Pre-Award Checklist

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PRE-AWARD CHECKLIST for Principal Investigators

Research Office

How to Use this Checklist This checklist is intended to be a guide to assist PIs during the pre-award process, providing benchmarks for the weeks leading up to a proposal submission. As requirements among funding agencies differ, this list is not all-inclusive of the steps you may need to follow in your specific situation, but provides general guidance on the pieces needed, as well as contact information for those who you may need to liaise with during this process. Please note that all items highlighted in RED are required.



Project Prep suggested at 7 or more weeks out

Don’t forget to utilize the Research Toolbox if you need templates or examples of proposal pieces

Required Forms S:\Research\Research Office\ Human Subjects Training/Certification (IRB) 1 Research Toolbox Conflict of Interest (COI) PI Certification & Approval Identify Funding Opportunity Review Instructions for eligibility, guidelines and deadlines Optional: Ask KUSSW Research Office to review solicitation to help determine what all is required Optional: Attend any webinars or phone calls the sponsor offers regarding the grant competition Notify ADR/Research Office to intent to submit Note: provide copy of solicitation and any known information at this time Choose any subcontractors, consultants, vendors or others you may use Choose Co-PIs, staff or students to be on proposal Note: ask before putting a staff person or student’s time on a proposal, don’t assume

Proposal Viability suggested at 6 weeks out


Develop project (work w/ADR or mentor if pre-tenure) Develop goals, objectives Develop work plan/ implementation plan Develop dissemination plan Optional: Develop data analysis plan Develop budget per solicitation requirements Check the F&A rate and any cost-sharing requirements If cost share is required, contact ADR/dean who will liaise with KUOR on your behalf Contact KUOR Pre-Award to have them build your budget for you Note: The Business Director can pull costs/accounting details if you want to build the budget yourself Create Budget Justification that matches the final budget and provide to KUOR Put CV or resume together per solicitation requirements Note: KUOR Pre-Award can help with this step Templates/examples can be found in the 'Research Toolbox'

created by atwoodj

Starting to Put it all Together suggested at 5 weeks out


Develop proposal pieces Adhere to proposal restrictions (page limits, font sizes, etc.) Provide required attachments (letters of support, etc.) Start writing any pieces you’ve been putting off

Working with KUOR suggested at 3-4 weeks out Partnerships Notify KUOR if you have any subcontractors, vendors or outside persons/entities in proposal Collect any needed attachment or compliance items from co-PIs, partners, consultants, vendors, etc. Note: work with your KUOR pre-award grant specialist for help with what may be needed in your situation weeks Notification Contact KUOR to notify of intent to submit AT LEAST 3 weeks out if you haven’t already done so Review Optional: contact KU Libraries to schedule a systematic review of your proposal Optional: KUSSW Research Office can provide full review with a week's notice or proofreading with a few days notice Optional: ADR Review (please give the ADR as much time as possible for review) Get dean approval if there is cost share involved Please start the conversation early and give the dean as much time as possible for approval Fill out required cost share forms

Finalizing & Uploading suggested at 2 weeks out


Finish writing! Double-check that all items required in the funding solicitation have been addressed Fill out PI Checklist in StreamLyne (KUOR online system) Optional: KUSSW Research Office can review individual pieces before the PI uploads them to the system


All items should be submitted in StreamLyne AT LEAST 3-4 days before the deadline KUOR pre-award grant specialist will send final proposal package to you for review Contact KUOR to let them know of any changes or give them the green light to submit KUOR pre-award grant specialist will submit on the due date or before if your items are ready Provide copies of submitted proposal, final budget and any contract materials to KUSSW Research Office

DONE! Wait to hear back from your potential grantor.

Pre-Award Checklist for Principal Investigators

KEY CONTACTS & RESOURCES KU SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WELFARE Research Office: ADR: KUSSW business director: KUSSW IT: Research Toolbox: S:\Research\Research Office\ 1 Research Toolbox

SHARED SERVICE CENTER (current as of spring 2019) KUSSW SSC main contact: SSC KUSSW grant contact:

KU OFFICE OF RESEARCH KUOR Pre-Award: KUOR Contracting Office:

RESEARCH INTEGRITY @ KU Human Research Protection Program: Research Compliance Hotline: (785) 864-7429

OTHER UNIVERSITY RESOURCES KU Libraries Research Support Services: KU Research Policy Library: KU Info: (785) 864-3506

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