The letter Ha (H) ? is also an astrological glyph for the sign Capricorn. Capricorn provides a hint of what the Ha is all about. Capricorn is the sign of longetivity. The Arabic Ha (Hebrew Heh) represents temporal infinity. The corresponding Egyptian letter, Hehu, looks quite a bit like the modern "hieroglyph" for the DNA molecule. One way of representing temporal infinity was by writing . Was it just a lucky guess that "primitive" Eqyptians created something very close to our modern picture of genetic infinity? The Hebrew Heh looks pretty similar to the Greek (actually Egyptian) Pi and is reminiscent of Stonehenge. The god Hehu and his wife, Hehuit, represent the pre-Big Ban infinity (or the nature of consciousness at the subjective consciousness level). Hehu is one of the eight deities (attributes) that comprise the Amen plane. Those eight fundamental attributes have been metamorphized as eight gods (4 male, 4 female). The 4 goddesses are sometimes drawn as female serpents with their legs bound. The four serpent goddesses are bound because the energy at the Hamza/Amen plane of consciousness is inert. It is nonmoving or Nir (not) vana (going). Nu/Nut, Hehu/Hehuit, Keku/Kekuit and Kerh/Herhet are the four pairs of eight gods/goddesses representing the fundamental attributes of the Amen consciousness plane. Nu represents infinite energy. His symbol consists of wavy lines of water and cups for filling water. That represents that the "water" of Nu isn't H20, but energy and that Nu's innate energetic
substances takes the shape of whatever cup (mental construct) it fills. As Nut is infinite (yet inert) energy, his compliment was Nut (infinite matter). In later times, Nu and Nut were usually called Amen and Ament. Hehu symbolized the subjective realm's timelessness or temporal infinity. Hehuit represented special infinity. Trikonasana corresponds to the Ha.