7 things that might change your mind about juicing

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7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

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7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

The information in this ebook is for informational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should consult with a health care professional prior to starting any diet or nutritional supplementation program. Use this information wisely and at your own risk.

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing Juicing has come from being a “hippie” thing to being a “hipster” thing, especially for those who are healthy minded. But if you want to maximize your juicing efforts there are a few things you should know. This book will help you understand the basic principles of juicing and help you implement the principles to maximize your nutrition and health. Keep in mind, juicing isn’t for everyone and each person has a unique experience with juicing. If you try it and like it, then it may become a healthy habit. If you’re not sure juicing is for you, it’s a good idea to speak with your doctor first. And if you love juicing and your family doesn’t (yet), remember they may need time, inspiration or just the right recipes. This book will provide the inspiration and a few recipes, but when they are ready, they will come! In good health… Charles Gonzales kustomwebservices@gmail.com

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

CHAPTER Juicing...





If you're reading this, then you've heard something good about juicing. It's a very trendy healthy habit and juicing can be easily incorporated into your everyday lifestyle. If done right, it can provide an easy way for you to increase your daily intake of not only vitamins and minerals but also high water content fruits and vegetables. For many, juicing can be an inconvenience or simply just another chore and for some juicing is a welcomed habit that enhances life and health. Making your own juice at home means that you are making yourself fresh juice that is not processed, like store bought juices. In fact, did you know that every juice product that is sold commercially is required by law to be pasteurized?

When you juice at home, you are sure to get a fresh product that contains all the natural digestive enzymes necessary for optimal health. Juicing at home allows you to consumer your juice right when you make it, which delivers the immediate nutrition to your body. This is important because if you let your juice sit, or allow it to oxidize (be exposed to air and light) throughout the day, it encourages the growth of potentially harmful pathogens, and most of the nutrition will be useless. Be mindful of the sugar content so make sure to make juices that are vegetable based. If you're just juicing fruits, you risk consuming higher levels of fruit sugars.

Naturally, fruits and a handful of vegetables (including carrots and beets) are high in sugar content and could lead to a buildup of sugars in the blood, instigating diabetes symptoms and can make

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

it easy to put on some extra pounds. Make sure to use complementary fruits and vegetables together to balance the flavors and nutritional profile of your juices. For example, juice citrus fruits are great by themselves or added to smoothies. Subacid fruits like apples and grapes are great to add to green vegetable juices to decrease the bitter taste. But if you're going to juice at home, you will likely but not necessarily need a juicer. There are many options out there in the market, many with pros and cons so you just have to figure out what works for you. If you think of juicing as an investment in your health, then buying a high quality juicer might make sense. If you think you’ll try it and give it up in a few months, then spending a lot of money on a juicer might not be the best choice for you. There are basically two kinds of juicers, masticators and presses. Which one is best for you? Let's learn the differences...

Mastication juicers are more common and are usually more economical. They generally are centrifugal juicers that have metal blades at the bottom of a cylinder in the juicing well and can not only oxidize your juice before you even drink it, but can cause you to throw away most of your juice because these types of juicers are notorious for extruding wet pulp. Though you can use the pulp as well, most people discard it because they don't know what to do with it. The other kind of juicer is a juice press. Juice press machines are more common because of their features, but they can cost quite a bit more. Juice presses do not have blades, they produce juice with pressure – some even use hydraulic pressure. Juice press machines do not heat up as much as masticating juicers and they literally press almost every ounce of juice out of the fibers, leaving little to waste. You want to make sure to buy the

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

juicer that best fits your lifestyle, your commitment and your budget. Truth is, a juicer isn't a MUST have. It makes juicing convenient, but you can make smoothies and blended drinks that contain more fiber, but they won't be as smooth as juice. When you get started juicing, you also want to consider your reasons. Know your WHY...

Many people want to juice because they want to take control of their health. Others want to jump on the juice bandwagon. Either way, the benefits are many and can help you achieve your wellness goals. If you know your personal reasons for juicing, it will be easy to maintain as a healthy habit. Lastly, juicing can, and should be meaningful and fun.

When you know you can do something really positive for your health, whether you have a health imbalance or if you are healthy in general, you can make it a lot of fun. Remember to be creative once you learn the fundamentals so that you can share juicing with your family and friends. You'll learn what you like and what you don't like. After juicing for a week or so, you will know what recipes work for you.

CHAPTER TWO : The Unique Benefits Of Juicing There are two schools of thought when it comes to juicing, the scientists and nutritionist can have starkly different opinions about whether it is best to consume juice (a concentrated form of whole fruits and veggies) or to consumer the whole fruit or veggie in its

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

original form. On one side, if you juice vs just eating whole fruits and vegetables, you can take in vitamins and minerals quickly, efficiently and in higher quantity. However, on the flip side, consuming whole foods will provide the fiber along with the juice without the risk elevating your blood sugar. But to most, the reward of juicing outweighs any risk. You can always eat whole, raw foods instead, but if you’re ready to start juicing you will get lots out of it. Before you begin you should know how the advantages of juicing can enhance your life before you make any big investment in equipment. So here are some of the advantages of juicing‌ Here are Some of The Most Common Advantages When you juice at home, the nutrients in the juice more readily available for assimilation and absorption.


Fresh juice is a very effective way to consume large quantities of nutrients because they go directly into the system (without the fiber), already extracted and ready for the body to use without putting any added stress on the digestive system. When you juice at home, you can disguise the fruits and veggies your family WON'T eat...

This is one of the great benefits of juicing - especially if you are introducing juice to someone, or if there's a certain vegetable you don't like to eat, but you can drink. Juicing then becomes a very convenient way to disguise certain foods and make them easy to drink instead of eat. You can be super creative with juicing.

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

Just the change in seasons should be inspiring. There are so many varieties of fruits and vegetables that become available each season so take advantage of the seasonal and local harvest around you and get creative with it. Juicing the skins on some fruits and vegetables can alter the taste of juice. For example, juicing lemons with the skins can add a bright, citrusy taste to many juices. However juicing oranges with the skins can be downright yuk! It is generally considered safe to include seeds and skins, the parts of the fruit and vegetable that would normally be thrown out and wasted, but it may alter the taste of the juice. Test it out and see what you like. Try using vegetables that add a "kick". Veggies like daikon, radishes, jalapeño or mustard greens will definitely perk things up. These types of vegetables can really make juice interesting and can boost essential nutrients that you otherwise wouldn't get. Remember a little goes a long way.

CHAPTER THREE : Getting The Taste Right Is The First Task To have great tasting juices, you want to make sure to begin with organic produce. If you don’t buy organic fruits and vegetables, you risk ingesting everything from pesticides to Ecoli. It just depends on where the produce is grown. If you are procuring produce from a farmer's market or CSA, talk to the producer and find out how your food is grown. Also, using conventionally grown can increase your risk of consuming things like GMO’s and chemicals, so remember to shop for organic fruits and vegetables before you begin juicing. Here Are Some Recipes...

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

The following recipes are perfect for the novice or the veteran and are pretty easy to make. Here are a few favorites, just make sure to clean and prep your ingredients. The tastes are simple and basic. Feel free to get really creative. Lemon Orchard Burst – 2 Apples, 1 Lemon, 1 Orange and 1” slice of Ginger. This juice combination is high in vitamin C, making it a healthy remedy to boost your immunity. It’s also tangy and spicy with the ginger and will invigorate you. If you’re adventurous, juice one half of the lemon with the rind. You’ll get a bright lemon taste that complements the apple and ginger nicely. Orange Juicy Juice – 4 medium sized Oranges, ½ Lemon. When you are prepping your oranges, remember to just cut the (orange) rind off. You can leave some of the white membrane, called the pith, because it is rich in enzymes and bioflavonoids. If you juice the orange rind, unlike the lemon rind, you will end up with a juice that isn’t very tasty because oranges have a strong oil in the skins that can be off putting to the taste buds. Green Greens – 1 cup of Kale, ½ Cucumber, 2 stalks of Celery, a handful of parsley, 4 Lettuce leaves, 1/2 lemon and 1 Apple. Juicing the dark green leaves of kale, parsley, lettuce, and the cucumbers with the skins provides a rich source of chlorophyll – a phytochemical that can help build up red blood cells. The cucumbers contain silica – a mineral that is good for the skin; the kale contains calcium – an alkaline mineral essential for strong teeth, hair and bones; the celery provides natural sources of sodium. Medley of Berries – 2 cups of Strawberries, 2 cups of Blueberries and 1 ½ cups of Raspberries ½ Lemon. {seasonal

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

summer juice} Juicing berries can be tricky because these little buggers can easily get away and make a mess…not to mention, eating berries is way more fun. But juiced berries are a great source of flavonoids and antioxidants – specifically anthocyanins – which are known to help fight diseases including cancer. Get your berry on! Mixed Vegetable Juice – 1 cup of Kale, ½ Beet, 2 Carrots, 1 Cucumber, 3 Stalks of Celery, 1 Apple and ½ Lemon. Mixing vegetables of different colors helps you get the spectrum of nutrients your body needs without too much sweet apple. The beets contain betaine which is essential for helping the body purge toxins. You can easily add other liver supporting vegetables including dandelion root if you can find it locally and give your liver a clean boost.

CHAPTER FOUR : Is It A Myth That Juicing Helps With Weight Loss? The most important thing you need to remember if you are juicing for weight loss is to make sure to balance your juices with fruits AND vegetables. You’ll want to stay clear of too many extra calories from the sugars in the fruit and focus on vegetable juices - they'll be slightly lower in calories too. Just remember, individual results may vary based on other dietary and lifestyle factors. So, it's less of a myth than it is logic that if you maintain a healthy balance of minerals, fiber and low calorie juices, some weight loss is inevitable. Excess weight is often a result of taking in too many calories and not burning them off. Combine that with over consumption and poor diet and you get pounds that stay on for the long haul. When

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

you juice, it is a common theory that the cells in the body have an opportunity to release extra toxins and excess fat that has accumulated over time. Even if you just juice once a day, or once a week, your body has a chance to take in more alkaline minerals that help drive toxic build up out. Just know, that your lungs and liver do a good job of purging the stuff your body doesn't need each day. Juicing gives your body that extra boost it might need. If planned properly, juices can be a low calorie meal replacement on the days you want to give your body a break. Juicing can give your body a healthy way to lose the fat you just have to be consistent. Juicing can also be an excellent discipline you can return to again and again over a lifetime to support wellness goals. Try to strategically combine ingredients to maximize the nutritional value of the juice. Oh, and remember to include healthy fats in your diet. In fact, good fats help train your brain and body to burn fat for calories, instead of sugar or starch for calories. It's a process called ketosis - which is a metabolic state in which the body's supply of energy comes from ketones in the blood as opposed to glycosis in which the body's supply of energy comes from blood glucose. You can include healthy fats that contain MCT's (Medium Chain Triglycerides), for example pure, unrefined coconut oil, easily in blended drinks, soups and dressings. Remember to shop locally if you can, buy what’s in season and what is organic. Once you get home, don’t forget to give those fruits and veggies a good wash so your juice recipe tastes exactly how YOU want it to taste. The following are some recopies to try at home. For these recipes you will need a juicer and a blender :

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

Apple Berry Fiber – 2 whole apples, 2 celery stalks, 1 cucumber, 1 C mixed seasonal berries, ½ lemon. Juice the apples, celery, cucumber and lemon. Place juice into blender with berries and blend on high until smooth. Apples are excellent sources of fiber while the berries provide the vitamins and antioxidants. Green Pineapple Juice – ½ lemon, ½ bunch of fresh spinach leaves, 1 C fresh pineapple. Juice all ingredients together. The lemon helps the body absorb the non-heme iron in the spinach and the bromelaine enzyme in the pineapple is high in vitamins A and C, potassium and folate. This concoction is simply refreshing, bursting with goodness and also feels very filling. Orange Pineapple Chili Juice – 3 oranges (de-skinned), ½ lemon, 1 C fresh pineapple, ½ jalapeño pepper (seeded). Spicy and sweet, this juice is full of vitamin C, contains enzymes that can dissolve accumulated mucus in the body, and also speeds up the metabolic system. Gingered Pear Juice – 1” of fresh ginger, ½ lemon, 1 apple, 2 ripe pears. This juice is great for “moving things along” in the digestive tract and is good for digestion.

CHAPTER FIVE : Don't Make Juicing A Lonely Habit... Juicing can be a lonely habit, depending on how you introduce juicing to those around you. In homes with children of differing ages. However with juicing, this problem for most has been eradicated or at the very least decreased to controllable levels. Juicing is an opportunity to get everyone in the home involved in a healthy habit. To be successful at new habits, support from family

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

and friends can be very beneficial. So, don't make juicing a lonely habit, and get your kids and family involved too! Juicing is an efficient and fun way to get nutrition into the bodies of growing children especially if they are picky eaters. The trick is to create juices that are vibrant and pleasant to drink, are also refreshing and are packed with replenishing nutrition. However with younger children it would be advisable to dilute the juices with water, as the concentrated form may be too much for the underdeveloped body or taste buds to deal with. Introducing juices to kids should be done in a gradual process with initial stages of diluting. Teenagers and older kids should have no problems drinking juices. It is better to choose fruits that are pleasing to your family first. Starting out with single juice choices like apple or orange juice before moving on the combinations is also advised, as this will allow the body and the child’s palate to get used to these tastes. Remember, a child's palate is very simple and some foods can also be allergens, so introduce one juice at a time for best results. Once your family likes something, it might be a good time to switch things up a bit. Instead of completely changing things up though, maybe just simply swap an ingredient out of a recipe. Some popular juice choices to begin with may include apple juice, pineapple and carrot juice, orange juice, orange and carrot juice, pear juice and apple and grape juice. These are all pretty sweet juices so begin by watering them down first by at least 2:1 (two parts juice to one part water).

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

Popular vegetable juices can include carrots, beets, cucumber and lettuces. Test out with your family and see what works for their tastes. Juicing shouldn't be a lonely habit but often times it is. Now that juicing is very mainstream, be a juicing champion in your circles - it's hip! Orange Carrot Juice – 2 oranges (de-skinned), 4 carrots peeled, ¼ lemon. Juice ingredients together and serve immediately. Carrots and oranges are high in betacarotene and vitamins A, K and C. Watermelon Agua Fresca – 2 cups of de-seeded and cubed, watermelon, 1/2 lime, juiced, 1/4 lemon, juiced. Blend ingredients together. For a nice summer twist, freeze watermelon the day before and blend frozen. It will make a delicious slush drink. Beginner Green Juice – 2 cucumbers (with or without skin), 1 apple, 5 lettuce leaves, 1 celery stalk, and ¼ lemon with peel. Juice ingredients together and serve immediately. These greens are great sources of calcium, something growing children need.

CHAPTER SIX : No, Juicing Is Not A Fountain Of Youth, but... Nobody wants to age, it just happens. For some, it happens gracefully. For many, there are health challenges that rear their ugly heads. People have been juicing for decades and many have benefitted greatly. No one should look to juicing or one singular diet or product as a "proverbial fountain of youth" because the body doesn't work that way. The aging body needs many essential nutrients as well.

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

Juicing benefits the body during aging, as it provides a unique combination of many essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and enzymes that are generally absent in the standard diet. Fruit, including papaya and pineapple are all really good for providing digestive enzymes and vitamins. Many vegetables also contain some protein and amino acids, and antioxidants, which are essential during the aging years. Namely, berries, roots and green leafy vegetables are packed with anti aging and vital nutrients, so try to use these types of fruits and veggies when considering juicing for the aging. Antioxidants and substances that neutralize the free radicals in the system ideally provide the body with what it needs to slow the aging process so make sure to find recipes that embrace these types of fruits and veggies. Enzymes are present in foods that have not been cooked, so adding fresh juice to the diet is one of the most delicious and effective ways to get essential enzymes into the body. Brightly colored fruits and vegetables are especially beneficial for anti aging because of their high antioxidant levels. Fruits including oranges, cherries, tangerines, apples, blueberries, cranberries, other colorful berries, kiwi, and mangoes all contain a variety of nutrients know to have positive effects on keeping the body healthy at any age. Apple Carrot Spice – 1 apple, 1 slice of ginger, 1 carrot, ½ cup coconut water or water. The electrolytes from the coconut water

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

add a slightly tropical taste. The nutrients from apples and carrots promote a healthy heart, healthy vision and healthy skin. Cholesterol Burner – 2 small radishes, 1 apple, ½ cucumber, 4 stalks of celery, ½ cup of water (optional). Spicy, but delicious and totally unexpected.

CHAPTER SEVEN : Juicing For Days Without Eating??? It doesn't quite sound appealing, but the truth is, people have been "fasting" for centuries. Even during "feast and famine" times, it was natural for the body to experience a little bit of purging through the lack of eating. The juicing process is ideal for detoxification of the body system, as it enhances the enzymes, vitamins and mineral absorption which in turn greatly benefits the immune system. Detoxing the body with a juicing regimen is becoming increasingly popular. Most people have either heard of a "juice fast" or a "juice detox". They are one in the same. There are many people who have turned to a juice fast to help overcome a health challenge with great benefit and success but there are some who cannot say the same. Juicing, and the reasons for juicing and observing a multi-day juice cleanse, are personal. However, observing a juice cleanse should be something you research in advance and also speak about with a health care provider. Many experience the benefits of doing a juice cleanse including increased energy, clearer skin and better digestion. There have

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

been some who don't quite have that positive feeling during a juice cleanse, and that can be normal too. Some may experience moodiness, digestive upset and skin outbreaks. Many of these effects are normal for most people. Others might even experience headaches. Just be cautious and do enough research on how a juice cleanse might affect specific health conditions. When the body is full of processed foods it can be difficult for the body to process nutrients that are available in juices, especially if there is a build up chemicals and additives from processed foods weighing the body down. However, adding juices on a daily basis without consuming solid foods can assist in the breakdown of these substances, and also help the body deliver the appropriate amount of oxygen and nutrients directly to the cell and tissues. Some of the ideal ingredients to use in the juicing process for detoxifying would include lettuce, dark green kale, carrots, beet greens, cilantro, parsley, celery sticks, collard greens, endive, spinach, dandelion greens, cabbage both purple and green and lemons. Other vegetables great for detoxification are roots including dandelion, burdock, ginger, daikon and turmeric. Some people who practice this detoxifying regiment periodically attest to the fact that they no longer have cravings for sweetened foods and they can keep to a regular and healthy diet without any struggles. Just keep in mind, juice cleansing is a commitment and can be a good discipline seasonally. Beet-Carrot-Ginger Juice – 1 small red beet, 5 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 apple, 1" of ginger and 1/2 lemon. Beets are powerful detoxifiers because they help bring alkaline minerals into the blood and also contain a component called betaine. Carrots contain betacarotene and vitamin K, apples and lemons contain

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

vitamin C and ginger has known benefits including relieving inflammation. Green Dandelion Juice – 6 dinosaur kale leaves, 1 cucumber, 2 stalks of celery, 1 handful of dandelion leaves, a handful of parsley, 2 apples and 1/2 lemon. The apples and lemon will cut the bitterness of the dandelion, so if you can stand bitter, it is best to leave the apple out of the juice. Dandelion is known to provide nutritional support to the liver and kidneys. All the greens will provide chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals.

CHAPTER EIGHT : Juicing As A Lifestyle It has already been established that juicing is a very healthy exercise to practice. This is also one of the contributing factors that ensure the individual’s chances of developing any medical problems are considerably lessened. By lowering the risk of having diseases the juicing habit has proven to be one that everyone should consider for its merits. Incorporating juicing into your life is a healthy choice for many. Some people see juicing as an investment in health - sort of paying it forward. People want to stay young, feel healthy and look great and juicing can contribute to the achievement of those things. Some of the ingredients that can be used to combat or at least lower the risks of diseases and can be easily incorporated into existing or new juice recipes would include kale, cabbage, parsley, lettuces, celery, beets, carrots, cucumber and apples. There are several very specific combinations that can be made daily to help combat the symptoms of disease and eventually help

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

restore damaged cells. Beets are particularly good because they are known to help purify the blood and reduce the risk of heart health challenges. Actually, beets contain several really important compounds that can enhance health. They are a great source of nitrates, which have been shown to boost exercise performance. Tomato based juices are also fun, especially when tomatoes are in season. They add a delicious flavor and can be crafted into sweet juice combinations or made into savory juice combinations. They are very juicy, so these fruits (commonly mistaken for vegetables) are great additions to juicing recipes when in season. Beet Roots Juice – 1 red beet, 5 carrots, 1 cucumber, 2 T ginger, 1/2 lemon, a handful of dandelion leaves. This might be bitter, so feel free to add an apple. Bitter for the liver is better. The Tomato 8 – 2 ripe tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 2 celery stalks, 2 carrots, 2" of daikon radish, 1 apple, small clove of garlic, 1/4 lemon, a handful of parsley and 1 T of chopped onion. A delicious mix of juicy and healthy vegetables with vitamins and minerals.

CHAPTER NINE : Can Juicing Reduce Stress OR Increase it? Almost everyone adult and child alike has experienced bouts of stress at various points in their daily life. For most, this is taken in stride until it is no longer possible to do so, and when this happens it almost always affects the health conditions. It is important to reduce stress, as a state of stress produces high levels of cortisol - which can be responsible for a variety of health conditions. It is responsible for inhibiting insulin production and can increase the risk for type 2 diabetes.

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

Stress can also depress the immune response which can be very challenging during cold and flu season. Cortisol production can also have a negative affect on weight gain because repeated elevation levels of cortisol can affect the appetite and cravings for high-calorie foods. On the flip side, juicing as a daily habit or practice can also be stressful for many who have never attempted to juice and don't know vegetable and fruit combinations to put together. However, creating a plan and schedule for juicing can actually make juicing a welcome discipline. Apple, cherry and blueberry ingredients have been known to be good health boosting elements where the flavonoid can facilitate better lung functions and with this optimum breathing position the ideal amounts of oxygen is then able to be circulated well with the body system thus relieving any internal pressures felt when stress levels are high and this eventually helps to lower the stress levels. Fruits like berries, apples and cherries contain antioxidants and can contribute to relaxing the arteries. Leafy greens contain calcium and magnesium which are both really great for proper functioning of the nerves and muscles. Citrus juices can help boost immunity and keep the body's natural resistance fortified when bacterial and viral infections are present in the environment. When adrenaline levels increase, the body requires more vitamin C and since the body cannot produce vitamin c on its own, juicing can provide an abundant source of this vitamin. Mint is also great for reducing stress levels, as it can provide a cooling feeling in the mouth, as well as help ease digestion and

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

the scent of mint can have a "de-stressing" effect on the mood and emotional state. Banana Blueberry Kefir Blend – 1 ripe banana, 1 C frozen blueberries, 1 C raw milk kefir, and 1 C of juice (apple or orange work well, but use what you like. You can add a touch of fresh mint if you do not suffer from reactions to salicylates. Blend all the ingredients in your blender until smooth. This smoothie will supply the probiotics, vitamins and minerals to benefit your body. Cucumber Apple Mint – 2 apples, 2 cucumbers and 2 sprigs of mint. This simple recipe is refreshing and soothing. Be cautious, as some people can have serious reactions to salicylates found in mint.

Wrapping Up Now that you know the basics of juicing hopefully this book has given you a more solid understanding of the process of juicing, the equipment you'll need and also the health benefits possible. Juicing has become very popular and is now a great way to increase your mineral intake. It is a simple healthy habit that you can control, that can deliver some awesome benefits and can really taste great. Freshly pressed juices contain nutrients, including an array of vitamins and minerals, as well as phytonutrients, antioxidants and amino acids and proteins. Ensure that your juicer produces a product that maintains the enzymatic integrity of the vitamins and minerals. To get a premium quality juice, your tools will be just as important as the quality of the vegetables and fruits you use. And remember, juice only organic produce to achieve a tasteful, quality and pesticide free juice.

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

Now you have many new juice recipes you can start using tomorrow. Make sure to customize your juice blends to suit your health and wellness needs. Wishing you good health and longevity! Charles Gonzales kustomwebservices@gmail.com

7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

FREE E-BOOK!! “Top 10 Most Basic (but Most Important) Things You Need To Know BEFORE You Begin A Juicing or Raw Food Diet”


7 Things That Might Change Your Mind About Juicing

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