of Dbdotcom LLC.

Kush Editorial Board,


Retraction: In the April issues of Kush Magazine, Cheryl Shuman was incorrectly referred to as a member of the Board of Directors of NORML. Instead it should have said “Cheryl Shuman was the founder of Beverly Hills NORML, charter member of the NORML Women’s Alliance and serves on the steering committee for Public Relations and Marketing on an International platform.”









Every year an infinite number of people suffer from headaches. There are various levels of severity right up to excruciating agony. But is a headache simply a headache? Not exactly. There are two basic types of headaches: tension headaches and migraines. Tension headaches, which are the most common type of headache, are usually associated with a band-like tightness on one or both sides of the head. They can be anywhere from mild to severe. Stress, caffeine withdrawal, lack of sleep, straining of the eyes, not eating enough food and many other daily factors can cause tension headaches at random times in your life. Migraines, on the other hand, are chronic headaches that affect over 29 million Americans. It can be a debilitating condition with moderate to severe pain on one side of the head lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days. Migraines, more common with women than men, can lead to nausea, vomiting and light and sound sensitivity. Stress and hormones are the two most common causes of migraines. Some will argue that 90% of the time when people assume they have a sinus headache, they actually have a migraine. There seems to be some truth to that according to the Mayo Clinic. Sinus headaches fall into the secondary headache category. Many people have trouble determining if they have sinus headaches or migraines. One way to determine which one you have would be to ask yourself if… 1. 2. 3.

You have a moderate to severe headache You are experiencing nausea You have sensitivity to light

If you have two or more of the above, you most likely have a migraine and not a sinus headache. So how do you know for sure you have a sinus headache and what do you do about it? Sinus headaches are often a result of Sinusitis, which is an inflammation of the cavities in the skull. These cavities are behind your nose, cheeks, forehead and eyes. Inflammation of the sinus prevents the natural outflow of mucus causing pressure in those areas. The condition can be brought on by allergies, bacteria, viruses or autoimmune issues. Sinus conditions caused by allergies may begin as inflammation of the nasal membranes and work its way to the sinuses resulting in pressure and pain. The pain, which may start on one side of the head and work its way to the other, can be dull and constant and can get worse when bending over. High altitudes, swimming, nasal bone spurs or tumors, deviated septum, asthma, cigarette smoke and allergies are all high risk factors.

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Common Symptoms of a Sinus Headache or Sinusitis Include: • Consistent pain in the bridge of the nose, cheek bone area or forehead • Change in intensity of pain with head movement • Pressure or fullness in the ears • Post nasal drip • Yellow-green, thick discharge • Swelling of the face • Fever • Worse pain in the morning • Nasal congestion • Malaise • Fatigue • Cough Sinusitis should be treated properly and immediately because over time the infection can move to the brain or you can develop other serious medical problems. CT scans or an MRI may be necessary to determine if you, in fact, have a blockage. Typical treatment includes the administration of antibiotics for any infection and possibly the use of antihistamines. Treating the underlying sinus inflammation is the best way to combat these types of headaches. However, if you have allergies, you should seek a specialist and treat them separately. There are some common foods that should be avoided if you have problems with sinus headaches including dairy products, wheat, peanuts, corn and too much sugar. A high fiber diet free of mucous forming foods can help alleviate sinusitis. Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, is known for reducing inflammation, which may help. Before taking bromelain, consult your doctor as there could be side effects. Relaxation techniques, head and neck stretches, steam inhalation and saline nasal sprays can offer relief for sinus congestion. When all else fails and depending on the cause, your ENT doctor may recommend endoscopic sinus surgery or balloon rhinoplasty. Determining what type of headache you have may not be easy, but it is necessary so you can take the proper measures to control them before they control you. --Elaine is the former host of “The Shape Fitness Show” on 97.1FM and 980AM in Los Angeles. Check out her site at


: r e i l p i t l u Force M

Cannabis lovers go to a lot of effort to maximize their buzzes; spending plenty of time, energy, and money to obtain or grow great buds. Yet we often overlook one simple thing we can do to ensure we maximize our buzzes. The secret is not in better nutrients or using a special vaporizer. The secret lies within us, each and every one of us. It acts as a force multiplier, amplifying the effects of whatever bud we are smoking.

attribute it to the cannabis. If we don’t, we blame the cannabis, however, to get the maximum effect from our buds, we need to get back to the basics, and take an active part in creating our buzzes.

One way to do this is by making your first smoke of the day into a ritual, and what is helpful in a ritual is the mindful intent and special attention and care given to the actions we choose. Eventually you can tailor-make your rituals into something perfectly adapted for you, but for now try the following ‘ritual’ and see how it works for you:

Normally, many of us simply light up a bowl without thinking go through the motions almost by habit. If we do get ‘high’ we

Sit in a comfortable chair (or place) and run through a ‘pre- flight’ check list, observing how your body feels. Notice how you feel in general, and any places where pain and tension exist. Begin by ‘scanning’ the body - starting with the head and working down to the toes. Don’t react to the pain - simply take stock of it, notice it - you are simply being present in your body and mind, finding out where you are now before you move on. Look at the bud you are going to smoke as if it was your first time ever seeing one. Observe its beauty and natural symmetry Allow a sense of gratitude to wash over you as you do. You are totally lucky, to be here now, in this particular minute, getting ready to smoke this particular nug. Pick it up, looking even more closely at it. Smell it, savoring the essential and powerful scent. Check out your pipe (if you’re using one), being glad it is not broken, being glad that you chose such a cool pipe. Filling each motion with grace and intent, load a bowl (or roll a joint all the while relishing your freedom of choice). Enjoy the smooth glass of the pipe on your skin, the slightly rough texture and sticky sweetness of the plant as you load it.

Look around you. Be glad you are where you are. Let your awareness expand to all the good things in your life, and your heart beat with the rhythm of new life. Smile. You are one of the lucky ones.

With this feeling of gratitude in mind, light up and take your first hit. Savor the feel of the smoke in your mouth and lungs,

l by Mul


feel its power as it flows into your blood. Close your eyes. As your attention takes a tour through your body, notice the difference in feeling and sensation between the present moment and how you felt at the start. Be glad, relishing the sensations. Allow this relaxed space to imprint itself in your brain and in every cell of your body.

Put on some music you like, preferably something instrumental and mellow. Silence is also wonderful and allows one to be more aware of what is going on in body and mind, but if you prefer music, go with it.

With each breath, send more of the gladness and relaxation you feel into every cell of your body. Enjoy this sensation. Send extra attention to any places that feel tight, painful, or uncomfortable. Now send your attention to your mind; observe its workings and thoughts as you would the passing clouds on a summer day. Notice any difference in feeling from when you first took stock, and be glad for the change. You have helped create this change and this space by adding your non-judgmental attention and observation to the process. Allow your attention to relax and just simply feel. Take another hit if you feel the need. Feel how the smoke exits your lungs, how they fill back up with air - the power of life. Feel the buzz slowly begin to creep over you, as your mind and body relax. Slip into the flow of life, allow it to rise in you as you synchronize with the world. Be happy as you smoke and bring that happiness out into the world when you are done. Make a deal with yourself to stay present, to not to ruin your nice buzz with any bad feelings or negative thoughts. Be gentle and kind with yourself and others. Enjoy the feel of the air on your skin, the life throbbing within you, the crystalline clarity of your being.

Now that’s maximizing your experience!




Hempful Hints

by Valerie Fernandez

Flex Your

Mind, Body, & Soul with Hemp Yoga Gear

With as many types of yoga as there are strains of Marijuana, it takes some individual exploration to see what’s right for you. Is it physical, mental, or even religious that this act that can give one a literal high, as well as take us to a state of enlightenment, insight, and tranquility? It can be all of the above, and to bring the two worlds together, what could be better than yoga products made from hemp? It’s really a perfect marriage bound with holistic ties and spiritual outcomes. Our friends at have most hemp products covered, and now they have yoga selections too. They offer hemp yoga and meditation mats as well as hemp yoga straps. Strong enough and stylish enough to double as a floor mat for any entry hall, these colorful hand-woven products start out as organically grown hemp from Europe, are PVC and synthetics-free, and have a zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compound). Unlike other PVC mats that can get slippery and soggy, these yoga mats are naturally absorbent and breathable and can be machine washed and laid flat to dry. Why not stretch out on something natural? Now that you’ve got your hemp mat, you may as well keep it rolled up nicely in a hemp yoga mat bag. This will keep your mat fresh, and prevent it from getting ruined or sun bleached in the back seat of your car. This stylish and organic bag is fairly priced at $21.95, and can be found online at This site has a little bit of everything, from design fashion and baby clothes, to furniture and tech gadgets - all with an eco-green twist. If you’re reading KUSH, and doing yoga, it’ll do you good to get hip to this green site. When you’re looking good, you’re feeling good, and if you’re already doing yoga, than you probably look and feel pretty good. If you’re more flexible than fashionable, or not quite sure, head over to This site has a variety of cool, sexy hemp clothes, and specifically yoga wear, with unique colors and styles. Made locally in San Francisco, they use a local fair-labor sewing factory, dye house and screen printer. If you’re reading this article because it’s the last one in this issue you haven’t read (and you’re more into growing and smoking than crouching or stretching), maybe you have a boyfriend or girlfriend who’s into yoga and you could use a clever gift to keep things fresh. We have your key to happiness wrapped up in one web site This site has everything from help with breathing techniques to hemp Bolsters, clothes, mats, blocks, props, and DVDs. This one-stop-yoga-shop will have you and your partner looking good, feeling good, and breathing good. There’s even a blog community for those who want to converse more on the subject. So whether you are new to the game and wouldn’t know a Half Moon Pose from a Monkey Pose—or maybe you are a certifiable guru who can fit into a box - either way, KUSH suggests you take a little time every day to relax, and an easy and efficient way to do it is to breathe and stretch. Breathe stretch - breathe – stretch. Let yoga be part of your routine. It’ll not only make you healthier, but it’ll help increase your lung capacity (just saying).





This Month In Weed History

With so much happening socially, politically, musically, artistically and culturally in the late 1950s and into the 60s, there are only a few people who can be called the head of an actual “movement.” There was Martin Luther King Jr. of course, who lead the civil rights movement and preached equality through nonviolence. There were the Kennedys, Elvis, The Beatles, The Stones, Bob Dylan, and many other greats who would define what we listened to, how we cut our hair, wore our clothes, and smoked our joints. Artists like Warhol defined a whole “pop” movement, using everyday items as the latest subject matter. This was an era that spawned many great movements, many of which are not long forgotten. Emerging from that scene, and practically threading all of the other movements together, was a “beat” poet named Irwin Allen Ginsberg, born June 3, 1926. We celebrate this man’s lifelong work and accomplishments, not only in the name of free speech and protest, but also out of sheer chutzpah and moxy. This outspoken leader displayed both. Coming out of the post war era, street corners were filling up with disenchanted youth, or the “beats” as they were soon called. Speaking out on controversial subject matters like politics, sex, drugs, activism, and freedoms - they were perceived as beaten down youth, drug addicts, and petty thief hustlers, who would bum or hitchhike their way around America. As leader of this thriving new movement, Ginsberg didn’t see the beats as delinquents, but rather people of intense conviction and character. The term “Beatnik” arose from this period, and was prelude to the “Hippie” movement, and the Woodstock Generation. It’s even safe to say that the latest “Hipster” movement is a direct derivative of Ginsberg’s work. Hey, if we’re building the family tree, these branches don’t lie. Any hipster worth his or her single-speed bicycle has probably at least heard of Allen Ginsberg. If not before, than definitely after this article. While Ginsberg and fellow beatnik Jack Kerouac were helping define this movement through the written word, a free verse style of poetry, political and social gatherings, and freedom of speech, the government was busy trying to peg Ginsberg as a defiant pornographer, claiming that his poem “Howl,” about the taboo subject of homosexuality, was against the First Amendment. While his use of terms like “c**ksucker,” “f**ked in the ass” prob-


ably didn’t help, Ginsberg still won the case after a judge found the poem to have “redeeming social importance.” With McCarthyism fresh on American’s minds, Ginsberg must have feared for his freedom, and possibly his life. This modest, un-daunting figure had the courage of a lion. Ginsberg not only stood up for his, yours, and my rights as an American, but he laid the groundwork for others at the time, like John Lennon, Timothy Leary, George Carlin and others who seemed to thrive in the cross-hairs of the authorities. This wasn’t an easy period, especially for those who were not only trying to change societal rules, but also for those coming out of the closet, as Ginsberg proudly spoke of his homosexuality. Ginsberg’s liberal thoughts on sexuality often found him under the scope of suspicion, and followed him throughout his adult life. Ginsberg’s influence reached far beyond his own movement. It’s never shocking to see him pop up in photos of just about everything that was hip during that period: from hanging with the Beatles and Dylan, to swinging at Studio 54 and celebrating the famous “bed in” with John and Yoko. As off “beat” as he may have seemed, Ginsberg always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. He was the true original “Hipster.”




The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and local law enforcement agencies continue to raid medical cannabis providers, even if the provider’s conduct is legal under state law and complies with all city and county regulations. Medical cannabis providers need to prepare themselves, both mentally and operationally, for a raid. Until federal law is harmonized with state law and state laws are fully implemented, raids are always a possibility. Preparing for a raid does not have to be an exercise in paranoia. In fact, knowing that you are as prepared as you can be may ease anxiety. The Americans for Safe Access Raid Response campaign only works if a community is prepared in advance; this means providers and the community alike. We developed this campaign to provide support to victims of law enforcement raids and frame the media coverage. We have orchestrated over 200 emergency Raid Response efforts, which have supported countless victims and helped frame this issue as a patients’ rights issue in the media

How it works: When ASA is alerted by the community that a raid is progress, all ASA staff stop their work and turn their attention to the encounter and begin the following steps:

Step 1: ASA staff looks in our database to see if we

have information about the person or center being raided. This database comes from the medical cannabis provider filling out the “Let ASA Help in the Event of a Raid” online form or sending in the worksheet. If we do not have any information, it can be hard to carry out the rest of the campaign, so it’ll do you good to visit and fill out the form right away.

Step 2: Confirm raid

ASA gets false alarms about raids everyday. If the medical cannabis provider has filed out the “Let ASA Help in the Event of a Raid” form, then we have several individuals we can contact to verify reports of a raid.

Step 3: Launch the Raid Response:

• Contact the medical cannabis

• Contact local media

• Send out text alert to the community

• Contact spokespeople from “Let ASA Help in the Event of a Raid” form • Track individuals through the legal system

provider’s attorneys and support system

Step 4: Follow up

What happens after a raid can be as important as what happens during a raid.

• Issue press release

• Convene local activist for next steps

• Issue national action alert

• Support victims

The steps above are ASA’s commitment of support during and after a raid, but for these responses to have real impact, it is important that communities are prepared in advance to carry out their part of this campaign. For all the resources you need to organize this campaign in your community, visit, click on the Projects tab, and jump into the Raid Center. 30 30


hot days especially, I can’t help but think about

quality. Each Mission shared common activities like the raising of cattle and

California before all of the concrete…before the

sheep, but they also each possessed their own unique qualities depending on

congestion. What was it like before all the people…the billboards…the build-

their landscape and local climate.

ings? After all, it really wasn’t that long ago that California was the wild, wild

Even Beverly Hills has deep roots with the Spanish past. In the late 18th

west. The closest links to this history are the myriad of Spanish missions, 19th

Century, it was called Rancho Rodeo de las Aguas, which translates into ‘the

Century adobe homes and many other historical sites scattered throughout

ranch of the gathering waters.’ Hard to believe now, but before all its plastic

nearly every city in our state, many of which are in our own backyards. I figured,

surgery, Beverly Hills was swampland - a landscape of marshlands and willow

why not take a Saturday afternoon and visit these “Traces of the Spanish past.”

thickets. Even the famous boulevard, “La Cienega,” translates into ‘the swamp,’

The Spanish, and later Mexican, influence dates back to the 21 Spanish Catholic Missions built along the coast under the direction of Father Junipero

and Rodeo Drive, named in honor of the Spanish past, was the main street of Beverly Hills when it was first developed in 1906.

Serra. The missions stretched from San Diego to San Francisco over two Cen-

The Pueblo of Los Angeles Historical Monument in downtown Los An-

turies ago. Connected by “El Camino Real,” much of which comprises today’s

geles is where the original Los Angeles pueblo was founded under Spanish

101 freeway, each one was about a day’s walk apart, roughly 35 miles or so.

Rule in 1781. 44 settlers of Native American, African and European origin

Cities we now know, such as San Juan Capistrano, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara,

established a farming community along the nearby waterway, now known as

San Luis Obispo, San Francisco and much of the California coast derive their

the Los Angeles River. The Pueblo is now a living museum celebrating the

names from this Spanish past.

birthplace of Los Angeles.

Early in my tour-guiding career in 1997 I drove a 15-passenger van from

The northern area of the Pueblo is where Olvera Street resides. Olvera

San Diego to San Francisco. I began seeing as many of the Missions as I could

Street is the infamous pedestrian-only thoroughfare turned Mexican market-

when I passed through cities like Monterey and Ventura. That’s when I learned

place. Named in 1877 after the first judge of the city, Olvera Street has been

that Santa Barbara’s Mission set the archetype for their city’s design codes. As

closed to automobile traffic since 1930. Packed in this cozy block are open-air

a result, the entire city looks like a smaller version of a red-tile adobe mission.

vendors selling everything from sombreros and scarves and sandals to purses,

The mission built in San Francisco in 1776 is the oldest building in the city,

ponchos, piñatas, and puppets. There are several restaurants, cafes and can-

and even managed to survive the 1906 Earthquake and fire. Standing stronger

tinas on Olvera Street. LA Luz del Dia serves authentic Mexican food, offering

than ever it is located at the intersection of 16th and Dolores Street. The Mis-

affordable generous plates. Olvera Street also plays host to The Avila Adobe.

sion San Francisco de Asis, also called the Mission Dolores Basilica, is the very

Built in 1818, it is the oldest home in the city.

reason why that area in San Francisco is called “the Mission District.”

A map from the 19th Century displayed outside of the Avila Adobe shows

Los Angeles itself was founded in 1781 a decade after the Mission San Ga-

how Los Angeles was subdivided during the Rancho era. Once the Missions

briel Arcangel had been built 10 miles east in 1771. In it’s currently restored

lost their influence, the rise of the Rancho Era filled that void. Land grants

state, this, the oldest structure in Los Angeles County, is virtually museum

were dispersed to prominent soldiers and the imperial court by the Spanish


crown. The names of many of the Ranchos should be familiar to Southern

Gate - the south gate of the property,” explains Kim Cooper from Esotouric

California locals: Rancho San Pedro, Rancho Los Feliz, Rancho Los Alamitos,

Tours. “This fascinating home sits smack dab in the middle of a 65-year old

Rancho Los Cerritos, Rancho Las Cienegas, Rancho LA Brea, Rancho Cu-

trailer park on the banks of the Rio Hondo River in Bell Gardens. Between

camonga, Rancho Santa Anita and Rancho San Bernardino. Furthermore the

the layers of context at this site is the history of migration and growth in the

men who owned these homes ought also be familiar: Sepulveda, Figueroa,

Southland - from Spanish land grants to the dust bowl to the vast waves of

Centinela and Pico.

stucco suburbs.”

One of these men, Pio Pico, is of particular interest. He was the last Mexi-

It’s no exaggeration to say almost every town in California has some

can Governor of California, and his mansion, adjacent to the 605 Freeway,

historic building or site connected to the Spanish agrarian past. One of

lies at the intersection of Pico Rivera, Whittier and the San Gabriel River. Pio

the few tour companies that feature this is Esotouric Tours. Founded by

Pico is one of the few men to have lived under three jurisdictions. He was

wife-and-husband team, Kim Cooper and Richard Schave, they explore

born a Spaniard in 1790, lived as a two-term Mexican governor, and died an

forgotten sites like the Rancho San Antonio and countless other hidden

American citizen.

locales around the Southland.

Some of the other notable Ranchos and adobes include the Sanchez Adobe

Enjoying history within the landscape is about appreciating the moment.

in Montebello, which dates back to 1845, and in the Bixby Knolls area of Long

It’s easy to take for granted the street you use every day or the large old build-

Beach you’ll find the Los Cerritos Rancho House, otherwise known as Ran-

ing you always pass. Southern California’s Spanish history and agrarian land-

cho Los Cerritos. Historians regard it as the biggest and most opulent adobe

scape still remain sprinkled through the wasteland. Watch for the signs along

dwelling built in Southern California during the Mexican era.

the road and don’t be afraid to delve inside to savor a slice of old California.

Move a bit west and you’ll run into Rancho Los Alamitos, or “Ranch of

One final note: Be sure to check the location’s hours online before visiting

the Little Cottonwoods,” which neighbors Cal State Long Beach. Built in 1806,

- budget cuts have cut the hours for most state parks and historic sites, some

Rancho Los Alamitos was assigned by the Spanish Crown to Juan Jose Nieto.

of which are only able to open two days a week. All the more reason to visit…

After Nieto’s time, Abel Stearns, and then ultimately the Bixby family, owned

show the state that these are an important part of our history that the citizens

the home for several generations. It grew into an elegant 18-room ranch

value, and every effort should be made to preserve their important and ever-

house, which the Bixby family eventually turned over to the city during the

important legacy.

Sixties. The location is now a museum that includes a tour of the ranch house, gardens, grounds and livestock. The forest of cottonwood trees and willow thickets surrounding the rancho today stand prouder than ever. Tucked away in the streets of Bell Gardens is the Rancho San Antonio, built in 1808. “One of the oldest adobe structures in Los Angeles County,

Mike the PoeT aka Mike Sonksen is a Spoken Word Artist, Tourguide, Educator, Journalist, and Historian based in The City of Angels.

it was built by the Lugo family, whose rancho spread all the way to South







Diet plans have become a multi-billion dollar industry that seems to keep growing. Approximately 45 million Americans go on some sort of diet every year. Unfortunately, 95% of all diets fail causing many to either give up hope or consider unhealthy measures. What most people do not realize is that dieting can be the very cause of the problem. Dieting slows down your metabolism. Eventually your slow metabolism will become a permanent problem making weight loss seem impossible. Your body requires food for energy. If you do not supply your body with enough food, it will store body fat as it goes into survival mode. Therefore, when you burn calories from exercise or daily activities, you will lose muscle mass instead of body fat. Every pound of muscle burns 35 to 55 calories a day. Having a healthy muscle to fat ratio is the key to success. This is why it is important to incorporate strength training into your weight loss program. It is crucial to, at the very least, maintain the muscle you currently have as you lose weight. The average diet plan is designed to put a person on a calorie deficit with the idea that if you eat less than you will lose weight. Actually, this can be counterproductive because if you are on too much of a deficit, your body will store fat and burn through muscle. You may see temporary results but what you may not realize is that you are hurting yourself in the long run. Sooner or later you will stop the diet and merge back into your regular eating habits. Over time, you will notice the weight creep up on you. This is because you have slowed your metabolism down. Unfortunately, the weight you put back on will be made up of fat and not the muscle you lost. Now you weigh more, have a higher body fat percentage and a slower metabolism. So, like most Americans, you will start a new diet and the vicious cycle all over again. How do you know how many calories you should consume without knowing how many you burn each day? For best results, find out how many calories you burn. Once you know that, you can determine how many calories you need each day to lose weight, maintain muscle and reach your overall goal in a healthy and realistic way. Generally, the average person should have five to seven meals a day. Eating within 30 minutes of waking up in the morning will jump-start your metabolism. A breakfast that consists of oatmeal, whole grain cereal, fruit and/or toast is a perfect start. Eat every three to four hours thereafter to keep the body going. Too many hours between meals can slow your metabolism. The meals between breakfast, lunch and dinner can consist

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by Elaine Ruggieri

of simple snacks such as fruit, cheese sticks, protein shakes, yogurt or almonds. The idea that you should not eat after a certain time at night is a myth. Some people find that eating too late keeps them up all night but it is not likely the problem with weight gain as long as you stay within your daily calorie range. In fact, if you are someone who likes to stay up very late, you may want to have a small, late-night snack that is high in protein and low in calories and fat, such as plain tuna (4oz) or a protein shake with water or low fat milk. There is a difference between fat loss and weight loss. Losing fat will likely lead you to a healthy weight that you can realistically maintain throughout your life, whereas focusing on just losing weight will put you on the same path as those who struggle, such as Kirstie Alley and Oprah Winfrey. The yo-yo effect is common - particularly among women.

• • • •

Loss of body fat Losing inches instead of weight Eating five to seven meals a day Knowing how many calories you currently burn each day and going on a slight deficit.

• Eating an hour before you work out to fuel your muscles and prevent muscle loss • Eating/consuming protein within 30 minutes after a workout to help with recovery and replenish nutrients • Strength training to maintain or add muscle along with cardiovascular exercise (Too much cardio can be counterproductive as well. No more than 45 minutes/5-6 days a week.) • Proper supplements when necessary Most of all, it is important not to be so hard on yourself. Create a plan that you will stick with for the rest of your life. Allow yourself one cheat day a week so you do not feel completely deprived of your favorite foods.

Elaine is the former host of "The Shape Fitness Show" on 97.1FM and 980AM in Los Angeles. Check out her site at




Chocolate…mmmm…sugar…ooohhh. If you don’t have a soft-spot for the deliciousness rooted in the cacao bean and the sugar cane, then, well, quite frankly, there’s unarguably something wrong with you…you’re clearly not human. But for the rest of you, ‘Feel Bliss,’ ‘Grant A Wish,’ and ‘Get The Giggles,’ for this new brand of medicated edibles are about to leave you as Enchanted as their individual slogans suggest. Let we introduce to you H&M Enchanted Edibles: There’s the well and there’s the top shelf, and, well, Enchanted Edibles are well on their way to not only trailblazing an untapped path in the gourmet cannabis edible market, but, after seeing and tasting their product, they’re poised to filling that top shelf all on their own. Not surprising, considering Heather, the culinary artist behind these delectable treats (and the individual behind the ‘H’ in H&M), is a Le Cordon Bleu trained chef. Why did she decide to go the cannabis route? “I started sampling the edibles currently on the market. After choking down a few nasty brownies I quickly decided that it was my duty to bring enjoyable edibles onto the scene.” Heather has been baking since she was 5, and as her talents grew, her mission became clearer. “Enchanted Edibles are my expression of ‘traditional recipes with a rebellious twist,’” she explains. “I really do love all my flavors. I agonize over the recipes and would never put out a product that I didn’t think was going to knock your socks off.


With flavors like Lemon Lavender (Eat Me To Inspire), Peanut Butter Cup (Eat Me To Just Be), Maple Pecan Coconut (Eat Me To Go Nighty Night), as well as a myriad of gluten free options, it’s hard to see these in your local dispensary’s case and pass them by…and if looks aren’t enough, the aroma is sure to complete the seduction. “These are…delicious,” tells us Don Duncan, President of The Los Angeles Patients & Caregivers Group. “The most popular selection we have here at the collective.” Ok…I’ve had enough! We had to try ‘em…so we reached out to H&M and when I showed up to work a few days later, a personal deliveryman was sitting there already waiting for me with a smile on his face and an elegant truffle box in hand. Good morning! To my chagrin, but my editor’s insistence, I distributed the contents amongst the staff to get the best assortment of professional opinions possible. The comments I got back included things like “Scary delicious! I forgot I was eating a ‘medicated’ treat,” “If Betty Crocker were a patient, this would be her medicine,” and “ZANG!!” So if you want to try them, get your dispensary to carry them. Have them contact The Enchantress by email at, by phone at 323.656.4714, or through their website,




Strain Review by Rowr


She was sexy, seductive, mysterious, elegant, pleasantly deceptive, and commanded your utmost attention…and she smelled fantastic too! All this from the first hit (oh…and the actress wasn’t so bad either).

beginning with the fresh citrusy sweet taste, more than made up for it. It wasn’t long before she proved to provide a very energetic effect - not exactly the stimulating madness of a full-blood saliva but more of an uplifting focused cerebral energy.

All joking aside, the citrusy piney aroma that wafted through the air once the jar was opened seemed to grab our senses and smack a smile right onto our anticipatory little faces. It was like a walk through a meadow without ever leaving the living room. With perfectly manicured and timely harvested buds, dense, dark, bright orange-amber hairs, and sparkly sticky diamondlike trichomes that would make Greta’s ring finger proud, this is a full-flavor strain that is sure to find a permanent spot in your medicine cabinet.

Ultimately, Garbo showed to offer a very powerful effect, but not the sort to knock you out and render you finished for the day or night. Quite the contrary. It actually provided a motivating sense and a feeling of increased awareness. One noticeable side effect, for better or for worse (depending on the contents of your fridge or your proximity to a market), was the semi-intense munchies. Whether Greta would approve or not, we surely didn’t care when we decided a packet of blueberries and a jar of Nutella seemed an appropriately satiable solution.

To keep in line with Greta’s reclusive nature, the genetics of Garbo OG, a sativa-dominant hybrid exclusive to Chatsworth’s Green Horizon, are kept as sort of a ‘trade secret,’ however, just like Greta’s public life, the effects and benefits of this strain are absolutely impossible to keep under wraps. Upon initial smoke, be vigilant and careful, for she packs a powerful punch…while not exactly the smoothest grapes in the glass, everything thereafter,

Medicinally, Garbo OG is a top shelf strain that provides exceptional relief for the pain and discomfort, especially that associated with Muscular Sclerosis and Arthritis. It also proves a perfect medicine for back pain and migraines, as well as anxiety. No matter your ailment, Garbo OG provides a very soothing and clear effect that does one thing best…allows you to enjoy a finer quality of life.




WITH MIN 60 DONATION not from 5 gram board



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Just Minutes from:



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1/8th / Oz. 55 / 375 45 / 325 45 / 325 45 / 325 45 / 325 45 / 325 45 / 325 40 / 300 40 / 300 40 / 300 40 / 300 40 / 300 35 / 275 35 / 275 35 / 275 35 / 275 35 / 220 35 / 220 30 / 200 20 / 150







Eighth & Ounce Specials Platinum Fire OG Fire OG Firewalker OG Kush King Louie XIII King Henry VIII Platinum Bubba Kush Platinum God’s Gift Super Skunk Grand Daddy Purple Blue Skunk Violator Kush King Bubba Kush Berry Pineapple Express Purple Cream Sour Diesel Silver Kush Durban Poison Mango Haze Orange Wreck


Welcome my cultivating compadres! After all the rain this year, people could be forgiven for forgetting that the season of extreme heat is upon us - and I for one can hardly wait! Outdoor grilling, days at the lake, tubing down the river, waterskiing, windsurfing…

which can then be used to cool the room. This is about twice as efficient as using air conditioners so the initial extra expense will be repaid in the form of electricity savings. You want to buy a unit with at least 50% more cooling capacity as your calculations say you’ll need, so it can cycle off regularly.

funny how so many of our favorite summer pastimes involve some way of

I have always been reluctant to bring in outside air to heat or cool a

cooling off, but what about our precious little green friends? Once again,

grow room, due to uncontrollable temperature swings, but since most

faithful growers, I bring you easy and effective tips to help keep you from

homes already have a built-in HVAC system, why not use it? After all, your

frying your plants, and just in the nick of time!

house is carefully engineered to regulate temperature to comfortable

First, it’s essential to know your local conditions - both in your town and in your grow room. Keep in mind that your growing area is its own little microclimate, affected by the inputs from your equipment, its location inside the building, even which side of the house it’s on. A word about air conditioning vs. evaporative cooling is in order; the differences are many. First, air conditioning cools, and dehumidifies, the existing air in the room; it does not exchange much, if any, air with the outside. A swamp cooler by contrast depends on a large volume of outside airflow, and it does this by ADDING humidity. This is why I recommend evaporative cooling for most arid west applications - cool air and higher humidity are both desirable. If you live where it’s very humid (regularly over 70%) then air conditioning is the better choice. Now in order for a swamp cooling system to work properly, air has to flow through the system in large volumes to get OUT as efficiently as it’s being pumped in. Since hot air rises, your best bet is to place your exhaust vents at or near the top of the room. It is important to have fans pushing air out through these vents, as well as the blower in your swamp cooler pumping air in, to help ensure adequate air turnover. Done properly, this can easily keep temperatures 20 or 30 degrees cooler than ambient!

levels, so drawing air from inside the house and exhausting it outside is a great way to keep costs down while effectively regulating temperature. Another good option is to set your flowering schedule to be on at night, and off during the hot part of the day. Again, be sure there is enough cool air flowing through to keep temperatures and humidity levels stable. Now, how to keep the scent from permeating your home? When designing your air movement system, keep in mind that the airflow of the fans sucking air out of your grow room must be higher than the pressure of fans pushing air into it, or air will inevitably find cracks to push through and transport the smell to the rest of the house. If you’re like me, you don’t want to advertise the presence of a grow room to everyone who walks through the front door, so keeping a relatively high airflow rate through the grow room helps reduce scent buildup and reduces the need for expensive filtration systems - and it’s good for the plants. So, to recap; cool your hot dry air with an evaporative cooling system if your climate allows it, pull it through your grow room reasonably quickly to maximize convective heat transfer, and be sure your exhaust fan is powerful and well sealed to prevent leaks and reduce pressure buildup in the grow room which may lead to odors inside your home. If you live where the humidity is too high to use swamp coolers, your best choice may be air

To keep air on its intended path, you want to be sure that the venting

conditioning and a sealed room setup. For larger commercial operations

system doesn’t leak air between the fan and the actual exit of the grow

the goals remain the same, the equipment necessary to achieve them is

room. The better this seal, the more efficient the system. Typical leak points

just bigger.

include any openings between the fan housing and the exhaust port, like the window frame, or the ducting. Even simple materials such as duct tape and plastic sheeting will work to seal air leaks. Now, back to air-conditioning in more humid climates - because the lights in your room add heat, you need to make some decisions about how to effectively deal with it. The two main options are to either do flow through ventilation or a sealed room approach. If you go with a sealed room setup, keep in mind that the air conditioning has to handle not only the outside heat that seeps into your room, but also all the heat generated by equipment inside, such as lights, ballasts, CO2 burners and the like. I suggest spending the extra money to get chiller units as they cool water,

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That’s it for now, so stay safe and happy growing! Feel free to send any comments or questions to me at and I’ll be happy to answer them!


Steep Hill Lab Expert Hash-maker works with Steep Hill Lab to Learn More About Ice Water Extraction For as long as people have been using cannabis as medicine, they have been concentrating its sticky glands to make hashish (hash) for consumption. A multitude of techniques have been used to make it; some intuitive and basic while others can be complicated or potentially dangerous. At Steep Hill Lab we have seen some extremely unique hashes extracted using proprietary processes. Whether the extract artist uses their hands, volatile organic compounds or ice water, the goal is to extract as much of the medicine as possible while discarding plant matter. Cannabinoids are greatly hydrophobic (not water soluble) which is the reason water has been the preferred solvent of hash makers for centuries. Also, trichromes are malleable at room temperature but become brittle when cooled. The combination of these two properties of cannabinoids explains why the majority of hash on the medical cannabis market is made from an ice water extraction. Today’s most common technique uses multiple extraction bags with silkscreen bottoms that filter plant material and separate trichromes, plant waxes and terpenes. Most people use an assortment of bags with different silkscreen sizes ranging from 25-220 micron.

Generally hashes are judged by their flavor, potency and melt. Flavor and potency are obvious and melt can be explained by how an extraction reacts to heat. Does it burn or does it dissolve into a bubbly liquid? Traditionally the hash collected in the bags outfitted with the 73 and 45-micron silkscreens have the best melting properties if processed correctly. In order to test the theory touted by many cannabis enthusiasts that increased melt should correlate to increased potency, we contacted Sonoma county hash guru Matt Rize. Matt collected multiple samples from a batch of Jack Herer hash in order to help us get a deeper look into the ice water bag separation technique. The idea is to use silk-screen filters in descending size in order to isolate as much cannabinoid rich material as possible. For the experiment Matt collected samples for potency testing of the source material and the hash produced in each of the bags he used; 190, 160, 120, 73, 45, 25 microns respectively. He also sampled the spent material left over at the end of the extraction process. At Steep Hill Lab, we dissolved each sample in hexane and analyzed them in our 7890 A Agilent gas chromatograph. Jack Herer

120-45 micron Jack Herer Ice Wax

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(continued on page 54)


Steep Hill Lab is a classically high THC strain and for that reason we solely concentrated on THC data. The fragrances of the samples submitted for the project were nearly indistinguishable from the piney- musky Jack Herer plants they came from. The THC percentages for the source and waste material and the assorted micron bags are displayed in Jack Herer Water Hash Potency Graph. The graph shows the highest THC percentage from the 25 micron bag and the lowest from 160/190 micron bag. Matt, our master hash maker found the results of our experiment useful. He said, “This is going to change the way I collect trichomes for infusion. I've been infusing the 120 to 190 micron range [products], keeping the 45 to 120 microns for smoking, and letting 0 to 45 go to waste.” The 49.34% THC from the 25 micron bag surprised Matt the most. He had not been using this bag because it slows down the drain stage. The cumbersome process of shaking and squeezing the water out of the final 25 micron bag dissuades many ice water enthusiasts. Now Matt says he will be using the 25 to 45 micron range for infusions since it yielded the highest THC in the bunch. The theory that the strongest medicine has the best melting properties is not necessarily true. Lab analysis like this can alter even a master hash maker’s technique to become even more lucrative.

So much more goes into expert hash production than simply the choice of source material, agitation and straining. Cleanliness is next to godliness with ice water concentrate making because the adhesive qualities of wet water hash make it a magnet for hair, lint and other airborne contaminants. Drying and curing hash is as important as it is with flowers and some believe it to be more difficult. Hash stored or pressed too early can harbor a cornucopia of species of fungi and yeasts. Many an inexperienced hash maker has believed their hash to be dry, put it a jar, screwed the lid on tight and came back to something looking more like Einstein’s coiffure than heavenly hashish. It is also important to note that just as the cannabinoids are concentrated in hash production, so are pesticide residues. With all the options available to the modern consumer, choosing wisely is easier than ever. With the aid of laboratory generated quality control and cannabinoid analysis it has never been easier to go home with the greatest stuff on earth…happy hashing! For more information about cannabis analysis


By Wilson Linker, Steep Hill Lab Account Manager, host of Cannabis Cuts (, and AnnaRae Grabstein (CEO Steep Hill Lab). Images by Matt Rize of and Eric Rosete

This data clearly shows that I've been throwing out potent medicine in the 25 to 45 micron range.

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Upon entering the studio I didn’t hear any formal greetings between Adam and his staff, instead Adam began talking to the room (and no one in particular) about the poor design of his key chain car alarm. It seemed to be an ongoing discussion, and like most of his rants, it was not only funny but it was also so simple and logical that I wondered why I hadn’t thought of it myself. What I’ve always heard about Adam Carolla is that he is exactly the same guy off-air as on. That proved it. Part of Adam’s appeal is that when he gets going on a tirade he seems to make himself angrier and angrier and works himself up the more he goes. And he can get just as angry about war in the Middle East as he can about the inefficiency of ketchup packets. But there’s a method to his madness. Behind every rant there is a logic that is so concise that it makes you feel like you’ve always felt the same way even when you hadn’t…or didn’t know how to say it. Adam has often said that what he loves about radio is it enables you to build a relationship between host and audience in a way that television won’t allow. Podcasting has taken that relationship to a new level. It all began when CBS-owned KLSX decided to change formats in 2009 in favor of a top-40 format. This effectively rendered Adam unemployed. His producer and childhood friend Donny Misraje (‘The Weez’) suggested they begin podcasting as a way to keep the connection with the audience while they plot their next move, and it has worked beyond their wildest expectations. By some estimates, his podcast is being downloaded more than 200,000 times a day, a feat that has landed the former host of The Man Show and Loveline a Guinness World Record for most downloaded podcast ever. As a fellow podcaster (, my co-host Danny Savage and I were excited when Kush Magazine gave us the opportunity to sit down with one of our heroes and a pioneer in this emerging medium. We met with Adam in “The Pirate Ship” (his pet name for his studio) to chat about pot, parenting, and podcasting.



Here’s how it went: Danny: You spent a lot of time talking to teenagers on Loveline. Do you think much about what it’s going to be like when your twins become teenagers? Adam: They’re going to be a disaster in high school anyway you slice it. I mean you’ve got your choice: your son’s going to do some donuts in the parking lot of the supermarket when its closed, your daughter’s going to sneak out and hook up with her boyfriend in the 11th grade, then you have the full-blown junkie, “lets light a hobo on fire!” Or “lets get pregnant and then light a hobo on fire!” So, you know, there’s shades and grades - you know your kid’s going to try pot, he’s going to try a beer, but is the kid going to be a full blown drug addict? Is the kid going to drop out of 10th grade and follow Phish around the country? So what you try to do at this point is you just try to work with them as much as you can so they’re just sort of minor fuck-ups in high school.

Danny: So, as far as your kids trying pot and beer…do you feel it’s inevitable and would you be against it?

die or that there is a difference between pot and PCP, then all of a sudden they look at the people that told them like they’re all liars. That’s why the message should be ‘no, pot’s not going to kill you and no it’s not going to make you go insane. Sure there’s a place for it but, no, you don’t want to get totally baked and get behind the wheel of a school bus. And if you wake and bake every morning you’re probably not going to climb that corporate ladder as quickly as you would have if you didn’t.

Chris: Assuming they’re over 18, would you be opposed to getting high with your kids at some point?

Adam: I would hope that I have the kind of relationship with my kids where we don’t feel like we need to break through to the other side, so to speak. I would kind of hope that me and my kids have a dialogue and that we’re cool and that they look at me as their dad but also as a human being that has a little bit more knowledge than they do. But we don’t have to get to a place where we have to alter ourselves to get to some next level in our relationship. It’s sort of like “I need to rub some of this Ben-Gay on my cock so I can enjoy sex.” I don’t need you to take the Altoid and a mouth full of 7-Up, a blow-job will do. Danny: We’ve been fans of

Adam: No, I don’t have

yours for a long time but we’ve never heard about the first time you got high.

anything against them trying pot, or trying chili fries...

Danny: That’s the order it will go in too.

Adam: (Laughs) Yeah,

Adam: Well it’s hard to tell because pot was so shitty back then (but) my mom had a pot plant in her backyard, and (she) was sort of a hippie and kind of depressed and hung out with other hippie whatever folks. And she kind of self medicated. But the pot was so weak back then there was a lot of shake and leaves and stuff. But, uh, I think she gave me a hit off her joint once when I was like 9 years old or 10 years old or something.

usually it’s never the other way. “Now lets get stoned. I’m full.” I mean obviously it would be great if they didn’t pick it up and run with it, like ‘hey man I’m going to start a reggae band, you know, like that’s my new life.’ But I also don’t want my kids to be scared of things. Fuckin’ beer buzz is awesome, getting high is fun, and part of being an adult and making the transition into adult life is being able to regulate and monitor yourself.

Danny: Wow, really?

Danny: Well we both grew up during the DARE to keep kids off drugs

Adam: Yeah, well, she wasn’t a great parent.

generation. I was scared of pot growing up and if I even smelled pot I got this uneasy feeling in my stomach. It took me a long time to get over it.

Chris & Danny: (Laughing)

Adam: I had the same thing with snuff porn but eventually you evolve.

Danny: You’ve talked openly before about marijuana stories involving Jimmy Kimmel. Do you have any other good celebrity marijuana stories?

Chris & Danny: (Laughing) Danny: But yeah, sort of like if you make something a taboo you give it more power than it deserves by taking it all away.

Adam: You give it a power by creating almost mysticism about it and then…when the people eventually do imbibe and realize they didn’t


Adam: Uh…if you go to one of Sarah Silverman’s birthday parties you will eat a brownie that has more than fudge in it and you will feel differently than you felt before you ate the brownie. And there will be recognizable people around. I mean I never got high with a senator or anything.

Chris: I’m only inclined to believe you because if you did, it’d be all over the internet by now. But while we’re not on the topic…the internet…this is the new element now, the new medium. Adam: It’s how the future works. Every time technology moves forward - before it moves forward you think, oh this would be mind-numbing and then when it does, it becomes passe very quickly. So you were over the cell phone ten minutes after you got your first cell phone, it just became “where’s my phone.” And now all of a sudden “hey man, what the fuck, no canyon reception? It’s bullshit man!” So, you know the internet and all that comes with it, our kids will grow up with it like other kids grew up with indoor plumbing 150 years ago versus shitting in a chamber pot. Chris: Well, if the internet was around when I was 13 years old, every girl at school would have seen my dick.

Adam: As opposed to just the faculty? Danny: While we’re on the topic, you seem to have benefited from the internet and the podcast and its place in the evolution of technology. Can you talk a bit about how it’s affected your approach and the trajectory of your career? Adam: Well, the podcast has enabled me to do what I want to do when I want to do it. I just turned down a multi-year, multi-million dollar terrestrial radio gig.

Chris: (Clapping) Adam: Thank you. Screw the man! For me I just said I don’t want to turn around the pirate ship and head back to port, number one. And number two, you get to do this on your own terms but you also get to do your own schedule. [The] FCC the man all that’s great to avoid, but to me I love the accordion nature of it the way you can do a million different things and keep up with the podcast.

Danny: I’ll tell you why I think podcast’s are so much better then the radio is you can listen to them on your schedule. You know, I work a regular job and I listen to 8 hours of podcast’s a day. You can’t do that with radio. I listen to what I want instead of shitty radio. The accordion goes both ways.

Adam: Sure. Is he saying he’s bi-sexual? I don’t get the accordion reference. Well, we were thrilled to hear that the pirate ship will continue to sail. We look forward to continuing to have our ears raped and pillaged with hilarity. And check out The Adam Carolla Show at If you enjoyed this interview you can download the full audio recording for free at Chris and Danny, along with fellow comic Ben Shields, host Shoddy Radio, a weekly podcast that has been listed by iTunes as a New & Noteworthy Podcast and has been featured on Comedy Deathray Radio. Shoddy Radio has been called the greatest achievement in comedy since ‘Mama’s Family.’ Check ‘em out at


Soccer fans in southern California are a lucky bunch. Our close proximity to Mexico and immigrant populations from around the world foster a level of enthusiasm for the game that’s more pronounced here than in most of the country. In Los Angeles we’re fortunate enough to have two Major League Soccer (MLS) clubs in the Los Angeles Galaxy and Chivas USA. While Chivas tend to struggle, the LA Galaxy have established themselves as one of the best teams in MLS in recent seasons thanks to the contributions of star players like David Beckham and Landon Donovan. Yet in spite of soccer’s formidable progress stateside there remains an undeniable gap in quality between our soccer and that played by our European counterparts, and this summer we’ll get a good glimpse at why. U.S. soccer fans will have a chance to catch some of the big European guns in action when the World Football Challenge kicks off on our shores. The World Football Challenge is an annual exhibition tournament that was first held in 2009 and skipped last year because of the World Cup in South Africa. This summer’s competition is taking place in ten cities around the country between July 13 and August 6. The tournament will pit top European sides FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Manchester City and Real Madrid against North American clubs the Chicago Fire, Chivas de Guadalajara, Club America, New England Revolution, Philadelphia Union, Vancouver Whitecaps and our very own LA Galaxy. The Galaxy are enjoying a stellar first half to their season, having practically set up camp atop of the Western Conference standings. However they’ll certainly need to be on their game as they go head to head with the winners of the Spanish Copa Del Rey and the British FA Cup within the space of about a week. Yes, you read right, L.A. soccer fans will have the chance to see the Galaxy face off against the likes of Real Madrid and Manchester City.

With 31 Spanish league titles, 18 Spanish Cups and nine European Championships to their name, Real Madrid is quite simply the most successful club team in the history of soccer. Although in the last few seasons, their all-conquering rivals Barcelona have eclipsed them, Real Madrid has recently begun to hit back. Just this spring they managed to snatch the Spanish Cup away from Barca, whom they also finished second place behind in the Spanish league. Known by the faithful as “Los Blancos” for their famous all white uniforms, Real Madrid field a team that contains many of the game’s biggest stars including Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo, Brazilian playmaker Kaka and Spanish World Cup winners Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos and Xabi Alonso. Coached by the charismatic, soccer mastermind, Jose Mourinho, Real Madrid are unquestionably one of the strongest sides in the world at the moment. They were here at the Rose Bowl last summer and the Galaxy actually managed to go two goals up in the first half before the Spaniards hit back with three in the second to win the match. Manchester City on the other hand, is a team that has struggled for decades. Stuck out in the English Premier League wilderness without a trophy since 1976, City have seemingly forever been outshone by their illustrious cross-town rivals Manchester United. Recently things have begun to change for Manchester City. In 2008 the club was purchased by a wealthy Abu Dhabi Sheik. “The Citizens” received an influx of cash, which they used to assemble a squad of world-class players that includes the likes of Argentine striker Carlos Tevez, Spanish World Cup winner David Silva and former Barcelona midfielder Yaya Toure. In the past two seasons City have emerged as a genuine power in the English Premier League. They will touch down in L.A. next month having just captured their first major trophy in 35 years, the English FA Cup. Their third place league finish this term has also secured them a spot in next season’s European Champions League, arguably the most prestigious international soccer competition outside of the World Cup. The Galaxy will face Real Madrid on July 16 at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum while their match against Manchester City, commonly referred to as Man City, will take place on July 24 at the Galaxy’s regular venue, the Home Depot Center in Carson. Two days later you can catch Real Madrid in action again against Mexican side Chivas de Guadalajara at San Diego’s Qualcomm Stadium. For the diehard soccer fan any of these matches could well be considered a must-see. However even casual observers of the beautiful game may want to take advantage of these opportunities to catch topflight European soccer sides in action right here in southern California. For tickets and more info check out:



Patients Out of Time George

he first time I saw George was in the summer of 1990.

panel presentation, brilliantly moderated by “Patient #1” Robert “Bob” Randall,

He was to be on a panel that would discuss the use of

and included Corrine Millet, Elvy Musikka and Irv Rosenfeld, was broadcast

cannabis therapeutically from a patient’s perspective.

live over C-Span and then repeatedly broadcast for weeks on that channel.

He was a regular user of cannabis to alleviate the worst

The publicity caused an unprecedented number of contacts from all

of his symptoms, which included pain, spasm and

over the US and the five patients and I realized we had hit on a subject

nausea. He began a medical cannabis protocol on March 16, 1990.

ripe for public discussion. The result was the formation of Patients Out of

George McMahon was the fifth patient admitted to the Investigational

Time (POT), a Virginia corporation founded in April 1995 that included

New Drug Program (cannabis protocol) and at our first meeting he was

patients, MDs and RNs with expertise in this then emerging therapeutic

using crutches and had most of his torso, a leg and an arm in tight braces.


When George penned the following words 9 years later, he was able to ride

George became POT’s physical presence in state after state. He talked

a bicycle miles for exercise:

to Senators, law enforcement officers, Congressmen, journalists, church

“...My particular prescription requires a one month dosage of eight cured

groups, students and at fairs across the country. He asked for nothing

ounces of (sic) marijuana. The dosage is administered through inhalation

except expenses (after all he was and is disabled and subsisting on Social

at various times throughout my professional and private life. I experience

Security benefits) and some help getting around. Margaret, his wife, was

no negative or work orientated problems as a result of this dosage. In fact,

constantly, quietly, at his side. She is another unrecognized individual

without medication I could not function to my present capacity.”

trying to help others by physically and verbally supporting George and his

I have worked (and still do) with men and women who are quiet

personal journey of medicinal cannabis education.

heroes. My military life put me in touch with dozens of such folk, as has

George has a disease called nail patella syndrome. It is a rare genetic

my advocacy for therapeutic cannabis, and George is in their company.

disease that is identified and named because of his lack of fully developed

He could have taken the federal government’s cannabis and shut up but he

nail beds and kneecaps and his symptoms include chronic pain, the

did not. As a matter of fact, he did the exact opposite…starting the very

breaking of bones with little stress often caused by out of control spasms,

day we met.

and the internal distress of nausea. George will tell you that he doesn’t get

The panel referred to above was part of a NORML conference that some

“high” from cannabis and that the low-level THC cannabis works best for

members of the Board of Directors thought necessary to inform the attendees

his symptoms. Cannabis successfully treats all symptoms. He has outlived

about the therapeutic potential of this plant. Serendipity occurred when the

all known patients suffering from this affliction by dozens of years.

66 66

In 2001 George, along with Elvy (federal patient #3), Irv (patient # 2) and

less than a joint.

Barbara Douglass (patient #14), met with myself, Ethan Russo, MD, and Mary

Now let’s put all this into perspective…think of the medical mentality

Lynn Mathre, RN in Missoula, Montana to study the effects of legal cannabis

in this case executed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

on these patients after years, even decades, of daily use. George was reluctant

and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doctors. NIDA and

to enter the study. He had been probed, drained, x-rayed, cut, drugged, and

the FDA begin a medical cannabis program that is forced on them by

observed for years and he did not desire another bout of the same. George

a lawyer (judge), after a lawsuit by a citizen, to provide appropriate

swallowed his grumbling and resistance and submitted himself to three full

medical care to Bob Randall. George qualifies for the program because

days of physical testing along with the others. To do what you do not want to

nothing else in ‘modern science’ is known to help him. Meanwhile, being

do - do not have to do - on behalf of others, is noble.

physicians, the NIDA and FDA are aware that his disease will be passed

The result is the “Chronic Cannabis Use in the Compassionate New

to his children, yet they continue to forbid him from helping them with

Drug Program: An Examination of Benefits and Adverse Effects of Legal

the very medicine he is authorized to take for the very same condition.

Clinical Cannabis” (Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics, Vol. 2(1) 2002).

Instead, they cancel the program for new patients, effectively dooming

The study was conducted at the St. Patrick Hospital by Russo, Mathre and

his daughter and grandchild to an early and painful death.

a host of hospital professionals. Tests included MRI scans of the brain,

Furthermore, NIDA does not study the results of George’s treatment

pulmonary function tests (spirometry), chest x-ray (P-A and lateral),

in the “investigational” program; in fact they totally ignore the years



of data and the plight of his family. America…


these are the folks in charge of drug abuse in

electroencephalography (EEG), P300 testing

this country. If the behavior of NIDA in this

(a computerized EEG test of memory), and a

instance is not patient abuse and abuse of the

neurological history and examination.

medical creed of “do no harm,” then what is?







After analysis of the data, the primary

These are federal employees who pretend that

authors concluded that cannabis smoking, even

the world-wide research of the eighty years

of a crude, low-grade product (federal grown

past, since cannabis was removed from the US

cannabis), provides effective symptomatic relief

Pharmacopoeia, does not exist. They insist

of pain, muscle spasms, and intraocular pressure

that the dozens of health care organizations,

elevations in selected patients failing other

including the American Nurses Association and

modes of treatment.

American Medical Association, are incompetent when they call for their members to educate

Other findings include:

themselves about therapeutic cannabis. These

- “These clinical cannabis patients are able to

are federal gnomes that have yet to ever mention

reduce or eliminate other prescription medicines

in public that over 15 years ago, scientists

and their accompanying side effects.”

discovered a fantastic and previously unknown


system in all mammalian creatures called the

“Clinical cannabis provides an improved

quality of life in these patients.” - “The side effect profile of NIDA cannabis in chronic usage suggests some

endocannabinoid system. It’s been 21 years since that panel in 1990, and over the course of these

mild pulmonary risk.

two decades, George and I have become good friends. He is now “retired”

No malignant deterioration has been observed.”

from his peripatetic journey spreading therapeutic cannabis education


around the states, but continues to work with Patients Out of Time to

“No consistent or attributable neuropsychological or neurological

deterioration has been observed.”

keep our work current, science-based, and free of whimsy-based, rather

- “No endocrine, hematological or immunological sequelae have been observed.”

than reality-based, discussion of the proven clinical use of cannabis.

Despite zzthese promising findings, there is another issue with George


that no tests can determine how to handle - nail patella syndrome is

Al Byrne for Patients Out of Time

hereditary. I have met his family many times, daughter, grandkids. All of

them stand to deal with his illness but none of them can avail themselves of his cannabis. The rules state clearly that if George were to give even a gram of his cannabis to another, even his stricken daughter, his medication would be gone forever, leaving him to die. That’s one hell of a penalty for passing


9 years ago, a formal petition was filed by The Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC), which was followed by a formal recommendation in 2006 from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the final arbiter in the rescheduling process, to declassify marijuana from a Schedule I substance. As recently as July of last year, the DEA issued a 54-page “Position on Marijuana,” but failed to even mention the CRC petition. If they figured that our medicine would make that petition an almost decade old distant foggy memory, well, they figured wrong. We’ve waited long enough…the industry, the market, the state and local politicians and business communities, the medical community…everyone has continued to move forward and progress on the issue save for one…important…link: the federal government. So on May 23, 2011, A Coalition comprised of advocacy groups including the CRC, Americans for Safe Access (ASA), Patients Out of Time, as well as individually named patients filed suit in the DC Circuit Court to compel the Obama administration to answer the petition to reclassify medical marijuana. The writ of mandamus filed on May 23, which argues that cannabis is not a dangerous drug and that there is more than enough scientific evidence of its therapeutic value, accuses the government of unreasonable delay in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act. "The federal government's strategy has been delay, delay, delay," said Joe Elford, Chief Counsel of ASA and lead counsel on the writ. "It is far past time for the government to answer our rescheduling petition, but unfortunately we've been forced to go to court in order to get resolution." The writ calls out the government for unlawfully failing to answer the petition despite an InterAgency Advisory issued by the Food and Drug Administration in 2006 and "almost five years after receiving a 41-page memorandum from HHS stating its scientific evaluation and recommendations."


"Despite numerous peer-reviewed scientific studies establishing that marijuana is effective" in treating numerous medical conditions, the writ claims, the government "continues to deprive seriously ill persons of this needed, and often life-saving therapy by maintaining marijuana as a Schedule I substance." Additionally, the two largest physician groups in the country, the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American College of Physicians, have both called on the federal government to review marijuana’s status as a Schedule I substance. Even the National Cancer Institute, a part of the National Institutes of Health, added cannabis to its website earlier this year as a Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) and recognized that, "Cannabis has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years prior to its current status as an illegal substance." Heck, in a 1988 ruling on a prior rescheduling petition, even the DEA's own Administrative Law Judge Francis Young recommended in favor of reclassification stating that, "Marijuana, in its natural form, is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man." So this lawsuit could not have come soon enough. The good news is that even a formal rejection of the CRC petition would enable the group to challenge in court the government’s assertion that marijuana has no medical value, an assertion that can only further propel the movement forward, especially with more than a half century of research proving otherwise - research whose findings, in many cases, are supported by everyone from the American Medical Association to the National Cancer Institute. If we need to do this the good ol’ fashioned American way…in the courthouse…then so be it. This time, unlike any other time in history, the momentum is on our side. For more information, including the language of the writ and how you can help, please visit


Henry Hemp is a strange cat, no way around it. Wearing a foam hat shaped like a marijuana leaf, and bracelets made of synthetic reefer leaves, and a big, bright smile on his face at all times, you’re not quite sure what to make of the guy. Then you see him in action, and you quickly realize that Henry Hemp is a modern-day superhero, whose primary goal is to Free the Weed.

way or another, were each fighting to end the war against marijuana.

But like any other superhero worth mentioning, there’s a very genuine element of humanity to Henry Hemp. Standing on the corner of Adams & Crenshaw in South Central Los Angeles on an overcast California morning, Henry confides, “sometimes I wonder if I bit off more than I can chew with this character, being Henry Hemp.”

On the surface, Henry Hemp - aka Magic Ellingson - could very well seem out of his mind, but in reality he’s deeply focused, aware and compassionate about the struggle to fully legalize marijuana. In a city of bullshitters, Henry Hemp walks his talk.

Then right after he says this, he snaps back into character, spreading the good word about cannabis, talking with Traffic Officers, even getting a fire-truck to wail its sirens in support of ending the prohibition of marijuana. We’re there to lead the 13th Annual Million Marijuana March in L.A., an event being celebrated simultaneously in over 300 cities around the globe, but by 10:30, it was looking like we were the only ones dedicated enough to actually make the 2-mile hike down Crenshaw Boulevard to Leimert Park. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was all a big goof, like someone up high was playing a joke on me. Was this my welcome to Los Angeles, to get stuck on Crenshaw with some nut walking around dressed as a pot leaf? If it weren’t for the 8 cars from the City of Los Angeles Parking Enforcement lined up waiting to escort us, I might have succumbed to doubt. Thankfully, people started showing up, and by 11:30 we had about 40 ganja activists and several cars eager to march proudly down the middle of the southbound lane, a parade celebrating marijuana with the rest of the world. Pedestrians stopped and watched; shop workers came out from work, most of them cheering us on. At that point, our tribe included Steve Collett (an upstanding citizen with a huge dog running as a Libertarian for U.S. Congress in California’s 36th District), legendary activist Richard Eastman, various representatives from NORML, and many more. Leimert Park was laid out for a grand 2-day festival. Booths hosted the likes of Chronic Jerky for all their insanely delicious jerky; DJ Kaliman sold his shirts; Union Collective showed up; there were pipe vendors, and all sorts of good food. On stage, lionized musicians from RBX to Ditch to Yo Yo played to a large, diverse crowd of people who, in one

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“Part of success,” Henry says, “80% of it is showing up. You got to show up, you got to stand up loud and send a message to the world when things need to be changed, and we definitely need to change the laws and stop prohibition, and we need to free the plant.”

An actor and filmmaker, Ellingson came up with Henry Hemp about three years ago. As he explains, “I was asked to put on the hat and be part of a parade. I was walking home - I lived right off Hollywood & Highland, that famous spot where all the characters hang out - and people started stopping me, taking pictures and handing me money. The wheels started to turn, I bought the domain name, and I started walking out on Hollywood Blvd.” Soon after, Henry was given a copy of “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herer. The legendary guide to cannabis and its numerous uses had a profound impact on Magic. “Oh my gosh, not only was I having fun and spreading smiles and joy to people just because of a silly hat, now I had the TRUTH put in my hands. I was inspired by that.” He transformed into his new alter ego, and crafted the role of a friendly, positive and well-versed activist. “I am Henry Hemp and I represent the male energy of the Hemp plant!” he declares. He started producing polished and informative video skits enlightening the masses about our beloved cannabis, and quickly became an underground celebrity, frequenting radio shows, protests, and ultimately leading the 420 march at Washington, D.C. this year. “Honestly,” he says, “I think I’m in the process of creating one of the most loved characters of all time, because it’s about a plant that is used in all cultures, all around the world. People from every walk of life look at this character, and they seem to smile.” He’s not just a dude looking for his next bong-rip, though. “I’m actually Henry HEMP. HEMP, that’s food, fabric, fuel, fiber. Quit cutting down trees, quit using oil, let’s save our planet, keep it green for our future, for our children.” Henry Hemp now offers his own line of water pipes, clothes, comic books and more. Check out


Growers Grove

Part 1:

A Biomimicry Approach to Hydroponics When it comes to watering plants, there’s really nothing like the rain. Water gently saturates the soil evenly over the entire surface area and nutrients that have collected on top of the soil are slowly dissolved into the soil for uptake by the plants. Modern hydroponic methods of crop irrigation have tried to take their cues from nature, but in many cases have fallen short of the real deal. Two of the most common forms of hydroponic irrigation are “drip” systems and “flood and drain” systems. Each of these systems has it’s pros and cons, but the way to harmonize the benefits of both systems while eliminating the disadvantages may lie in a more careful examination of nature through a process called biomimicry. From

“ Biomimicry or biomimetrics is the examination of nature, its models, systems, processes, and elements to emulate or take inspiration from in order to solve human problems. The term biomimicry and biomimetrics come from the Greek words bios, meaning life, and mimensis, meaning to imitate.”

(continued on page 74) 72

In addition to having grown Cannabis for many years, I’m an avid gardener and horticulturalist of “regular” plants, especially citrus, gardenias, orchids, peppers and roses. While installing an irrigation manifold on a rose garden a few years ago, I started thinking about the way that certain irrigation sprayers imitated the action of rain. As the idea evolved, I imagined a new style of hydroponics that would imitate the rain, while still incorporating recirculating hydroponic principles. Traditional drip systems typically use ¼ inch tubing to irrigate plant sites. These “spaghetti” tubes are run to the base of each plant site. Smart gardeners use two lines for each plant site, as drip systems are prone to clogging failures. But even when two drippers per plant are used, there is still the problem that the water from these tubes only waters a small portion of the medium. This can create a situation where the roots in the pots will gather in the area where the drippers water, but not elsewhere in the medium. Flood-andDrain tables (also called Ebb and Flood) water plants from the bottom by intermittently flooding a tray with nutrient solution and letting the plants soak up the solution before the water level recedes back into the reservoir. When using rockwool, this is very easy, as rockwool will “wick” up any moisture that touches it. However, when flood-and-drain irrigation techniques are applied to soils and soilless mixes, the medium often times will not absorb moisture above the water line of the flooding level and roots will only grow in the area that gets saturated with water. In flood-anddrain situations, plants need occasional rinsing from the top down to avoid an accumulation of nutrients at the water line. In order to blend the best of both systems while avoiding their downsides, I developed what I call the “Rain Table”. This system is based on replicating a natural rain effect over the root zone of the plants in order to water the plants evenly from the top down without relying on individualized emitters for each plant site. The design of this table is quite simple. Using acrylic glue (called acrylic welder), a short wall of plastic is glued around the edges of the tray as a backboard for spraying water. Then, a simple irrigation manifold of ½ inch soft pipe and compression fittings is made around the inside edge of the tray. Into this soft pipe, I’ve placed an overlapping series of “micro spray” emitters. These micro sprayers


are the core of the system – they make small rain sized drops in various flat spray patterns. In this case, they are all 180-degree sprayers spraying laterally across the tops of the root zone. While some micro sprayer emitters will spray with an upward arc to the spray pattern, these Rain Bird emitters spray an almost perfectly flat spray. This allows the grower to create a layer of rain just inches above the tops of the pots. Each sprayer has an adjustable flow valve, which makes evening out the pressure a snap, even if you build an odd shaped manifold. If a sprayer ever does clog, simply opening up the valve fully will clear most blockages. This first prototype of the Rain Table is the display garden inside MedMar Healing Center in San Jose, CA (more pictures available at The simple irrigation manifold is on its second crop and is performing every bit as well as I’d hoped. Air pots made of fabric have been incorporated in the system to allow the root zone to obtain more oxygen while irrigating more frequently. Because many redundant sprayers overlap across the top of the pots, clogging of an emitter won’t leave any plants dry. Just like in an ebb and flood system, if you see the system turn on, then every plant got watered. There is no need to check individual plant sites like with traditional drip systems and the plants are watered more evenly as well. This system also retains the advantage of a small reservoir to tray ratio, unlike ebb and flood systems that typically require twice as much water (and nutrients) per square foot of tray. In this case, a reservoir that holds 10 – 15 gallons easily sustains a 3 x 3 tray worth of space and would probably suffice for a 4 x 4 if topped off regularly. The most important benefit of this system is how efficient it is with water and fertilizer resources. Plus, it makes hydro-organic gardening much more user friendly and inexpensive by reducing reliance on liquid organic fertilizers. By mimicking nature’s irrigation style of rain, it is also possible to mimic the way that nature fertilizes plants. With each rain, Mother Nature dissolves accumulated organic fertilizers (decomposed debris and animal litter) and washes them into the soil where (if it’s a healthy soil) the nutrients will be broken down and made available to the plants. With the Rain Table, small amounts of highly soluble, dry organic fertilizers can be applied

as top dressings in the same manner that outdoor growers might do for their larger plants. Because the Rain Table is a recirculating hydroponic system, the nutrients that leach through the pots are recovered in the solution. By checking the solution regularly with an EC meter, the grower can have precise control over how much fertilizer is applied even when using top dressing applications. Overall, the Rain Table is simple yet high performance, cheap, easily adaptable to various mediums and makes hydroorganics cheaper and easier than ever. The materials required for the Rain Table are readily available at any hardware store or garden center and it’s very easy to build which is something else I like about this design. The plastic used here is from Tap Plastics, which is also online ( if you don’t have one in your area. In any case, my use of acrylic was a personal preference and I’m sure many materials could serve the same purpose as a backboard (although acrylic does look hella cool). The medium inside the fabric pot is a heavily drained soilless mix of perlite, rockwool croutons, and peat. A layer of pea gravel on top prevents both algae growth and fungus gnats. Although the medium filters out almost all debris, I still recommend wrapping a filter around the pump for extra protection. Here I used ordinary window screen secured in place by the ever-so-handy zip tie. The water can also be filtered again as it re-enters the reservoir by attaching a fish tank net below the discharge outlet. In next month’s Grower’s Grove, we’ll look more closely at the hydro-organic principles and fertilizers used in the Rain Table garden. Also, using cheap, widely available hardware store materials, we’ll construct a super oxygenated reservoir so you can transform your ordinary reservoir into a veritable compost tea brewer – constantly digesting wholesome organic fertilizers into available plant nutrients. Plus, this exercise in nature-inspired simplicity also meets up with some advanced hydroponic technology for automatic pH control. My full review and notes on the Milwaukee SMS122 coming up next month right here in the Grower’s Grove.

—Jade Kine (Growers Grove writer Jade Kine is a former greenhouse manager for the medical Cannabis industry with over a million plants worth of experience. He is also the founder of CannAcademy, a trade school dedicated solely to horticultural training for growers. Got a grow question for Jade? Drop him a line at Complete bio at Facebook/Twitter: @JadeKine)


As the California Legislature shifts into summer mode, the fate of several medical cannabis bills, and the entrenched obstacles faced by pro-Medical Cannabis legislators, have become clear. One lesson that stand out it is that a majority of California legislator’s are not willing to move as fast as the general public on some key issues related to cannabis. Part of the reason, according to Capitol sources, is that law enforcement and prohibitionists have mounted a fullscale campaign to undermine any pro-medical cannabis legislation because it “sends the wrong message.” As evidenced by the disappointing results outlined below, the anticannabis proponents are better organized and financed to fight any significant advancements in medical cannabis law. Contact your representatives, and donate time and money to those politicians that are supportive because the opposition is already one step ahead. Rather than try and pass piecemeal legislation – a reduction to a misdemeanor here; a employment right protection there – this same source says an omnibus bill is in the works for the next legislative session that will make the rules and regulations clear to both patients and law enforcement - something both groups are seeking. From the looks of this year’s legislative track record, however, that is about the only thing these two groups can agree upon at this point.

Here is a rundown on the fate of the various cannabis bills introduced this year:

SB 129

The most far-reaching bill of this legislative session would have ended the discrimination of employed medical cannabis patients. SB 129 died in committee and thus did not even make it to a vote of the full state Senate. Thus, medical cannabis patients are still vulnerable to employer rules on illegal drug use, including the loss of jobs. Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoed a similar version of this bill in 2008.

SB 847

A bill with serious ramifications for collectives with storefronts close to family homes passed the Senate and will now move over to the Assembly. SB 847 restricts collectives from operation within 600 feet of a residential zone – unless municipalities have a less restrictive distance on the books. On the other side of the Capitol building, the Assembly addressed two bills related to medical marijuana.

AB 1017

This bill allows judges the discretion to reduce cannabis cultivation from an automatic felony to a “wobbler,” which means local officials have the discretion to reduce it to a misdemeanor. Since a motion to reconsider was granted, AB 1017 has a second chance in January 2012.

AB 1300

The old saying goes that passing a law is like making sausage – you don’t really want to see how it is done. The bill started out as a positive move for the medical marijuana community in that it stated that dispensing cannabis is allowable under state law. Into the sausage maker and the allowance for dispensing disappeared and all that is left is a bill that enables local governments to dictate how collectives operate, including hours of operations and zoning rules, among other things. -Stay tuned, as the fury and flurry of marijuana laws continues to evolve at a pace quicker than your smartphone.



Henry Ford was an incurable pothead. That’s my guess, anyway. The Ford Motor founding father and world-renowned American industrialist had an unshakeable predilection for fast cars and the Devil’s Plant. Ford invented the Model T in 1908, at a time when weed was just one of many renewable resources used to fuel automobiles. Ford’s “Tin Lizzie,” the original nickname for the Model T, was, until that turbid year of the Marijuana Tax Act (1937), often run on hemp fuel, a marijuana-based compound offered by several filling stations throughout the Roaring Twenties. Hemp was acknowledged, back then, as being an extremely valuable commodity, one that was used as textile fabric, amongst other things, and revered as an extremely profitable material by the Treasury Department. In those days nobody was afraid to say they were toking on the stuff, not least among them Henry Ford or Thomas Jefferson or even Benjamin Franklin, for that matter. It was a jolly good plant, as choice for curing depression and vision problems as it was at serving as a viable article of stationary or cloth. But what, at first blush, seemed like a cash crop necessity soon became verboten when fascistic government officials had an epiphany—it would be far better for their bottom line if they banned the stuff, as they stood to make more money by assigning restrictions on its use and selling other, more expensive goods in its place. This is why we’ve arrived at an era where the politico-industrial complex is making trillions, policing the globe for foreign oil reserves, plunging us into 78

the Zilch Zone as a blue collar Capitalist nation, and sending more and more poor slobs slinking off to the bus stop as gas prices rise exponentially with each passing weekend. It’s a sad time for licensed drivers in America. Enter our Brothers to the North, as per usual, to lead a progressive charge for a light-weight, durable, cost-effective hatch-back made of that sticky icky and engineered to run on renewable energy sources. Motive Industries, an innovative development firm out of Calgary, Canada, has concocted a forthcoming ride that will pimp the paying public to something they haven’t heard of in many miserable moons - a dirt cheap car built for efficiency and expedience, at a price tag that’s estimated to fall somewhere in the realm of just $25,000!!! The bio-composite vehicle, which they are calling the Kestrel, is scheduled to hit the roadways in 2012. The word “kestrel” is defined as any of a genus of small falcons and, like the noble falcon, the Kestrel of Motive Industries is sure to become known for preying viciously on all the more inferior gas-guzzling jalopies on the blacktop today. It is a seldom thing to open your bloodshot blues and find something like this in your morning news, alongside less optimistic headlines regarding whore-massacring beach bums and fast-spreading radiation. When a trail so righteous is blazed it is important to throw off the shackles of laziness, stash away the nugs and go in search of the footprints that pioneers are leaving in their wake. (continued on page 80)

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I took haste in tracking down a local restoration nut with one of Ford’s original Model T’s in storage, wagered the last of my own hemp as collateral, and took off in man’s original marijuana machine, to try and find an Internet Cafe where I might get a less spotty connection and, if fate prevailed, secure an interview with the designers of this exciting new breakthrough in internal combustive engineering. The Model T performed a little lackluster, no doubt from spending more than a decade of idle time under a Covercraft, and its clutch locked up on me when the chassie started to whine at a speed of thirty-eight. But, aside from the basic brittle nature of its long-effete body, the Ole Ford held up. I imagined that Henry would be proud, not just of Motive Industries’ recent announcement but also of the way in which his original motorcar was still “racing.” It couldn’t quite get the 20 miles on a gallon it once did and to try and top it off at forty-five, as was once its purpose, was to be met with the kind of cacophony usually reserved for combat testing. “Good gracious!” I squealed when the arrow hovered in front of 60; the entire thing shook back and forth like two elephants banging in the backseat and the bronze-colored side rear view shattered so violently that a bit of glass nicked my temple. As I bled profusely and attempted to wipe away my effluence on the genuine leather upholstery, I was filled with dread. No wonder Henry had been a slave to Satan’s smoke. It was the only thing that could get you higher than “speeding” at forty-five miles an hour in something that resembled nothing more than a horsefly with a hump back. It was my hope, then and there, that the Kestrel would make for a more timeless and hell-for-leather product. Otherwise it would be back to sharing ass space with angst-riddled obesity and sweat-drenched day laborers on public transport. 80

The press release from Motive Industries, Inc., said that their designing of the car had created jobs for people in the green sector. This alone made them seem more proactive than America’s own government - whose President had promised the creation of multiple green jobs and failed to deliver - and I was stoked! A message was dashed off to Motive and promptly received by their Marketing & Media Relations Coordinator, Angelica Velasco, who replied, “They [Motive Industries, Inc.’s Nathan Armstrong and Kestrel designer Darren McKeage] should be in touch with you soon.” I was super-duper-hella stoked! And then...nothing... Days bled into weeks and no word from Motive seemed forthcoming. Movement on the project remained in a state of stagnation more sluggish than the resin chamber of a water bong. Then, after more than one attempt by my editor to probe Ms. Velasco... for email response finally came. I saw Angelica’s address in my Inbox and anticipation swelled inside of me like the rising notes of a Rachmaninov symphony...then I opened it. The decidedly succinct and dismissive note, from our go-to contact read, “I have spoken with some Executives within our company and I regret to inform you that we cannot provide you with an interview, given that they do not endorse medical marijuana… I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you have a good day! Kind regards,...” It was too perplexing and even shocking to properly process. Kush is the United States’ premier medical marijuana magazine after all, and this was made clear before Velasco gave us her word that Motive would be along to flap their jaws. I couldn’t understand it—here you have a company pimping a car whose body is being constructed entirely of hemp mats and the powers-that-be within the organization or, more probably, the suits with controlling interest in the company’s

futures, don’t espouse the aromatic?! How could this be?! What made it all the more bewildering, especially after five or six pulls off that blunt I gifted to the gearhead with the Model T, was the idea that Miss V was hoping we would have a good day in the aftermath of dropping this odious bomb on the Kush doorstep. If her words were sincere I would hate to see what kind of well-wishing she does when breaking up with someone or confessing to an abortion. The entire thing stunk worse than a spliff of skunk. But then my eyes alighted on something else: “The Kestrel has been designed and will be manufactured entirely in Canada by a yet-undisclosed consortium of technology and manufacturing partners coming together under the title of Project Eve,” read a 2010 piece by Composites Technology. A consortium sounds foreboding enough, like a sinister Skull & Bones collective, but “Project Eve” struck me as even more ponderous. What they say about pot smokers and their paranoia may be true, to some extent, but lest we forget what Robert Anton Wilson said. “Of course I’m paranoid, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.” Project Eve’s website ( lists none of its founding members, agents or affiliates. On its “About Us” page all one finds are nebulous half-sentences and dangling participles. The same is true of Motive Industries’ “About Us” page, which tells us that “At Motive your product is our business.” No shit! The difference between the two is Motive’s penchant for long-winded paragraphs about key ingredients and special relationships, something lacking on the all-but-blank Project Eve site. The “they” of Project Eve are “inclusive,” they are “collaborative,” but exactly who they are is an enigma and so, too, is who exactly they are collaborating with. Except, as we now know, They are in bed with the Motive Industries people, particularly their executives. Who those executives are is likewise kept under wraps where website disclosure is concerned. Unless we are to go on the top photograph from About Us, a picture of two shady-looking thirty-somethings in L.L. Bean, one a short, slouchy geek standing by an odd fuel pump and the other your traditional Canadian hockey player turned Patrick Bateman bonds player staring slyly into the lens as he fondles the rear end of a presumably biodiesel bubble-car. This gives us nothing to go on and, in fact, contradicts much of what we already know about the Kestrel.

“Forget the betrayal,” I told him. “This runs deeper and darker than mere PR snubbing. This effects the whole of The True North, Strong and Free!” “What do you mean?” my editor asked. “You mean they’re up to no good?!” “You got that right, Bub! Faulty wiring, naked brake pads, extortion, child sweatshop slavery, price fixing, gross physical assault on a moose and no less than five hundred overworked and underpaid employees injured on the job and left stripped of medical benefits, severance or overtime after they complained of shin splints and whiplash.” “Ah to hell with it!!” the editor yowled. “Is this true?” “...No,” I said. “They’re actually pretty on the level. Kind of quaint even, in that adorably harmless rural Canadian way. The V.P. Of Design and V.P. Of Operations are brother and sister or husband and wife. Meagan McKeage is almost as cute as Young Darren and she even looks a bit like a more wholesome version of Meg White. “The strangest thing here is Director and President Nathan Armstrong’s goatee. But that’s the kind of unseemly sight that keeps them lookin’ like they’re on the cutting edge, so I’m sure it will be excused.” “You yellow chickenshit hack! How could you jeopardize me like that? We have a magazine to put out here and you feed me lies and fairy tales?” “Consider this,” I said as I exhaled a plum of smoke that nearly shattered another pane of glass on the Model T. “What else can you print about these people that hasn’t already been covered by all the other dopers who were smart enough to present themselves as something other than Cheech & Chong Quarterly?” “I suppose we could focus on the fact that they’re playing Mr. Mysterio, hiding behind these faceless executives who disapprove of medical marijuana while they build a car out of resin and hemp.” “We could,” I concurred. “Or we could state the obvious.” “What’s that?”

The Kestrel is said to have three doors and can “compact” four passengers, but this model only has two doors and two passengers. The drive train is supposed to be single-speed electric, but these three-piecers are shown gassing it up.

“A car comprised of hemp plastic and running at 84 miles per hour is bound to be combustible. And will passersby think to pull the driver from the wreckage when they’re pre-occupied with inhaling the fumes?”

“Wow!” my editor exclaimed, as confused as I and twice as flustered. “Talk about isolating the single largest part of your target market!”

There was a long pause and then, “Really? Is that the best you can do?”

He was still grumbling about this betrayal and plotting vindictive methods by which we could give Motive Industries their comeuppance. “We could get them really stoned,” he said. “And then withhold our red cards from them.”

“How about this? Henry Ford was a hateful prick with a psychotic fear of ‘the greed and avarice of Wall Street kikes.’ We know where Motive Industries’ executives stand on cancer patients and other terminal types toking medical mary jane...where do they stand on Jews?” 81



Southern California is the epicenter of great festivals. Listing them in print is a futile effort, unless we had a magazine dedicated solely to festivals, and even then, we’d certainly miss a great wealth of fun times. So, this is simply a tiny handful of festivals coming up in the next few months, in the Southland and even a few upstate. After all, it’s good to get out of LA for a while, even if it is the greatest place on earth.

MUSIC Playboy Jazz Festival

L.A. Rising

When: June 11-12

When: July 30

Where: The Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Highland Avenue, Hollywood, CA

Where: Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

Cost: $20-$150

Cost: $69-$99

Now in its 33rd year, this landmark event continues its rich tradition of fea-

One of the most anticipated events of 2011, L.A. Rising is somehow

turing the biggest names in jazz, along with future jazz headliners delivering an

featuring Rage Against the Machine, AND Ms. Lauryn Hill, AND Muse, AND

exciting mix of everything from standards and blues to Latin beats and world

Rise Against, along with a few other bands, all at the same place. Prepare to

fusion. Artists include Buddy Guy, Dianne Reeves, The Roots and the Eddie

have everything you thought you knew about soul-shaking, mind-altering music

Palmieri Salsa Orchestra.

thrown out the window.

Make Music Pasadena

Long Beach Jazz Festival

When: June 18

When: August 12-14

Where: Alleys, courtyards, building lobbies and other unconventional

Where: Rainbow Lagoon in Long Beach on Shorleine Drive at Pine Ave.

locations around downtown Pasadena.

next to the Hyatt Hotel.

Cost: FREE

Cost: $45-$180

Local and international acts with a wide variety of genres, from indie rock

Staged on a gorgeous grassy knoll in a beautiful Lagoon setting, the Long

to DJ to something called “French Nu Soul,” essentially play all over downtown

Beach Jazz Festival features some of the top artists of the year, with a great


selection of food, art and much more.

Artists include Best Coast, Ra Ra Riot, The Morning Benders, The B Side

Lineup includes: Brian Culbertson, Smooth Side of Soul (featuring Najee,

Players, Ben L’Oncle Soul, Zola Jesus, Rocky Dawuni + Afro Funke sound

Howard Hewitt & Alex Bugnon), Kori Withers, The Whispers, Kim Waters &

system, Jenny O, Tijuana Panthers, KCRW DJ Jason Bentley, Tita Lima, KCRW

Kenny Lattimore, Charlie Wilson, KEM, Down to the Bone, Al Williams Jazz

DJ Anthony Valadez, Jessica Fichot, and TONS more.

Society, Jackiem Joyner and more.


Sunset Strip Music Festival

25th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concert

When: August 18-August 20

When: October 22 & 23

Where: Sunset Strip, West Hollywood

Where: Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View

Cost: $16 per show - $250 for 3-day VIP Pass

Cost: $35-$150 (not confirmed; could be more since it’s the 25th Anniversary)

Rock, rock and more rock! SSMF 2011 will include an all-day street festival

Arguably one of the best musical events in the country, the Bridge School

on Saturday, August 20 between San Vicente Boulevard and Doheny Drive. The

Benefit Concert has produced acoustic acts from the strangest sources, includ-

street festival includes outdoor stages, live music in the venues, a beer garden,

ing Nine Inch Nails, Ministry, Billy Idol, David Bowie, and Foo Fighters. Eddie

a VIP rooftop lounge, vendors and interactive experiences throughout the day

Vedder, Elton John, Emmylou Harris, Willie Nelson and Red Hot Chilli Peppers

and into the night.

are frequent performers...and Neil Young plays every year.

Participating clubs include Cat Club, House of Blues Sunset Strip, Key Club, Roxy Theatre, Viper Room and Whiskey A Go-Go. Artists include: Uriah Heep, The Faceless, dredg, Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger of The Doors with vocalist David Brock, Buckcherry.

All proceeds of this legendary event goes to help out the Bridge School (founded by Peggi Young), which assists children with severe physical impairments and complex communication needs. Lineup hasn’t been announced as of press time, but EVERY YEAR it’s amazing. And with this being the 25th Anniversary, there is sure to be one of the most impressive lineups in the event’s history.

Rock the Bells When: August 20 Where: San Manuel Amphitheater, San Bernardino Cost: $37.50 - $210 The greatest hip-hop festival in the world, this show hosts 30 acts on 4 different stages. It starts in LA, then goes to San Francisco, New York, Boston


and possibly more. This year, the lineup includes Ms. Lauryn Hill, Nas, Erykah

Gilroy Garlic Festival

Badu, DJ Premier, Cypress Hill, Common, Raekwon, Ghostface Killa, GZA, and

many more.

When: July 29-31 Where: Christmas Hill Park, Gilroy Cost: $6-$29

Monterey Jazz Festival

All things Garlic collide in Gilroy, for this delicious 3-day event, featuring

a wide range of food, from gyros to escargot to everything in between, and

When: September 16-18

culminating in the Grand Garlic Cook Off.

Where: Monterey County Fairgrounds, Monterey Cost: $20-$315 Considered one of the best jazz festivals in the world, this year’s lineup

Monterey Bay Strawberry Festival

includes Poncho Sanchez & his Latin Jazz Band featuring Terence Blanchard,

Huey Lewis and The News, Herbie Hancock, Next Generation Jazz Orchestra,

When: August 6-7

Sonny Rollins, India.Arie, Idan Raichel, and tons more! Over 500 artists will be

Where: Downtown Watsonville

performing nonstop on 8 stages for 3 nights and 2 days of the world’s best jazz.

Cost: FREE Tens of thousands of people converge on historic downtown Watsonville every year, to enjoy amazing food, live entertainment, and plenty of strawberries. This year’s event will feature music by Almost Chaos, The Sledge Grist Band, Los Morros del Norte and more; carnival rides; cooking demonstrations by Chef Tyler Stone; and more strawberries than you can imagine!




John Muir

The Bad Ass of the High Sierra by Mike Marino

Hollywood’s history of cinematic badasses, on and off screen include Bad Boy Hall-of-Famers Erroll “In Like Flynn” Flynn; Bogie, from his onscreen persona as Sam Spade to his real life role as founding father of the Rat Pack in Hollywood; big bad Bob Mitchum who would just as soon lay you out with a punch as he would give a stunning performance - and make it seem one in the same. Then there’s the wild one himself, Marlon Brando - the self-made man of machismo and bravado who flipped off Hollywood, adding to his legend in the process. However, Hollywood isn’t the only place where bad boys reign supreme. The world of conservation has bad boys who bear scrutiny such as Teddy Roosevelt, the roughest riding Bullmoose of them all, brandishing his big stick. One name, not thought of in this context, is the biggest badass of them all - John Muir. He let his voice be heard, loud and strong, plaid and proud, and don’t you dare get his Scot dander up. He is known today as the “Father of the National Park Service” and co-founder of the Sierra Club, but he’s also the one who leveraged his infectious love of nature to influence Teddy of the Big Stick to protect what today is Yosemite Valley and the Grand Canyon, among others. Muir was born a bonnie Scot in 1838, immigrating to the United States with family at age 11, to the land we know as the realm of cheeseheads and the Packers...Wisconsin. Farming was the way for immigrants to strike it rich and to provide a living for their families. Young Muir spent those formative farming years bending Mother Nature’s forests and natural ways into unnatural transformations that would deplete the soils, as forests and prairies morphed into nutrient sucking farmland. In fact, all this negative agri-practice was responsible for his curiosity regarding the mechanics of the natural world, and its population of all living things. He was also a


photography by wasim muklashy

youthful inveterate inventor developing highly sensitive thermometers and, most curiously, an alarm clock that when it set itself off would tip his bed and dump him on the floor - in typical understated Muir fashion, he referred to it as the “early rising machine.” The internal mechanical esoteric erotica created by the creation of these machines, and a father that resembled a massive midwestern storm cloud, made Muir take flight to the university at Madison, Wisconsin. He was admitted to the boola boola ivy halls of academia, having spent only a few months in school after the age of 11. His studies were heavy on Natural Science, but he headed north during the Civil War in 1863, making Muir one of the first “draft dodgers” as he made his way to maple leaf infested Canada. At war’s end, Muir returned, but in 1867, an accident changed his life. He was adjusting some machinery with a file when his hand slipped and a point of the file pierced one eye, blinding it. The other went dark in sympathy. He was not amused. As his sight returned, John decided to spend his life drowning in the sights of the forests, fields, lakes and mountains, and the glory of unspoiled nature. His first wild trek was a thousand mile walk from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia, and eventually ending up in San Francisco in 1868. He asked about the nearest way out of town ‘to any place that is wild.” John ended up in Yosemite, working as a shepherd and running a sawmill near Yosemite Falls. In 1880, Cupid struck and Muir married and moved to Martinez, California, 35 miles from San Francisco where Muir’s wife’s family lived. Here he applied his love of plants by raising Bartlett pears and Tokay grapes. He became fairly wealthy, but missed the “wild life” of the wilderness. Each trip to the mountains presented him with proof that, unless something were done, the wilderness he had found earlier would be only a memory for future generations. It was this

attitude that inspired President Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation programs, including establishing the first National Monuments and Yosemite National Park. In 1892, John Muir and others formed the Sierra Club with Muir as the Club’s first president, an office he held until his pnueumonia-induced death in 1914. John Muir’s burial site is in a quiet, tree-shaded spot near the banks of Alhambra Creek. In the spring, the sounds of the flowing water fill the air. This historic gravesite lies approximately one mile south of the Muir homestead, and is privately owned. John Muir was buried here beside his wife, on Sunday, December 27, 1914. The Muir Site preserves the Victorian residence and a part of the fruit ranch where visitors can tour the home, and stroll the orchards. The recentlyadded Mount Wanda area, where Muir used to take frequent walks with his daughters, includes the John Muir Nature Trail and features wild flowers, bird life, and scenic vistas of the Carquinez straits. As a side note when I was living in San Francisco, two of my favorite hideaways that I would frequent on occasion to get away from the city, were the Muir Home and Marin County’s fantastic madefor-Birkenstocks-and-hiking-sticks Muir Woods. In 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt established Muir Woods National Monument. William and Elizabeth Kent had donated the woods to save the trees, and asked that it be named after John Muir. Upon learning of its dedication, Mr. Muir declared, “This is the best tree-lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world.” Muir Woods is located 11 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the National Monument contains 6 miles of trails, all of which afford views of thousands of old-growth coast redwoods, the tallest living things in the world. If you look carefully you can escape the crowds at the wood by hiking up Boot Jack Trail…it winds up the hill, with a small creek running along side of it and when you emerge at the top of the trail you end up on the road to Mt. Tamalpais and, to borrow from John Muir: “The Glorious Wonders of Nature laid out below you, including the city of San Francisco!”




There are few things in modern history that have received more negative, inaccurate and just plain ridiculous press than marijuana. Going back to well before the 1930s, when the release of ‘Reefer Madness’ hit the theatres all across the country, portraying your average pot smoker as your typical homicidal maniac, marijuana was being racially stigmatized decades before as “something that influences negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on a white man’s shadows and look at a white woman twice.” These common fear tactics where also directed towards Mexicans and other foreigners as “snaring white children with marijuana” and commonly became known as the “Devil’s Weed.” What completely baffles me however, is this same type of inaccurate, ridiculous stereotype that is commonly used to describe marijuana users today. If you think of the typical stoner stereotype, in our “modern” society, what do you come up with? It doesn’t take long to think of that 40 year old stoner, living in his mom’s basement, no job, no future, Doritos residue fiercely entrenched in his dreadlocks, while taking monster rips from the bong with Buffalo Soldiers blaring in the background. Doesn’t sound too bad actually, but the point is you don’t quite picture the pinnacle of success do you? We have been told our whole lives that drugs kill your brain cells, only losers do drugs, and to ‘Just Say No.’ At the same time, we were watching our parents and grandparents smoke cigarettes and drink themselves into oblivion all in the name of the American Dream. However, while this anti-marijuana propaganda may have endured all the way into this new millennium, there is new hope on the horizon: The Facts. Facts that include Fortune 500 fund managers, Billionaire Entrepreneurs, Best selling authors, WorldRenowned Musicians, even Presidents of the United States, and I do mean Presidents, as plural, all using marijuana. Now do you picture the pinnacle of success? Individuals like Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Empire, estimated worth over 5 Billion, and the 236th richest person in the world. Not your typical 40 year old basement stoner, this man built his entire multi-billion dollar fortune from absolutely nothing and not only still smokes weed today, but gets high regularly with his 21 year old son. Richard Branson was even quoted to say that there is nothing wrong with

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smoking pot and if it were legalized, he would sell it! Richard Branson isn’t the only multi-billionaire to have smoked marijuana, far from it actually. This list also includes Billionaire entrepreneur Ted Turner who single-handedly invented the 24-hour news cycle and owns several television stations (and even once owned Major League Baseball’s Atlanta Braves). Ted Turner is not only the largest single landowner in America but also used to grow pot in his college dorm room. What about Billionaire author Stephen King who proudly admits to being a ‘pothead’ and is one of the more vocal proponents of legalizing marijuana. Stephen King has authored upwards of 50 novels and short stories and has sold over 500 million copies of his work worldwide. Aaron Sorkin, another world-renowned author and creator of the “West Wing” has won multiple Emmy awards and attributes marijuana as a leading motivator and stimulant in his life. And Oscar nominated actor James Franco (“127 Hours”) is probably one of the most celebrated contemporary celebrities who’s been described as having “a superhuman ability to focus,” all whilst under the spell of cannabis. He reenrolled at UCLA in 2006 as an English major (where he was taking 62 credits per quarter as opposed to the normal 19), he attended graduate school simultaneously at Columbia in their writing program, NYU’s film program, and Brooklyn College’s fiction writing program, and currently, he’s a PhD student in English at Yale. Other famous and successful individuals to use pot, just to name a few, include Michael Bloomberg, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Phelps, Kareem Abdul-Jabber, Carl Sagan, even Queen Victoria, not to mention countless other musical artists, athletes, entrepreneurs and celebrities. However, probably two of the most famous and successful individuals to ever smoke marijuana are our 42nd and 44th Presidents of the United States, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Both Presidents used marijuana regularly in their formative years and even credit marijuana as something that helped them to form a broader, less cynical worldview. Not only would these men grow up to be exceptional scholars, and successful politicians, but also rose to the highest office in the land, even though they both smoked marijuana. When Barack Obama was asked in an interview if he ever inhaled, he quoted “When I was a kid I inhaled frequently, that was the point.”

For example, let’s say you’re an aspiring musician or artist. Instead of sitting around and smoking and zoning out for a few hours, use getting high as an opportunity to step outside of yourself and simply create something without judging it or overanalyzing it. Sit and lose yourself in the guitar, play from your spirit. Get high and start drawing or painting whatever comes to your mind. Don’t stop mid way through and criticize it, just have fun and create something. Have something to show from your high. If you’re a photographer, smoke some marijuana and get out of your house and take some photos, go to the park, go to the zoo, talk a walk in the forest. Let the marijuana inspire you. Whatever you can do to get out of your normal comfort zone and use your marijuana high as a catalyst to your success, rather than a detriment. You may also want to consider the type of marijuana you’re ingesting. Marijuana generally comes in two basic types, sativa and indica, and both have different effects on the body. A sativa high is generally characterized as an uplifting and energetic high, while indicas are more tailored towards stress relief, relaxation and an overall sense of calm and serenity. If you may need an extra push to get motivated, a sativa high may be perfect for you to get yourself moving and motivated to accomplish something. On the other hand, if you’re a high stressed individual, a solid indica high may help you to calm down and feel relaxed enough to follow through with something you may have been putting off. When becoming a successful and motivated pot smoker, one must realize that marijuana is simply a conduit for what’s really inside of you. It’s going to bring out what’s inside of you if you like it or not. If you’re a lazy person who wants to sit around all day and have no ambition or motivation, that’s what your going to do regardless of how much pot you smoke. But if you’re a motivated individual with dreams, goals, and a fierce determination to succeed, the only thing holding you back is yourself. To become a successful and motivated pot smoker you need to set goals for yourself. You need to smoke and do something with your high, whether it be write a book, play some music, play basketball, workout. Whatever creative thing your high is telling you to do, do it. Embrace your high. Use it as a conduit to tap into the deep reservoirs of your potential, and let that sweet leaf speak to you and show you the kind of person you really are and what you’re capable of.

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As a young man, he performed as an Off-Broadway actor. Then, he worked for over a decade as a successful pitchman: selling people on various products (think items like Vita-Mix Blenders and Ginzu Knives) on the Atlantic City boardwalk, at home shows, and in TV commercials. As an entrepreneur, he introduced speed-reading schools to Europe, opening classrooms across the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands. Back in the States, he was the second largest distributor of Breyers Ice Cream in America, inventing the first rolling cart from which scoops of ice cream could be dispensed at the critical, proper temperature. And over a sixteen month period between 1977 and 1978, Robert Platshorn was also – by the plane and boatload – a multi-ton marijuana smuggler. After getting caught by the FBI and DEA (in one of its first joint investigations), Platshorn became, as he puts it, “the longest-serving, non-violent marijuana prisoner in American history.” He spent almost three decades in jail for a crime that defense attorneys said ought to have merited three to ten years. Instead, the feds hit Plathsorn with racketeering charges and pegged him as a “kingpin” for leading the smuggling crew that the government dubbed the “Black Tuna Gang.” He was accused by the government – falsely, it’s said – of trying to flee the country and of attempting to have the trial judge murdered. Platshorn received a sentence of 64 years - a sentence meant to send a message to would-be smugglers hearing about the highly-publicized case.


Platshorn also has a response for people who say that the marijuana today is so much stronger than it was in the 70s: “That’s complete and total nonsense.” Even though loaded with seeds, Platshorn claims Santa Marta Gold was as potent as a lot of contemporary marijuana: 16-18% THC. “The entire business changed once they came down on us and some other people,” says Platshorn, who tallies his import total at 30-35 tons (as opposed to the government’s thumb-on-the-scale claim of 500 tons). Many old-time marijuana smugglers got out of the trade. Others switched to moving cocaine, which required less of a crew and smaller crafts - and netted even higher profits. Photograph by flickr user rakontur

“So they took a productive citizen and put me away for almost thirty years at great expense to the government for what is not only a harmless weed, but a very beneficial one,” says Platshorn, who was finally released in September 2008. “And it’s extraordinarily irrational, and it’s something that I’d like to change.” Platshorn doesn’t think anyone should serve time behind bars for cannabis. Now reunited and living with his wife - his high school sweetheart - in a West Palm Beach, Florida retirement community, his pro-legalization convictions have led him to a new career as an activist. On his “Silver Tour,” he educates senior citizens about the benefits of medical marijuana. Platshorn, 71, wants this critical voting bloc to know that marijuana may inhibit Alzheimer’s disease and may reduce the pain of their arthritis. “I felt no one was talking to them,” says Platshorn, who visits senior centers to discuss cannabis. “Everything was aimed at the younger generation.” Platshorn also gets to tell his story in the recent documentary film Square Grouper (Magnolia), which reveals how he was railroaded by the federal government. Director Billy Corben (who also produced and directed the wildly-popular Cocaine Cowboys documentary, detailing the history of Miami’s violent, white powder drug trade) says animatedly, “[Platshorn’s] sentence was garbage, it was nonsense. There’s absolutely no justifiable reason why rapists and murderers would get less time than a pot hauler, found guilty of nothing other than importing marijuana. It boggles the mind. It’s simply unconscionable--and it’s cruel and unusual. And it was relatively unprecedented for that time and that crime.”

Naturally, many people who get out of prison on marijuana charges are angry, resentful, and carry a grudge. But not Platshorn, according to NORML founder Keith Stroup. Stroup says, “He’d obviously lost half of his life locked up in a federal prison cell. But what I found is a man amazingly at peace with himself and at peace with his place in life…it shows he has taken control of his life.” How did he survive mentally in prison? Platshorn cites an innate optimism, in the face of his irrational, Kafkaesque situation. When describing his book, he says it’s not a plea for sympathy, and it doesn’t include anything too dark or depressing. “Most of us like to remember the good things,” says Platshorn. No doubt he’s smiling at the opposite end of the phone line, as he considers his life’s trajectory and adds enthusiastically, “And there were some fun things!” For more on Robert Platshorn, check out, and for more on the documentary “Square Grouper,” visit

Platshorn has accompanied Square Grouper on the road, pitching it to movie critics and audiences. Corben says Platshorn has held valuable back-and-forths at film festivals with opponents, as well as supporters, of legalization: “He’s helped to incite a lot of discussion and controversy and, I think, worthwhile debate.” You can also find Platshorn at conventions like KushCon in Denver, selling his memoir entitled Black Tuna Diaries. In the book, he discusses his world travels, his adventures as a sport fisherman, his high-rolling days in the pot trade, and his time in prison. A silverhaired ex-con who retains the South Philadelphia accent of his youth, he first comes across as guarded, with riveting and appraising eyes. But engage him on a topic dear to his heart and Platshorn opens up. Platshorn fondly recalls the marijuana he imported: Santa Marta Gold from Colombia. It stood out among the best of the 70s. Platshorn says it possessed “a bright, pretty golden color…so sticky that it was hard to get the seeds out. It stuck to your fingers and everything you touched. It wasn’t like most pots today, which are green with a smell like a fir tree. It didn’t have a lot of smell. But it burned really sweet - a cloying, sweet smell. Very distinctive. Three or four puffs, the joint was clogged.”


Kush Concert Calendar

Southern California’s Live Music Preview:


sessions as a gift from us.” So go pick that up if you haven’t yet, and go see him on June 11th for a wonky set of electronic music and inspiring visuals that will lift your spirits into the weekend.


6.24.11 @ Key Club (West Hollywood)

Blackalicious is the tongue twisting hip-hop duo from Sacramento, made up of rapper Gift of Gab and DJ/producer Chief Xcel. Gift of Gab’s multisyllabic, complex rhymes paired with the Chief ’s classically inspired beats make their music timeless and enjoyable. They’ve released three full-length albums:1999’s Nia, 2002’s Blazing Arrow, and 2005’s The Craft - any easy classic of modern day, independent hip hop. There has been talk of an album in 2011, so you might get a mix of old and new jams on this night at the Key Club. Definitely a show worth making it to.

Keren Ann

6.24.11 @ McCabes (Santa Monica) 6.25.11 @ Luckman Fine Arts Complex (Cal State LA)

My Morning Jacket

6.22.11 @ Pantages Theatre (Hollywood) 7.02.11 @ Santa Barbara Bowl

My Morning Jacket have been spreading their Kentucky psychedelic rock seeds since 1998. Well know for their jam band live performance, this will be a super relaxing show, perfect for a couple joints and reflection on how awesome this summer has been and will continue to be. Check out their DVD & CD “Okonokos” to get familiar, if you aren’t already a certified fan. Think a more bluesy Pink Floyd concert, or a modern day Phish and you’ll be on the right track for this one. With two SoCal performances in June and July, this is a must if you’re a fan of rock music that will take you to another place.

Flying Lotus

6.23.11 @ The Music Box

The quickly growing project of experimental electronic producer Flying Lotus seems to be coming full circle, with possibly his biggest LA performance yet at the Music Box in Hollywood. The Winnetka native released with third full album, Cosmogramma, in 2010 and is looking to release another LP this year. He’s offering a nice little treat for those that legitimately purchased the album, and recently announced this: “I’m really into old jazz traditions and I felt Cosmogramma was my jazz record in a sense. In that spirit, for anyone who’s bought the album, we’ve made something they can use to get new tracks and alternate takes from the original Cosmogramma

Keren Ann, a pretty little singer/songwriter/producer from somewhere between Paris, Tel-Aviv and New York, has been doing her thing for quite some time. But for many people in the US, her effortlessly smooth and delicate voice has slipped through the tracks. Her songs are beautifully written, and the wonderfully enchanting sounds that comes from her vocal chords will really get under your skin. Keren has released 6 solo albums to date, most recently 101 just this year. Take a listen to her song “My Name is Trouble” and I can bet you’ll fall a little in love. Her songs have been featured in the shows “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Six Feet Under,” and “Big Love,” so she’s certainly no new kid on the block. Get to one of these shows in the LA area for what should be a really nice, intimate performance.

Rihanna w/ Cee Lo Green + J. Cole 6.28.11 @ Staples Center 6.29.11 @ Honda Center

The pride of Barbados, R&B sensation Rihanna storms into Southern California in late June for shows at the Staples Center in LA Live and the Honda Center in Anaheim. Joining her is the bona fide hitmaker Cee Lo Green and the 26 year old recently signed to Roc Nation, J. Cole. Beyond his success as a solo artist and with Gnarls Barkley, America has really gotten to know Cee Lo on a deeper level as a recent coach on NBC’s hit reality singing competition “The Voice.” Rihanna puts on a hell of a performance, and hasn’t stopped pumping out the hits since beginning her quest at the tender age of 16. This is a billing that you’ll regret missing.;

Daryl Hall & John Oates: July 4th Fireworks Spectacular

7.02.11 - 7.04.11 @ Hollywood Bowl

In early July, you had better get ready for a smooth ride in yacht rock heaven with Hall and Oates at the Hollywood Bowl Fireworks Spectacular. Since their first hit in 1974 and on through their heyday in the 80s, Daryl Hall and John Oates’ smooth, catchy take on Philly

This Page: Keren Ann Right From Top: Blackalicious, Sara McLachlan, Flying Lotus, My Morning Jacket, Rihanna 96

soul brought the pair enormous commercial success and the world a lot of babies. Songs like “Private Eyes,” “Rich Girl,” and “You Make My Dreams Come True” have soundtracked so many sexy nights, it’s not even worth trying to put a number on. Six number one singles and six platinum albums, all with little critical success, but strong hooks and melodies that stayed true to soul traditions have made their songs live on into today as certified classics. If you’re looking for a way to celebrate the 4th of July, it doesn’t get much better than this. And if that sells out too quickly, try to catch ‘em on one of the two nights prior. This ought to be a fabulous concert.

Foster The People

7.07.11 - 7.08.11 @ El Rey Theatre (Wilshire)

Springing to recent success on the back of Hype Machine ( and some stellar performances at this year’s SXSW in Austin, indie rockers Foster the People are soon to be a household name. Coming from Los Angeles, the band started up their engines back in October of 2009, and have gotten massive radio play by indie stations with their hit “Pumped Up Kicks.” The trio of Mark Foster, Mark Pontius, and Cubbie Fink only have a single EP right now, named Foster the People EP, but you can bet they’ll have a full album out this year at some point. Coming off the heals of playing Coachella this year, watch out for these boys as they stomp into the El Rey for two dates in July. They’re quickly hitting the big time, so see them while it’s still relatively easy.

Bob Dylan and His Band

7.14.11 @ Santa Barbara Bowl 7.15.11 @ The Pacific Amphitheatre (Santa Ana) Bob Dylan is arguably one of the greatest song writers and lyricists of our time. Yeah, he’s getting a bit weathered, but this man is a legend that still knows how to entertain his fans. Hearing classics such as “Mr. Tambourine Man,” “Like a Rolling Stone,” and “All Along the Watchtower” - just to name a few - is worth the trip to Santa Ana or Santa Barbara. Get your tickets soon though, because this is a concert that always brings out an eager crowd.

More Great Shows! Pharoahe Monch : 6.22.11 @ Roxy Theatre Alison Krauss and Union Station : 6.23.11 @ Greek Theatre Rooney : 6.24.11 @ El Rey Theatre Too Short : 6.24.11 @ City National Grove of Anaheim Black Lips : 6.24.11 @ The Music Box Musiq Soulchild : 6.25.11 @ Club Nokia The Album Leaf : 6.30.11 @ Detroit Bar Vans Warped Tour : 7.01.11 @ Fairplex at Pomona Natasha Bedingfield : 7.01.11 @ House of Blues (Anaheim) Blonde Redhead : 7.02.11 @ El Rey Theatre Washed Out + Class Actress + Chain Gang of 1974 : 7.08.11 @ The Echoplex Sara McLachlan : 7.15.11, 7.16.11 @ Hollywood Bowl


And for more

Chef Herb cook with herb


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And for more, keep an eye out for Chef Herbs Events calendar at and Facebook or Twitter. Thanks for your loyalty to Kush magazine and my recipes‌ -Chef Herb


Shrimp, Artichoke, and Edamame Salad Ingredients: 6 cups baby spinach 3/4 pound cooked shrimp 3/4 cup frozen edamame (soybeans), thawed 1 14-ounce can water-packed artichoke hearts, drained 3 vine-ripe tomatoes, cut into wedges For the Citrus Dressing: Juice of 1 medium orange Juice of 1 large lemon 4 tbsp extra-virgin THC olive oil 1 tbsp water Directions: Wash and dry spinach leaves. Arrange in 4 bowls or on 4 salad plates. Arrange shrimp, edamame, artichoke hearts and tomato wedges on top. Combine dressing ingredients in a small jar and shake vigorously until blended. Drizzle over salad just before serving.

Grilled Pepper Salad

Ingredients 4 bell peppers, (mixed colors), halved, seeded and stemmed 1/4 cup halved and pitted oil-cured black olives 1/4 cup rinsed and chopped oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes 4 tablespoons extra-virgin THC olive oil 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar 1/8 teaspoon salt Directions Grill peppers on medium-high, turning once, until soft and charred in spots, about 5 minutes per side. When cool enough to handle, chop the peppers and toss with olives, sun-dried tomatoes, THC oil, vinegar and salt in a large bowl

Roasted Corn and Shallot Vinaigrette Ingredients 3 cups fresh corn kernels 4 tablespoons extra-virgin THC olive oil 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil 1 tablespoon minced shallot 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar 1/4 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper, to taste Directions Preheat oven to 450째F. Toss corn and THC olive oil to coat and spread out on a large baking sheet. Bake, stirring once, until some kernels begin to brown, about 20 minutes. Combine basil, shallot, vinegar, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Add the corn; toss to coat. Serve warm or cold.

Watermelon Gazpacho Ingredients: 8 cups cubed seeded watermelon 1 apple, diced 1/2 cup finely chopped Vidalia onion 1/2 cup finely chopped green pepper 2 teaspoons fresh basil 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon chili powder 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 4 tablespoons THC olive oil Directions: In a blender, puree watermelon with the apple and 1/4 cup each of the onion and green pepper, then pour into a large mixing bowl. Stir in the remaining ingredients (including the other 1/4 cup of onion and green pepper). Refrigerate, covered, for at least an hour to blend flavors.

Shitake Mushroom And Basil Fettuccine Ingredients 4 tablespoons extra-virgin THC olive oil 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stemmed and sliced (1 1/2 cups)

2 teaspoons freshly grated lemon zest 2 tablespoons lemon juice, juice 1/4 teaspoon salt, or to taste Freshly ground pepper, to taste 8 ounces whole-wheat fettuccine, or spaghetti (see Ingredient note) 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese, (1 ounce) 1/2 cup chopped fresh basil, divided Directions Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil for cooking pasta. Heat THC oil in large nonstick skillet over low heat. Add garlic and cook, stirring, until fragrant but not browned, about 1 minute. Add mushrooms and increase heat to medium-high. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender and lightly browned, 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Remove from the heat. Meanwhile, cook pasta, stirring occasionally, until just tender, 9 to 11 minutes or according to package directions. Drain, reserving 1/2 cup cooking liquid. Add the pasta, the reserved cooking liquid, Parmesan and 1/4 cup basil to the mushrooms in the skillet; toss to coat well. Serve immediately, garnished with remaining basil.

Strawberry Apple Spinach Salad Ingredients 1 pound fresh spinach, torn 2 cups chopped unpeeled Granny Smith apples 3/4 cup fresh bean sprouts 1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries 1/4 cup crumbled cooked bacon For The Dressing: 3/4 cup extra virgin THC olive oil 1/3 cup white wine vinegar 1 small onion, grated 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 teaspoons salt Directions In a large salad bowl, combine the first five ingredients. In a small bowl, whisk together all dressing ingredients. Just before serving, pour over salad and toss


Raspberry Lemon Muffins Ingredients 1 lemon 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup nonfat buttermilk 1/3 cup THC canola oil 1 large egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup white whole-wheat flour, or whole-wheat pastry flour 1 cup all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen (not thawed) raspberries Directions Preheat oven to 400°F. Coat 12 large (1/2-cup) muffin cups with cooking spray or line with paper liners. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the zest from the lemon in long strips. Combine the zest and sugar in a food processor; pulse until the zest is very finely chopped into the sugar. Add buttermilk, THC canola oil, egg and vanilla and pulse until blended. Combine whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl. Add the buttermilk mixture and fold until almost blended. Gently fold in raspberries. Divide the batter among the muffin cups. Bake the muffins until the edges and tops are golden, 20 to 25 minutes. Let cool in the pan for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack. Serve warm.

Zucchini Blueberry Bread Ingredients 3 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cup THC vegetable oil 3 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 1/4 cups white sugar 2 cups shredded zucchini 3 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda

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1 tablespoon ground cinnamon 1 pint fresh blueberries Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease 4 mini-loaf pans. In a large bowl, beat together the eggs, THC vegetable oil, vanilla, and sugar. Fold in the zucchini. Beat in the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Gently fold in the blueberries. Transfer to the prepared mini-loaf pans. Bake 50 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a knife inserted in the center of a loaf comes out clean. Cool 20 minutes in pans, then turn out onto wire racks to cool completely.

Cakey Bakey Peanut Squares Ingredients 4 eggs 1-3/4 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup milk 1/4 cup THC butter, melted FROSTING: 7-1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar 2/3 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/8 teaspoon salt 6 cups finely chopped peanuts Directions In a large bowl, beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla until thick and lemon-colored, about 4 minutes. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt; add to egg mixture. Beat on low speed just until combined. Beat in milk and THC butter. Pour into a greased 13-in. x 9-in. baking pan. Bake at 350° for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. Cut into squares. Cover and freeze overnight. For frosting, in a small bowl, beat the confectioners’ sugar, milk, vanilla and salt until smooth. Frost the top and sides of frozen cake squares; roll in peanuts. Place on wire racks to set.



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The Green Pages List of Advertisers 20 Min Evaluation p 27

Kelly’s Collective p 44

Adams and Hill p 34

Kush Korner p 40

Affordable Evaluations p 25

LA Container 35

ALTC p 29

LA Wonderland p 10 & 11

Amsterdam Mart p 112 & 113

Long Beach 420 Medical Marijuana

Anaheim Herbal Healing Center p 41 ASA p 90 BAT p 101 Belmont Shore p 24 Best Price Evaluations p 69 Best Price Evaluations (I.E.) p 102 Bhang Chocolates p 19 California Compassionate Care Network p 91 California Herbal Healing Center p 45 Calivapors INC p 35 Canna Care p 83 Chronic Pain Releaf p 23 City Compassionate Caregivers p 37 COI Evaluations p 13 DAVC p 35 Downtown Collective p 5, 114 & 115 Eden Therapy p 24 Evergreen p 47 Green City Collective INC p 57 Green Collective p 40 Green Horizon (centerfold) Green Miracle Healing p 12 & 101 Green Victory p 110 & 111 Happy Medical p 13 Harbor Area Caregivers Club HACC p 28 HHC p 65 Hollywood THC p 36 Hot Spot p 14 & 15 Hydroponic Creations p 44 Inglewood Health Services Center p 40

Evaluations p 43 Mad Farmer Hydro p 44 Marina Caregivers p 51 Medicine Man p 2 Meds Merchant p 31 MedStop p 73 MPP Liberty Ball p 82 Nature’s Holistic Alternative (backcover) NCIA p 57 OC Medical Center p 17 Patients and Caregivers p 7 PR Collective p 109 Rampart Discount Center p 48 & 49 Redmoon p 24 Reseda Discount Caregivers p 3 Santa Ana Patients Group p 58 & 59 Shamin Therapeutics p 86 Southgate Herbal Healing p 71 Sunset Junction Organic p 79 SWHC p 77 The Bluegate Collective p 53 The Doctor p 61 The Olive Tree p 39 The Springs p 55 Total Herbal Consultations p 24 True Healing Collective p 9 Valley Holistic p 4 Western Discount p 20 & 21 Westside Discount Center p 87 Woodvic p 28

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