kush 20
san diego’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine
72 34 features
20 Grower’s Grove
10 | Political Spotlight by Robert Selan 14 | The Health Report by J.T. Gold 24 | The Hemporer is Gone by J.T. Gold 30 | Strain Review: DAWG by Dillion Zachara 32 | This Month in Weed History by Josh Kaplan 40 | Best Pizza in San Diego by Sal Damiano 44 | Amsterdam Hash by Willard Manus 52 | San Diego Live Music Preview 54 | Beyond Legoland: Carlsbad by Jane Quentin 56 | Growing Cannabis for Profit by Michael Dillon 58 | Brothers of Brazil by Josh Kaplan 60 | Cannabis Events photos by William West 64 | Old Town San Diego by Gabe Marquis 66 | DVD Review 68 | Cars Are Cool by J. Mark Sternberg 76 | Dailybuds.com Dispensary Directory 80 | Magic Flight Vaporizers by Robert Selan
The best grow starts with seeds that are germinated properly. Check out simple tips to help you optimize your grow.
34 Chef Herb
Summer is around the corner -- our special chef dishes up fresh and tasty cannabis recipes.
44 Celebration Pipes Plated in 22k gold for the highest heat reflection available in any smoking instrument on the market today -- the most efficient way to smoke.
72 We Dig This: Balboa Park With amazing architecture, gardens, the San Diego Zoo, museums of all kinds, and a free concert series, you’ll find many different fun, and interesting cultural events this season.
74 More Than a Mission This slice of California history is famous for the annual migration of the swallows and much more. 6 kush
from the editors
san diego’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine
he Kush San Diego cover this month symbolizes the wave of changes that are so rapidly crashing throughout California. From the legalization movement on the ballot this fall, to the topsy-turvy medical marijuana battles locally, there is no shortage of turmoil and excitement surrounding cannabis. These days it’s not very difficult to find nightly news coverage on the subject on CNN, the major networks as well as your local TV stations. This phenomenon is occurring not because we have just discovered a new plant which has miraculous benefits, but because of its enormous social, and economic ramifications. After all, the marijuana plant and its uses date back thousands of years. The reason for all of the attention is the reality that we live in a time where special interests have taken control over our personal freedoms. The all so mighty alcoholic beverage industry is throwing countless resources at preserving their bottom line, by doing their best to block the progress of the movement.
A Division of Dbdotcom LLC Publishers | Dbdotcom LLC & Michael Lerner Editor-in-Chief | Michael Lerner Editor | Lisa Selan Business Operations Manager | Bob Selan Business Development | JT Wiegman Art Director | Robb Friedman Director of Marketing | Michael Lerner Sales Manager | Charlene Moran Graphic Designers | Coco Lloyd & Joe Redmond Design & Layout | Cristine Moonan & Erica Wernick Traffic Managers | Rachel Selan & Lisa Higgins Contributing Writers
Sal Damiano, Michael Dillon, J.T. Gold, Willard Manus, Gabe Marquis, Jan Quentin,
Ride the wave of the movement!
Bob Selan, J. Mark Sternberg, Dillion Zachara Photography | Robb Friedman & William West Accounting | Dianna Bayhylle Administration / Office Manager | Lisa Higgins
Internet Manager Dailybuds.com | Rachel Selan Dailybuds.com Team | JT Kilfoil & Houston So where do we go from here? We need to launch and maintain a united and collective effort to take back our rights. We can write about it and you can read about it, but it really is time to join forces, get the word out, and legalize it. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Kent State Shootings, where the Ohio National Guard opened fire on college students who were protesting the American invasion of Cambodia as part of Nixon’s Vietnam War campaign. The massacre left four students dead, nine others wounded, and would go on to spark protests at college campuses nationwide, forcing many to close temporarily. Kent State was the beginning of the end of the Vietnam war. By people joining together in a sympathetic and strategic alliance, our government was forced to change then, and we can force the change now. We do have the power. We do have the choice! RIDE THE WAVE OF THE MOVEMENT! Kush Editorial Board, www.dailybuds.com
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SUBSCRIPTIONS KUSH Magazine is also available by individual subscription at the following rates: in the United States, one year 12 issues $89.00 surface mail (US Dollars only). To Subscribe mail a check for $89.00 (include your mailing address) to DB DOT COM, 24011 VENTURA BLVD., SUITE 200 CALABASAS, CA, 91302 KUSH Magazine and www.dailybuds.com are Tradenames of Dbdotcom LLC. Dbbotcom LLC 24011 VENTURA BLVD., SUITE 200 CALABASAS, CA, 91302 877.623.5874 Fax 818.223.8011 To advertise or for more information Please contact info@dailybuds.com or call 877.623.5874 Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©2010. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the written written permission of Dbdotcom LLC.
Around the State, Around Town
Californians split over legalizing marijuana; and the James Stacy case by ROBERT E. SELAN The decision on whether or not to legalize marijuana for recreational use in California is heating up as the November ballot initiatives draw closer. Voters get to make the choice this fall about how cannabis should be regulated and taxed. According to a recent poll conducted by the nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California, voters are divided about legalization, with 49 percent of likely voters in favor and 48 percent opposed. The differences lie across political, demographic, and geographic lines. The poll found that Democrats and Independents are far more likely to support the initiative than Republicans. Support also is higher in the San Francisco Bay area, while Los Angeles, San Diego, and the Central Valley remain split. The survey also found that men are more likely to favor legalization than women. When asked about medical marijuana, where operations of dispensaries are at the forefront in cities throughout San Diego County, 76 percent say it should be allowed, with strong majorities of Democrats (82%), independents (80%), and Republicans (68%) alike. Meanwhile locally, a North San Diego County medical marijuana provider, James Stacy, whose Vista dispensary was raided on September 9, 2009, by a multi-agency narcotics task force, will be the first such case to go to trial since the Justice Department issued its enforcement policy in October 2009, a month after the raid. Stacy, who was charged and is being tried federally, will be arguing that he is entitled to admit evidence of medical marijuana
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compliance under state law as a defense, something that is routinely denied to federal defendants. Stacy’s dispensary, Movement in Action, was raided along with more than a dozen other San Diego County dispensaries as part of local-federal enforcement actions called, “Operation Endless Summer,” which resulted in more than 30 arrests. Only Stacy, and one other medical marijuana dispensary operator Joseph Nunes, were charged federally as a result of the raids. Nunes has since pleaded guilty and was recently sentenced to a year in federal prison. “With a new enforcement policy on medical marijuana, the federal government should not be trying this case at all,” said Joe Elford, Chief Counsel with Americans for Safe Access, the country’s largest medical marijuana advocacy organization. “At the very least, Mr. Stacy’s case should be tried in state court where he’s guaranteed a defense against his charges.” Because of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on medical marijuana, defendants are prevented from entering evidence of medical use or state law compliance in federal court. Stacy argues that although he was in full compliance with state law, he was federally charged with cultivation of marijuana, conspiracy to cultivate and sell marijuana, and possession of a firearm, which could result in more than 20 years in prison. The federal government has so far failed to show any evidence of state law violations and has blocked repeated attempts by Stacy’s lawyer to try the case in state court.
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by J.T. GOLD Arthritis is no fun and it affects a staggering number of Americans. 27 million people in this nation suffer from osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. The condition causes breakdown of joint cartilage resulting in pain and inflammation where the bare joints rub together. 1.3 million live with rheumatoid arthritis, an extremely painful autoimmune condition. Cannabis contains powerful anti-inflammatory compounds as well as natural analgesics, providing a relieving combination that can ease joint pain while simultaneously reducing the pain-causing inflammation. In a 2005 study, THC and cannabidiol were found to produce notable improvements in pain, quality of sleep, and to reduce disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Both these compounds are among the cannabinoids naturally occurring in medical marijuana. In 2000, researchers found that cannabidiol “effectively blocked progression of arthritis” in animal trials. Although both these studies involve cannabinoids administered as drugs isolated from marijuana, medicinal 14 kush
use of cannabis by smoking, vaporizing, or eating, may be a better delivery method for the same potent analgesics and antiinflammatories. When smoked, medical marijuana enters the smoker’s blood stream immediately and is distributed evenly. In addition, smoking medical marijuana provides the body with all the cannabinoids present in marijuana, not one or two isolated components. Arthritis can become debilitating and affect daily activities as simple as driving or typing. Some of the signs to look for are: tenderness in and around the joints, limited range of motion, redness and warmth around area of affected joint. Some other treatment options that avoid medication are: Acupuncture, massage, stretching, breathing therapy, and herbal therapy. Arthritis doesn’t have to take over your life. With a balanced treatment plan using holistic healing, arthritis can be easily managed and maintained. Live well.
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Starting with the right seed is equivalent to choosing the right architect to design your ultimate dream home. Without the right tools and attributes, the end result will not be the desired intent.
This is where it all starts - the genetic point of inception, so choose your seeds wisely. continued on pg 22
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The days of smuggling seeds back from Amsterdam in the hems of your pants are gone. Now, buying seeds online, is as easy as buying a pair of shoes. You can scroll through pages and pages of strains, and read up on exactly which type of high you desire. For those of you just getting started, here are some simple steps to make sure you start your growth in the right direction. First, understand that there are many stages of growth for your marijuana seed to reach it’s full germination process. Given that no two sets of conditions are alike, so give them lots of attention to prevent any problems. Start with a clean setup. You will need a small glass filled with mineral water to submerge your (female) seed into. At first, your seed will float. Try to pour the water the previous day, and leave it out in the open to eliminate any chlorine or other harmful chemicals from damaging your seed. Also keep in mind that nicotine is like poison to Cannabis seeds, and plants, so if you smoke, make sure to sanitize your hands first. Any impurity can ruin your plans. Now that you’ve got the seed in the water, you’re going to want to cover the glass completely in darkness for 24-30 hours, left in a warm space.
This is the only way that the seed will absorb the water, and eventually grow. You’ll notice that after the allotted time, the seed will have sunk to the bottom. Next, you’re going to fill a plastic Solo drinking cup with soil mix, about 2/3 of the way up. Cut 3 or 4 slats into the bottom, to allow for drainage and aeration. This new cup will house your seed, while also cutting down on any further damage transferring it around. You will then place the seed 3/16” under the soil, knot side up, then water thoroughly. From here you will place the cup under light for 16-20 hours. You will want to cover the cup in a humidity dome, with the light above it. Make sure to get your timer set up, and be consistent, so you don’t stress out the lil’ guy. With the right care and patience, you should be well on your way to a successful growth. Once your seed has broken ground, remove the cup from the humidity dome, and move it to an area with 16-18 hours of light, and air circulation. Make sure to spray the soil now, not to water, or soak it too much. This germination stage has now entered the seedling stage. By day four, your seedling should be sprouting upward, struggling to shed it’s seed casing, and you should see the first two leaves begin to grow. Make sure not to over-water your seedling. Wait for the top soil to get a little crusty before spraying it again. After 5-7 days in the solo cup, you are now ready to transfer the plant into a larger container with more soil, preferably in a glass container.
So remember, choose your seeds wisely, be gentle, and take lots of care with them, and before you know it, you’ll be trimming up some nice medicine.
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Last month the world lost a great visionary and man. Jack Herer died on April 15th, 2010 after suffering a stroke and heart attack in Portland last autumn. We at Kush Magazine by J.T. GOLD
honor him, revere him and will always hold his legacy in the highest regard. Rest in peace, Jack. You left this world better than you found it and for that we are all grateful. Back
interviewed Mr. Herer and Rick Simpson in what may have been the last, or certainly close to the last time Jack did a telephone interview before Hempfest, where he gave his rousing speech. Here is that interview. Jack Herer, legendary hemp champion and author of the book, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” is excited for a 10-week tour of Eastern Europe with friend and activist Rick Simpson where they will visit twenty-five colleges and universities to spread the word about the medicinal powers of healing hemp oil. Simpson has been creating and promoting hemp oil for twelve years released a film in 2008 called Run From the Cure- The Rick Simpson Story, a documentary film with testimonials from several terminally and chronically ill people whose lives have been transformed and their cancers completely cured with hemp oil, including Simpson himself. What is extraordinary about this particular trip is that by all good reason, Jack Herer shouldn’t be healthy enough to travel. In 2000, Jack suffered a stroke and the damage was quite severe. He lost much of his speaking ability and his motor skills were diminished. He also suffered from diabetes and diabetic ulcers. After ongoing and failing medical treatment, Herer met Rick Simpson to learn more about the hemp oil he was making. 24 kush
continued on page 26
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After two months, all of his conditions greatly improved and
[cult film] “Reefer Madness”. Even people on their death bed, are
his speech is good enough that our interview happened over the
scared to take cannabis oil for fear of getting high. However, they
still allow themselves to be subject to deadly treatments such as
Rick Simpson, a resident of Nova Scotia, Canada, was just a regular, middle-aged, engineer when he first realized the immense healing benefits of cannabis oil. He was diagnosed with
chemotherapy and radiation. Doctors often give the excuse that the plant is, “still under study,” as a reason for not prescribing it. How long does it take to study? If it works, it works.
basal cell carcinoma in 2002. He cured his skin cancer simply by
KUSH: People can watch your film for free online with
applying high-grade cannabis oil directly onto the infected areas.
testimonials from people whom you have treated and even
Now, six years later he has shared the cure with thousands of others.
instructions on how to produce your own oil at home. It seems
KUSH: Hi Jack. It seems obvious that the two of you would join forces, but how did you actually meet? JH: About 4 years ago, my wife met him in Canada and told me I should contact him about his work. I had an Internet show at the time and I called him to be a guest on the show with Eddy Lepp. After the show and learning about Rick’s work, I couldn’t believe it. I had been studying and working as a hemp advocate nearly my whole life and I didn’t know what Rick knew. I felt like I was hit by a truck. KUSH: Is that when you began taking the oil for your own conditions?
hard to believe that you can make a “cancer cure” at home. Isn’t it difficult? RS: If you follow the instructions, it’s no more difficult than making a cup of coffee. JH: (laughs) If I can do it, anyone can! RS: I had a 83-year-old woman call me the other day and tell me that she has been suffering with cancer for two years. She saw my movie and decided to try to make the medicine. She called to tell me how she did and what process she used, which was just as I instructed and sure enough, she had made perfect hemp oil using things she has around her house like a rice cooker.
JH: Yes.
KUSH: Do you get a lot of calls like that?
RS: Eddy called me a week after Jack started taking the hemp
RS: People from all over the world call me every day for help.
oil and said he couldn’t’ believe the difference. Eddy said to me, “Rick, 45 days ago, Jack couldn’t walk 15 feet. Now he’s walking all over the hemp festival talking to vendors!” KUSH: Your hemp oil sounds like a miracle drug, Rick. What does the medical community think of your work? RS: They don’t listen. They don’t want a cure. There is way too much money being made by the drug companies for them to actually want to find a cure. It’s an epidemic. Natural healing isn’t profitable, so why would they listen? JH: The drug companies are the worst. They have been poisoning us for years. Look at chemotherapy. It’s enough poison to kill a person’s immune system and make their hair fall out. RS: Look, say you get smashed up in a car accident, they [doctors] take you in there, and put you back together; in many cases, work miracles. But when it comes to curing simple diseases, they’re a dismal failure. This natural plant, that grows and replenishes on this earth, holds the key to true compassionate healing and care. People would rather take poison. KUSH: Why do you think that is? RS: Well, it’s partly due to the society we’ve grown up in. With the taboo that surrounds marijuana, from propaganda like 26 kush
I have people coming to me for all reasons. Patients come to me with chronic pain, scoliosis, arthritis, and even AIDS. 4 out of 5 people can be saved if they take the medicine right. Miracles are a common thing around here. When you make the essential oil of the most medicinal plant in the world, why should it surprise anyone that it’s a miracle drug? JH: That’s what we’re doing. We’re trying to break down the walls. People need to know about hemp and what it can do. Instead of poisoning the planet and ourselves, we need to get back to nature. A hemp-based economy worked for the United States for decades. It can work again. KUSH: So the tour you’re heading out on this fall is an effort to spread the word? You’re the high priests of hemp and you’re going worldwide? Is that it? JH: The time has come for awareness. We can heal the world with this plant. RS: Once people know what this plant really does, who’s going to stand against it? I just want see us get back to real healing; natural medicines that won’t hurt people. I want to see the human race back on the right track. There’s nothing special about me; it’s the medicine that’s magic.
continued on page 28
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There’s an old saying: “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. But sometimes that’s a hard piece of wisdom to follow. We’re all human (unless extraterrestrials read Kush) and when you first hear a city’s name or a person’s name you make some immediate assumptions about identity. Well, the same can go for names of different cannabis strains. With such a wide variety offered to patients these days, names can become dizzying and sometimes you just gotta go with your gut. DAWG. I have seen this name on the menu quite a few times but to be honest, a name like Purple Jedi or God’s Gift is always more appealing than AK-47 or DAWG. The latter are just such aggressive names, and aggression is just the opposite of what I’m generally looking for when I buy weed. But it’s just a name right? So I felt stupid judging it for so long. Finally I went against my instincts and bought a $15 gram and, well.... woof woof. In reality, DAWG is a supremely pleasant and relaxing strain. It’s a great indica for an easy evening after a hard day. Take a Sunday evening stroll with the DAWG right before a long week ahead you won’t think about that meeting, project due, or daunting inbox that lies in store for you come the morning. It’s perfect to kill your stress, set you straight, and let you think about more of the good and less of the bad in our world and your life. Contrary to the DAWG’s color, this isn’t a purple strain of kush. But the batch I got was pretty deep purple and dark green, with lots of bright red hairs and a snowy shimmer. It’s pretty dense when fresh, but if you can’t hang with the mass 30 kush
just let it sit for a day and you’ll be fine. You would think it is related to Chem Dawg or Chem Dog, but these are both full sativa or hybrid, and DAWG definitely is a pure indica kush. So here I was thinking the DAWG would bark at me rather than lick my face, hump my girlfriends leg, and tuck me into bed. We got along great. Although I’m too lazy to cook these days, cooking this strain into your meals would be absolute perfection. A nice relaxing indica, often used to treat insomnia, baked into a pie or whatever else your little heart can imagine is bliss. Aches and pains will be forgotten, and the best part? Afterwards you get to say “I got high on DAWG food”. Remember when Cheech and Chong smoked that joint of the “dog shit” that really was dog shit after a dog ate their Maui Wowie? Well this DAWG shit is guaranteed to be way better than that, and it still sounds just as cool when you say that you smoked it.
Maybe at the end of the day, what you can’t do is judge a book by the cover you interpret. But sometimes you’ve got to follow your instincts. If a book has a really stupid or boring name, chances are it’s going to have a lot of really stupid or boring content. We wouldn’t name our magazine “Shake” would we??
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by JAY EVANS This month we take a look at the inception of something great, innovative, and very important in so many of our lives - video games. In June of 1972, the brilliant minds of Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney created Atari Inc., and with a simple Tennis game named Pong, opened the rabbit’s hole to creative minds of many different cultures, and generations. I think it was the Hanukkah of 1975.…. We had to wait eight long days to open our big gift, but my brother and I were handsomely rewarded with an Atari Pong game system. This dinosaur in the world of “gaming”, (which wasn’t even a term then) was a marvel to be seen. It came with only the one game, as the idea of cartridges weren’t introduced until the1980 version of the Atari 2600. Imagine playing Tennis, with a video paddle, that you could actually control - on the T.V.!!!!! As a six year old, this was about the greatest thing since the hand break was added to the Big Wheel. Life was pretty good in the ‘70’s. As Big Wheels turned to BMX, so did the advancements of video games, and the advent of the local arcade. With stand up machines, and sit down table-tops, Atari was making most of the favorites at the time, like Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Frogger, Lunar Lander, Missile Command, Centipede, and the classic, Asteroids. Anyone growing up in the Valley during the 80’s remembers 20 Grand Palace, the arcade featured in the movie War Games, or the now closed Malibu Grand Prix. For adolescents and adults alike, these places provided an escape from the regular world. A place where one could Joust on top of a huge flying ostrich, or go to battle on the Frontline, or 32 kush
capture laser beams, in the future of Tron. Even for those casually involved, video games have been a great source of entertainment since the beginning, and the trend seems to be growing. As joysticks and toggle switch triggers have advanced, so has the world of video games. Now that the virtual world they spoke of is here, games like Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, Halo, and Call Of Duty are leading the pack. With so many start up electronic game companies on the market, and industry numbers exceeding those of the film industry, it seems that the creators of Atari were on to something. Whatever success the industry has seen, rests on the shoulders of these pioneers. So whether it’s paddles and popsicle sticks, or virtual game rooms with just you and your Sheldon Black Bong as protection, let’s remember a time gone by. A bit more innocent, and a lot less bloody - at least virtually….
ARUGULA SALAD INGREDIENTS 4 cups arugula , rinsed and dried 1 cup tomatoes, halved 1/4 cup pine nuts 3 tablespoons THC olive oil 1 tablespoon rice vinegar salt to taste freshly ground black pepper to taste 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 large avocado - peeled, pitted and sliced DIRECTIONS In a large plastic bowl with a lid, combine arugula, tomatoes, pine nuts, THC oil, vinegar, and Parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover, and shake to mix. Divide salad onto plates, and top with slices of avocado
TRIPPIN PASTA SALAD INGREDIENTS 2 cups rotini (6 ounces) 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1/3 cup low-fat plain yogurt 3 tablespoons THC olive oil 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar or lemon juice 1 clove garlic, minced 1/8 teaspoon salt , or to taste Freshly ground pepper to taste 1 cup cherry or grape tomatoes, halved 1 cup diced yellow or red bell pepper (1 small) 1 cup grated carrots (2-4 carrots) 1/2 cup chopped scallions (4 scallions) 1/2 cup chopped pitted Kalamata olives 1/3 cup slivered fresh basil DIRECTIONS Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Cook pasta, stirring occasionally, until just tender, 8 to 10 minutes, or according to package directions. Drain and refresh under cold running water. Whisk mayonnaise, yogurt, THC oil, vinegar (or lemon juice), garlic, salt and pepper in a large bowl until smooth. Add the pasta and toss to coat. Add tomatoes, bell pepper, carrots, scallions, olives and basil; toss to coat well.
KICKIN COLESLAW INGREDIENTS 1 medium head cabbage, shredded 1 carrot 1/4 onion, chopped 1/4 cup THC vegatable oil 1/4 cup vinegar 1/4 cup white sugar
DIRECTIONS In a large bowl, combine cabbage, carrot, onion, THC vegetable oil, vinegar and sugar. Stir until the ingredients are well mixed. Chill in the refrigerator until serving.
CHINESE EYES SALAD INGREDIENTS 1 package soba noodles 1 teaspoon sesame oil 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar 3 tablespoons soy sauce 1 teaspoon hot chili oil 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce 5 tablespoons THC olive oil 1 carrot, thinly sliced or julienned 2 celery stalks, thinly sliced or julienned 5 green onions, bottom 4 inches, thinly sliced 1/2 cup thinly sliced napa cabbage 1/2 red bell pepper, thinly sliced or julienned 1/2 cup julienned bok choy 1 cup bean sprouts, optional 3 tablespoons minced fresh cilantro leaves 3 tablespoons sesame seeds, toasted, for garnish 4 tablespoons unsalted peanuts, for garnish DIRECTIONS In a medium stock pot, boil water, add salt and cook noodles. When finished, place noodles in an ice water bath to cool. Drain and set aside. In a medium bowl combine, sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce, hot chili oil, hoisin and THC olive oil. Mix thoroughly and then combine prepared vegetables and noodles. Garnish with sesame seeds and peanuts.
ORGANIC TOMATO SALAD INGREDIENTS 8 to 10 small tomatoes, a variety of colors if possible 2 cloves garlic, finely minced 1/4 cup diced sweet onion or red onion 1 tablespoon fresh chopped parsley 1 tablespoon fresh chopped basil, or 1 teaspoon fresh leaf basil 2 tablespoons White balsamic vinegar 3 tablespoons THC olive oil 1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper DIRECTIONS Cut cores from the tomatoes; slice each tomato into 8 to 10 wedges. Combine with remaining ingredients in a large bowl; toss to blend well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving. Serve on salad greens, if desired
HAZELNUT CAKE INGREDIENTS 10 ounces toasted hazelnuts 4 ounces Graham crackers 1/2 cup THC unsalted butter 3/4 cup sugar 3 eggs, separated 6 ounces baking chocolate, crumbled
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DIRECTIONS Whirl the nuts and Graham crackers in a blender until they’re a fairly fine powder. Combine it with the crumbled chocolate. Cream the egg yolks, sugar and THC butter until the mixture is pale yellow. Preheat your oven to 360 F Whip the whites to firm peaks. Combine the nut and cracker mixture with the butter mixture, then fold in the whites. Transfer the batter into a cake pan of size sufficient for it to be about an inch deep, and bake it for 30 minutes.
JAMAICAN PINEAPPLE UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE INGREDIENTS 3/4 cup THC butter 3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar 3/4 cup unsweetened pineapple juice 1 oz dark Jamaican rum 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup white sugar 3 eggs 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 fresh pineapple - peeled, cored and cut into rings
CHOCOLATE HEAVEN STRAWBERRIES DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Melt the THC butter. Brush a little bit of the butter on the inside of a 9 inch cake pan. Mix 5 tablespoons of the butter with the dark brown sugar and 1/4 cup of the pineapple juice and dark Jamaican rum. Place this mixture in the bottom of the cake pan. Arrange the pineapple rings on the brown sugar mixture in a decorative pattern (be creative). Set pan aside. Stir together the flour, salt, white sugar, and baking powder. Separate the eggs. Beat the whites until stiff but not dry. Beat two of the egg yolks until lemony yellow. Stir in the remaining 1/2 cup pineapple juice, vanilla, and remaining melted THC butter. Add this mixture to the flour mixture. Gently fold in the egg whites. Pour batter over the top of the brown sugar and pineapple rings. Bake at 400 degrees F for 30 minutes. Let cake cool in pan for 10 minutes then cover pan tightly with a serving dish and invert so that the pineapple side is up.
INGREDIENTS 16 ounces milk chocolate chips 3 tablespoons THC vegetable oil 1 pound fresh strawberries with leaves DIRECTIONS Clean your strawberries and pat dry with a cloth carefully not to damage them. In a double boiler, melt the chocolate and THC oil, stirring occasionally until smooth . MAKE SURE NOT TO MIX IN ANY WATER INTO YOUR CHOCOLATE MIXTURE AS THIS WILL RUIN YOUR DIPPING CHOCOLATE! On your countertop lay out 2 sheets of parchment paper or wax paper and 2 baking cooling grates so your excess chocolate may drip thru so you can save and use the again; Holding you clean strawberries by the stem , Dip the 他 into your chocolate mix and let drip for a moment and place on your baking rack . Let your strawberries stiffen until they lightly snap off rack and place into little paper serving cups or your favorite serving platter.
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When you ask me about pizza, I am one of those people who goes into fits about the only good pizza being in New York and that everything else is a cheap attempt at imitation. So when I got this assignment, I knew I had better get over my prejudice and try to find a decent pie in San Diego. To my very pleasant surprise (and good fortune of meeting fellow New Yorkers with my same regard for places NOT New York that claim they have good pizza),
outstanding slices that not only passed, but aced my test. Without further ado, I give you...pizza. by SAL DAMIANO 40 kush
Proprietors Matt and Peter are New York boys and it shows up in their pie. Bronx Pizza makes real New York Pizza and run the joint as if it were on a corner in the Bronx. You can call in ahead for pickup, but don’t expect delivery. You can eat in but be prepared to share a table with strangers and a long line of customers picking up a pie or a slice. Slices are $2.00 and the only size pie you can purchase is an 18” crust. Take it or leave it! They don’t accept credit cards but do have an ATM. The pizza here has thin crust and is straightforward; there’s no pineapple, chicken, ham, Canadian bacon or jalapenos here. And forget the goat cheese only ricotta, plain and simple. And if you want a salad or ranch dressing, there’s a supermarket down the street. This is pizza! You can order a calzone that will feed you and a few of your hungriest friends or a specialty pie, but if you’re looking for wings or desserts, get the *&@! outta here!
There aren’t many holes-in-the wall in La Jolla, but Carinos has been in their same hole sine the 1970s. There are 8 tables, the menu has full Italian food offerings and they serve beer and wine. The pizza here is made with fresh ingredients and that comes through in the finished product, but what makes it really special is the crust. Carino’s has mastered the art of crunchiness. Apparently there is a secret to their dough that no one knows, but many speculate they put beer in it. Why not?
Their motto is “No Crap on Tap”, so come thirsty! Newport Pizza offers over 50 brews on tap and not one of them is Bud Light. This place made the cut as much for its atmosphere and vibe as the pizza. Ocean Beach is a great place to hang, regardless of what you’re craving. The pizza here is always fresh and always excellent. Why is it so good? The owners are from New York! You can order one of their specialty pies with names like The Happy Hippy or David Hasselhoff or build your own pie or calzone. No credit cards here either so be prepared with an ATM card or cash.
If you want to catch a game, get in some great people watching and chill at the beach, Luigi’s is a local favorite. Luigi’s serves a 30” pizza that is great for groups or leftovers. This is a place where you can order chicken pizzas or fancy toppings. The calzones are very good and they offer other American fare if pizza isn’t your thing. What I like best about this place is the atmosphere. My best advice though is to avoid the roller coaster after the 30” pie. kush 41
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It all started in 1973 when Tom Moffatt, concert promoter
Celebration Pipes are really second to none.
extraordinaire, who has staged some of the biggest acts in
one is a beautifully handcrafted piece of art, individually
the show business from Elvis Presley to Elton John, Nureyev
signed and numbered. Borrowing some technology used
to the Harlem Globetrotters, Sinatra to the Rolling Stones,
by NASA, the pipes are plated in 22k gold for the highest
commissioned the Lach brothers to craft 250 ceramic gold
heat reflection available in any smoking instrument on the
plated mugs to give out as his Christmas presents. Steve
market today. What this means is with one match you can
Lach aka DaPiper, the owner of Celebration Pipes tells Kush
ignite your cannabis, and the entire bowl will burn without
what happened next. “I was living in Carmel, California at
having to re-light it. Efficient and satisfying!
the time when I got the call, that Moffatt wanted us to make the mugs. I flew over to Hawaii, and was told that we had the order, but that Tom wanted everything made in Hawaii. Since Tom wasn’t the kind of guy you said no to, and it was a tropical island that he was demanding, not some freezing tundra somewhere, I literally moved over to Maui within days, to make the Christmas gifts. While we were making the stocking stuffers, we decided to use a little of the extra gold we had and constructed our first Lavastoneware piece, which we then happily passed around at the Sunshine Festival inside Diamondhead Crater on New Years Day. As chance would have it a new magazine was about to hit the streets that would set the course for Celebrity for the next couple of decades. If you guessed correctly you know that the new magazine was High Times. And from there Celebration Pipes has never looked back. From one tiny ad in the first High Times Magazine, DaPiper and crew received over 250 pipe orders in the spring of 1974. After that the Celebration pieces started showing up regularly in green rooms at major concerts including the likes of Aerosmith, Willie Nelson, and Loggins and Messina. In hindsight maybe Lach should have called the company Celebrity Pipes. Lach an original founder of NORML in Hawaii in the 70s is still is involved with NORML today and donates to NORML fundraisers regularly, by contributing various Celebration pieces to the organiztion.
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The cannabis connoisseur can choose from several finishes including Opal, Black Coral, Purple Haze or their exotic Hanalei Blue. Throughout 2010 Celebration Pipes will be dedicating 10% of it’s sales for the benefit of the “Prisoner Fund” which is being facilitated through Beverly Hills 90210 NORML. To support this effort DaPiper will be appearing at various dispensaries and doing pipe signings. To get information about DaPiper’s appearances you can go to dailybuds.com for the specifics. Celebration still makes each pipe in Maui. As DaPiper would tell you: Mahalo nui loa! For more information about Celebration Pipes or where to find one please go to www.celebrationpipes.com
by RO
s by photo N A SE L
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About a decade ago, the hip, civilized Amsterdammers decided to legalize the cannabis trade. Two dozen of the city’s 400 coffeehouses--better known as “brown cafes,” owing to their venerable, smoke-stained interiors--were licensed to sell hash and grass over the counter. Actually, the pot trade had been going on for years before that, but in an underground fashion. Now coffeehouses can apply to city hall for an official soft-drug permit which allows for cannabis to be dispensed openly, along with coffee, tea, energy drinks, food and (occasionally) alcohol. 48 kush
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msterdam’s policy spread to the rest of the country. Today, there are about 2,000 hash joints throughout Holland, the nation with the lowest hard-drug use in Europe. The policy has worked so well that dozens of other European cities and provinces signed the Frankfurt Accord to implement tolerance in their communities as part of a drug-abuse reduction project. The Amsterdam brown cafes that have been legitimized are strictly monitored. They are forbidden to operate near schools; patrons must be 18 or older to enter; and it’s illegal to buy and hold more than five grams of Dutch treat. What follows is a strictly personal guide to the best of Amsterdam’s cannabis cafes, the non-sleazy ones that offer ambience along with quality, even prize-winning smoke.
DE ROKERIJ (Lange Leisedwarstraat 43) is the flagship
of a coffeehouse chain. Unlike Starbucks, though, this outlet not only sells several kinds of high-powered marijuana (AK-47, Nepalese Cream, Stardust; approx. $20 a gram), but offers exotic decor fashioned after a scene in Arabian Nights. Indian murals grace the walls, the lighting is soft and sexy, ragas play on the sound system, overhead fans blow away the fumes, cushions and low tables are scattered around the private and communal rooms. On weekends henna tattoo artists and tarot-card readers cater to your needs.
(Handboogstraat 29) is a much more yuppyish place, on the order of a modern, brightly-lit British pub. To make up for its lack of atmosphere, the cafe offers a huge range of things to smoke. Behind the bar are floor-to-ceiling bell jars packed with 25 different grasses, 18 hashes, and various kinds of pre-rolled joints. The “Fair Smoke” label identifies which product was organically grown (biological nutrients, no chemical pesticides). A menu not only describes the goodies on sale but rates them (“clear high,” “psychedelic high,” and so on). Prices range from $15-$50 a gram, but the house-rolled Tbizla joint is $10.
Celebrity hounds shouldn’t miss (Oude Leliestraat 2), if only because many American and British rock musicians unwind here when they’re in town. GREY AREA is a small, dim joint with nondescript decor, but cannabis connoisseurs praise its wares, especially a hash called Grey Mist ($20 a gram), which won second prize at the Cannabis Cup a few years back. The Cannabis Cup, an annual competition (only authorized coffeeshops can enter it), is a widely-promoted, public event, another example of the Dutch experience--live and let live 50 kush
where drugs and sex are concerned. Not only is cannabis legal in Amsterdam, so is prostitution; the red-light district with its famous “girls in the windows” is sanctioned and policed by the authorities. The Dutch have also licensed a brothel that caters exclusively to physically disabled people.
KATSU (Eerste van der Helstraat 102) is a bit off the beaten
track, but has a cozy, unpretentious neighborhood feel (gezellig in Dutch). The Supersage on sale here ($10 a gram) is what locals call a kopstoot, a knock on the head.
(Haarlemmerstraat 102) is just that, a good place to start the day. The menu is large and varied, with such American dishes as waffles and pancakes as well. But the real specialty is Sweet Tooth ($12 a gram), another perennial winner at the Cannabis Cup. It’s like having your bell rung by an NFL nose tackle. The big winner at the Cannabis Cup, year in and year out, is (Oudezijds Voorburgwaal 191). The coffeehouse has won some three dozen prizes in recent years, all of which are proudly displayed in glass cases. Among the winning brands are Shanti’s Holy Balls, Shanti Baba and King Hassan Elite. The hash joint draws big crowds, but they are scattered around the spacious, spot-lit lounge with its comfortable leather couches and chairs. I usually opt for the Big Bang (approx. $10 a gram), which never fails to live up to its name.
It’s not advisable to get too stoned in Amsterdam, if only because it’s such a liquid city. Last year, for example, half a dozen people died by falling into one of the city’s swift-running canals and rivers. All of them were pot tourists.
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WHETHER YOU’VE HAD A LONG, LAZY DAY AT THE BEACH or a hard, stressful day at work, there isn’t much that beats kicking back with a joint and listening to some of the world’s best tunes in your own back yard. June and July are oozing with goodness on the concert frontier, so you have no excuse for not getting out to shake your booty. Our list is pretty diverse this month, with a little something for every one of you Kush kids. Enjoy! ERYKAH BADU 6.22.10 @ Humphrey’s Concerts By The Bay
KINGS OF LEON W. BUILT TO SPILL 7.9.10 @ Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre
In Erykah Badu’s video for “Window Seat”, she walks through the city of Dallas stripping lair after lair of clothing until she arrives nude at the spot John F. Kennedy was shot, and then collapses from an implied bullet. The Queen of Neo Soul is not a shy woman, nor does she mind speaking her mind. It sends a cold message, like M.I.A.’s recent controversial ginger genocide video for “Born Free”. Cold videos, but this night Badu will warm your soul down by the bay.
Kings of Leon are a rock n roll band in the purest sense. They’ll make you want to put on a leather jacket, throw some grease in your hair, hop on a Harley, and cruise around looking for chicks with a flask of whiskey in tow. They roll into Chula Vista with Built To Spill on this lovely July evening and you should too... without the wannabe rocker accessories.
STEEL PANTHER 6.30.10 @ House of Blues Steel Panther has been a Hollywood staple for a decade, and if you haven’t seen them yet you’re missing out on one the the sloppiest parties full of skin and sex since 1987. Not willing the let the memory of 80’s hair bands die, the boys started performing as Danger Kitty, Metal Shop, & Metal Skool in 2000. Performing both covers and originals, these dudes put on an awesome show that will make you smile and turn you on www.steelpantherrocks.com
YES & PETER FRAMPTON 7.10.10 @ Harrah’s Rincon Casino Yes and Peter Frampton join up for a night that is perfectly fitting of a casino concert. Both legends in their own rite, the hits will be flowing all evening. And nothing says summer like Peter Frampton playing “Show Me The Way” with a roomful of old hippies singing along to every word. So say yes to Yes, we don’t want you to be the owner of a lonely heart on this Friday evening. www.yesworld.com, www.frampton.com
LA ROUX 7.14.10 @ 4th & B La Roux -- the bulletproof, wild woodpecker, red-headed Brit -- has exploded onto the scene over the past year with appearances on MTV and performances at big venues in every city. Their electro flavored synthpop paired with lead singer Eleanor Jackson’s distinct voice make for an unforgettable show that will definitely make you dance. They’re bouncing all around the world this summer, but may not make it back to San Diego for a while, so don’t miss this! www.myspace.com/larouxuk
Left: Slightly Stoopid Right from Top: The Dead Weather, La Roux, Peter Frampton, Jim Gaffigan, Erykah Badu, MGMT, and Cypress Hill 52 kush
MGMT 7.15.10 @ Open Air Theatre (SDSU) MGMT, the Brooklyn based indie rock darlings have officially gone mainstream. In 2010, they received two Grammy nominations and in 2009 Justice’s remix of “Electric Feel” won a Grammy. Their newest album, Congratulations, is very different from the last album that brought them fame, Oracular Spectacular. At Coachella in April they didn’t play “Kids” and some fans really flipped out. And although their live set is as polished as it’s ever been, they seem on a mission to move away from the sound that made them so popular. www.whoismgmt.com
JIM GAFFIGAN 7.16.10 @ Humphrey’s Concerts By The Bay Ok this isn’t a concert in a musical sense, but Jim Gaffigan is one of the funniest stand-up comedians alive. So in terms of live entertainment, this is sure to be a home run. And since everyone likes a little comedy while stoned, this just seems like the right thing to do on this night in our beautiful city. www.jimgaffigan.com
SLIGHTLY STOOPID, CYPRESS HILL 7.17.10 @ Cricket Wireless Amphitheatre Our SoCal brethren come home to unleash the positive vibes and vapors with a show in Chula Vista. Some of the biggest proponents of marijuana legalization in the music community, Slightly Stoopid and Cypress Hill will not only make you feel at home but deliver a wonderful dose of aural delights as well. Part of the Cauzin’ Vapors... Legalize It 2010 Tour, this is definitely smoker friendly. www.slightlystoopid.com, www.cypresshill.com
THE DEAD WEATHER 7.19.10 @ House of Blues Jack White is a musical beast. A beast in the vain of Dave Grohl or Lil Wayne, where stopping for a second to smell the roses never really crosses his mind. White’s latest project is an allstar group made up of himself, Alison Mosshart (The Kills), Dean Fertita (Queens of the Stone Age) and Jack Lawrence (The Raconteurs). They came together in an impromptu jam session in 2009 and have already released 2 studio albums. You know what they say... “you can sleep when you die”.. www.thedeadweather.com
54 kush
Take the train! Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner offers a gorgeous and traffic-free ramble along the coast to Oceanside. From Oceanside, the regional Coaster train delivers you to one of two stations in Carlsbad—Carlsbad Village and Carlsbad Poinsettia.
There are several moderately priced options in Carlsbad that offer excellent accommodations without breaking the bank. If you want a truly authentic Carlsbad experience, I recommend the Surf Motel. Located across the street from the beach and a half block from downtown Carlsbad, this hotel is a beach bum’s dream. The rooms are spacious and all include microwaves and mini fridges, which always come in handier than you think. Stock your fridge with your favorite beverage and enjoy the ocean view sundeck or outdoor heated pool. The Surf Motel is located at 3136 Carlsbad Blvd. Visit their website for the Manager’s Special online rate or try any of your favorite travel sites for low rates. www.surfmotelcarlsbad.com.
Carlsbad has every kind of restaurant, from fast food to award-winning fine dining. Try the local’s favorites like the Daily News Café for breakfast by the beach. The Coyote Bar and Grill offers excellent southwestern cuisine and often has live bands. They also have an excellent tequila section! Just make sure you’re not driving. Captain Keno’s in nearby Encinitas offers $3 spaghetti after 4 p.m. if you want a whole lotta pasta for a whole little money. No matter what your budget or time allotment may be, Carlsbad has something for everyone and should top your list of things to do on a free weekend. The beaches are spectacular and the locals are friendly, courteous and willing to help if you need directions, an idea for lunch or a good place to rent a surfboard. Enjoy!
You can do everything you love about the beach here like laying out, playing in the water, sleeping…repeat. However, if you can muster the energy, there are a couple of things that you should not miss in Carlsbad. The first is the Museum of Making Music. Founded in 1998 under NAMM’s organizational umbrella and with its sponsorship, the Museum of Making Music explores the multifaceted history of the American music products industry from its beginnings in the 1890s to today. The Museum tells stories of hard work, challenge, inspiration and pioneering innovation, and reveals the profound relationship between the industry, popular music, and global culture. Discover fast, fun competitive, and exciting indoor go-kart racing with an authentic European Motor sport feeling at K1 Speed-the largest indoor karting facility on the West Coast. The flagship K1 Speed is housed in a 75,000 square-foot building with 60,000 square-feet of track area (the longest single track on the West Coast.) The Italian electric Pro Karts are the finest made with 20-horsepower engines and zero emissions. All necessary gear is provided and a game room is available on site with the latest racing simulators, pool tables and other popular games.
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Even with the relative deregulation of cannabis in the California, there are still very high risks of a growing operation. In cities like Los Angeles, where on site cultivation is mandated the risks are even greater. But, Randy’s operation is in the aforementioned apartment building, in a county where he and his partners were exceeding the legal growing limit. They definitely weren’t publicizing, even to their closest friends, the details of their business venture and although they weren’t really paranoid, it was pretty easy to see that the process was inducing a certain level of stress. And with college, 40 plus hours a week and an office job, an illegal marijuana growing operation is a pretty understandable stress.
by MICHAEL DILLON When you enter a dispensary to pick up your medical cannabis and you see all those neatly aligned jars, do you ever wonder where all of that comes from? When you are smoking, eating, or ingesting your cannabis, do you think of the financial and personal investment, risk, thought, and effort that went into it? If you don’t grow your own medicine, it’s likely that you neglect to think about these things. I talked to an unnamed grower with a significant operation in an undisclosed location (doesn’t the mystery excite you??) to gain a bit of insight into this somewhat elusive side of the business. The individual that I spoke with, let’s call him Randy for the sake of anonymity, was coming from a perspective that many may relate to in the “game”. A full-time college student, working a full-time day job, he hardly has time to brush his teeth, yet he still managed to spend around 20 hours a week on his crop. Those 20 hours involves fertilizing, trimming & pruning, and other work depending on the strain and growth method. On top of that, the apartment, which houses his growing operation, is a reasonably long trip from where he makes his home. To say the least, Randy is a very busy, responsible, and organized individual. Every couple of months, the crop is harvested and big decisions must be made. Sell on the street or to a dispensary owner? Offloading the crop to a street dealer will bring a higher profit, but selling to dispensaries can be a more reliable long-term plan. Where should he sell his crop? Every county, city, and state that has legalized medical marijuana has a different market with varying demand, which means varying prices. LA, for example, demands a much better price than most cities in Nor-Cal. But transporting the product can be very risky and usually isn’t worth the reward. So from start to finish, legitimate business decisions must be taken into consideration.
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You would think that with all of the hassle involved he would be making a pretty penny, right? Wrong. When all of the chips are counted in the end, assuming there are no disastrous legal or botanical failures, the Randy may simply break even. This didn’t bother our friend though. When I asked him if it seemed like a waste of time he said, “No, it’s really just a fun, cool experience. I was never looking to make a ton of money out of it.” Interesting perspective considering Randy doesn’t even use marijuana, for medical or recreational purposes. He’s a man of the earth, and a lover of all natural things that come from the earth. The fact that all the marijuana being sold to patients has to come from somewhere often leads to misguided information. The conservatives will tell us that it all comes from violent drug cartels, and the use of marijuana is fueling thugs and gangsters. But in reality, there are a lot of honest, hard working people out there who are interested in botany and/or business. Others may say that large scale growers are simply in it for the money. That is obviously not true in Randy’s case, and there are many others out there just like him. So the next time you are kicking back, enjoying a relaxing joint or bowl, pay a little tribute the the Randy’s of the world. Keep them in mind and remember that a lot of work went into the growth, curation, and distribution of your medicine. And remember that it’s not those evil Mexican drug cartels that put it in your hand; it could be your neighbor, co-worker, or even your college classmate.
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By Josh Kaplan To describe the musical genre of the Brothers of Brazil is about as difficult as pegging the Beatles into a slot. The Brothers of Braz il have soft ballads and grooving rock rhythms, combined with intricately executed R‘n’B and Basso nova beats - all don e with the grit of a gutter punk juxtaposed with the smo othness of a silk shirt. With such dive rse influences, the Brothers have pulled from ever y dire ction to make a quilt of sounds and songs that feel good - all unique, yet somehow tying toge ther perfectly. Supla sings, as he atta cks his zebra-striped drum kit, while João’s sweet voice and classical guitar will swoon most to the dance floor. This duo produces a full, and dynami c sound both live and recorded. Hav ing played everywhere from the Sunset Strip and the clubs in Camden, to Rock in Rio, the Bro thers of Brazil have performed for dancing audiences all around the world. As T.V. superstars in their home tow n of Sao Paola, Brazil, it’s difficult for these two to go unnoticed. With variety shows on REDETV Brazil which highlight thei r musicality, these Brothers are natural born entertainers. The reason is, the Brothers truly live in their own persona’s. What you see on T.V., or on stages around the world, is what you get when you meet these guys - crazy suits and all. There is no day off when you live it! Both Supla and João are very approac hable artists, interested in things hap pening now, and consciously doing their part to have that reflect in their art. With a cache of original songs, and natural harmonies only real brot hers can produce, their live act is a fant astic roller-coaster ride through the lives of these two very unique siblings. With such songwriting, musicianship , and charisma, the Brothers are read y to bring their sound, and show to the states. They have hooked up with ZMR ENT ., who is currently promoting the Brothers in the U.S., and planning a summer tour. Things are likely to kick off with a showcase at the Key Club on Sunset, so keep you’re eyes and ears ope n for these Bros. They will get your toes tappin’. If you don’t believe me, check out a bit of thei r music at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/BROTHER SOFBRAZIL … You won’t be sorry! To book the Brothers of Brazil, plea se contact: ZMR.ENT@gmail.com.
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thc expo photos by william west
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spring gathering photos by william west
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c.a.m.p. rally photos by william west
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Old Town San Diego is a Mexican food lover’s Paradise A visit to Old Town in San Diego is like stepping out of one of those brown and white photographs you have taken where you and your friends dress up like saloon girls or cowboys. Since half of the people who work in Old Town are dressed like that, feel free to wear your own costume. No one will notice; they will just think you’re on break from work. The best part about visiting this historic area of San Diego is the food. Authentic Mexican food is part of daily life in this border city and there is no better place to enjoy it than Old Town. Here are a couple of favorties.
Cafe Coyote
2461 San Diego Avenue For over 20 years Café Coyote has remained one of San Diego’s landmark restaurants and is located in the Heart of Old Town San Diego’s Historic Walking District. “The Birthplace of California” A friendly staff, loyal patrons, delicious Mexican Food and a Festive Atmosphere have contributed to Café Coyote’s being Voted Best Mexican Restaurant 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2009. Select from over 120 tequilas for a magnificent margarita. Mexican Tortilla Ladies make fresh tortillas by hand which you can buy separately and are also served with your meal. The flower-filled gardens and courtyard are filled with strolling Mariachis. While you wait for your food, check out the murals and architecture. The atmosphere lends itself to a long, lazy lunch. Café Coyote y Cantina is a certified “Tequila House” by the prestigious Academia del tequila, Mexico City and is one of only two “Tequila Houses” in the entire United States. 64 kush
old town mexican cafe 2489 San Diego Avenue
This is the place for a great patio, great music, dancing and awesome seafood. Start with the lobster rolls- Flour tortilla, lobster, bell pepper, green onions, corn, cabbage, mushroom, and Parmesan cheese. The grilled basa fillet is a dish of white fish topped with a special roasted tomatillo sauce on a bed of rice with black beans. The camarones, large gulf shrimp in garlic butter sauce are perhaps the best in town. Having won multiple awards for over 20 years, including best margarita, Old Town Mexican Café is one of those places where you can visit over and over again and never regret your menu choice.
kush 65
VEREST (1975) E T N U O M D E II SK THE MAN WHO ard back in the
Academy Aw n the Best Documentary wo film s thi y wh t ub do d that’s what they There’s no ative. The characters -- an oc ev d an ful lor co t, ran vib too. It all combines to day. The photography is n is a man-eating legend, tai un mo the d An g. uin ite and, are -- are equally intrig de sickness, icefalls, frostb itu alt th wi n, tio ua sit e versus natur only has frame the ultimate man evil Yuichiro Miura not red da d an rt pe ex ing ski Japanese descent that, at possibly, some madness. nts to ski the descent. A wa o als he t bu n tai un mo t ‘why?’ to climb the world’s talles and cliffs. The answer to ers uld bo g tin jut , ge hu , replete with his journal times, is a 60-degree angle text is taken directly from er ov ice vo e Th ’ re. the cause it’s his climbing is more than the usual ‘be ily and relationships with fam his for gs lin fee his s, ation u’re bored – but as he deals with his motiv scene, but not because yo ski big the to p ski to d team. You may be tempte to see if he can do it. because you’re so amped
we are s bare how y la It . w o ur C. N e to swall I elves via o in s , ic n d w D e o m O y l r FO gh visua n our ve along one is tou hic stops ractices o p p is a s r u th g o , r s h s e it e g usn table, w ged e and dan In all serio ne-engor om seed to o inhuman , fr m s r u in o o a h h in h c e it the ng h s the food d only by but also w w , le o s a ll ie perpetuati iv r fo r e . h c is tc e on rs of bu factories ly. Food In t all ‘sham zed food illing floo o li k food supp n o e p ’s th o It n . n o s o and cow not just assive, m mers chickens and refor the way – g of the m h ts it in r is w e v e s ti e c in o a g e en e with ou dustry d animals. Th nty of tim ay leave y le ring the in m e p k s It n d t. ti n a e d o p n ga enner s milies afl engineerin r Robert K ep their fa e to c k e ir to s D b n you. . gh pression o ed these jo e you’ thou im n n o a h e w v a h people nitely le – and wit ut it’ll defi b , d te ic fl t con somewha
66 kush
THE COVE This film is an example of ac tivism produci infiltrated a co ng results. Th ve in Japan w e guerrilla-tact here fishermen their throats. ic filmmakers co rralled hundre After circulati ds of dolphin ng the film, an has officially cl s, daily, and slit d the subsequ osed the cove ent outrage an . Using fake-ro d film, they face b u zz , the industry ck spy cameras down more th , SCUBA diver an a few life-a take their fish s an d n infrared d-death situat ing extremely ions. These Ja seriously – an government th p anese fisherm d they have h at wishes to k en igh-level cove eep its whalin r b of heart and lo y a Ja p g an an es d e fi shing program ve than money s in place. Mad , this film was nominated fo e more out r an Academy Award this ye ar.
Entertainin g an
d factual? It of well-don ’s possible, w e documenta e swear. Ther ry DVDs flo e are thousa streaming se ating aroun nds rvice. Here d Netflix or ar e fo have b een) th any other D ur titles (w ell, three an VD/ at kept us pi d one that sh nned to our versus natur ould couch with e, man versu ou r munchies. Th s food, man you just know v er er e’s man su s dolphin-killi could have b ng men and een a politic one al documenta ry about th e Iraq war.
When a certai n nation wish es to invade a diplomatic hel Middle Easte p from a likern nation it n m in ded ally. Soun film imagines eeds special d familiar? Th just how the B is u tt ri er ti ly sh h w ilarious fictio naughtiness” ere able to sup n in time to just ply the United ify an invasio St at es intelligence b w it h n “p . ro G iv o f of en the recent ehind the Iraq disclosures of War, this may went down. If th e w sh el o l d b dy e you can follow as close as we ever get to ho the English an to whip out at w things really d Scottish acce your next par nts you’ll hav ty. The lead ac year. James G e p le n to ty r of comebacks should have go andolfini plays tten a nod fro a peace-lovin next door cute m th g e ge Oscars this n eral and Ann ness in a wella Chlumsky sh turned perform The diatribe ab o ws off her girl ance. And do out how awes n’t miss the d ome the movi eleted scenes, e title There W either. ill Be Blood is a crack up.
kush 67
We’ve all heard the cliches. The sun in your hair, the sound of the exhaust, feeling at one with the road. Often times, owning a convertible can be a headache, the soft tops can be loud, even in modern cars. Then there is the price, the luggage room sacrifice and sometimes the boost in maintenance costs. Of course there is more to it than that, sometimes those sappy cliches are right on. To own a drop-top is to set yourself apart as someone who can, at the push of a button, enjoy life just a little bit more. Listed below are three all-star convertibles
Audi A5 Cabriolet The Audi A5 Cabriolet is one of those ultra rare cars that seems to provide it all. Stunning looks, a terrific driving experience and a solid road handling that the Germans seem to be able to engineer into cars while they sleep. The A5 Cabriolet dons a traditional soft top in place of the hard top that many manufacturers seem to be opting for these days. Don’t be shaken though, the top features a noise dampening three layer design with a glass rear window that, they claim, is able to cut out all the harshness of the outside world when you want to. When you do decide to put it down, you can do so in a scant 15-17 seconds at speeds up to 31 MPH, which is a pretty nice feature for people whose roof priorities change at red lights. The rest of the car is what we’ve come to expect from Audi over the years. Solid design, attention to detail, and a terrific selection of economical and sporty engines. This is a true Bavarian boulevard cruiser.
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kush 69
Mazda MX 5 Miata The Mazda MX 5’s inclusion should be no surprise to those of you who are familiar with drop top cars. The Miata has been a staple in the car world since its introduction in 1989. The car is designed, from the ground up to provide the maximum amount of driver enjoyment at a low cost. Over the years the car’s inoffensive styling and exhilarating handling has made it not only one of the most successful convertibles, but one of the most successful cars in history. This current car has been on sale since 2006 when, at release, the world’s press labeled it as a solid update to an old classic. When you get down to it, the Miata is one of the few cars left in the modern market that has absolute character. Some people take to labeling the Miata as a car for Corky Romano types. Don’t be fooled, in the over two decade long run that the Miata has enjoyed it has been one of the most prominent presences at track days around the world, and it’s an absolute blast to drive.
Maserati Gran Turismo Convertible The Maserati Gran Turismo Convertible sits in traffic like Megan Fox at Comic-Con. It’s seductive curves and intimidating exhaust noise dominates the world around it. In more affluent areas, the Gran Turismo Convertible is starting to become a little common place, so if you expect to get exclusivity with over $100 thousand of your hard earned money, you might want to look elsewhere. Furthermore, this car isn’t the fastest in its segment, nor is it going to be the most reliable or the best on gas. These types of cars aren’t bought for statistics though. You buy a car like this because you love it. If you are looking for the drive of your life, there are few other cars, in any price range that can provide the sultry electric driving experience that the Maserati provides. Summer is a special time for convertible owners. The gloom and cold is giving way to scorching hot and clear skies; and this group of automotive connoisseurs are poised and ready, like a bizarre band of joie de vivre ninjas. In the end, life is short. If you don’t own a drop top, if you don’t want to put up with the headaches of the road noise, go rent one for a weekend. Pick it up, put the top down and go for a blast through an alpine road or along a coastal highway because you can, because it will put a smile on your face. 70 kush
kush 71
With Spring in full throttle, and heading for the summer months, what better place to spend some time than Balboa Park. With amazing architecture, gardens, the San Diego Zoo, museums of all kinds, and a free concert series, smart locals and tourists alike will have their choice of many different fun, and interesting cultural events this season. So without further ado, let’s head to the park…….. If running through the park is your thing, don’t miss the Rock’n’Roll Marathon June 6th, with bands rocking out all day long. Following that endorphin rush, go check out Taking Aim: Unforgettable Rock’n’Roll Photographs Selected by Graham Nash of CSN&Y fame - June 12th - Sept 26th. This collection covers fifty years of music through the eyes of 40 legendary photographers, including Annie Leibovitz, Mick Rock, and some by Nash himself. The exhibit highlights photos of Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon and Janis Joplin, to name a few. If you’re into music nostalgia, this sounds like a winner. For those budding artists out there, or supporters of the Arts, here’s an exhibit for you - The Summer C Note Event, which highlights local art that can be bought right off the wall for between $100-$300 (1,2 or 3 C notes). This takes place at the San Diego Art Institute between May 28th and June 13th. Go and help your local art community. Who knows, you may find a diamond in the rough…. If classics are your thing, check out Mannered Bodies: European Prints of the Late Renaissance, running through June 27th at the 72 kush
San Diego Museum of Art. There is always something to be learned from this period. For something frivolous and fun, check out the exhibit Datsun/ Nissan: “The American Story” which begins May 28th at the San Diego Automotive Museum. With a 1971- 510 wagon and a 1973240Z in the driveway, this show is high on my list. Are things kinda tight right now? Wanna do something fun for freeeeeeeeeee? Check out the Twilight in the Park concert series starting June 15th. For over 30 years this series has entertained visitors with programs ranging from military bands and Dixieland Jazz, to Big Band Swing and Latin Salsa groups. These economy friendly shows take place through August 26th, and run on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:15 pm on the Spreckels Organ Pavilion. For something a bit off the beaten path, look into the International Summer Organ Festival, beginning June 21st. Also at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion, and featuring the largest outdoor pipe organ, this series runs every Monday through August 30th, and starts at 7:30. Do you have a Dad who’s into science? Do you need something to do with him on Father’s Day? Well head to the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. Dad get’s in free all weekend long June 19th-20th. Here you can enjoy So Cal’s only IMAX dome theater, and over 100 hands on science exhibits. There is a 23 person motion simulator ride that sends visitors on exciting journeys. Combine this with a
nice lunch at Galileo’s Café, and Dad might just pay for your tuition again. For something fun and different, take a nighttime visit to the San Diego Zoo. From June 26th - Sept 6th, the Zoo stays open until 9pm, allowing kids of all sizes to experience the animals into the night, along with music, entertainment, and crafts. If theater is your bag, you should see SUDS: The Rocking 60’s Musical, June 17th - July 4th. Two guardian angels come down to teach a young teenager about finding true love. The comedy takes place in a Laundromat during the 60’s, and is bubbling over with good clean fun. With favorite songs like “These Boots Were Made For Walking”, “Respect”, “I Feel Good”, and “Do you Want to Know a Secret” this show will be sure to get your toes tapping. Has your Iambic Pentameter gotten a little rusty? Get your fill of everything Shakespeare at the Summer Shakespeare Festival, June 12th - Sept 26th. With three plays presented including King Lear, The Taming of The Shrew, and The Madness of King George, thou shalt be sure to have a good time whilst saving money. These productions take place at the Lowell Davies Festival Theater. With so many events and exhibits at Balboa Park, it may take all summer to see everything, but even on a small budget, there are many great things to attend. To scroll through the entire season, go to www.balbopark.org , and search around for a while. You will be pleasantly surprised with all they have to offer. kush 73
If you’re looking for a fun weekend escape, teamed up with some historical significance than consider taking the Amtrak to San Juan Capistrano, a mere one and one half hour train ride for under $20 per person each way. 74 kush
The small city of San Juan Capistrano (SJC) is so much a part of California’s history that those who live nearby often forget that they are or have the potential to be on hallowed historical ground. If the last time you were there was on your 4th grade field trip, it might be time to rediscover this landmark as an adult. And this time, you can have a beer instead of a juice box at the end of the day. Try the Swallow’s Inn. Somewhere between a biker, cowboy, trucker and surfer bar, the place enjoys and thrives on its bad reputation. The
Los Angeles Times named it “One of the 10 worst bars in America”! $2 tacos and beer pong on Tuesdays. Back to the history lesson.
walk through this sleepy little neighborhood is a walk back in time to a place where life was slow and dusty.
San Juan Capistrano is home to one of the country’s most famous Missions. Mission San Juan Capistrano was founded on All Saints Day November 1, 1776 by Spanish Catholics of the Franciscan Order. Named for Giovanni da Capistrano, a 15th century theologian and “warrior priest” who resided in the Abruzzo region of Italy, San Juan Capistrano has the distinction of being home to the oldest building in California still in use, a chapel built in 1782. The history of California’s winemaking heritage can also be traced to this historic locale. California’s first vineyard was located on the Mission grounds, with the planting of the “Mission” or “Criollo” grape in 1779, one grown extensively throughout Spanish America at the time but with “an uncertain European origin.” It was the only grape grown in the Mission system throughout the mid-1800s. The first winery in Alta California was built in San Juan Capistrano in 1783; both red and white wines (sweet and dry), brandy, and a port-like fortified wine called Angelica were all produced from the Mission grape.
The Return of the Swallows to SJC is an annual phenomenon of nature. You can set your calendar by their migration and the town throws a parade and fiesta in their honor. The brown swallows are Cliff Swallows and Barn Swallows. They probably have taken this same annual migration for centuries, returning each spring on March 19th, St. Joseph’s Day. The swallows return to the same nests under the eaves of the Mission which are made of mud, with a small entrance on the bottom of each nest. The swallows are said to leave Capistrano each year on St. John’s Day, October 23rd.
The Los Rios District lies directly across the railroad tracks from the Capistrano Depot and is the oldest neighborhood in California. The forty homes that remain here include three original adobe structures. The Montanez, the Rios, and the Silvas are all that remain of the adobes that housed the builders of the mission and the mission ranch workers in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. A
The swallows first send a few scouts before the huge return of the group to their nests at Capistrano and the surrounding areas. The swallows can also be seen at the Mission San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo, Saddleback College and the hillsides near Capistrano. In recent years, the swallows have failed to return to the mission en masse, possibly due to the increased urbanization of the area, but they do still return to the area. The swallows particularly like the mustard seed plants and the insects which feed on the plants. Spend a day exploring the quiet and beautiful town. The San Juan historical society is a great resource for information and offers walking tours. Also check out the O’Neill Museum and the Arley Leck house. Information can be found at the historical society website: www.sjc.net kush 75
Cannabis RX Center
Green Light Collective
3235 4th Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 866-4579
4967 Newport Ave. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 408-0198
Agape Collective
Cloud 9 Co-Op
Greenleaf Wellness
1421 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 272-HERB (4372)
5029 W. Point Loma Blvd. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 225-9128
1747 Hancock St. Ste B San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 574-9500
Altitude Organic
Doc Greens Co-op
Greensteam Co-op
2110 Hancock St. Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 220-7100
4655 Mission Blvd. San Diego, CA 92109 (619) 206-3359
3434 Midway Dr., Ste 1008 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 795-2837
Downtown Kush Lounge
High Tide Caregivers Co-Op
909 Prospect Ave., Ste 130B San Diego, CA 92037 (760) 525-4575
777 6th Ave. #127 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 255-KUSH (5874)
Beneficial Care Collective (BCC)
Forty-Two Caregivers
740 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 702-2110
Bird Rock Co-Op
861 Hornblend St. Pacific Beach, CA 92109 (858) 270-9900
Fresh Selection Cooperative
California Sun Collective 2230 5th Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 696-8843
California’s Finest Cooperative 1133 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 238-4200
Canna Collective San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 523-1974
Grand Organics Cooperative 4502 Cass St., Ste 202 San Diego, CA 92109 (858)490-9222
Green Earth Herbal Collective 936 Garnet Ave. Pacific Beach 92109 (909) 437-2121
Green Flash 903 Island Ave San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 615-0000
3841 Mission Blvd. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 488-9420
Pacific Beach 420
The Chroni*cal
2705 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 270-0420
311 4th Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 546-8700
Horizon Collective
Pacific Beach Medical Co-Op
The Happy Co-op
1012 Prospect St., Ste 300 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 456-1779
Horizon Collective
La Jolla Medicinal Co-Op
5121 Santa Fe St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 273-9300
Sons of Beaches
4851 Newport Ave. Ocean Beach, CA 92107 (619) 226-2653
3415 Mission Blvd. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 412-5944
Front Street Herbal Health
Gourmet Green Room
Ocean Beach Wellness
The Green Kross
7128 Miramar Rd., #12 San Diego, CA 92121 (800) 811-3112 (858) 997-2116
1150 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 750-2401
929A Turquoise St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 488-4047
3405 Kenyon St., Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 221-2932
Cali Green Meds
4976 Newport Ave., Ste C San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 764-5464
Pacific Beach Collective
841 Turquoise St., Ste G San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 746-4207
1602 Front St. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 764-5451
San Diego Organic Wellness Association
6902 La Jolla Blvd. Ste B La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 729-9927
5640 La Jolla Blvd. San Diego, CA 92037 (858) 337-2429 3445 Midway Dr. Ste I San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 684-4234
Ocean Beach Mendica Caregivers
737 Pearl St., Ste 202 San Diego, CA 92037 (858) 459-0116
Light the Way 6330 Nancy Ridge Dr. San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 550-0450
LJAH 6830 La Jolla Blvd. #203 San Diego, CA 92037 (858) 454-1976
Made Fresh Daily Collective 350 N. 11th Ave., Ste 123 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 546-0552
4676 Cass St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 581-3265
Point Loma Patient Assn. 3045 Rosecrans St. Ste 214 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 226-2308
Relief Co-Operative 4051 Voltaire St., Ste C San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 222-2225
Rosecrans Herbal Care 1337 Rosecrans St. San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 255-3813
San Diego Herbal Alternatives 5830 Oberlin Dr., Ste 304 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 450-HERB (4372)
San Diego Holistic Healing
New Earth Beginnings
5544 La Jolla Blvd., Ste A San Diego, CA 92037 (858) 412-3105
4905 Savannah St. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 276-1008
San Diego Organic Collective
Ocean Beach Collective 4852 Voltaire St. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 226-3300
2731 Shelter Island Dr. San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 501-7400
5703 Oberlin Dr., Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 550-0445
The Organic Nurse San Diego (800) 419-4810
The Soul Provider 2160 Las Lomas St. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 226-SOUL (7685)
Therapeutic Healing Collective 3251 Holiday Ct., Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92037 (866) 378-1726
Transformational Medical Collective 1189 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-7500
Tree House Club 3780 Hancock St., Ste F San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 794-2400
Trichome Healing Collective 752 6th Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 338-9922
"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 76 kush
Nature’s RX
1025 W. Laurel St. #105 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 544-1555
3538 Ashford St., Ste E San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 495-0420
West Coast Farmacy
2215 Kettner Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 238-3538
208 W. Aviation Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-9060
Wisdom Organics
San Diego Green House Medical Marijuana
5423 Linda Vista Rd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 272-0240
SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY ABACA Medical Collective San Diego, CA (760) 529-9630
Milli’s Cannabis Collective
9513 Blackmountain Rd # E San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 309-2309
San Diego Medical Collective (SDMC) 1233 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 275 San Diego, CA 92126 (619) 298-3500
San Diego Organic (SDO)
North SD county (877) 625-6209
2854 Main St. San Diego, CA 92113 (619) 231-3040
San Diego Sincere
Socal Wellness
7750 Dagget St., Ste 203 San Diego, CA 92054 (858) 565-1053
1990 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, CA 92083 (760) 509-4800
SibannaCAlternative, Inc. The Dank Bank 3150 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 516-1899
SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY INLAND Delta Nine Healing 8400 Miramar Rd #150 San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 271-7700
Members Only Collective 3795-A 30th St. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 906-4295
2781 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 516-1899
The Happier Co-Op 9625 Black Mountain Rd., Ste 309 San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 271-1138
The Healing Dragon 2506 S. Santa Fe Ave., Ste B8 Vista, CA 92084 (760) 599-8700
Vista Garden Collective Vista, CA 92084 (760) 532-4502
1232 Los Vallecitos, Ste 102 San Marcos, CA 92069 (760) 804-0300
"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com kush 77
Earth Medical Collective Inc.
30th Street Patient Collective
7933 Balboa Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 277-1088
4494 30th St., Ste B San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 282-6600
Absolute Collective 2801 4th Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 630-2727
Allgreen Cooperative 3740 5th Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 269-1824
Alternative Care Group 3930 Oregon St., Ste 260 San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 795-1887
Alternative Resources Center & Collective 4410 Glacier St. # 106 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-2722
Alternative Therapy Herbal Center 3251 4th Ave., Ste 420 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 825-0955
First Choice 2858 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 521-1102
Glass Jar Collective 4015 Park Blvd., Ste 203 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 294-6847
Good Karma Collective 2629 Ariane Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 (858) 750-2450
Green Crop Co-op 6957 El Cajon Blvd., Ste 109 San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 466-4200
Green Heart Co-op 2469 Broadway San Diego, CA 92102 (619) 487-9940
Green Joy 4633 Convoy St. #104 San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 268-4488
California Care Collective Green Tree Solutions 8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Ste 213 San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 768-1347
California Green Room 5234 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 582-5420
California’s Best Meds 6186 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 582-4035
Cannabis Creations Wellness Cooperative 2505 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 (858) 356-7967
8055 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Ste 107 San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 278-2128
Healing Arts 4009 Park Blvd, Suite 19 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 293-3600
Herb Mart Inc. 3439 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 654-9226
Higher Healing
Higher Level 4443 30th St. Suite 105 San Diego, CA 92116 (888) 987-MEDS
Hillcrest Compassion Care of San Diego
Spectrum of Kindness Cooperative 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 569-0162
The Gift of Green
1295 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 291-4420
3200 Adams Ave., #208 San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 516-1899
Integrity Workers Cooperative
The Green Door Collective
2801 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 201-6 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 692-3995
Mother Earth Co-Op Collective 904 Ft Stockton Dr. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 794-4618
Oasis Herbal Center 3441 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 280-0015
Organic Experience 7841 Balboa Ave., Ste 204 San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 929-1894
San Diego Green Care Collective 4488 Convoy St., Ste D San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 278-8488
San Diego Holistic 4535 30th Ave., Ste 114 San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 281-8695
SDDC Collective Corp 3152 Univeristy Ave. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 280-7332
Southern Lites Collective, Inc.
5945 Mission Gorge Rd., #6 5995 Mission Gorge Rd, Suite C San Diego, CA 92120 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 283-9333 (619) 516-4325
3021 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 584-2837
The Green Dove Collective 4540 Kearny Villa Rd., Ste 213 San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 222-3613
The Greenery Caregivers
Top Quality Collective 7933 Balboa Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 541-2001
Unified Collective 2815 Camino Del Rio South, #2A San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 299-6600
We the People Collective 7200 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 318-3671
Wellness Center Collective 411 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92105 (619) 795-7725
West Coast Farmacy
4672 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 296-1300
6956 El Cajon Blvd . San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 465-4217
The Healing Arts
4009 Park Blvd., #23 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 293-3600
The Helping Cloud 3690 Murphy Canyon Rd. San Diego, CA 92123 (949) 382-8590
The Holistic Cafe 415 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 269-7200
The Nuggetry 6334 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 286-NUGG (6844)
The People’s Collective 2869 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 677-2776
The Star of San Diego 3918 30th St. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 358-9193
East County Cooperative 7200 Parkway Dr., #102 La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 713-5922
Green Power 9960 Campo Rd., Ste 107 Spring Valley, CA 91977 (619) 321-8766
Herbal Health Options 9612 Dale Ave., #2 Spring Valley, CA 91977 (619) 464-6200
Pacific Alternative Care 7882 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 303-4079
The Pac 7882 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 303-4079
"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 78 kush
DISPENSARY LISTING SAN DIEGO SOUTH COUNTY Answerdam Rx 950 E. Vista Way San Diego, CA 92173 (619) 634-3178
MC2: Medical Cannabis Consultants 2515 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 340 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 297-3800
Absolute Collective p 39
Lake APC p 71
Alternative Care Group p 15
Law Offices of Michael E Cindrich p 16
945 Hornblend St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 274-4000
Altitude Organic San Diego p 9
Legal Cannabis Institute p 23
Anti Aging p 71
Light the Way (centerfold)
Beneficial Care Collective p 69
LJAH p 49
2121 5th Ave., Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92101 (877) 627-1644
Cal Med 420 p 38
OB Mendica Caregivers p 69
California Sun Collective p 38
Point Loma Patient Association p 65
California’s Best Meds p 18
SabannaCAlternative Inc. p 25
Cannabis Creations Wellness Cooperative p 5
San Diego Herbal Alternatives p 59
MediCann San Diego
DOCTORS Alternative Care Clinics 4452 Park Blvd., Ste 314 San Diego, CA 92116 (866) 420-7215
Anti-Aging Arts 1516 W. Redwood St. #105 San Diego, CA 92101 (619)543-1061
Anti-Aging Medical Marijuana Evaluations 1516 W. Redwood St., #105 San Diego, CA 92101 (888) 220-2931
Calmed 420 3045 Rosecrans St., Ste 215 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 222-3839
420 Cannabis Card Corp. 3780 Hancock St., Ste G San Diego, CA 92110 (888) 554-4404
Greenleaf Care 7710 Balboa Ave. Ste 228C Kearney Mesa, CA (888) 776-7074
Greenleaf Care 3039 Jefferson St., Ste F Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.greenleafcare.com (888) 776-7074
Marijuana Medicine Evaluation Centers 5205 Kearny Villa Way #100 San Diego, CA 92123 (800) 268-4420
List of Advertisers
Modern Medicine USA 2425 Camino Del Rio South #125 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 819-2550
San Diego 420 Evaluations 45 3rd Ave. # 104 Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 420-2040
SCHOOLS Legal Cannabis Institute 9808 Waples Street San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 864.8787
CHEF HERB p 51 Cloud 9 Co-op p 33 Delta Nine Healing p 57 Discount Quality p 65 Downtown Kush Lounge p 29
San Diego 420 Medical Center p 11 San Diego Organic Collective p 83 San Diego Organic Wellness Asso. p 19 SDDC Collective Corp (backcover) SD Green House p 57 SD TMC/Transformational Med
Fresh Selection Cooperative (insert)
Collective p 16
Front St. Herbal Health p 49
Sons of Beaches p 27
Grass of the Earth p 69
The Dank Bank p 42
Green Earth Herbal Collective p 4
The Green Cross p 29
Green Flash p 12 & 13
The Pac p 57
Green Tree Solutions p 82
The People’s Collective p 17
Greenleaf Wellness p 2
Therapeutic Healing Collective p 7
Healing Arts p 55
THHC p 42
Higher Healing p 65
Trichome Healing Collective p 47
Higher Level p 3 & 42
Unified Collective p 21
Horizon Collective p 63
Wellness Center Collective p 57
OG Dankster Buds
Integrity Workers Coop p 31
Wisdom Organics p 51
DELIVERY Grass of the Earth (760) 730-2110
LAWYERS Lake APC, Attorneys at Law 835 5th Ave. Ste 200A San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 795-6460
Law Offices of Michael Cindrich 110 West C St. Ste 1300 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 262-2500
San Diego, CA (760) 730-0269
"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com kush 79
I have to admit when I first took on this story I thought it was going to be just a product review about a cool (or let’s say healthier) way to medicate. Wow was I wrong. Well not about the fact that the Magic Flight Vaporizer is a cool and healthier way to utilize medical cannabis, but about the bigger picture behind it. Fast forward, and the staff at Magic-Flight tell me about how to wrap 20 years of wood-working, engineering, philosophy, and metaphysics into a start-up MMJ venture. Magic flight is not just another vaporizer success story. I think they are really on to something. As they tell it, the backbone of Magic Flight’s success is the result of three deep but succinct statements:
Love is that which enables choice; Love is always stronger then fear; and Always choose on the basis of love. These three sentences are embedded on the bottom of every vaporizer Magic Flight produces. Yes it is a vaporizer that works phenomenally well, is easy to use, compact, portable and convenient. But these attributes are not the bragging rights Magic Flight is proud of. While the results of the thousands of hours that went into the engineering feat is impressive, even greater consideration has been given to company operations and especially customer service and warranties. Even the company founder says that when he decided to move forward with this endeavor, that he made a conscientious decision to run his company the same way he chooses to live his life. It is all summed up on the bottom of each Magic Flight Vaporizer. www.magic-flight.com
82 kush