Kush San Diego March 2011

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san diego’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine






12 Jeff Lake

16 | The Health Report: Smoking by J.T. Gold

Who’s breaking the law? The County of San Diego or you? Why 2011 is shaping up to be the year of the lawsuit!

22 | The Gaslamp Spotlight: Chocolate! by Valerie Fernandez

56 This Month in Weed History Dr. Suess, born March 2, 1904, tackled racism, environmentalism, and fascism. Oh yeah…he wrote a few kids books too...

30 | Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact 34 | Dispensaries Unfairly Taxed by Luigi Zamarra 42 | Living Well: Meditation by Charlotte Cruz

58 John Popper on Tour

44 | Let There Be Light by Tyler C. Davidson

En route to his upcoming California Tour, The Blues Traveler talks to Kush about his new band, and, well, Kush.

48 | Coachella 2011 by Wasim Muklashy

62 The Price of Pot Supply and demand has taught us lessons on why cannabis prices have changed over the years.

50 | Strain Review: Cherry Train by Jon Davis 52 | SoCal Travel: Death Valley by Mike Sonksen 60 | Medical Cannabis Conference by Jade Kine

72 Chef Herb

66 | Hempful Hints: Rawganique by Valerie Fernandez

As they say in French “Laissez les bons temps rouler” or “Let the good times role”, a Mardi Gras expression you can say when you entertain with our resident Chef Herb’s Mardi Gras recipes. Happy Fat Tuesday!

68 | Live Music Preview by Dillon Zachara


76 | Dailybuds.com Dispensary Directory

from the editors




san diego’s premier cannabis lifestyle magazine

Print or Not To Print? “‘Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health’ follows the research of over 15,000 scientific and medical trials and takes a look at specifically what conditions have been proven to benefit from medical marijuana. This game-changing documentary presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the medical science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant.” In this issue, you’ll find an interview with James Smachtenberger, Executive Producer of the above film (p 30). As a matter of fact, that’s the very opening paragraph of the article, and at first glance, you wouldn’t question such a decision to print this interview…of course KUSH Magazine should print this? Is there really any question about it? Well, yes…as a matter of fact, there is…and the question absolutely does not lie within the confines of the article itself, the question lies within who coined it…someone we’ve decided to leave as anonymous for two reasons…one, we’d like the focus to be on the contents of the article itself; Shmacthenberger and his film’s focus on the remarkable scientific and medicinally beneficial findings. Two, we’re afraid that this focus would be lost if the writer of this article was named, simply because there happens to be some friction between this person, someone we respect and support very much, and someone else directly involved in our movement, someone we also respect and support very much. This greatly concerns us because, to the delight and joy of all those that are and have been against all that we have been doing, internal squabble between organizations and individuals which many may not be aware of because, quite frankly, they needn’t be, has

And the entire picture is this: marijuana is medicine. slowed down, and is possibly destroying the very fabric of our movement. Often times, it’s hard to see this when you’re right in the middle of it. Stand 2 inches from a chalkboard…all you see is what is directly in front of your eyes…take 2 steps back, and you see so much more. And we, at KUSH Magazine, like to think we’re standing far enough back to keep focused on the entire picture.

A Division of Dbdotcom LLC

Publishers | Dbdotcom LLC Founder | Michael Lerner Editor | Lisa Selan Assistant Editor | Wasim Muklashy Chief Executive Officer | Bob Selan Business Development | JT Wiegman Art Director | Robb Friedman Director of International Marketing & Public Relations | Cheryl Shuman Director of San Diego Sales | Charlene Moran Advertising Sales Reps | Amanda Allen, Christianna Lewis, Denise Mickelson, Kyle Ragan Designers | Avel Culpa, Marvi Khero, Joe Redmond Traffic Managers | Kevin Johnson, Alex Lamitie, Ryan Renkema, Jordan Selan, Rachel Selan Distribution Manager | Alex Lamitie Contributing Writers Chef Herb, Charlotte Cruz, Tyler C. Davidson, Jon Davis, Valerie Fernandez, J.T. Gold, Jade Kine, Jeff Lake, Bud Lee, Wasim Muklashy, Mike Sonksen, Sam Sabzehzar, Luigi Zamarra, Dillion Zachara Accounting | Dianna Bayhylle Internet Manager Dailybuds.com | Rachel Selan Dailybuds.com Team | JT Kilfoil & Houston

And the entire picture is this: marijuana is medicine. I mean, there’s one question that all involved parties need to ask themselves…can such internal squabble lead anywhere good? Isolating yourself and your views and discrediting the advances made in the movement for what seems like, to everyone else, personal gain and validation? Is it so hard to remember why all of this opportunity exists in the first place? Would it not be more beneficial to find that common ground, however small it may be, and re-focus on that instead? Because we, as editors, don’t want to sit here and debate whether or not we ought to print an article that shows how cannabis can help cure cancer. Sounds silly doesn’t it? And that’s just one example. So the simple fact that we had to sit here and decide whether or not to print a certain piece because it was coined by someone that might be involved with someone else that they may take issue with, well, frankly, infuriates us. When did we stop thinking about those who need our medicine now more than ever? When did we lose focus? And…for what? We think it’s time everyone takes a few steps back from the drawing board… Kush Editorial Board, www.dailybuds.com


SUBSCRIPTIONS KUSH Magazine is also available by individual subscription at the following rates: in the United States, one year 12 issues $89.00 surface mail (US Dollars only). To Subscribe mail a check for $89.00 (include your mailing address) to : DB DOT COM 24011 VENTURA BLVD. SUITE 200 CALABASAS, CA 91302 877-623-KUSH (5874) Fax 818-223-8088 KUSH Magazine and www.dailybuds.com are Tradenames of Dbdotcom LLC. Dbbotcom LLC 24011 VENTURA BLVD. SUITE 200 CALABASAS, CA 91302 877-623-KUSH (5874) Fax 818-223-8088 To advertise or for more information Please contact info@dailybuds.com or call 877-623-5874 Printed in the United States of America. Copyright ©2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the written written permission of Dbdotcom LLC.




Almost every day someone asks me what the future holds for medi medical marijuana in San Diego. Although such broad questions are often very difficult to predict, there are some things concerning the future of MMJ in the short term that appear obvious, such as the unfortunate inevitability that 2011 will be the year of the lawsuit. Why? For one, the County of San Diego is essentially begging to be sued over its long-standing position that medical marijuana must be prohibited at all costs. In January, the County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to amend its medical marijuana regulations, imposing an outrageous annual fee of $11,017 and requiring fingerprinting and federal clearance for dispensary operators to become certified, but due to the impossibility of meeting the County’s zoning and regulatory ordinances there is no way anyone will be afforded the opportunity to pay the fee. It doesn’t matter if the fee is $1 or $100,000, until the County’s ordinances are revised or struck down, the County will receive nothing in medical marijuana fees. As a result, a lawsuit will undoubtedly be filed against the County to challenge their zoning and regulatory ordinances as well as the newly adopted fee. Additionally, The County has shut down nine of the twelve dispensaries operating openly in the unincorporated areas for alleged code compliance violations. The other three have been referred to the County Counsel’s Office for prosecution, regardless of whether some of the dispensaries were open prior to the enactment of the County’s moratorium on August 6, 2009. The point is crystal clear; anything short of a total eradication of safe access to medical marijuana needs to be settled by the courts. Nearly all of the 18 cities that make up the rest of the County have moratoriums or bans on medical marijuana. I expect most, if not all, of these cities to be sued by dispensary operators this year in an effort to alleviate those bans. Conversely, the City of San Diego hosts over 180 medical marijuana dispensaries and to date has not enacted any zoning or regulatory ordinances. A proposed ordinance was recently reviewed by the Planning Commission, who in direct opposition to the medical marijuana task force established by the City of San Diego in 2009, recommended placing a de facto ban on all dispensaries in the city. If and when the City of San Diego will adopt the Planning Commission’s recommendations or something more reasonable is yet to be determined, but, given that the City has been considering adopting an ordinance since the fall of 2009, it doesn’t appear likely that the enactment or enforcement of a City ordinance will be coming any time soon. There is a medical marijuana ballot initiative poised to be on the next San Diego City ballot. Currently there is no special election scheduled, but rumor has it that Governor Brown may set such an election to commence as early as November. Additionally, on February 13, 2011, California State Assemblyman Tom Ammiano of San Francisco said he intends to offer what he calls an “omnibus cannabis bill” to create a state oversight program regulating all aspects of the medical marijuana industry, including medical marijuana dispensaries and the delivery of medical marijuana to legal medicinal users. Therefore, with a critical mass of or pre-ordinance collectives ready to vigorously defend their right to operate dispensaries within the City of San Diego,


by Jeff Lake

coupled with the uncertainty of new regulations looming on the horizon, the City has a very difficult decision to make about how to enforce their position that there are no acceptable places within the City for dispensaries to exist. Lately, the City has instigated a new strategy; through aggressive actions taken by the City Attorney’s office, the City has turned their attention away from dispensary operators and has begun focusing their “NIMBY” (Not in my Backyard) attitude towards their landlords instead. As a result, landlords are being put in the unfair position of being forced to decide whether to attempt to evict their tenants, thereby creating a loss of desperately needed revenue in these times of economic crisis, or fear being sued by the City and forced to spend what little revenue they are generating to defend their rights afforded under state law to lease to medical marijuana collectives. Finally, many San Diego dispensaries have been inspected by the City’s Code Compliance Department and issued Notices of Violations ranging from building code to land use violations. However, despite ordering the collectives to comply, the City is refusing to issue permits to those collectives who make the corrections the City is demanding by claiming that the businesses are operating an unpermitted use. The City is also refusing to consider Business Tax certificate applications from collectives. Unfortunately, it is not difficult to imagine that the courts will be needed to resolve these issues as well. It has become abundantly clear that because the State has deferred the regulation of medical marijuana dispensaries and delivery services to the municipalities, our local governments have decided to utilize a strategy of attrition aimed at crushing the economic backbone of the medical marijuana community. This tactic comes off as cowardly, passive aggressive and bad government. Our City leaders need to take ownership of the issue by legislating a reasonable safe access ordinance rather than threatening expensive and unproductive litigation. Should the City decide to start suing medical marijuana collectives and their landlords it will send a clear message to the City’s taxpayers: We would rather waste your hard earned money pursuing our own personal agendas through litigation rather than providing better care for qualified patients, maintaining public safety and deriving the economic benefits that a reasonable ordinance will create. With so much uncertainty facing the future of medical marijuana in San Diego, it is difficult to advise the best course of action for medical marijuana collectives moving forward. However, one thing that must happen in 2011 is that medical marijuana collectives, especially those operating dispensaries or delivery services must be legitimized, both in the way they operate and with the services and products they provide. It is counterproductive if collectives act with the hypocrisy and inconsistency of our local governments. Eventually the rules of operation will become clear and consistent. Once they are, it will be those collectives willing to comply that will be the providers of medical marijuana to the qualified patients of San Diego. Jeff Lake is a frequent contributor to Kush Magazine and the managing partner of Lake APC, a San Diego law firm representing nearly 200 medical marijuana collectives. jlake@ lakeapc.com (619) 795-6460.




We have all heard the groans: Quitting smoking is harder than kicking heroin! Or that you have to quit 7 times for it to stick. Maybe neither is true, maybe both are true, but the biggest truth is, cigarette smoking is just about the toughest habit to break but the one with the most benefits. I am a smoker and I promise you that if I could go back to one day in my life and have a do-over, it would be the day I started smoking. Smoking is my best friend. It is there when I need a break, when I’m scared, when I’m nervous, when I’m happy, when I’m having drinks with friends; it even joins me for coffee in the morning. But here’s the harsh reality; half of the people who continue to smoke die of smoking-related illness. Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, and nearly half a million Americans die every year from smoking-related illness, yet is the leading preventable cause of death in the nation. If a food killed 500,000 people, we would call it a tragedy and certainly wouldn’t sell it in stores anymore, but smoking is a choice; one we choose regardless of all the irrefutable information available to us. Once it gets its grips on you, it’s very hard to break free. But not impossible. And this is the year I promised myself I would quit, so when I had to come up with my first Health Report topic for February, I knew exactly what it would be. The immediate benefits of quitting are very obvious. Your clothes and hair smell better, you spend less money, your breath is better, your smile is whiter, your car smells and looks cleaner. The benefits over time, however, are where it gets interesting. According to the American Cancer Society, after 20 minutes of quitting, blood pressure normalizes. 12 hours after quitting, carbon monoxide levels in the blood stabilize. After weeks and months, lung and heart functions improve and after a year, the risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker’s. So how much is mental and how much is physical? Any smoker will tell you it’s 50/50. Dealing with the physical gives you options of nicotine replacement in gum, patch, lozenge, spray and I’m sure other forms. Nicotine is a tough cookie and the cravings are real. A lot of people prefer to go cold turkey and just stop altogether so not to be dependent on another thing, but that’s entirely up to the person. Mentally, you just need to know that you can’t just have one - like an alcoholic can’t have one drink. There is smoking and there is non-smoking. Don’t kid yourself in to thinking that you can only smoke when you drink or after a meal. In order to quit, you have to quit! It will be the best thing you ever do for your body. So do whatever it takes—patches, support groups, knitting, sunflower seeds, whatever you need to do to avoid the horrific diseases caused by smoking. Besides, nobody likes to kiss someone whose mouth tastes like an ashtray. Think about it. For more information, check out smokefree.gov and thetruth.com







The Gaslamp Spotlight

This month’s “Gaslamp Spotlight” will take us on a trip, halfway around the world, to a place where the cars are fast, the people are beautiful, and the food is always fresh and delicious - Italia, Certo! (Italy, of course)! Chocolat Cremerie originated and became world famous in Italy, and now here in the Gaslamp since 2008, this sleek and modern café has brought molto delizioso back home to San Diego. While studying abroad in Florence, Italy, I was immediately taken aback by the casual vibes at the cafes. From the very first moments, being greeted by a friendly barista, and smelling the scent of freshly pressed coffee, I realized these cafes were Italian’s common ground, welcoming all to meet, eat, drink, relax, and share the stories of their lives. In Italy, these times are a priority, most anytime of day - from morning, through noon, and into the night, these bars (some have alcohol, some don’t) are packed with everyday people, taking a few (or more) moments participate in this congenial atmosphere. Locals, friends, neighbors, families, strangers, some stopping to get a quick jolt of caffeine, while others “take a lunch,” have a smoke, or just chill. I always relished those experiences, and wondered why we didn’t have such places at home? Now, Chocolat Cremerie has all of these scrumptious goodies, and more. Whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner, Chocolat’s menu is filled with tasty treats from Italy. Known for their crepes, with delicious savory selections of mushrooms, meats, and cheeses,


to sweet dessert style crepes filled with fruit and Nutella, the traditional Italian hazelnut spread, to house made jam and Mascarpone (an Italian cheese close to Ricotta). Either way you choose, all of these crepes are lip-smackin’ good. And if pizza is more your mojo, their variety of Flatbread Pizzas are simple, rustic, colorful, and hearty. Quick, easy and deeee-licious. Trying to eat healthier? Chocolat has you covered. They have everything from Mixed Greens to Pears & Gruyere. Fruits, vegetables, cheeses, beans, and meats make up the variety of delicious salads available at this bistro. All are fresh, and jumping with individual flavors. Back to the yummy stuff! Chocolat’s gelato is like a day-trip to Piazza della Signoria. An unbelievable variety of creamydelicious goodness, served scooped or coned. Like the cafes in Italy, Chocolat has beautiful, fresh pastries, and desserts, one aptly named Chocolat Decadence. Berry and Apple Tarts, Cakes, Crème Brulee, Tartufo, Zuccotto, and more are all made by top bakers using only high quality ingredients. You can taste the TLC in every bite, just like in Italy. With so many great choices and desserts, combined with the friendly staff and chill vibe, KUSH mag has made Chocolat a regular stop. Sometimes we go before work to grab a bite, for lunch, or after work to enjoy their full-bar. Chocolat’s roots are definitely Italian, but they have thankfully been re-planted in San Diego - and they seem to be growing and growing.






(continued on page 30)


Medicinal Cannabis

and its Impact on Human Health Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health follows the research of over 15,000 scientific and medical trials and takes a look at specifically what conditions have been proven to benefit from medical marijuana. This game-changing documentary presents the most comprehensive synopsis to date of the medical science surrounding the world’s most controversial plant. In this myth shattering, information packed documentary, physicians and leading researchers present modern scientific findings regarding the demonstrated effects of medicinal cannabis use for treating many kinds of cancers, auto-immune illnesses, neurological issues, chronic pain, and more…effectively illustrating the remarkable evolution of cannabis’ historical use as medicine, a history dating back over 5300 years. Executive Producer James Schmachtenberger, a medical cannabis advocate and one of the founders of San Diego Herbal Alternatives (SDHA), a medical marijuana collective, sat down to discuss his film.

How did the idea first come about to film a documentary on Medical Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health? The idea came about in November of 2009, a few months after we opened the collective in San Diego. We met many patients who had never used cannabis until their primary care physician recommended it for them, and many of these patients were running into repercussions in their personal and professional lives, associated with the stigma and myths surrounding marijuana. Although it was clear that medical cannabis was tremendously helpful to people with a wide range of medical conditions, there was still so much misinformation and false propaganda out there about it and very little presenting the real scientific information and evidence on the topic to help educate people. I wanted to create a clear, authoritative video that could help better inform people who were not already well educated about the benefits of appropriate medical cannabis use and might still hold misinformed, negative views on the topic, (and I wanted to achieve this) by having the leading scientific experts in the field address the common myths and misconceptions, and present the real data on these topics, data that has emerged from a huge body of wellconducted, unbiased scientific trials.

How do you intend on using this documentary, and how do you hope that people use it? The film will be distributed freely under the “creative commons license.” As filming went on and we interviewed more doctors, we realized that it had a much greater scope. We found that it could help educate families, friends, and coworkers of people who use this medicine and hopefully create a paradigm shift in their views. My hope is that people across the nation can use this film for education and to affect policy change. We showed portions of this film to the San Diego Planning Commission and have actually been asked to provide transcripts of some of the doctors’ interviews as expert evidence at criminal trials. People are welcome to reshow it, cut it, and use it to make as much of an impact as possible.

What did you learn from making this documentary? I learned a lot! The most significant thing was from Dr. Tashkin in


understanding how cannabis’ anti-tumor properties work. Most of us in the medical marijuana field know that the plant has tremendous healing properties but a lot of us don’t understand the actual science behind it. In the documentary Dr. Tashkin explains in depth exactly why THC suppresses tumor growth.

Any plans for a sequel or part 2? If so what would you cover in it? We already have a few other documentaries in mind. The most likely one that we will focus on next is specifically how cannabis affects different types of cancers, as well detailed information on how to most effectively use cannabis as a treatment. In the future we definitely want to focus on industrial hemp, our country’s failed drug war and the problem of prohibition, as well as full hemp legalization.

What are your plans in promoting or screening the documentary? Will you be holding screenings? We are coordinating multiple screenings across the country and are teaming up with individuals and organizations to screen the film. In January of this year we held the first screening of the documentary in Hilo, Hawaii with almost 200 people in attendance. On March 16, 2011 we will be holding a screening in San Diego at the Landmark, Hillcrest Theater at 7pm. Tickets will be $10 with the proceeds going to pay for the rental of the theater. If anyone is interested in finding out information about hosting a screening, all the details can be found at www.MarijuanaMovie.org,” where a trailer and the complete film are also available for free.


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In the past several years, public opinion regarding the medical use of cannabis has been changing rapidly. So far, 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation legalizing the dispensing of cannabis for medical purposes and, according to Marijuana Policy Project (MPP), a non-profit policy think-tank, 17 additional states recognize the medical value of cannabis, some of which are considering legislation to allow dispensaries themselves. However, the Internal Revenue Code has yet to be amended to recognize the legitimacy of medical cannabis dispensaries, in large part because cannabis, or marijuana, continues to be treated as a controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act, a federal law passed in 1970. As a result, Internal Revenue Code Section 280E disallows claiming otherwise completely legitimate business expenses that are incurred in a trade or business, simply because the business is associated with medical marijuana.

History of IRC Section 280E IRC Section 280E was enacted in 1982 during the Reagan administration, long before the general public understood the medicinal value of cannabis. It was enacted largely in response

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to public reaction to the Tax Court case of Edmondson v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo 1981-623. The Tax Court ruled in this case that the taxpayer could deduct his telephone, automobile and other business expenses because they were “ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the taxpayer’s trade or business” of selling illegal drugs. In fact, although the IRS challenged the amount of the expenses, it did not challenge the principal that such amounts were deductible. Congress caught wind of this case and enacted IRC Section 280E in response. In the legislative history the Senate Finance Committee noted that: “On public policy grounds, the Code makes certain otherwise ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in a trade or business nondeductible in computing taxable income. These nondeductible expenses include fines, illegal bribes and kickbacks, and certain other illegal payments.” The report went on, “There is a sharply defined public policy against drug dealing...such deductions must be disallowed on public policy grounds.” Thus, it seems clear that Section 280E was enacted based upon public policy concerns at that time. Well, public opinion changes over time.

Changing Public Opinion California passed Proposition 215 in 1996. Since then more than a dozen other states have passed similar legislation to legalize medical cannabis dispensaries. Even the larger business community now recognizes the legitimacy of this new industry (see Fortune Magazine, “Is Pot Already Legal?” September 28, 2009.) There are similar movements afoot in many countries around the world. The larger public has learned to differentiate, and it no longer lumps medical cannabis together in the same basket with cocaine and heroin usage. Few people dare to maintain the untenable position that cannabis has more detrimental social effects than alcohol. Public opinion regarding the medical use of cannabis is rapidly changing. The Internal Revenue Service has begun to audit the tax returns of cannabis dispensaries that are legally operating under state laws. They are aggressively applying Section 280E to disallow many ordinary and necessary business expenses. While changes to the tax law lag behind changes made by business enterprises and changes in public opinion, the tax law usually does eventually catch up. Now is the time to amend Section 280E.

Federal Internal Revenue Code Should Remain Neutral Under the federal Controlled Substances Act, cannabis is a Schedule I controlled substance, even though it may be medically recommended by a physician to benefit the health of the user. Thus, the federal law continues to assert a position that contradicts state law, at least with respect to the 14 states that have enacted medical cannabis legislation. Although the Supreme Court has supported this position (See U.S. v. Oakland Cannabis Buyers’ Coop., 532 U.S. 483 (2001)), it continues to be the subject of debate among theorists on Constitutional law. It cannot be denied that the Internal Revenue Code is federal income tax law. However, does this give the federal government the right to disallow valid business expenses to medical cannabis dispensaries that are operating legally under state law? That is just too “back door.” If the federal government wants to fight the medical use of cannabis, it should do so via the Controlled Substances Act and face-off against the states in criminal court.

It should not use IRC Section 280E to punish dispensaries with a hidden “fine.” The Internal Revenue Code should remain neutral, and provide fair rules for taxpayers that are operating legally and legitimately. There should be an exception to the application of IRC Section 280E for any medical cannabis dispensary that is operating legally under state law. This change is clearly supported by the interplay between the legislative history of Section 280E and the change in public opinion that has transpired since its enactment.

To Change Administratively or Legislatively?

It is not clear if this change could be made administratively. But even if it can be, it appears the IRS, the only party empowered to make this change this way, might be unwilling to do so, given the gusto with which it has wielded Section 280E against dispensaries under examination. Thus, it seems that this “technical correction” (a term-of-art used by tax professionals for a change in the tax law that is necessitated by changes in industry that have transpired since enactment of the original tax law) will need to be made legislatively. Making this change to IRC Section 280E is the right thing to do. Medical cannabis dispensaries are legal and legitimate businesses; they are good corporate citizens who pay significant amounts of taxes to local and state governments as well (governments that have begun to depend upon these revenues). It is only fair that they be entitled to the same business deductions as other taxpayers. Denying them deductions because of public policy concerns does not comport well with favorable current (although recently changed) public opinion concerning medical cannabis. Luigi Zamarra, CPA is the Chief Financial Officer of Harborside Health Center, recognized as one of the largest medical cannabis dispensaries in the United States. He has a BS in Commerce and an MS in Accounting from the University of Virginia. He worked with the Big 4 accounting firms for twelve years, rising to the position of Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers, before starting to work with regional businesses as a public accountant in San Francisco. Luigi now lives and works in Oakland, CA. He can be reached at luigi.zamarra@ harborsidehealthcenter.com





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Living Well: Meditation by Charlotte Cruz

hen you think of meditation, maybe you imagine a peaceful monk sitting cross-legged in a temple somewhere in Asia. Meditation is something everyone can benefit from and you don’t have to study for years to achieve the state of calm and nothingness to your path to Nirvana to understand its value. Meditation requires mental discipline and the practice is all part of the journey. There are dozens of types of meditation and several ways to practice, but the roads all lead to the same place - tranquility, clarity and focus. If you have ever noticed a professional athlete before a big game, you often find them in a sort of laser-focused daze; even that is a form of meditation. The benefits of meditation affect mind, body and soul. Mentally, meditation increases serotonin levels, which make us feel happy and balanced. It decreases anxiety and stress, allowing us to open our minds to positive things. Depression is often lessened and even the most stressful situations are more easily tolerated by those who practice meditation regularly. Physically, meditation has been known to decrease blood pressure, increase oxygen flow, relieve muscle tension and improve sleep and the immune system. Many people who meditate experience an “inner peace” and understanding of the world around them, as well as a heightened awareness of inner self. It’s pretty spectacular to think that all of those things could be achieved by sitting in silence or chanting rhythmically, but


it has been working since antiquity and believe it or not, it’s tougher than you might ever think. Those new to meditation often do well focusing the mind on breathing or even an object, word or image. You can also focus on a state of being or feeling, like compassion or faith, which is a wonderful way to invite all of those things into your mind. As you become better at quieting your mind and emptying it of thoughts, the real search for Inner Self begins, and ask anyone who meditates…it’s a lifelong process. Meditation keeps a lot of people balanced and feeling comfortable in their own skin everyday. If you have never tried it and think it could help you (it can!), here are some very useful tips: Meditate daily. A good place to start would be twice a day for at least 10 minutes each time. Sit in a place where you will not be disturbed. Focus on a pleasant memory before you start and allow your breathing to become regular and focused. Tell yourself that any thoughts, plans or suggestions you have for yourself can wait until after you are done (they can!). You’ll soon find that thinking about nothing takes a lot of discipline, but if at first you have a difficult time clearing your mind, give yourself a break. It’s called the “practice” of meditation for a reason. Once you get in a flow, you’re sure to realize that meditation is a wonderful gift to give yourself every day. The world isn’t going anywhere, but wouldn’t it be nice to know you can escape it for a few minutes a day and come back with a more positive outlook, as well as a healthier body and mind? Be well!


Indoor Cultivation Consulting indoorcultivationconsulting@gmail.com Light powers the engine of growth for any photosynthesizing creature, from microscopic phytoplankton in the sea to the tallest sequoia in California. The more light, the betterbut don’t forget about the heat also generated by powerful indoor lighting systems. Fortunately, there are lots of ways to maximize useful light to your plants without breaking the bank on bunches of expensive light setups- and of course the necessary cooling systems to keep your grow room from going nova. The ideal light source will emit a broad spectrum of light energy from indigo and violet to orangered wavelengths. An artificial environment of course needs the same, and many HID bulbs, ballasts, reflectors and other forms of lighting out there can do a great job. For detailed information about them, look at any of a range of catalogs, brochures and publications with this data inside; no need to repeat it here. Rather, in this month’s installment of tips on how to get the most out of your indoor garden I’ll tell you how to get the most from your precious lights AFTER you’ve gotten them home. So, faithful growers, here’s how to crank up your lumens on leaves ratio without jacking up your wallet! The central principle of indoor lighting, and the reason for being of many of these tips, is the fact that the intensity of light diminishes as the square of distance from its source. You’ve probably heard of this before; that light is only ¼ as intense at 2 units (feet or meters, or miles, for that matter) from the source as it is at one unit (foot or meter or mile; the important thing is to keep your units the same), and only 1/9 as intense at 3 units, etc. Among other things, this means that contrary to popular belief, painting the walls white in your grow room is useless- unless your plants are right next to them. No, where you really want these reflective surfaces is as close as you can get to your plants without actually shading them.

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Sooooo… where is that, exactly? Good question- back to the source for a moment; the bulb and reflector. I’ve seen the slick brochures and diagrams where bulb and reflector makers love to show the light dispersion from their systems as a square. NOT TRUE! That square is designed to show the only the total surface area of adequate light lit by that source, not its actual shape. Don’t believe me? Grab a pencil and some graph paper, and make an accurate diagram of your grow room. Keeping the intensity principle above firmly in mind, draw a line around your light source at the furthest limit of useful light from your source. For example, using a 1000 watt HPS bulb, that works out to about 4 ½ feet. Funny how your line becomes a circle around your light, huh? Yes, yes, yes, I know most reflectors are squares (not to mention the engineers who designed them!), but that doesn’t change how light behaves! I bet you also noticed that line you drew cut the corners off your growing area, unless you have lots of (wasteful and costly) light overlap. It’s in these corners where I usually find the spindly, lanky plants that aren’t producing. The solution is to rearrange your growing space so that from above it looks like a circle, or at least a stop sign, centered around your light source. Use quality reflective materials such as mylar to ‘cut the corners’ and follow the line you drew more closely. This trick will save you from wasting valuable space, expensive nutrients and costly equipment on plants in dark corners. Even better, it can actually increase the useable space under your light! Because the reflected light will make the edges of your garden perform more like the center, you can push the edges out an additional six inches to a foot in every direction from your light source! And that is Free Growing Space you can use!

Here’s another trick I borrowed from fruit tree cultivation. Fruit tree growers spend a lot of time carefully platting their fields before planting fruit trees because they want to be certain they get as much productivity as possible from a layout they’ll have to live with for many years. Simply arrange your plants on a hexagonal or honeycomb basis instead of in a square grid pattern. This trick is beautifully simple, and it can raise your grow room productivity by about 17%. Fruit tree farmers copied nature and discovered this increase in productivity, and now we can too! I have seen the discussion about using many smaller wattage lights to spread light more evenly over a given area instead of fewer big lights. It works, but my gripe with this approach is that I just don’t feel like spending more coin on lights, ballasts and bulb replacements, etc, than I have to. Doubling the number of fixtures, bulbs and ballasts adds cost fast and it’s really unnecessary. Between the tips mentioned above and this last one below, I promise you will never have to worry about whether you should have gotten more smaller bulbs instead of the bigger one you really crave… Move your lights. Yep, sounds simple- and it is. Aren’t the best tips usually simple? I don’t mean hauling up and re-hanging your bulb and reflector in a different spot every day, nor am I necessarily recommending any of the array of light movers currently on the market, for reasons I will explain shortly. A widely known fact in plant biology circles about photosynthesis- yet all but unknown to the rest of us- is that while plants begin photosynthesizing within seconds of receiving adequate light, it turns out that they will continue doing it for anywhere between 3 and 5 full minutes AFTER the lights are turned off! Most light movers currently available market themselves as merely emulating ‘the sun’s arc through the sky’ as the day goes by and so only slowly move the light in a period of some 20 minutes to several hours. While this helps reduce the effects of leaf shading and is better than nothing, speed DOES matter. Twenty minutes isn’t nearly fast enough to take advantage of this principle- all it really accomplishes is to move the shade around! I’ve built light movers that conform to this principle by completing a full cycle in a suitably short time period and I can help you build one, too- email me for plans. Finally, astute readers will remember last month’s column about topping and training plants to best capture artificial light by making them broad and flat across the top, and may be wondering if those techniques are compatible with these strategies. I assure you that they are, and you’re gonna love the results! That’s it for now, grateful growers, so until next month, safe and happy growing!

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Oh hot damn, HERE

WE GO AGAIN; 72 hours of sweat beads the size of pearls flowing down your body like a banana tree in Panama, fighting for position amongst 100,000 elbows DIGGING INTO EVERY JOINT AND TENDER LOIN in your body, fingers stuck together and hair stuck to your face from raining beer and semi-frozen lemonade slush (jury’s still out on who’s hair it is…), and all of it…all of it…smack dab in the middle of the Mojave Desert. THE WILDEST PART? Radiohead’s Thom Yorke stated it best when he graced the main stage of this hedonistic palm tree lined oasis just a few years ago; ”You do it to yourseeeellllffffff…it’s true…you and no one ellllllsssee!” BITTER? PERHAPS. But that’s only because tickets are already sold out. So for all you lucky gluttons for punishment who managed to snag a pass, as well as you DEDICATED

KUSHITES who just might find a hole in a fence or a staffer with a soft spot, here’s our preview of what to catch and what to pass at the 2011 EDITION OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL, APRIL 15-17, AT THE NOW LEGENDARY EMPIRE POLO CLUB IN INDIO, CALIFORNIA.

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One Day As A Lion… Zack De La Rocha’s new hand-

picked outfit. ‘Nuf said! As if it wasn’t enough to fuse together the Rage Against the Machine front-man on vocals and keys with Jon Theodore, the madman octopus-armed drummer from The Mars Volta, in a masterpiece of frenetic structured chaos, they recently brought aboard Joey Karam, keyboard virtuoso from The Locust. THIS IS JUST INSANE! If there’s one act not to be missed… this is the one. “ONE DAY! I SAY! TODAY! WE LIVE AS A LION!!!” The Black Keys…the first band in my musical fandom history that I just don’t care sold out (have you seen the sell-out battle between them and Vampire Weekend on Colbert??? Priceless!). THIS GRITTY BLUES-ROCK DUO OUT OF AKRON, Ohio has garnered the praise and collaborative juices of everyone from Dan The Automator and RZA to Mos-Def, Q-Tip, and even a never heard before verse from Ol’ Dirty Bastard (on 2010’s Blakroc album)!! THEY’RE JUST THAT GOOD. Other notables you don’t want to skip (if you don’t get sidetracked by the cornucopia of interactive art installations and noise machines cleverly strewn about the field): Kings of Leon (well…they are one of the ‘it’ bands these days), Arcade Fire (well…they are one of the ‘it’ bands these days…déjà vu?), Chemical Brothers (even if for nostalgia’s sake…we’re pretty sure the bass will still rumble across the entirety of these 78 acres…let’s just hope the glow-sticks don’t), Cee Lo Green (sure he may not be listed with Gnarls Barkley…but stranger things have happened on these grassy patches in years past…), Cold War Kids (just saying their name feels eerily patriotic), Ozomatli (never, in their history, has

a performance been ‘not fun’), Omar Rodriguez Lopez (ok…that’s two members of the Mars Volta now…could it be???), Beardyman (just YouTube him…seriously…just do it), Gogol Bordello (they rocked this crowd in their rookie year, so we’re sure they’ll definitely do it again!), Fat Freddy’s Drop (dub reggae from New Zealand…need we say more?), Nas & Damian Marley (their ‘Distant

Relatives’ was one of the best records of 2010, let’s see how it translates in the desert), Thunderball (lush dub electronica from Thievery Corporation’s ESL label…one of our sleeper favs), Marina and the Diamonds (this UK sensation’s fashion sense and unfiltered Biden-esque press tendencies got us. Oh yes…and her voice), Lauryn Hill (if she actually shows up, chances are she’ll light up the crowd no problem), Lil B (a trooper…he survived the hyphy movement for chrissakes), and Wiz Khalifa (his tour was called the Waken Baken Tour…I mean…c’mon!). Oh yes…and then there’s KANYE…AAAHHHH KANYE...what are we going to do with you? At the very least, it’s always fun to watch an undeniably talented train-wreck attempt to redeem himself on stage. And heck…with over 150 acts across 5 stages, there’s a plethora of miccommandeering headline-making opportunities!

Now as far as amenities and conveniences, the organizers have set up shuttles that will run

throughout the day to service most of the area hotels. They’ve also managed to construct glamping facilities at the newly redeveloped Lake Eldorado, with pre-pitched teepees and tents, showers and ice chests, all within walking distance from the festival ground. And…wait for it…Carpoolchella! It’s returned! So if you roll in with 4 or more heads in your car and print out the official Carpoolchella flyer and drop in your windshield, you’ve got a chance to win VIP passes for life! And in a continued successful effort at remaining as sustainable and efficient as possible, the 10 for 1 water bottle program is also here again…find 10 empty bottles and cash ‘em in for one free full ice cold bottle.

So there you have it. Grab your sunscreen and truck stop aviators and venture out into the California desert’s great wide open.

WELL…SORTA… coachella.com

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So I recently had a chance to ride the Cherry Train and right off the bat I can tell you this strain packs a powerful wallop! Upon initial inspection of the aroma, the first words that came to mind were clean, fresh and light. The fruity cherry undertones and pleasant citrus accents are certainly present but I was more impressed by the fact that it smells clean and natural without a heavy chemical scent. Now of course I wasn’t just going to sit around and smell it all day, so I promptly prepared a dose and positioned myself for a fresh green hit. The first thing I noticed is how clean it burns and how easy it was on the throat. Its effects are almost immediate and I simply felt better right away. Often times Sativas can exacerbate the anxious moods in those,


such as myself, who suffer from anxiety, but Cherry Train made me feel relaxed and energetic at the same time. I can easily recommend it for daytime use during prime hours of productivity. Late at night unless I’m ready to go to sleep I like to smoke something that will relax me but not put me down for the night and Cherry Train is great for that as well. I medicated again right before tackling one of my music projects and was impressed at how it made me feel energetic and upbeat even after a long, hectic day. There are so many quality strains out there that it’s tough for me to pick favorites anymore, but after enjoying such a positive experience on the Cherry Train, I have no hesitation in claiming that I’ll be boarding this one again...and again...and again...



LEAVING LOS ANGELES TAKES TOO LONG, especially when traveling with friends or family. Factors like traffic, forgetfulness and appetite are built in deterrents that always boomerang you back into the basin when you’re doing your damnedest to leave town. How many more bathroom breaks or trips to Trader Joes can you make? On a balmy springtime Saturday, three dudes meet up to go camping in Death Valley. There’s nothing like sand dunes and technicolor rock formations to cure the city blues. We take the 2 North to the 134 East, in order to avoid congested Interstate 10. The 134 bisects the crest of the foothills and the view is exceptional. We marvel at the skyscrapers of downtown LA peering behind the hills of the Arroyo Seco. The 134 becomes the 210 into Pasadena, passing Colorado Blvd, Cal Tech, Crown City, and craftsman cottages. The coast is clear! We zoom past Monrovia, Azusa, and Glendora, all the way to Rancho Cucamonga. The San Gabriel Mountain Range frames the northern horizon along the 210. MT. BALDY IS THE TALLEST PEAK IN THE SAN GABRIEL. Its’ actual name is Mt. San Antonio, but most know it by the colloquial name. Old Baldy looks especially pristine after a winter rainstorm.

DEATH VALLEY HERE WE COME! In Fontana we catch the 15 North. Besides being the road to Vegas, it also follows the path of the Old Mormon Trail from San Bernardino to Salt Lake City. Its no coincidence the halfway point of the Mormon Trail is Sin City. It’s easy to spot city slickers on the highway. Heading up into the Cajon Pass, Volvos, Lexuses and Audis pass in the fast lane. Big-Rig Trucks keep trucking in the right lane. DJ I-Pod is playing Roy Ayers and “Everybody loves the Sunshine,” and as Bob Marley says, “Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery,” the shackles of LA break away.

SUN-RAYS BREAK OVER THE MOUNTAINS and we gradually emerge in the Mojave Desert. Joshua trees appear before Hesperia and Victorville. Joshua trees were named “Joshua,” by the Mormons, in the 19th Century because the boughs reach up to-

Kramer Junction is where the 395 meets Highway 58. THE HIGH DESERT LANDSCAPE begins to merge with a series of foothills. We’ve been on the road for two hours. Snowcapped peaks of the Sierra Nevada begin appearing to the northwest. Snowboarders and skiers know the 395 as the road to Mammoth. It slices through the backside of the Sierras and the westside of Death Valley. At this point, CALIFORNIA’S RICH ECOLOGY is impossible to ignore. Finally we reach the 190 East to enter Death Valley National Park. The stretch of the 190 lying west of the Valley is the Owens Lake Bed. DRY NOW BECAUSE MOST OF ITS’ WATER FLOWS ON A PIPELINE DOWN TO LOS ANGELES. Arriving in Death Valley we immediately head for the “Artists Drive.” Deep canyon cuts through the Black Mountains have created red, pink and purple hues in the rock formations. Death Valley was once filled with a giant freshwater lake. It got its name from dehydrated prospectors that crossed the Valley looking for gold.

MOUNTAINS ON ALL SIDES FRAME THE MESQUITE SAND DUNES. Several scenes in Star Wars were filmed here. Dante’s View sits at 5,500 feet of elevation, offering a vantage point for miles on end. WE SEE MT. WHITNEY TO THE WEST, the tallest peak in the Continental US and it’s only 82 miles from the nation’s lowest point -- the Badwater Basin in Death Valley. Close to Badwater is the Devil’s Golf Course, a vast field of salt crystals consisting of the minerals that were dissolved in the ancient lake’s water. “MUSHROOM ROCK,” ALSO KNOWN AS THE “DEVIL’S THRONE,” is a basalt rock formation that looks as the name sounds. Then there’s the perplexing Racetrack Playa, a dry lake known for its’ “sailing stones.” The boulder sized ‘stones’ leave racetrack imprints in the cracking clay, and nary a geologist has figured out their mystical movements. We camp at Furnace Creek, the site of THE HOTTEST TEMPERA-

TURE EVER RECORDED IN NORTH AMERICA (134 IN 1913!). Originally home to the Timbisha Tribe of Native Americans, a few of their families still live in the area. Death Valley offers dimensions of landscapes and more ecological diversity than just about anywhere. And every spring, wildflowers only found here blanket the basin, showing us that life continues to flourish, even in the midst of death. A welcomed reminder as you head back to the city. Mike The Poet is a Spoken Word Artist, Tourguide, Educator, Journalist, and Historian based in The City of Angels. mikethepoetla.tumblr.com / www.youtube.com/user/MikeThePoet1

wards God. They grow in the high desert around areas where the elevation is close to 4,000 feet. Another fork in the road puts us on the 395 North.

MIRAGES ARE COMMON ON HIGH DESERT ROADS. We cross the edge of Edwards Air Force Base, known for the Space Shuttle landing.



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By Bud Lee

Dr. Seuss

This Month in Weed History has shed light on many historical events and focused on many great icons. This month we want to take you back - waaaaay back. And when you get there…go back even a bit further…now turn around you just might remember this blast from your past: Dr. Seuss. Yes, the Green Eggs and Ham, Cat in The Hat, How the Grinch Stole Christmas Dr. Seuss. Certain people have gifted this earth with their natural talents, others with their beauty, some with their earned intellect, and some with their whimsy. Dr. Seuss’ use of the latter helped him produce forty-four children’s books, of which there have been numerous adaptations to television, feature films, and Broadway plays. If Seuss’ characters had eluded you since childhood, you would have had to look no further than any Shakedown Street or rave party parking lot to find more than a single homage. Whether it was the Cat in the Hat, Yertle the Turtle, the Herk-Heimer Sisters, the Right-Side up Song Girls, Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz, Sam I am, or Bippo-No-Bungus & Bustard - this cast of characters will still keep your tongue-twisting, your imagination flowing, and your moral conscience on guard. Theodore Seuss Geisel (pen name Dr. Seuss) was born March 2, 1904, and thanks to him, many of us learned fundamental lessons through his characters and the poetic rhythm of anapestic tetrameter. While we all know Geisel as a writer, painter, and animator, what most don’t know is that Geisel’s start was through very mainstream mediums,


including creating ad campaigns for huge conglomerates such as Standard Oil, General Electric, and NBC, and serving as a political cartoonist for many major magazines. Additionally, his work for the U.S. Army led him to write Design for Death, a film that went on to win the Academy Award for Documentary Film in 1947. Dancing around heavy social and political issues like racism, environmentalism, anti-consumerism, Hitler and anti-authoritarianism, materialism, isolationism, and the arms race, Dr. Seuss never shied away from controversy. Using a pen as his sword, he may have created magical characters, still widely popular with children, and pop sub-cultures, but look close enough and you’ll notice that while Dr. Seuss’ books are warm and fun, they’re also poignant, real-life lessons that still hold up today. He was a lot deeper than first glance may convey - a cerebral activist at heart - and perhaps his work served as a way to simplify the day’s toughest issues by breaking it down into digestable and entertaining formats. Something many artists in our community can relate to, and a strategy most of today’s entertainment world has embraced. Let’s just hope the original message doesn’t get lost in all the pretty colors and funny names…


OK, SO HE MAY BE A FOUNDING MEMBER OF ONE OF THE most respected successful and beloved acts of the past quarter century, a Grammy Award winning band that’s had 3 Gold Records and 2 Platinum Records (one of which, 1994’s “Four,” went 6x platinum), but like any blues man, sometimes you just need to be alone. WHILE THIS BLUES TRAVELER HAS TAKEN SOLO TRIPS BEFORE, this is the most serious he’s been about moving out. Hell, he and his fresh handpicked auditory outlaws purposely holed themselves up in the mountains of New Mexico for a month to record the self-titled “John Popper and the Duskray Troubadours,” out March 1 on 429 Records. “It was a perfect environment,” Popper tells KUSH. “I kind of wanted to ride off into the mountains out west and make a record!” AND MAKE A RECORD HE DID, ALTHOUGH IT WASN’T EXACTLY as simple or straightforward as it sounds. As a matter of fact, it’s a journey that began almost a quarter century ago. The reason being his absolutely unwavering intention of making the record with acclaimed producer and musician Jono Manson (The Worms). “He’s someone we opened up for in the early days and he’s sort of a mentor for all of us,” Popper confides. “Jono was the guy that we all looked up to…the elder statesman that we learned from. We always planned to work together and it really took this long.” While Popper admits to the difficulty in waiting almost 25 years, he doesn’t hesitate in proclaiming, “I was not disappointed with the results. I had high expectations and it surpassed my expectations.” WHILE THE WAIT WAS A LONG ONE, ITS WORTHINESS IS perhaps a reason that could only be subjectively analyzed in hindsight. The time gave John Popper and the Blues Travelers the chance to build the formidable entity that they have become, and if they didn’t have that

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chance, then this natural evolution and opportunity may very well never have had the chance to flourish. And now, John has become admittedly wise enough to recognize this as the growing opportunity that it is. “ THIS WAS A MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH FOR ME,” Popper confesses. “The idea of working with a songwriter outside of my self…collaborating…was a very new thing. I think with Blues Travelers, because we grew up together, we felt we had to do it all in house and I was getting very worried that we were getting too formulaic.” But with The Duskray Troubadours, “I was able, through this adventure in songwriting, to really focus on much stronger melodies and that enabled me to sing a lot prettier and enabled me to play a lot prettier. I had a melody I could hang onto, and the dynamic could be a little softer and I like that.” As I gave a minute for this to sink in, he went on to make a statement that’s almost impossible to comprehend:

“THE WAY I PLAY HARMONICA ON THIS ALBUM IS UNLIKE THE WAY I’VE EVER PLAYED BEFORE.” EXCUSE ME? THIS? COMING FROM THE MAN WHO INVENTED a holster that holds 12 of the instruments tuned to all 12 musical keys, often times switching between them in the course of a song, and wore them as suspenders for budssakes? Ok, fine, I’m in! AND SPEAKING OF BUD, AND, WELL, THIS BEING KUSH Magazine, we just had to know…sativa or indica? “I refuse to be pigeonholed from one or the other because I am a man of the road,” he states defiantly. “You travel here and they have this and you travel there and they have that. I just throw them all into one big pile like a salad. So one day you might be really sedate and one day you might be really peppy. I

kind of like not knowing. I say throw it all in the gumbo and see what bites you get.” Not surprising coming from a master of improvisation. And while he has no problem admitting that he’s written “some of the most brilliant shit being stoned,” that statement doesn’t come without a proper caveat and chuckle; “you always have to give it the next day test.” Naturally.


March 1 in Los Angeles @ The Key Club 9039 Sunset Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90069 310.274.5800 KeyClub.com March 3 in San Diego @ Anthology 1337 India Street San Diego, CA 92101 619.595.0300 AnthologySD.com John Popper and The Duskray Troubadours facebook.com/JohnPopper


What are these kids smoking these days!!?? by Sam Sabzehzar

Stellar Speakers at Medical Cannabis Conference cater to seniors in an Orange County retirement community Juicing Medical Cannabis and a 20% CBD-rich Strain Among Many Announcements at CBD Conference in Laguna Woods, CA.

The all-day event began with a panel group featuring Orange County Americans for Safe Access Chapter President Marla James, registered nurse Anna Boyce, Lanny Swerdlow, R.N., and Debby Goldsberry (Berkeley This January, seniors from Laguna Woods, a gated retirement Patients Group), one of the founders of Americans for Safe Access in community in Orange County, California, were delighted to learn San Francisco. Anna Boyce, who has worked closely with the California their local private community would be hosting a medical cannabis State Assembly, and helped Prop 215 efforts, spoke to all in the crowd but conference. Although the elderly were among the majority of those no one listened more closely than those from within the Laguna Woods in attendance, the one-day medical marijuana seminar, appropriately community. They saw on a panel someone their age saying some pretty titled CBD Conference, featured Dr. William Courtney and Dr. Donald good things about marijuana as medicine. Jeffrey Raber, Ph.D., co-founded Abrams, among many other prominent figures in the fight to provide The Werk Shop, a local laboratory that tests medical marijuana for growers, accurate and relevant information collectives and dispensaries, as well as patients, spoke about the importance Conferences like this help educate many Americans who would of testing medical cannabis and what these tests tell us. He also mentioned otherwise find themselves either taking prescription pills their bodies the work they do with Project CBD, a group helping tell the story of are rejecting or not taking any form of medicine because of their lack of cannabidiol (CBD). This was the perfect foreshadow as one of the most access and/or insight into one of the most beneficial botanical plants on groundbreaking announcements regarding CBD levels found in a strain the planet. It was inspiring to see the 1,000 seat auditorium nearly filled would be made later in the day. to capacity while hundreds lined up to hear some of the most influential Lending a voice from the perspective of the Netherlands was Dr. figures in the medical cannabis movement. Sytze Elzinga of Netherlands Cannabis Research. She provided a very poignant presentation pertaining to patients in Holland and how the This event, co-sponsored by Kush Magazine, along with OC NORML, Dutch approach this form of alternative treatment. Apothecary Genetics, GGECO University, and DailyBuds.com, had a plethora of participants, many who were attending a medical cannabis One of the most anticipated lectures of the day was provided conference for their first time. Most of those in attendance were over the by Dr. William Courtney, along with his partner, Kirsten Peskuski, age of forty and had innocent, genuine questions and found themselves who continue to lead the conversation in the right direction through overjoyed at the level of integrity the standards from this conference upheld. researching how phytocannabinoids, the compounds found in cannabis also known as cannabinoids, bind to our Endogenous Cannabinoid System differently when the leaves and flowers (buds) are juiced. Project 60, a project the two are launching, aims to encourage medical cannabis patients to begin juicing the plant matter allows 60 times more cannabinoids to enter your body’s cannabinoid system. For those whose participation in this event was their first medical marijuana conference, the information was delivered in one of the best methods possible. Skeptic seniors who would otherwise never feel comfortable learning about this topic in other environments were given the option, and took advantage of the opportunity, to learn from some of the industry’s most well-informed and passionate patients, physicians, and advocates. ey n t r Cannabidiol (CBD), which was bred out during the Dr. Donald Ab ou rams mC last forty years, has found its way back into this market illia W . Dr

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and is met with the warmest and most exciting greeting reception as groups like Project CBD, Feminine Seeds, and of course Dr. Courtney and Ms. Peskuski. Dr. Donald Abrams, one of the world’s leading researchers in the field of cannabinoid therapeutics, was also a featured speaker who many in attendance waited a long time to see. Dr. Abrams, one of the first physicians in America to study the efficacy of marijuana as medicine, discussed first-hand just how he first began conducting the research and what the results meant for the medical marijuana movement as a whole. The last panel to speak featured an all-star cast of patients and advocates. Apothecary Genetics’ Bret Bogue, who helped make the event possible, introduced the panel shortly after addressing the audience with his own story about his battle with cancer. One of the featured panelists was Kush Media’s Cheryl Shuman, who has been an inspiration to many in this movement. Cheryl shared her patient story, which includes the denial

“People our age — there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to feel better, better,” Shari Horn, Laguna Woods Resident

of a liver-transplant due to her status as a medical marijuana patient. The Unconventional Foundation for Autism was also featured at the conference, as Jeremy Joseph, one of their attorneys who is also on the foundation’s Board of Directors, spoke on behalf of Mieko Perez and her son Joey. Joey was diagnosed with severe autism nearly ten years ago and, at age eleven, finds himself thriving with the use of medical cannabis. William Britt, who founded the Association of Patient Advocates, was also on the patient’s panel and spoke of his experiences in becoming involved in medical marijuana advocacy and patient’s rights. Mr.Britt, who was trained as a court-qualified expert witness by Chris Conrad, also suffers from polio and spoke about his life both on and off the court. The announcement of Cannatonic’s lab results testing at roughly 20% cannabidiol (CBD) was one of the most unanticipated announcements of the event, and even shocked those making the announcement! For those of you who are unfamiliar, CBD is a non-intoxicating constituent of the cannabis plant that has some of the most healing properties on the planet. This is the first strain to have a CBD lab result testing at 20%, and strains that are lucky enough to have a percentage of cannabidiol worth mentioning pale in comparison to Cannatonic’s new result, which previously tested around 6-7%. Many cities enforcing ordinances that allow medical marijuana cultivation and/or distribution also require the medicine go through some form of quality control and most cities very much support efforts to ensure residents in a community know what is in their medicine. Medicine as a whole is an imperfect science and the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) is in the neophyte stages of exploration. While many argue the patient community should not be forced to wait for scientific results to prove

what they already know to be true, others who are not patients and have predetermined their opinion on this subject ought also learn about their own ECS. The endocannabinoid system is the basis of medical marijuana knowledge and many need to be re-calibrated and re-learn what they think they remember from the seventies. Multiple Sclerosis sufferer Letitia Pepper, 56, said she uses a glycerinbased tincture. Wearing a Human Solution T-shirt donning the phrase “Pills Kill,” Ms. Pepper said friends are surprised when she credits medical marijuana for the change. Shari Horne, a member of the Village Cannabis Club in Laguna Woods, the private community that played host to the conference, hopes to change the perception of medical cannabis use from recreational marijuana use. “We can do it by being the kind of people they’re not expecting,” she exclaimed. “Get rid of that ‘Cheech and Chong’ attitude,” referring to stand-up comedians famous for drug-focused routines. For those whose participation in this event was their first medical marijuana conference, the information was delivered in one of the best methods possible. Skeptic seniors who would otherwise never feel comfortable learning about this topic in other environments were given the option, and took advantage of the opportunity, to learn from some of the industry’s most well-informed and passionate patients, physicians, and advocates. Another senior pointed out that while ‘Cheech and Chong’ is comedy, medical cannabis is no laughing matter. “It’s not about making sure we have it or don’t have it…it’s more important that we understand how and why we are using it, to what purpose and extent we are using it. What I remember (which I perhaps shouldn’t rely on) from smoking marijuana in college is preschool compared to the science explained to us today. I hope those who don’t make it to a conference like this don’t rely on what they remember from the 70s or from using a drug within a prohibition market.” The one-day event ended with the screening of Len Richmond’s hourlong film “What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?” and while many stayed to watch the film, the seniors at Laguna Woods were getting tired and asked that the medical cannabis community return to continue educating them. Many people who had hoped to attend were unable to do so and were able to watch the event live online. A DVD will also be made available through the website, CBDConference.com.

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The Cannabis Movement is at an economic turning point. Shifts in politics and local regulations have created a massive influx of new growers and new dispensaries in recent years and a new generation of Cannabis consumers has evolved as well. These new consumers who came to know Cannabis through medical Cannabis dispensaries in the last 5 years have always known a market represented by storefront Cannabis shops, a wide selection of Cannabis products and relatively low prices. For those of us that have seen the transition from the days of simply knowing “some guy” who had weed and the now flooded market of the “green rush”, it’s important to note what has changed and, perhaps more importantly, what hasn’t changed. Some economic principles are timeless and some overhead is fixed. As the old saying goes, “It’s not about what you spend, it’s about what it costs you”. Well, what we’ve spent is less and less. What it’s costing us is both quality and genetic diversity. To discuss it plainly in terms of current market trends will undoubtedly irk a wide variety of people in the Cannabis industry. Still, my loyalties have always been to the plant itself and I’m not going to hesitate to call out anybody who is taking advantage of the plant or the growers. For now, let’s take a look at the last 10 years of Cannabis evolution from a totally different perspective. Sit back and take a few tokes, because we’re about to take a journey through the last decade – not through the eyes of the consumer or the dispensary or the grower, but from the perspective of the pot itself.

Life as a Pound of Pot: Looking Back at a Decade of Getting Smoked Imagine, for our purposes here, that you’re a pound of wholesale marijuana in California in the year 2000. You live in a quaint, one room turkey bag with a constantly changing view. It’s a very exciting time and place to be a pound of wholesale marijuana. It’s a time of acceptance and love. Everyone wants you and there is never enough of you to go around. You may be lighter or heavier, from good genetics or common genetics, but no matter what type of pound you are – you will fetch a good price. But the odds are – you’re either very good or excellent. You’ve most likely been raised by a grower that has been growing for many years, since most of the Cannabis on the market at this time comes from experienced growers. Up until recently, you’ve found your final 62

retail home in the smoky living room of Mr. Some Guy. You’d go directly from the grower that raised you to Some Guy’s house. Some Guy would pay between $3500 – 4500 for you and then introduce you to lots of people who you would all make very happy. Your final retail price was typically between $50 and $60 per eighth depending on how late in the evening the consumer called Some Guy looking for a hook up. But as times moved forward, your turkey bag traveled to storefront Cannabis cooperatives – we’ll call them “Cannabis Stores” for economic simplicity. The view was slightly different, but similar. No matter what your quality level, there was a home for you somewhere on the menu. When you looked your best and made people very happy, you still were valued at $4000+ per pound. There weren’t very many of these retail places yet, and because of that, you could still be valued according to the former market’s economics. Despite the fact that the Cannabis Stores had many more costs associated with them – labor, security, rent, legal fees, etc. - You still sold for your normal price of $50 – 60. The consumers were happier with you than ever. Not only could they now get a variety of Cannabis, they could get it legally, in a safe environment, from knowledgeable staff, during regular store hours. Best of all, consumers didn’t even have to pay more for these costly features. Because the Cannabis Store could offer a better business than Mr. Some Guy, they could turn over more product faster and absorb the extra overhead costs in the process. Now let’s fast forward to about 2007. The so called “Green Rush” explodes onto the scene. Even before president Obama was elected, there was a major surge in Cannabis Stores in California. Perhaps it was excitement for the end of the Bush dynasty and its anti- medical marijuana policies. Or maybe the exponential growth was inevitable and simply exploded because the movement crossed some critical threshold of social acceptance. Whatever the reason, the number of Cannabis Stores started to grow rapidly. Then the Obama Administration’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, expressed the administration’s reluctance to prosecute Cannabis businesses that were “unambiguously in compliance with state law”. The number of Cannabis Stores skyrocketed. The only thing that multiplied faster than the Cannabis Stores during this time was pounds of marijuana, just like you. Well, maybe not just like you. (continued on page 64)


Many of the new pounds on the market were now coming from new growers. In many instances, they learned how to grow from other beginner growers who had barely started to get the hang of Cannabis growing when they started to teach their friends. The new pounds of Cannabis in the market look somewhat similar to other pounds, but now they often smoke harsh and are less potent – mere sub-par doppelgangers of the real deal. Despite the fact that you were a difficult but prized variety of Cannabis to grow and are of a higher quality than other pounds on the market, your value has now started its freefall. Over the coming few years, the price of wholesale Cannabis pounds like you will plummet. For many varieties other than a few high-yield hybrids, the prices will drop below the point where it is feasible to grow them. Sadly, the genetics at this time represent a peak in the diversity of excellent Cannabis varieties and many of them have been disappearing like rainforests. Newer growers eager to establish themselves in the market start to turn over low quality Cannabis for rock bottom prices. They grow only high yielding varieties or designer varieties (especially purples) and the new consumers in the market who have never seen high quality Cannabis start to believe that the “top shelf” of the Cannabis Stores is actually the highest quality level that can be obtained in the market. In addition, lower quality pounds now find a home before you do because you are the wrong color. But these new consumers in the market don’t just judge you by your color. Perhaps you’re a Sativa. Long flowering, lower yielding Sativas are now largely a thing of the past in most medical Cannabis markets. Replaced by short flowering hybrids with only slight Sativa characteristics, these outstanding Sativa plants produced flowers that are amazingly potent with lots of cerebral characteristics but were loose and airy in their structure. What was once known as the most exquisite of Cannabis experiences is now simply pot that looks “too spindly” to many Cannabis buyers - some of whom have little clue what less common forms of Cannabis look like. Sadly, some young buyers have never even seen real 12 week Sativas because the growers simply don’t work with those varieties anymore. Displaced by an increasingly ignorant market, many of these outstanding Sativa genetics are being lost to the world despite the many years of breeding and care put into developing them. Throughout history, humans have payed the price for decreasing the genetic diversity of plants. In a particularly dramatic example, reliance on one variety of potato in Ireland led to the devastating famine that changed the course of both Irish and American history.

The Market Value of Risk There’s a common belief that the current price of Cannabis is comprised mostly of compensation for the risk taken to grow it where it’s prohibited. The assumption then follows that if Cannabis is legalized, the price will drop drastically. The amount of the price drop has been widely debated in the last year as California approached a vote on legalization. The RAND Corporation, a former cold war think tank that now does analysis of social issues, came in with an extreme low prediction of $38 per ounce. Now, they did say it 64

would be difficult to predict. One thing that is not difficult for me to predict is the fact that if there were $38 ounces, they would definitely not be a high quality medicine. That’s just a fact. You might get some mid grade commercial outdoor for that price, but no fine, controlled environment product will sell for $40 an ounce anytime soon even if we do legalize it. I mean, not unless the cost of all resources and materials also suddenly decreases. Cannabis gardens require a considerable amount of resources to produce good medicine: labor, hardware, energy to name just a few. In the last decade, the price of metal, plastics, fuel, electricity and just about every other tangible resource commodity has increased in price. The wholesale price of Cannabis, however, has dropped dramatically and the profit margin on growing Cannabis, once imagined to be quite lucrative, has been crushed between rising costs and falling wholesale prices. For consumers, the retail price has stayed relatively stable, but the availability, selection and ease of acquisition have all gotten much better than the days of the black market. Despite these major improvements in the Cannabis industry, the consumers still pay the same amount for pot today as they did 10 years ago despite the overhead of storefronts now used to sell Cannabis. While compensation for risk is also part of the price, I think the price of physical resources and other self limiting factors will hold the price of medical grade Cannabis at values far above $38 an ounce, even in a legal environment. The idea that most of the price of marijuana is simply a fat layer of profit over a small amount of production cost is typically what non-growers imagine when they think of a pot grower. In fact, this is one of the fundamental assumptions that have fueled the demise of whatever margin the grower did have.

Everybody Wants a Piece of the Grower’s Pie Over the last decade, one of the biggest misconceptions of the Cannabis industry is that Cannabis growers are wealthy by virtue of their trade. The idea is that the producers of Cannabis get their Cannabis essentially “for free” and bask in the easily obtained financial rewards of an extremely profitable crop. Having been a part of many gardens over the years for large medical marijuana dispensary chains, underground growers and my own head stash alike, I can tell you this idea of the wealthy pot grower is now largely a story from the past and there’s a lot more work involved in good medicine than you might imagine. Outdoor growers can still enjoy a wider margin than indoor growers, but in the current market, there is less margin than ever before for growers across the board. Over the last decade, the wealthy pot grower fable has spurred a massive influx of pot profiteers disguised as entrepreneurs that have flooded into the industry all looking for a piece of the grower’s margin. It started with the explosion of the hydroponics/indoor gardening industry – many manufacturers of hydro products increased their consumable product lines like nutrients and additives. The less scrupulous ones told growers they need to use 20 different bottles on every watering, hiked the prices, watered down the products, and increased the application rates. Plus, growers were told they’d need lots of high-tech, expensive gear if they wanted a good crop. No one was sponsoring information on

do-it-yourself gardens or cost-effective methods to grow safe and potent medicine. With every grower and every product, the basic selling point always seemed to be some version of “You need it.” And lots of growers have been swept up in the overwhelming consumerism of the hydro industry ever since. But it’s not like the hydro industry was the only one gobbling up the grower’s margin. The rise of the modern Cannabis store has been built on the grower’s margin, not a passed along price increase. Again, consumers who once paid $50 - $60 per eighth of Cannabis from Some Guy where they had little if any selection, no security, no regular store hours, no staff to support them are still only paying $50 – 60 per eighth. Despite the massive drop in wholesale prices, retail prices have changed very little. In essence, the growers have directly sponsored the rise and continued existence of dispensaries, since they have sacrificed much of their margin in order to sell to legitimate dispensaries in the hopes that it would also mean lower risk. This can be beneficial to the growers in many cases, but only if the decrease in margin is proportional to the decrease in risk. Even the doctors have started to get in on their piece of the grower’s margin. Doctors, who live comparably riskfree existences compared to growers have begun to sell expensive “grower’s licenses” to new patients who aren’t yet aware of the fact that there is no such thing as a “grower’s license”. This product is one of fantasy, with no legitimate basis for its existence. Let me make this very clear: if you are a legitimate medical Cannabis patient with a doctor’s recommendation, you have the legal right to grow your own Cannabis. You do not need to buy a “grower’s license”. In addition to this, in California, a state supreme court case found that plant number limitations are unconstitutional. (Just google “Kelly Case Marijuana California” for more info.) That means that while there are terms used like “reasonable amount for the patients needs” to define the amount people could grow; there is no specific number that you are or are not allowed to grow. (The only consensus is to definitely stay under 100 plants per growing site to reduce the risk of federal prosecution which typically only occurs at levels of 100 plants or more.)

so the judge will recognize the severity of your ailment and your patient status without question. However, if the judge sees that your “grower’s certificate” was generated at some place that simply advertises and sells these products for a hefty fee, then it’s not worth the paper it’s written on and loses all legitimacy. Exploiting a loophole in such an obvious and flagrant manner is bad for the image of medical Cannabis. Not to mention it directly takes advantage of a legal exemption that was put there to ease the suffering of seriously ill patients. When people exploit these exemptions, the entire medical Cannabis community suffers and we risk losing important legal exemptions like this one because of these irresponsible abuses. New growers are better off investing those several hundred dollars in their gardens to grow better medicine. In Part 2 of this no-holds-barred look at the price of pot, we’re going to delve deeper into the shifting economic landscape of Cannabis, both in the medical Cannabis market and in the re-surging underground market. Crop-specific limiting factors that influence the economy of scale will be discussed in relation to the recent “mega-farm” prospects. We’re also going to take a closer look at the Green Rush and some more of it’s unfortunate side effects for both growers and consumers. To cap it off, we’ll dissect what really goes into those pounds of premium Cannabis. What’s inside might just surprise you. All this and more next month – the inside stories you can only find here in the Grower’s Grove.

Jade Kine Growers Grove writer Jade Kine is a former greenhouse manager for the medical Cannabis industry with over a million plants worth of experience. He is also the founder of CannAcademy, a trade school dedicated solely to horticultural training for growers. Got a grow question for Jade? Drop him a line at JadeKine@gmail.com Complete bio at JadeKine.com

Now, there is a provision in the law that does allow doctors to specify that their patients can grow larger amounts of Cannabis if there is a need and the doctor specifies an amount. This little known provision is intended to allow terminally ill patients to grow larger gardens because of the nature of their ailment. Basically, it’s a way of saying that if you have something like cancer, grow a big garden. You shouldn’t need a green thumb to consistently produce your medicine. Just throw lots of plants at it and, even if you don’t have a green thumb or the nicest garden, enough of the plants should become medicine to meet your needs. The idea is that seriously ill patients shouldn’t be scrutinized on the number of plants in their garden. The doctor’s statement saying you can grow up to a certain number of plants is supposed to be something that will help you in court by providing additional legal recourse. It does not actually authorize you to grow Cannabis, your recommendation does that. This extra statement is supposed to make your case look even more legitimate. It’s 65

Hempful Hints


It’s rare to find a business that puts ecology before economy. One that puts Mother Nature before their bottom line. One that believes in sustainability, integrity, fair pay, and quality of life, allowing the stay-at-home artisans making their goods to produce their products outside of a dreaded sweatshop. But we’ve found one, Rawganique.com, and their line of cotton, linen and hemp products are on a whole nother level.

Making sure their vast line of products are free of harsh elements like PVC, formaldehyde, dioxin, pesticides, heavy metals, acids, or chemicals shows Rawganique’s commitment to the bigger picture, and this sentiment of conscious concern is not just for fad or fashion (though their clothes are). This is the mentality in which the company is built upon, a company whose co-founders live totally off the grid on a small island off the Strait of Georgia. With solar and wind power, and a totally organic garden, these people are truly ”walking the walk.” Since 2000, this family business has been producing men’s and women’s wear, footwear, bed linens, bath products (including soaps, deodorants and shampoos), kitchen products, paper products, books, bags, rugs, fabrics, pajamas, hammocks, yoga mats, and even specialize in elegant hemp wedding clothes for brides, grooms, and the whole wedding party. Their wedding line has both formal and informal options. With beach and ecofriendly weddings on the rise, Rawganique has become “Hemp Wedding Central,” with their casual, yet stylish garb. This line is both dashing and classy, while remaining uniquely different from the normal rent-a-tux penguin suits found at the mall. Rawganique clothes come in Standard, Plus & Petite sizes, and Big & Tall sizes up to a 50” waist, and 38” inseam. Their selection ranges from everyday shorts, jeans, and shirts, to an array of jackets, sweaters, blouses, and dresses. The line of bed and bath linens are just as vast. Hemp sheets, pillow cases, and Duvet covers made with organically grown hemp fibers without chemicals, heavy metals, dyes, or synthetics make for very comfortable and cozy linens. With “green” hotels, resorts, and spas becoming popular, Rawganique hemp sheets are used in some of the most prestigious around the globe. If the kitchen is the main room in your house, Rawganique has an ecofriendly selection for you too. They have everything from aprons, towels, place mats, napkins, table clothes, oven mitts, and pot holders. With Organic Hemp foods, Sundried Fruits, Organic Nuts and Butter, Maca and Vegan foods, and even a Raw Cuisine Turbo Blender to help you get healthy, this site seems to be a one-stop shop for you healthy Hemp nuts. They’ve even got 100% biodegradable cleaning products using Soapnuts, used for laundry detergent, house cleaner, hair shampoo, pet shampoo, or dish detergent. Rawganique has covered just about everything. For more information on Rawganique’s products, or just to browse through their web-store, go to www.Rawganique.com. With so many eco-friendly products to choose from, it’s really worth a visit.




Crystal Castles w/ Suuns 3.02.11 @ House of Blues

Kush Concert Calendar Live Music Preview March 2011

Crystal Castles are an electronic band from Toronto, made up of producer Ethan Kath and vocalist Alice Glass. They are well known around the world for their chaotic live shows and energetic yet lo-fi productions. The duo released several vinyl EPs between 2006 and 2007, and two eponymous albums in 2008 and 2010 to widespread critical acclaim, building a solid, devoted fan base. No matter where you reside in the greater San Diego area, Crystal Castles are definitely worth the trip to the House of Blues. It’s either that or battle the crowds to see them at Coachella. crystalcastles.com

The Concretes + Millionyoung 3.05.11 @ The Casbah

When you assign the genre ‘electro’ to music, you probably think of fist pumping techno and leather wielding hipsters. But there is a softer, more ambient side of ‘electro’ that is too easily passed by with the casual listener. This show at The Casbah puts that surfer-friendly, more melodic side of electro in the spotlight with a couple really good bands that will take you on an aural vacation to a sunny, summer beach. Florida’s Millionyoung, an up and coming act that is definitely worth keeping your eyes and ears on in the coming years, teams up the The Concretes from Stockholm. The Concretes are quite mellow, yet poppy, and this show is the perfect match for a good indica. Don’t miss this show on March 5th! www.millionyoung.tumblr.com; theconcretes.tumblr.com

Eric Clapton

3.06.11 @ Valley View Casino Center

Eric Clapton, the three-time inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, has played as a solo artist, and separately as a member of The Yardbirds and Cream. Clapton has been referred to as one of the most important and influential guitarists of all time, ranking fourth in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the “100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time” and fourth in Gibson’s Top 50 Guitarists of All Time. He puts on an absolutely amazing live show, and if you have an opportunity to make this show you DEFINITELY should! It’s at the newly names Valley View Casino center, formerly the San Diego Sports Arena. ericclapton.com

KISSES, Hosannas 3.09.11 @ Soda Bar

Kisses is a side project of Jesse Kivel, one of the frontmen for the band Princeton. Where Princeton takes a straightforward guitar-pop approach to clever subject matter, Kisses’ approach is one of gentle, highly danceable electro pop. Kivel even takes a stab at a very 80s-esque disco sound on their most recent release, “Midnight Lover.” Also be sure to check out their song “Bermuda” if you aren’t too familiar with them. Most of their songs have a more laid back feel. From Portland, Hosannas are a really solid band with a self described sound of “jah-wave.” Mellow, and soothing, the pairing of these two bands will wash over your body like a cool breeze on a hot summer day. Another great match for a good KUSH buzz. kisses.bandcamp.com; hosannasmusic.com

Left Page: Lady Gaga Right From Top: DATAROCK , Kisses,Eric Clapton, Jason Derülo, Crystal Castles, The Concretes 68 68


3.16.11 @ The Casbah

Four drunk friends formed DATAROCK on a rainy afternoon while drinking beer under a tree on top of a mountain in Bergen, Norway. It was the first summer of a brand new millennium, and the boys were getting into the groove at an outdoor festival of electronic music. Inspired by the heat of the moment, the boys made a life changing decision and came rolling down the mountainside with a tablet of stone engraved with a single word - DATAROCK (derived from the Norwegian word for computer - datamaskin.) They put on a tremendous, high energy show that will get your feet moving and your head banging. Get to the Casbah on this soon to be spring evening for a wonderful musical experience. facebook.com/datarock

Jason Derülo

3.25.11 @ 4th & B

Singer, songwriter, dancer, and actor Jason Derülo belongs to a new breed of multi-hyphenated artists who know no creative boundaries. As the flagship artist for the joint venture between Warner Brothers Records and super-producer J.R. Rotem’s label Beluga Heights, Derulo has set his sights high. Taking the pop music world by storm with incredible songwriting skills, and an unforgettable voice, Derülo looks to be here to stay. His HUGE hits “Whatcha Say” and “In My Head” have been getting stuck in my head (in this case a good thing) for days on end over the last couple years. 4th & B in San Diego is lucky enough to host this international superstar, and if you are able to get tickets, get here on the 25th. jasonderulo.com

Rainbow Arabia

3.26.11 @ Soda Bar

Like many indie bands these days, Rainbow Arabia began as an escapist diversion from Danny and Tiffany Preston’s day jobs. The demos they recorded, which were written and put to tape in a matter of days, became their debut, The Basta. Barely existing for a few months, the married couple were picked out by Gang Gang Dance to support them on a cross-continental tour in 2008. Once they got back (and to their surprise) they quickly found themselves a legitimate act with acclaim from Pitchfork, Fader, and NME, along with a significant word-of-mouth buzz. They are joined on this night by Africa’s Afro-futuristic DJ/rapper Spoek Mathambo, who will also put on a set that you will not soon forget. Get to Soda Bar on the 26th for a great show! rainbowarabia.bandcamp.com;

Lady Gaga

3.29.11 @ Viejas Arena @ SDSU

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, or Lady Gaga, began performing in the rock music scene of New York City’s Lower East Side in 2003 and quickly enrolled at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. She signed with Streamline Records, an imprint of Interscope Records soon after. During her early time at Interscope, she worked as a songwriter for fellow label artists and captured the attention of Akon, who recognized her vocal abilities, and signed her to his own label, Kon Live Distribution. It’s been a while since a new pop artist made her win in the music industry the old-fashioned way, paying her dues with seedy club gigs and self-promotion. Gaga is one rising pop star who hasn’t been plucked from a model casting call, born into a famous family, won a reality singing contest, or emerged from a teen cable TV sitcom. Through her music, Gaga is just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time. Her latest song “Born This Way” is another hit (arguably sounding a little to similar to some old Madonna hits), and we will be watching this pop star for many years to come. Get your butt to this show for what will be an unforgettable production of epic proportions. ladygaga.com

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New Orleans Fat Tuesday Mardi Gras Celebration CRAWDADDY SPREAD


INGREDIENTS -1 package (16 ounces) frozen cooked crawfish tails, thawed -1 package (8 ounces) cream cheese, softened -1 medium green pepper, finely chopped -1 medium sweet red pepper, finely chopped -1 small onion, finely chopped -6 garlic cloves, minced -1/2 to 1 teaspoon Creole seasoning -1/3 cup THC olive oil -1/2 teaspoon salt -6 to 12 drops hot pepper sauce Assorted crackers


DIRECTIONS Chop crawfish; pat dry. In a small bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth. Add the THC olive oil, peppers, onion, garlic, Creole seasoning, salt and hot pepper sauce; stir in the crawfish. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Serve with crackers. Yield: 3 cups.








INGREDIENTS -1 cup pitted brine-cured black olives, such as Nicoise, sliced -1 cup large (queen) pimiento-stuffed olives, sliced -1/2 cup THC olive oil -2 Tablespoons minced shallots -2 Tablespoons finely chopped celery -2 Tablespoons minced fresh flat-leaf parsley -2 teaspoons minced garlic -1-1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

INGREDIENTS -1 cup all-purpose flour -1 cup cornmeal -1/4 cup sugar -1/2 teaspoon baking soda -1/2 teaspoon salt -1 egg -1 cup (8 ounces) reduced-fat plain yogurt -1/4 cup THC oil

DIRECTIONS Combine black olives, green olives, THC oil, shallots, celery, parsley, garlic and pepper in a medium mixing bowl and mix well. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

DIRECTIONS In a large bowl, combine the flour, cornmeal, sugar, baking soda and salt. Whisk together the egg, yogurt and oil. Stir in the dry ingredients just until combined. Transfer to an 8-in. square baking dish coated with cooking spray. Bake at 375° for 20-25 minutes or until top is lightly browned and a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Serve warm.

MUFFULETTA INGREDIENTS -1/2 cup finely chopped celery -1/2 cup sliced pimiento-stuffed olives, drained -1/2 cup sliced ripe olives, drained -1/2 cup giardiniera -1/3 cup finely chopped onion -1/3 cup THC olive oil -1/4 cup finely chopped green onions -1/4 cup minced fresh parsley -3 tablespoons lemon juice -1 teaspoon dried oregano -1 garlic clove, minced -1/8 teaspoon pepper -1 round loaf (24 ounces) unsliced Italian bread -1/4 pound thinly sliced hard salami -1/4 pound provolone cheese -1/4 pound thinly sliced deli ham DIRECTIONS In a large bowl, combine the first 12 ingredients. Cover and refrigerate for at least 8 hours. Drain, reserving 2 tablespoons liquid. Cut loaf of bread in half; hollow out top and bottom, leaving a 1-in. Shell (discard removed bread or save for another use). Brush cut sides of bread with reserved liquid. Layer bottom of bread shell with salami, half of the olive mixture, cheese, remaining olive mixture and ham. Replace bread top. Cut into wedges.

CRABBY GUMBO INGREDIENTS -1 pound fresh okra, washed, stems removed, and cut into 1-inch pieces (frozen okra may be used if fresh is unavailable) -1 large onion (about 1 cup), coarsely chopped -3 cloves garlic, minced -1/2 pound ham (preferably smoked), diced -1 small green pepper, minced -1 bay leaf -1 teaspoon salt, or to taste Generous sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper -1/3 teaspoon crushed red pepper -5 large tomatoes (about 2 to 2-1/2 cups), peeled and coarsely chopped -1/2 cup tomato sauce -1-1/2 cups water -½ stick THC Butter -2 pounds raw shrimp, peeled, deveined, and rinsed -3/4 pound back fin crabmeat, cooked DIRECTIONS Combine okra, onion, garlic, ham, green pepper, bay leaf, salt, pepper, red pepper, tomatoes, tomato sauce, water, and THC butter in a large heavy kettle or Dutch oven. Bring just to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes. Add shrimp and crab. Simmer for about 15 minutes more.

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SAUSAGE AND CHICKEN GUMBO INGREDIENTS -1 (3 pound) whole chicken -1/2 cup all-purpose flour -1/2 cup THC olive oil -1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped onions -1 (10 ounce) package frozen green bell peppers -5 stalks celery, finely chopped -1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning, or to taste -2 whole bay leaves -1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes -1 pound fully-cooked smoked beef sausage, sliced -1 (10 ounce) package frozen sliced okra salt and black pepper to taste DIRECTIONS Fill a large pot partially with lightly salted water, and place the chicken in the pot. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a simmer, and cook the chicken until the meat is no longer pink and the juices run clear, about 1 hour. Remove the chicken from the broth, and crack open the carcass to allow the chicken to cool. Reserve the chicken broth. After the chicken has cooled enough to handle, pick the meat from the bones, and set aside. While the chicken is simmering, make a roux by whisking together the flour and THC olive oil in a large, heavy saucepan over medium-low heat. Cook and stir the mixture, watching constantly to avoid burning, until the roux is a rich chocolate brown color, 20 to 30 minutes. As soon as the roux has reached the desired color, stir in the onions, bell peppers, celery, Cajun seasoning, and bay leaves, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, about 45 minutes. Pour in the reserved chicken broth, diced tomatoes, and beef sausage, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the mixture has thickened, about 1 hour. Mix in the reserved chicken meat and okra, bring back to a simmer, and cook, stirring occasionally, until the okra is tender and the flavors have blended, 30 to 40 minutes.

RED BEANS AND RICE INGREDIENTS -1 medium onion, chopped -1/2 cup chopped green pepper -2 garlic cloves, minced -2 tablespoons THC olive oil -1/3 cup minced fresh cilantro -3 cans (16 ounces each) red beans, rinsed and drained -1/2 teaspoon salt -1/2 teaspoon ground cumin -1/8 teaspoon pepper -3 cups hot cooked rice DIRECTIONS In a large nonstick skillet, sautĂŠ the onion, green pepper and garlic in oil until tender. Add cilantro. Cook and stir until wilted, about 1 minute. Stir in the beans, salt, cumin and pepper. Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Serve over rice.

KING CAKE PASTRY: -1 cup milk -1/4 cup THC butter -2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast -2/3 cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C) -1/2 cup white sugar -2 eggs -1 1/2 teaspoons salt -1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg -5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour FILLING: -1 cup packed brown sugar -1 tablespoon ground cinnamon -2/3 cup chopped pecans -1/2 cup all-purpose flour -1/2 cup raisins -1/2 cup melted THC butter FROSTING: -1 cup confectioners’ sugar -1 tablespoon water

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DIRECTIONS Scald milk, remove from heat and stir in 1/4 cup of butter. Allow mixture to cool to room temperature. In a large bowl, dissolve yeast in the warm water with 1 tablespoon of the white sugar. Let stand until creamy, about 10 minutes. When yeast mixture is bubbling, add the cooled milk mixture. Whisk in the eggs. Stir in the remaining white sugar, salt and nutmeg. Beat the flour into the milk/egg mixture 1 cup at a time. When the dough has pulled together, turn it out onto a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 8 to 10 minutes. Lightly oil a large bowl, place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat with oil. Cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in volume, about 2 hours. When raised, punch down and divide dough in half. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Grease 2 cookie sheets or line with parchment paper. To Make Filling: Combine the brown sugar, ground cinnamon, chopped pecans, 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup raisins. Pour 1/2 cup melted butter over the cinnamon mixture and mix until crumbly. Roll dough halves out into large rectangles (approximately 10x16 inches or so). Sprinkle the filling evenly over the dough and roll up each half tightly like a jellyroll, beginning at the wide side. Bring the ends of each roll together to form 2 oval shaped rings. Place each ring on a prepared cookie sheet. With scissors make cuts 1/3 of the way through the rings at 1-inch intervals. Let rise in a warm spot until doubled in size, about 45 minutes. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Push the doll into the bottom of the cake. Frost while warm with the confectioners’ sugar blended with 1 to 2 tablespoons of water.

NEW ORLEANS BREAD PUDDING INGREDIENTS -1/2 cup raisins -1/4 cup brandy or unsweetened apple juice -1/2 cup THC Butter melted and divided -1 tablespoon sugar -4 eggs, lightly beaten -2 cups half-and-half cream -1 cup packed brown sugar -2 teaspoons vanilla extract -1/2 teaspoon salt -1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg -10 slices day-old French bread (1 inch thick), cubed

SAUCE: -1/2 cup packed brown sugar -2 tablespoons cornstarch Dash salt -1 cup cold water -1 tablespoon THC butter -2 teaspoons vanilla extract DIRECTIONS In a small saucepan, combine raisins and brandy. Bring to a boil. Remove from the heat, cover and set aside. Brush a shallow 2-1/2-qt. baking dish with 1 tablespoon THC butter; sprinkle with sugar and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the eggs, cream, brown sugar, vanilla, salt and nutmeg. Stir in remaining butter and reserved raisin mixture. Gently stir in bread. Let stand for 15 minutes or until bread is softened. Transfer to prepared dish. Bake, uncovered, at 350° for 35-40 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean. For sauce, in a small saucepan, combine the brown sugar, cornstarch and salt; gradually add water. Bring to a boil. Cook and stir for 1-2 minutes or until thickened. Remove from heat. Stir in butter and vanilla. Serve with bread pudding.

PECAN PRALINE TREATS INGREDIENTS -1 cup sugar -1 cup packed brown sugar -1 cup milk -8 large marshmallows -2 cups coarsely chopped pecans -2 tablespoons butter -1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Dash ground cinnamon DIRECTIONS Lightly butter two baking sheets or line with waxed paper; set aside. In a saucepan, combine the sugars, milk and marshmallows. Cook and stir over low heat until marshmallows are completely melted. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until a candy thermometer reads 234°240° (soft-ball stage). Without stirring or scraping, pour hot liquid into another saucepan. Add the pecans, THC, butter, vanilla and cinnamon. Stir rapidly until mixture is thickened and creamy, about 3 minutes. Drop quickly by rounded tablespoonfuls onto prepared pans. Flatten slightly. Let stand until set. Store in an airtight container.

75 75 75


1421 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 272-HERB (4372)

Altitude Organic

2110 Hancock St. Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 220-7100

Bella Flora

2056 1st Ave San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 487-1268

Beneficial Care Collective (BCC)

740 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 702-2110

California’s Finest Cooperative 1133 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 238-4200

Canna Collective San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 523-1974

Cloud 9 Co-Op

5029 W. Point Loma Blvd. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 225-9128

Doc Greens Co-op 4655 Mission Blvd. San Diego, CA 92109 (619) 206-3359

Fresh Selection Cooperative

841 Turquoise St., Ste G San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 746-4207

Gourmet Green Room 5121 Santa Fe St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 273-9300

Grand Organics Cooperative

4502 Cass St., Ste 202 San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 490-9222

Green Earth Herbal Collective 936 Garnet Ave. Pacific Beach 92109 (858) 270-4342

Green Flash Medical CoOp,Inc. 903 Island Ave San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 615-0000

Green Gardens

1251 Rosecrans St. Suite B San Diego,CA 92106 (619) 489-2440

GreenLady Hydroponics 4879 Newport Avenue San Diego,CA 92107 (619) 222-5011

Greenleaf Wellness 1747 Hancock St. Ste B San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 574-9500

Green Light Collective 4967 Newport Ave. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 408-0198

Green Zion

2160 Las Lomas Street San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 255-6726

Horizon Collective

1012 Prospect St., Ste 300 La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 456-1779

Horizon Collective

3405 Kenyon St., Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 221-2932

House of OG

861 Hornblend St. Pacific Beach, CA 92109 (858) 270-9900

La Jolla Medicine Co-Op

Purple Holistic Gardens

The Happy Co-op

La Playa Collective

Quantum Leaf Collective

The Helping Cloud

737 Pearl St., Ste 202 San Diego, CA 92037 (858) 459-0116

1571 La Playa Pacific Beach, CA 92109 (858) 224-5580

Light the Way

3421 Hancock St, San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 260-0450

Made Fresh Daily Collective

4780 Mission Bay Drive San Diego, CA 92109 (619) 546-0552

Ocean Beach Collective 4852 Voltaire St. San Diego, CA 92107 (619) 226-3300

One on One Gaslamp Patient’s Ass.

923 6th Ave San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 237-0499

Ocean Beach Wellness 4851 Newport Ave. Ocean Beach, CA 92107 (619) 226-2653

Organic Aid

6904 Miramar Rd # 105 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 566-5556

Pacific Beach Medical Co-Op

4676 Cass St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 581-3265

Platinum Lounge 1327 Morena Blvd San Diego CA 92110 (619) 276-7528

Point Loma Association 3045 Rosecrans St. Ste 214 San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 226-2308

2950 Garnet Ave San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 272-GDPS (4377) 2854 Main St. San Diego,CA 92113 (619) 318-6453

5703 Oberlin Dr., Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 550-0445 3690 Murphy Canyon Rd San Diego, CA 92123 (760) 845-7914

Rosecrans Herbal Care

The Herb House

1337 Rosecrans St. San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 255-3813

3415 Mission Blvd. Mission Beach, CA 92109 (858) 412-5915

San Diego Herbal Alternatives

The Kind Co.Op

5830 Oberlin Dr., Ste 304 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 450-HERB (4372)

San Diego Holistic Healing

5544 La Jolla Blvd., Ste A San Diego, CA 92037 (858) 412-3105

San Diego Organic Collective 2731 Shelter Island Dr. San Diego, CA 92106 (619) 501-7400

San Diego Organic Wellness Association 1150 Garnet Ave. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 750-2401


1189 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-7500

Seaside Herb Company 961 Turquoise St San Diego,CA 92109 (858) 488-1731

Sons of Beaches

3841 Mission Bvvlvd. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 488-9420

The Beach Collective 4852 Voltaire St Ocean Beach, CA 92107 (619) 226-3300

3910 B W.Point Loma Blvd. San Diego,Ca.92110 (619) 221-2901

Therapeutic Healing Collective 3251 Holiday Ct., Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92037 (619) 717-8060

Trade Sponge Collective 5752 Oberlin #112 San Diego,CA.92121 (858) 952-5739

Trichome Healing Collective 752 6th Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 338-9922

Tri City Holisitic

915 W Grape San Diego,Ca.92101 (619) 487-1598

West Coast Farmacy 2215 Kettner Blvd. San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 238-3538


San Diego, CA (760) 529-9630

Answerdam Rx

950 E. Vista Way San Diego, CA 92173 (619) 634-3178

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 76

DISPENSARY LISTING Milli’s Cannabis Collective

The Healing Dragon

North SD county (877) 625-6209

2506 S. Santa Fe Ave., Ste B8 Vista, CA 92084 (760) 599-8700

SoCal Wellness

The Pharm

1990 S Santa Fe Ave Vista,CA 92083 (760) 509-4800

SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY INLAND Coastal Green Collective 9212 Mira Este Ct #208 San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 480-1242

Infinity Wellness Center 9465 Black Mountain Rd San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 689-1600

Miramar Wellness Center 9446 Miramar Rd # D San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 689-9098

Nature’s RX

3538 Ashford St., Ste E San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 495-0420


208 W. Aviation Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-9060

San Diego Green House Medical Marijuana 9513 Blackmountain Rd # E San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 309-2309

Socal Wellness

1990 S. Santa Fe Ave. Vista, CA 92083 (760) 509-4800

The Dank Bank

7281 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 589-0117

The Happier Co-Op

9625 Black Mountain Rd., Ste 309 San Diego, CA 92126 (858) 271-1138

9625 Black Mountain Rd Ste 300 San Diego CA 92126 (858) 356-5556

SAN DIEGO CENTRAL COUNTY INLAND 30th Street Patient Collective 4494 30th St., Ste B San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 282-6600

Absolute Collective 2801 4th Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 630-2727

Allgreen Cooperative 3740 5th Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 269-1824

Alternative Care Group 3930 Oregon St., Ste 260 San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 795-1887

Alternative Resources Center & Collective 4410 Glacier Ave. # 106 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 280-2722

Alternative Therapy Herbal Center 3251 4th Ave., Ste 420 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 825-0955

Amsterdam on Adams 3439 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 808-9818

Best Buds Collective

2405 Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92113-3638 (619) 338-0420

California Care Collective

8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Ste 213 San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 768-1347

California’s Best Meds 6186 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 582-4035

Cannabis Creations Wellness Cooperative 2505 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 (858) 356-7967

Chi Holistic Collective 3590 Fifth Avenue San Diego,CA 92103 (619) 550-3990

Collectively Speaking, Inc.

5125 Convoy Street San Diego, CA 92111-1224 (858) 573-2773

Earth Medical Collective Inc.

7933 Balboa Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 277-1088

Farm Associated Collective,Inc.

6070 Mt. Alifan Dr.#202 San Diego,Ca.92111 (619) 481-4111

First Choice

2858 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 521-1102

Frosty Farms Collective.

Green Crop Co-op

6957 El Cajon Blvd., Ste 109 San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 466-4200

Green Goddess

7364 El Cajon Blvd, Suite 203 San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 697-7891

Green Joy

4633 Convoy St. #104 San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 268-4488

Green South, Inc. 4233 University Ave San Diego, CA 92105 (619) 942-1433

Green Tree Solutions

8055 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. Ste 107 San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 278-2128

Green Works

6334 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 286-NUGG (6844)

Healing Arts

4009 Park Blvd Ste 16 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 727-4400

Higher Healing

5995 Mission Gorge Rd, Suite C San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 516-4325

Higher Level

4443 30th St. Suite 105 San Diego, CA 92116 (888) 987-MEDS

Holistic Care Center Collective

8865 Balboa Ave., Suite G. San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 279-8300

2603 University Ave San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 846-8645

Glass Jar Collective

Indigenous Agricultural Cooperative

4015 Park Blvd., Ste 203 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 294-6847

Good Karma Collective

2041 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 269-0845

Living Green Pharmacy Cooperative 6302 Riverdale St. San Diego, CA 92120 (619 563-2343

Medical Miracle Collective

4009 Park Blvd, Suite 19 San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 293-3600

Members Only Healing Collective 3795 A 30th St San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 550-1271

Mother Earth Co-Op Collective 904 Ft Stockton Dr. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 794-4618

Oasis Herbal Center 3441 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 280-0015

Pacific Green Pharms Inc.

2828 University Ave Suite 107 San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 255-1736

Platinum Rx

6631 Convoy Ct. San Diego,Ca.92111 (858) 571-7630

San Diego Green Care Collective 4488 Convoy St., Ste D San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 278-8488

San Diego Holistic

4535 30th Ave., Ste 114 San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 281-8695

San Diego Medical Collective

1233 Camino Del Rio South#275 San Diego,Ca.92108 (619) 298-3500

2629 Ariane Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 (858) 750-2450

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 77


7750 Dagget St # 203 Kearny Mesa, CA 92111 (858) 565-1053

Sensible Selections 857 32nd St San Diego,CA 92102 (619) 488-5842

SD Coastal Collective 7990 Dagget St. #G San Diego,Ca.92111 (619) 488-3068

SDDC Collective Corp 3152 Univeristy Ave. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 280-7332

The Good Place CoOperative

6063 Mission Gorge Rd. San Diego,Ca 92120 (619) 283-2641

The Gift of Green

3200 Adams Ave., #208 San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 516-1899

The Green Door Collective

3021 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 584-2837

The Green Dove Collective

5482 Complex St Ste 112

SibannaCAlternative, Inc. San Diego, CA 92123 3150 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 (619) 663-9489


8340 Clairemont Mesa Blvd # 213 San Diego, CA 92111 (760) 716-5266

Southern Lites Collective, Inc.

8081 Balboa Ave Suite M San Diego CA, 92111 (619) 283-9333

Spectrum of Kindness Cooperative

8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. #I San Diego, CA 92123 (858) 569-0162

Sports Arena Farmacy 3665 Ruffin Rd.Suite 115 San Diego,CA.92123 (858) 939-1062

(858) 222-3613

The Greenery Caregivers 4672 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 296-1300

The Helping Cloud

3690 Murphy Canyon Rd. San Diego, CA 92123 (949) 382-8590

The Holistic Cafe 415 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 (619) 269-7200

The People’s Collective 2869 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 677-2776

Truely Green

4758 Federal Blvd San Diego, CA 92102 (619) 368-9496

West Coast Farmacy 6956 El Cajon Blvd . San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 465-4217


1667 Euclid Ave San Diego CA 92115 (619) 534-4991

Green Palace

7227 Broadway Unit#305 Lemongrove,CA 91945 (619) 321-8766

Green Power

9960 Campo Rd., Ste 107 Spring Valley, CA 91977 (619) 321-8766

Herbal Health Options 9612 Dale Ave., #2 Spring Valley, CA 91977 (619) 464-6200

1516 W. Redwood St., #105 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 222-5483 (619) 543-1061

Calmed 420

4443 30th st. Ste# 101 San Diego, CA 92116 (619) 222-3839

Canna Care Consultants 921 South Coast Hwy Oceanside,CA.92054 (760) 439-7498

Discount Quality Evaluation Center

2667 Camino Del Rio South #311 San Diego, CA 92108 (877) 366-5416

2667 Camino Del Rio South Suite #111 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 297-3800

Medical Marijuana of San Diego

5703 Oberlin Drive, Suite 203 San Diego, Ca 92121 888-215-HERB (4372)

MediCann San Diego 945 Hornblend St. San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 274-4000


2121 5th Ave., Ste 100 San Diego, CA 92101 (877) 627-1644

Modern Medicine USA

2425 Camino Del Rio South #125 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 819-2550

Point Loma Cal Med 420

The Green Lantern

East County ME

San Diego 420 Evaluations

7882 La Mesa Blvd. La Mesa, CA 91942 (619) 303-4079

8783 Troy St Spring Valley CA 91977 (619) 654-0861


1603 Palm Ave San Diego,CA 92154 (888) 877-6455

Tailored Health Care

The Fire Station

We the People Collective 7200 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 318-3671

Anti-Aging Medical Marijuana Evaluations

MC2: Medical Cannabis Consultants

Donald C. Clark MD

7770 Vickers St. San Diego, CA 92111 (858) 495-3265 (DANK) 1816 Howard Ave. San Diego,CA.92103 (619) 255-8264

4452 Park Blvd., Ste 314 San Diego, CA 92116 (866) 420-7215

Pacific Alternative Care (The PAC)

1555 Palm Ave #K San Diego CA 92154 Unified Collective 2815 Camino Del Rio South, #2A (619) 240-7246 San Diego, CA 92108 DOCTORS (619) 299-6600

Sunset Coast SD CoOp

Alternative Care Clinics

420 Cannabis Cards 3780 Hancock St. #G San Diego,CA.92110 (888 )554-4404

2515 Camino Del Rio S.#340 San Diego,CA.92108 (619) 688-1331 (619) 405-0251

Greenleaf Care

7710 Balboa Ave. Ste 228C Kearney Mesa, CA (888) 774-7076

Greenleaf Care

3039 Jefferson St., Ste F Carlsbad, CA 92008 www.greenleafcare.com (888) 774-7076

HEMP 420

2815 Camino Del Rio South #275, San Diego CA 92108 (619) 294-4367(hemp)

Marijuana Medicine Evaluation Centers

5205 Kearny Villa Way #100 San Diego, CA 92123 (800) 268-4420

3045 Roscrans Street Ste 215 San Diego,CA 92110 (619)756-9168

45 3rd Ave. # 104 Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 420-2040

SCHOOLS Legal Cannabis Institute 9808 Waples Street San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 864.8787

DELIVERY Grass of the Earth (760) 730-2110

Kali Kind Meds (619) 587-1730

Kannabis Meds

(760) 230-8027 www.kannabismeds.com


(619) 243-4587

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www.pacificthreshold.com (619) 277-9336

POK Planet of Kind

Custom Hydroponic

3915 Oceanic Drive # 601 Oceanside, CA 92056 (888) 498-4420

(619) 647-1912

Grow 4 Less

SDNC Delivery

320 Trousdale Dr Ste L Chula Vista, CA 91910 (619) 425-GROW (4769)

(619) 269-1111 www.sdncdelivery.com

List of Advertisers List of Advertisers San Diego March

Medical Miracle Collective p 20

Absolute Collective p 13

Members Only p 54

Alternative Care Group p 38

NHS Delivery p 20

Altitude Organic San Diego p 40

North County Hydroponics p 57

Grow Bot

American’s for Safe Access p 71

Serving all of San Diego (760) 845-7914

(888) 391-4522 growbot.com

Anti-Aging p 31

The Chroni*cal

Grow Rooms 101

THC Delivery

(619) 546-8700

The Organic Nurse (800) 419-4810


(760) 751-2689 www.growrooms101.com

Kush Koupons


Laylah’s Lake APC, Attorneys at Law 5712 El Cajon Blvd. 835 5th Ave. Ste 200A San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 795-6460

Law Office of Kimberly R. Simms P.O. Box 1041 Cardiff, CA 92007 (760) 420-1846

Law Offices of Melissa Bobrow 964 Fifth Ave, Ste 201 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 800-5434

Law Offices of Michael Cindrich 110 West C St. Ste 1300 San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 262-2500



Cheba Hut Restaurant 6364 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 (619) 269-1111

Chip Specht

General Contractor (619) 708-3735

San Diego,Ca.92115 (619) 241-2948

North County Hydroponics 115 S Coast Hwy Oceanside,CA 92054 (760) 435-0048

OG Dankster Buds San Diego, CA (760) 730-0269

Peace Pies

4230 Voltaire St Ocean Beach CA 92107 (619) 223-2880

San Diego Clone Conservatory

SDCC info@sdcloneconservatory.org (619)288-4086

Stone Alchemist Creamery Gourmet Medicated Ice Cream (760) 532-7707

Sun Rider Foods

6732 Carthage St. San Diego,CA.92120 (619) 287-2030

Trim Pros

(619) 947-1146

Bella Flora p 28 Beneficial Care Collective p 20 Bud Reviews LLC p 26 & 27 Cal Med 420 p 32 California’s Best Meds p 27 California Cannabis Coalition p 67 Chi Holistic p 28 Cloud 9 Co-op p 23

OB Wellness p 11 One on One Gaslamp Patients Ass. P 14 Organic Aid p 9 Patient Benefit Association p 67 Platinum RX p 36 Point Loma Association p 18 San Diego 420 Evaluation p 21 San Diego Clone Conservatory p 24 SDDC p 2

Discount Quality p 81

San Diego Herbal Alternatives p 28

Farm Associated Collective p 80

San Diego Medical Collective p 36

Frosty Farms CoOp p 38

San Diego Organic Collective p 83

Green Earth Herbal Collective p 11

San Diego Organic Wellness Asso. p 26

Green Heart p 43

SD Coastal p 46

Green Joy p 9

SDNC Delivery p 24

Greenlady Hydroponics p 41

sdtmc p 14

Green Leaf Wellness p 3 Green South p 41 Grow 4 Less p 41 GSC Wellness p 33 Healing Arts p 17 Helping Cloud p 47 Higher Level p 22 Infinity Wellness p 51 Kush Koupons p 39 Lake APC Attorneys p 54

Sensible Selections p 5 So Cal AMC p 15 So Cal Wellness p 18 The Beach Collective p 19 The Fire Station p 18 The Herb House Collective (backcover) The Kind Co Op p 46 Therapeutic Healing Collective p 4 Tri City Holistic p 47

La Playa Collective PG 7

Trichome Healing Collective p 37

Legal Cannabis Institute p 55

Unified Collective CENTERFOLD & p 63

Light the Way p 10 Living Green Pharmacy p 25

"Is your listing here? For new listings or corrections please contact us at: info@dailybuds.com” brought to you by dailybuds.com 79




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